Web Forms and Server Controls

Web Forms and Server Controls ASP.NET


Web Forms and Server Controls. ASP.NET. Using HTML Server Controls. All HTML tags can be changed into server-side tags using the attribute and value runat="server" Limited functionality compared to Web controls Provide output similar to their HTML counterparts To set the runat attribute: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Web Forms and Server Controls

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Web Forms and Server Controls


Page 2: Web Forms and Server Controls

Using HTML Server ControlsUsing HTML Server Controls

• All HTML tags can be changed into server-side tags using the attribute and value runat="server"– Limited functionality compared to Web controls

– Provide output similar to their HTML counterparts

• To set the runat attribute:– Right-click on the HTML control and select the

command Run As Server Control or

– Type the attribute and value into the tag in HTML view, i.e.<input type="text" runat="server">

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HTML Server ControlsHTML Server Controls

• Similar to HTML Controls but run on the server• Divided into separate classes:– HTMLInputControl

– HTMLContainerControl

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HTML Server ControlsHTML Server Controls

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HTML Control Client-Side vs. Server-Side Event HandlersHTML Control Client-Side vs. Server-Side Event Handlers

• In HTML documents, client-side controls (i.e. scripts or procedures executing in JavaScript or VbScript) have events such as onClick and onChange– Associated with HTML client controls

• When an HTML Server control value has changed, the OnServerChange or OnServerClick event occurs

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The Line Continuation CharacterThe Line Continuation Character

Line continuation charactersLine continuation characters

• When writing code, never press <Enter> key in the middle of a statement within code behind the page

• Underscore (_) key preceded by a blank space allows the statement to be continued on next line

• Example:lblMaturity.InnerHtml = sngInvestment _

* (1 + sngRate / 36000) _ ^ (360 * intYears)

– (Single-line statement)

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• Joining of two or more strings into a single string using either of the operators "&" or "+"

• Formats:String1 & String2 -or- String3 + String4

• Examples:strString = "Welcome to " & "ASP.NET"

– Stores "Welcome to Visual Basic" into strStringlblArithmetic.InnerHtml = "11 + 7 = " _

& 11 + 7

– Stores "11 + 7 = 18" into lblArithmetic.InnerHtml

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HTML Server Control Event HandlersHTML Server Control Event Handlers

• Controls that support the OnServerChange event:

– HTMLInputCheckBox

– HTMLInputRadioButton

– HTMLInputHidden

– HTMLInputText

– HTMLTextArea

– HTMLSelect

• Controls that support the OnServerClick event:

– HTMLInputImage

– HTMLAnchor

– HTMLButton

– HTMLForm

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Starting a New Web FormStarting a New Web Form

1. Select Project from the menu bar

2. Select Add Web Form… from the Project menu– The "Web Form" icon will already be selected in the

Templates: frame of the "New Item" dialog window

3. Type the Name: for the new file – The extension ".aspx" will be added automatically

when the file is created

4. Click the <Open> button

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• Properties of the individual controls can be changed through "Properties" window

• The Style property (attribute) is modified using Style Builder dialog window (same as for style sheets)

• Additionally many properties can be changed by adding statements to the code behind the page– When page loads, or when an event occurs, such as a

button click

• Properties frequently are not the same for HTML server controls and ASP.NET server controls


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"Font" Properties in Style Builder"Font" Properties in Style Builder

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"Position" Properties in Style Builder"Position" Properties in Style Builder

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 1)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 1)

• Add the image header.jpg– Style property—Position tab

• Top=0; Left=0

• Add the image menu.gif– Style property—Position tab

• Top = 85; Left = 17

• Add the image waterfordgifts.jpg– Style property—Position tab

• Top = 38; Left = 134

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The ID and Name PropertiesThe ID and Name Properties

• The ID property is used to identify the control to the server for server-side processing

• The Name property identifies the control to scripts running on the client side

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 2)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 2)

• Add a Label from the "HTML" tab in the Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server" (right-click and select

command Run as Server Control)

– ID—lblTitle

– Name—(we will not be setting this property)

– Style• Font (Family=Trebuchet MS; Size=15)

• Position (Top=243; Left=139; Height=26; Width=365)

– Modify text by typing—"Select the gender of the gift recipient"

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 3)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 3)

• Add a Button from the "HTML" tab in the Toolbox– Set attribute "runat=server"

– ID—btnMale

– Style (Top=278; Left=138; Height=27; Width=89)

– Value—"Male"

• Add a Button from the "HTML" tab in the Toolbox– Set attribute "runat=server"

– ID—btnFemale

– Style (Top=310; Left=138; Height=27; Width=89)

– Value—"Female"

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 4)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 4)

• Add a Label from the "HTML" tab in the Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—lblGiftIdeasWomen

– Style• Font (Family=Trebuchet MS; Size=12)

• Position (Top=275; Left=235; Height=210; Width=250)

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 5)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 5)

• Label—lblGiftIdeasWomen – Create a bulleted list—

• Make-Up Brush

• Tyrone Bell

• Butterfly

• Balmoral Vase

• Abbey Clock

• Heart-Shaped Ring Holder

• Wellsley Picture

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 6)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 6)

• Add a Label from the "HTML" tab in the Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—lblGiftIdeasMen

– Style• Font (Family=Trebuchet MS; Size=12)

• Position (Top=275; Left=235; Height=210; Width=250)(Wait to set the Left position until all text is entered)

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HTMLButton.aspx (Page 6)HTMLButton.aspx (Page 6)

• Label—lblGiftIdeasMen – Create a bulleted list—

• Golf Ball

• Golf Club

• Male Golfer

• Letter Opener

• Business Card Holder

• Shamrock Paperweight

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• A procedure (Sub or Function)is a named grouping of one or more programming statements

• Create an event Sub procedure by double-clicking on the object in Design mode

• The Page_Load event occurs when the web page loads into the browser

• Example:Private Sub Page_Load( … ) Handles MyBase.Load

lblGiftIdeasMen.Visible = False

lblGiftIdeasWomen.Visible = False

End Sub

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The ServerClick EventThe ServerClick Event

• Occurs when an HTML Server Button (HTML Button with runat=server attibute set) is clicked

• Equivalent of Click event in VB .NET, but for an ASP.NET Web Server control

• Example:Private Sub btnMale_ServerClick( … ) Handles btnMale.ServerClick

End Sub

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The InnerHtml PropertyThe InnerHtml Property

• Modifies the contents of an HTML Label (or other) control

• May include HTML tags for formatting of the text• The Label is converted to a <div> tag with inserted

text in the rendering of an HTML document• Example:

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "<b>We have lots of gift ideas for men.</b>"

• The InnerText property (similar to InnerHtml) may only contain text elements, not formatting tags

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Private Sub Page_Load( … ) Handles MyBase.Load

lblGiftIdeasMen.Visible = FalselblGiftIdeasWomen.Visible = False

End Sub

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Private Sub btnMale_ServerClick( … ) Handles btnMale.ServerClick

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "<b>We have lots of gift ideas for men.</b>"

lblGiftIdeasMen.Visible = TruelblGiftIdeasWomen.Visible = False

End Sub

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Private Sub btnFemale_ServerClick( … ) Handles btnFemale.ServerClick

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "<b>We have lots of gift ideas for women.</b>"

lblGiftIdeasWomen.Visible = TruelblGiftIdeasMen.Visible = False

End Sub

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• An image is displayed on the Button instead of text– By default the image docks to the all sides on the

button, so it stretches if the button is resized

• There actually is no Image Button in the HTML tab of the Toolbox– Drop and drag an HTML Button from the Toolbox

– Then key the type attribute in the input tag, i.e.<input type="image">

HTML Image Button (Page 1)HTML Image Button (Page 1)

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• The src attribute names the path and filename of the image file displayed on the Button, i.e.<input type="image" src="male.gif">

• No value attribute is required since image replaces the text on the button

• All other functioning is the same as the HTML Button control

HTML Image Button (Page 2)HTML Image Button (Page 2)

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• btnMale<input type="image" src="images/male.gif">

• btnFemale<input type="image" src="images/female.gif">

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The Value Property for a Text FieldThe Value Property for a Text Field

• Retrieves or modifies the values from HTML text field (text box) controls– The value attribute can be used to set the default

value for input controls such as a one-line text field or password box

• Used for HTML form controls rather than the Text property of ASP.NET server controls

• Examples:– txtUserName.Value– txtPassword.Value

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HTML Button ControlsHTML Button Controls

• Buttons usually call procedures when clicked

• Available are Submit, Reset, and the general Button

• Member of the HTMLInputControl Class, i.e.– <input type = "Submit">

– <input type = "Reset"> • Resets Form to default so runat="server" not applicable

– <input type = "Button">

• Default procedure for HTML Buttons is ServerClick event, i.e Private Sub btnSubmit_ServerClick( … ) Handles btnSubmit.ServerClick

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HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 1)HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 1)

• Add Text Field from "HTML" tab in Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—txtUsername

– Style (Top=280; Left=145)

• Add Password Field from "HTML" tab in Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—txtPassword

– Style (Top=310; Left=145)

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HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 2)HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 2)

• Add Submit Button from "HTML" tab in Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—btnSubmit

– Style (Top=345; Left=150)

– Value—"Sign In"

• Add Reset Button from "HTML" tab in Toolbox– ID—btnReset

– Style (Top=345; Left=230)

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HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 3)HTMLInputButton.aspx (Page 3)

• Add a Button from "HTML" tab in Toolbox– Set attribute "runat = server"

– ID—btnHelp

– Style (Top=345; Left=450)

– Value—"Help"

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Private Sub Page_Load( … ) Handles MyBase.Load

lblTitle.InnerText = "Please log into our Customer Support Area"

lblHelp.Visible = FalsebtnHelp.Visible = True

End Sub

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HTMLInputButton.aspx—Page_Load (Page 1)

HTMLInputButton.aspx—Page_Load (Page 1)

Private Sub btnSubmit_ServerClick( … ) Handles btnSubmit.ServerClick

lblHelp.Visible = False

If txtUsername.Text = "Course" And txtPassword.Text = "Technology" Then

lblTitle.InnerText = "You are authenticated"

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HTMLInputButton.aspx—Page_Load (Page 2)

HTMLInputButton.aspx—Page_Load (Page 2)

ElselblTitle.InnerText = "Please click on the Help button for help!"txtUsername.Text = ""txtPassword.Text = ""btnHelp.Visible = True

End If

End Sub

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Private Sub btnHelp_Server_Click( … ) Handles btnHelp.ServerClick

lblTitle.InnerText = "Please log into our Customer Support Area"

lblHelp.Visible = TruebtnHelp.Visible = False

End Sub

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HTML Radio Button, Dropdown List, and Hyperlink Server ControlsHTML Radio Button, Dropdown List, and Hyperlink Server Controls

• CheckBoxes, RadioButtons and DropDown lists – Form fields that allow users to select from lists of


– Can retrieve their values using properties of the HTML form control

• Hyperlinks – Allow you to create links to other pages or to internal

targets within the same page

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The Checked Property of RadioButtonsThe Checked Property of RadioButtons

• Determines which RadioButton is Checked:If rdBridal.Checked = True Then

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "Celebrate your Wedding!"

imgTop.Src = "images/28.jpg"

End If

• Or:If rdBridal.Checked Then

lblTitle.InnerHtml = "Celebrate your Wedding!"

imgTop.Src = "images/28.jpg"

End If

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The RadioButton HTML Server ControlThe RadioButton HTML Server Control

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Dropdown HTML Server ControlDropdown HTML Server Control

• Created with the HTML <select> tag– <option> tags create each individual item

– A value attribute can be associated with each item in the list

• SelectedIndex property of the drop-down list box– A zero-based index indicating which item is selected

– When nothing has been selected the SelectedIndex property returns the value -1

• The Add method add items to the list dynamically in code when the page loads, or when an event occurs

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The IsPostback Page PropertyThe IsPostback Page Property

• Determines if the user has visited page before during the current session

• Important to know so that statements that initialize the page do not run again if page is revisited

• The _doPostBack function is generated automatically by ASP.NET– Passes to the Web server information concerning the

object that called an event and parameters passed to it

– The Boolean IsPostBack property recognizes if the page was visited previously from this information

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The IsPostback Page Property and the Add Method of the Select ControlThe IsPostback Page Property and the Add Method of the Select Control

• Example:If Not Me.IsPostBack Then

lblTitle.InnerHtml() = _

"Select gender of gift recipient."

imgProduct.Visible = False

ProductList.Visible = False

CatList.Items.Add("Gifts for Men")

CatList.Items.Add("Gifts for Women")

End If

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Dropdown HTML Server ControlDropdown HTML Server Control

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Anchors (Hyperlinks)Anchors (Hyperlinks)

• Creates a hyperlink to another Web document• Example:

<a href="http://www.tarastore.com" id="AMale" name="AMale" runat="server">Men</a>

• The HRef property can change the URL for an <a> tag in the code behind the page, i.e.AMale.HRef = "GiftsForMen.aspx"

AFemale.HRef = "GiftsForWomen.aspx"

AHome.HRef = "http://www.tarastore.com"

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The Hyperlink ControlThe Hyperlink Control

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Using ASP.NET Web Form ControlsUsing ASP.NET Web Form Controls

• Also known as Web Controls– Located on the Web Forms tab in the Toolbox

– Inherit from the Web Control class

• ASP.NET controls can be logically grouped into:– Web Form controls

– Rich controls

– Data controls

– Validation Controls

– Mobile Controls

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Syntax Differences for Assigning Text to a Label in Web Form ControlsSyntax Differences for Assigning Text to a Label in Web Form Controls

• Text is assigned to a Label (and other controls) using the Text property, not InnerHtml or InnerText

• Example:Label1.Text = "Welcome to ASP.NET"

– Web Form controls in ASP.NET follow a syntax that closely approximates that of Visual Basic .NET

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Syntax Differences for Assigning Color Values in Web Form ControlsSyntax Differences for Assigning Color Values in Web Form Controls

• Color is a class in .NET Framework derived from the System.Drawing.Color namespace– Assign the value using known colors referred to by

name, i.e.MyControl.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green

MyControl.BorderColor = Color.Green

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The Color.FromName() MethodThe Color.FromName() Method

• Returns a color value from the Color class• Values may be specific system-define color name or an

RGB hexadecimal color value as a string • Format:

ControlName.ColorProperty = Color.FromName("SystemDefinedColor")

• Examples:MyControl.BackColor = Color.FromName("Red")

MyControl.BackColor = Color.FromName("MenuText")

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Syntax Differences for Assigning Image Properties in Web Form ControlsSyntax Differences for Assigning Image Properties in Web Form Controls

• Image control class produces an <img> tag• Properties of the Image control are different from

HTML server controls as follows:– ImageURL—path to the image and filename; creates

the src property

– AlternateText—displays text when the image is not available; creates the alt property

– ImageAlign—provides the image alignment; creates the align property

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The Add Method for the DropDownList Web Form ControlThe Add Method for the DropDownList Web Form Control• Adds options (<option> blocks) to the DropDownList• Member of the Items collection of the• Example:

If Not IsPostBack Then dlCategory.Items.Add("Gifts") dlCategory.Items.Add("Jewelry") dlCategory.Items.Add("China and Crystal") dlCategory.Items.Add("Pottery") dlCategory.Items.Add("Clothing") dlCategory.Items.Add("Food") dlCategory.Items.Add("Books, Music, Video") dlCategory.Items.Add("Bridal")End If

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The SelectedIndex Property of the DropDownList Web Form ControlThe SelectedIndex Property of the DropDownList Web Form Control

• The SelectedIndex property is a zero-based index indicating which item in the DropDownList is selected

• When no item has been selected from DropDownList, the SelectedIndex property returns the value -1

• Example:Select Case dlCategory.SelectedIndex

Case 0

lblTitle.Text = _

"Let us help you find best gift!"

imgTop.ImageUrl = "images/21.jpg"

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• In Design view, drag DropDownList control from "Web Forms" tab of Toolbox onto Form

• Set properties:– ID dlCategory

– Height 25

– Width 155

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Private Sub Page_Load( … ) Handles MyBase.Load

If Not IsPostBack Then dlCategory.Items.Add("Gifts") dlCategory.Items.Add("Jewelry") dlCategory.Items.Add("China and Crystal") dlCategory.Items.Add("Pottery") dlCategory.Items.Add("Clothing") dlCategory.Items.Add("Food") dlCategory.Items.Add("Books, Music, Video") dlCategory.Items.Add("Bridal")End If

End Sub

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• Enter the following code after the procedure header:Select Case dlCategory.SelectedIndex

Case 0

lblTitle.Text = "Let us help you find the best gift!"

imgTop.ImageUrl = "images/21.jpg"

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Panel Web Form ControlsPanel Web Form Controls

• The Panel control contains other controls and in the browser HTML creates a <div> block

• Another method for setting properties, i.e.wrapping, absolute positioning, font type, and scrollbars

• A Label control inserted into the Panel, creates a <span> tag in the rendered HTML code– Use the Text property to display the text

• Only allows for flow layout of elements– Use a Table or an HTML gridlayout

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The PanelThe Panel

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Literal Web Form ControlsLiteral Web Form Controls

• Used to write content directly to the page, i.e.– Client-side HTML or text without an ID property

• The runat = "server" attribute may not be applied

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Placeholder Web Form ControlPlaceholder Web Form Control

• A container to store dynamically added server controls

• Does not produce any visible output without addition of other controls

• The inserted controls are instantiated using classes and constructors, and are added to the Controls collection of the Placeholder, i.e.Dim MyLink As New Hyperlink


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The "Target" Property of a Hyperlink ControlThe "Target" Property of a Hyperlink Control

• Target—window or frame in which the Web page will load (open)– The reserved name windows are:

• _blank—renders in a new window without frames (_new will also render in a new window)

• _parent—renders in the immediate frameset or window parent one level above

• _self—renders in frame with the current focus

• _top—renders in a full window without frames

– Target also may be a named frame or window

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• In Design view, the Placeholder control already is inserted onto Form

• Set properties:– ID placeholder

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• After comment "Create a hyperlink", insert:Dim MyLink As New Hyperlinkplaceholder.Controls.Add(MyLink)With MyLink .Text = "Click here to see larger image" .ForeColor = Color.FromName("#004040") .Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS" .Font.Size = MyLabel.Font.Size.Smaller .ID = "HLHome" .NavigateURL = "images/LgButterfly.jpg" .Target = "_blank"End With

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CheckBox Web Form ControlCheckBox Web Form Control

• Unlike a RadioButton, more than one CheckBox can be Checked

• Code can look at the value of each CheckBox, i.e. Dim MyMessage As String

MyMessage = "<b>You selected:</b><br />"

If CB1.Checked Then

MyMessage &= CB1.Text & "<br />"

End If

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• In Design view, drag CheckBox control from "Web Forms" tab of Toolbox below last CheckBox on Form

• Set properties:– ID CB8

– Font—Name Trebuchet MS

– Font—Size X-Small

– ForeColor #004040

– Style—Position Top=??; Left=??

– Text Sports in Ireland

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• Enter the following code after the procedure header:Dim MyMessage As String

MyMessage = "<b>You selected:</b><br /> <br />"

If CB1.Checked Then

MyMessage &= CB1.Text & "<br />"

End If

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Using Validation Controls (Page 1)Using Validation Controls (Page 1)

• Compare controls, or part of the controls such as the data, to a rule– Rule may require that the control contain any value, or

require a specific form of data such as alphabetical or numeric.

– The rule may specify what the data must be contained within a range of two values.

– The rule may be very specific and require formatting such as uppercase letters and periods.

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Using Validation Controls (Page 2)Using Validation Controls (Page 2)

• The five validation controls are:– RequiredFieldValidator—Makes sure a form field is not

left blank

– RangeValidator—Makes sure a field’s value falls between a given range

– CompareValidator—Compares field with other values or values of other controls using relational operators

– RegularExpressionValidator—Evaluates the data against a regular expression

– CustomValidator—Evaluates data against custom criteria as defined in a programmer-define Function

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Using Validation Controls (Page 3)Using Validation Controls (Page 3)

• Inherits from the BaseValidator class which inherits from the Label class– Therefore custom error messages are displayed using

Label controls

• Validation controls that perform comparisons inherit directly from BaseCompareValidator base class

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Using Validation Controls (Page 4)Using Validation Controls (Page 4)

• Common properties– Display property—shows the message

• Dynamic—space for the validation message is dynamically added to the page only if validation fails

• Static—space for the validation message is allocated in the page layout whether there is an error, or not

• None—validation message is never displayed in the browser

– ErrorMessage—displayed if the value of the control is in error (extends from Text property of a Label)

– ForeColor property is the color of the error message (default color is red)

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Using Validation Controls (Page 5)Using Validation Controls (Page 5)

• Validate method performs validation on associated input control and updates the IsValid property– Page.IsValid (Boolean) indicates if the controls on the

page are valid after the Page.Validate method executes

• The following checks if the entire form is valid Page.Validate()

If Page.IsValid Then

Message.Text = "Result: Valid!"


