Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17...

Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 Eastern Religions Come West Their Karma ran over Our Dogma Deceive: To cause to accept what is false by misrepresentation or trickery. syn. Beguile: To draw into a wrong or foolish course of action. Counterfeit: An imitation intended to be passed off as genuine. Karma - Dogma - What are the essentials of Christianity? (see separate handout) What is the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 3:16 Major Eastern Religions – History & Beliefs Hinduism Buddhism ! Hare Krishna ! Trancendental Meditation ! New Age Spirituality

Transcript of Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17...

Page 1: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by


examining spiritual counterfeits

Week 2 June 16/17

Eastern Religions Come West Their Karma ran over Our Dogma

Deceive: To cause to accept what is false by misrepresentation or trickery. syn. Beguile: To draw into a wrong or foolish course of action. Counterfeit: An imitation intended to be passed off as genuine. Karma - Dogma - What are the essentials of Christianity? (see separate handout) What is the Gospel?

1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 3:16 Major Eastern Religions – History & Beliefs

Hinduism Buddhism ! Hare Krishna ! Trancendental Meditation ! New Age Spirituality

Page 2: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by

If you are not receiving the Merry Ministries emails, please contact us at: www.merryministries.com Also, find us on Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

Marlene Kelly • [email protected] • 281-242-8398 • Facebook: Marlene Madden Kelly

Eastern influences in our culture Popular Ideas - mindfulness - being in the present - karma - chakras, auras - light within - reincarnation - environmentalism

Popular Activities - yoga - meditation - feng shui - healing arts – reiki, accupuncture, etc. - martial arts - centering prayer - labyrinth walking

Biblical Principles for Wisdom

Be on your__________________! (1 Peter 5:8)

Use your __________________! (Matthew 22:37)

Don’t __________________ your mind! (Luke 11:25)

Fill your mind with God’s __________________! (Psalm 1 and 119)

God has given us everything we need for _______________ and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

Have __________________ toward other believers in doubtful things. (Romans 14:12-23)

Page 3: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by

If you are not receiving the Merry Ministries emails, please contact us at: www.merryministries.com Also, find us on Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

Marlene Kelly • [email protected] • 281-242-8398 • Facebook: Marlene Madden Kelly

Resources for more information: These are excellent sources – but still be aware that you need to think through anything you read, hear or watch—and make sure that it is Biblical. They will not all necessarily agree on a given topic, but should build a Biblical argument for their point of view. ð The Beautiful Side of Evil, Johanna Michaelsen ð The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by Ravi Zacharias ð Video: “A Man Fell in a Hole.”


ð Video: “Gods of the New Age: New age Brainwashing Exposed” This is a long, but excellent documentary of the sources and methods of the purposeful influence of Eastern religion on our thinking: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx1WtnSABx4

ð “An Open Letter to Evangelicals,” by Sivasiva Palani in Hinduism Today Magazine - http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=791

ð “There is no Christian Yoga,” by Yogi Baba Premm http://creative.sulekha.com/there-is-no-christian-yoga_184977_blog

ð http://praisemoves.com/about-us/why-a-christian-alternative-to-yoga/ ð http://www.rzim.org/home.aspx – Ravi Zackarias website ð http://johnankerberg.org/

Page 4: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by

What do Christians Believe? The Essentials of our Faith

1. The Bible is God’s inspired Word and is divinely


2. There is only One God – the God of the Bible.

3. God exists eternally in Three Persons – Father, Son, Holy


4. Human depravity – all are sinful and cannot please God by

works alone.

5. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin.

6. Jesus Christ was perfect and remained sinless throughout His


7. Jesus Christ was fully God.

8. Jesus Christ was fully man.

9. We need God’s grace. There is no salvation without it.

10. We need to have faith in God – trusting Him to save us.

11. Christ’s death atoned for our sins – and provided the only

way to God.

12. Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave.

13. Jesus Christ ascended, body and soul, to God.

14. Jesus Christ intercedes for us before the Father.

15. Jesus Christ will return again to make all things right.

The core teachings of the Bible have defined Christianity for 2000 years. Christians that seek to have a Biblical faith hold to some form of these basic beliefs. They may not always agree on how they work out in the details, but these core truths are the essentials of our faith. Second- and third-level issues are important issues about which believers may disagree.

Page 5: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by

Examples of 2nd level Issues: - Method and meaning of Baptism - Method and meaning of Communion - Eternal security - Day of worship - Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Examples of 3rd level issues: - End times events - Style of worship - Issues of Christian liberty - Interpretation of obscure Bible passages. - Personal spiritual disciplines

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Page 7: Week 2 Deceived - Merry Ministries · Deceived examining spiritual counterfeits Week 2 June 16/17 ... Johanna Michaelsen ! The Lotus and the Cross – Jesus Talks with Buddha, by