WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be...

Alise, Mark, and their three children moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand, in February 2020 to join Global Servant Kim Brown as she prepared to retire after thirty-six years of ministry to the hill tribe women and children coping with problems caused by HIV/AIDS, disabilities, and migration from their rural villages to urban slums. Kim established the House of Love and the House of Blessing, which work alongside longtime IM partners Integrated Ministries for the Ethnic Minorities Foundation and the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention. These ministries include around twenty- six children who live in the home as well as a preschool and daycare program. “Thailand is an amazing and diverse country with both large urban cities and small rural villages,” Mark says. “Sometimes entire communities of people move to the city, and the transition is rarely easy. Poverty strains the relational strength of the community, leading to a loss of hope, stress, and eventually to a variety of abuses and the fracture of family units.” One young woman had been abandoned, orphaned, and abused, and came to House of Love emotionally scarred, angry, and withdrawn. Through counseling, consistent love and care from the staff, and an introduction to Christ, her life was changed. With a new joy in her heart, she now helps lead worship at her church and attends a local college with plans to become a nurse. After a year in Thailand, Mark says, “Our heart is to be a part of what God is doing here—showing children they are loved, strengthening families, and restoring hope.” PRAYER REQUESTS 1. Pray for us as we learn the Thai language, Thai culture, build relationships and follow God’s lead. 2. Pray that the children and families in these ministries will feel loved and come to know their true identity in Christ. JOIN US BY GIVING to the World Mission Offering through your church or online at www.worldmissionoffering.org. Thank you! For thirty years, Ricardo Mayol-Bracero has stood alongside communities in Latin America to help defend and support their access to clean water, air, and the land needed to grow healthy food, first as an IM global servant and now as a regional consultant. In partnership with Christian leaders and churches across eleven countries, he has formed RECONPAZ (the Continental Christian Network for Peace) to connect churches and believers while empowering them to defend their human rights and advocate for environmental stewardship. In Guatemala, RECONPAZ has helped to prevent a foreign mining company from hoarding and contaminating water throughout the area with arsenic and cadmium, offering legal support and making appeals to the country’s courts. Ricardo and RECONPAZ are involved in many efforts like this one and advocate for justice to protect these communities’ natural resources and, in essence, their very lives. Ricardo also shares projects, like rainwater harvesting systems, that help communities improve their own living conditions. “As Christians, we want to stand with these communities, and we want to expose reckless practices such as those of the mining company, which affect Latin American populations now and for generations to come,” Ricardo says. “As Elijah disclosed the injustice regarding Naboth’s Vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-21), we work peacefully to call out the wrong with tenderness and firmness. These communities call us to join, to be with them, as guardians of God’s creation.” GUARDIANS OF GOD’S CREATION RICARDO MAYOL-BRACERO, GUATEMALA PRAYER REQUESTS 1. Pray that God will open the eyes and ears of those who do not see or hear the groans of creation and her caregivers. 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to the World Mission Offering through your church or online at www.worldmissionoffering.org. Thank you! WE’VE BEEN surprised by GOD’S GLORY JUAN 1:16 WE’VE BEEN surprised by GOD’S GLORY JOHN 1:16 BRINGING HOPE TO HILL TRIBE CHILDREN ALISE AND MARK JUANES, THAILAND

Transcript of WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be...

Page 1: WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to

Alise, Mark, and their three children moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand, in February

2020 to join Global Servant Kim Brown as she prepared to retire after thirty-six

years of ministry to the hill tribe women and children coping with problems caused

by HIV/AIDS, disabilities, and migration from their rural villages to urban slums. Kim

established the House of Love and the House of Blessing, which work alongside

longtime IM partners Integrated Ministries for the Ethnic Minorities Foundation and

the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention. These ministries include around twenty-

six children who live in the home as well as a preschool and daycare program.

“Thailand is an amazing and diverse country with both large urban cities and small

rural villages,” Mark says. “Sometimes entire communities of people move to the

city, and the transition is rarely easy. Poverty strains the relational strength of the

community, leading to a loss of hope, stress, and eventually to a variety of abuses

and the fracture of family units.”

