MICHAELSEN MINISTRIES MONITORmichaelsenministries.com/.../2016/02/VOL_2_MM_Monitor_Feb_3_201… ·...

1 MICHAELSEN MINISTRIES MONITOR VOL. 2 ~ February 2016 YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED “Caryl and Friends” ISRAEL TOUR November 1020, 2016 ISRAEL TOUR UPDATE – EXCITING NEWS ON COST! Randolph and I invite you to join us! The trip details are now posted below: MESSAGE FROM: Caryl Matrisciana·Monday, February 1, 2016 THANKS to those of you who have shown interest in visiting Israel this November 2016! We announce sensational new developments: DONATE HERE

Transcript of MICHAELSEN MINISTRIES MONITORmichaelsenministries.com/.../2016/02/VOL_2_MM_Monitor_Feb_3_201… ·...

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“Caryl and Friends”

ISRAEL TOUR November 10–20, 2016


Randolph and I invite you to join us! The trip details are now posted below:

MESSAGE FROM: Caryl Matrisciana·Monday, February 1, 2016

THANKS to those of you who have shown interest in visiting Israel this November

2016! We announce sensational new developments:


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THE BEST “NEW” PRICES you will probably ever find - $1995 per person -

LAND ONLY. See “TOUR BROCHURE” for more details. Our travel agency has

decided to give us incredibly discounted rates because of the global impact

of our ministry!

We are now focusing only on the Nov. 10-20 Israel tour, as the Jordan

extension did not bring enough interest at this time.

We note those expressing interest are from all over the world, so, decided

everyone could book their own flights, and likely save even more money! If

you need assistance booking flights, our travel agency is happy to help!

These new prices are being offered for a short window of time only – so if

this low price is “doable” for you, don’t miss this trip of a lifetime - put your

deposit down NOW!

Please make a copy of the “COSTS AND REGISTRATION” attachment and

send in your registration and $250 deposit, made payable to the Israel Now

Project at the address below – post-marked no later than March 31st.

Israel Now Project 1312 Gary Lane Escondido, CA 92026

*Note: If for some reason, the trip is canceled; your deposit will be refunded in

full. If you register but later cancel, $100 of the deposit is non-refundable. See

“COSTS AND REGISTRATIONS” for a full explanation of payment and cancellation


TOUR CO-HOST: Joining us will be my dear friend Johanna Michaelsen, fellow

author and contender for “the Faith.”

Johanna Michaelsen

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Our friendship started over three decades ago when I interviewed her for my first

film, Gods of the New Age. Since then, Johanna has been my guest in my last

movie, the blockbuster DVD Series, Wide is the Gate: The Emerging New


You will be incredibly blessed by her presence and contribution to the group!

SAFETY: Several have questioned the safety of traveling to Israel; please click on

the link, “Is Israel Safe to Visit?” You’ll note the Ministry of Tourism gives

reassuring statistics about the 3 ½ million who visited Israel in 2014. 600,000 of

those were from the USA and ALL returned home safely - “Zero injuries or deaths

to groups tourists in 20 years!”

“Visit Israel; You’ll Never Be The Same!”

MIRACULOUS ISRAEL: To get an idea of Israel’s incredible majesty, please take

about four minutes to view the fantastic photography and brilliance in the

youtube, “Visit Israel; You’ll Never Be The Same!” The movie is set to awe-

inspiring music and lyrics by Amick Byram. The historical footage and lyrics, vividly

portraying the miraculous Hand of God, gave me goosebumps!


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10 Scriptural Reasons Why Jesus Calling is a

Dangerous Book

An important brand new booklet by Warren Smith...

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

On November 12, 2015, Religion News Service posted an article titled “Jesus Calling and the Policing of Theology.”1 It was a quick response to an article that reformed pastor and popular blogger Tim Challies had posted just the day before.2 The author of the RNS article, Laura Turner (a regular contributor for Christianity Today’s “Her.meneutics” blog), used her superficial criticism of Sarah Young’s best-selling book, Jesus Calling, as a smokescreen to actually express her disapproval of people who were issuing serious warnings about Young’s book. In a strange stab at free speech, Turner stated that “theology policing is a job best left to the Holy Spirit, and then to people who we know.” But in her effort to undermine Young’s critics by redefining spiritual discernment as “theology policing,” she does the very thing she accuses others of doing. Her entire article is a thinly disguised attempt to “police” those who don’t agree with her own take on Jesus Calling. After minimizing and marginalizing most of the issues that have been raised about Jesus Calling, Turner concludes that Young’s book is “a net positive” and “has been a tool through which many people have gotten closer to God.”

Read entire article


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Pope Francis' prayer intentions for January 2016

The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope World Prayer Network (Apostleship of

Prayer) to assist in the dissemination of monthly intentions...


Pastor Chris Quintana

January 15 at 10:29am ·

There is video circulating with a call to prayer from the Vatican that has created quite a stir, perhaps you have seen it. If not, I linked it directly from the Vatican Youtube. It raises an enormously important question, though I don't believe they would see it as I do, or more importantly, as The Bible does.

The difficulty with the video is complex because of the authority many invest in the Vatican's position, but the theological error in it is actually quite simple to see.

Even people who do not believe in the accuracy and authority of The Bible, as I do, would have to conclude that the writings found in The Bible are at odds with the Pope's words. He says, "Most of the planet's inhabitants declare themselves believers." This is true, but believers in what? Or better said, in whom do they believe?

Following these remarks there are other faith traditions represented. Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. The God represented in The Bible is the same to

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the Jew and to the Christian. The difference between us is regarding the person of Jesus and who He is, essentially. We believe Him to be God in human skin. He hold to the same view as they do regarding the Old Testament. We disagree on the continuation of the covenant of The Law as it has been made perfect in Jesus, but He is the same God in both Testaments.

The difficulty is taking the Pope's words, as they relate to all other religions because all other religions do not follow God on His terms, but theirs. The god of Buddhism is not a god in the personal sense, but a consciousness. The god of Islam, according to their writings, is not deeply personal nor is he presented as loving his creation. let alone directly engaging it, as The God of The Bible did and still does. By contrast, The God of The Bible is deeply personal and loving, in His Own words.

Islam rejects the deity of Jesus, as does Buddhism and all other religions for that matter. This is why the Pope's appeal to other religions cannot and would not be honored by the Biblical God.

Now, this is why the video is so deeply troubling. The implication is that since we all believe in "God," we should all pray for peace and justice, whatever that means. But does God hear the prayers not directed to Him?

God does not recognize these other god's, nor does Scripture teach that God grades on a curve, based on sincerity. Quite the contrary. Here is what He says of other god's. These are just a couple of the myriad examples which could be offered:

Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before Me." OR Isaiah 45:5-7 "I am the Lord, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things."

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So, the Pope's call to prayer is a call for people to pray to god's with no power to answer, instead of calling them to the one true God who can. He, of all people, should know better if we are to believe, as his church holds, that he is God's representative on earth.

This may seem trivial to some, but it has the effect of not simply blurring lines, but erasing the distinction that God stands alone, and there is none beside Him, and none who can answer such prayers. This is dangerous and a gross misrepresentation of what someone speaking in God's name should propose.

Be careful, be Berean. (Acts 17:11)

Pro-Life Leaders Claim Planned Parenthood

Videographer Politically Targeted

In response to the indictment by a Harris County, Texas Grand Jury of

pro-life journalists for actions they took in exposing Planned

Parenthood’s apparent practice of selling the body parts of aborted

babies, national pro-life leaders are coming to the defense of the

journalists and citing the political motivation of the indictment.

Read entire article


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Christians are united by mission and

conversion, Pope Francis reflects

Pope Francis at an ecumenical Vespers at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, with Orthodox Metropolitan Gennadios and David Moxon, an Anglican bishop, Jan. 25, 2016.

Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.

January 25 - Christians are united by mission and conversion, Pope Francis reflects

Article: Ecumenical Movement - Misc.

Pope Francis on Monday marked the conclusion of the Week for Christian

Unity, saying all Christians are united by the call to conversion and the

mission to proclaim the Gospel. “Beyond the differences that still

separate us, we joyfully recognize that, at the origin of the Christian life

there is always a call whose author is God,” the Pope during his Jan. 25

homily at Vespers for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

“Conversion means let the Lord live and work in us,” the Roman Pontiff

said. “For this reason, when Christians of different churches together to

the Word of God listen and try to put it into practice, they accomplish

truly important steps towards unity.”

Read Entire Article catholicnewsagency.com

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A Word about visions, voices, and convulsions

A Word about visions, voices, and convulsions

If you are one the millions of Christians who tune in to Sid Roth’s channel on WND or his “It’s

Supernatural” program, I’m really glad you are here. You may have searched through Google for

information on a number of topics you’ve watched, and ended up finding this article.

You see, I am concerned for you, knowing that each episode challenges audiences around the

world to stretch its collective imagination beyond the doctrinal boundaries of Scripture. That’s

something God Himself tells us we must not do. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Established as a Christian-based interview program, host Sid Roth regularly interviews church

celebrities that you may follow as a fan. I will use two examples from this month’s interviews,

first with Beni Johnson and then with Heidi Baker. In both of these examples, these women

receive visions and hear audible voices which they claim is from God. And they both were sent

into uncontrollable convulsions during a particularly disturbing movement called the “Toronto

Airport Blessing.”

As you watch these clips and hear these women share their experiences…

Read entire article


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Fox Premiering New Series ‘Lucifer’

Portraying Satan As

A Misunderstood Good Guy

Charming, charismatic and devilishly handsome, Lucifer is enjoying his retirement,

indulging in a few of his favorite things – wine, women and song

by Geoffrey Grider January 10, 2016

Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR has

abandoned his throne and retired to L.A., where he owns Lux, an upscale


“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a

murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth

in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the

father of it.” John 8:44 (KJV)

Fox Television is launching a new show called “Lucifer“, and they want you to

know that the Devil is as “hot as Hell”. In this series, the Devil is a GQ-handsome

man with an English accent, drives a classic Corvette, and is a hit with the ladies.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Here is the official blurb from Fox.com:

LUCIFER is the story of the original fallen angel. Bored and unhappy as the Lord

of Hell, LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR has abandoned his throne and retired to L.A.,

where he owns Lux, an upscale nightclub. Charming, charismatic and devilishly

handsome, Lucifer is enjoying his retirement, indulging in a few of his favorite

things – wine, women and song – when a beautiful pop star is brutally murdered

outside of Lux. For the first time in roughly 10 billion years, he feels something

awaken deep within him as a result of this murder. Compassion? Sympathy? The

very thought disturbs him – as well as his best friend and confidante, MAZIKEEN aka MAZE , a fierce demon in the form of a beautiful young woman.

I find the timing of this show to be fascinating. Why? Because one dark day,

sooner rather than later, a man the Bible calls the Antichrist is going to step out

from the shadows and take global control of the entire world. He is going to be a

liar, a deceiver, literally a false messiah, and the world will love and worship this

fraud as if he was Jesus Christ Himself. Fox is mentally preparing you right now, if

you are unsaved, to accept this man. Believe it.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there

come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”

2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV)

As I write this, on January 10, 2016, an event is preparing to happen that will

usher in the time of Jacob’s trouble, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation. It is

called the Rapture of the Church, and it is the event which will launch the

dispensation of Tribulation Saints and take the Church of Jesus Christ to Heaven.

And after we leave, you will be faced with the Antichrist that Fox Television has

taught you is a “good guy” that the ladies are crazy for. The one that their

promotional literature says is as “hot as Hell“.

Perhaps most chilling of all is Fox using the hashtag #LuciferIsComing on their

Twitter account. Almost makes you think that Fox is heralding his arrival.

Want to avoid all that mess? This is what you need to do to miss it completely.

Tick, tock….the time is growing shorter.