wad; small amount of something,chi8t te3-a2,一小塊

wake 965 W wad, small amount of something chi8t te3-a2 小塊 wad, stack of money chi8t chi2 gi5n-phi3o 一疊鈔 waddle, swagger, reel along phia5n-la5i phia5n- khi3 晃來晃去,跩行 wade lia5u-chu2i 涉水 wade across the river lia5u-chu2i ko3e khe 我們 得涉水過河 wag io5 wag the head io5-tha5u 搖頭 wag the tail io5-bo2e 搖尾巴 wage war, combat, confrontations chok- chi3an 作戰 wage, do, to implement cho3, si8t-si 做,實施 wage, salary kang-chi5*, kang-chu, sin-su2i, goe8h-kip 工錢,工資,薪水,月薪 - living wage seng-oa8h hu3i-io7ng 生活費用 wager sio-su, poa8h 打賭,賭注 wages paid on piece work basis ke3-ki7a* kang-chu 計件工資 wages paid on time basis, hourly wage ke3-si5 kang-chu 計時工資 wages, cost of labor kang-chi5*, kang-chu 錢,工資 wagon, truck, van ho3e-chhia 貨車 wagon, vehicle, machnine chhia waif, street children li5u-lo7ng e5 gi2n-a2 流浪兒童 wail, cry kha3u 哭泣 wail, cry sorrowfully pi-siong 悲傷 wail, howl kai*-kai*-ki3o 哀叫 wail, to cry piteously ai-ho7 哀號 Wailing Wall in Jerusalem kha3u-chhi5u* 哭牆 waist band of petticoat or skirt ku5n-tha5u waist band, belt io-to3a 腰帶 waist deep chhim ka3u io, chhim ka3u io-po7+ 及腰部 waist line io-u5i 腰圍 waist, loins, hips, haunch io waist, middle, halfway po3a*-io 半腰 waist, small of back io-po7+ 腰部 waist, waistband of pair of trousers kho3+- tha5u 褲頭 wait a little while, after a little while, wait a minute ta2n chi8t-e7 等一會兒 wait for ta2n, the3ng-ha7u, ta2n-ha7u 等,等候 wait for a letter ta2n-ha7u phoe 等候來信 wait for an opportunity the3ng-ha7u ki-ho7e 候機會 wait for someone ta2n la5ng 等人 wait for, await ta2n-tha7i 等待 wait in vain khang-ta2n, pe8h-ta2n 空等,白等 Wait a minute. Don't do it right now. ba7n- chiah, ba7n-chhi2a*, ba7n-chhi2a*-si7. 慢著. wait on, serve, attend ho7ng-tha7i, su7-ho7ng 待,事奉 wait on, to serve, to act as a valet kho2an-tha7i 伺候 wait or attend upon, serve su-ha7u 伺候 wait till all have come ta2n-che5 等齊 wait tremblingly for outcome chhoah-le2-ta2n 不安的等 wait, look forward to, to await, expectation ki5-tha7i 期待 wait, watch for a chance, expect ta2n, te2ng wait-and-see attitude, to wait and see, hesi- tate koan-bo7ng 觀望 waiter in a restaurant cha2u-toh-e5 跑堂 waiter, waitress, attendant, customer ser- vice personnel ho8k-bu7-seng, ho8k-bu7-o5an 服務生,服務員 waiting anxiously kho7a-kho7a-ta2n 焦急的等待 waiting attitude koan-bo7ng e5 tha3i-to7+ 觀望的態 waiting room of a hospital ha7u-chi2n-sek 候診 waiting room of a station ha7u-chhia-sek 候車 waiting to fill vacancy as an alternate mem- ber of committee ha7u-po2+, hi7o-po2+ 候補 waitress li2 ho8k-bu7-seng 女服務生 waive, abandon, disgard, dump pa3ng-sak waive, renounce, give up rights ho3ng-khi3 kho5an-li7 放棄權利 wake person up by being noisy chha2-chhe2* 吵醒 wake someone up, alert ke2ng-chhe2*, keng- se2ng 警醒 wake the deceased, keep watch beside a coffin chi2u-le5ng 守靈 wake up, become aware of cheng-si5n khit-la5i 醒過來 wake up, awake, conscious khu3n-chhe2* 睡醒 wake

Transcript of wad; small amount of something,chi8t te3-a2,一小塊

Page 1: wad; small amount of something,chi8t te3-a2,一小塊



W wad, small amount of something chi8t te3-a2 一


wad, stack of money chi8t chi2 gi5n-phi3o 一疊鈔票

waddle, swagger, reel along phia5n-la5i phia5n-khi3 晃來晃去,跩行

wade lia5u-chu2i 涉水

wade across the river lia5u-chu2i ko3e khe 我們得涉水過河

wag io5 搖

wag the head io5-tha5u 搖頭

wag the tail io5-bo2e 搖尾巴

wage war, combat, confrontations chok-chi3an 作戰

wage, do, to implement cho3, si8t-si 做,實施

wage, salary kang-chi5*, kang-chu, sin-su2i, goe8h-kip 工錢,工資,薪水,月薪

- living wage seng-oa8h hu3i-io7ng 生活費用

wager sio-su, poa8h 打賭,賭注

wages paid on piece work basis ke3-ki7a* kang-chu 計件工資

wages paid on time basis, hourly wage ke3-si5 kang-chu 計時工資

wages, cost of labor kang-chi5*, kang-chu 工錢,工資

wagon, truck, van ho3e-chhia 貨車

wagon, vehicle, machnine chhia 車

waif, street children li5u-lo7ng e5 gi2n-a2 流浪兒童

wail, cry kha3u 哭泣

wail, cry sorrowfully pi-siong 悲傷

wail, howl kai*-kai*-ki3o 哀叫

wail, to cry piteously ai-ho7 哀號

Wailing Wall in Jerusalem kha3u-chhi5u* 哭牆

waist band of petticoat or skirt ku5n-tha5u 裙頭

waist band, belt io-to3a 腰帶

waist deep chhim ka3u io, chhim ka3u io-po7+ 深及腰部

waist line io-u5i 腰圍

waist, loins, hips, haunch io 腰

waist, middle, halfway po3a*-io 半腰

waist, small of back io-po7+ 腰部

waist, waistband of pair of trousers kho3+-tha5u 褲頭

wait a little while, after a little while, wait a minute ta2n chi8t-e7 等一會兒

wait for ta2n, the3ng-ha7u, ta2n-ha7u 等,等候

wait for a letter ta2n-ha7u phoe 等候來信

wait for an opportunity the3ng-ha7u ki-ho7e 等候機會

wait for someone ta2n la5ng 等人

wait for, await ta2n-tha7i 等待

wait in vain khang-ta2n, pe8h-ta2n 空等,白等

Wait a minute. Don't do it right now. ba7n-chiah, ba7n-chhi2a*, ba7n-chhi2a*-si7. 慢著.

wait on, serve, attend ho7ng-tha7i, su7-ho7ng 奉待,事奉

wait on, to serve, to act as a valet kho2an-tha7i 伺候

wait or attend upon, serve su-ha7u 伺候

wait till all have come ta2n-che5 等齊

wait tremblingly for outcome chhoah-le2-ta2n 不安的等

wait, look forward to, to await, expectation ki5-tha7i 期待

wait, watch for a chance, expect ta2n, te2ng 等

wait-and-see attitude, to wait and see, hesi-tate koan-bo7ng 觀望

waiter in a restaurant cha2u-toh-e5 跑堂

waiter, waitress, attendant, customer ser-vice personnel ho8k-bu7-seng, ho8k-bu7-o5an 服務生,服務員

waiting anxiously kho7a-kho7a-ta2n 焦急的等待

waiting attitude koan-bo7ng e5 tha3i-to7+ 觀望的態度

waiting room of a hospital ha7u-chi2n-sek 候診室

waiting room of a station ha7u-chhia-sek 候車室

waiting to fill vacancy as an alternate mem-ber of committee ha7u-po2+, hi7o-po2+ 候補

waitress li2 ho8k-bu7-seng 女服務生

waive, abandon, disgard, dump pa3ng-sak 拋棄

waive, renounce, give up rights ho3ng-khi3 kho5an-li7 放棄權利

wake person up by being noisy chha2-chhe2* 吵醒

wake someone up, alert ke2ng-chhe2*, keng-se2ng 警醒

wake the deceased, keep watch beside a coffin chi2u-le5ng 守靈

wake up, become aware of cheng-si5n khit-la5i 醒過來

wake up, awake, conscious khu3n-chhe2* 睡醒 wake

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wake up, become sober, rouse up chhe2*, chhi2* 醒

wake, to wake someone up ki3o-khi2-la5i 叫醒

wake, to wake up chhe2*-khi2-la5i, cheng-si5n khi2-la5i 醒過來

wakeful night kui-me5 be7 khu3n tit 整夜睡不著

wakeful, can't get to sleep be7 khu3n tit 睡不著

wakeful, sleepless, not asleep bo5 khu3n 不眠的

wakeful, to be awake chhe2*-chhe2* 醒著

walk ki5a*, ki5a*-lo7+ 行,走路

- take a walk sa3m-po7+, sa3n-po7+ 散步

walk a wrong road ki5a* m7-tio8h lo7+ 走錯路

walk about ki5a*-la5i ki5a*-khi3 走來走去

walk all about, traveled throughout ki5a*-tha3u-tha3u 走遍

walk along very leisurely tia7m-tia7m-a2 ki5a* 安靜地走

walk around looking at the sites paying no heed to where one is walking Ki5a*-lo7+ khia3n-thian khia3n-thian. 走路不看路.

walk around soemthing, make the circuit chiu-iu5 週遊

walk backwards the3-au7 退後

walk backwards without turning around to3-the3-ki5a* 倒著走,倒退行

walk but lose the way ki5a* bo5 lo7+ 無處去,迷路

walk carefully and slowly se3-ji7 ki5a* 小心走

walk everywhere si3-ke3-ki5a* 到處走

walk in ki5a* ji8p-la5i 走進來

walk lame pa2i 跛

walk near to ki5a* oa2-khi3 走靠近

walk on one's hands iam-ke-ki5a* 倒立走

walk on tiptoe nih-kha-bo2e-ki5a* 蹎著腳走路

walk on tiptoes, walking softly and noise-lessly liam 躡,踮著走,以足尖行走

walk right into trap, fall into snare through one's own fault chu7-ta5u lo5-bo2ng 自投羅網

walk slowly u5n-u5n-a2 ki5a*, khoa*-khoa*-a2 ki5a*, ba7n-ba7n-a2-ki5a* 慢慢走

walk through shallow water, wade across a river lia5u-chu2i 涉水

walk unsteadily kho7ng-khiang 不穩

walk uphill peh ki7a 爬坡

walk with long steps to7a-po7+-ki5a*, to7a-hoa8h ki5a* 大步走

walk, to walk, go by way of walking ko7+-ki5a*-e5, io7ng-ki5a*-e5 用走的

walkie-talkie tu3i-ko2ng-ki 對講機

walking ki5a*-lo7+, teh ki5a*-lo7+ 走路,步行

walking papers, lose job bia2n-chit-le7ng 免職令

walking round something, making one revolution ki5a* chi8t lia3n, se8h chi8t lia3n 走一圈,繞一圈

walking softly so as to avoid making noise liam-kha, liam-kha-ki5a* 躡足,躡足走

walking stick ko2ai-a2 柺杖

walking tour ki5a*-lo7+ li2-he5ng 步行旅行

walking with the feet turned outward kha ki5a*-lo7+ phiat-phiat 腳蹩著

Walkman so5e-sng-theng (phonetic), su5i-sin-thia* 隨身聽

walkout, strike pa7-kang 罷工

wall piah, chhi5u*-a2 牆壁,牆

- city walls si5a*-chhi5u* 城牆

- surrounding wall u5i-chhi5u* 圍牆

- The Great Wall of China Ba7n-li2-tn5g-si5a* 萬里長城

- to plaster a wall boah-piah 塗灰泥於牆上

- to stand by the wall khi7a-ti7 chhi5u*-a2 pi* 站在圍牆邊

- up against a wall po7ng-piah 撞牆

- wall paper piah-cho2a 壁紙

wall around the house or property chhi5u*-u5i, chhi5u*-u5i-a2, chhi5u*-tha5u-a2 圍牆

wall clock ko3a-cheng 掛鐘

wall map, picture or scroll to illustrate book ko3a-to5+ 掛圖

wall partition piah-to2+ 牆壁,牆

wall plug, electrical outlet chhah-tha5u 插頭

Wall Street Ho5a-ni2-ke, Bi2-kok e5 kim-io5ng tiong-sim 華爾街,美國的金融中心

wallet phi3o-pau-a2, chi5*-te7-a2 錢包,皮包

wallflower plant piah-hoe 牆花

wallflower, woman who has no dancing partner bo5 bu2-pho7a* e5 cha-bo2+ 無舞伴的女子

wallop to7a-to7a-e7 tu5i lo8h-khi3, to7a-to7a-e7 ko3ng lo8h-khi3 重擊

wallow in mire with somebody, to follow the bad example of others, in cahoots with to5ng-li5u ha8p-u3 同流合污

wallow in mud or water, cattle wallowing in the mud or water bath ko7-e8k 牛在泥中或水中打滾沐浴

wallow, addicted to or absorbed in wine and women ti5m-be5 沉迷


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wallow, roll about in mud or dirt no3a, ko7 打滾

walnut hu8t-tho5 核桃,胡桃

walnut kernel hu8t-tho5-ji5n 核桃仁

walrus ha2i-chhi7u* 海象

waltz tempo oa5n-bu2-khek 圓舞曲

waltz, to dance a waltz ho5a-ni2-chu, sa*-po7+-bu2 華爾茲舞

wand, baton chi2-hui-ku3n 指揮棒

wander about for pleasure, loiter about siau-ia5u 逍遙

wander about, drifting without aim li5u-lo7ng, si3-ke3-so5, phiau-li5u 流浪的,漂泊的

wander about, run about trying to escape si3-ke3 to5 到處流蕩,到處逃

wander from one's subject li7-khui pu2n-te7 離開本地

wander from place to place cha2u-thia3u 行走江湖

wander from place to place among the common people, to live in seclusion cha2u-kang-o5+ 跑江湖

wander from the right path li7-khui che3ng-to7 離開正道

wandering about, traveling abroad hu5n-iu55 su3-ha2i 雲遊四海

wandering in search of employment phun-pho 奔波

wandering minstrel or singer cha2u-chhi3u*, cha2u-chhi3u*-e5 賣唱,賣唱的

wandering, to dither, to hesitate, to pace back and forth, by extension, to hover around, to linger ki5a*-la5i ki5a*-khi3, pa5i-ho5e 徘徊

wanderlust, love of travel a3i li2-he5ng 熱愛旅行

wanderlust, to drift about, to wander, to roam, nomadic, homeless a3i li5u-lo7ng 流浪癖

wane, decline soe-pa7i 衰敗

wane, decrease kia2m-sia2u, kia2m-chi2o 減少

wane, to be lacking, to fall short of, deficit, deficient khih 虧缺

wane, weak soe-jio8k 衰弱

wangle, use deceit to gain advantage io7ng ke3 tit-tio8h 用狡詐達成目的

Wang-tian Interchange On5g-chha5n kau-li5u-to7 王田交流道

waning influence chia7m-chia7m sit se3 漸漸處於劣勢

want, desire, longing, appetite, craving io8k-bo7ng 欲望

- family in want sa3n-chhiah e5 ka-te5ng 貧窮的家庭

want ad tin-ki5u ko2ng-ko3, po3-cho2a e5 ki5u-chit ki5u-cha5i te2ng-te2ng 徵求廣告

want all of to boeh 都要

want both, also want ma7-boeh 也要

want of filial piety, unfilial, undutiful, dis-obedient to parents put-ha3u 不孝

want of funds chu-kim khoat-hoa8t, khoat-hoa8t chu-pu2n 資金缺乏,缺乏資本

want of sleep khu3n bo5 ka3u bi5n 沒睡足

want only, need only to, if only, as long as chi2-ia3u, chi2-a3i 只要

want to be beautiful, desire for beauty, love of excellence a3i-su2i 愛美

want to do something which has been done before iu7-boeh 又要

want to eat by all means, firmly set on eat-ing a certain item nge7-boeh chia8h 硬要吃

want to go by all means, at all costs or at all risks nge7-boeh khi3 硬要去

want to go to the toilet badly sa2i teh ki2n 內急

want to pass water badly ji7o teh ki2n 尿急

want to wander about loafing hong-so 好玩,喜遊蕩

want to, to feel like, to fancy, to care for somebody, desirous of si7u*-boeh 想要

want, lack of, lapse, deficiency khia3m-khoeh 欠缺

want, need, demand, require, requirement, need su-ia3u 需要

want, to lessen, to decrease, to reduce, to lower kia2m-sia2u, kia2m-chi2o 減少

want, a wish a3i, boeh 要

wanting khia3m-khoeh, bo5 ka3u 缺乏的,缺少的

wanting in ability go7ng tuh-tuh 傻楞楞

wanting in ability and little learning cha5i so+ ha8k chhia2n 才疏學淺

wanting in refinement, rude, rough chho+-lo2+ 粗魯,粗糙,簡陋

wanting, destitute, insufficient, deficient, in tight straits pi5n-hoa8t 貧乏

wanton, loose woman, adulteress i5m-hu7 淫婦

wanton, naughty chok-gia8t e5 頑皮的

wanton, rakish, unconventional, licentious, easy in one's morals ho3ng-to7ng e5 放蕩的


wanton, given to lust, lecherous, lascivious, horny ho3+*-sek e5 好色的

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WAP, wireless application protocol bo5-so3a* chi7u*-ba7ng tho5an-su hia8p-te7ng 無線上網傳輸協定

