· Web view2 days ago  · This edition contains all previous and revised...

2021 PROPOSAL 01/31/2021 revision CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS

Transcript of · Web view2 days ago  · This edition contains all previous and revised...



(2021Last Revised 07/27/2014) ( CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS)01/31/2021 revision







Peace Evangelical

Lutheran Church


Otsego, Michigan

- A bit of Our History -

Our congregation was organized on June 3, in the year of our Lord 1951.

Incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan on April 19, 1955.

A member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod since December 9, 1956.

This edition contains all previous and revised Articles adopted through January 26, 2020.


Title i

A Bit of Our Historyii

Table of Contentsiii


Article I - Name

Section 1. Congregation Name1

Article 2 - Articles of Faith

Section 1. Word of God1

Section 2. True Statements of Scriptural Doctrine1

Section 3. Explanation1

Section 4. Variance1

Section 5. Controversy1

Article 3 - Purpose and Objectives

Section 1. Purpose2

Section 2. Objectives2

Article 4 - Synodical Affiliation

Section 1. Synodical Affiliation2

Article 5 - Church Membership

Section 1. Classification2

Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities2

Section 3. Church Discipline and Excommunication3

Section 4. Reinstatement. 3

Article 6 - Powers and Rights of the Congregation

Section 1. Primary 3

Section 2. Secondary3

Section 3. Other4

Section 4. Limitations4

Article 7 – The Ministry

Section 1. Calls4

Section 2. Pastor(s)4

Section 3. Teachers and Staff Ministers5

Section 4. Vacancy Procedure5

Article 8 - Officers of the Congregation

Section 1. Officer Qualifications5

Section 2. Officers and Duties5

Section 3. Conduct5

Article 9 - Removal from Office

Section 1. Procedure5

Section 2. Cause5

Article 10 - Meetings of the Congregation

Section 1. Meetings5

Article 11 - Separation or Dissolution

Section 1. Separation6

Section 1. Dissolution6

Article 12 - Repeals and Alterations

Section 1. Unalterable Sections6

Section 2. Alteration Procedures. 6

Section 3. Alteration Timing6

Section 4. Alteration Consent6

Article 13 – Changes to the BYLAWS

Section 1. Repeals and Amendments6


Article 1 – Organization of the Congregation

Section 1. Voters’ Assembly7

Section 2. Meetings. 7

Section 3. Special Meeting Procedures7

Section 4. Order of Business7

Section 5. Meeting Order8

Section 6. Personal Charge8

Section 7. Voting Rights8

Section 8. Voting Qualifications8

Section 9. Quorum8

Article 2 – The Church Council

Section 1. Establishment8

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities9

Section 3. Qualifications 9

Section 4. Structure9

Section 5. Policies9

Section 6. Ex-Officio Members10

Section 7. Elections10

Section 8. Installations10

Section 9. Vacancy10

Section 10. Meetings10

Section 11. Terms10

Section 12. Registered Office10

Article 3 – Personnel of the Church Council

Section 1. President11

Section 2. Vice-President (Treasurer)11

Section 3. Recording Secretary11

Section 4. Elder.12

Section 5. Pastor12

Article 4 – Structure Under the Church Council

Section 1. Ministry Leadership Forms. 12

Section 2. Formation12

Section 3. Ministry Prioritization13

Article 5 – Management of Financial Matters

Section 1. Oversight13

Section 2. Bookkeeper13

Section 3. Assistant Treasurer14

Section 4. Financial Secretary14

Article VII - Reception into Membership

Section 1. Membership Requests 11

Section 2. Constitution and Bylaws11

Article 6– Membership Changes

Section 1. Membership Requests14


Section 3. Transfer Procedure14

Section 2. Release14

Section 3. Loss of Membership Rights14

Article 7- Repeals and Amendments of the BYLAWS

Section 1. Repeal and Amendment Procedure15





WHEREAS, the Apostle Paul sets forth, 1 Corinthians 14:40, that all things in the Church shall be done “in a fitting and orderly way,” and

WHEREAS, the history of the Christian Church of all times shows that certain agreements and regulations are helpful properly to fulfill the purpose and attain the objectives of congregations, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we, a congregation of Lutherans of Otsego, Michigan, do herewith, in the name of the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and by subscribing our names hereto, adopt the following CONSTITUTION and BYLAWS.


