Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we...

Catalogue Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy™ Products and Live Training Events (800) 561-4300 • [email protected] • www.i.ca

Transcript of Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we...

Page 1: Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with our team members, the customers we serve, the students


Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for allFISH! Philosophy™ Products and Live

Training Events

(800) 561-4300 • [email protected] • www.itf.ca

Page 2: Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with our team members, the customers we serve, the students

2 1-800-561-4300 • [email protected]

International Tele-Film has certified FISH! facilitators in major cities across Canada, led and supported by our very enthusiastic Master FISH! Facilitator, Debbie Fawcett – “The Fish Lady”. Deb’s vision is to “make a difference” in peoples’ lives which she definitely achieves through her upbeat and highly interactive and memorable workshops. She teaches passion and enthusiasm and her energy and positive attitude are contagious.

FISH! KEynoTEEscape the ordinary with a FISH! keynote presentation. Our speakers bring The FISH! Philosophy to life in a way that inspires extraordinary insights and lasting results. Our

facilitators will work with you to tailor a keynote experience that will reawaken your team’s commitment, release untapped creativity, and improve teamwork, customer service and retention.

FISH! DEEP DIvE ExPErIEnCEA one-day immersion in The FISH! Philosophy at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Specialty Hospital in St. Louis Missouri. Experience firsthand how The FISH! Philosophy enhances medical care, and the Ranken Jordan staff will work with you to develop a strategy to bring FISH! alive in your workplace.

FISH! For SCHooLS WorKSHoPA great school culture isn’t something you pay attention to after the learning has taken place. It’s a foundation that makes learning possible.

This workshop gives you the tools and inspiration to create the kind of classroom or school culture you have always desired.

FISH! THE MuSICaLA business musical comedy that entertains, teaches and inspires, helping companies become more aware and engaged while boosting their employees’ morale. Whether it be a company celebration, annual sales kick-off, business retreat, employee or teacher appreciation. FISH! The Musical is “enter-TRAIN-ment” at it’s finest!

Workshops & EvEnts

International Tele-Film’s Live FISH! Workshops and Events create a culture of trust, accountability and innovation by introducing four simple practices:

Even if you have already used FISH! in your workplace, attending or hosting a FISH! Philosophy Workshop or Event will give you and your employees the tools to spark positive action and renewed inspiration.

Each workshop or event is customized to respond to the needs of your organization. International Tele-Film’s certified facilitators can deliver workshops and events that run from a power-packed few hours to several days, for audiences large or small.




THE FISH! JournEy WorKSHoPDiscover four simple ways to bring energy and engagement to your workplace. This fun, high-energy, customized motivational workshop will

unleash creativity, improve working relationships and model a team approach that focuses on personal accountability to ensure team and organizational success. The FISH! Journey workshop can be presented in English or French - or as a bilingual event.

FISH! For LEaDErS ProFESSIonaL DEvELoPMEnT WorKSHoPSThis series of six workshops is designed for individuals deeply committed to transforming

themselves into more effective leaders. Available as six sequential sessions. Conveniently schedule each session based on your or your team’s availability - weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Perfect as a Lunch-and-Learn format.

FISH! TraIn THE TraInErBecome a rock star FISH! Facilitator in your organization!This two-day interactive workshop teaches you how to apply and integrate The FISH! Philosophy to create positive change in your

organization. If you are an internal trainer, human resources professional, supervisor or business owner, then FISH! Train the Trainer, is for you. Not only will you move your organization toward greater long-term success, you will also contribute to your own personal success and fulfillment.

FISH! aLIvE In LEaDErS WorKSHoP The greatest influence you have on the people you lead comes not through positional power, experience or even charisma. It’s through

the relationships that you build with them. This workshop is for business owners and frontline supervisors who want to lead more effectively. Learn how to set an example that builds trust and accountability.


CONTACT:1-800-561-4300 • [email protected]

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FIsh! CataloguE

Contents:FISH! Workshops/Events……..… 2

FISH! Learning Programs ..............4

FISH! ....................................................4

FISH! Sticks ........................................4

FISH! Culture .....................................5

FISH! For Leaders .............................6

FISH! Tales .........................................7

FISH! For Schools ..............................8-9

FISH! Trainer Tools ...........................10-11

FISH! Books & Accessories .............11

FISH! Mindset ....................................11

nEED to uPGraDE your ExISTInG FISH!


Is it time to reintroduce FISH! to your workplace?

Update Today! Replace your VHS copies of FISH with

DVD copies or purchase a streaming license.

welcomes you to

the world’s best-selling training program

For over 45 years, HR professionals and trainers just like you have looked to International Tele-Film for the best training resources available. It is our mission to connect you with the most effective training tools to best meet your organization’s unique needs.

An early champion of the FISH! Philosophy™ in Canada, International Tele-Film’s results speak for themselves. Hundreds of thousands of Canadian employees, leaders and educators have been transformed through the application of The FISH! Philosophy in their workplaces:

The FISH! Philosophy consists of four simple practices that have been adopted by

tens of thousands of organizations around the world. They are:

Be There - being emotionally present for people. It’s a powerful message of respect that improves communication and strengthens relationships.

Play - taps into your natural way of being creative, enthusiastic and having fun. Play is the spirit that drives the curious mind, as in “Let’s play with that idea!” It’s a mindset you can bring to everything you do.

Make Their Day - finding simple ways to serve or delight people in a meaningful, memorable way. It’s about contributing to someone else’s life, not because you want something out of it, but because that’s the person you want to be.

Choose Your Attitude - taking responsibility for how you respond to what life throws at you. Once you are aware that your choice impacts everyone around you, you can ask yourself, “Is my attitude helping my team or my customers? Is it helping me to be the person I want to be?”

Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with our team members, the customers we serve, the students we teach and the people we love.

So, now you’re wondering how do you put the lessons of FISH! and the FISH! Philosophy into practice in your organization. Well, we have a whole range of FISH! resources and solutions to help you. Take a FISH!-ing trip through this catalogue, and if you need help deciding which line to cast, just contact one of our experienced FISH! guides for assistance:

Teresa Machado(416) 252-1173 ext. 247 • (800) 561-4300 • [email protected]

Nicole Paré (service bilingue)(514) 352-5361 • (800) 989-8929 • [email protected]

PS: Please share the information inside this catalogue with your colleagues.

SavE 10% off your First order


Limited time offer Please call for details.

nEW! FISH! Mindset Sustainability


See page 11 for details

STrEaMInG / onLInE LEarnInG

You will appreciate the quality, ease of use, affordability and

immediacy this solution offers. Call or email us for more

information and a customized quote.

Discounts available for Educational, Government

and non-Profit Institutions

(Some restrictions may apply.)

Page 4: Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with our team members, the customers we serve, the students

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FIsh! lEarnIng programs

There’s a reason why FISH! is the best-selling business video in history.

Seattle’s world-famous Pike Place Fish Market is an otherwise ordinary fish market that is extraordinarily successful. The work is hard and the hours are long—yet these employees make a personal choice to bring amazing passion, playfulness, commitment and a positive

attitude to work every day. Like thousands of other organizations worldwide, including Saturn, Sprint and Southwest Airlines, you too can tap into the secrets of creating a super-satisfying work environment and even more delighted customers.

FISH! gets people thinking, in a way they never imagined, about what is possible at work. It gives them the tools to bring energy and passion to their jobs.

The bottom line? FISH! has created a new vocabulary that won’t just change how you view work, it just may change your entire view on life. Grow—together! (17 min.)

Purchase DVD: $849 • 7-Day Rental DVD: $350Available in French 3-Day Stream: $249 Digital packages available. Call 800.561-4300 to learn more.

Support your FISH! Philosophy training with:• FISH! Facilitator Guide $45 • FISH! Participant Workbook - $17

FISH! Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring passion and

a positive attitude to work with them each and every day!

International Tele-Film

clients are using The FISH!

Philosophy for almost every

issue facing business today:

leadership, orientation,

teamwork, retention, creativity,

customer service, quality

improvement, change – just

about anything involving

human interaction!

FISH! video Pack

Includes:1 - FISH! DVD1 - FISH! Facilitator Guide3 – Participant Workbooks1 – FISH! Accessories Pack (contains: 4-pack FISH! Pens, 4-pack Pete the Perch, 4-pack FISH! Magnets, 6-pack FISH! Stickies, FISH! Tote Bag)

Purchase: $945

FISH! accessories Pack

Includes:4-pack Pete the Perch – Perch Pete on your desk to keep the FISH! Philosophy at arm’s reach!4-pack FISH! Pens6-pack FISH! Stickies4-pack FISH! Magnets 1 – Tote Bag

Purchase: $49.75


It’s great to have an ambitious vision statement. But do people actually live it? FISH! Sticks gives you powerful tools to build commitment at all levels of your organization to your vision, mission or goals.

FISH! Sticks is about keeping the FISH! Philosophy vision alive. Learn the secrets of how the energetic employees of Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle take personal responsibility for keeping their company’s passionate vision alive through a deep, daily and very personal commitment. With FISH! Sticks, you can create a positive business environment and keep the energy and enthusiasm alive within your organizational vision. (16 min.)

Purchase DVD: $849 • 7-Day Rental: $350

3-Day Stream: $249 Digital packages available. Call 800.561-4300 to learn more.

Support your FISH! Sticks training with:• FISH! Sticks Facilitator’s Guide

$24.95 each

“If you like FISH!, you’ll love

FISH! Sticks. They should be

permanent training tools in

every company.”

-JudyLaddaga,McDonald’s KeepingtheVisionAlive

In under 20 minutes, the FISH! Learning program provides a model of how alive people can be at work. It gives you the tools to build a similar culture in your organization and the ideas to sustain it.

See page 11 for moreFISH! - ing gear.

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FIsh! CulturE

Imagine a way to transform your organization’s culture.

How we talk about our work shapes the way we think and act at work. Whether they are positive or negative, our conversations are our culture.

FIsh! CataloguE

FISH! Culture is a step-by-step process that guides your team through essential conversations about the workplace you want to create. It helps you figure out how The FISH! Philosophy applies to your work, how to put it into action, and most important, how to keep the energy alive and growing.

FISH! Culture will help your team Develop a shared vision of how to serve customers, internal and external.Clarify common values of how to treat each other.Recognize new opportunities to make a positive difference for others.Become more proactive in creating a more effective environment.

The FISH! Culture Pack Includes:

1 FISH! DVD1 FISH! Facilitator Guide3 FISH! Participant Workbooks1 FISH! Accessories Pack - containing: 4-pack of Pete the Perch, a 4-pack of FISH! pens, a 4-pack of FISH! magnets, a 6-pack of FISH! stickies, a FISH! tote bag1 FISH! Culture Kit - containing: FISH! Culture DVD (includes the FISH! film), FISH! Culture Facilitator’s Guide, FISH! Culture Personal Workbook, Audio Companion

Take your organization to a new level!Purchase: $1389 Additional FISH! Culture Personal Workbooks - $17.95 eachAdditional FISH! Participant Workbooks - $17.00 each

Digital packages available.Call 1-800-561-4300 to learn more.

If you already own the FISH! DVD, Upgrade to a FISH! Culture Kit for only

$485!(Original FISH! Video not included because you

already own it!)

your Complete FISH! Training and Sustainability Toolkit

FISH! Culture Training Pack - $1625

This toolkit combines FISH! Culture with FISH! Trainer Tools for a complete solution that works on the overall culture of your organization – from top to bottom!

See page 10 for details.

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The FISH! For Leaders Series is designed for anyone who wants to lead more effectively - from frontline supervisors to CEOs – FISH! For Leaders is based on The FISH! Philosophy, incorporating wisdom and core values from great leaders. FISH! For Leaders will help you to:

Build the trust that helps teams be more productive and adapt quickly to change Listen and communicate better Embody the attitudes and values you want to see in your organization or team Remove fear and inspire people to be their best for customers, for each other and for the organization

FIsh! For lEadErs

your most important leadership tool is your example. Learn how to model attitudes and actions that build trust, improve

communication and inspire people to be their best.

As a leader, your greatest influence does not come through power, experience or charisma. It comes through the example you set for the people you lead and the relationships you build with them.

Each DVD program includes access to a downloadable Facilitator Guide with discussion questions and group activities, PowerPoint Slides and Assessment Tool. Participant workbooks are available to purchase separately.

Purchase DVD Series: $1095 (Save $795!)Individual Titles: $315 eachParticipant Workbooks for each program: $9.75 each Digital packages available. Call 800.561-4300 to learn more.

Purchase the entire series or any combination of these change-igniting programs to create the

leadership training that best fits your needs.

It Starts With MeAwakens the self-awareness that leaders need. Whatever you want to achieve, it reminds you that you must first be the change you seek in others. Your most important leadership tool is your example. (9 min.)

Be ThereShows how successful leaders make other people a priority, set aside distractions, listen to understand their point of view and, most of all, demonstrate that they care. (9 min.)

PlayShows you how to build a culture that is enthusiastic and lighthearted, where its safe for people to Play with ideas on how to do their jobs better, handle unique situations and improve the business.(9 min.)

Make Their DayDemonstrates to leaders how to fuel commitment and teamwork through acknowledgement and appreciation. (7 min.)

Choose Your AttitudeHow to show up for your team in a way that picks them up, not drags them down. When you take responsibility for the attitudes you choose, without trying to blame someone or something else, you set a powerful example of integrity and accountability for your team. (8 min.)

Who Are You Being?When you are focused on who you are being, it affects everything you are doing. People see that your deeds match your words, and you lead with greater influence and fulfillment. (7 min. )

FISH! alive in Leaders Workshop

Lead More Effectively Through the Power of Your RelationshipsWhen your employees watch you, what do

they see? This leadership workshop helps you set an example that builds trust and accountability.

FISH! For Leaders Professional Development Workshop Series

A series of six workshops designed for individuals deeply committed

to transforming themselves into more effective leaders.

To book a FISH! Alive in Leaders or FISH! For Leaders Professional Development Series of workshops contact:Deb Fawcett at (866) 923-9424 or [email protected]

For information on all FISH! workshops visit our website at www.itf.ca.

The FISH! For Leaders Series consists of six distinct programs, each of which helps leaders apply a part of The FISH! Philosophy to their work and their lives:

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FIsh! CataloguE

Bite Sized Stories. Unlimited Possibilities. You don’t have to work in a fish market to benefit from the FISH! Philosophy. FISH! Tales show how organizations that have nothing in common with a fish market are creating more energy, fun and effectiveness through the FISH! Philosophy.

FIsh! talEs

Learn how the FISH! Philosophy™ can thrive in any setting through these real life stories.

Hospitality From the HeartIn this fast-paced program, see how the people of Furrs Family Dining use The FISH! Philosophy to make every customer feel like family. It’s not rocket science, just a commitment to the little things. Furrs staff, from the CEO to the servers, deliver a simple message for any team that wants to create an unbelievable experience for its customers. (10 min.)

Purchase: $295

Building Trust Learn how a roofing company decided to be World Famous improving service, safety and trust.Welcome to Tile Tech, a roofing company

that became an industry leader by truly living The FISH! Philosophy. The team members at Tile Tech have made The FISH! Philosophy a reality in their office, on job sites and in their hearts, resulting in improved teamwork, service and safety. By being present, playful and committed, they have changed not only the way they work, but also the way they live. Discover how FISH! gave this labour-based company the tools to succeed. (12 min.)