Message.Text = "Result: Not valid!"

End If

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Using Validation Controls (Page 6)Using Validation Controls (Page 6)

• ControlToValidate property specifies the control to validate

• For the RegularExpressionValidator control, theValidationExpression property compares control to the regular expression– Regular Expression is a rule that describes the

value using a language that describes one or more groups of characters

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Using Validation Controls (Page 7)Using Validation Controls (Page 7)

• The ValidationExpression property– Built-in regular expressions – Regular Expression Editor – Library of sample codes

Internet E-Mail Address \w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*Internet URL http://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?US Phone Number \d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}US Zip Code \d{5}(-\d{4})?

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Using Validation Controls (Page 8)Using Validation Controls (Page 8)

• The ValidationSummary control– Summarizes in one location the error messages from

all validators on a Web page

– Properties:• DisplayMode—error messages displays as a list

(List), a bulleted list (BulletList), or a single paragraph (SingleParagraph)

• ShowSummary—shows the entire list

• ShowMessageBox—displays errors in an alert box

• HeaderText—a heading message displayed prior to the error listing

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Binding Web Form Controls to Simple DataBinding Web Form Controls to Simple Data

• Bind data to controls

– Assign a DataSource

– Call the DataBind method

• Group together controls

– RadioButtonList controls—group RadioButtons

– CheckboxList controls—group CheckBox controls

• Set group properties

– RepeatDirection property—displayed horizontally or vertically

– RepeatLayout property—use table or paragraph tags

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Binding RadioButtonLists to ArrayLists (Page 1)

Binding RadioButtonLists to ArrayLists (Page 1)

• An ArrayList is a type of array – Size dynamically increases as required– Declared using Dim, the array name, and keyword

New, and ArrayList at the type• Properties and Methods– Capacity—the number of items the list can hold

• zero-based - counting of items starts at 0 and not 1; default capacity of 16

– Count—determines the number of items in the list– Add method—used to add items to the list– SelectedItem—determines which element is selected

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Binding RadioButtonLists to ArrayLists (Page 2)

Binding RadioButtonLists to ArrayLists (Page 2)

• Add items to array list and populate RadioButtonList …

AR1.Add("Sports in Ireland")

RBL.DataSource = AR1


• Retrieve values using SelectedItem propertyDim strResult As String

strResult = "<b>You selected: </b><br/><br/>"

If RBL.SelectedIndex > -1 Then

strResult += RBL.SelectedItem.Text

End If

lblTopics.Text = strResult

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Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 1)

Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 1)

• Items are added using a key and value pair• Declare using keyword Dim, HashTable name,

keyword New, and Hash(n) as type (n is table size)– Add method adds items to the HashTable.

– Use the key to retrieve the value for a particular item

• You must specify the key and value:– DataValueField is used to create the value

– DataTextField is used to create the text displayed

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Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 2)

Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 2)

• Add a value to a HashTable (key, value)• Populate the CheckBoxList and bind data to control– Notice that the key or value may be displayed; in this example,

the value isdisplayed: If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

Dim HS1 As New HashTable(5)…HS1.Add(5, "Sports in Ireland")CBL.DataSource = HS1CBL.DataTextField = "Value"CBL.DataValueField = "Key"CBL.DataBind()

End If

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Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 3)

Binding CheckBoxLists to HashTables (Page 3)

• Loop through each control in the list and read values using the Boolean Selected property: If CBL.SelectedIndex > -1 Then strResult = _ "You selected the following categories:<br />" Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To CBL.Items.Count - 1 If CBL.Items(i).Selected Then strResult += CBL.Items(i).Text + "<br />" End If NextElse strResult = "You did not select a category."End IflblTopics.Text = strResult

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