Ways To Study Religion

WAYS TO STUDY RELIGION Religion, not discipline or methodology Vehicle, field of study, or text. Includes many disciplines, scholarly methodologies; each must answer basic questions. Several tools must be used in the study of religions


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Transcript of Ways To Study Religion

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• Religion, not discipline or methodology

• Vehicle, field of study, or text.

• Includes many disciplines, scholarly methodologies; each must answer basic questions.

• Several tools must be used in the study of religions

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Theology and Religious Studies

• Identify theology with religion, not accurate.

• Academic study, look at Scripture and scriptural texts in academic critical study.

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Theos Logos• Greek words theos, god/gods; logos, speech, inquiry, science, or

knowledge. • Not all religions are theistic. • Theology, academic discipline, academic pursuit; involves critical

analysis, does not seek to indoctrinate proselytize or convert. • As science cannot stay at level of transmitting teachings; must offer

explanatory questions at different levels. • No solution based on privileged beliefs; religious beliefs called into

question, rational discourse given priority. • Must question everything critically; scientific beliefs treated as

hypotheses, must be internally coherent and clearly criticizable.

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Fides quaerens intellectum

• Rational discourse vis-à-vis beliefs.

• Theology, what it does: “Faith seeking reason/understanding.”

• Theologians engaged in critical analysis of own religious tradition; committed and objective, willing to use different tools to critique, analyze religion, even questioning own religious beliefs.

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Tools used in the analysis of

religion • Historical-Critical

Method, approach to study of Scriptures,

• Utilizes historical research, literary analysis of texts, findings of archeology and other sciences, i.e.: anthropology.

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What does the Historical-Critical method seek to discover?

• Shed light on:Political reality of timeSocial settingEconomic situation Cultural setting

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What tools does the Historical-Critical Method use?

• Literary Criticism

• Textual Criticism

• Source Criticism

• Form Criticism

• Redaction Criticism

• Reader Response Criticism

• History

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Literary Criticism

• Sacred writings, records of events and authoritative teachings.

• Understand, interpret sacred texts.

• Understand original meaning, purpose of writing.

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Literary Criticism must look for clues that will answer:

• Is translation based on original, oldest or most authentic, reliable text?

• What was intention of author(s) of text?

• When was text written? • Where was it written? • To whom was it

addressed? • How was work received? • How was it edited,

transmitted, interpreted?

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Textual Criticism

• Must ask following question: authentic, original version of text?

• Use number of methods, procedures to answer such basic question.

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Source Criticism

• Looks at authorship of particular document.

• Is document whole composition?

• Most books, compilations from different sources; may include different genres, oral traditions, etc.

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Source Criticism seeks to answer:

• Does text have more than one author?

• Does text have more than one editor?

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Form Criticism

• Many sacred texts, oral sources. – Was this text an oral text? – Are these pre-literary forms discernable in written

texts? – What do hymns, laments, laws, wisdom and

blessings say about context or culture that produced them?

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Redaction Criticism

• Not interested in components of text,

• Looks at entire text.

• Addresses following issues: – What sources were used or rejected? – How were texts arranged? – How have they changed? – Have they been revised?

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Reader Response Criticism

• Interested in interaction between text/ reader.

• Who were original authors of texts, original readers or audience?

• Was there unintended reader?

• What are different levels of meaning in text?

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Importance of Reader Response Criticism

• Each readers brings with him/her to text:– own

experiences– own


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Historiography • History of religion recent

academic development: IXX Century.

• Historians select accounts, evidence available through different sources

• Based on principles of selectivity, choice of relevant data depend on kind of questions historians put to past.

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Questions historians ask:

• Who wrote what, when, why and to whom?

• What did writer borrow, and what were distinctive contributions to text?

• Must look at non-written texts, i.e., archeology, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc.

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What must a historian discover in history?

Historians must distinguish historical occurrences from other genres:

• Myth• Legend• Saga• Religious Traditions• Role religion, religious experiences in

individual/community?• Influence on development of culture

society and nation?

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• Study of human beings

• Studies social functions of religion.

• What functions particular institutions or beliefs serve in life of community?

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• Most widely used method by anthropologists.

• Tries to determine what functions particular institutions or beliefs serve in life of community.

• How do beliefs elicit acceptance, sanction certain behaviors?

• How do they affect society?

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Sociology • Focuses on group

social behavior. • Looks at how religion

interacts with other dimensions of social experience.

• Concerned with religious life of contemporary, developed, literate societies.

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Psychology Psychology • Looks at how religion

affects behavior of individual.

• What benefits does individual receive from practice of particular religion?

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Philosophy (The Love of Wisdom)• Examines religious

experience and belief.

• Seeks to establish logical status, meaning, truth of religious narratives and doctrines.

• Scrutinizes reason to demonstrate limits of rationality.

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Philosophy: Handmaiden of Religion

• Complimentary, at service of religion.

• Modern critical philosophy scrutinizes reason

• Demonstrate limits of rationality.

• Attempts to reveal boundaries, contradictions found in religion.

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Phenomenology • Not concerned with

exploring experience, but description itself.

• Suspension of judgment, bracketing from inquiry is necessary in all attempts to explain truth, value.

• Portrays religion in its own terms as unique expression.

• Seeks not to reduce it or explain it in other terms.

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Interpreting and Explaining Religion

• Religious experience and meaning are expressed through symbol, sounds, gestures, rituals, dramas, artifacts, architecture, and texts.

• These vehicles for religious experience require interpreter to convey mysterious meaning that they hold.

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Hermeneutics• Act of explanation,

elucidation.• Means to interpret. • Makes use of all

methods described above to accomplish task of interpretation.

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Human as Interpreters

• Reading-off meaning of sacred texts, not easy.• Hermeneutics: presuppositions of interpretation

and understanding. • Seeks necessary preconditions to make

interpretation possible, valid. • Expressions of human spirit not subject to laws,

explanations of natural sciences. T• Require understanding, not explanation. • Human meaning in its own terms to be

understood from within.

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Summary• Study of religions, secondary

activity, reconstruct, describe, explain primary expression of religious life i.e., rituals, sacred texts, institutions, beliefs, behavior.

• Use of disciplines, methods, i.e., history, linguistics, literary scholarship.

• Anthropological, sociological, psychological research, philosophical analysis, phenomenology, other sub disciplines.

• Universal and enduring character of religion/belief in human history.

• Religion embedded in behavior, history and culture of people.

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