One young woman had been abandoned, orphaned, and abused, and came to

House of Love emotionally scarred, angry, and withdrawn. Through counseling,

consistent love and care from the staff, and an introduction to Christ, her life was

changed. With a new joy in her heart, she now helps lead worship at her church and

attends a local college with plans to become a nurse.

After a year in Thailand, Mark says, “Our heart is to be a part of what God is doing

here—showing children they are loved, strengthening families, and restoring hope.”

PRAYER REQUESTS1. Pray for us as we learn the Thai language, Thai culture, build relationships and

follow God’s lead.2. Pray that the children and families in these ministries will feel loved and come to

know their true identity in Christ.

JOIN US BY GIVING to the World Mission Offering through your church or online at www.worldmissionoffering.org. Thank you!

For thirty years, Ricardo Mayol-Bracero has stood alongside communities in Latin

America to help defend and support their access to clean water, air, and the land

needed to grow healthy food, first as an IM global servant and now as a regional

consultant. In partnership with Christian leaders and churches across eleven

countries, he has formed RECONPAZ (the Continental Christian Network for Peace)

to connect churches and believers while empowering them to defend their human

rights and advocate for environmental stewardship.

In Guatemala, RECONPAZ has helped to prevent a foreign mining company from

hoarding and contaminating water throughout the area with arsenic and cadmium,

offering legal support and making appeals to the country’s courts. Ricardo and

RECONPAZ are involved in many efforts like this one and advocate for justice

to protect these communities’ natural resources and, in essence, their very

lives. Ricardo also shares projects, like rainwater harvesting systems, that help

communities improve their own living conditions.

“As Christians, we want to stand with these communities, and we want to expose

reckless practices such as those of the mining company, which affect Latin

American populations now and for generations to come,” Ricardo says. “As Elijah

disclosed the injustice regarding Naboth’s Vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-21), we work

peacefully to call out the wrong with tenderness and firmness. These communities

call us to join, to be with them, as guardians of God’s creation.”



PRAYER REQUESTS1. Pray that God will open the eyes and ears of those who do not see or hear the

groans of creation and her caregivers.2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who

destroy his majestic work.

JOIN US BY GIVING to the World Mission Offering through your church or online at www.worldmissionoffering.org. Thank you!


surprised by GOD’S GLORY

JUAN 1:16


surprised by GOD’S GLORY

JOHN 1:16



Page 2: WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to

Alise, Mark y sus tres hijos se mudaron a Chiang Mai, Tailandia en febrero del 2020

para unirse a la Servidora Global Kim Brown quien se preparaba para jubilarse tras

treinta y seis años de ministerio con las mujeres y la niñez hill tribe quienes luchan

con problemas provocados por el HIV/SIDA, discapacidades y migración de sus

aldeas rurales a barrios marginales urbanos. Kim fundó la Casa de Amor y la Casa

de Bendición, las cuáles trabajan junto a otros socios de MI—la Fundación de

Ministerios Integrales para las Minorías Étnicas y la Convención Bautista Karen de

Tailandia. Estos ministerios incluyen alrededor de veintiséis niños y niñas quienes

viven en la casa, así como también un programa de prescolares y cuido diurno.

“Tailandia es un país sorprendente y diverso con grandes ciudades urbanas

como pequeñas aldeas rurales,” dice Mark. “A veces comunidades completas de

personas se mudan a la ciudad y pocas veces la transición es fácil. La pobreza

afecta la fortaleza relacional de la comunidad, llevándolos a perder la esperanza, a

tener estrés y eventualmente a una variedad de abusos y el quiebre de las unidades


Una joven había sido abandonada, huérfana y abusada, cuando llegó a la Casa de

Amor con sus cicatrices emocionales, furiosa y retraída. A través de la consejería,

amor continuo y cuidados del equipo, y presentándole a Cristo, su vida cambió.

Con un nuevo gozo en su corazón, ahora ella ayuda a dirigir la adoración en su

iglesia y estudia en una Universidad local con planes a convertirse en enfermera.

A un año de estar en Tailandia, Mark dice, “Nuestro corazón está en participar en lo

que Dios hace aquí—mostrándole a la niñez que se les ama, fortaleciendo familias y

restaurando la esperanza.”

PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN1. Oren mientras aprendemos el idioma y la cultura Thai, desarrollamos relaciones y

seguimos la dirección de Dios.2. Oren que la niñez y las familias en estos ministerios sientan que se les ama y

descubran su propia identidad en Cristo.