warriors, soldiers chia3n-su7 戰士

war chia3n-cheng, sio-tha5i, sio-chia3n 戰爭,打仗

- civil war lo7e-lo7an, lo7e-chia3n 內亂,內戰

- declaration of war soan-chia3n 宣戰

- prisoner of war chia3n-hu 戰俘

- to end a war the5ng-chia3n 停戰

- to engage in war kau-chia3n 交戰

- to go to war chhut-chia3n 出戰

- to start a war khai-chia3n 開戰

war booty chia3n-li7-phi2n 戰利品

war correspondent chia3n-te7 ki3-chi2a, su5i-kun ki3-chi2a 戰地記者

war criminal chia3n-ho7an 戰犯

war disasters chia3n-ho2e 戰火

war games, military maneuvers chia3n-ta3u ia2n-si8p, chia3n-cheng ia2n-si8p, kun-su7 ia2n-si8p 戰鬥演習,戰爭演習,軍事演習

war marching song, martial music kun-koa 軍歌

war ministry, defense department kun-po7+ 軍部

war munitions kun-ho2e 軍火

war of aggression chhim-lio8k chia3n-cheng 侵略戰爭

war of nerves, psychological warfare si5n-keng-chia3n 神經戰

war of resistance, to fight against the in-vading army kho3ng-chia3n 抗戰

war preparations, combat readiness chia3n-pi7 戰備

war situation chia3n-ho2ng 戰況

war vessel chia3n-la7m, chia3n-ka3m 戰艦

war battle line, battlefront, front chia3n-so3a* 戰線

war zone, theater of operations chia3n-khu 戰區

warble chia2u-a2 teh ha2u, chi7-chi7u-ki3o 鳥鳴,吱吱叫

ward off an attack pi7-bia2n kong-kek 避免攻擊

ward off baleful spiritual influence che3-soah 祭煞

ward off calamities siau-chai ka2i-eh 消災解禍

ward off effectively with shield or door cha8h-tia5u 遮住,攔住

ward off evil phek-si5a 避邪

ward off, push aside, to appropriate money po2e 撥

ward off with the hands, to move with the hands, to separate po2e-khui 撥開

ward off, to guard, to defend si2u-o7e 守衛

ward, guardianship, act as guardian ka3m-ho7+ 監護

ward, city area or district khu 區

ward, civil area or district office khu-kong-so2+ 區公所

ward, isolation ward keh-li7 pe7*-pa5ng 隔離病房

ward, to avert, to prevent, to avoid, to re-frain from pi7-bia2n 避免

ward, to monitor, to oversee, to keep a close watch over, to spy on ka3m-si7 監視

ward, ward of a hospital or sickroom pe7*-pa5ng 病房

warden, guardian ka3m-ho7+-ji5n 監護人

warden, look after people kho3a*-ko3+ e5 la5ng 看顧的人

warden, to guard people kha3n-si2u 看守

wardrobe, clothes sa* 衣服

wardrobe, clothes closet sa*-a2-tu5 衣廚

wardship, control, to supervise, to inspect ka3m-tok 監督

- to be under the wardship of ti7…ka3m-tok chi ha7 在…監督之下

wardship, to act as guardian ka3m-ho7+ 監護

ware, goods, commodity, merchandise ho3e, ho3e-bu8t, siong-phi2n 貨,貨物,商品

- Chinaware hu5i-a2 瓷器

warehouse supervisor or manager ko2an-li2 chhng-kho3+ e5 la5ng 管理倉庫的人

warehouse, depot, storehouse chhng-kho3+, cha3n-keng 倉庫,貨棧

warfare, to make war, combat, to fight chok-chia3n, kau-chia3n 作戰,交戰

- chemical warfare ho3a-ha8k-chia3n 化學戰

- psychological warfare sim-li2-chia3n 心理戰

warlike nation ho3+-chia3n e5 kok-ka 好戰的國家

warlike, bellicose ho3+*-chia3n e5 好戰的

warlord kun-hoa8t 軍閥

warm un-lo2an 溫暖

- to keep warm un-sio, un ho7+ sio 溫熱

- to warm in the sun pha8k ji8t-tha5u, pha8k ho7+ sio 曬太陽

- to warm oneself at the fire hang-ho2e, hang ho7+ sio 烤火使身體暖和


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- to give a warm reception to ho2-le2 kho2an-tha7i 禮貌款待

warm affection ji5n-chu5 仁慈

warm air sio-khi3 暖氣

warm and tender, sweet natured un-ji5u 溫柔

warm at the fire hang-sio 取暖,烤熱

warm blooded jia8t-hiat e5 熱血的

warm blooded animal un-hiat to7ng-bu8t 溫血動物

warm by fire, to dry some thing by the fire, to toast hang, hang-ho2e 烘,烤,取暖,烤火

warm hearted jia8t-sim e5 熱心的

warm one's hands hang-chhi2u 烤手,烘手

warm over again, warm food up again thn7g, thn7g-sio 煨,再熱

warm vapor of fermentation, odor of some-thing turned sour chha3u-sng bi7 醙味

warm welcome jia8t-lia8t e5 hoan-ge5ng 熱烈的歡迎

warm, genial sio 暖的

warm, mild, temperate, lukewarm, to warm, to review un 溫

warm, nice and warm sio-joa8h 暖和

warm, to warm ho7+…sio 使…溫暖

warmed over again ko3e-thn7g 煨過

warmonger ho3+*-chia3n-chi2a 好戰者

warmth, amiable, cordial, close and dear, familiar chhin-chhiat 親切

warmth, cordial, enthusiastic, passion, passionate, passionately jia8t-che5ng 熱情

warmth, heat, steam jia8t-khi3 熱氣

warmth, temperature, heat, short-lived en-thusiasm jia8t-to7+ 熱度

warmth, warm un-lo2an 溫暖

warn a child to avoid bad companions ke2ng-ko3 gi2n-a2 oa2n-li7 pha2i* pe5ng-iu2 警告孩子遠離壞朋友

warn against insubordination by enforcing strict discipline when one first takes of-fice ha7-ma2-ui 下馬威

warn by hint of plot or other danger tia2m-chhe2* 提醒

warn or admonish someone, deliver a warn-ing pa3ng-sia* 放聲,放言警告

warn secretly, give secret hint by signal, word or other sound thau tia2m-tuh 暗中提醒

warn, advice, advise tiong-ko3 忠告

warn, to be alert for ke2ng-ka3i 警戒

warning bell, alarm bell ke2ng-le5ng 警鈴

warning signal ke2ng-po3 si3n-ho7 警報信號

warning, alarm, alert signal ke2ng-po3 警報

- without warning bo5 tiu*-ti5, bo5-tiu* bo5-ti5 無意中

warning, caution, to warn, to guard, watch for ke2ng-ko3, ke2ng-ka3i 警告,警戒

warning, omen chia5n-tia7u 預兆

warp, misinterpret khiok-ka2i la5ng e5 i3-su3 曲解

warp, to bend, to curve around, curved, crooked, to wind oan-khiau 彎曲

warp, twist, distort, distortion ut, au2 扭曲

warrant for arrest khu-phi3o 拘票

warrant for questioning, summons, sub-poena, voucher tia3u-toa* 傳票

- to issue a warrant khui tia3u-toa* 開拘提傳票

warrant officer chu2n-ui3 准尉

warrant, arrest warrants thong-chi8p-le7ng, thong-chhip-le7ng 通緝令

warrior bu2-su7, chia3n-su7 武士, 戰士

- unknown warrior bu5 mi5a lia8t-su7 無名烈士

warship chia3n-chu5n, kun-ka3m, chia3n-ka3m, chia3n-la7m 戰船,軍艦,戰艦

wart, birthmark, mole bah-ki3 肉痣

wart, nodule hi5-la5n-chhe3, hi5-la5n-so3e 疣

wartime chia3n-si5 戰時

wartime activities chia3n-si5 hoa8t-to7ng 戰時活動

wartime international law chia3n-si5 kok-che3 kong-hoat 戰時國際公法

wary of giving offense chu3-i3 m7-thang tek-cho7e la5ng 注意不可得罪人

wary, beware of, guard against, to be vigi-lant, watch you don't slip the5-ho5ng e5 提防的

wary, cautious, prudent ki2n-si7n 謹慎

wary, pay close attention chin chu3-i3 e5 密切注意的

wash se2, so2e 洗

- cannot be washed clean se2 be7 chheng-khi3 洗不乾淨

wash and rinse, wash again, cleanse se2-tn7g 洗滌

wash away completely se2-ti5 洗除

wash away, flush with running water, rise rapidly or shoot up, clash with chhiong, chhi5ang 沖

wash basin bi7n-tha2ng, bi7n-phu5n 臉盆

wash board se2-sa*-pang 洗衣板 wash

wash clean se2 ho7+ chheng-khi3 洗乾淨

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wash clothes se2-sa* 洗衣服

wash lady se2-sa*-e5 洗衣者

wash off se2-tia7u 洗掉

wash off the dirt lut-sian 搓身垢

wash off the dust, welcome party for return-ing traveler se2-ti5n 洗塵

wash one's face se2-bi7n 洗臉

wash one's feet, wash lower body se2-kha 洗腳

wash the hands, wash one's hands of evil ways, have nothing more to do with it se2-chhi2u 洗手

wash, to bathe chheng-se2 清洗

washable e7-se2-tit e5 可洗的

washed away in a flood ho7+ chu2i la5u-khi3 被水流走

washed away, drain off la5u-tia7u 流掉

- to hang the wash out to dry phi-sa* pha8k ho7+ ta 晾衣服曬乾

washed or cut away by high flood ho7+ to7a-chu2i koah-khi3 被洪水流失

washed out by floods ho7+ to7a-chu2i chhiong-ha7i-khi3 被洪水沖壞了

washed-out, faded the3-sek e5 退色的

washed-out, tired thia2m kah boeh si2-khi3, chin thia2m e5 疲倦的

washing machine se2-i-ki, se2-sa*-ki 洗衣機

Washington D.C. Ho5a-hu2 華府

washout caused by floods ho7+ to7a-chu2i chhiong cha2u khi3 e5 so2+-cha7i 被洪水沖走的地方

washout, failure, defeated sit-pa7i e5 la5ng 失敗的人

washroom pia7n-so2+ 洗手間

wasp ho2+-tha5u-phang 虎頭蜂

waste, delay, hold up, waste time, interfere with tam-go7+ 耽誤

- I wasted so much of your time. Go2a tam-go7+ li2 be7-chi2o e5 si5-kan. 我耽誤你不少時間.

waste effort bo5-chha2i-kang 徒勞無功

waste incinerator pu3n-so3 hu5n-ho3a-lo5+ 垃圾焚化爐

waste money, have to have everything you see, want the first women you see ki3*-o+ to7 tak 看到就買,不管好壞,看到女人就要

waste of force, strength or effort hu3i-la8t 費力

waste of money bo5-chha2i chi5* 浪費錢,東西等 watch

waste one's breath, to speak in vain, might as well not have said it at all pe8h-ko2ng 白說

waste wealth, lose money pho3-cha5i 破財

waste work lia2u-kang 白費工夫

waste your father's efforts in bringing you up ko+-hu7 li2n la7u-pe7 chhi7 li2 kah chiah to7a-ha3n 辜負你父親養育你這麼大

waste, cost, to spend, fee, wasteful, ex-penses lia2u 費

waste, damage, to injure su2n-ha7i 損壞

waste, desert, famine hng 荒

waste, lavish, waste, extravagance lo7ng-hu3i 浪費

waste, scrap, rubbish, materials hu3i-lia7u 廢料

waste, spend recklessly pho3-hu3i 破費

waste, spend to no purpose o2ng-hu3i 枉費

waste, squander, to spoil, it is pity, it is too bad phah-sn2g 浪費,可惜

wasted away to skeleton sa2n kah chhun chi8t ki kut 瘦得剩個骨架

wasted one's time in coming pe8h-la5i 白來

wasted talent, big fish in little pond bu5 io7ng-bu2 chi te7, bo5 io7ng-bu2 chi te7 無用武之地

wasteland, barren land, desert be7 che3ng-choh-tit e5 tho2+-te7 不毛之地

wasteland, wilderness pha-hng e5 tho2+-te7 荒野

wastelands, unoccupied land, vacant land khang-te7 空地

wastepaper hu3i-cho2a 廢紙

wastepaper basket ji7-cho2a-la2ng 字紙簍

watch, vigilance, to take note of, to pay at-tention to chu3-i3 注意

- to be on the watch ke2ng-ka3i 警戒

- to keep watch si2u-ia7, ko3e-me5, ko3+-ke* 守夜

watch tower lia5u-bo7ng-ta5i 瞭望台

watch chain pi2o-a2-lia7n 錶鏈

watch closely, observe, to survey, to exam-ine, observation, view, perspective koan-chhat 觀察

watch dog si2u-mn5g-ka2u 守門狗

watch for an opportunity to deliberately make things difficult for someone si7u*-khang si7u*-pha7ng 找機會刁難人,賺錢

watch for good chance sio3ng ki-ho7e 找機會

watch for irregularities in voting in election ka3m-phi3o 監票

watch how affairs are going kho3a* pa7n-se3 看情形

watch movie kho3a* tia7n-ia2* 看電影

watch of the night, one fifth part of the night ke*, ki* 更

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watch over and take care of, prison guard kha3n-si2u 看守

watch over and take charge of ko2an-ko3+ 管顧

watch over, take care of kho3a*-ko3+ 看顧

watch television kho3a* tia7n-si7 看電視

watch the door ko3+ mn5g 看門

watch the signs of the weather kho3a* thi*-sek 看天色

watch, control, supervise, inspect ka3m-tok 監督

watch, day shift, day watch ti8t-ji8t, tong-ti8t 值日

watch, guard, watch over kho3a*-si2u 看守

watch, keep watch during a clandestine ac-tivity, be on the lookout kho3a*-tha5u 把風

watch, to monitor, to oversee, to keep a close watch over, to spy on ka3m-si7 監視

watch, to see, to look at, to read kho3a* 看

watch, to watch from a height or distance, to keep a lookout lia5u-bo7ng 瞭望

watch, to work a shift, be on duty ti8t-pan 值班

watch, view, to watch TV, to receive TV channels siu-kho3a* 收看

watch, wrist or pocket watch pi2o-a2, si5-pi2o, si5-pi2o-a2 錶

watch, wristwatch chhi2u-pi2o 手錶

watchcase pi2o-a2-khak 錶殼

watchful ki2n-si7n, si2o-sim 謹慎,小心

watchfulness ka3i-sim 戒心

watching for man, so as to catch him or to injure him, waiting for a job tng-ta2n 等待,伺機

watchmaker pi2o-a2 sai-hu7 錶匠

watchmaker's shop cheng-pi2o-tia3m 鐘錶店

watchman, be on the lookout cho3 kho3a*-tha5u 把風的

watchman, guard, defend si2u-o7e 守衛

watchman, night watchman ko3+-ke*-e5 更夫

watchman, patrol, make the rounds su5n-ke* e5 更夫,巡夜者

watchman's drum ke*-ko2+ 更鼓

watchtower ke*-la5u 更樓

watchword, oral command, a word of com-mand used in drilling troops or gym-nasts, password used by sentry kha2u-le7ng 口令

watchword, secret signal or sign, counter-sign, cipher a3m-ho7 暗號

water chu2i 水

- holy water font se3ng-chu2i-poe (Catholic) 聖水杯

- pure water chheng-chu2i 清水

- spring water cho5a*-chu2i 泉水

- to be covered with water im-ko3e 淹沒

- to draw water chhi7u*-chu2i 提水

- to mix with water tha3u-chu2i 攙水

- to sprinkle water hi3u-chu2i 潑水

- to water flowers ak-hoe 澆花

- to place in water chi3m 浸

- to lack water khia3m-chu2i 缺水

water and electric utilities chu2i-tia7n 水電

water bill chu2i-hu3i, chu2i-to7-chi5* 水費

water bottle chu2i-pa5n, chu2i-o5+ 水瓶

water bucket chu2i-tha2ng 水桶

water buffalo chu2i-gu5 水牛

water chestnut le5ng-kak 菱角

water color painting chu2i-chha2i-oe7 水彩畫

water condition, nature or quality of the wa-ter chu2i-se3ng 水性

Water Conservation Bureau Chu2i-li7-kio8k 水利局

water cooler le2ng-chu2i-khi3 冷卻器

water current, water flow chu2i-li5u 水流

water drop, dripping water, the eaves of house tih-chu2i 滴水

water drop, to drop, to drip tih 滴

water fall pho8k-po3+, chu2i-chhia5ng 瀑布

water faucet chu2i-lio5ng-tha5u 水龍頭

water filter li7-chu2i-khi3, soa-la7u 濾水器

water flowing ki5a*-la5u 水流通

water flowing through ravine or valley khe*-a2-chu2i 澗水

water for irrigating the field chha5n-chu2i 田水

water for irrigation ko3an-kha3i io7ng-chu2i 灌溉用水

water for irrigation, water in the water canal chu2i-chu3n 水圳

water from mountain stream khe-chu2i 溪水

water goblin, frogman (slang) chu2i-ku2i 水鬼

water gun chu2i-chhe3ng 水槍

water has been drained off, flood waters have abated chu2i siau-khi3 水消了,水退了


water in which rice has been washed and cleaned bi2-phun 淘米水

water in which rice has been washed, slop, swill for pigs phun 餿水

water is rising chu2i teh tio3ng-ko5an 水在漲高

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water jar chu2i-kng 水缸

water lantern, paper lantern put in the water to guide the spirit of the dead chu2i-teng 水燈為普渡亡魂

