Water & Wetland Ecosystems - Tayside Biodiversity › wp-content › uploads › ... ·...

24 Background Tayside has a rich heritage of water and wetland habitats and their associated species. This diversity is due in large part to a complex geology and varied landscape. The division of the area by the Highland Boundary Fault is one feature which gives rise to some of the most valuable habitats in the region. Tayside is dominated by the River Tay catchment which drains the largest area of any river in Scotland. It has the largest mean average annual flow of any river in the UK in terms of volume at nearly 200 cubic metres per second. The rivers and burns in Tayside tend to be fast flowing and nutrient poor and hold a wealth of habitats and rare wildlife. As important wildlife corridors, they enable dispersion and migration of species, interconnecting fragmented populations. They are particularly valuable in Tayside with a total length of over 5,000km not only making them essential to wildlife but also a familiar and important part of everyone’s environment. Nine of these important waterways have been labelled “Freshwater Fish Protected Areas” under the Water Framework Directive. 1 Water & Wetland Ecosystems Loch Tummel, Perthshire © CAG Lloyd

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Page 1: Water & Wetland Ecosystems - Tayside Biodiversity › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2020-03-31 · and wetland ecosystems by implementing projects to protect and restore ecosystem


BackgroundTayside has a rich heritage of water and wetlandhabitats and their associated species. This diversityis due in large part to a complex geology and variedlandscape. The division of the area by the HighlandBoundary Fault is one feature which gives rise tosome of the most valuable habitats in the region.Tayside is dominated by the River Tay catchmentwhich drains the largest area of any river inScotland. It has the largest mean average annualflow of any river in the UK in terms of volume atnearly 200 cubic metres per second.

The rivers and burns in Tayside tend to be fastflowing and nutrient poor and hold a wealth ofhabitats and rare wildlife. As important wildlifecorridors, they enable dispersion and migration ofspecies, interconnecting fragmented populations.They are particularly valuable in Tayside with atotal length of over 5,000km not only making themessential to wildlife but also a familiar andimportant part of everyone’s environment. Nine ofthese important waterways have been labelled“Freshwater Fish Protected Areas” under the WaterFramework Directive.

1Water & Wetland Ecosystems

Loch Tummel, Perthshire © CAG Lloyd

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Associated with these river networks are a largenumber of standing waters from the very large,deep highland lochs to small ponds and lochansand flood plain habitats such as wet woodlands,swamp and marshes, flood meadows andreedbeds. Wetlands, and particularly runningwaters, contribute to valuable habitat mosaics withthousands of kilometres of burns linking wildlifecorridors between other terrestrial habitats. Themargins of rivers and standing waters form thetransitional zone between the aquatic andterrestrial environment.

Objectives1 Endeavour to reduce the direct pressures on water

and wetland ecosystems by implementing projectsto protect and restore ecosystem health.

2 Safeguard water and wetland ecosystem speciesand genetic diversity by enhancing connectivityand where possible preventing their decline.

3 Mainstream biodiversity conservation action byraising awareness and the enjoyment of waterand wetland ecosystems.


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Loch Clunie (SSSI, SPA)

Loch of Drumellie or Marlee(SSSI, SPA)

Loch of Lintrathen (SSSI)

Long Loch of Lundie (SSSI)

Crombie Reservoir

Loch Monzievaird

Drumore Loch (SSSI)

Laird’s Loch (SSSI)

Loch Leven (SSSI, SPA, SAC)

Rescobie Loch (SSSI)

Balgavies Loch (SSSI)

White and Fingask Lochs

Monk Myre

Loch Kinnordy (SPA)

PondsLochindores (SSSI)

Kingoodie Quarry Ponds

Vane Farm Ponds

Bloody Inches/Meiklour (SSSI)

Barry Mill Ponds

Barrie Buddon Ponds

Pitmedden Forest

Wetlands (all arepart/whole SSSIs)Carsebreck Lochs

Dunalistair Reservoir

Dun’s Dish

Loch Leven

Loch of Craiglush

Loch of the Lowes (SPA)

Butterstone Loch

Loch Clunie (SPA)

Loch of Drumelli or Marlee (SPA)

Loch Moraig

Laird’s Loch

Rescobie Loch

Restenneth Moss (SSSI)

Balgavies Loch

Meikleour Area

Monk Myre

Loch of Kinnordy


Raised BogsCairnleith Moss

Glenquey Moss

Portmoak Moss

Methven Moss

Shelforkie Moss

Crook of Devon Moss

Balloch Moss


Priority Habitats • Rivers and Burns

• Lochs and Standing Water

• Ponds and Pools

• Wetlands

• Lowland and Raised Bogs

• Transition Fen

Key Sites Rivers and BurnsNorth Esk

River Tay (SAC)

South Esk (SAC)

Craighall Gorge (SSSI/SAC)

The Den of Airlie (SSSI)

The Lunan Burn system(SSSI, SAC)

Meikleour (SSSI)

Shingle Islands (SSSI, SAC)

Montrose Basin (SSSI/SPA &RAMSAR)

Lochs and StandingOpen Water Loch Laidon

Loch Tay

Loch Brandy

Carsebreck Lochs (SAC)

Loch Con

Dunalastair Water

Dun’s Dish (SSSI)

Mesotrophic LochsLoch Moraig (SSSI)

Black Loch, Cleish (SSSI)

Loch of Craiglush

Loch of Lowes (SPA,SSSI)

Butterstone Loch (SSSI, SPA)

Key Species • Salmonid species

• Riparian mammals

• Wading, wetland and divingbirds

• Freshwater invertebrates

• Riparian, peatland andwetland plants

Wetland, Glen Prosen © Kelly Ann Dempsey

Otter © SNH

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Integrated Catchment Management in Practice

The River South Esk Catchment Partnership leads inthe delivery of ecosystem scale environmentalimprovement initiatives in the Angus area. One ofonly a handful of river catchment partnerships inScotland, the partnership has implementedinnovative work in this relatively new strategicpartnership approach.

Main areas of success have been improvingcommunity access to the river (an SAC for Atlanticsalmon and Freshwater pearl mussels and an SPAand RAMSAR site for migratory birds) and thecontrol of the spread of invasive non-native speciesincluding Japanese knotweed, Giant hogweed,Himalayan balsam and American mink.

River restoration projects to aid in flood mitigationfor affected towns such as Brechin, economic audits

allowing sustainable development of the ecosystemservices we derive from the catchment, landscapescale planning to mitigate the effects of climatechange: all have played an important part in thesuccess of the partnership.

The partnership carries out its objectives through thededication of its stakeholders and increasing levels ofcommunity participation. Local and national PR andawareness raising, sharing good practice, citizenscience and community volunteering raise theprofile of the important species and habitats in thecatchment. The work of a few improves the quality ofthe Angus environment for all of its residents.

Rottal Burn © Kelly Ann Dempsey

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Riverbank erosion and sediment transfer © Kelly Ann Dempsey

EcosystemServices &Ecosystem ScaleProjects Ecosystem Services • Flood management andnatural attenuation

• Regulation and improvementof water quality

• Carbon sequestration(wetlands, bogs and treeplanting)

• Water for irrigation

• Water and wetland-basedrecreation and tourism

• Climate regulation

• Health and wellbeing

• Renewable energy

Ecosystem Scale Projects • River South Esk CatchmentPartnership invasive non-native species project.

• Glen Clova Contour PlantingProject.

• Tayside Lochs Project -project improving the waterquality of Taysidemesotrophic lochs.

• Tayside SUDS and PondsInitiative – increasingwetland habitat connections.

• Scottish Mink Initiative -local organisations assumingresponsibility for minkcontrol.

• Tayside Amphibians inDrains - developing wildlife-friendly road systemsincorporating amphibianladders, wildlife kerbs andamphibian migration hotspotmapping.