ÚNANSE OFRENDANDO a la Ofrenda Misionera Mundial a través de su iglesia o en línea en www.worldmissionoffering.org. ¡Muchas gracias!

Por treinta años, Ricardo Mayol-Bracero se ha parado en la brecha apoyando

comunidades en América Latina defendiendo y apoyando su acceso a agua y aire

limpio y la tierra necesaria para cosechar alimentos sanos; primero como un servidor

global de MI y ahora como consultor regional. En coparticipación con líderes

cristianos e Iglesias en once países, ha formado RECONPAZ (la Red Continental

Cristiana por la Paz) para conectar iglesias y creyentes a la par de empoderarles

para defender sus derechos humanos y abogar por la mayordomía

del medioambiente.

En Guatemala, RECONPAZ ayudó a prevenir que una compañía de minería extranjera

se apropiara y contaminara agua en toda la zona con arsénico y cadmio, ofreciendo

apoyo legal y abogando frente a las cortes del país. Ricardo y RECONPAZ participan

en muchos esfuerzos como éste y abogan por justicia para proteger los recursos

naturales de estas comunidades y, en esencia, sus propias vidas. Ricardo también

comparte proyectos, como sistemas de captación de agua de lluvia, que ayuda a

que las comunidades mejoren sus propias condiciones de vida.

“Como cristianos, queremos acompañar estas comunidades; y exponer prácticas

peligrosas como las de la compañía minera, la cual afecta ahora a la población

latinoamericana y a generaciones por venir,” dice Ricardo. “Como Elías expuso

la injusticia en torno al viñedo de Nabot (1 Reyes 21:1-21), trabajamos de manera

pacífica para exponer con bondad y firmeza lo que está mal. Estas comunidades nos

llaman a unirnos, a estar con ellas, como guardianes de la creación de Dios.”



PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN1. Oren que Dios abra los ojos y los oídos de quienes no ven ni oyen el gemir de la

creación y sus cuidadores.2. Oren que el Señor nos de valentía para ser profetas de justicia contra quienes

destruyen Su obra maestra.

ÚNANSE OFRENDANDO a la Ofrenda Misionera Mundial a través de su iglesia o en línea en www.worldmissionoffering.org. ¡Muchas gracias!



JUAN 1:16


gloria de Dios nos ha SORPRENDIDO

JUAN 1:16


gloria de Dios nos ha SORPRENDIDO

Page 3: WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to

For twenty-two years, Ketly and Vital Pierre have creatively pioneered new ministries

and connected existing ministries, while walking alongside and discipling new believers.

“We are always looking at what needs there are and how God can touch people’s lives

through service,” Ketly explains. “We are always thinking of the whole person.”

As they work among Haitian immigrants facing inequity and maltreatment in the

Dominican Republic, their Community Center in La Romana offers an after-school

program, Bible studies, language classes in English and Spanish, a micro-loan program

for women, physical therapy, and legal counseling for immigrants. As food insecurity

rose during the pandemic, the center distributed rice, beans, and other essentials.

In partnership with Good Samaritan Hospital—a local hospital started by the Haitian

Missionary Baptist Church to serve the immigrant community—they offer hope and

care. With local pastors, the Pierres are working to strengthen the Alliance of Baptist

Churches: nine Haitian churches as well as the small grassroots mission churches from

the sugar cane plantations where immigrants work. In 2020, Ketly and Vital welcomed

new Global Servants Brian and Lynette Smith, who will join in these ministries.

“Life is tougher now, jobs are harder to get, and when the market is closed it’s harder

to make a daily living,” Ketly says. “When you are going to speak with them, how can

you help lift them up? How can you accompany them? Today’s ministry has to be more

holistic. A lot of change has happened in the world, but human nature has not changed—

there is the same need to be loved.”



PRAYER REQUESTS1. Pray for our pastors, who feel overwhelmed as they carry the heavy weight of the

concerns of their church families.2. Pray for discipleship classes held by Zoom.