ARTICLE 1 - Name

Section 1. Congregation Name

The name of this congregation shall be Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Otsego, Michigan.

ARTICLE 2 - Articles of Faith

Section 1. Word of God

This congregation accepts and confesses all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God and submits to this Word as the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and life (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

Section 2. True Statements of Scriptural Doctrine

This congregation accepts and confesses all symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as true statements of Scriptural doctrine. They are:

2.1. The three Ecumenical Creeds

1) The Apostles'

2) The Nicene

3) The Athanasian

2.2. The six Lutheran Confessions

1) Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism

2) Dr. Martin Luther's Large Catechism

3) The Unaltered Augsburg Confession

4) The Apology of the Augsburg Confession

5) The Smalcald Articles

6) The Formula of Concord

Section 3. Explanation

This congregation accepts and confesses these symbolical books without reservation, not insofar as, but because they are the presentation and explanation of the pure doctrine of the Word of God and a summary of the faith held by the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Section 4. Variance

Hence, no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at variance with these symbolical books and the Holy Scriptures.

Section 5. Controversy

Likewise, all controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice.

ARTICLE 3 - Purpose and Objectives

Section 1. Purpose

The continuing purpose of this congregation, as a gathering of Christians, is to serve all people in God's world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 28:18-20).

Section 2. Objectives

The primary objective of this congregation shall be:

2.1. To proclaim the Law and the Gospel, to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for life and salvation.

2.2. To strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the means of grace (2 Timothy 4:2; Luke 24: 46-48).

2.3. To equip believers as disciples, stewards, and witnesses for sharing the Gospel of Jesus with all people.

ARTICLE 4 - Synodical Affiliation

Section 1. Synodical Affiliation

This congregation shall affiliate itself only with a synod that holds to all the truths of God's Word in doctrine and practice and is bound to the confession of faith as set forth in Article 2, if, and as long as, such a synod exists.

ARTICLE 5 - Church Membership

Section 1. Classification

1.1. Baptized members of the congregation are those who have been baptized into the Christian faith in the name of the Triune God (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:16).

1.2. Communicant members are those baptized souls who confess the chief parts of Christian doctrine as written in Dr. Luther's Small Catechism and who have declared their adherence to all the canonical books of the Old and the New Testaments, without qualification, as the only rule and norm of faith and life.

1.3. Voting members are those male communicant members (1 Corinthians 14:34, 1 Timothy 2:12) who have declared their agreement with this Constitution and who have been accepted by the voters' assembly of the congregation.

Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities

"God is love" (1 John 4:8), and His love ever moves Him to bless the members of His Church with innumerable physical and spiritual gifts (1 John 3:1; James 1:17). In return for all of these undeserved blessings, we can do nothing less than to love Him with all our heart (1 John 4:19) and to show that love with the works that we do. The giving of such expressions we acknowledge as both a privilege and a responsibility. Some of the privileges and responsibilities to be noted are the following:

2.1. Our God has given us His Word, the one thing needful (Luke 10:42), which alone can save our souls and tell us how to live a God-pleasing life (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Consequently, a member of His Church will consider it a distinct privilege and a responsibility to:

1) Hear and receive the Word of God diligently;

2) Provide and promote opportunities for Christian education;

3) Bring up one’s children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

2.2. Our God has given us two Sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, which are means that our Lord uses to bring His grace to us. Consequently, a member of His Church will:

1) Have their children baptized early in life, for "Baptism now saves you also."(1 Peter 3:21);

2) Frequently partake of Holy Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), if he or she is recognized as one who can properly examine himself or herself (1 Corinthians 11:28). Only those in the confessional fellowship of faith are permitted to commune at our altar. (Close Communion — 2 Corinthians 6:14-15; Romans 16:17).

2.3. Our God has given us the privilege of being stewards over a certain portion of His estate and of receiving the steward's rich reward of grace (Matthew 25:14-30). Consequently, a member of His Church will:

1) Continually remember that all one’s property, time, and talents really belong to God;

2) Conscientiously determine which part of their money, time and talents shall be devoted to that which the congregation has made its concern, not omitting the work of the Synod (Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 9:14; 16:2; 1 Peter 4:10); 3) If he is a voting member, regularly attend the voters' meetings and lend the congregation his counsel and aid.