water level chu2i-chhi3n, chui2-chu2n-khi3 水準器

water lily, lotus flower lia5n-hoe 蓮花

water main chu7-la5i-chu2i e5 chu2i-ko2ng 自來水管

water meter, water gauge chu2i-pi2o 水錶

water or liquid mucus from nose, snivel phi7*-chu2i 鼻水

water pipe chu2i-ko2ng 水管

water plant chu2i-chha2u 水草

water pressure chu2i-ap 水壓

water pump thiu-chu2i-ki 抽水機

water smoking pipe, hookah chu2i-hun-chhoe 水煙斗

water snake chu2i-cho5a 水蛇

water spinach, water convolvulus khang-sim-chha3i, e3ng-chha3i 空心菜,甕菜,蕹菜

water sports, aquatic sports chu2i-sio7ng u7n-to7ng 水上運動

water stage, water level, watermark chu2i-u7i 水位

water surface, water level chu2i-bi7n 水面

water tank, car radiator, cistern chu2i-siu* 水箱

water tank, water tower chu2i-thah 水塔

water that has been boiled and allowed to cool le2ng ku2n-chu2i 冷開水

water trough, rain pipe or gutter on house chu2i-cho5 水槽

water vending location ka-chu2i-cha7m 加水站

water volume, amount of water chu2i-lio7ng 水量

water wheel, water turbine chu2i-chhia 水車

water will not drain off chu2i be7 siau 水不通

water within membrane capsule in which fetus develops the-chu2i 胎水

water works chu7-la5i chu2i-chhi2u* 自來水廠

water, to irrigate, to pour, to install software, to record music ko3an 灌

water, to water plants ak-chu2i 澆水

water, to water, to sprinkle, to spray, to spill, to shed ak 灑

watercolor artist chu2i-chha2i-oe7-ka 水彩畫家

water-holding capacity thiok-chu2i-lio7ng 蓄水量

watering can, sprinkling can so7an-tha2ng 蓮蓬灑桶

watermelon si-koe 西瓜

waterproof ho5ng-chu2i 防水

waterproof cloth ho5ng-chu2i-po3+ 防水布

waterproof, moisture proof ho5ng-sip 防濕

water's edge, shore chu2i-pi* 水邊

watershed pun-chu2i-ni2a, hun-su2i-le2ng 分水嶺

waterways, journey by water chu2i-lo7+ 水路

watery chu2i-e5 水的

watery eyes ba8k-chiu ka5m ba8k-sa2i 眼睛含著眼淚

watery, rare, uncommon, sparse chu2i-chu2i 太稀

watt chek 瓦特

- electric bulb of 60 watts la8k-cha8p chek e5 tia7n-ki5u-a2 六十燭光的燈泡

wattmeter tia7n-pi2o 電錶

wave a fan ia8t khoe-si3* 揮扇子

wave farewell ia8t-chhi2u 揮手

wave length pho-tn5g 波長

wave the hand ia8t 揮手

wave, sway, rock hia2n 搖動

waver in determination sam-sim lio2ng-i3 三心兩意

waver, flutter io5 搖

waver, hesitate ti5u-ti5 躊躇

wavering between doubt and belief, half in doubt, skeptical po3a*-si3n po3a*-gi5 半信半疑

waves, breakers, wind and waves, stormy sea e2ng, lo7ng, hong-e2ng, pho-lo7ng 浪,風浪,波浪

wavy na2 ha2i-e2ng le3 波浪狀的

wavy hair khi5u-mo+ 捲髮

wax la8h 蠟

- bees wax bi8t-la8h 蜜蠟

- ear wax hi7*-sa2i 耳垢

- paraffin wax chio8h-la8h 石蠟

wax apple, wax jumbo, Malayan apple lia2n-bu7 蓮霧

wax candle la8h-chek 蠟燭

wax figure, waxwork la8h-sio7ng 蠟像

wax, rub with wax, apply waxy surface phah-la8h 打蠟


waxed paper, stencil paper la8h-cho2a 蠟紙

way, road, path lo7+ 路

- on the way to5+-tiong 途中

- one way road tan-he5ng-to7 單行道 way

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- one way or another bo5-lu7n ji5-ho5, bo5-lu7n ju5-ho5 無論如何

- the whole way it-lo7+, ia5n-lo7+ 一路,沿路

- the right way che3ng-to7 正道

- to give way ni7u, ni7u-lo7+ 讓,讓路

- to lead the way chho7a-lo7+ 帶路

- to make the way of the Cross pa3i kho2+-lo7+ (Catholic) 拜苦路

- to stop half way po3an-to5+ ji5-hu3i, tiong-chi2 半途而廢,中止

way of cooking chu2-hoat 煮法

way of doing or making things cho3-hoat 做法

way of doing something, method, form, mode hong-sek 方式

way of escape, way out khi3-lo7+ 去路

way of life, mode of living seng-oa8h hong-sek 生活方式

way of looking at something, view si7u*-hoat 想法

way of looking at things kho3a*-hoat 看法

way of stating ideas or facts ko2ng-hoat 講法

Way of the Cross kho2+-lo7+ (Catholic) 苦路

way of writing si2a-hoat 寫法

way to death si2-lo7+ 死路

way to use thing, directions for using or operating something io7ng-hoat 用法

way, method, means for doing something hoat-to7+, hong-hoat, pa7n-hoat 方法,辦法

way, method, means of doing something, strategy, trick chhi2u-to7a* 手段

way, type, form, pattern, style sek, hong-sek 式,方式

wayfarer ki5a*-lo7+ li2-he5ng e5 la5ng 徒步旅行者

waylay, ambush, to lie in wait for, to lie low to3a po3a*-lo7+ ba5i-ho8k 半路埋伏

waylay, intercept cha8h le7 攔截

ways of heaven, natural law, Heaven's jus-tice thian-to7 天道

ways of the world, especially, prevailing character and customs of the people of a place se3-che5ng 世情

ways or methods of making something che3-hoat 製法

WC, water closet, tiolet, restroom chhe3-so2+, pia7n-so2+ 廁所

we (excluding person addressed) gu2n, go2an 我們

we (including person addressed) la2n 我們

weak and timid person jio8k-chia2 弱者

weak and worn out, in state of lassitude, all weary and aching sng-nn2g-thi3a* 酸痛

weak and yielding bed or floorboards nn2g si3m-si3m 軟綿綿

weak bladder he7-siau 下消

weak in English Eng-gi2 bo5 si8t-le8k 英語沒有實力

weak in health, debilitated pa7i-si7n 腎虧,腎虛

weak of purpose i3-chi3 po8k-jio8k 意志薄弱

weak point jio8k-tia2m 弱點

weak stomach pi5 hi 脾虛

weak, feeble nn2g-kha-he5 軟腳蝦,軟弱的人

weak, feeble, languid lo2an-jio8k 軟弱

weak, feeble, young, inferior jio8k, la2m, soe-jio8k 弱,衰弱

weak, fragile, slight influence, unstable business, weak in health po8k-jio8k 薄弱

weak, inability, powerless, lacking strength bo5 la8t 無力

weak, thin, light, flagging, faint po8h 淡薄

weak, vulnerable jio8k-se3 弱勢

weaken, become weak pia3n-jio8k 變弱

- to be weakened and grow old soe-la7u 衰老

weaken, to lose power, force, strength or ability sit-la8t 失力

weaken, to waste away, to become thin siau-sa2n 消瘦

weak-headed go7ng e5 愚蠢的

weak-hearted bo5 io2ng-khi3 e5, bo5 ta2* 沒勇氣的,沒膽量的

weak-kneed, surrender easily bo5 koat-to3an e5 易屈服的

weakling jio8k-chi2a 弱者

weak-minded bo5 ta2* e5 懦弱的

weak-minded, give in easily bo5 koat-to3an e5 易屈服的

weak-minded, mental deficiency, incompe-tent te-le5ng e5 低能的

weakness, fault, shortcoming, weak point khoat-tia2m 缺點

weakness, feeble, flabby lo2an-jio8k, soe-jio8k 軟弱,衰弱


weakness, weak, feeble, young, inferior la2m 弱

wealth, money chi5*-cha5i 錢財

- poverty and wealth pi5n hu3 ku3i chia7n 貧富貴賤

- to amass wealth hoat-cha5i 發財

- to covet wealth tham-cha5i 貪財 wealth

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wealth, property cha5i-sa2n 財產

wealth, riches or fortune cha5i-hu3 財富

wealth, to enrich, rich, plentiful, abundant hong-hu3 豐富

wealthy business man hu3-siong 富商

wealthy family hu3-ho7+ 富裕的家庭

wealthy man u7-chi5*-la5ng 有錢人

wealthy man, man of wealth and influence hu3-ho7+-la5ng 富翁

wealthy, has money u7 chi5*, ho2-gia8h 富有

wealthy, prosperous, well-to-do, well-off hu3-ju7 富裕

wealthy, riches and honor hu3-ku3i 富貴

wean, disengage, break off relationship to7an-choa8t koan-he7 斷絕關係

weaning, ablactation, wean tn7g-leng 斷奶

weapon, arms bu2-khi3 武器

weapon, weaponry peng-khi3 兵器

wear a belt ha5 繫

wear a necklace ko3a phoa8h-lia7n 戴項鍊

wear a new shirt chhe7ng sin sa* 穿新衣

wear a ring ko3a chhi2u-chi2 戴戒指

wear a wristwatch ko3a chhi2u-pi2o 戴手錶

wear away mo5+-su2n 磨損

wear bracelet ko3a chhi2u-kho5an 戴手鐲

wear restraining collar, negative thoughts, asking for trouble gi5a-ke5 負枷,自找麻煩

wear cap or hat ti3 bo7-a2 戴帽子

wear clothes chhe7ng sa* 穿

wear clothes fitting to the occasion pih-chah 衣著合身

wear clothes that does not fit properly, the appearance of the eyes just before death tia3u-tia3u 衣服穿得不合身,眼珠往上翹

wear glasses ko3a ba8k-ki3a* 戴眼鏡

wear gloves ko3a chhi2u-lo5ng 戴手套

wear mask ti3 sia2u-ku2i-khak 戴假面具

wear or put cap on the head ti3 戴

wear raincoats made of palm leaves moa chang-sui 穿簑衣

wear ring, eyeglassses and the like ko3a 戴

wear sad look, look distressed chhi5u-io5ng mo2a-bi7n 愁容滿面

wear saddle, saddle a horse or animal ko3a be2-oa* 掛馬鞍

wear sun hat ti3 le8h-a2 戴斗笠

wear symbol of mourning, wear crepe to3a-ha3 帶孝

wear, drap over the shoulders moa 披

wearied and distracted, toil and moil, to drudge, busy oneself with drudgery lo5-lo8k 勞碌

wearing crown of thorns ti3 chhi3-koan 戴莿冠

wearisome ho7+ la5ng chin thia2m e5, ho7+ la5ng chin sia7n e5 使人疲勞的,使人疲倦的

weary of something, disgusting, trouble-some, nuisance, nasty, to hate doing something tho2-ia3 討厭

weary of study tho2-ia3 tha8k-chheh 討厭念書

weary of waiting ta2n kah chin bo5-lia5u 等得很無聊

weary oneself, wearied in mind lo5-si5n 勞神

weary or tired workers phi5-lo5 sio7ng-pan-cho8k 疲勞上班族

weary toil, bodily labor, physical labor lo5-le8k 勞力

weary unto death le8k-si2 累死

weary, bored, boring, senseless bo5-lia5u, bo5 gi7-ni7u 無聊

weary, tired sia7n, ia3-sia7n 疲倦的,厭倦

weather thi*-khi3 天氣

- bad weather pha2i*-thi* 壞天氣

- cloudy weather o+-im-thi* 陰天

weather a difficulty pe5ng-an to7+-ko3e la5n-koan 平安度過難關

weather beaten chhoe-hong pha8k-ji8t e5 風吹日曬的

weather bureau khi3-sio7ng-kio8k 氣象局

weather forecast khi3-sio7ng i7-po3 氣象預報

weather is dreadfully hot thi*-khi3 ia7m-joa8h 天氣炎熱

weather reports khi3-sio7ng po3-ko3 氣象報告

weather satellite khi3-sio7ng o7e-chhe* 氣象衛星

weather station khi3-sio7ng-ta5i 氣象台

weather vane chhek-hong-ke3 測風計

weather, atmospheric phenomena khi3-sio7ng 氣象

weather, climate, atmosphere, situation khi3-ha7u 氣候


weathercock te7ng-hong-chiam 風標

weave a mat chit chhio8h-a2 織蓆子

weave a straw mat phah chha2u-chhio8h 製草蓆,打草蓆

weave a web ke*-si, khan-si 結蜘蛛網

weave and spin pha2ng-chit 紡織

weave cloth chit, chit-po3+ 織,織布

weave, fabricate pi7*, ke* 編,紉 weave

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weavers chit-kang, chit-po3+ e5 la5ng 織布工

weaver's shuttle so-a2, nia2u-chhi2-a2 梭子

weaving mill chit-po3+-chhi2u* 織布廠

web browser web li5u-la2m-khi3 web,全球資訊網路瀏覽器

web magazine, webzine ba7ng-lo7+ cha8p-chi3 網路雜誌,線上雜誌

web master ba7ng-lo7+ ko-chhi2u 網路高手

web page ba7ng-ia8h web page,網頁

web traffic ba7ng-cha7m la5ng la5i-la5i-khi3-khi3 e5 lio7ng 網站人潮流量

web, net ba7ng 網

- spider's web ti-tu-ba7ng 蜘蛛網

web, woven fabric chit-phi2n, po3+ 織品,布

webcam ba7ng-lo7+ si7-si3n liap-ia2*-ki 網路視訊攝影機

website ba7ng-cha7m 網站

wed, marry a husband ke3 嫁

wed, marry a wife chho7a-bo2+ 娶太太

wed, to get married kiat-hun 結婚

wedding ceremony hun-le2, kiat-hun-sek 婚禮,結婚儀式

- be witness at a wedding che3ng-hun 證婚

wedding banquet hi2-ia3n, hun-ia3n, hun-ia5n 喜宴,婚宴,婚筵

wedding cake le2-pi2a* 禮餅

wedding date hun-ki5 婚期

wedding feast, eat a wedding meal chia8h sin-ni5u chi2u 吃喜酒

wedding invitation hi2-thiap 喜帖

wedding march hun-le2 chi3n-he5ng-khek 婚禮進行曲

wedding night, the first night to7ng-po5ng hoa-chiok-ia7 洞房花燭夜

wedding presents sent to the bride thiam-chng 添妝送新娘禮物

wedding ring kiat-hun e5 chhi2u-chi2 結婚戒指

wedding, marriage hun-pho3e 婚配

wedding, matrimony, marriage hun-in 婚姻

weddings and funerals song-hi2-su7 婚喪喜慶

wedge something under the leg of desk or table so as to make it steady siap toh-kha 塞棹腳

wedge, stuff or squeeze into siap ji8p-khi3 塞入

wedge, to wedge, to press out oil by use of wedges chi* 楔,榨,擠

wedge, wooden wedge chha5-chi*-a2 木楔子

wedges, boards for supporting, pressing the sides of anything or for torturing, splint kiap-pa2n, kap-pa2n 夾板

wedlock hun-in 婚姻

Wednesday seng-ki5-sa*, pa3i-sa* 星期三

weed, wild grass, useless plant ia2-chha2u 雜草

- sea weed that is edible ha2i-chha3i 海菜

- to pull up weeds tho2a*-chha2u, khau-chha2u 鋤草

weed a garden, mow grass, cut weeds ti5-chha2u 除草

weed a rice field so-chha2u 除草

weed out by the roots khau-chha2u 拔草

weed, to pull up weeds khau 拔

weeds cha8p-chha2u 雜草

week, religious service, worship le2-pa3i 禮拜

- last week te2ng le2-pa3i 上禮拜

- next week au7 le2-pa3i 下禮拜

- week after next e7-e7 le2-pa3i, au7-au7 le2-pa3i 下下禮拜

week day pe5ng-ji8t, seng-ki5-ji8t 平日

week, day of the week seng-ki5 星期

week, revolve, return, revolution chiu 週,周

weekend chiu-boa8t 週末

weekend to7+ chiu-boa8t 度週末

- to weekend at the seashore to3a ha2i-pi* to7+ chiu-boa8t 在海邊度週末

weekend trip chiu-boa8t li2-he5ng 週末旅行

weekly meeting chiu-ho7e 週會

weekly paper chiu-po3 週報

weekly publication chiu-khan 週刊

weekly reports chiu-ki3 週記

weekly salary chiu-sin 週薪

weekly, every week ta8k le2-pa3i 每星期

weep profusely ba8k-sa2i nih-nih-la5u 眼淚不停的流

weep, cry kha3u 哭泣

weep, shed tears la5u ba8k-sa2i 流淚

weevil chhi7u*-phi7*-tha5ng 象鼻蟲 weevil

weft, dominating position of wife in the family tha3i-cho7 太座

weigh anchor ti3a*, te3ng 碇,錨

weigh how heavy or how serious po7ng-ta7ng 磅重

weigh in the hand ti3m, si3m 量,用手量

weigh one's words kho2-li7 ka-ti7 e5 o7e 考慮自己說的話


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weigh oneself po7ng kho3a* the2-ta7ng lo7a ta7ng 磅看看體重多重

weigh to see how heavy it is ni7u kho3a* u7 lo7a ta7ng 秤看有多重

weigh with beam scale ni7u 衡量

weigh with small steelyard e7ng te2ng-a2 te2ng 用戥子稱

weigh with steelyard or scale chhi3n-ta7ng 稱量,衡量

weigh, consider attentively kho2-li7 考慮

weigh, measure weight or amount po7ng, ni7u 磅,量

weigh, scales, steelyard, Roman balance chhi3n 秤

weighed, weighing ko3e-po7ng 過磅

weighing machine po7ng-a2 磅秤

weighing scale, steelyard, to weigh chhi3n 秤

weight, counter weights of a steelyard chhi3n-tha5u 秤得的重量

weight ta7ng, ta7ng-lio7ng 重,重量

- equal in weight pe5*-ta7ng 一樣重

- personal weight the2-ta7ng 體重

- to attach weight to, regard as important, to care about kho3a*-ta7ng 看重

- to put on weight pu5i-khi2-la5i 胖起來

- to sell by weight chia3u chhi3n-ta7ng be7 按秤重來賣

weight down, pendant thu7i-a2 墜子

weight, importance tio7ng-ia3u 重要

weight, responsibility, blame, duty chek-ji7m 責任

weight, severity of the case, degree of seri-ousness, whether something is slight or serious khin-ta7ng 輕重

weightlifting ki2-ta7ng 舉重

weights for holding down nets or fishing lines, sinkers ia5n-thu7i 鉛墜

weighty argument u7 la8t e5 lu7n-che3ng 有力的論證

weighty, heavy, serious ta7ng 重

weighty, important, significant, major, pow-erful, forceful, vigorous tio7ng-ia3u, u7 la8t e5 重要,有力的

weighty, need to take into consideration su-ia3u kho2-li7 e5 需要考慮的

weird talk, talk foolishly ko3ai-ta5m 怪談

weird, fantastic, bizarre, odd, peculiar shape ko3ai-he5ng e5 奇異的形狀

weird, strange, odd ki5-ko3ai e5 奇怪的

weird, unaccountable, supernatural, ghost, monster, monstrous, goblin, phantom iau 妖

weird, weirdness, strange, monstrous iau-si5a 妖邪

welcome hoan-ge5ng 歡迎

welcome party or dinner hoan-ge5ng-ho7e 歡迎會

welcome respectfully kiong-ge5ng 恭迎

welcome, greet, meet and welcome guests ge5ng-chiap 迎接

welcome, receive or entertain guests, enter-tainment for guests chiau-tha7i 招待

welcomed, received or treated graciously, find favor in someone's eyes si7u hoan-ge5ng 受歡迎

weld, combine, link, integrate kiat-ha8p 結合

weld, to smelt, to fuse sio, ho7+ chiap-khi2-la5i 鎔接

weld, welding lia5m, io7ng sio e5 chiap-khi2-la5i 焊接

welfare work hok-li7 su7-gia8p, ki3u-che3 su7-gia8p, chu5-sia7n su7-gia8p 福利事業,救濟事業,慈善事業

welfare, happiness, happy, blessed he7ng-hok 幸福

welfare, material welfare, well-being hok-li7 福利

well acquainted road se8k-lo7+ 熟路

well acquainted with the place te7-tha5u se8k 地方熟

well behaved child koai 乖

well behaved, trust worthy su5n-lio5ng 純良

well containing water chu2i-che2*, ko2+-che2* 水井

well developed hoat-io8k ho2 發育好

well disciplined ho2 kui-ki2 有規矩

Well done. Amazing. Ka2m-sim. 了不起.

well known, be famous chin chhut hong-tha5u 很出風頭


well-mannered, well-disciplined u7 kui-ki2 有規矩

well-mannered, courteous, polite u7 le2-so3+ 有禮貌

well off, well to do, rich, plentiful hu3-chiok 富足

well up, gush forth chhe3ng chhut-la5i 湧出來

well versed in three languages cheng-thong sa* kok oe7 精通三國語言

well water che2*-chu2i, ko2+-che2*-chu2i 井水

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well, in good health kia7n-khong 健康

well, mouth of a spring cho5a* 泉

well, then, it is quite right, thus it is quite right to-tio8h 對了,就是

well, thorough, thoroughly, completely thiat-te2 徹底

well-advised si7n-tio7ng e5 慎重

well-aired, house having plenty fresh air thang-hong 通風

well-balanced, correct, proper che3ng-khak e5 正確的

well-balanced, regular, normal, ordinary che3ng-sio5ng 正常的

well-behaved and intelligent child koai-khia2u 又可愛又聰明

well-being, happiness, happy, blessed he7ng-hok 幸福

well-being, material welfare hok-li7 福利

well-being, peaceful, tranquil, calm, com-posed, free from worry an-le5ng 安寧

well-bred, well-disciplined ho2 ka-ka3u 好家教

well-chosen, carefully chosen handpicked, best of the bunch cheng-so2an e5 精選的

well-chosen, suitable, appropriate chin sek-to3ng, chin tu2-ho2 適當的,恰當的

well-cut, well-fitted suit ha8h-su e5 se-chong 合身的西裝

well-disposed, good intentioned, kindness ho2-i3 e5 懷好意的

well-disposed, good temperament se3ng-che5ng ho2 e5 性情好的

well-disposed, kind hearted ho2-sim e5 好心的

well-drilled, concise, succinct, terse, well-trained cheng-lia7n 精練

well-educated or refined person u7 ka3u-io2ng e5 la5ng 有教養的人

well-founded u7-pi5n u7-ki3 有憑有據

well-grounded in music, have some knowl-edge of music u7 im-ga8k e5 so3+-io2ng 有音樂的素養


well-guarded, secure, firm kio2ng-ko3+ 鞏固

well-informed siau-sit le5ng-thong 消息靈通

well-informed, board experienced kia3n-sek chin khoah 見識很廣的

well-informed, board knowledge siau-sit le5ng-thong e5 消息靈通的

well-know college or university, a famous school be5ng-ha7u 名校

well-known chhut-mi5a 出名

well-known, famous bu5n-be5ng 聞名

well-mannered, courteous, well-behaved, elegant tha3i-to7+ ho2 態度好

well-mannered, elegant, refined bu5n-nga2 e5 文雅的

well-mannered, upright, proper he5ng-u5i toan-chi3a* 行為端正

well-matched for marriage in social and economic status mn5g-tong ho7+-tu3i 門當戶對

well-meaning, goodwill, benevolence, kind-ness sia7n-i3 e5 善意的

well-meaning, kind-hearted ho2-sim e5 好心的

well-off, lucky ki5a*-u7n e5 走運的

well-off, smoothly, without a hitch su7n-li7 e5 順利的

well-proportioned, well-fitting, well-matched, mutually compatible su3-pho3e 相稱,合適

well-read ha8k-bu7n chin pa2 e5 博學的

well-thought-of be5ng-bo7ng chin ko5an e5 聲望高的

well-ventilated khong-khi3 e5 li5u-thong ho2 空氣的流通好

- ill-ventilated khong-khi3 e5 li5u-thong ba2i 空氣的流通不好

well-worn pho3a-ko5+-ko5+ e5 十分破舊的

wend, making headway chia5n-chi3n, ki5a* hio3ng che5ng 前進

Wenzhou Un-chiu 溫州

West Indies Se In3-to7+ ku5n-to2+ 西印度群島

West, the West, the Occident, Western countries, Buddhist paradise sai-hng, se-hong, se-iu5* 西方

western se-hng e5, se-hong e5 西方的

western clothes se-chong 西裝

western cooking se-iu5* lia7u-li2 西洋料理

Western Europe Se-Au 西歐

western food, European or American meals se-chhan 西餐

Western Hemisphere Se po3a*-ki5u 西半球

Western influence Se-iu5* e5 e2ng-hio2ng 西洋的影響

western medicines se-io8h 西藥

western nations se-hong-kok-ka 西方國家

western part se-po7+ 西部

- North West Sai-pak 西北

- South West Sai-la5m 西南

western style se-iu5*-sek, iu5*-sek 西洋式

western style toilet bowl, commode thiu-chu2i be2-tha2ng 抽水馬桶

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westerner se-hong-la5ng, se-po7+ e5 la5ng 西方人,西部的人

Westerners, especially the Dutch in old Taiwan, red-haired barbarians a5ng-mo5+-hoan 紅毛蕃

westernization se-iu5*-ho3a 西洋化

westernize, western-oriented, influenced by the West ho7+ se-iu5*-ho3a 使西洋化

wet ta5m, sip 濕,潮濕

- soaking wet ta5m-lok-lok 濕漉漉

- to get wet ta5m-khi3, sip-khi3 濕掉,潮濕

wet and soft ground, muddy, boggy, de-pression, concave, low-lying lop, la3m 陷,凹,低窪

wet day lo8h-ho7+-thi* 下雨天

wet nurse leng-bo2 奶媽

wet the bed chho7a-ji7o 尿床

wet through ta5m-ko5+-ko5+ 濕透,濕淋淋

wet through by rain la5m-ta5m 淋濕

wet to the skin, wet through, dripping wet ta5m tha3u-ko3e 濕透

wet weather lo8h-ho7+-thi* e5 下雨天的

wet with some drops of rain, be spattered with rain phu3n-ho7+ 濺雨

wet, damp, clammy ta5m-ta5m 濕濕的

wet, moisten, sprinkle, dampen u3n-ta5m 沾濕

wet, soft uneven ground or road lop-lop 微凹

wetlands ha2i-po+ sin-seng-te7 海埔新生地

whack, blow, bang, thump cheng 重擊

whack, strike a blow phah chi8t-e7 打一下

whale ha2i-ang 鯨魚

whale boat po7+-keng-chu5n 捕鯨船

whaler, one who works on a whale fishing boat po7+-keng-chi2a, lia8h ha2i-ang 捕鯨魚

whaler, whale fishing boat po7+-keng-chu5n 捕鯨船

wharf, dock, pier be2-tha5u 碼頭

wharf, jetty for passenger boats, ferry ter-minal to7+-chu5n-tha5u 渡船碼頭

what si2a*-mi8h, si2m-mih 什麼

What a pity. Si8t-cha7i chin kho2-li5n. 實在很可憐.

What are you doing? Li2 teh chho3ng si2a*-ho3e? 你在幹什麼?

What are you eating? Li2 teh chia8h sah*-ho3e? 你在吃什麼?

What are you talking about? Li2 teh ko2ng sah*-mih? 你在說什麼?

What day of the week is it? Kin-a2-ji8t pa3i-ku2i? 今天星期幾?

What do you want to eat? What do you like to eat? Li2 a3i chia8h sah*-mih? 你愛吃什麼?

What do you want? Li2 ai3 sah*-ho3e? 你要什麼?

What does this area produce? Chit e5 so2+-cha7i chhut-sa2n si2m-mih? 這個地方出產什麼?

What floor do you live on? Li2 to3a ti7 te7 ku2i cha3n? 你住在第幾樓?

What for? Why? u7i si2m-mih? 為什麼?

What happened? What is the matter? siah* ta7i-chi3? 什麼事?

What he said is true. I so2+ ko2ng e5 si7 chin e5. 他所說的是真的.

What is it all about? Ki3u-ke3ng si7 a3n-cho2a*? 究竟是怎樣?

what is regular and necessary, moral basis of society, frequently, often keng-sio5ng 經常

What is that? He si7 sah*? He si7 si2m-mih? 那是什麼?

What is the man like? Hit e5 la5ng si7 si2m-mih kho2an-sit? 那個人是什麼樣子?

What is the matter? Sim-mih ta7i-chi3? Si2a*-ho3e? 什麼事,何物?

What is the necessity? ho5-pit 何必

What is the use after all? Ki3u-ke3ng u7 si2m-mih lo7+-e7ng? 究竟有甚麼用?

What is your family name? Li2 se3* si2m-mih? 你姓什麼?

What is your hobby? Li2 e5 chhu3-bi7 si7 si2m-mih? 你的興趣是什麼?

What is your honorable age? How old are you? Ku3i-ke*? Ku3i-ki*? 貴庚?

What kind of reasoning is that? How can this be so? preposterous, ridiculous, absurd Khi2 iu2 chhu2-li2? 豈有此理?

What kind? What sort? Si2m-mih kho2an? 甚麼樣?


What line of business are you in? Li2 cho3 toh chi8t hong-bi7n e5 su7-gia8p? 你做哪一方面的事業?

What military rank did you attain? Li2 cho3 kun-koa* cho3 ka3u si2m-mih kun-kai a? 你當軍官當到什麼軍階?

What movie is on today? Kin-a2-ji8t teh cho3 si2m-mih chhut? 今天演什麼片子?

What number in series? Ku2i hoan? 幾號?

What per cent? ku2i-si5a*? 幾成?

What place? Toh-u7i? 哪裡?

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What sign of the Chinese zodiac indicates your year of birth? Li2 si3u* si2m-mih? 你屬什麼生肖?

What step should we take? La2n tio8h chha2i-chhu2 si2m-mih chho3+-si? 我們應採取什麼措施?

what still is owed on an account a7u-chhi2u 殘額,餘額

What will you bet? Li2 boeh su-ia5* si2m-mih? 你要打賭什麼?

What you have said li2 so2+ ko2ng e5 你所說的

What You See Is What You Get, WYSIWYG kho3a*-e7-tio8h chi7u tit-e7-tio8h 所見即所得

whatever, no matter what or how, regard-less of… bo5-lu7n si2m-mih 無論什麼

- You may take whatever books you like. Li2 so2+ a3i e5 chheh lo2ng e7-e7ng-tit the8h. 你所喜歡的書都可以拿.

Whatever chance you have don't miss it. Ji7m-ho5 ki-ho7e lo2ng m7-thang sit-khi3. 任何機會都不可失去.

whatever one has chi7n-u7 所有的

whatever one knows so2+-chai 所知

whatever one sees so2+-kho3a* 所看

whatever one thinks so2+-si7u* 所想

whatever one wears so2+-chhe7ng 所穿

Whatever they said he believed. In so2+ ko2ng e5 i lo2ng u7 si3n. 他們所說的他都信.

Whatever you wish, speak out. Li2 a3i si2m-mih, su5i-cha7i li2 ko2ng. 你要什麼,隨你說.

whatever, any, whichever, whatsoever ji7m-ho5 任何

What's the difference? U7 si2m-mih chha-pia8t ?, U7 si2m-mih cheng-chha? 有什麼差別?

What's the effects of doing this? A2n-ne cho3 u7 si2m-mih chok-io7ng? 這樣做有什麼作用?

What's the harm? Ho5-ho5ng? 何妨?

What's the matter? Si2m-mih ta7i-chi3? 甚麼事?

What's your name ? Li2 ho7+-cho3 si2m-mih to7a mi5a? 您叫什麼大名?

wheat be8h, be8h-a2, si2o-be8h 麥,小麥

- ears of wheat be8h-a2-su7i 麥穗

wheat bran be8h-pho+ 麥麩

wheat field be8h-a2-hn5g 麥田

wheat flour mi7-hu2n 麵粉

wheat or barley stalk without the ear be8h-ko2 麥稿

wheat sprouts, malt, wheat gluten be8h-ge5 麥芽,飴糖

wheedle, entice, to tempt, induce ko+-chi5a* 用好話勸誘

wheel lia2n, chhia-lia2n 車輪

- man at the wheel hu7-chek e5 la5ng 負責的人

wheel and axle, wheel shaft chhia-sim 輪軸,車軸

wheel spokes lia2n-a2 e5 ho2+-kut-a2 輪子的輪輻

wheelbarrow chi8t lia2n-chhia 獨輪車

wheelchair lu5n-i2 輪椅

wheels of vehicle chhia-lia2n 車輪

wheeze hi7u*-hi7u*-ki3o, hi7u*-hi7u*-chho2an 哮喘

whelp, puppy, conventional phrase for “my son” sia2u-khia2n 小犬

When can you come? Li2 tang-si5 e7-ta3ng la5i? 你什麼時候可以來?

When can you deliver it to me? Tang-si5 e7-ta3ng kau go2a? 什麼時候能交給我?

When I've time I'll pick you up. Go2a na7 e5ng chiah la5i cha3i li2. 我若有空再來載你.

when one gets old la7u-la5i 年老,年老時

when one was a child se3-ha3n e5 si5 小的時候

when the hot weather tng-joa8h 正炎熱的天氣

when the moon comes out chhut-goe8h 月亮出來

when the most burning hot tng-jia8t 正在火熱中

When the weather is bad you must be more careful. Tu2-tio8h pha2i*-thi* e5 si5-chu7n tio8h-a3i koh khah se3-ji7. 遇到壞天氣的時候必須更加小心.

when there is a rainbow chhut-khe7ng 出彩虹

When will the funeral be? Tang-si5 boeh chhut-soa*?, Tang-si5 boeh chhut-cho3ng? 什麼時候要出葬?

When you are free, come to see me. Na7 u7 e5ng, tio8h la5i chhit-tho5. 若有空,得來玩.

when, at what time si2m-mih si5 什麼時候

when, if, as na7 若

when, while e5-si5 的時候

When? What time? Ti7-si5? Tang-si5? 何時? when

whence tu3i toh-u7i 從何處

whenever, every time, on each occasion ki3*, kia3n 每,每逢

Whenever he comes, I am not at home. I ki3* la5i, go2a ki3* bo5 ti7 le7. 每逢他來,我都不在.

Whenever he has some money, he goes to drink. I na7 u7 chi5*, chi7u khi3 lim. 他假如有錢,就去喝酒.


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Whenever he is free, he sleeps as long as he can. I na7 u7 e5ng e5 si5 ke-kia2m khu3n. 他要是一有空就盡量睡.

Whenever he prescribes, the patient recov-ers. Kia3n i, kia3n ho2. 每醫每好.

Whenever she looks at this picture, she cries. I kia3n kho3a*-tio8h chit tiu* sio3ng, kia3n kha3u. 他每次見到這張照片就哭.

whenever, no matter when bo5-lu7n si2m-mih si5 不論何時

Where are you going? Boeh to2 khi3?, Boeh ta2 khi3? Boeh khi3 tah? 要去那裏?

Where are you working? Li2 ti7 toh-ui7 teh chia8h tha5u-lo7+? 你在那兒工作?

Where did you hear it? Li2 ti7 tah-u7i thia*-ki3*? 你在那裡聽的?

Where do you live? Li2 khi7a ti7 toh-u7i? 你住在那兒?

Where do you rank? Mi5a-chhu3 pa5i te7 ku2i? 排第幾名次?

Where in the world have you been? Ta3u-te2 li2 si7 khi3 toh-u7i? 你到底去那兒?

Where is he now? Chi2m-a2 i ti7 toh-u7i? 今何在?

Where is his grave? I e5 hong-su2i ti7 toh-u7i? 他的墳墓在那兒?

where one studied so2+ chi7u-tho8k e5 就讀

Where? Toh? Tah? Toh-u7i? Tah-u7i? 哪裡?

