We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’...

We recently recognized JesusTransfiguration. Before we read the events of JesusTransfiguration, its important to look at the events that led up to His Transfiguration. In Matthew 16:16, Peter confesses You (Jesus) are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus says on that confession, I (Jesus) will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Then in Matthew 16:21, Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter said that will never happen and Jesus rebuked Peter and said, Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.And in Matthew 16:24, Then Jesus told His disciples, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me…" I invite you to read Matthew 16 in your Bible to get the full account of what happened. Now lets read JesusTransfiguration in Matthew 17:1-8. And after six days Jesus took with Him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. 3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Him. 4 And Peter said to Jesus, Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.5 He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.6 When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying, Rise, and have no fear.8 And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. The first major significance of this event, is Jesus revealing to three of His disciples (and through Matthews account to us) that He really is God in the flesh. We see Jesus as God with His face shining like the sun. His clothes became white as light. The cloud that overshadowed them signified Gods presence and the voice from the cloud, This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.The second major significance is the connection to Philippians 3:20-21 that says, But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.The reality is, there will be a Day, when you will see Jesus for who He really is! One Day, you will look up and see Jesus, with your own eyes, face to face; in all of His glory and radiance. Jesus is coming. The question becomes, what are you doing with your life from today until that Day youre with Jesus? How are you living as His disciple and denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Jesus? How are you setting your mind on the things of God and not the things of man?” How are we doing these same things as a Church and School? What needs to change? How can we get better and keep focused on what really matters in all of life, Jesus? - Pastor Josh

Transcript of We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’...

Page 1: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important to look at the events that led up to His Transfiguration. In Matthew 16:16, Peter confesses You (Jesus) are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus says on that confession, I (Jesus) will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Then in Matthew 16:21, Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things … and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter said that will never happen and Jesus rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” And in Matthew 16:24, Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me…" I invite you to read Matthew 16 in your Bible to get the full account of what happened. Now let’s read Jesus’ Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-8. And after six days Jesus took with Him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light. 3 And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with Him. 4 And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 5 He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” 6 When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” 8 And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. The first major significance of this event, is Jesus revealing to three of His disciples (and through Matthew’s account to us) that He really is God in the flesh. We see Jesus as God with His face shining like the sun. His clothes became white as light. The cloud that overshadowed them signified God’s presence and the voice from the cloud, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” The second major significance is the connection to Philippians 3:20-21 that says, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.” The reality is, there will be a Day, when you will see Jesus for who He really is! One Day, you will look up and see Jesus, with your own eyes, face to face; in all of His glory and radiance. Jesus is coming. The question becomes, what are you doing with your life from today until that Day you’re with Jesus? How are you living as His disciple and denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Jesus? How are you setting your mind on the “things of God and not the things of man?” How are we doing these same things as a Church and School? What needs to change? How can we get better and keep focused on what really matters in all of life, Jesus? - Pastor Josh

Page 2: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

March 1: Kelsey Hidding Ken Houston Mark Jensen Keilee Miller March 2: Maria Bielfeldt Allison Iversen Isaiah Kempfert Kailey Olson March 3: Joshua Claussen Jesse Denker Brian Fink Dylan Friedrichsen Reggie Gustafson Eldon Hardekopf Marisa Jepsen Trent Kahl Linda Preul March 4: Gary Kahl March 5: Russell Beermann Ruby Duncan Joe Houston Berneil Preul Matthew Weltz March 6: Rachel Biliew Coltin Kahl Diane Newman Cindy Scherff Linda & Gerald Sharon March 7: Mikenah Bernholtz Brandon Boger Kieth Osborn March 8: Randy Ahrenholtz Molly Dammen Rachel Desy Jane Duncan Katie Schwarzkopf

March 9: Marlene Buffinton Zeke Gosch Kayla Gress Russell Watson March 10: Jerry Boger Bailey Dammen Dane Dammen Sierra Parr Terry & Judy Evers March 11: Lori Brockman Janelle Johnson Karen Schurke Brian Struck March 12: Sarah Carlson Jack DeMey Judy Gress Dennis Krueger Ryder Malone Brooke Nordquist Angel Piceno Matt Winey Amy & Richard Malone March 13: Kim Gustafson Roger Peters Remington Slechta Carolyn & Sherman Bryant March 14: Donna Kahl Jared Kropf Alison Malone Wendy Menjivar Cody Segebart March 15: Sicara Arevalo Sharlene Hansen Trevor Koenck Karrie Kropf Celso Menjivar Sharon Schau Bob Segebart Merlin & Janice Arnold

March 16: Peyton Gress Andrea Huebner Mark Isaacs March 17: Dennis Ahrenholtz Andrew Caskey Nathan Kropf Emma Schurke Gracie Schurke Starla Struck Nikki Winey Tim Wingrove Susan & Dean Danielson March 18: Nhial Biliew Joel Boeck Brody Guggenmos Tristan Winey Ken & Beulah Ransom March 19: Sandy Bryan Payton Butler Irwin Denker Spencer Gress Gracen Plagge Luna Vazquez March 20: Hugo Boettger Meggan Brandmeyer Rick DeMey March 21: Mohrgan Boettger Ty Fink Ed Frazier Larry Hinrichsen Steve McCollough Bill Mead Fay Paulsen Rick Schramm Amber Schwarte Elias Sharp Marna Wiebers March 22: Chuck Ettleman Dennis Keiner Roland Schneider

March 23: Christina Soll March 24: Lesley Bielenberg Shelby Denker Dennis Jepsen Matt & Gretchen Gosch March 25: Roger Brodersen Brylee Eyer Gert Freese Quincy Mahrt Dave & Pat Gress Bob & Bev Neuhaus March 26: Sue Gray Travis Harville Colby Kahl RJ Slechta Jr. Kelly & Troy Rosburg March 27: Ron Fink Wayne Frazier Delilah Hollander Mahanaim Peterson March 28: Joel & Kim Gustafson March 29: James Seils Seth TenEyck Marlyn Wiedmann March 30: Karly Brodersen Renae Claussen Violet Harper Amber Keinath April Leeper Billie Mead Miranda Musland John & Sharon Hansen March 31: Dale Lenz Shay Reetz Kelly Sonnichsen Maddie Starman Jason & Jean Arn

Page 3: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

January Perfect Sunday School Attendance:

Nik Johnston, Quincy Mahrt, Jayden Ghislandi, Kyleigh Johnston, Hallie McCollough, Libbie Johnston, Dierk McCollough, Braxton Ghislandi, Trace McCollough, Andrew Earl, Zeke Gosch, Josiah Keinath, Silas Gosch

ILSTO (Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization)

The Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization raised just over $500,000 in 2019 that will be awarded for the next school year (2020-2021). With changes in the law, ILSTO will be able to raise $950,000 in 2020. We need your help to almost double our donations to help many more families attend Iowa Lutheran schools. Make a donation to ILSTO and receive a 65% Iowa tax credit. Call Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991 for more information.

Page 4: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

March 1 8:00 Elders: Marc Gosch, Mark Feller Acolyte: Hugo Boettger Greeters: Larry & Sheryl Berner Ushers: Scott & Reed Bowker , Dave Gress 10:30 Elders: Dave Nemitz, Trevor Gress Greeters: Dave & Janice Nemitz Ushers: Dane Dammen, Greg Wehle, Bob Starman, Todd Slechta, Garret Plagge March 4 8:30 Elder: Marc Gosch (Lent) 5:30 Elder: Kieth Osborn March 7 6:30 Elder: Bob Matthiesen Acolyte: Isabelle Schulte Projector: Carson Wight Greeters: Diane Boettger , Florence Poggensee Ushers: Alan Weltz, Lexus Weltz, KLynn Slechta March 8 8:00 Elder: Brian Christensen Greeters: Kent & Georgia Hollrah Ushers: Scott & Reed Bowker , Dave Gress Projector: Hugo Boettger 10:30 Elder: Brian Kempfer t Acolyte: Jaxson Henningsen Greeters: Nate & Amber Mahr t Family Ushers: Dane Dammen, Greg Wehle, Bob Starman, Todd Slechta, Garret Plagge March 11 8:30 Elder: Marc Gosch (Lent) 5:30 Elder: Trevor Gress March 14 6:30 Elder: Butch Miller Projector: Carson Wight Greeters: Dale & Barb Carstensen Ushers: Alan Weltz, Lexus Weltz, KLynn Slechta March 15 8:00 Elders: Larry Berner , Mark Feller Greeters: Jen Seuntjens, Susan Boettger Ushers: Scott & Reed Bowker , Dave Gress, Hugo Boettger 10:30 Elders: Trevor Gress, Dave Nemitz Acolyte: Quincy Mahrt Greeters: P.J . & Julie Meneough Family Ushers: Dane Dammen, Greg Wehle, Bob Starman, Todd Slechta March 18 8:30 Elder: Marc Gosch (Lent) 5:30 Elder: Brian Chr istensen March 21 6:30 Elder: Butch Miller Projector: Isabelle Schulte Greeters: Kyle & Tammy Brodersen Family Ushers: Alan Weltz, Lexus Weltz, KLynn Slechta March 22 8:00 Elder: Marc Gosch Greeters: Lanah Boeck, Deb Green, Rebecca Green Ushers: Scott & Reed Bowker , Dave Gress 10:30 Elder: Kieth Osborn Acolyte: Jaxson Henningsen Greeters: Trevor & Tina Gress Ushers: Dane Dammen, Greg Wehle, Bob Starman, Todd Slechta, Gar ret Plagge March 25 8:30 Elder: Marc Gosch (Lent) 5:30 Elder: Dave Nemitz March 28 6:30 Elder: Kent Hollrah Greeters: Bryce & Denise Meeves, Brooke Meeves, Carson Wight Ushers: Alan Weltz, Lexus Weltz, KLynn Slechta March 29 8:00 Elder: Brian Christensen Acolyte: Lauren Herr ig Greeters: Dave & Cris Hidding Ushers: Scott & Reed Bowker , Dave Gress 10:30 Elder: Mark Feller Acolyte: Garret Plagge Greeters: J im & Carol Segebart, Pete Segebart Ushers: Dane Dammen, Greg Wehle, Bob Starman, Todd Slechta

Thank you for serving! If you would like to be added to the calendar, please call the Zion office.

Page 5: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

Biographical Monthly Reading Plan Become acquainted with the entire

Who’s Who of the Bible (121-day plan)

March 1: Baruch Jeremiah 36, 43, 45 March 2: Ezekiel Ezekiel 1-3 March 3: Daniel Daniel 1-2, 6 March 4: Shadrach, Meshach, Daniel 3 Abednego March 5: Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 4 March 6: Belshazzar Daniel 5 March 7: Hosea Hosea 1-3 March 8: Jonah Jonah 1-4 March 9: Habakkuk Habakkuk 1-3 March 10: Joseph Matthew 1:18-25, 2:13-23 March 11: The Magi Matthew 2 March 12: Matthew Matthew 9:10-13 March 13: The Pharisees Matthew 12:1-45 March 14: The Sadducees Matthew 22:23-46 March 15: Peter Matthew 26:20-75; 1 Peter 1-2 March 16: Joseph of Arimathea Matthew 27:32-61 March 17: John the Baptist Mark 1:1-11, 2:18-22, 6:14-29 March 18: Judas Mark 3:19, 14:3-11, 43-49 March 19: Jairus Mark 5:21-43 March 20: The Gentile Woman Mark 7:24-30 March 21: The Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-31 March 22: Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 March 23: The Poor Widow Mark 12:41-44 March 24: Zechariah Luke 1:1-25, 57-80 March 25: Mary Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-7 March 26: The Shepherds Luke 2:8-20 March 27: Simeon and Anna Luke 2:21-38 March 28: Mary Magdalene Luke 7:36-8:3 March 29: The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 March 30: Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42 March 31: The Rich Fool Luke 12:13-34

Ladies’ Aid Meeting Highlights Ladies’ Aid met on February 7 with 11 members present. We are gifting $25.00 to World Relief, $100.00 to Orphan Grain Train and $25.00 to Pastor Josh for his birthday. Lorraine, Linda, Dena and Lanette made visits to Marie Peterson and our Eventide members. Zion is providing Easter treat bags for children attending the Easter services. Monetary donations for these may be left at the church office with Michelle. Ladies’ Aid will provide Lenten meals after Lent services on March 4, March 18 and April 1. Lanette and Lorraine will serve lunch for the March meeting. Evening Guild Meeting Highlights Evening Guild met on February 6 with 13 members present. Marcella read a note from Jeanette Claussen thanking the Zion members for the proceeds of the January bake sale to benefit Crossroads of Crawford County. A total of $451 was raised. Sharon Peters reported that there were no baptisms in January. Hilda Frank reminded members of the Eventide Volunteer Tea on April 16 at Eventide and the chicken dinner to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association at Our Savior on April 24. Rebecca Green will be the Denison Zone LWML Young Woman rep at the June 2020 IDW LWML Conference. Evening Guild will serve Lenten meals on February 26, March 11 and March 25. Virgie Henningsen relayed Gary Thies’ inquiry if Evening Guild would help prepare and serve occasional meals at Mission Central. Members agreed that they would do so. February birthdays were Glenda Bielenberg, Deb Green, Delores Meyer, Jeanette Venzke and Pastor Josh. Hilda and Dick Frank celebrated their anniversary on February 14. March hostesses will be Virgie Henningsen and Ann Hikins, with Judy Hintz as alternate.

Zion Praise Team will play at the 10:30 contemporary worship service on March 8. We would love to bring the praise team

back once a month or more! If you know how to play an instrument, or just love to

sing, please let the Zion office know.

Page 6: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

- January Statistics -

Church Attendance: 1114

Communion Attendance: 442

Church Offerings: $26,799.18

Sunday School Attendance: 154

Sunday School Offering: $66.01

Thank you for your generous support as we continue our mission and ministry here at Zion!