2.4. Our God has implanted within us who are Christians the New Man, who desires to live righteously (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 4:24). Consequently, a member of His Church will:

1) Not live in manifest works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), but lead a Christian life (Galatians 5:22-25);

2) When one has erred, permit oneself to be fraternally admonished and corrected in the spirit of Matthew 18:15;

3) Refuse to hold membership in any organization whose teachings and practices conflict with the Word of God, i.e. lodges (John 5:23; John 8:31, 32; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

Section 3. Church Discipline and Excommunication

Christian discipline shall be exercised in this congregation in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20 toward those who err from the faith or who in other ways have given offense. At all times this shall be done in the spirit of the Gospel, namely, to regain the erring as a fellow believer. Those members who finally must be excommunicated, and those who have excluded themselves from the congregation by evading Matthew 18:15-20 lose all their rights in the congregation and in its property. For excommunication, a unanimous vote of the voters' assembly is required.

Section 4. Reinstatement

When an excommunicated member by the grace of God repents of their sin, he or she is to be reinstated with all former rights and privileges of this congregation (2 Corinthians 2:6-8).

ARTICLE 6 - Powers and Rights of the Congregation

Section 1. Primary

In all matters of Christian faith and life, the Word of God is supreme (Psalm 119:105).

Section 2. Secondary

In all matters not decided by the Word of God, the congregation, represented by the voters’ assembly, shall have the final right of decision (Romans 12:10; 14:19; Ephesians 5:21).

Section 3. Subordinates to Voters; Emergency Actions

The church council, any other elected committee or organization within the congregation, and any of its elected or appointed officers shall have no power or authority beyond that conferred upon them by the voters' assembly. However, in rare occasions of emergency, the church council may act in the name and for the welfare of the congregation. Such action must be fully explained at the next voters' meeting and submitted for approval.

Section 4. Approval of Groups and Societies

No group or society may be organized within the congregation without the approval of the voters' assembly. The voters' assembly shall be assured that the aims of such a group are in complete harmony with the congregation's aims before it grants its approval (2 Corinthians 6:14-15; Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 12:25).

ARTICLE 7 - The Ministry

Section 1. Calls

The voters' assembly has the exclusive right to call pastors, teachers, and staff ministers.

Section 2. Pastor(s)

2.1 Qualifications

The pastorate of this congregation shall be conferred only upon such ministers or ministerial candidates as unqualifiedly and publicly profess their acceptance of and adherence to Article 2 of this Constitution; and such acceptance and adherence shall be required of them in the call or vocation extended by the congregation (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9; Colossians 4:5-6; Ephesians 4:11-16).

2.2 Duties

It is the duty of the pastor to shepherd the church of God according to the Word of God. He shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the activities of the congregation. He shall ensure the common activities of Christian ministry are conducted, including, but not limited to:

1) preaching the Word of God,

2) baptizing,

3) instructing children and adults in the truths of Christianity as set forth in the Small Catechism,

4) confirming those eligible for confirmation,

5) administering the Lord’s Supper,

6) admonishing the erring,

7) visiting the sick, and

8) officiating at Christian funerals.

He shall submit, at least annually, a report to all communicant members of the congregation regarding the spiritual and general affairs. He shall perform the duties assigned to him by his call and his job description.

2.3 Rights

As shepherd of the flock, the pastor has the right to lead and conduct all affairs of the congregation to further the glory of God and the welfare of the congregation.

Section 3. Teachers and Staff Ministers

3.1 Qualifications

The teachers and staff ministers called by the congregation shall be such as are in accord with the confessional standard of the congregation (Article 2) and are qualified for this field of work (Ephesians 4:11-16; Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 14:40).

3.2 Duties

The teachers and staff ministers shall assist the pastor in the carrying out of Christian ministry according to the specific duties included in their calls.

Section 4. Vacancy Procedure

In case of a vacancy in the office of pastor, teacher or staff minister, the congregation shall notify the president of the local district of the synod that he may assist in temporarily filling the vacancy and in giving his good counsel in regard to the calling of a new pastor, teacher or staff minister.

