Web view6:45: When Baden Powell came back to England he wrote a book called Aids to Scouting about...


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Page 1: Web view6:45: When Baden Powell came back to England he wrote a book called Aids to Scouting about how he trained his men in Africa. Many young boys in England

THEME: Promise and Law Find a Word SUBTHEME: Adventure

5:50: COMING IN ACTIVITY: Baden Powell colour in


6:05: We are going on an Adventure to find out about the man who started Scouts. His name is Lord Baden Powell and he was born on 22nd February 1857. So that means if he was still alive he would now be 160 years old. But, that isn’t important right now. He was born in England which right now would be very cold. So we are going to have a snowball fight....just like he would have when he was a little boy.ACTIVITY: Snowball fight with pieces of rolled up paper.

6:10: Now, when he was little his father died when he was only three years old. He had 9 brothers and sisters

and they used to play together in the woods. ACTIVITY: Obstacle Course: Joeys move around an obstacle course set up outside. (Rope to swing from the tree, tyres to jump in and out of, chairs covered to crawl through, bench to bunny hop over, plastic to crawl over, etc)

6:25: Baden Powell went to a boys school called Charterhouse. He loved acting, drama, singing and drawing. He was ambidextrous, which means he can write with his left hand and his right hand equally well.Activity: Joeys write their name with their usual hand, then their other hand. How good are they?Singing: I’ve got that BP Feeling

6:30: BP liked playing Army games because he joined the Army when he grew up and was sent to another country called Africa for many years. He knew how important it was to be alert and pay attention at all times – especially he knew he had to be quiet when it was quiet time – his life depended on it, he could get killed if the bad guys heard him when he was hiding and watching them. He trained his men to be alert and practice being quiet. This helped in the battles with Tribesmen. BP also taught his men how to move silently without being spotted by the enemy.Game: Steal the Keys: Joeys try to sneak up on one Joey who has to mind a box of treasure. When the chosen Joey turns around they must all freeze or be sent back to the beginning.

6:40: Did you ever wonder why we shake hands when we meet someone? Offering someone our open hand is a gesture of friendship because it shows the other person that our hand is free of weapons. But why do Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders shake with their LEFT hand instead of their right like everyone else? The idea came from a legend Baden-Powell heard while he was in Africa. Two neighbouring tribes were bitter enemies and always at war. Finally one of the Chiefs decided the fighting had to stop. So the next time they came together to fight, the Chief who wanted peace dropped his spear and his shield. He dropped his spear to show that he would not attack, and he dropped his shield to show that he was trusting his heart to the other Chief and said, “I come unarmed and hold out my left hand to you as a sign of friendship and trust. We are neighbours and should not live as enemies. From now on, we wish to live in peace and we trust you to do the same and live in peace.” When Baden-Powell started Scouts, he thought this showing of trust and friendship was just perfect to teach the Scouts, so he taught the Scouts how and why to shake hands with their left hands.GAME: Joey Scout Handshake: Joeys in free formation. Cassette player. All Joeys run around. When the music stops Joeys shake hands with their left hand. Repeat. (Streamer on to remind them their left hand?)

Page 2: Web view6:45: When Baden Powell came back to England he wrote a book called Aids to Scouting about how he trained his men in Africa. Many young boys in England

6:45: When Baden Powell came back to England he wrote a book called Aids to Scouting about how he trained his men in Africa. Many young boys in England bought this book and started their own troops for training. Later BP trained adults to help the boys. He wanted a special award for his Leaders so he thought and thought. Then he remembered an African man called Dinizulu whom he had met who wore a necklace made of wooden beads on a piece of leather thonging. He used that and gave the Leaders the beads we wear today. The ones I have aren’t the original ones but copies.CRAFT: Dinizulu’s Beads Joeys thread two wooden beads on a shoelace and tie to make their own wooden beads.

6:50: Baden Powell died in 1941 when he was 84 years old. He had started the Scouts which we all are part

of. Now we have learnt a few things about this man who gave us all the fun.

BP’s Birthday Cake. Sing Happy Birthday

6:55: CLOSING CEREMONY : Thank God for Baden Powell

LORD BADEN-POWELL Tune: Father AbrahamBaden-Powell had many friends.Many friends had Baden-Powell.I am one of them and so are you.As we go marching thru...(Start first motion and continue while singing the song again)After 2nd time thru add 2nd motion to 1st motion while singing song again. By the time you get to motion #6,you should have every extremity moving and turning in a circle. You will then be ready to SIT DOWN!Motions:1) Right Arm goes up and down2) Left arm goes up and down3) Right Foot marches4) Left foot marches5) Nod your head6) Turn around7) Sit down