Tune in Monday through Saturday, 6:25 a.m. KDSN (107.1 FM) These 3-4 minute devotions are sponsored by

the local LCMS congregations.

March 2-7 Rev. Chad Trunkhill

Our Savior, Denison/Bethlehem, Dow City

March 9-14 Rev. Richard Merrill, Multi-Point, Charter Oak

March 16-21

Rev. Nathan Peitsch, St. Paul, Ute

March 23-28 Rev. Mark Kluzek, St. John, Kiron/Faith, Deloit

March 30-April 4

Pastor Josh, Zion, Denison

If you would like to financially support these broadcasts, please send donations to Zion and earmark for

“Thy Strong Word.” Thank you!


Deaths… Gabriel Nordquist, son of Wesley and Brooke Nordquist, died on February 1 and his funeral service was held on February 7, 2020. Willetta Sander died on February 4 and her funeral service was held on February 8, 2020. Transfer… Rev. Kurt Kaiser to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Schleswig, Iowa


In loving memory of Kenneth Lueck, gifts totaling $290 were given to Zion Lutheran Church and School by family and friends. In loving memory of Lu Kuhlmann, gifts totaling $100.00 were given to the Building Fund by family and friends. In loving memory of Willetta Sander, gifts totaling $55.00 were given to Zion Lutheran Church by family and friends. In loving memory of Roger and Helen Houston, a gift of $100 was given to the Building Fund by Joe and Lori Houston and family.

Bible Sudoku First, write in your “starter” numbers. This is done by

using the clues below and the A-I and 1-9 coordinates on the top and side of the grid. F5 has been done for you

already. Once the starter numbers are in place, complete the Sudoku puzzle as usual.

Page 7: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

Stewardship Corner… (taken from the LCMS website) We are at the beginning of Lent. During the Lenten season, the church calls to our attention the sufficiency of what God gives. It points to the sufficiency of God’s grace in the atoning work of Jesus. It shows us the sufficiency of faith in Jesus’ work for us. It makes known the sufficiency of God’s Word in faith and life. But Lent doesn’t just remind us of the sufficiency of God’s spiritual gifts, the gifts that pertain to our redemption and salvation. Lent also reminds us of the sufficiency of the physical, temporal gifts of God, those that pertain to this body and life. In other words, it reminds us of the importance of godly contentment and of outward discipline and training of the body. This outward training of the body teaches us not to give in to every desire of our flesh but to learn to say no to them. And it does this in such a way that if you fail, it is no sin. It is a way to practice without putting yourself into a compromising situation. The easiest example of this is fasting. When you fast, you are practicing saying no to the desires of your body. But if you fail in this, if you break your fast, you have not sinned. You have, though, learned something about how your flesh works, how difficult it is to fight against it, and how you need help from above in order to do it. There is another example of this. It is alms-giving. This is an increase in giving to the church and its mission during this time. We all know that our flesh finds security in money and stuff. By committing to give more to the church, you are training your flesh. You are, by this outward discipline, training yourself to be content with what God gives. You are practicing saying “no” to your desires. Again, if you fail, you have not sinned. But you’ve learned just how powerful your flesh is in leading you instead of you leading it. You’ve learned how you need help from above in being content with what God gives. Our sufficiency is not of ourselves; it is in God. Let us learn this without sin by training our flesh this Lenten season.


From left to right: 1- Bartholomew - sincere and honest of character, shows his surprise 2- James the Lesser - youthful and slightly bearded 3- Andrew - already shrinking from Judas, whom he suspects 4- Judas - isolated in the foreground, has just spilled the salt container 5- Peter - old, rugged and inquiring 6- John - the beloved disciple, has just raised his head from the Savior’s breast 7- Thomas - rugged and ever doubting 8- James the Greater - horrified at the accusation 9- Philip - gently offers himself to his Master 10- Matthew - asks Simon if he has heard this charge 11- Thaddeus - also questions 12- Simon - with raised head, expresses amazement

The Last Supper is Leonardo da Vinci’s visual interpretation of the

evening before Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples, He gathered them

together to eat, tell them He knew what was coming and wash their feet (a gesture symbolizing that all were

equal under the eyes of the Lord). As they ate and drank together, Christ

gave the disciples instructions on how to eat and drink in the future, in

remembrance of him.

Page 8: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important
Page 9: We recently recognized Jesus Transfiguration. Before we read ......We recently recognized Jesus’ Transfiguration. Before we read the events of Jesus’ Transfiguration, it’s important

Lent Services March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25, April 1

8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Meal served after 5:30 services)

Palm Sunday - April 4 & April 5 6:30, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Maundy Thursday - April 9

5:30 p.m.

Good Friday - April 10 1:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Easter Vigil - April 11

6:30 p.m.

Easter Services - April 12 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.