Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Waiting ... Waiting ... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010
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Transcript of Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Page 1: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Waiting ...Waiting ...

Viewing Acts Chapter 1

Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010

Page 2: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Topics covered ...Topics covered ...Overall view of ACTS – Chart 10Video on ACTS 7

Toasting … Discussion on Chapter 1 That’s the Spirit! 10Exercise – Do 2001, 2, 8 (Part A) 15

Page 3: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.
Page 4: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

The Upper RoomThe Upper Room The room visited by tourists today is a Crusader structure as evidenced by the

architecture.  On the first floor below this room is the traditional tomb of David.  The location of this "tomb" outside of the City of David precludes its authenticity but some suggest that evidence in the "tomb" indicates an early Jewish-Christian presence (or synagogue).  If so, this could support this general area as the location of the biblical "Upper Room." 

Page 5: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

The Upper RoomThe Upper Room

Page 6: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

The Upper RoomThe Upper Room

Page 7: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

The Upper RoomThe Upper Room

Page 8: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Let’s adjourn to the back…Let’s adjourn to the back…

Page 9: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Emphasis for 2010Emphasis for 2010Worksheets to complete & submitConsistent study and memorisation

Monthly Test?Utilisation of emails/FBObjective to do well.

Page 10: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Waiting GameWaiting Game

Each player places a tile following the direction, saying “Waiting!” after placing the tile. The player loses when the platform pops up before his turn.

Page 11: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Introduction (1:1-5)Introduction (1:1-5) When have you had the hardest time waiting for something?

Read v1-5. Explain who the letter is written to (see pg1 a,b,c).

Acts - An authentic account told briefly and naturally to explain the Christian faith. Note the instructions given to the disciples. They were to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. "The promise of the Father".

Page 12: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Introduction (1:1-5)Introduction (1:1-5) 3.3 Do you or your friends ever wonder about the

certainty of Jesus' resurrection?

Review the evidences shown as in the notes. (pg 1 f).

Page 13: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Jesus taken up to Heaven (v6-11)Jesus taken up to Heaven (v6-11) Apparently some of the disciples were still hoping to be part of the ruling

government that they thought Jesus was going to establish on earth, but Jesus wanted them to focus their attention elsewhere. What were they to do?

Wait for the power provided by the Holy Spirit, then be witnesses for Him (Jesus). Note the progression – starting in Jerusalem and extending to the ends of the earth.)

Page 14: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Jesus taken up to Heaven (v6-11)Jesus taken up to Heaven (v6-11) In fact, these were Jesus’ last words on earth, which would indicate that

this was an important message. What happened then to confirm this (v 9-11)?

Jesus ascended into Heaven, and immediately two angels began to challenge the disciples to prepare for His return.

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Taken UpTaken Up

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Promise given, task assigned.Promise given, task assigned.

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The apostles return to Jerusalem The apostles return to Jerusalem (v12-14)(v12-14)

If you have been one of the disciples, what would you have done to pass the time while you waited? Compare this with what the disciples actually did (v12-14).

They constantly joined together in prayer.

Is this activity something that brings you closer to others? Explain.

Page 18: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26)Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26) By this time the disciples were beginning to piece together the facts of Jesus'

resurrection with what He had tried to tell them before He died and with what Scripture said would happened. For example, they discovered that Psalm 69:25 and 109:8 could refer to their situation with Judas. By the way, what happened to Judas (v15-19)?

See notes on pg 4 d’.

Page 19: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26)Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26) The disciples decided to replace Judas, and at this time there were 120 believers to

choose from (v15). What do you think about how they decided to do this (v20-26)?

They narrowed it down to their top two candidates, prayed, and cast lots, which was a common practice as this time. It suggests that they trusted God’s choice. However, this is the last time casting lots is mentioned in the Bible. After this, the Holy Spirit would be their guide.

Page 20: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26)Judas is replaced as Apostle (v15-26) Do you have any methods you regularly use to make hard decisions?

If you were one of the members of the group at this time, how do you think you would feel?

(Disappointed because Jesus no longer there; confused; doubtful that things could continue without the leadership of Jesus; excited about what was to happen, etc)

Page 21: Waiting... Viewing Acts Chapter 1 Prepared by: Soon Siak. January 2010.

As The World Changes . . .As The World Changes . . . Someone once said, “The only person who likes change is a wet baby.” Even though change in life is

inevitable, we often resist it.

In Acts 1, the disciples were facing some drastic changes. Looking at the discussion sheet, “ As the World Changes" , consider how to coup with changes. How might a relationship with God help these people better coup with the changes they're facing? How are YOU handling the changes YOU are actually facing? Consider the pros and cons of change and the resources we have as Christians to cope with changes.