· Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures...

EARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earth Lesson Title: Earth Day Superheroes Grade/Class: 4 th and 5 th grade Time Allotment: 1 day, 1 hour and 30 min periods Narrative of the Class: Bilingual students, ESL students, OVERVIEW Summary: Within this lesson, students will learn about the importance of April being “Earth Month”. They will learn about why it is important to protect the earth and do certain acts like recycling or planting trees. They will be taught about the various things we can do as humans to help protect Mother Nature. They will then be introduced to the concept of Super Heroes and how they do extraordinary acts for others. There will be a discussion about how Super Heroes wear costumes, and have certain symbols which represent themselves. They will then be asked to create their own Earth Day Super Hero, which they will choose an aspect of Mother Nature that they are required to protect. They will create their own costume for their Super Hero as well and symbol which refers to what they are protecting. Students can be Super Heroes for the trees, animals, the air, the ocean, etc. Artists/Artwork: Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

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Page 1: · Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class:

EARTH DAY SUPER HEROESBig Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class: 4th and 5th gradeTime Allotment: 1 day, 1 hour and 30 min periodsNarrative of the Class: Bilingual students, ESL students,

OVERVIEWSummary: Within this lesson, students will learn about the importance of April being “Earth Month”. They will learn about why it is important to protect the earth and do certain acts like recycling or planting trees. They will be taught about the various things we can do as humans to help protect Mother Nature. They will then be introduced to the concept of Super Heroes and how they do extraordinary acts for others. There will be a discussion about how Super Heroes wear costumes, and have certain symbols which represent themselves. They will then be asked to create their own Earth Day Super Hero, which they will choose an aspect of Mother Nature that they are required to protect. They will create their own costume for their Super Hero as well and symbol which refers to what they are protecting. Students can be Super Heroes for the trees, animals, the air, the ocean, etc.


Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Page 2: · Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class:

Key Concepts:

1. Earth Day teaches us the importance of protecting our environment2. Humans have begun to be the voice for Mother Nature and have done incredible acts to help

preserve her3. Super Heroes are everyday people like you or me, who protect something4. Super Heroes have costumes which the public can easily recognize them by

Essential Questions

1. Why is it important to protect our environment?2. What are some things humans have done to help protect the environment?3. Who are some Super Heroes you are familiar with and what do they protect?4. What are specific aspects of Super Hero costumes?

Student Questions:

Can I create a side kick?Can my super hero save a specific animal?

Guided Questions:

What do you love about the earth that you want to protect?Why do we have Earth Day?

PA State Standards

9.1.3.E: Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions, illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the arts.

9.1.5.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities.


Visual Arts: • color • form/shape • line • space • texture • value


Visual Arts: • balance • contrast • emphasis/focal point • movement/rhythm • proportion/scale• repetition • unity/harmony

9.1.5.B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts.

Visual Arts: • paint • draw • craft • sculpt • print • design for environment, communication,multi-media

9.1.5.E: Know and demonstrate how arts can communicate experiences, stories or emotions through the production of works in the arts.

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English Language Arts

E03.B-K.1.1.2: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.


Students will participate in a class discussion about the importance of April being “Earth Month”, and the many reasons why we should protect the environment.

The students will participate in a class discussion about specific things humans do to help protect Mother Nature and will be introduced to the book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss as an example of a figure who speaks for Mother Nature.

Students will participate in a class discussion about the concept of Super Heroes being people who protect something and the specific aspects of Super Heroes costumes.


The students will create their own Super Hero by using their knowledge learned in a demo of how to draw a human figure.

Students will create an Earth Day Super Hero who has a specific aspect of Mother Nature which they have to protect.


Students will reflect with one another on their Super Heroes they created and how they plan on protecting the earth

ASSESSMENT: Pre-assessment- The teacher will assess the student’s knowledge on the importance of protecting the earth and the concept of Super Heroes through in class discussion at the beginning of the period.