• River Basin ManagementPlans - protecting andimproving Tayside’s waterenvironment in a way whichbalances costs and benefitsto the environment, societyand economy.

Pressures AcidificationAcidification happens in areaswhere there is little underlyingalkaline bedrock (such aslimestone) to neutralise acids.Unnatural causes include acidrain from dissolved sulphuricand nitric acid, livestock wasteand nitrogen fertilisers. Naturalcauses include coniferousforests close to a water body oracid rain caused from CO2dissolving.

Toxic or OrganicPollution These types of pollutants canbe point source or from diffusesources. Organic pollution canincrease the concentration ofnutrients within a water body,often leading to eutrophicationand algal blooms which canremove the oxygen in a watersystem; Slender Naiad, Najasflexilis is particularlysusceptible to changes innutrient levels.

Drainage and DredgingThese activities can change thefluvial properties of watercourses and surroundinghabitat, forcing out key species.

Abstraction of WaterRemoving large amounts ofwater from a river or waterbody for use in arable farmingand renewable energy schemescan endanger many protectedand priority species.

SedimentationAs a natural phenomenon,sedimentation decreases thecarrying capacity of rivers.However, unnatural levels canoccur after activities such asriver works which can de-stabilise banks. This can have anegative effect on the riparianzone particularly fish spawninghabitat and Freshwater PearlMussels Margaritiferamargaritifera.

Climate Change Changing patterns in weatherwill have far-reaching adverseeffects on our wetlands.Countering this is a highpriority.

Invasive Non-Nativespecies (INNS)INNS pose a growing seriousthreat as they can out-competenative species, resulting inserious changes and imbalancein ecosystem processes.

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SUDS pond at the North Inch Community Campus in Perth © D Williamson

SUDS, or Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, arelegally required for new developments and assistin the active mitigation of flooding, erosion andpollution without compromising the downstreamwater quality. Swales, detention basins, wetlandsand ponds, as well as rain gardens, are the morevisible aspect of urban drainage management andcan be easily designed to enhance biodiversity, aswell as safeguarding existing populations. Otherdrainage includes manufactured permeablesurfaces, filter strips and underground storage.

SUDS, swales, wetlands and ponds can create anoasis for wildlife in the middle of a developmentarea. They are regularly populated by amphibians,including toads, frogs and newts, and can supporta high abundance of invertebrates. These mini-ecosystems can therefore also support birds and

bats, making them an important haven for wildlifeand a vital aspect in creating landscape-scalegreen corridors.

The SUDS allow for a natural drainage system thatcan also reduce the amount of roadside gullypotswhich need to be created, kept and maintained.These gullypots are natural traps for amphibiansand other wildlife which are attracted to water. ATayside study has shown that thousands ofanimals are entrapped over the course of a year.Whilst active mitigation in the study area helpswhere gullypots are present (in the form of wildlifekerbs and the experimental amphibian ladders), injust one local authority area there is still anestimated loss of 44,000 animals (mostlyamphibians) from drain entrapment.

SUDS and Biodiversity

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Maintaining & Improving Habitats

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

1 Support thecreation, restorationor enhancement ofponds acrossTayside to provideconnectivity of thishabitat across theregion.

Pond Doctor Community ProjectsCreate, restore and enhance 3 ponds orwetlands per year from 2017.

Amphibian Management PlansCollate SUDS audits, mapping ofponds/SUDS within 1km of roads.

Map amphibian migration routes andhotspots to ensure wildlife kerb, droppedkerb/amphibian ladder installation ismainstreamed.

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Perth & Kinross Council

Angus Council

Scottish GreenInfrastructure Group



2 Reduce nutrientenrichment andpollution.

Improve or maintain the water qualityclassification of all lochs in Tayside.

Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency

Scottish Water

Perth & Kinross Council

Angus Council

Landowners and landmanagers; developers;angling clubs.


3 Promote adoption ofbiodiversity-managed SUDS indevelopments.

Encourage SUDS audit and proactivemanagement of SUDS and swales forbiodiversity.