ARTICLE 8 - Officers of the Congregation

Section 1. Officer Qualifications

The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men of "honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:1-6) to aid the Apostles in the administration of its temporal affairs. Likewise, this congregation shall choose officers and committee members with like qualifications to aid the pastor in administering its affairs (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Section 2. Officers and Duties

The listing of the officers and their duties is given in the Bylaws.

Section 3. Conduct

These officers shall be given the cooperation of the congregation in the performance of their duties, and they shall conduct themselves in a manner befitting their responsible office (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

ARTICLE 9 - Removal from Office

Section 1. Procedure

If anyone who holds an office in the congregation willfully neglects his or her duty and upon due admonition does not amend, the voters' assembly has the right and eventually the duty to remove them from office and to elect another in their place (2 Timothy 3:8-13).

Section 2. Cause

Sufficient and urgent causes for removing a pastor, teacher or staff minister are persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect of duty or established inability to perform the duties of their office (2 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9). In such cases, the advice and counsel of a district official is to be sought.

ARTICLE 10 - Meetings of the Congregation

Section 1. Meetings

Meetings of this congregation shall be held at such times and in such manner as stated in the Bylaws. The meetings shall give the voters of this congregation the opportunity to hear, discuss, and take necessary action in matters pertaining to the welfare of this congregation and of the church at large.

ARTICLE 11 - Separation or Dissolution

Section 1. Separation

If at any time a dissolution or separation should occur in this congregation - may God graciously prevent it - the property and all equipment of this congregation shall remain with that portion of the membership which adheres to this constitution, regardless of number.

Section 2. Dissolution

In the event of termination or dissolution of the congregation, the church council shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the congregation, dispose of its remaining assets, if any, exclusively for the purposes of the congregation, by distributing, at the direction of the voters' assembly, the remaining assets to (and only to) one or more organizations with which the congregation is in fellowship, which shall at the time qualify as exempt organization(s) (under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Code).

ARTICLE 12 - Changes to the Constitution

Section 1. Unalterable Sections

Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Sections 1, 2, and 4, Article 7, Sections 1-3, Article s 9 and 12, Section 1, of this Constitution shall be and remain unalterable and irrepealable, inasmuch as they express clear, scriptural teachings.

Section 2. Alteration Procedures

Proposals to alter or repeal any alterable or repealable article of this Constitution, or to add an article, shall be submitted in writing to the church council and shall be publicly announced on two Sundays immediately preceding any properly called [approved January 2020] business meeting of the voters' assembly, and posted in the church during that period.

Section 3. Alteration Timing

Such a proposal shall be discussed in the meeting in which it is presented and voted on in the next regular meeting of the voters' assembly.

Section 4. Alteration Consent

A majority vote, consisting of not less than two thirds of the voting members present at such a constitutional meeting, shall be required to alter or repeal any alterable or repealable article of this Constitution, or to add an article thereto.

Article 13. Changes to the Bylaws

Section 1. Repeals and Amendments

Any and all bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall have been given the congregation on at least two Sundays prior to the time of the meeting, and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the church council for its study and recommendation.



ARTICLE 1. Organization of the Congregation

Section 1. Voters’ Assembly

The congregation shall make decisions for itself and its ministry to the Otsego-Plainwell community through a voters’ assembly. Such assemblies shall reflect the exercise of loving, servant-style, Christ-like leadership. The voters’ assembly shall take into consideration the consensus of the congregation. The voters’ assembly shall reserve to itself the following responsibilities:

1.1 The election of the church council (except for temporary appointments as defined below).

1.2 The sale and purchase of land and building(s).

1.3 Calling or removing a called worker.

1.4 Adopting a ministry plan and budget.

1.5 Approval of congregational loans.

1.6 Excommunication.

1.7 The dissolving of the congregation.

Section 2. Meetings

Regular meetings of the congregation’s voters shall be held at least once per year at a time determined by the council.

The church council shall set the exact date, time and place of the meetings, unless otherwise specified by the congregation. Announcements of the meetings shall be given through appropriate methods to notify all members at least two Sundays prior to the meeting.

Section 3. Special Meeting Procedures

Special meetings of the congregation may be called by the church council, or the pastor, or upon written request of three voting members to the recording secretary. The recording secretary shall ensure announcement of the meetings through appropriate methods to all members with the purpose(s) clearly stated at least two Sundays prior to the meeting.

Section 4. Order of Business

At the discretion of the assembly and the chairman, the order of business for the regular meetings shall be as follows:

1. Opening with a devotion.

2. Recording of voters present.

3. Reading and approval of minutes of previous regular and special meetings.

4. Reception of new members: transfer, release or removal from membership.

5. Reports: pastor, other officer and committee reports, financial reports.

6. Unfinished business.

7. Recommendations of the church council.

8. New business.

9. Adjournment with prayer.

Section 5. Meeting Order

The meetings shall be conducted according to good, Christian order. Robert's Rules of Order may be followed for parliamentary procedure.

All matters decided by the voters’ assembly shall be decided by a simple majority of the voting members present, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 6. Personal Charge

No one shall bring to any meeting a charge or complaint against any member or a called worker, unless they have first admonished them in a Christian manner according to Matthew 18:15-20.

Section 7. Voting Rights

Only voting members present at the meeting shall have the right to vote.

Section 8. Voting Qualifications

Voting membership shall be restricted to male communicant members who have reached the age 18.

Voting members shall read and sign, thereby indicating their acceptance, the voter registration maintained by the president. Such signing confirms legal agreement with this congregation, it’s Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 9. Quorum

The voting members present at a properly announced meeting of the voters' assembly shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE 2. The Church Council

Section 1. Establishment

1.1 The church council, including the called pastor, shall execute general ministerial, operational, and spiritual leadership over the congregation on behalf of the congregation. The council shall be the governing body of the congregation and is responsible to administer all the congregation’s affairs, except those listed above, according to the direction given by the voters’ assembly.

1.2 The church council shall control the corporate property of the congregation according to the direction given to it by the voters' assembly. The church council is hereby empowered to borrow money, pledge the assets of the congregation, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the real and personal property of the congregation all at the direction of the voters' assembly. It shall also have the right to acquire property by any legal means as directed by the voters' assembly. The president and the recording secretary (or the vice-president, in the recording secretary's absence) are hereby designated as the persons who shall sign all legal documents of the congregation, except for disbursements.

1.3 The members of the church council shall serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation and as such are accountable to God and all the members of the congregation. Their primary role as spiritual leaders is to carry out their leadership in line with the scriptural definition of a “servant-leader,” that is, having the responsibility for taking the initiative in selfless love and service for the spiritual well-being and growth of all the members.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

In order to carry out the mission of God through this congregation, the church council shall:

1. Handle membership changes, except for excommunication.

2. Oversee all of the congregation’s programming (in the areas of worship, spiritual growth, outreach, fellowship, and member ministry).

3. See to the implementation of the congregation’s short- and long -range plans.

4. Make recommendations to the congregation regarding the congregation’s programming and resources.

5. Implement the congregation’s policies and resolutions.

6. Serve as a link between the congregation and the synod.

7. Administer the physical and financial resources of the congregation (oversee the fiduciary health of the congregation).

8. Be responsible for all other matters pertaining to the good and welfare of the congregation.

9. Stay alert to the congregational calendar.

10. Be responsible for and have oversight of all committees and task forces.

11. Oversee and make recommendations for the annual budget to the congregation.

12. Oversee the financial operations of the congregation.

13. Implement a policy for facility use ratified/established by the voters.

14. Handle the disposition of estates and bequests.

Section 3. Qualifications

The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:1-6) to aid the apostles in the administration of its affairs. This congregation shall choose officers and church councilmen with like qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13). The respect and esteem of the congregation are due these officers in the performance of their duties, and they shall be given its cooperation. They shall conduct themselves in a manner befitting their responsible office (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Section 4. Structure

The council will be composed of no less than four members, including the president, vice-president, recording secretary, and elder. The council may propose increases and decreases in size through temporary appointments or removals, which shall be submitted for ratification at the next voter’s meeting.

Section 5. Policies

The church council shall:

1. Meet regularly

2. Observe a spending limit, without congregational approval, of 2% over the annual budget

The voters’ assembly may establish other policies as necessary to further direct and constrain the operation of the council, pastor, or others, provided they do not conflict with these bylaws.

Section 6. Ex-Officio Members

The pastor and president, by virtue of their offices, are members of all boards and committees and are to be informed of all meetings so that they may attend if they desire to do so.

Section 7. Elections

7.1 Nominations

The council shall present suitable candidates for the council to the congregation for approval by election at least once per year. The council will confirm each candidate’s willingness to serve in advance.

7.2 Procedure

The voters’ assembly, at its meetings, shall hear the recommendations of the council, add to the list if it so desires, and proceed to elect by ballot. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election. In case of a tie vote when balloting on two candidates, balloting will continue until one is elected. When balloting on three or more candidates, the candidate (or candidates in the case of a tie vote) receiving the least number of votes shall be eliminated and another ballot will be taken.

Section 8. Installation

As soon as possible after the annual meeting, the council shall be installed in a regular service and shall be presented to the congregation.

Section 9. Vacancy

Any vacancy occurring during the year in an elected office may be filled by appointment by the council as soon as possible, with the appointment to be ratified at the next meeting of the voters' assembly.

Section 10. Meetings

The council shall meet as frequently as necessary to oversee the ministry of the church, at least every other month. Special meetings may be called by the pastor(s) or the president. The council shall not convene to transact business without the knowledge of the pastor(s). A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum.

Section 11. Terms

The term of office for each elected council member shall be three years. No elected council member shall serve more than two consecutive full terms; partial terms are not counted. He shall again be eligible for election to the council one year after the expiration of his second consecutive term of office.

Section 12. Registered Office

Since the government requires us to provide a legal business address known as the Registered

Office, the church council shall ensure that this information is provided to the proper authorities and maintained. The business address of the Registered Agent and Registered Office must be the same.

ARTICLE 3. Personnel of the Church Council

Section 1. President

The president shall:

1. Be an elected officer of the congregation.

2. Serve as a director of the organization.

3. Have general supervision of the affairs of the congregation and conduct all its business affairs according to established good order.

4. Preside as chairman at all congregational and council meetings.

5. See to it that the council and congregational officers carry out their responsibilities.

6. Be a member of all committees and task forces by virtue of his office.

7. Shall offer oral and/or printed reports to the council and congregation.

8. Be authorized to sign documents on behalf of the congregation.

9. Supervise expenditures of the congregation and council.

10. Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him.

11. Be empowered to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation.

12. Assure that the congregation’s financial records are audited annually and that a report of the audit is presented to the congregation at the annual congregational meeting.

13. Serve as the registered agent when the office of pastor is vacant.

In the absence of the president, the vice president shall serve as chairman.

Section 2. Vice-President (Treasurer)

The vice-president shall:

1. Serve as an elected officer of the congregation.

2. Serve as a director of the organization.

3. Assume the responsibilities of the president in his absence.

4. Be responsible for monitoring the church’s property and worker insurance policies.

5. Serving as treasurer, oversee the finances (the contributions and disbursements, income and expenses) of the congregation and those responsible for the financial matters.

6. Not handle the income to the congregation.

7. Reconcile the financial accounts.

8. Be empowered to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation when other officers are absent.

9. Perform other duties that may be assigned to him.

Section 3. Recording Secretary

The recording secretary shall:

1. Serve as an elected officer of the congregation.

2. Serve as a director of the organization.

3. Keep minutes of all congregational and council meetings and submit them for revision and approval at each subsequent meeting.

4. Be responsible for the legal records of the congregation.

5. Be empowered to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation.

6. Perform other duties that may be assigned to him.

Section 4. Elder

The elder shall:

1. Serve as an elected officer of the congregation.

2. Serve as a director of the organization.

3. Assist the pastor in overseeing the spiritual wellbeing of the congregation.

4. Perform other duties as assigned to him.

Section 5. Pastor

The pastor shall:

1. Serve as the executive director of the congregation.

2. Serve as the registered agent of the organization, and shall be primary contact for the congregation in all legal communications (in the event of a vacancy the president shall serve as the registered agent).

3. Perform the duties of his office as described in the Constitution, Article 7, and elsewhere.

Article 4. Structure Under the Church Council

Section 1. Ministry Leadership Forms

Beyond the structure provided by these bylaws, the organizational structure of the congregation for carrying out gospel ministry may be flexible according to the gifts and skills the Lord grants the congregation.

To carry out the ministry, the church council may appoint any of the following:

1. A coordinator who will receive any needed training and direction and then work together with others to oversee or carry out an area of ministry.