Where? What place? Si2m-mih so2+-cha7i? 甚麼地方?

whereabouts he7-lo8h 下落

whereabouts not clear, unaccounted for he7-lo8h-put-be5ng 下落不明

whereabouts unknown, missing I sit-chong khi3 他失蹤了

whereabouts, at what place ti7 toh-u7i, ti7 tah-u7i 在何處

whereabouts, where one is going khi3-hio3ng 去向

whereas, actually, in fact, really ki5-si8t 其實

whereas, if na7-si7 若是

whereas, since, as, this being the case ki3-jia5n 既然

whereby, how, what way, what na2 如何

whereby, why a3n-cho2a* 為何

wherefore, therefore, as a result, so so2+-i2 所以

wherefore, why a3n-cho2a* 為何

wherein, among, in, included among these ki5-tiong 其中

wherein, from whence, from where ti7 toh-u7i, ti7 tah-u7i 在何處

whereof koan-he7 關於

whereupon, therefore, as a result, so so2+-i2 所以

whereupon, thus, consequently, as a result in-u7i a2n-ne 因此

wherever bo5-lu7n si2m-mih so2+-cha7i 無論何處

whet, grind, sharpen bo5a 磨

whet the appetite, appetizing, to amuse oneself at ssombody's expense, to tease khui-pi5, khui-u7i 開胃

whether si7-m7-si7 是否

whether willing or not willing to do some-thing put-ko2an go7an-i3 a2 bo5 goa7n-i3 不管願意與否

Whether you go or not is up to you. Boeh khi3, m7 khi3, chhut-cha7i li2. 要去,不去,隨你便.

whetstone, grindstone to-chio8h 磨刀石

whetstone, to use a grinding stone e-chio8h-bo7-a2 磨石磨

which toh chi8t e5, tah chi8t e5 那一個

- something which one cannot stand to3ng-be7-tia5u, to3ng-be7-tia5u e5 ta7i-chi3 忍不住,忍不住的事情

- Which way? Toh chi8t tia5u lo7+? Tah chi8t tia5u lo7+? 哪一條路?

Which day of the week? pa3i-ku2i? 星期幾?

Which is the right end of these chopsticks? Chit siang ti7, toh chi8t tha5u si7 chi3a*-tha5u, toh chi8t tha5u si7 to3-tha5u? 這雙筷子哪一端是頭,哪一端是尾?

Which of the first ten days is it? chhe ku2i? 初幾?

Which one of a series? Te7 ku2i…? 第幾?

Which one? Tah chi8t e5? Toh chi8t e5? 哪一個?

Which place, what place, where, where-abouts? Tah-u7i? 何處?

whichever bo5-lu7n si2m-mih 無論什麼

- Take whichever you wish. Li2 a3i si2a*-mih chi7u the8h si2a*-mih. 你要什麼就拿什麼.

- Whichever side wins it's all the same to me. Bo5-lu7n toh chi8t pe5ng ia5* go2a lo2ng ka7ng-kho2an. 無論哪一邊贏我都一樣.


whiff, gently blowing khin-khin-a2 pu5n-khu3i 輕輕的吹氣

whiff, a sniff of an odor or smell chi8t chu7n khong-khi3, khi3-bi7 一陣空氣,氣味等

while, time, when, hour, season, period si5, si5-kan 時,時間


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while, time, length of time, moment, pe-riod …e5 si5-chu7n …的時候

- to rest for a little while hioh-khu3n chi8t-e7-a2 休息一下

- while on earth cha7i-se3 e5 si5 在世的時候

- While reading he fell asleep. I tha8k-chheh e5 si5 tuh-ku. 他讀書的時候打瞌睡.

while alive, while in the life cha7i-se* 在世

while away the time siau-mo5+ 消磨

while he is in class… I teh sio7ng kho3 e5-si5… 他在上課的時候…

while yet young tha3n sia3u-lia5n 趁年輕

while, although, even though, even if sui-jia5n 雖然

while, moment, for some time, in just mo-ment tah-ku2-a2, tiap-a2-ku2 一會兒

while, temporary, provisional, for the time being chia7m-si5 暫時

whim, capricious ho2an-hok bu5-sio5ng 反覆無常

whim, delusion, fantasy ho3an-sio2ng 幻想

whim, eccentric notion chin ko3ai e5 si7u*-hoat 怪念頭

whim, something done on the spur of the moment without much thought chi8t si5 si7u*-boeh cho3 e5 ta7i-chi3 一時的興致

whimper, blubber, weep endlessly, intermi-nable wailing chhn7g-chhn7g-ha2u 哭哭啼啼

whimper, low bark, woof of a dog ho7m-ho7m-ki3o 汪汪低吠

whimper, weeping, sob chhi7*-chhn7g-ki3o 抽噎地哭,啜泣

whimsical, strange, odd, to marvel, to be baffled ki5-ko3ai e5 奇怪的

whimsical, to attempt vainly, a vain attempt, delusional bo7ng-sio2ng e5 妄想的

whine, dog's plaintive wailing sound chhoe ka2u-le5 狗的哀鳴聲

whine, sound of crying be-be-ki3o 哇哇叫

whine, whimper ha7i*-ha7i*-ki3o, ki7-ka8p-ki3o 抱怨聲

whip a horse, use a whip to get a horse to run e7ng pi* phah be2 用鞭打馬


whip used to encourage an ox to move gu5-sut-a2 牛鞭

whip, a whip pi* 鞭

whip, to whip e7ng pi* phah 鞭打

whirl a top phah kan-lo8k 打陀螺

whirl around se8h lin-long 轉圓圈

whirl, stir about ko5 擾轉

whirl, turn round, go round in circle, plan-ets revolving se8h, tn2g 迴轉

whirlpool kn2g-le5-a2-chu7n, so5an-o 漩渦

whirlwind kn2g-le5-a2-hong 旋風

whisk or shake one's clothes gently to re-move the dust po7a* seng-khu 拂身體

whisk, broom sa3u-chi2u, sa3u-chhi2u 掃帚

whisk, feather duster ke-mn5g-chhe2ng, ke-mo5+-chhe2ng 雞毛撢子

whisk, flick po7a*-po7a* le 拂一拂

whisk, to brush away po7a* 拂

whisk, to dash, to dart cha2u chin hio5ng 飛奔

whisk, to stir, to agitate la7 攪拌

whiskers chhu3i-chhiu 鬍鬚

whisky ui-su7-ki7 (phonetic) 威士忌酒

whisper back and forth chhi-chhi chhu7-chhu7 低聲耳語

whisper, low voice se3-a2 sia* 小聲

whisper, murmur chhi8h-bu2-chhi8h-chhu8h 細聲說話,耳語

whispering, talk in whispers kau-tha5u chiap-ni2 交頭接耳

whispers of love che5ng-oe7 情話

whistle, to whistle kho+-sut-a2, kho+-si-a2, ta5n chu2i-le5 吹口哨,陳水螺

whistle, a whistle pi-a2 哨子

- to blow a whistle pu5n pi-a2, pu5n pi-pi-a2 吹哨子

white ant pe8h-hia8h 白蟻

white as snow pe8h-sut-sut, pe8h-chhang-chhang, pe8h-liak-siak 白如雪

white blood cells pe8h-hiat-ki5u, pe8h-hoeh-ki5u 白血球

white calico pe8h-po3+ 白布

white cloth covering the dead body in the coffin chu2i-pho7e 蓋在屍體上的白布

white collar worker bu5n-sin 文身,非勞力工作者

white crane pe8h-ho8h 白鶴

white dress shirt oai-si2a-chuh (phonetic) 白櫬衫

white eyebrow pe8h-ba8k-ba5i 白眉

white flag for surrender pe8h-ki5 白旗

white flow, vaginal discharge, leucorrhoea, leukorrhea pe8k-ta3i 白帶

white frothy salivat the mouth pe8h-pho-no7a 口涎沫

white grape wine pe8h-chi2u, pe8h pho5-to5-chi2u 白酒,白葡萄酒

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White House Pe8k-kiong 白宮

white mold pe8h-ko+ 白黴,白霉

white mushroom mo5+-ko+ 蘑菇

white of eggs, albumen nn7g-chheng, nn7g-pe8h 蛋白

white of the eye pe8h-ji5n 白眼

white paper pe8h-cho2a 白紙

White Paper, an official government report pe8h-pho5e-su 白皮書

white polished rice pe8h-bi2 白米

white race pe8h-sek ji5n-chio2ng 白色人種

White Russia, Belarus Pe8h-ngo5+-lo5-su 白俄羅斯

white specks, white spots pe8h-pan 白斑

white sugar pe8h-thn5g 白糖

white, white color pe8h-sek 白色

whitecap u7 pe8h-pho e5 ha2i-e2ng 有白泡沫的浪頭

whiten, to bleach phi3o-pe8h 漂白

whites of one's eyes showing as from death, in pain or disappointment pe2ng-pe8h-ka5i* 眼珠翻白,形容沒希望

whitewash, paint the wall with lime boah-piah 刷牆壁

whitewash, to conceal a fault, to gloss over am-kha3m 掩飾

whittle, to lessen, to decrease, to reduce, to lower kia2m-chi2o 減少

whittle, to scrape, to pare away siah, siu 削,修

who sa2ng, chi5a, si2m-mih-la5ng 誰,何人

Who on earth are you? Ta3u-te2 li2 si7 si2m-mi8h-la5ng? 你到底是誰?

Who will go? Si2a*-la5ng boeh khi3? 誰要去?

WHO, World Health Organization WHO, Se3-ka3i o7e-seng cho+-chit WHO, 世界衛生組織

whoever bo5-lu7n si2m-mih la5ng? 無論是誰?

whoever, whatever, in every case ho7an-na7 凡是

whole, entire, complete lo2ng-cho2ng 全部

- in the whole of Taipei thong Ta5i-pak 全臺北

- the whole body kui seng-khu 全身

- the whole day kui-ji8t 整天

- the whole life it-seng, chiong-sin 一生,終身

- the whole night kui-me5 整夜

- the whole section cho5an-po7+ 全部

- the whole province cho5an-se2ng 全省

- the whole year kui-ni5 整年

- to pay the whole debt he5ng-chheng che3-bu7 還清債務

- with the whole heart cho5an-sim 全心

whole affair cho5an-po5a* 全盤

whole army was lost, army was totally an-nihilated cho5an-kun ho8k-bia8t 全軍覆沒

whole body is soaked Chi8t seng-khu ta5m lok-lok., Kui seng-khu ta5m lok-lok. 全身濕透了.

whole body, everybody, in all, plenary as-sembly, unanimously cho5an-the2 全體

whole church che2ng-ko5 ka3u-ho7e 整個教會

whole class, whole squad cho5an-pan 全班

whole coastal region ia5n-ha2i it-ta3i 沿海一帶

whole country or nation, national, nation wide cho5an-kok 全國

whole empire enjoying peace thian-ha7 tha3i-pe5ng 天下太平

whole face, all over the face bo2an-bi7n 滿面,滿臉

whole family or household cho5an-ka, cho5an-ke, kui-ke, chi8t ke-kha2u, kui ke-kha2u, thong-ke 全家,閤家

whole family or husband and wife come together and united harmoniously tho5an-oa5n 團圓

whole group or procession kui-ti7n 大伙兒,一群

whole island cho5an-to2 全島

whole line cho5an-so3a* 全線

whole mind choa5n cheng-si5n 全精神

whole mind, all one's heart sim-hiat 心血

whole nation taken together cho5an-kok it-ti3 全國一致

whole number, integral number, round number che2ng-so3+ 整數

whole of something, the whole world che2ng-ko5 整個

whole of, all it-chhe3 一切

whole region kui-phia3n 一大片

Whole room is filled with books. Chi8t pa5ng-keng lo2ng si7 chheh. Kui pa5ng-keng lo2ng si7 chheh. 整個房間都是書.

whole school cho5an-ha7u 全校 whole

whole set kui-tho3 整套

whole sky kui-thi* 滿天

whole society che2ng-ko5 si7a-ho7e 整個社會

whole thick slice, over considerable sur-face kui-phi2a* 整片

whole town thong-ke-a2 全街

whole village kui-chng 全村

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whole way, along the road, on the way ia5n-lo7+ 沿途,沿路

whole wheat su5n be8h-a2 cho3 e5 純麥做的

whole world cho5an-se3-ka3i, thong se3-ka3i 全世界

whole world joins in congratulation, cele-bration, rejoicing pho2+-thian to5ng-khe3ng 普天同慶

whole year through kui-ni5 tha3ng-thi* 一年到頭

whole, all, every, complete cho5an, thong 全

whole, completely, fully cho5an-po7+ 全部

whole, entire or full face kui-bi7n 滿臉

whole, entire, total kui 整個

wholehearted, dedicated jia8t-se5ng e5 熱誠的

wholehearted, filled with, preoccupied with mo2a-pak 滿腹,一肚子

wholehearted, to concentrat, absorbed, concentration, engrossed choan-sim e5 專心的

wholehearted, with all one's heart cho5an-sim cho5an-i3 全心全意

wholeheartedly mo2a-sim 滿心

wholeheartedly, devotedly, with all one's mind, intently, with all one's heart choan-sim, kui-sim 專心,全心

wholesale, bulk trade, distribution phe-hoat, phoe-hoat, phi-hoat 批發

- to buy wholesale be2 kui to3ng 買整批

- to sell wholesale to7a-be7 批發販賣

wholesale agent te2ng-po5a* 上盤

wholesale business to7a-po5a* seng-li2 大盤生意

wholesale dealer to7a-be7-tia3m, phoe-hoat-siong 批發商店,批發商

wholesale price to7a-be7-ke3, phe-hoat-ke3, phi-hoat-ke3 批發價

wholesale cost se5ng-pu2n 成本

wholesale warehouse, retail store, whole-sale store to7a-be7-ti5u* 大賣場,量販店

wholesale, retail outlet si2o-be7-tia3m 批零商店

wholesome, robust, sound kia7n-cho5an 健全 wickedness

wholesome, healthy, sanitary ha8h o7e-seng e5 合乎衛生的

wholesome advice lio5ng-gia5n 良言

wholesome and healthy thoughts kia7n-cho5an e5 su-sio2ng 健全的思想

wholesome place tu3i kia7n-khong u7 ho2-chhu3 e5 so2+-cha7i 對健康有好處的地方

wholly advantageous iu2-ek bu5-su2n 有益無損

wholly injurious iu2-ha7i bu5-ek 有害無益

wholly, blindly, persistent it-bi7 一味,執著

wholly, completely, all oa5n-cho5an, che2ng-ko5, lo2ng-cho2ng 完全,整個,全部

whoop hoah-hiu 呼喊

whooping cough pah-ji8t-sa3u, he-ku-sa3u 百日咳

whore, call girl e3ng-tia3u li2-lo5ng 應召女郎

whore, prostitute ki-li2 妓女

whose si2a*-la5ng e5, chi5a e5 誰的

why na2, a3n-cho2a*, ui7 ho5 為什麼, 因何,為何

why bother, quite unnecessarily ho5-mih-kho2+ 何苦

Why can't it be? na2-be7? 怎麼不會

Why didn't you come? Li2 na2 bo5 la5i? 你為什麼沒來?

Why hasn't he come? I na2 bo5 la5i? 他為什麼沒有來?

Why is it necessary to steal? Ho5-pit tio8h cho3 chha8t-a2? 何必得去當賊?

Why is it so cold today? Kin-a2-ji8t a3n-cho2a* chiah ko5a*? 今天為什麼這麼冷?

Why must you get angry? Li2 ho5-pit si7u-khi3? 你何必生氣?

wick of a candle la8h-chek-sim 燭心

wick of a lamp teng-sim 燈心

wicked scheme, cunning trick kan-ke3 奸計

wicked, bad man, fierce, savage man, over-bearing, imperious man ok-la5ng 惡人

wicked, bad, evil pha2i*, ok 壞,惡

wicked, cruel evil hiong-ok 兇惡

wicked, cruel, injurious heart and conduct pha2i*-sim to8k-he7ng 壞心腸,狼心狗肺

wicked, cruel, malicious, viciousness ok-to8k 惡毒

wicked, evil-minded pha2i*-sim 壞心腸

wicked, evil, black-hearted o+-lok sim 心黑,壞心腸

wicked, evil, malignant ok-chit 壞心腸

wickedness, crime, evil, sin cho7e-ok 罪惡

wickedness, sinister, vicious, evil si5a-ok 邪惡

wide khoah 闊

- Open your mouth wide. Chhu3i khui-khui. 把嘴打開.

