WDES 2015 paper: A Systematic Mapping on the Relations between Systems-of-Systems and Software...

A Systematic Mapping on the Relations between Systems-of- Systems and Software Ecosystems Helvio Jeronimo Junior 1 Cláudia Werner 1 {jeronimohjr, werner}@cos.ufrj.br

Transcript of WDES 2015 paper: A Systematic Mapping on the Relations between Systems-of-Systems and Software...

  • A Systematic Mapping on the Relations between Systems-of-

    Systems and Software Ecosystems

    Helvio Jeronimo Junior1

    Cludia Werner1

    {jeronimohjr, werner}@cos.ufrj.br

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    Research Method Research Questions (RQs)

    Search Procedures

    Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    Studies Selection Process



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    Motivation The current scenario of software development:

    the development of software-intensive and large-scale system

    software products and services with different technologies to one or more software platforms

    This scenario has attracted the interest of two research topics: Systems-of-Systems (SoS) (Maier, 1998) and Software Ecosystems (SECO) (Messerschimitt & Szypersky, 2003)

    However, SoS and SECO are two research topics that seem to have been still separately investigated, although they can be treated in a complementary way (Santos et al, 2014)

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    Objectives Main Objectives:

    to identify the relations between these topics (SoS and SECO) and support cooperative and collaborative research

    complementing the research performed by Santos et al (2014)

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    Research Method Research Questions (RQ):

    (RQ1) What are the main similar characteristics and/or differences between SoS and SECO?

    (RQ2) What are the main areas studied from the perspective of SoS and SECO?

    (RQ3) How can SECO platforms benefit from SoS mindset?

    (RQ4) How can SoS benefit from business and social networks?

    (RQ5) What are the main challenges and limitations for SoS from the perspective of SECO?

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    Search Procedures

    Electronic search using the Scopus search engine

    Manual search on 3 repositories

    International Workshop on Software Ecosystems (IWSECO)

    ACM Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems

    Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems

    Research Method

  • 7

    TITLE-ABS-KEY ((( "software ecosystem*" OR "software supply

    network" OR "software vendor*" OR "software supply industry" OR

    "industry platform*" OR "ecosystems" ) AND ( "system-of-systems" OR

    "system of systems" OR "systems-of-systems" OR systems of systems) )

    AND ( "features" OR "feature" OR "characteristic" OR "characteristics"

    OR "difference" OR "differences" OR "similarity" OR "similarities" OR

    "relationship" OR "implication" OR "consequence" OR "significance"

    OR "benefits" OR "impacts" OR "business" OR "business networks"

    OR "social" OR "social networks" OR "area" OR "subject area" OR

    "subject field" OR "field"))

    Search Procedures

    The search string used in search engine

    Research Method

  • 8

    (1) only studies written in English

    (2) dealing and referencing any of the subjects related to SECO and SoS in their title, abstract or keywords

    (3) technical reports, master and doctorate theses

    (1) repeated studies found in different sources

    (2)duplicate studies reporting similar results

    (3) description of proceedings

    (4) inaccessible studies

    Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

    Research Method

  • 9

    Studies Selection Process

    Result of Search Inclusion/exclusion

    criteria applied Papers selected

    Automatic Search 71 15 8

    Manual Search 7 3 3

    Total 78 18 11

    Table1. The summarization of the selection process to identify relevant papers

    Research Method

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    Results (RQ1) What are the main similar characteristics and

    differences between SoS and SECO?

    the importance given to interaction and collaboration among the different internal or external actors of the SECOs and SoS

    multiple products over one or more technologial platform

    prioritization of business goals and requirements, innovation, and possible competitiveness (among players)

    platforms, software and artifacts developed by internal and external actors

    Architectural stability

    decentralized/distributed systems










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    Results (RQ1) What are the main similar characteristics and

    differences between SoS and SECO?

    SECOs can be seen as an application domain for SoS

    SoS is a type of SECO






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    Results (RQ2) What are the main areas studied from the

    perspective of SoS and SECO?

    Technical aspects linked to design of architecture

    Some Quality




    Reuse of software and components


    Evolution, assessment and sustainability (platforms/software)


    Interation and relationship


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    Results (RQ3) How can SECO platforms benefit from SoS


    By adopting methods, mechanisms and techniques to support the structuring of architecture platforms and their software products

    By exploring in a more detailed way concepts and characteristics of SoS, such as those virtual and collaborative categories






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    Results (RQ4) How can SoS benefit from business and social


    By enabling the creation of a community of internal actors and from third parties that cooperate and share technical knowledge

    By providing a potential to structure collaborative business models and processes in order to consider the players perspectives of value

    By providing opportunities to minimize and amortize the costs, as well as technical and business risks







  • 15

    Results (RQ5) What are the main challenges and limitations

    for SoS from the perspective of SECO?

    Reuse of software and components


    Software Licenses


    Opening of platforms and systems


    Organizational strategies and business models with partners


  • 16

    Conclusions The findings reinforce and increase the scope of the

    discussions presented by Santos et al. (2014a)

    The relationships between SoS and SECO are associated to specific issues of the three dimensions (social, technical and business) of a SECO

    regarding platforms, software products and their architectures (challenges)

    However, SoS evolutionary development should also take into account the business and social issues, and not only the environments technical issues

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    Conclusions Regarding the treats to validity of this study, the main

    ones can be associated to:

    an eventual omission of studies and bias in the extraction of data

    the possible existence of relevant papers that do not mention the keywords that were chosen

    the number of electronic used databases, since only the Scopus search engine was used in this systematic mapping study

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    The selected studies ID Reference

    S1 Da Silva Amorim, S. et al. (2014) When Ecosystems Collide: Making Systems of Systems Work. In:

    Proceedings of the 2014 European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops. ACM, p. 29.

    S2 Axelsson, J. et al. (2014) Characteristics of software ecosystems for Federated Embedded Systems: A

    case study. Information and Software Technology, v. 56.11, pp.1457-1475.

    S3 Lutz, M. et al. (2014) "Service Robot Control Architectures for Flexible and Robust Real-World Task

    Execution: Best Practices and Patterns." In: Workshop Roboter-Kontrollarchitekturen.

    S4 Papatheocharous, E. et al. (2013) Issues and challenges in ecosystems for federated embedded systems.

    In: Proc. of the First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS).

    ACM, pp. 21-24.

    S5 Delicato, F. C. et al. (2013) Towards an IoT ecosystem In: Proc. of the First International SESoS. ACM,

    pp. 25-28.

    S6 Mattmann, C. et al. (2012) Developing an open source strategy for NASA earth science data systems.

    In: IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, pp. 687-693.

    S7 Chen, H. M., Kazman, R. (2012) Architecting ultra-large-scale green information systems." In: Green and

    Sustainable Software (GREENS), 2012 First International Workshop on. IEEE, pp. 69-75.

    S8 Hawryszkiewycz, I. T. (2011) Open Modeling For Designing Community Ecosystems." In:

    https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/research/handle/10453/19216. Last accessed on: Jun, 2015.

    S9 Kazman, R. et al. (2012) Scaling up software architecture analysis". Journal of Systems and Software,

    85.7, pp. 1511-1519.

    S10 Santos, R. et al. (2014) "On the Relations between Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems." In:

    WDES 2014, pp. 58-62.

    S11 Lytra, I. et al. (2015) "Reusable Architectural Decision Models for Quality-driven Decision Support: A

    Case Study from a Smart Cities Software Ecosystem. In: 3th International SESoS.

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    A Systematic Mapping on the Relations between Systems-of-

    Systems and Software Ecosystems

    Helvio Jeronimo Junior1

    Cludia Werner1

    {jeronimohjr, werner}@cos.ufrj.br

    Thank you!