JOIN US BY GIVING to the World Mission Offering through your church or online at www.worldmissionoffering.org. Thank you!


surprised by GOD’S GLORY

JOHN 1:16

Durante veintidós años, Ketly y Vital Pierre han fundado creativamente ministerios

nuevos y han conectado ministerios ya existentes, a la par que caminan y discipulan

a nuevos creyentes. “Siempre estamos pendientes de cuáles son las necesidades y

Dios puede tocar a las personas a través del servicio,” Ketly explica. “Pensamos en la

persona integralmente.”

En su trabajo entre migrantes de Haití que luchan con lafalta de equidad y los maltratos;

su Centro Comunitario ofrecee un programa de tutorías, estudios bíblicos, clases de

inglés y de español, un programa de micro-préstamos para mujeres, terapia física y

consejería legal a inmigrantes. Cuando la comida escaseó durante la pandemia, el centro

distribuyó arroz, granos y otros alimentos esenciales. En asociación con el Hospital El

Buen Samaritano—un hospital local que fue fundado por la Iglesia Bautista Misionera

de Haití para servir a la comunidad inmigrante—ofrecen esperanza y cuidados. Junto al

liderato pastoral local, los Pierre trabajan para fortalecer la Alianza de Iglesias Bautistas:

nueve iglesias haitianas y también algunas iglesias misión pequeñas de las plantaciones

de caña donde trabajan migrantes. En el 2020, Ketly y Vital recibieron a sus colegas

Brian y Lynette Smith, quienes se suman a estos ministerios.

“La vida es más difícil ahora, es más difícil conseguir trabajo y cuando el mercado está

cerrado es más difícil ganarse el diario vivir,” dice Ketly. “Cuando vas a hablarle, ¿cómo

puedes alentarles? ¿Cómo acompañarles? El ministerio hoy en día tiene que ser más

integral. Mucho ha cambiado en el mundo, pero la naturaleza humana no ha cambiado—

la necesidad de recibir amor sigue siendo la misma.”



PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN1. Oren por la pastoral quienes se sienten abrumados al cargar el peso de las

preocupaciones de las familias en sus iglesias.2. Oren por las clases de discipulado vía Zoom.

ÚNANSE OFRENDANDO a la Ofrenda Misionera Mundial a través de su iglesia o en línea en www.worldmissionoffering.org. ¡Muchas gracias!

JUAN 1:16


gloria de Dios nos ha SORPRENDIDO

Page 4: WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to

1003 W 9th Ave, Ste A, King of Prussia, PA 19406610-768-2168 www.internationalministries.org


1003 W 9th Ave, Ste A, King of Prussia, PA 19406610-768-2168 www.internationalministries.org

¿QUÉ ES LA EDUCACIÓN Y APOYO AL MINISTERIO? Esto se refiere al costo de garantizar la rendición de cuentas y mantener comunicación actualizada y transparente. Incluye los gastos asociados con el sitio web de MI, conferencias de capacitación, apoyo de donantes, panfletos, la Guía para los Servidores Globales, materiales de la OMM, correos electrónicos, administración de los fondos para proyectos de los ministerios y más.

¿QUÉ ES EL APOYO ADMINISTRATIVO? Esta es la parte del presupuesto de MI que garantiza el funcionamiento de todas las operaciones, proveyendo el personal que apoya a los servidores globales, medidas de cumplimiento con el Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS), liderazgo independiente de la junta y oficinas para el personal de la oficina central.



Cada año, MI recauda aproximadamente $1.2 millones en fondos de la OMM, los

cuales, junto con los aportes individuales, ingresos por inversiones, donaciones

por herencia y la recaudación de fondos y desarrollo continuo, permitir que el

trabajo de los servidores globales, socios y otros ministerios de MI pueda seguir

avanzando. Estamos agradecidos por tu parte y apreciamos cada aporte que ha

permitido que los misioneros de MI sirvan por más de 200 años en misión global.

WHAT IS MINISTRY SUPPORT AND EDUCATION? This refers to the cost of providing financial accountability and maintaining up-to-date and transparent communications. It includes expenses associated with IM’s website, training conferences, donor support, brochures, the Guide to Global Servants, WMO materials, emails, management of ministry project funds, and more.

WHAT IS ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT? This is the part of IM’s budget that keeps all operations running, by providing staff to serve global servants, IRS compliance measures, and offices for the home staff.