Formative assessment- The teacher will assess the student’s be walking around and observing students as they are working on their project, and help guide those who are struggling

Summative assessment- The student’s final project will be assessed using a rubric

Day One:

Page 4: · Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class:

Motivation- As the students enter the classroom, the teacher will be dressed as a Super Hero to engage the class. The teacher will explain that she is “Wave Woman” and is the Super Hero who speaks for the ocean. The teacher will then go on to ask the students if they know why Earth Day is so important. A discussion about the importance of protecting the Earth will commence. The teacher will guide the students in discussing topics like climate change, endangered species, pollution and littering, etc. The teacher will then introduce the students to the book The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. The teacher will discuss how the The Lorax is a figure who speaks for the trees, and is trying to save the environment. Just like The Lorax, there are other people in the world partaking in certain acts that are helping the environment. The teacher will ask the students what kind of activities people do to help protect Mother Nature. A discussion about recycling, planting trees, beach clean ups, conserving water, preventing pollution, etc. will follow. The teacher will then discuss the idea of Super Heroes being people who protect something, and will reference The Lorax being his own kind of Super Hero who protects the trees. The teacher will ask the class what Super Heroes they are familiar with, and what their job is. The teacher will then ask the class what kind of characteristics within their costumes are particularly relevant to Super Heroes. Students will hopefully discuss the idea of capes, masks, gloves, and symbols which distinguish Super Heroes from one another.

Development- The teacher will then introduce the project to the class. The students will be making their own Earth Day Super Hero. Each student is required to choose an aspect within Mother Nature which they are responsible to protect, examples; trees, animals, specific animals, insects, rivers, oceans, etc. The students will need to come up with their own costume which their Super Hero wears. Students will be asked to think of capes, masks, gloves, color schemes, and a symbol which represents their Super Hero. Students will also be encouraged to create a name for their Super Hero as well. Students will be drawing their Super Hero on large white paper, with pencil and either markers, crayons, or color pencils. Students will be encouraged to incorporate a background which represents what their Super Hero is protecting. The teacher will give a demonstration on how to draw the human figure for those students who need guidance. Students will have the class to work on their Super Hero.

Culmination- Students will be asked to clean up with 10 minutes left of class. They will be asked to put all their materials away, and to make sure their names are on their work. The teacher will ask the students if anyone wants to share what Super Hero they have created and how their Super Hero will help protect the Earth. For those students who did not finish creating their Super Hero, they will have time next cycle to finish their work.

ADAPTATIONS:Visual Impairments- The teacher will go over all prompts verbally when they are initially passed out. This will ensure that the students know what the prompt is and understands the prompt. Students will be instructed both verbally and visually.

Hearing Impairments- The teacher will use a microphone during presentations/discussions and the students will be allowed to use a voice recorder to play back what is said in class to themselves.

Learning Disabilities- The teacher will provide the students with tools for them to properly focus on the information provided/discussed in class. The teacher will be providing a handout of the lesson and many visuals as well. The teacher will also be presenting information to the entire class at the start of each class verbally.

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LEARNING STYLES:Written- The daily goals and steps within the project will be written on the white board each day. Key words with their definitions will be on the white board as well.Visuals- The book The Lorax will be used as a visual aide as well as an exemplar for the students to get an idea of what they will be makingKinesthetic- Students will be using different materials within this projectVerbal- The teacher will be presenting the lesson in class for everyone to hearMathematical/Logical- Students will be presented with the necessary information about Earth Day and Super Heroes to complete the projectMusical- Students will be allowed to listen to music during class but will also be encouraged to think of a theme song for the Super Hero if they finish early. Interpersonal- Students will be encouraged to participate in class discussions about Earth Day and Super HeroesIntrapersonal- Students are asked to create a piece of art work that is reflective of their own personal beliefs on protecting the Earth

Teacher Resources/ Preparation:

Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax

Student Supplies:Paper


Crayons/Markers/ Colored Pencils

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Student will receive a check if they did all that was asked of them but there was more that could have been done. Followed objective of the day.

Student will receive a check plus if they did all that was asked of them and more; went above and beyond, put time and effort into work, thought of other aspects and elements to incorporate into work.

Student produced quality work, followed objective of the day. Made an effort to apply skills, especially those stressed for the assignment. Participated in class and used time well. Cleaned up area.

Page 7: · Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class:
Page 8: · Web viewEARTH DAY SUPER HEROES Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures humans have been advocates for the earthLesson Title: Earth Day SuperheroesGrade/Class: