Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary...

Newsletter Newsletter No. 1 20 July 2016 No 21 Welcome to Week 1 This week the Kindergarten students have some interesng news. See the back page to read about some of the fun acvies they have been doing.

Transcript of Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary...

Page 1: Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary Schoolstjudes.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/... · for the St Jude’s School community. Tues, 26 July FOSJ Meeting 9am 2016

Newsletter Newsletter No. 1 20 July 2016 No 21

Welcome to Week 1 This week the Kindergarten students have some interesting news. See the back page to read about

some of the fun activities they have been doing.

Page 2: Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary Schoolstjudes.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/... · for the St Jude’s School community. Tues, 26 July FOSJ Meeting 9am 2016

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to Term Three. The holiday weeks go by very quickly but I hope that the time away from the school routine allowed for some relaxation in readiness for another busy term ahead at school! We welcome Mrs Elle Fonseca to the role of Assistant Principal for this second semester, and also Mrs Rachel Renton who will take Year Four on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as well as the Enrichment Groups – I am sure that the sharing of their expertise and special gifts will be a blessing to our School and to our students!

We began our new term together at the Monday morning assembly and recited our School Creed:

I believe that I am special. I am different to every other person

and have my own gifts. I believe that God knows and loves me just as I am.

He helps me to grow to be like Him, And to always do my best.

I believe that I can become the person that God wants me to be,

because the people in my school and family care for me.

As teachers, students and parents we strive to actively value and support all members of our School community, and as we do this we grow in love and understanding of each other. As we begin a new term together, we look forward to gracious and tolerant attitudes towards each other so that we can all fulfil our God-given potential academically, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

This year is a special holy Year of Mercy. Pope Francis announced in March 2015, his intention to proclaim a holy year as a way for the church to "make more evident its mission to be a witness of mercy." “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always,” Francis said, repeating the words he used during his

first Angelus as Pope, on March 17, 2013. “Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness.” The motto, "Merciful like the Father," he said, "serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure."

The religious education of our students is at the heart of our School and although this takes place continually throughout the year, there are some very special times for celebration. Many of our students recently received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and our students in Year Six are soon to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. In the sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates acknowledge their intention to live as Christians and as members of the Catholic Church, and proclaim to all their belief and faith in God. The Confirmation Parent and Student Input & Information Session takes place next Tuesday 26th July at 6.30 pm in our School Hall and all candidates and their parents must attend this important meeting. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their preparations to receive the Sacrament on Sunday 21st August at 9.00am.

Today Lara Delilkan, Ayden Ratnasekera and Hemotu Whanga Katipa represented St Jude’s School at the Bible Reading of the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival. Congratulations to each of them for their reverent and meaningful presentation of the Scripture reading – they were amazing and we are very proud of their efforts!

St Jude’s Playgroup resumes again tomorrow under the enthusiastic guidance of Mrs Inoka Ratnasekera! If you have young children please come and enjoy the opportunity for your children to play and parents to meet and chat!

The “Tables Challenge” is on again tomorrow, good luck to everyone! Edu-dance also begins tomorrow so all students should be wearing their sports uniform! Have a relaxing weekend!

God Bless

Lyn Stone, Principal

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36

From the Principal

St Jude’s Parish Mass Times

Sunday Masses: (Vigil) Saturdays: 6.30pm Sunday: 7.30am 9.00am and 5.30pm

Weekday Masses: Mon to Fri: 9.00am followed by Recitation of the Rosary

Altar Servers: Sun 9.00am: Lara Delilkan Sun 5.30pm: Benjamin Heslop

Page 3: Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary Schoolstjudes.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/... · for the St Jude’s School community. Tues, 26 July FOSJ Meeting 9am 2016

Friends of St Jude Group

Welcome back to Term 3. We are looking forward to a fun filled term with lots of ways for our St Jude’s community to get involved!

On Monday August 1st we would love to see you at our School breakfast from 8am till 8:25am. Pop over to the undercover area for some

toast and a cuppa! We would love to see you all at our monthly meeting next Tuesday July 26th at 9am! Please come along to the School hall and be part of organising future events for the St Jude’s School community.