Each year, IM receives approximately $1.2 million in WMO funds, which,

together with individual gifts, investment income, legacy gifts and

ongoing development and fundraising, keeps the work of IM’s global servants

and partners and other ministries moving forward. We are grateful

for your part and thankful for every gift that has allowed IM global

servants to serve over 200 years in global mission.

Page 5: WE’VE BEEN surprised by · 2021. 6. 16. · 2. Pray that the Lord will make us brave to be prophets of justice against those who destroy his majestic work. JOIN US BY GIVING to

HOW ARE MY GIFTS FOR THE WMO USED? WMO gifts, like all gifts to the IM General Fund, are used 85% for mission program (global servant, partner and other ministry support), 10% for administrative support and 5% for development costs.


A. Ministry of Global Servants and Partners 9.7 66%

B. Ministry Support and Education 2.8 19%

C. Administrative Support and Fees 1.5 10%

D. Development and Fundraising 0.7 5%

TOTAL ~14.7m 100%

WHAT ABOUT MY GIFTS TO GLOBAL SERVANTS? All global servant personalized support is targeted for global servants (item A in the chart above). Each year, IM global servants seek to raise approximately $9.7 million of the $12.4 million needed for their ministry programs.

WHY DOES IM INVITE GIVING FOR GLOBAL SERVANTS, FOR THE IM GENERAL FUND, AND FOR THE WORLD MISSION OFFERING? As the body of Christ, we are in partnership with those in the field, those in the home office, those in the local churches and individual donors. When each area contributes, no one group carries the full burden of expense. IM does not ask global servants to raise all of the funding that they need, but comes alongside them in financial support as well as in ministry.

WHAT ELSE WILL MY WMO GIFTS DO? Giving to the WMO is the best way to make sure that you give to everybody and everything at IM. Whenever personalized funding falls short, WMO gifts fill the gap, keeping global servants in the field and covering ministry expenses such as education, visas, and passports. WMO gifts also fill the gaps in funding other IM expenses (items B, C, and D in the chart above), supporting global servants with training and pastoral care, enabling IM to address crises as they arise, and much more.

WHY GIVE TO THE WMO?Answers to your most frequently asked questions

about the World Mission Offering

¿DE QUÉ MANERA SE UTILIZAN MIS OFRENDAS A LA OMM? Los aportes a la OMM, así como todos los aportes al Fondo General de MI, se utilizan así: 85% para el programa de misiones (servidores globales, apoyo a socios y a otros ministerios), 10% para apoyo administrativo y 5% para costos de desarrollo.


A. Ministerio de Servidores Globales y Socios 9.7 66%

B. Educación y Apoyo al Ministerio 2.8 19%

C. Gastos y Apoyo Administrativo 1.5 10%

D. Desarrollo y Recaudación de Fondos 0.7 5%

TOTAL ~14.7m 100%

¿QUÉ SUCEDE CON MIS APORTES PARA LOS SERVIDORES GLOBALES? Todo el apoyo personalizado para un servidor global se destina a los servidores globales (ítem A en la tabla anterior). Cada año, los servidores globales de MI buscan recaudar aproximadamente $9.7 millones de los $12.4 millones requeridos para los programas de sus ministerios.

¿POR QUÉ MI INVITA A DAR PARA SERVIDORES GLOBALES, PARA EL FONDO GENERAL DE MI Y PARA LA OFRENDA DE MISIÓN MUNDIAL? Como el cuerpo de Cristo, trabajamos en colaboración con los que están en el campo, los que están en la oficina central, los que están en las iglesias locales y los donantes individuales. Cuando cada área contribuye, ningún grupo lleva la carga completa de los gastos. MI no les pide a los servidores globales que recauden todo el financiamiento que requieren, sino que trabaja lado a lado con ellos en apoyo financiero, así como en el ministerio.

¿QUÉ MÁS HACEN MIS OFRENDAS A LA OMM? Cuando el financiamiento personalizado se queda corto, los aportes a la OMM cubren la brecha para que los servidores globales puedan permanecer en el campo, continúen en el ministerio, reciban ingresos y beneficios, y cubran gastos del ministerio tales como educación, visas y pasaportes. Los aportes a la OMM también cubren las brechas en el.


Respuestas para tus preguntas más frecuentes acerca de la Ofrenda Misionera Mundial