Increase terrestrial habitat for amphibianspecies.

Decrease eutrophication and point sourcepollution.

Provide habitats for other wildlife.

Support a Tayside Community SUDS Pondproject.

Scottish Water

Perth & Kinross Council

Angus Council

Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Scottish GreenInfrastructure Group

ARC Trust



4 Minimise pollution ofwatercourses from toxicsubstances and organicenrichment from poorfarming practice.

Priority Catchment work – ensure bestpractice advice is available throughdedicated projects and websites.

Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency

Scottish GovernmentRural Payments andInspections Directorate

National Farmers UnionScotland

Landowners and LandManagers

Scottish Land & Estates


Water & Wetlands Actions ScheduleKey for timescale Short: 1-3 yrs Medium: 4-6 yrs Long: 7-10 yrsActions will be input into the UK Biodiversity Action System (UKBARS)where Lead Partners will be outlined

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Maintaining & Improving Habitats

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

5 Encourage betterbiodiversitymanagement andprotection ofwatercourses onfarmland andforestry.

Explore follow on projects from the Pearls inPeril LIFE Project (Freshwater Pearl Mussel)within Tayside.Expand the UK Green Shoots initiative intoTayside.Support collaborative projects at all spatialscales which focus on riverine habitats andspecies.Promote awareness of appropriate treeplanting approaches and best practiceschemes.Maximise the use of social media to engage aswide an audience as possible.

Scottish Natural HeritageBritish Association forShooting andConservationScottish EnvironmentProtection AgencyScottish Rural UniversityCollegeForestry CommissionScotlandRiver South EskCatchment PartnershipNational Farmers UnionScotlandScottish Land and Estates North East Green Network


6 Maintain currentmesotrophic lochs inTayside.

Continue the Tayside Lochs Project, includingthe Lintrathen Loch Enhancement Project.

Scottish EnvironmentProtection AgencyTayside BiodiversityPartnershipTayside Lochs PartnershipScottish Natural Heritage


7 Support floodalleviation schemesthat improve habitatconnectivity throughnatural landscapingor native treeplanting.

Encourage strategic planting of broadleaftrees along watercourses to assist with floodattenuation and the creation of habitatcorridors. Support ongoing projects e.g. Glen Clova Contour Planting SchemeBrechin Flood Prevention SchemeAlmondbank Flood Prevention SchemeStrathallan Project Where appropriate, favour broadleaf againstpine to reduce acidification of watercoursesto safeguard Stonefly and Freshwater pearlmussel.Maintain an awareness of fundingopportunities to instigate further projects.

Forestry CommissionScotlandAngus CouncilPerth & Kinross CouncilUK Scoter Steering GroupLandowners and landmanagers


8 Minimisedetrimental impactsof hydro-powerschemes.

Protect riverine habitats and species,especially Freshwater pearl mussel, salmonidspecies, Otters, Water voles and River jellylichen.Where appropriate, provide fish ladders toallow migration of salmon. Ensure sufficient flows remain downstreamof dams and use freshets to mimic naturalspates.

Scottish EnvironmentProtection AgencySouthern & ElectricScotlandDistrict Salmon FisheryBoardsAngus Council Perth & Kinross Council Cairngorms National ParkAuthority


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Maintaining & Improving Habitats

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

9 Restore andenhancewatercoursebiodiversity.

Safeguard existing riparian habitats andenhance wherever possible.

Reduce overfishing of river stocks.

Encourage the removal of weirs to aid fishmigration.

Encourage restoration of watercourses byenhancing urban water quality throughcommunity engagement (especially thePerth Lade and the Dighty Burn).

Identify and facilitate ongoing opportunitiesfor riparian planting, biodiversityimprovements as part of all Tayside FloodPrevention Schemes.

Support the setting up of the Tay WesternCatchment Project.

Angus Council

Perth & Kinross Council

River South EskCatchment Partnership

Tay Western CatchmentPartnership

Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency

Scottish Natural Heritage

Perth Lade Group

Broughty FerryEnvironmental Project


10 Protect shingle-bankhabitats.

Safeguard Priority Species from INNS.

Control aggregate removal from riverschanging sedimentation.

Explore fixed point photographyopportunities in a range of wetland andriverine habitats.

Scottish Natural Heritage

Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency

Scottish Wildlife Trust


11 Working inpartnership, explorethe implications ofEurasian BeaverCastor fiber in rivercatchments.

Work with Fisheries Boards and CatchmentInitiatives to incorporate flood attenuationinto management plans.

Expand local knowledge of managementtechniques and disseminate lessons derivedfrom UK beaver reintroduction projects.

Encourage studies into added biodiversityvalue from beavers, especially dragonfliesand damselflies, amphibians, otter andwater vole, wetland and riparian birds andnative fish populations.

Research the potential for riparian plantinggrants to mitigate for any beaver damage orthe species entering crop fields, traditionalor community orchards.

Forestry CommissionScotland

Scottish Wild BeaverGroup

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Tay LandscapePartnership

Fisheries Boards

Amphibian and ReptileConservation

Mammal Society

International OtterSurvival Fund

British Dragonfly Society

British Trust forOrnithology

River South EskCatchment Partnership


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Surveying & Monitoring

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

14 Survey and monitorthe Tayside Watervole population.

Investigate further the Water vole populationin Glen Clova and support actions to protectand enhance habitat for the population.

Investigate the possibility of fissoral Watervole populations in Tayside.

Water Vole GIS Survey (Tayside)Collate the Water vole data from SSE to sharenationally (NBN and SNH) and locally (localauthority GIS).

Loch Leven Water Vole SurveyContinue regular surveys to ascertain statusof Water vole in/around Loch Leven.

Tay Landscape Partnership RiparianMammals SurveyUndertake Mink control throughout TLParea.

Ongoing coppice management and scrubclearance to increase light onto riverbanks.

Control Himalayan balsam to improvefavourable habitat.

Ensure sympathetic pow and ditchmanagement with biodiversity in mind.

Create additional wetland habitat.

Consider Water vole reintroduction and landmanagement for natural reintroduction.

Re-survey medium and low priority surveysites by 2025.

Scottish Natural Heritage

Scottish Southern Energy

Angus Council

Perth & Kinross Council

River South EskCatchment Partnership

Tay LandscapePartnership

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Mammal Society


Maintaining & Improving Habitats

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

12 Research status ofLamprey in Tayside.

Research potential for Lamprey Pow BurnProject.

Support habitat enhancement for Lamprey.

Share good practice for the timing of riverwork where Lamprey is concerned.

District Salmon FisheryBoards

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Scottish Natural Heritage

River South EskCatchment Partnership


13 Mainstreammitigation tosafeguardamphibianpopulations acrossTayside.

Conserve and enhance amphibianpopulations by raising awareness ofmitigation measures including amphibianladders, wildlife kerbs, modified drains, etc.

Expand Amphibians In Drains Projectsacross Tayside.

Encourage the preparation, whereappropriate, of Amphibian ManagementPlans at the design stage of newdevelopments to incorporate droppedkerbs, modified drains and wildlife kerbs.

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Tayside Amphibian andReptile Group

Friends of AngusHerpetofauna

Perth & Kinross Council

Angus Council

Amphibian & ReptileConservation


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Education & Awareness Raising

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

17 Increase publicawareness of waterand wetlandhabitats and species.

Engage residents groups, communitycouncils and local environment groups incatchment-scale projects.

Perth Lade ProjectUpdate Management Plan.

With the community, prepare a SiteBiodiversity Action Plan.

Undertake conservation tasks to enhancethe Perth Lade.

Undertake interpretation and habitatimprovement along Perth Lade. Providetraining opportunities for volunteers toenhance riparian habitat for priority species.

Wildlife Ways ProjectEnhance the landscapes where the rivers Tayand Earn meet.

Reconnect residents and visitors with thenatural, built and cultural heritage withinthe Tay Landscape Partnership area.

Discuss future pow management with thePow Commission.

Dighty ConnectContinue and expand communitybiodiversity projects along the Dighty.

River South Esk Catchment PartnershipPromote the value of wetland habitats andspecies in all ongong projects and socialmedia and develop restorationopportunities where possible.

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Amphibian and ReptileConservation


Buglife Scotland

Plantlife Scotland

Tay LandscapePartnership

Broughty FerryEnvironmental Project

Perth Lade Group

River South EskCatchment Partnership

Local Community

Angus Council

Perth & Kinross Council


Surveying & Monitoring

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

15 Distribute nationalinformation to pondcreation groups.

Pooling Our Ponds Support the setting up of a Tayside Schooland Community Ponds Project.

Encourage 50 x community surveyors toundertake quarterly pond surveys andexpand the project by 2020.

Undertake regular amphibian and dragonflysurveys of Tayside ponds.

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

North East ScotlandBiodiversity Partnership

North East of ScotlandBiological RecordingCentre

Tayside Amphibian andReptile Group

British Dragonfly Society


16 Surveying forUnknowns in TaysideRivers – eDNA nationalResearch.

Undertake research to ascertain populationstatus of Shad in Tayside rivers.

Scottish Natural Heritage

Community groups


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Education & Awareness Raising

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

18 Raise awarenessabout freshwaterecology and the roleof the freshwaterfishery in the localeconomy.

Salmon in the Classroom

Continue programme to 2-4 local schoolsper annum.

Expand the project to include Angusschools.

Perth & Kinross Council

Angus Council

District Salmon FisheryBoards – school fieldvisits (electro-fishing andprovision of eggs)

SSE (advice only)

Ranger Services,including Atholl RangerService


19 Raise awareness ofwater and wetlandissues to LocalAuthorities,CommunityPlanning Partnersand the widerstakeholdernetwork.

Report twice yearly to community planningthematic partnerships on projectcontributions to local and national SingleOutcome Agreement objectives.

Regularly provide biodiversity seminars andworkshops to local authority staff onrelevant legislation and good practice.

Use social media and targeted websites topromote water and wetland issues to aswide an audience as possible.

Tayside BiodiversityPartnership

Angus Council

Perth & Kinross Council

River South EskCatchment Partnership


Invasive Non-Native Species

Action Action breakdown Who takes the action Timescale

20 Endeavour to reducethe direct pressures onriverine and wetlandbiodiversity andecosystem health frominvasive non-nativespecies.

Encourage control and eradication of invasive non-native species (INNS) throughout Tayside:

Support the Montrose Basin and River South EskINNS Projects; expand the River Earn INNS projects.

Monitor for the presence of American SignalCrayfish in the Pow Burn and Dighty Burn and iffound remove in accordance with INNS procedures.

Keep up-to-date the Tay Catchment INNS map androll out similar maps to other Tayside catchments.

Reduce the risk of the introduction of new INNS.

Encourage the use of Plant-Tracker and Riverwatchschemes to detect and monitor INNS.

Promote new INNS initiatives across Tayside e.g. theScottish Invasive Species Initiative.

Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust

Scottish Wildlife Trust

River South Esk CatchmentPartnership

Cairngorms National ParkAuthority

Angus Council

Perth & Kinross Council

Loch Lomond and theTrossachs National Park

Rivers And Fisheries Trusts ofScotland

Landowners and landmanagers


21 Secure multipleadjacent rivercatchments as breedingmink-free areas toprotect significantpopulations of watervole, salmonids, groundnesting birds and othernative riparianbiodiversity.

Scottish Mink Initiative

Continue to recruit and support volunteers whomonitor for and subsequently trap American mink.

Raise awareness of the negative impact Americanmink have on the environment.

Survey and record native wildlife returning topreviously unoccupied areas.

Scottish Natural Heritage

Cairngorms National ParkAuthority

University of Aberdeen

Tay Landscape Partnership

Rivers And Fisheries Trusts ofScotland