2016 FOSJ Committee

CALENDAR WEEK 1 Wed, 20 July Bible Reading Thurs, 21 July Edudance Tables Challenge WEEK 2 Tues, 26 July FOSJ Meeting 9am Confirmation Input Meeting 6.30pm Thurs, 28 July Edudance Australian Maths Competition Social Justice Group in Library 3.15pm Fri, 29 July KINDY Yr.6 Mass 9am Family Prayer Group Visit Yr.1-6 Poetry Presentation in class

WEEK 3 Mon, 1 August Whole School Breakfast 8.00-8.25am (Undercover Area) Tues, 2 August School Photo Day Exposition Yr.4 Wed, 3 August Confirmation Retreat Mary Mackillop Centre Thurs, 4 August Edudance Tables Challenge Fri, 5 August Yr.1 Assembly + Choir Poetry Finals


Our “Three Year Old” Kindy group continues on Wednesdays! The children meet this term from (9.00 – 11.30 am for one session) and (9.00-2.30pm for two sessions) in the Kindy room with their Teacher, Mrs Murray. If your child is three or turning three this year, please consider enrolling them in this group which is play based and provides meaningful experiences to support your child’s development. Our 4 Year Old Kindy students are also able to access an extra day at Kindy on Wednesdays. Further information is available at the School Office.

Playgroup at St Jude’s School Hall Playgroup runs on Thursdays from 9.00 – 11.00 am in the School Hall and is a great opportunity for mothers/fathers/carers of young children to have some enjoyable and fun time together with other families from our School and Parish community and is just a gold coin donation each time you attend. Why not join them this week!


Parents are reminded that all students eligible for Kindy, 2017 (turning 4 by 30th June, 2017) require an Application for Enrolment form to be completed and returned to the School Office. If you know any families or neighbours who have children of this age and may be looking for Kindergarten next year, please let them know that we have places available for 2017.


Do you need help in accessing the Portal Page for

your child?

We are offering two information sessions for

parents, these sessions will be “hands—on” in our

School Computer Laboratory.

The sessions dates are:

Wednesday 27/7/2016, 2.00 - 2.30pm

Monday 8/8/2016, 2.30 - 3.00pm

Please register at the School office if you would like to attend one of these sessions.

Page 4: Welcome to Week 1 - St Jude's Catholic Primary Schoolstjudes.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/... · for the St Jude’s School community. Tues, 26 July FOSJ Meeting 9am 2016

Welcome back to another glorious term filled with exciting opportunities and learning experiences.

In Kindy this term we will be stretching our knowledge even further as we explore the letters and what they look like. We now begin each day by writing our names on our name cards. We no longer just trace the letters but we have to recall and write the letters ourselves.

We will be exploring the shape of the letters by developing our fine motor skills in many ways. The use of paintbrushes, playdough, pegs and even touching different textures will help us to develop control over our finger muscles. We hope that the numerous play experiences that we offer in Kindy will help to develop the pencil grip of all students so that they can comfortably hold a pencil and begin writing messages for others.

Our new learning areas help to inspire us to talk and communicate with our friends. We have begun learning how we can share our ideas through speaking, listening and even drawing. We have begun exploring our new farm shop, dinosaur sensory play space and magical fairy garden. At the farm shop we are learning how to make a shopping list, line up and politely ask for a turn. Our imagination is explored in many ways as

Kindergarten News

we manipulate small toys in both the dinosaur play space and the fairy garden.

This term we will experience many new opportunities. One of these is the experience of Edudance where a teacher from a specialised education company comes to our school each week to teach us to move our bodies to music and follow instructions. We will be developing our gross motor skills by participating in the Edudance program this term. Please remember that this program concludes in a wonderful performance as part of the Edudance concert. The concert will be held at 2:15 in the school hall on Thursday 22 of September.

We look forward to a wonderful term ahead and hope to continue to develop a window into our classroom for families through the use of the Seesaw app. Most parents have logged into their child’s account and if you are experiencing any problems please come and see Mrs Fonseca.

Mrs Fonseca and the Kindergarten class.

St Jude’s Catholic Primary School

We centre our learning in

Christ and strive to achieve excellence.

Tel: 6350 2500 Fax : 9356 5486 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjudes.wa.edu.au