- The door is wide open. Mn5g-khui-khui. 門開著.

wide awake ba8k-chiu kim-kim 眼睛睜開著

wide awake, clear-minded, sober chheng-chhe2* 清醒

wide band khoan-pi5n 寬頻 wide

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wide cloth used to hold baby on the back ai7*-kin 背巾,揹巾

wide screen motion picture, 3D motion pic-ture, Cinerama li8p-the2 tia7n-ia2* 立體電影

wide use chin che7 io7ng-chhu3 很多用處

widely ho7an-u5i khoah 範圍廣的

widely reported to7a-hu3-po3-to7 大幅報導

widely rumored, all sorts of rumors going the rounds ia5u-gia5n mo2a-thi*-poe 謠言滿天飛

widen hu3n-khoah, thok-khoan 加寬,拓寬

widen gap or distance chhek khah khui 隔開一點

widen, to expand, to enlarge kho3ng-to7a 擴大

widespread, popular, to popularize pho2+-kip 普及

widespread, universal, general, common pho2+-phia3n 普遍

widow chi2u-ko2a* cha-bo2+, ko2a*-hu7 寡婦

widow remaining unmarried si2u khang-pa5ng 守空閨

widow, survivors u5i-song, bi7-bo5ng-ji5n 遺孀,未亡人

widower si2-bo2+ e5, koan-hu 鰥夫

width khoah, khoah-to7+ 闊,寬度

wield, control, dominate, allocate chi-pho3e 支配

wield, to brandish a sword la7ng-kia3m 揮舞

wield, to use, to employ, to apply, to make use of su2-io7ng 使用

wife tha3i-tha3i, bo2+, khan-e5, chhe-chu2 太太,妻子

- elder brother's wife a-so2 嫂嫂

- my wife go2a e5 cha-bo2+-la5ng, go2an tha3i-tha3i 我內人,我太太

- second wife married after the death of the first one au7-si7u 繼室

- wife and child bo2+-ki2a* 妻兒

- wife's father ti7u*-la5ng, ga8k-hu7 岳父

- wife's mother ti7u*-m2, ga8k-bo2 岳母

- wife's younger sister i5-a2 小姨子

- wife's younger brother ku7-a2 小舅子

- wife's older sister to7a-i5 大姨子

- wife's older brother to7a-ku7 大舅子

- wife of mother's brother a-ki7m 舅媽

- wife of father's elder brother a-m2 伯母

- wife of father's younger brother a-chi2m 嬸嬸

- wives of brothers ta5ng-sa7i, ta5ng-sa7i-a2 妯娌

- to take a wife chho7a-bo2+ 娶妻 wild

- your wife li2n tha3i-tha3i 你太太

- younger brother's wife te7-hu7-a2 弟媳婦

wife and children ka-sio8k, ka-ko3an 家屬,家眷

wife and children, husband and wife ka-sek 家室

wife and concubines chhe-chhiap 妻妾

wife and family, family dependent ko3an-sio8k 眷屬

wife of doctor, wife of one's teacher, master sian-si*-ni5u 師母,醫師娘

wife of grandfather's older brother, grand aunt m2-po5 伯祖母,伯奶奶

wife of her younger brother ki7m-a2 弟媳

wife of husband's younger brother sio2-chi2m 小嬸

wife of maternal grandmother's brother ki7m-po5 舅婆,舅奶奶

wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother chi2m-po5 嬸奶奶

wife of second oldest brother ji7-so2 二嫂

wife of the boss tha5u-ke-ni5u 老闆娘

wife of the young lord or master sia3u-na2i-na2i 少奶奶

wife of wife's brother chhe-ki7m 內弟媳

wife of wife's elder brother, wife of mother's eldest brother to7a-ki7m 大舅母,內兄嫂

wife of wife's younger brother se3-ki7m-a2 內弟媳

wife who sleeps alone khu3n-khang-pa5ng 妻守空房

wife, to hold another's hand khan-chhi2u 妻子,牽手

wife's brother chhe-ku7 內弟

wife's family of origin a7u-tha5u-chhu3 娘家

wife's help, better half lo7e-cho7+ 內助

wife's nephew go7e-seng-a2 外姪

Wi-Fi bo5-so3a* chi7u*-ba7ng 無線上網

wig ke2-tha5u-mo+ 假髮,假頭髮

wiggle khi8h-kho8k-io5 搖動

Wiki Encyclopedia, Wikipedia U5i-ki-pah-kho 維基百科

wild, uncivilized bo5 khai-ho3a e5 未開化的

- to grow wild ia2-seng 野生

wild animals ia2-si3u 野獸

wild beast be2ng-si3u 猛獸

wild bees ia2-phang 野蜂

wild boar ia2-ti, soa*-ti 野豬,山豬

wild buffalo, bison, wild ox ia2-gu5 野牛

wild cat, harlot, vile scolding ba5 貍貓,淫婦

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wild dog ia2-ka2u 野狗

wild duck chi3a*-hoan, hoan-ah 番鴨

wild excitement, grow excited, feverish de-lirium, frantic jia8t-ko5ng 熱狂

wild fancies, give oneself over to wild fan-cies bo7ng-sio2ng 妄想

wild field, plain, open space, limit, bound-ary, rude, feral ia2, ia2-se3ng e5 野,野性的

wild flowers ia2-hoe 野花

wild goat soa*-iu5* 山羊

wild goose ga7n 雁

wild honey ia2-bi8t 野蜜

wild men ia2-ba5n-la5ng 野蠻人

wild nature, jungle instincts, ungovern-ableness, untamed ia2-se3ng 野性

wild pear chia2u-la5i-a2 梨的一種,小梨

wild pigeon, ringdove, wood pigeon pan-kah 斑鳩

wild plant-life ia2-seng si8t-bu8t 野生植物

wild swan thian-go5 天鵝

wild, feral so3a*-hoat 野生

wildcat, leopard, mountain cat, bobcat soa*-ba5 山貓

wildcat, stray cat soa*-niau 野貓

wilderness, desert hong-ia2 荒野

wilderness, desert, prairie kho3ng-ia2 曠野

wilderness, desolate area hong-kau ia2-go7a 荒郊野外

wildly acting or talking without regard to common practice or propriety put-se5ng the2-tho2ng 不成體統

wiles, trick, ruse, crafty scheme ku2i-ke3 詭計

wiles, trickery, wickedness, viciousness, villainy chha8t-se3ng 賊性

wilful thia5u-kang e5, ko3+-i3 e5 故意的

wilful, stubborn ko3+-chip 固執

will, willpower, determination i3-chi3 意志

- free will i3-chi3 chu7-iu5 自由意志

- strong willed person u7 chi3-khi3 e5 la5ng 有志氣的人

- to follow one's own will chia3u ka-ti7 e5 i3-chi3 la5i cho3 按自己的意志來做

- to sacrifice one's own will hi-seng ka-ti7 e5 i3-su3 犧牲自己的意願

will, last will and testament u5i-chiok 遺囑

- to do God's will chia3u Thi*-i3, si8t-he5ng Sio7ng-chu2 e5 chi2-i3 按照天意,實行上主的旨意

will be successful e7 se5ng-kong 會成功

will do, can be done, its O K e7-sa2i-tit 可以,行

will fail, will not be successful be7 se5ng-kong 不會成功

will get stronger e7 khah io2ng 會較強壯

will most certainly win, cannot fail or be defeated pit-se3ng 必勝

will not act honorably according to the agreement in paying, common ex-penses or gambling debts m7-tam su-ia5* 輸不起

will not adhere, stick together lia5m be7-tia5u 黏不住

will not come, will not able to, cannot be-cause of intrinsic difficulty be7-la5i 不會來,不會

will not go, will not able to go, cannot go because of excessive quantity be7-khi3 不能做完

will not hesitate to, won't refuse cha7i so2+ put-si5 在所不辭

will not listen, will not take advice, will not obey m7-thia* 不聽

will not permit m7-chu2n, put-chu2n 不准

will of dead person, instruction of dying person u5i-chiok 遺囑

will of Heaven thian-i3 天意

will power, fortitude sim-chi3 心志

will succeed e7-se5ng 會成,會成功

will, ambition, resolve, backbone, drive, spirit chi3-khi3 志氣

will, can, be possible, be able to e7 會

will, intention, imperial decree or God's will chi2-i3 旨意

will, meaning, idea, opinion, wish, desire i3-su3 意思

will, to demand, to request, to coerce boeh, beh, a3i 要,必須


willful offense, break law purposely be5ng-ti ko3+-hoa7n 明知故犯

willing kam-go7an, go7an-i3, khe2ng 情願,願意,肯

- not be willing m7-khe2ng 不肯

- perfectly willing sim-kam che5ng-go7an 心甘情願

- willing or not beh a2-si7 m7 要或是不要

willing to do khe2ng-cho3 肯幹

willing to do good and give help to the poor, charitable, benevolent lo8k-sia7n ho3+*-si 樂善好施

willing to endure kam-sim ji2m-si7u 甘心忍受 willing

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willing to endure hardship khe2ng chia8h-kho2+ 肯吃苦

willing to take an inferior position, concede defeat willingly kam pa3i ha7-hong 甘拜下風

willingly chu7-go7an, kam-go7an, kam-sim, go7an-i3 自願,情願,願意

willow li2u-chhi7u 柳樹

willow branch li2u-ki 柳枝

willow eyebrows, eyebrows of beautiful woman li2u-ba5i 柳眉

willow lane, brothel li2u-ha7ng 柳巷

willow leaves li2u-hio8h 柳葉

willow tree, pleasure, dissipation, gaiety li2u-chhi7u 柳樹

willpower, perseverance ge7-le8k 毅力

willpower, self-control chu7-che3-le8k 自制力

willpower, will power i3-chi3-le8k 意志力

wilt, to wither, wilted, withered, drained, enervated, exhausted ta-khi3 枯萎

wilt, wither and fall lian-khi3, si7a-khi3 凋謝

wily, resourcefulness u7 ti3-bo5+ e5 有智謀的

wily, treacherous, devious, a rogue kan-cha3 e5 奸詐的

win a lottery prize tio3ng-chio2ng 中獎

win a medal tit-chio2ng 得獎

win a race cha2u-ia5* 跑贏

win back after having losing like in gam-bling or competition phah-pe5* 拉平,平手

win battle after battle lia5n-chia3n lia5n-se3ng 連戰連勝

win championship iu-se3ng, tha5u-ki5 優勝,爭第一

win glory cheng-kong 爭光

win in combat or fight, win game, conquer, gain victory phah-ia5* 打贏


win in debt, controversial win che3*-ia5* 爭論贏了

win in gambling ia5* kia2u 賭贏

win lawsuit se3ng-so3+ 勝訴

win money back, to recover the capital phe5*-pu2n 扳本

win on one's own merits e7ng si8t-le8k la5i ia5* 用實力來贏

win or lose, succeed or fail se3ng-pa7i 勝敗

win the war tha5i-ia5* 戰贏

win victory chia3n-se3ng 戰勝

win, obtain tit-tio8h 獲得

win, triumph over an enemy or opponent tit-se3ng 得勝

win, victorious ia5*, phah ia5* 贏,打贏

wince, to cower, to flinch, to quail, to recoil, to shrink kiu, kiu-kiu 畏縮

wind hong 風

- favorable wind su7n-hong 順風

- no wind tia7m-hong 沒有風

wind, to rotate, to revolve, to spin, to whirl se8h 旋轉,盤旋

wind up, to turn chu7n 轉動

wind, to wrap round, to coil ti5* 纏

- The vine winds around the tree. Ti5n ti5* ti7 chhi7u-a2. 藤盤在樹上.

- to wind a clock chu7n si5-cheng 轉動時鐘

- to wind around the foot of the mountain se8h tu3i soa*-kha ko3e 繞過山腳下

- to wind up, bring to a conclusion, to liq-uidate kiat-sok, chheng-sn3g 結束,清算

wind and rain hong-ho7+, hong-u2 風雨

wind and rain suitable in season and quan-tity hong tiau u2 su7n 風調雨順

wind and stormy waves ko5ng-hong ta7i-lo7ng 狂風大浪

wind and waves hong-e2ng 風浪

wind and waves, quarrels, disturbances hong-pho 風波

wind bell hong-le5ng 風鈴

wind blowing from the south la5m-hong 南風

wind direction change tn2g-hong 風向轉變

wind gauge, wind force gauge hong-le8k-pi2o 風力計

wind gauge, wind speed gauge hong-sok-pi2o 風速計

wind instrument ko2an-ga8k-khi3 管樂器

wind is blowing tha33u-hong 颳風

wind power hong-le8k-hoat-tia7n 風力發電

wind proof, stuffy be7 tha3u-hong 不透風

wind resistance khong-khi3 e5 cho2+-le8k 空氣阻力

wind thread ti5* so3a* 纏線,繞線

wind up an affair or job suitably siu-soah 完竣

wind up case, conclude case kiat-a3n 結案

wind up legal case or let it drop, close case siau-a3n 銷案,消案

wind up, to close, put an end to kiat-sok 結束

wind velocity hong-sok 風速

wind, breath chho2an-khu3i 呼吸

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wind, to break wind, fart chha3u-phu3i 臭屁

windbag ke-kui-a2-sian 吹牛大王

windbreak ho5ng-hong-li5m 防風林

winding oan-khiau 彎曲

- a winding road oan-oan khiau-khiau e5 lo7+ 彎彎曲曲的路

winding like a path, stream oan-oan oat-oat 彎彎曲曲

winding, crooked, curved, distorted au2-oan 彎曲

winding, curved, meandering, zigzagging sa*-chat-la8t-khiau 彎彎曲曲

winding, devious, dishonest oai-ko chhi8h-chhoa8h 彎彎曲曲,不正直的,不老實的

windmill hong-chhia 風車

window, a window on a computer screen, Windows the Microsoft operating sys-tem si7-thang 視窗

window thang-a2, thang-a2-mn5g 窗子,窗戶

- display window po-le5-tu5 玻璃櫥

- glass window po-le5 thang-a2 玻璃窗

- window curtain thang-a2-li5, thang-a2-po3+ 窗簾

window frames thang-a2-mn5g-kheng 窗戶框

Windows Explorer to3ng-a3n cho2ng-ko2an 檔案總管

windpipe, throat, larynx, gullet na5-au5-kn2g 喉管

windpipe, trachea, respiratory tract khi3-kn2g, hi3-kn2g 氣管

windshield cha8h-hong e5 po-le5 擋風玻璃

windstorm hong-thai-ho7+ 暴風的

windward, the direction from which the wind comes hong-tha5u 風頭,上風

windy tha3u-hong e5 颳風的

windy, a person who exaggerates things pu5n-ke-kui 誇口的

wine chi2u 酒

- altar wine Mi5-sat chi2u (Catholic) 彌撒酒

- grape wine phu5-to5-chi2u 葡萄酒

- rice wine chheng-chi2u 清酒

- to drink wine until drunk lim kah chi2u-chu3i 喝到醉

- wine bottle chi2u-ko3an-a2 酒瓶

- wine glass chi2u-poe 酒杯

wine and tobacco hun-chi2u 煙酒

wine and tobacco tax hun-chi2u-so3e 煙酒裞

wine and water each in part ti7m po3a*-chi2u-chu2i 酒水各一半來燉

wine and women, drink and lust chi2u-sek 酒色

wine at meal, clear distilled wine sio-chi2u 燒酒

wine barrel or cask, drunkard chi2u-tha2ng 酒桶,酒量大

wine cups chi2u-poe 酒杯

wine drinking game in which two contest-ants guess at the number of fingers about to be deployed hoah chi2u-ku5n 划酒拳

wine served at congratulatory feast like wedding hi2-chi2u 喜酒

wine shop, hotel, pub chi2u-tia3m 酒店

wing si8t 翅膀

- left wing to3-si8t, to3-pe5ng 左翼

- right wing chi3a*-si8t, chi3a*-pe5ng 右翼

- to spread the wings thi2-si8t, thia2n-si8t 展翅

wing feathers si8t-ko2+-mo+ 翼毛

wing flap or flutter, to flap the wings phia8t-si8t 撲翼

wing of a bird si8t-ko2+ 翅膀

wing of a chicken ke-si8t 雞翅

wing of a traditional house, side room ho7+-le5ng 廂房

wink nih, nih-ba8k 眨眼

- in a wink chi8t ba8k-nih-a2 一瞬間

- to wink at somebody ka7 la5ng nih-ba8k 對著他人眨眼暗示

winner se3ng-li7-chi2a, ia5* e5 la5ng 勝利者,贏的人

winner, champion iu-se3ng-chi2a 優勝者

winner, winning candidate ji8p-so2an-chi2a 入選者

winning bid koat-pio 決標

winnow grain chhi5u* 颺

winnow rice chhi5u*-chhek, chhi5u*-chhek-a2 颺穀子


winnow rice by tossing in the wind po3a-bi2 簸米

winnow unhulled rice ko2+ chhek-a2 簸穀

winnow wheat by pouring out in the wind chhi5u* be8h-a2 颺麥,簸小麥

winnow, toss ko2+, po3a 簸

winnowing machine hong-ko2+ 簸穀機

winsome chin kho2-a3i 可愛的

winsome child chin tit la5ng thi3a* e5 gi2n-a2 很值得疼愛的小孩

winter tang-thi*, ko5a*-thi* 冬天

winter bamboo shoots tang-su2n 冬筍 winter

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winter clothes ko5a*-thi*-sa* 寒衣

winter curfew imposed annually to guard against undesirable elements tong-ho5ng 冬防

winter in the lunar calendar, the period from the 10th to the 12th moon tang, tong 冬

winter season tang-thi*-si5, tang-ku3i 冬季

winter season about to begin kau-tang 進入冬季

winter solstice tang-cheh 冬至

winter vacation ha5n-ka2, hioh-ko5a* 寒假

wipe chhit 拭

wipe away tears chhit ba8k-sa2i 擦眼淚

wipe clean chhit ho7+ chheng-khi3 擦乾淨

wipe dry chhit ta, chhit ho7+ ta 擦乾

wipe furniture with wet cloth duster ji5u i2-toh 擦桌椅

wipe mouth chhit-chhu3i 擦嘴

wipe off perspiration chhit ko7a* 擦汗

wipe out ko2a*-chi7n-sat-cho8at 趕盡殺絕

wipe out an entire clan bia8t-cho8k 滅族

wipe the bottom of a baby or old person, to deal with failed situation chhit-kha-chhng 擦屁股,收拾殘局

wipe with wet cloth, duster or wet towel ji5u, li5u 擦

WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organiza-tion se3-ka3i ti3-hu7i cha5i-sa2n-ko5an cho+-chit 世界智慧財產權組織

wire, metal wire thih-so3a* 鐵絲

- brass wire ta5ng-so3a* 銅線

- to connect a wire chiap-so3a* 接線

- lead wire, fuse ia5n-so3a* 鉛線

- electric wire tia7n-so3a* 電線

wire cutter thih-so3a* chia2n-a2 剪鐵絲的用具

wire netting thih-so3a*-ba7ng 鐵絲網

wire rope kn3g-soh 鋼索 wishbone

wire tapping thau-thia* tia7n-o7e, chiap la5ng e5 tia7n-o7e-so3a* 竊聽電話

wire, a telegram tia7n-po3 電報

wire, to send a telegram phah tia7n-po3, kha3 tia7n-po3 打電報

wireless bu5 so3a* e5 無線的

wireless office, telecommunications office tia7n-si3n-kio8k, bu5-so3a* tia7n-si3n-kio8k 電信局

wireless telegram, cable, telegraph tia7n-po3, bu5-so3a* tia7n-po3 電報

wiring, hookup electrical wiring khan tia7n-so3a* 裝電線

wiring, wire a house or building pho3e-so3a* 配線

Wisdom Literature Ti3-hu7i bu5n-ha8k 智慧文學

wisdom teeth au7-chan 智齒

wisdom teeth coming in thi* a7u-chan 長智齒

wisdom, Book of Wisdom Ti3-hu7i-phian 智慧篇

wisdom, knowledge, intelligent, intelligence ti3-hu7i 智慧

wisdom, sensible, wise, judicious, saga-cious be5ng-ti3 明智

wise ga5u, chhong-be5ng 聰明

wise and virtuous women hia5n-siok 賢淑

wise man, worthy scholar, holder of the master's degree, master's degree, M.A. se8k-su7 碩士

wise saying, aphorism, maxim keh-gia5n 格言

wise saying, good counsel kim-gia5n gio8k-gi2, kim-gia5n-gio8k-lu8t 金言玉語,金言玉律

wish for long life thiam ho3e-si7u 添壽

wish or desire i3-go7an 意願

wish to be a great or influential person to7a-tha5u-pe7* 大頭病

wish, a desire go7an-bo7ng 願望

wish, a hope, wish for, to desire hi-bo7ng 希望

wish, regard, kindly feelings, intention sim-i3, sim-go7an 心意,心願

wish, to congratulate respectfully, to wish good luck and success, sincerely ke3ng-chiok, kiong-chiok 敬祝,恭祝

wish, to express good wishes, to pray chiok 祝

- I wish you good health. Chiok li2 kia7n-khong. 祝你健康.

