WDES 2015 poster: Investigating Issues of Human-Computer Interaction for Systems-of-Systems


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Transcript of WDES 2015 poster: Investigating Issues of Human-Computer Interaction for Systems-of-Systems

Page 1: WDES 2015 poster: Investigating Issues of Human-Computer Interaction for Systems-of-Systems

Investigating Issues of Human-Computer Interaction for Systems-of-SystemsValdemar V. Graciano Neto (UFG/USP), Lina Garcés (USP), Clodis Boscarioli (UNIOESTE), Elisa Nakagawa (USP)

Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

■ Systems-of-Systems (SoS) receive stimulus from humans and from the environment

■ Insights on interaction engineering for SoS are necessary.

■ We outline:

○ the SoS’s inherent characteristics impact on the interaction design for SoS

○ new modes of interaction for SoS

○ adoption of IHC activities in Software Engineering of SoS

○ a possible adaptation of process

CBSoft 20159th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems, and Systems-of-SystemsBelo Horizonte, BrazilSeptember 23rd, 2015