2. A standing committee to assume responsibility for planning and oversight of an area of ministry.

3. A task force, ministry team, action committee or work group, limited in time and assignment, to carry out an area of ministry or program.

4. Another form of ministry that is decent and in good order.

Section 2. Formation

Additional leadership positions should be pursued as God provides willing and able individuals to assist in gospel ministry.

Suitable candidates shall be presented to the church council by pastor or another leader for appointment.

The council shall clarify the responsibilities, accountability, timeline, budget lines, and areas of the ministry plan upon formation of the ministry function.

Committees should function with a minimum of three individuals. If the minimum number of individuals is not available, another ministry form should be pursued.

All areas of ministry and programs will be carried out in line with the congregation’s purpose statement and objectives, within the scope of the congregation’s philosophy of ministry statements, and guided by the congregation’s long-range plan. Examples of the ministry areas and programs are:

1. corporate worship,

2. adult discipleship,

3. young adult ministries (teen ministry and campus ministry),

4. children and family ministries,

5. evangelism,

6. assimilation of new members,

7. fellowship activities and events,

8. special ministries (care for homebound & hospitalized members and members with special needs),

9. ministry to in-actives, and

10. property care and maintenance.

Members of the called staff, together with the church council, will be responsible for oversight of the congregation’s ministry and programs. The called staff will be responsible for communication between coordinators and the church council. The pastor or one of the pastors (if the congregation is served by more than one pastor) shall be designated as lead pastor and shall be responsible for the care and oversight of the called and support staff.

Section 3. Ministry prioritization

The following ministry functions should be pursued first to conduct the mission and ministry of God at Peace: elders-type ministry, maintenance, and evangelism/outreach

Article 5. Management of Financial Matters

Section 1. Oversight

The church council shall be responsible for the oversight of the congregation’s financial matters. To accomplish such oversight and management of the congregation’s finances, the church council may make use of a bookkeeper, assistant treasurer, financial secretary and/or other positions as needed. No one serving in any of these positions needs to be a member of the church council.

Section 2. Bookkeeper

The council may secure the services of a bookkeeper. The bookkeeper will have had training in accounting procedures.

The bookkeeper shall:

1. receive a report of all monies deposited and shall credit the same to the proper accounts,

2. shall make disbursements and pay bills according to instructions from the church council,

3. shall submit the financial records for audit annually and whenever requested by the church council,

4. shall submit timely reports of the congregation’s funds and accounts as well as reports of the congregation’s assets and liabilities, and

5. shall follow the church council’s guidelines for appropriate and timely financial management.

The bookkeeper does not need to be a member of the congregation.

Section 3. Assistant treasurer

The assistant treasurer may be appointed by the church council. The assistant treasurer shall be responsible for reconciling all financial accounts and for a cross-check of the transactions carried out by the congregation’s bookkeeper.

Section 4. Financial Secretary

The financial secretary shall see to the receipt and deposit of all collections, contributions and monies for the congregation; shall work with the congregation’s bookkeeper to keep an account of all deposits; and through the bookkeeper make a report available at each council meeting.

ARTICLE 6. Membership Changes

Section 1. Membership Requests

Persons who wish to be received into membership in this congregation other than through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or the Rite of Confirmation, shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor or the church council. The council shall honor the request when accompanied by a letter of transfer or other recommendation from a sister congregation, or when qualifications for membership, as specified in Article 5 of this Constitution (public or private Profession of Faith), have been met.

Section 2. Constitution and Bylaws

Since reception into membership signifies acceptance of and submission to this Constitution and Bylaws, each family shall be given a copy of the same prior to their reception so that they may become familiar with its provisions.

Section 3. Transfer Procedure

Those desiring a transfer from membership to another congregation in our fellowship, shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor, or the church council in absence of the pastor, for action.

Section 4. Release

Members seeking participation/membership in a congregation which does not agree in doctrine or practice (i.e. a different denomination) shall bring a request for release to the attention of the pastor.

Section 5. Loss of Membership Rights

Members transferred, released or excommunicated from membership, lose all their rights in the congregation and in its property.

ARTICLE 7 -Repeals and Amendments of the Bylaws

Section 1. Repeal and Amendment Procedure

Any and all Bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall have been given the congregation on at least two Sundays prior to the time of the meeting and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the church council for its study and recommendation.