wish, to request, demand, important, vital, to want, will, going to a3i, beh, boeh 要

wishbone chi2au-a2 e5 khi5m-heng-kut 叉骨

wishful, to eagerly anticipate chhiat-bo7ng e5, chin hi-bo7ng 切望的

wishful, to thirst for, to long for khat-bo7ng e5, sia3u-si7u* 渴望的

wisp of hair chi8t chhok tha5u-mo+ 一綹頭髮

wisp of straw chi8t pe2 chha2u-in 一把稻草

wisp, lock chhok 綹

wisp, to bind, bunch, bundle pe2, sok 把,束

wit, quick-witted, tact, witty, resourceful ki-ti3, pia3n-khi3au 機智


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- to be at wit's end ti3-kio5ng cha5i-chi7n, si7u* bo5 pa7n-hoat 智窮才盡,無計可施

wit, effort, heart, mind, intention, centre, core sim-le8k 心力

wit, intelligence, intellect ti3-le8k 智力

witch bu5-po5, li2-bu5, ang-i5 巫婆,女巫,巫婆

witch doctor bu5-i 巫醫

witchcraft bu5-su8t 巫術

witchcraft, sorcery, sorcerers si5a-su8t 邪術

with, plus, to put in, to add, to add on, to add into, in addition, on top of that chham 加上

with, because, owing to, on account of in-u7i 因為

with, and kap, ha5m 和,同

with, for, to face tu3i 對

with, to have, to use u7, io7ng 有,用

- to cooperate with somebody hia8p-cho7+ la5ng 協助他人

- to look with favor kho3a*-ta7ng 看重

- to sympathize with others to5ng-che5ng la5ng 同情他人

with all one's might, gather all one's strength, as when raising heavy thing or suffering from constipation te3*-la8t 用力

with all one's strength, with whole hearted dedication cho5an-le8k 全力

with fixed purpose, with determined mind kian-sim 堅心

with head bowed tha5u-khak le5-le5 頭低垂

with illuminations and decorations tia2m-teng kat-chha2i 張燈結彩

with money, spend money io7ng-chi5* 用錢,花錢

with no further resource, desperate spot, the end of one's rope, helpless situa-tion chi7n-po7+ 盡頭,絕境


with no one to turn to or rely on, completely helpless bu5-i bu5-kho3 無依無靠

with no resource, to watch helplessly nih-chhiauh nih-chhiauh 乾瞪眼

with one heart sia7ng-sim, ta5ng-sim, to5ng-sim 同心

with one mind and united strength ta5ng-sim hia8p-le8k 同心協力

with one's hands behind one's back chhi2u iap-au7 手藏在背後

with one's own eyes chhin-ba8k 親眼

with proud air, to show off, vigorous or en-ergetic hong-si5n 誇大,愛出風頭,神氣

with tears in the eyes ha5m-lu7i, ba8k-sa2i ka5m le 含淚

with the exception, only if, unless ti5-hui 除非

with the same intellectual capacity and scholastic achievements to5ng-te2ng ha8k-le8k 同等學力

with these two hands one can work mira-cles siang-chhi2u ba7n-le5ng 雙手萬能

with undue familiarity, get fresh siu* kho3-sio8k 太隨便

withdraw blood from a vein thiu-hoeh 抽血

withdraw for the moment chia7m-si5 the3-te5ng 暫時退庭

withdraw from the presence of others, re-tire from banquet before it is finished, to walk out of a meeting in protest the3-se8k 退席

withdraw from, evacuate thiat-li7 撤離

withdraw money from the bank tu3i gi5n-ha5ng ni2a-chi5* 從銀行提款

withdraw one's hand, withdraw chhi2u kiu khi2-la5i 撒手,縮手

withdraw one's shares from company the3-ko2+ 退股

withdraw or cancel a license, recall, turn back, send back thiat-ho5e 撤回

withdraw the garrison thiat-si2u 撤守

withdraw troops thiat-peng, the3-peng 撤兵,退兵

withdraw, fall back, to go in reverse to3-the3, thiat-the3 倒退,撤退

withdraw, pull out thiat-cha2u 撤走

withdraw, retreat, to decline, to move back the3 退

withdraw, to shrink kiu 縮

withdraw, to take back, to revoke siu to3-tn2g 收回

withdrawal, pullout thiat-chhut 撤出

withdraw, cancel, cancellation, annul chhu2-siau, thiat-siau 取消,撤消

withdrawal, retreat thiat-the3 撤退

- to make a strategic withdrawal chia3n-lio8k-sio7ng e5 thiat-the3 戰略上的撤退

- withdrawal symptoms khi2-gia3n 癮發作

wither and die ta-khi3 枯萎

wither, decline, recession soe-the3 衰退

wither, fade ta-khi3, lian, si7a 枯萎,凋謝

withered hoe si7a-khi3 花謝了 withered

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withered old person la7u-ka5u-po2+ 癟老頭

withered, decayed consumed with dry rot po+-khi3, po2+-khi3 枯了

withhold one's consent m7-chu2n 不准

withhold payment m7-khe2ng hu3-kho2an, ki7-choa8t hu3-kho2an 不肯付款,拒絕付款

withhold, refuse, reject m7-khe2ng, ki7-choa8t 不肯,拒絕

withhold, suppress, to inhibit, to stifle ap-che3 壓制

within a week ti7 chi8t le2-pa3i la7i 在一個禮拜以內

within country, domestic kok-la7i 國內

within definite period of time it-te7ng e5 ki5-kan la7i 一定的期間內

within here, inside here chit la7i-bi7n 這裡面

within one's duty hu7n-la7i 份內

within or inside the school ha7u-la7i 校內

within the boat chu5n-la7i 船內

within the border, in the country ke2ng-la7i 境內

within the bounds of propriety in speech and behavior hun-chhu3n 分寸

within the circle kho5an-la7i 圈內

within the city walls si5a*-la7i 城內

within the county ko7an-la7i 縣內

within the first ten days of the month chhe-nih 月初,初旬

within the year ni5-la7i 年內

within three days' time ha7n sa* ji8t 限三天

within, inside, inner, internal, within, inte-rior la7i, la7i-bi7n 內

within, on the bottom, the inside, the inte-rior la7i-te2 裏面,內面

within, within, less than i2-la7i 以內

without, apart from, other than, except for, external, outside of i2-go7a 以外

- never a day without bo5 chi8t ji8t bo5, la3ng-si5 bo5 la3ng-ji8t 沒有一天沒有

without a companion bo5-pho7a* 沒有伴

without ability bo5 le5ng-le8k 沒能力

without affinity bo5 ia5n 無緣

without an equal, certainly, absolutely choa8t-tu3i 絕對

without any previous thought about it, as something coming unexpectedly bo5 chhu5n-pa7n 不打算

without anyone to depend on bo5-i bo5-o2a 無依無靠

without awareness put-ti put-kak 不知不覺

without beginning without end, eternal bu5-si2 bu5-chiong 無始無終

without capability, self depreciating term referring to oneself put-cha5i 不才

without capital bo5-pu2n 沒有本錢

without cause or reason, no relationship, without rhyme or reason bo5-ia5n bo5-ko3+, bu5-ia5n bu5-ko3+ 無緣無故

without conditions or stipulations, uncondi-tionally bo5 tia5u-ki7a* 無條件

without delay, immediately ma2-sio7ng, ko2a*-ki2n, lia5m-pi* 馬上,趕緊

without dissenting voice, unanimous bo5 i7-gi7 無異議

without distinction of sex bo5 la5m-li2 e5 khu-pia8t 沒有男女的區別

without efficacious power bo5-si3a* 不靈

without energy or strength bo5-khu3i-la8t 無氣力

without friends or helpers bo5 la5ng-bi7n 無人事關係

without human feelings, unkind, ungrateful bo5-che5ng 無情

without interruption lia5n-sio8k 連續

without kin or friends bo5-chhin bo5-chhek 無親無戚

without limit bu5-ha7n 無限

without luster, dull, matte ba5-bi7n 無光澤的

without party affiliation of any sort, non-partisan bu5-to2ng bu5-pha3i, bo5-to2ng bo5-pha3i 無黨無派

without pause or intermission bo5-si5-the5ng 不停的

without permission, without reason, at ran-dom, recklessly la7m-sa2m, lo7an-su2 亂,胡亂

without promise of achievement, good-for-nothing put se5ng-khi3 不成器

without rest or stopping bo5 hioh-khu3n 不休息


without spontaneity, in forced manner, in-voluntarily nge7-to7+ 勉強

without stopping, without pause or inter-mission bo5-the5ng 不停

without the knowledge of anybody else, secretly, unbeknown to others ji5n put-ti, ku2i put-kak 人不知鬼不覺

without, haven't, hasn't, doesn't exist, to not have, to not be bo5 沒有

withstand hardship na7i-kho2+ na7i-lo5 耐苦耐勞

withstand, resist, resistance ti2-kho3ng 抵抗 withstand

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withstand, show restraint, repress anger, exercise patience na7i, ji2m-na7i 忍耐

witness, proof, certificate, identification, testimonial, to prove, to testify, to con-firm the truth of che3ng-be5ng 證明

- false witness gu7i-che3ng, kan-che3ng, bo7ng-che3ng la5ng, oan-o2ng la5ng, o2ng-khut la5ng, cho3 ke2 che3ng-ji5n 偽證,偽證人

- to give witness on behalf of u7i…cho3-che3ng 為…作證

witness at a wedding che3ng-hun-ji5n 證婚人

witness battle, observe military operation koan-chia3n 觀戰

witness something, see with one's own eyes chhin-ba8k kho3a*-ki3* 目睹

witness stand or box in court che3ng-ji5n-se8k 證人席

witness, a witness to an event kia3n-che3ng -ji5n, che3ng-ji5n 見證人,證人

witness, evidence, proof, testimony che3ng-ki3 證據

witness, give witness or testimony cho3-che3ng 做證

witness, testimony kia3n-che3ng 見證

witnesses, testimony given by witnesses ji5n-che3ng 人證

witticism, a saying be5ng-gia5n 名言

witticism, clever expression bia7u-gi2 妙語

witticism, pun, wisecrack, sarcastic remark, double entendre gia8t-khiat-o7e 俏皮話

wittingly, deliberately, on purpose ko3+-i3, thiau-i3-ko3+, thiau-kang 故意的

witty person ga5u pia3n-khia3u e5 la5ng 機智的人

witty remark gia8t-khiat-a2 o7e 詼諧的話

witty, humorous, jocular, zany gia8t-khiat 詼諧的

witty, quick-witted, tact, resourceful ga5u pia3n-khia3u 機智的

wives of husband's brothers, sisters-in-law ta5ng-sa7i-a2 妯娌

wizard, sorcerer cho3 si5a-su8t e5 la5ng 行邪術的人

wizard, spirit, fairy, elf, sprite, genie cheng-le5ng 精靈

wobble, rickety, rock, to shake, to sway phia5n-la5i phia5n-khi3, tian-ko3e-la5i tian-ko3e-khi3 搖搖晃晃

wobbly, shaky kho7ng-kho7ng-hia2n 搖晃的

wobbly, unstable be7-cha7i, bo5 u2n-te7ng e5 不穩定

woe, a disaster, catastrophe chai-la7n 災難

woe, pitiful, woeful, pathetic, to have pity on kho2-li5n, kho2+-lia5n 可憐

woe, to be worried, to be distressed, wor-ries ho5an-lo2 煩惱

woe, woeful, grieved, sorrow pi-ai 悲哀

woeful, misfortune, adversity, unfortunate, sad, unfortunately put-he7ng 不幸的

wolf lo5ng, ia2-lo5ng 狼,野狼

wolf dog, German Shepherd dog lo5ng-ka2u 狼狗

wolf in sheep's clothing chhi3o-bi7n-ho2+ 笑面虎

wolf pack lo5ng-ku5n 狼群

wolfish, tiger-like appetite, grasping lo5ng thun ho2+ ia3n 狼吞虎嚥

wolves chha5i-lo5ng 豺狼

woman cha-bo2+-la5ng, hu7-ji5n-la5ng, hu7-li2 女人,婦人,婦女

- chaste or virtuous woman chiat-hu7 節婦

- holy woman Se3ng-hu7 聖婦

- married woman kiat-hun e5 hu7-ji5n-la5ng 結婚的婦人

- old woman a-po5-a2, a-po5, la7u-a-po5 老太婆

- young woman sia3u-lia5n hu7-li2 年輕婦女

woman beggar khit-chia8h-po5 乞丐婆,乞婦

woman dressed as man li2 pa7n la5m chong 女扮男裝

woman head servant li2 ko2an-ke 女管家

woman married to an unworthy husband ho2-hoe chhah to3a gu5-sa2i 好花插在牛糞上

woman of easy virtue supposed to be fox in disguise, enchantress ho5+-li5-chia* 狐狸精

woman of peerless beauty, the fairest of the fair choa8t-se3 e5 bi2-ji5n 絕世的美人

woman of the street tha3n-chia8h cha-bo2+ 妓女

woman school principal li2 ha7u-ti2u* 女校長

woman seeks paramour tho2 khe3-hia* 紅杏出牆

woman who talks in shrill high pitched voice ha2u-ke-bo2 大嗓婆


woman with lustful looking face ta3i-tho5-hoe 女人好淫之相

woman, female, daughter, girl, maiden, feminine li2, lu2, hu7-li2, hu7-lu2 女,婦女

woman, women li2-ji5n 女人

womanhood li2-se3ng 女性

womanhood, a woman's nature li2-chu2 e5 se3ng-chit 女子的性質

womanizing, gambling and drunkenness phia5u, to2+, i2m 嫖,賭,飲


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womanly virtues, chastity li2-tek 女德

woman's handbag kha-ba2ng-a2 手提袋

woman's mourning head-dress ka2m-tha5u-a2 首經,頭蓋

woman's reproductive organ devoid of pu-bic hair pe8h-ho2+ (slang) 白虎

woman's secret savings, mad money, nest egg sai-khia 私房錢

womb chu2-kiong 子宮

womb of non-human mammalian se*-tn5g 生腸

women disguised as men li2 pa7n la5m-chong 女扮男裝

women fickle and lascivious chu2i-se3ng io5ng-hoa 水性楊花

women's apartments kui-pa5ng 閨房

women's association hu7-li2-ho7e 婦女會

women's complaint, diseases specifically of women hu7-ji5n-pe7* 婦人病

Women's Day, March 8 Hu7-li2-chiat, Sam-pat-chiat 婦女節,三八節

Women's Health Care Center Hu7-li2 Po2-kia7n-tiong-sim 婦女保健中心

women's lib li2-ko5an u7n-to7ng 女權運動

women's movement hu7-li2 u7n-to7ng 婦女運動

women's panties sa*-kak-kho3+ 三角褲

women's rights li2-ko5an 女權

women's suffrage hu7-li2 so2an-ki2-ko5an 婦女選舉權

wonder, strange event ki5-su7 奇事

- I wonder if m7-chai… 不知…

- no wonder they can speak so well bo8k-ko3ai in chin ga5u ko2ng 難怪他們很會說

- to be filled with wonder ka2m-kak chin ki5-ko3ai 覺得很奇怪

- to do wonders cho3 ki5-chek, cho3-chhut kia*-la5ng e5 ta7i-chi3 行奇蹟

wonder drug, patent medicine te8k-ha7u-io8h 特效藥

wonder drugs, magic pill si5n-io8h 神藥

wonder drugs, antibiotics kho3ng-seng-so3+ 抗生素

wonder, miracle, odd, weird, wonderful ki5-chek 奇蹟

wonder, mystery ki5-bia7u 奇妙

wonder, strange, odd, marvel, to be baffled ki5-ko3ai 奇怪

wonder, to be amazed, to be surprised tio8h-kia* 驚奇

wonder, to doubt, to suspect, doubt, suspi-cion, skeptical gia5u-gi5 懷疑

wonderful dinner chiok phong-pha3i e5 ia3n-se8k 很豐盛的宴席

wonderful sound of music bi2-bia7u e5 koa-sia* 美妙的歌聲

wonderful, amazing, astonishing kia*-la5ng e5 驚人的

wonderful, extraordinarily good lia2u-put-khi2 了不起

wonderful, fabulous, superb, excellent chiok ho2 e5, chiok cha2n e5 極好的

wonderful, fantastic ki5-bia7u 奇妙

wonderful, strange, odd ki5-ko3ai 奇怪

wonderfully excellent and efficacious medicine si5n-bia7u 神妙

wonderland ki5-ke2ng 奇境

wonderment, marvels ki5-su7 奇事

wonderment, surprised kia*-ki5 驚奇

wonderment, wonders, spectacle ki5-koan 奇觀

wonder-struck to7a kia* chi8t-e7 大吃一驚

won't bo7e, be7 不會

won't endure long to3ng be7 ku2 撐不久

won't have anything to do with anyone ke2-si2 la-li2 裝死

won't last long, not durable bo5-na7i-e7ng 不耐用

won't live up to an agreement, won't pay gambling debts m7 tam su-ia5* 沒有擔當

won't starve, cannot be starved to death go7 be7 si2 餓不死

wood chha5, bo8k-chha5i 木材

- to collect wood khioh-chha5 撿柴

- to walk through the woods tu3i chhi7u-na5 ki5a*-ko3e 從樹林走過

wood carver tiau-khek e5 sai-hu7 雕刻的師父

wood carving, carved of wood chha5 khek e5 木雕的

wood chips chha5-sap-a2 木屑

wood engraving, woodcut bo8k-tiau 木雕 wood

wood flooring, boarded floor te7-pa2n 地板

wood material bo8k-lia7u 木料

wood pile chha5-tui 木材堆

wood products bo8k-che3-phi2n, chha5 cho3 e5 木製品

wood shed khn3g chha5 keng-a2 放木材的房間

wood vessels, furniture bo8k-khi3, chha5-lia7u 木器

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wood, bundle of firewood chha5-pe2 一綑一綑的木柴