Jump StartBy staying committed to its vision and values, a car dealership went from worst to first in customer and employee satisfaction. Rochester Ford Toyota had the worst record for

sales and customer service in its region. Even worse, the employee satisfaction scores were so low they were almost immeasurable. Good employees were leaving in droves. But when a new owner introduced the FISH! Philosophy everything changed! Learn how to apply the lessons learned at Rochester Ford Toyota to your organization. Improve teamwork, and find out how to make your customers’ needs and your team’s needs the same! Give morale and enthusiasm a jump start! (12 min.)

Peak ExperienceStand out from the crowd and create memorable interactions for your customers with lessons from a unique ski company.In the mountains of Colorado, one ski resort has

set itself apart from the competition. The employees at Aspen Skiing Company engage their guests with energy, enthusiasm, and care. See how successful The FISH! Philosophy can be in the hospitality industry! Inspire employees with the Aspen Skiing Company’s fun approach to service! (8 min.)

SprintPlay isn’t just about fun—it’s about listening, building trust and finding creative ways to help employees enjoy serving customers.A few years ago, Sprint Global Communications

was a different company. Call after call, day after day, the employees of Sprint slugged away in the world of customer service. Today, Sprint is living The FISH! Philosophy and renewed commitment has transformed its call centers into places where you can “hear the smiles in the agents’ voices,” and where productivity and retention jumped 25%! Sprint will show you how management stepped back and allowed the process to evolve and how any customer service-based organization can Catch the Energy and Release the Potential. (6 min.)

Vital SignsWhen a medical team focused on serving people, instead of just performing tasks, patient and employee satisfaction soared. At Missouri Baptist Medical Center, the staff

deals with emotionally difficult situations, the challenges of providing exceptional health care, and everyday stresses we all feel. But when they introduced FISH! into the environment, they revitalized their work...and their lives! They learned to Be There for patients and for each other - no matter how difficult the situation. The inspirational stories in this program are the best medicine for even the worst case of workplace blues! (12 min.) Series purchase includes one DVD containing all five FISH! Tales, plus a Conversation Guide for Building Trust, Jump Start, Peak Experience and Vital Signs.

Purchase DVD Series: $1099Individual Titles: $295 eachAdditional Conversation Guides: $8.95 each

“It’s being able to give to other people, to do something to have fun and engage that other person.” Sam Pryatt, Director of Operations

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Guided Journey K-12 DvD and Workbook The FISH! For Schools Guided Journey is a staff development course for K-12 educators that helps build more effective relationships. It combines the practical wisdom of The FISH! Philosophy with sound educational research to help you:

Forge caring relationships with students that inspire them to want to be their best. Foster a supportive culture where staff regularly celebrate and recharge each other. Build a safe environment where everyone is ready to learn. Develop clear expectations shared by every member of the classroom. Guide students to examine their behaviour and take responsibility for more successful choices.

The Guided Journey DVD includes 10 short videos of educators and students applying FISH! behaviours to common school situations and challenges. The videos are perfect for monthly faculty meetings or study groups, as well as classroom discussions with students. The Guided Journey workbook contains questions and strategies to turn intentions into action.

Purchase: $499

FISH! For Schools Starter KitThe most effective way to bring FISH! into your school is to help your staff bring it into their lives. With the FISH! For Schools Starter Kit, you can introduce The FISH! Philosophy to your staff and start to build an

enthusiastic and caring learning culture.The FISH! For Schools Starter Kit includes FISH!, the video that has inspired millions of people around the world, the Guided Journey DVD and Workbook, and one additional Guided Journey Workbook.

Purchase $899

FIsh! For sChools

Build a better school culture! Effective educators know that relationships in the classroom have a profound effect on learning and behaviour. FISH! For Schools addresses both as well as teaching tolerance, understanding and respect.

A great school culture isn’t something you pay attention to after the learning has taken place. It’s a foundation that makes learning possible. FISH! For Schools blends the four practices of The FISH! Philosophy with research and best practices in social and emotional learning,

character education, classroom management and human behaviour. The result? Classrooms where it’s cool to be respectful, where students are fully present for learning and for each other, where

everyone has fun in a way that adds to the excitement of learning.

Guided Journey - Workbook only

Purchase the Guided Journey DVD and Workbook, then add a workbook for each staff member to create an affordable

professional development program for your entire staff.

Purchase $16.99 each

FISH! for Schools Staff Development

SAVE $425!Purchased separately, FISH! and the

Guided Journey cost $1,324

FISH! for Schools Workshop

provides your staff with the tools and inspiration to create the classroom and school culture you have always wanted.

To request more information and a customized proposal call 1-800-561-4300 or e-mail [email protected]

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FISH! For Schools Classroom Experience Kits

Every school year, the average teacher loses 400 hours of instructional time dealing with behaviour issues. The FISH! For Schools Classroom Experience kits are designed to help you build a more respectful, focused and fun learning environment and regain that precious time.

This research-based approach includes age-appropriate activities, discussion starters and exercises to help teachers and students:

Create behavioural expectations that are owned by everyone in class. Live The FISH! Philosophy in a way that meets your goals. Build a caring community where everyone feels safe and ready to learn. Develop character, empathy and personal responsibility.

Classroom Experience Kits are grade-specific and include:

Student FISH! video - blends the best of the original FISH! video with footage of students explaining how they live the philosophy. It’s a great way to show your students how these behaviours relate to their lives. Teacher guide - with age-appropriate conversation starters and activities to help students understand FISH! behaviours and practice what they’ve learned.CD - with activity reproducibles. Posters - to reinforce each FISH! behaviour Music CD (K-2 and 3-5 only)Pete the Perch puppet (K-2 only)

FIsh! For sChoolsFIsh! CataloguE

FISH! for Schools Classroom Management

Visit our FISH! For Schools website pages for more information on each Classroom

Experience Kit and to preview sample lessons

Grades K-2Teaches caring and personal responsibility through storytelling, puppetry, music, art and other engaging activities.

Grades 3-5Transform class culture through inquiry-based methods that reinforce the joy of discovery and support positive social interaction.

Grades 6-8Forges leadership skills as students face the pressure of adolescence and trying to fit in. Activities focus on helping students understand they have the power to make healthy choices for themselves—as well as choices that build up other people.

Grades 9-12Designed for home room, first period or advisory, students engage in constructive activities and conversations that focus on their current and future roles in society.

These tools are easy to integrate into your existing curriculum. Instead of adding to your already busy workload, they are designed to support an environment that gives you more time for teaching and gives students more time for learning.Purchase: $245 each

Schools of FISH! BookBased on the renowned The FISH! Philosophy,

Schools of FISH! is full of transforming stories – from teachers to administrators, at all levels – addressing the very issues you deal with every day.

Purchase $24.95

Schools of FISH! PackGreat for any educator. Included is a Schools of FISH! book with many

examples and stories from grades K-12, an Our School Poster, and Pete the Perch, packaged in a roomy canvas FISH! tote bag.

Purchase $39

Classroom Box of Fun

Includes: 1 Puppet Pete, 4 Pete the Perch, 1 Our School Poster, 4 Lapel Pins, 1 Tote Bag, 4 pack Classroom Posters.

Purchase $89

Mega Box of Fun

Includes: Everything in the Classroom Box of Fun, plus a Mega Pete – the nearly three foot-long squeezable giant plush fish!

Purchase $149

FISH! for Schools Support Materials & Fun Gear

FISH! For Schools Boxes of Fun are economically bundled collections of FISH! items assembled to add fun and FISH!-y-ness to the classroom environment.

