Welcome Back. Term Planner Attendance Assignment Guidance Evidence Methods.

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Term Planner Attendance Assignment Guidance Evidence Methods


We will be looking at the scope and purpose of the early years sector.

Today Explain how the range of Early Years settings

reflect the scope and purpose of the sector. Describe how current policies, frameworks

and legislations have influenced practice. Identify factors of reliable research sites and

documents. Analyse the term evidence-based practice.

Scope and Purpose

What does this mean...

Scope and Purpose of the Early Years Sector

What is the history of our childcare provisions?

Scope and Purpose of the Early Years Sector

Have we always had nurseries?

Scope and Purpose of the Early Years Sector

Why do we need early years settings?

Scope and Purpose of the Early Years Sector

Do all families use a childcare setting, what might the reason be for this answer?

Research Activity- Homework

Research the early years provision made by your local authority

What kind of provision is offered to most 3 year old children and their families?

Range of early years settings

A statutory service is one that is provided by the state. Some statutory services are provided by central government and funded by central taxation such as the NHS. Others are provided by local government and funded by a combination of local and central taxation, such as education and social service departments.

Range of early years settings

A voluntary service is one that is provided by an association or society and is created by members as opposed to being created by the state, such as a charity.

Range of early years settings

The Private Sector comprises of business that make profits. In education, this includes private nurseries, child minders and other professionals that charge for their services, such as a private educational psychologist.

List all the Early Years provisions that you can

think of

Early Years Sector

Which ones are private, voluntary or statutory?

What about the one you work in?

Considering all the services we have listed and discussed how do they meet the scope and purpose of the sector? (meet the needs of the parent, the government and the child)Handout

How have current policies, frameworks and legislations influenced our practice?

Complete the handout on influences and how each has influenced your practice and the practice in your setting.

How does the past influence the present and how do you think the present will influence the future?

Please read page 280

Kavitha’s Research

Read through the case study on page 281 of the text book.

Evidence-based practice

What are the drawbacks of research?

Evidence-based practice

Research- Find out about the EPPE project a good website is:

http://eppe.ioe.ac.ukOther suitable websiteshttps://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/NESS2007FR023.pdf


Theorists who have influenced our practice

You could research these people and their ideas Rudolf Steiner Susan Isaacs Tina Bruce Maria Montessori

For both pieces of research you will need

to show how the outcomes have influenced your

practice or the setting you work in.

How have we done? Explain how the range of Early Years

settings reflect the scope and purpose of the sector.

Describe how current policies, frameworks and legislations have influenced practice.

Identify factors of reliable research sites and documents.

Analyse the term evidence-based practice.


Section 1 of the assignment- I really recommend that you stay on top of work set. It’s divided out over the term to make it more manageable. Do not leave it till the last minute, you will run out of time, and typing it up and checking your work always takes much longer than you think!

Next Time

Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion.