
Question 1. How to Insert Table. 1. Move back to Design View by clicking on the [Design] tab 2. Move to the end of your existing text then click on the [Insert Table] button 3. Drag across the first 3 cells to create a table of 1 row by 3 columns You can now fill in the cells. Use <Tab> to move between the cells, which expand vertically as you type in text or press <Enter>. 4. Type something into each cell (e.g. Name, Address and Phone) 5. Press <Tab> at the end of the first row and a second row will automatically appear 6. Type in your own details, pressing <Tab> to move between the cells Tip: When you type in your address, if you press <Enter> at the end of each line you will find that the lines are widely spaced. This is because FrontPage automatically adds a blank line between paragraphs. To overcome this, use <Shift Enter> instead. This adds a line break ASSIGNMENT


Front Pages

Transcript of Website


1. How to Insert Table.

1. Move back to Design View by clicking on the [Design] tab 2. Move to the end of your existing text then click on the [Insert Table] button 3. Drag across the first 3 cells to create a table of 1 row by 3 columns You can now fill in the cells. Use to move between the cells, which expand vertically as you type in text or press . 4. Type something into each cell (e.g. Name, Address and Phone) 5. Press at the end of the first row and a second row will automatically appear 6. Type in your own details, pressing to move between the cells Tip: When you type in your address, if you press at the end of each line you will find that the lines are widely spaced. This is because FrontPage automatically adds a blank line between paragraphs. To overcome this, use instead. This adds a line break within the single paragraph. You can also add these breaks using Break... from the Insert menu. After typing in your address, you will probably find that your name has moved down to the middle of the cell. If you don't like this then to put it back to the top line: 7. Right click on the cell and choose Cell Properties... 8. Set the Vertical alignment: to Top (by clicking on the list-arrow next to Default and choosing Top) and click [OK] l2. How to Change Text Colour.Adding Colour Font Color: In this next section you are going to add colour to your web page. This is a very easy thing to do, yet it should make your page much more interesting (but take care not to use too many different colours as this can make it difficult for those with poor eyesight to read). Colour can be added to the overall background and to text and tables. 1. Move to Design View by clicking on the [Design] tab 2. Drag through your main heading, to select it, then click on the list arrow attached to the [Font Color] button and choose a colour 3. Repeat step 3 for other pieces of text on your page 4. To set a background colour, right click on the page background, select Page Properties... then click on the Formatting tab (or open the Format menu and choose Background...) 5. Under the Colors heading set Background: to the colour you want Note that you aren't restricted to the default set of font and background colours. If you click on More Colours... you have a much wider range. You can also use an image (i.e. any picture) as a background to a web page. Under Page Properties you can also set the default colours for text and hyperlinks. 6. Press or click on [OK] 7. Press to [Save] your changes 8. Click on the [Split] tab to see the new codes

3. What is a declaration and give example. In computer programming, a declaration specifies properties of an identifier: it declares what a word (identifier) means.Declarations are most commonly used for functions, variables, constants, and classes, but can also be used for other entities such as enumerations and type definitions. Beyond the name (the identifier itself) and the kind of entity (function, variable, etc.), declarations typically specify the data type (for variables and constants), or the type signature (for functions); types may also include dimensions, such as for arrays. A declaration is used to announce the existence of the entity to the compiler; this is important in those strongly typed languages that require functions, variables, and constants, and their types to be specified with a declaration before use, and is used in forward declaration The term "declaration" is frequently contrasted with the term "definition" but meaning and usage varies significantly between languages; see below.

Declarations are particularly prominent in languages in the ALGOL tradition, including the BCPL family, most prominently C and C++, and also Pascal. Java uses the term "declaration", though Java does not have separate declarations and definitions.

4. What is Navigation Menu and give example. Web navigation refers to the process of navigating a network of information resources in the World Wide Web, which is organized as hypertext or hypermedia.The user interface that is used to do so is called a web browser.A central theme in web design is the development of a web navigation interface that maximizes usability. A website's overall navigational scheme includes several navigational pieces such as global, local, supplemental, and contextual navigation; all of these are vital aspects of the broad topic of web navigation. Hierarchal navigation systems are vital as well since it is the primary navigation system. It allows for the user to navigate within the site using levels alone, which is often seen as restricting and requires additional navigation systems to better structure the website.The global navigation of a website, as another segment of web navigation, serves as the outline and template in order to achieve an easy maneuver for the users accessing the site, while local navigation is often used to help the users within a specific section of the site.All these navigational pieces fall under the categories of various types of web navigation, allowing for further development and for more efficient experiences upon visiting a webpage.

5. nsert Background Colour.

Change the look of a web page by editing items on the page. Select the item to be altered. Make formatting changes by selecting the appropriate toolbar icon that allows you to reposition text, change font size and colors and more

6. Set Page to Center

make sure that have you doing hyperlink,it s can change back to the main Menu7. Insert last Update.a.)When you make some new add or edit from that page you can see the symbol of this ( * ) just like in the picture.

8. Page Brake.

Build the other pages on the website by selecting the page from the folder list and following the previous 3 steps in your website development.9. Create Marquee Texta.) Click on insert => Web Component

b.) Select Dynamic effects on the leftc.) Select Marquee on the right

d.)The marquee properties box should of come up

text:is the text you want to display directionis which way do you want the text to scroll speedis how fast you want the text to scrolll behavioris the the way you want it to scroll sizeis the height and width of the text , repeatis if you want the scroll to loop or to scroll continuously

10. How to save and Run Web SitePush button F12 to run the ewb site after make done the edit.