(Contents may not be exactly as shown) See page 11 for more fun, FISH! gear and accessories.

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FIsh! traInEr tools

all the resources you need to create the same powerful learning experience that FISH! certified facilitators do.

Trainer Tools packages provide all the ingredients to help you conduct FISH! training within your organization. Trainer Tools are flexible, time-saving and based on proven techniques and processes to help ensure that your FISH! training will succeed.

Key Benefits:Save time and energy with customizable outlines for your FISH! eventMeet the needs of facilitators, managers and participants through multiple learning stylesSustain long term growth and change through supplementary materialsPlanning is made easy with all the materials providedSupport broader FISH! initatives and culture transforming programs

Customize your training from the following Trainer Tools packages:

If you are an internal trainer, or private consultant, and you would like to take part in a Live FISH! Train the Trainer event, please contact us for upcoming dates and locations or visit our website at www.itf.ca

FISH! Trainer Tools Pack (with FISH!


This comprehensive training package comes with everything you need to teach The FISH! Philosophy:

Contents: • Original FISH! DVD • FISH! Facilitator Guide • FISH! Accessories Pack

(see page 4 for contents)• 3 FISH! Participant Workbooks • Trainer Tools Kit (see below)

Purchase: $1435

FISH! Trainer Tools Kit (without FISH! DvD)If you already own the original FISH! DVD then this kit will give you everything else you need to facilitate your own FISH! Experience:

Contents: • Trainer Tools Facilitator Guide • Trainer Tools Facilitator Examples DVD • Trainer Tools Event and Sustainability CD • FISH! Participant Workbook • one set each of Choose Your Attitude

Cards, Let’s Make a Day Cards, and Conversation Cards.

Purchase: $520

FISH! Culture PackConversations don’t just impact your culture.

They ARE your culture...

How we talk about our work shapes the way we think and act at work. FISH! Culture is a step-by-step 10-unit learning program that guides your team through essential conversations about the workplace you want to create. It helps you figure out how The FISH! Philosophy applies to your work, to put it into action and, most important, to keep the energy alive and growing.

Contents: • Original FISH! DVD • FISH! Facilitator Guide • FISH! Accessories Pack

(see page 4 for contents)• 3 FISH! Participant Workbooks • FISH! Culture (includes FISH! Culture

Facilitator’s Guide, FISH! Culture DVD, FISH! Culture Audio CD, FISH! Culture Personal Workbook).

Purchase: $1389

Additional Workbooks:• FISH! Participant Workbook - $17.00

• FISH! Culture Personal Workbook - $17.95

FISH! Culture Training PackWOW! All your FISH! training needs in one great package!

Provides the tools to help

a facilitator perform a FISH! Culture training session. It is flexible, saving the experienced facilitator time by providing PowerPoint presentations, workbooks and exercises, and providing explanations and video examples of FISH! Facilitators in action. Most importantly, it is based on proven techniques and processes to help ensure that the training will succeed. Contents: • Original FISH! DVD • FISH! Facilitator Guide • FISH! Accessories Pack

(see page 4 for contents)• 3 FISH! Participant Workbooks • FISH! Culture Pack • Trainer Tools FISH! Kit Purchase: $1625

nEW! FISH! Mindset Sustainability tool

See page 11 for details

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FIsh! traInEr tools

FIsh! aCCEssorIEs & Books

FIsh! CataloguE

FISH! MindsetDaily reminders that trigger action

Even a great idea like FISH! needs regular reinforcement to become a habit. FISH! Mindsets are 3- to 5-minute FISH! experiences that help people live what they have learned.

For a demo of FISH! Mindset call 1-800-561-4300. For more information visit our website www.itf.ca

Research shows that it takes at least 21 days to adopt a new habit. So, no matter how great your FISH! training event is, if you don’t follow up with participants, they will soon forget what they were taught.

FISH! Mindset is a package of 25 mind triggers that take only minutes to complete. Each mind trigger includes:

A short video, audio story or quote illustrating a part of the FISH! Philosophy Two or three questions to help participants understand how The FISH! Philosophy relates to their work and life. Tips to show how to put each mind trigger lesson into action.

You or your designated administrator, can determine when your team receives each mind trigger – daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise. The administrator can also track who has completed each mind trigger to see how committed your team is to living The FISH! Philosophy. .FISH! is a proven way to spark energy, improve customer service, and build trust, appreciation and teamwork. But first people must choose to put it into action. FISH! Mindset inspires them to live what they have learned.

License Fee: $9.99 per person

FISH GEar Price FISH! activity Cards Price

FISH! Pens (4-pack)............................................................. $11.50 Choose Your Attitude Cards ................................................. $13.95

FISH! Lapel Pins (4-pack)................................................... $19.95 Conversation Cards ................................................................ $13.95

FISH! Sticky Notes (6 pack)............................................... $14.95 Let’s Make a Day Cards ......................................................... $11.75

FISH! Thank you Cards (40-pack) ..................................... $11.95 FISH! Posters

FISH! Tote Bag ..................................................................... $11.95 FISH! .......................................................................................... $8.75

FISH! Accessories Pack ...................................................... $49.75 FISH! Sticks .............................................................................. $8.75

FISH! Magnet (4-pack) ....................................................... $8.95 Our Workplace ........................................................................ $5.95

Schools of FISH! pack ........................................................ $41.95 Our School ............................................................................... $5.95

FISH! recognition Items Who Are You Being ................................................................ $8.75

Recognition Certificate (25 pack) ..................................... $11.95 FISH! Books

Rewards & Recognitions Pack .......................................... $26.95 FISH! English or French .......................................................... $22.95

FISH! apparel FISH! Tales ................................................................................ $22.95

Long Sleeve Shirt *(Limited quantities & sizes in orange, green)..... $45.00* FISH! Sticks ............................................................................... $22.95

FISH! Purple T-shirt (sizes S-3X)...................................... $21.95-24.95 FISH! For Life ............................................................................ $22.95

FISH!-y Friends FISH! Book Bundle (4 Books) ................................................ $79.95

Pete the Perch (4 pack) ...................................................... $29.99 Schools of FISH! ...................................................................... $24.95

Puppet Pete ......................................................................... $25.95

Page 12: Welcome to Canada’s #1 source for all FISH! Philosophy ... · Through The FISH! Philosophy, we build stronger relationships with our team members, the customers we serve, the students

“Most fun, energetic, practical workshop I ever attended, Thanks.Ottawa Public Library



Toronto: 30 MacIntosh Blvd, Unit 7, Vaughan, ON L4K 4P1 • Tel. 1-800-561-4300 or 416 252-1173

[email protected] • www.itf.ca

Montréal: (service bilingue)

7801 Louis Lafontaine, Suite 104, Anjou, PQ H1K 4E4 • Tel. 1-800-989-8929 or 514-352-5361 [email protected] • www.itf.ca

Bring FISH! into your organization or school today!

International Tele-Film is the only training organization in Canada authorized to perform Live FISH! Workshops and Events.

“An excellent philosophy much needed in our world today!”

Alzheimer Society Grey-Bruce

“Great course with lots of positive energy and enthusiasm,”

Home Depot

“Excellent! Thanks for making a difference in peoples’ lives!”

Waste Management Inc.

“…Amazing workshop and by far the most memorable and influential one I’ve been to yet. Presentation skills were

outstanding. I am so energized to take this back to my workplace.”

- Correctional Services Canada

“…the best training I’ve attended. I’m nervous and excited to go to work and implement FISH! I’m proud to be a FISH! trainer.

Thank you for this opportunity.” - Supportive Housing in Peel