wood, trees ba8k 木

woodcarving bo8k-tiau 木雕

woodcock, bamboo chicken tek-ke-a2 竹雞

woodcraft tiau-khek-su8t 雕刻術

woodcut bo8k-pa2n, khek a5ng-a2-to5+ 木刻畫

woodcutter chho3-chha5-e5 樵夫

wooded land, forest li5m-ti5u* 林場

wooden bo8k-cho7, chha5 cho3 e5 木造,木製的

wooden bench without back i2-tia5u, i2-lia5u 長板凳

wooden block for cutting things upon chha5-tiam 木砧

wooden box chha5-siu* 木箱

wooden bridge chha5-ki5o, bo8k-ki5o 木橋

wooden clogs or wooden shoes worn in Taiwan ba8k-kia8h, chha5-kia8h 木屐

wooden coarse comb chha5-se 木梳子

wooden door chha5-mn5g 木門

wooden fish used by bonze as drum or hand metronome to keep time when chanting prayers bo8k-hi5 木魚

wooden floor frame on which tatami are placed cho2ng-pho+ 大臥鋪

wooden framework chha5-ke3 木架

wooden furniture store bo8k-khi3-ha5ng 木器行

wooden horse for gymnastics, hobbyhorse, logs cut and fitted for transfer to lum-ber collection point bo8k-be2 木馬

wooden idol chha5-pu8t-a2 木雕神像

wooden idol, wooden figure, people who have no feeling chha5-tha5u-ang-a2 木頭人,無感情的人

wooden image chha5-sio7ng 木像

wooden pail chha5-tha2ng 木桶

wooden partition pang-a2-piah 板壁

wooden peg chha5-teng-a2 木釘

wooden person, rigid, fixed and unchange-able, monotonous si2-pa2n 死板

wooden pestle, beetle, heavy stick for beat-ing things chha5-thu5i 木槌

wooden pillar chha5-thi7au 木柱子

wooden rake, termagant chha5-pe5 木耙,悍婦

wooden stake, pile or post chha5-khi8t-a2 木樁

wooden stocks for punishment kha-ko5ng, kha-kho5ng 腳梏

wooden stool i2-tha5u-a2 凳子

wooden sword bo8k-kia3m 木劍 words

wooden wedge chha5-chi*, chha5-chi*-a2 木楔,木樁,木栓

woodpecker tok-bo8k-chia2u, tok-ku-chia2u 啄木鳥

woods, grove, forest chhi7u-na5 樹林

wood-shavings khau-to-lian 刨屑

woodwork, carpentry ba8k-kang 木工

woodwork, wooden part of the house bo8k-cho7 e5 po7+-hu7n 木造部份

woodworking plant or shop bo8k-kang-ti5u*, bo8k-kang-chhi2u* 木工場,木工廠

wool iu5*-mo5+, iu5*-mn5g 羊毛

wool textile mo5+-chit-phi2n 毛織品

wool, knitting wool, wool yarn pho3ng-se 毛線

woolen, fleece iu5*-mo5+ e5 羊毛的

woolen, weaved, knitted mo5+-chit e5 毛織的

woolen fine cloth jio5ng-po3+ 絨布

woolen blanket mo5+-tha2n 毛毯

woolen material mo5+-lia7u 毛料

woolen sweater, woolen clothing iu5*-mo5+-sa* 羊毛衣

woolen yarn for knitting jio5ng-so3a* 絨線

word, letter symbol oe7, ji7 話,字

- in a word cho2ng ko2ng chi8t ku3 總歸一句話,總而言之

- man of few words chin tia7m e5 la5ng 很文靜的人

- to come to words cheng-lu7n, sio-che3* 爭論,爭辯

- to give one's word tah-e3ng 答應

- to take one at his word si3n la5ng e5 o7e 相信別人的話

- to send word tho5an-gia5n 傳言

- to write a few words si2a ku2i-ji7-a2 寫幾個字

- new word sin-ji7 新字

- without a word bo5 ko2ng po3a* ku3 沒說半句話

word of command, an order ho7-le7ng 號令

Word of God Thian-chu2 Se3ng-gia5n (Catholic) 天主聖言

word, news, information siau-sit 消息

word, password used by sentry kha2u-le7ng 口令

word, speech, talk gia5n-gi2 言語

wording, grammar, syntax gi2-hoat 語法

wording, words and phrases su5-ku3 詞句

wordless, speechless be8k-be8k bu5-gia5n 默默無言

words bu5n-su5 文詞

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words and actions gia5n-he5ng 言行

words and speech, conversation, talk gia5n-ta5m 言談

words of exhortation kho3an-gia5n, kho2+-khn3g e5 o7e 勸言

words of promise or consent, pledge lo8k-gia5n 諾言

words of scolding woman pho3a-ba5 罵壞女人之詞

words said in anger khi3-oe7 氣話

words spoken from force of habit, words which one uses constantly, but means nothing oe7-bo2 口頭語,口頭禪

words, language gia5n-su5 言詞

words, phrase, expressions, to talk, speak or tell, part of speech, grammar su5 詞

words, phrases gi2-su5 語詞

work, job, construction, task khang-kho3e, kang-chok 工作

work, occupation, profession, vocation, professional tha5u-lo7+ 職業

- construction work kang-the5ng 工程

- good works sia7n-kong 善功

- hand work chhi2u-kang 手工

- to collaborate by dividing the work hun-kang ha8p-chok 分工合作

- to begin work ta7ng-kang 動工

- to finish work ha7-pan 下班

- to go to work sio7ng-pan 上班

- hard working kut-la8t 認真

work aimlessly bo2ng-ho5e 做這做那

work ambitiously cho5ng-tang cho5ng-sai 為生計奔波

work as a welder ha7n-chiap-kang-chok 焊接工作

work as prostitute be7-chhi3o 賣笑

work day kang-chok-jit 工作日

work diligently mi5-no7a cho3 khang-kho3e 努力做事

work for relief of victims of natural disaster chi2n-chai, chi3n-chai 賑災

work hand in glove in evil ways with some-one, gang up with somebody lo5ng-po7e u5i-kan 狼狽為奸

work hard phah-pi3a* 努力

work hard and hurry about constantly with-out resting cha2u-cho5ng 奔波

work hard, study hard io7ng-kong 用功

work hours kang-chok si5-kan 工作時間 workers

work in a mine khui-kho3ng 開礦

work in an office pa7n-kong 辦公

work in exchange for food o7a*-chia8h 用工作來換食物

work iron, to forge ironware, blacksmith phah-thih 打鐵

work miracles hia2n ki5-chek 顯奇蹟

work of art ge7-su8t-phi2n 藝術品

work of writer or artist chok-phi2n 作品

work on a dictionary phian ji7-tia2n 編字典

work on boat, sail or steer boat ki5a*-chu5n 行船

work one's way through school kho2+-ha8k 苦學

work out teaching schedule at school pa5i-kho3 排課

work paid by the day ji8t-kang 日工,按日計酬

work place chit-ti5u* 職場

work schedule chi3n-to7+-pi2o 進度表

work that can't be done or impossible to finish ka5m-la7n (coarse expression) 比喻辦不到的事(粗話)

work the fields choh-sit 從事耕作

work very hard, to toil, traveling about in search of employment, be on the run constantly phun-pho 奔波

work which doesn't need much effort or is done easily nn2g-se3 輕力

work while studying at school po3a*-kang-po3a*-tha8k 半工半讀

work without achieving anything, to labor without success, vain efforts to5+-lo5 bu5-kong 徒勞無功

work without attaining good or desired re-sults pe8h-cho3-e5 白做的

work, skill, art, kung fu, labor, effort kang-hu 功夫

work, toil, physical labor lo5-to7ng 勞動

workbook lia7n-si8p-pho7+ 練習簿

workbox, toolbox ke-si-siu*-a2 工具箱

worker, craftsman, skilled laborer sai-hu7 師,匠

worker, laborer lo5-to7ng-chi2a 勞動者

- office worker chit-oa5n 職員

worker, staff member kang-chok ji5n-oa5n 工作人員

worker, temporary job, odd job worker chhi2u-bi7n tha3n-chia8h 打零工

worker, unskilled worker kang-a2 工人

workers' health insurance lo5-po2 勞保

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workers, workers assigned to do specific task of job kang-chok ji5n-oa5n 工作人員

working kang-chok e5 工作的

working class lo5-to7ng kai-kip 勞動階級

working clothes kang-chok-ho8k 工作服

working day kang-chok-ji8t 工作日

working for the post-office ti7 iu5-kio8k ho8k-bu7 在郵局工作

working women, career or professional chit-gia8p hu7-li2 職業婦女

working hours chok-gia8p si5-kan, kang-chok si5-kan 作業時間,工作時間

working man kang-la5ng 工人

working mother chit-gia8p ma-mah 職業媽媽

working women, laborers li2-kang 女工

workman kang-la5ng 工人

workman, craftsman, skilled workman sai-hu7 師,匠

workman, employee chhi3a* e5 雇員

workman, laborer lo5-to7ng-chi2a 勞動者

workman's hut, shelter kang-lia5u 工寮

workmanship whether good or bad chhi2u-lo7+ 手藝

workmanship, artistry, skill chhi2u-hoat 手法

workmanship, craftmanship, handicraft, trade chhi2u-ge7 手藝

workmanship, skill, art ki-ge7 技藝

workmanship, works of art chok-phi2n 作品

workmen who studied and worked under the same master sai-hia*-ti7, su-hia*-ti7 師兄弟

workroom kang-chok-sek 工作室

works of calligraphy and painting su-o7e 書畫

works of charity chu5-sia7n su7-gia8p 慈善事業

works of merit, repair or build bridges and mend roads siu-ki5o po2+-lo7+ 修橋補路

works, work of art, opus chok-phi2n 作品

workshop, discussion forum, seminar, as-sembly ka2ng-si8p-ho7e 講習會

workshop, factory kang-chhi2u*, kang-ti5u* 工廠,工場

workshop, seminar, symposium gia2n-tho2-ho7e 研討會

workshop, workplace khang-kho3e-ti5u* 工作場

work-study system kia3n-ka3u 建教

world, the living place se3-ka3i 世界

world, earth, the planet te7-ki5u 地球

- a world of trouble chin che7 ma5-ho5an 很多麻煩

- commercial world siong-ka3i 商界

- famous all around the world se3-ka3i chhut-mi5a e5 世界出名的

- end of the world se3-ka3i boa8t-ji8t 世界末日

- man of the world se3-sio8k e5 la5ng 世俗的人

- people in the world se3-kan-la5ng 世間人

- the whole world cho5an se3-ka3i, pho2+-thian-ha7 全世界,普天下

- the Saviour of the world Ki3u-se3-chu2 救世主

World Bank Se3-ka3i Gi5n-ha5ng 世界銀行

World Court Kok-che3 Hoat-te5ng 國際法庭

World Health Organization Se3-ka3i o7e-seng-cho+-chit 世界衛生組織

world is for everyone thian-ha7 u5i-kong 天下為公

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Se3-ka3i khi3-sio7ng-cho+-chit 世界氣象組織

world nowadays, present hia7n-se3 現世

world of art, fine arts bi2-su8t-ka3i 美術界

world of art, artistic circles ge7-su8t-ka3i 藝術界

world of criticism, tribune of opinions lu7n-to5a* 論壇

world of labor lo5-to7ng-ka3i 勞動界

world of mortals ji5n-kan 人間

world of movies tia7n-ia2*-ka3i 電影界

world peace se3-ka3i ho5-pe5ng 世界和平

world political situation, world events, state of the world se3-kio8k 世局

world record se3-ka3i ki2-lio8k 世界紀錄

world situation or circumstances se3-ka3i e5 he5ng-se3 世界的形勢

World Trade Organization, WTO WTO, se3-ka3i bo7+-e8k cho+-chit WTO,世界貿易組織

world trends, trend of the times se3-ka3i tia5u-li5u 世界潮流

world view, the big picture se3-ka3i-koan 世界觀

World War I, the European War Au-chia3n 歐戰

World War II te7-ji7-chhu3 se3-ka3i ta7i-chia3n 第二次世界大戰

world where harmony, equality and justice prevail, universal brotherhood, political utopia ta7i-to5ng se3-ka3i 大同世界

world wide, universal pho2+-phi3an e5 普遍的

world-famous bu5n-be5ng thian-ha7 聞名天下

worldliness se3-sio8k 世俗

worldly affairs se3-su7, sio8k-su7 世事,俗事

worldly desires se3-sio8k e5 io8k-bo7ng 世俗的慾望 worldly worldly

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worldly, profame, secular se3-sio8k e5 世俗的

worldly, secular hia7n-se3 e5 現世的

world-wide se3-ka3i-se3ng 世界性

worm, roundworm, intestinal worm, a hu-man parasite bi7n-tha5ng 蛔蟲

- earth worm to7+-u2n 蚯蚓

- to eliminate worms tha7u bi7n-tha5ng 驅除蛔蟲

- to examine for worms ki2am-cha bi7n-tha5ng 檢查蛔蟲

- for something to be full of worms se*-tha5ng 生蟲

- to pass worms pa3ng bi7n-tha5ng 排泄蛔蟲

- worm eaten chi3u 蛀

worm, small bug, worm or insect, base per-son tha5ng, tha5ng-tho7a 蟲,蟲豸

worms, long creeping insects like worms, caterpillars, maggots tha5ng, thio5ng 蟲

wormy, eaten by worms tha5ng chia8h e5 蟲吃的

wormy, to have worms u7 tha5ng e5 有蟲的

worn away by rubbing ui, ui-khi3 磨損

worn out from use io7ng ha7i-khi3 用壞了

worn out, thoroughly tired thia2m-si2 累透了

worn out, weak, feeble soe-jio8k e5 衰弱的

worn out, wear and tear, worn out by abra-sion ui-khi3 磨損的

worn out, wear old clothes chhe7ng ku7-khi3 e5 穿舊了的

worn, but still quite usable po3a*-ku7-lo8h 半新不舊

worried chhau-ho5an, ho5an-lo2 操心,煩惱

worried and grieved iu-siong 憂傷

worried to death ho5an-si2 煩死人

worries of every day ta8k ji8t e5 iu-li7 每天的憂慮

worries, anxiety, to be worried, to be dis-tressed, troubles ho5an-lo2 煩惱

worrisome, anxious, worried, apprehensive ho7+ la5ng sim-koa* phi7-pho8k-chha2i* 令人焦慮的

worrisome, disturbing ho7+ la5ng ho5an-lo2 e5 令人煩惱的

worry chhau-sim 操心

worry about someone or something kho3a-li7, kho3a-lu7, ko3a-li7 掛慮

worry, trouble, anxious, keep in mind, trou-ble speaking, distress ho5an-lo2, kho3a-sim, kho3a-li7, chhau-ho5an, kho2+-na2u 煩惱,掛心,掛心,掛慮,操煩,苦惱

worse koh khah pha2i*, koh khah m7-ho2 更壞,較不好

worse, more grave, serious, severe, critical khah siong-tio7ng 較嚴重

- to go from bad to worse lu2 la5i lu2 pha2i* 越來越壞

worsen ok-ho3a 惡化

worsening day by day, getting more critical every day, getting more and more seri-ous chi8t-ji8t chi8t-ji8t ok-ho3a 日趨惡化

worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors pa3i kong-ma2, pa3i cho2+-sian, che3-cho2+ 拜祖先,祭祖

worship and feast on the anniversary of person's death cho3-ki7 忌辰祭拜

worship at the graves, visit ancestral tomb pa3i-bo7ng 拜墓

worship Buddha pa3i-hu8t 拜佛

worship false gods pa3i si5a-si5n 拜邪神

worship God, adore God pa3i Thian-chu2 (Catholic) 拜天主

worship gods or idols pa3i-pa3i, pa3i si5n, pa3i si5n-be5ng 拜拜,拜神,拜神明

worship Heaven and Earth pa3i thi*-te7 拜天地

worship idols ho8k-sa7i si5n-be5ng 供奉神明

worship idols, idol worship pa3i pu8t-a2, pa3i ngo2+-sio7ng 拜偶像

worship of mammon pa3i-kim chu2-gi7 拜金主義

worship on seventh day after death cho3-chhit 做七,亡者死後每七天的祭拜

worship the Dipper pa3i-ta2u 拜斗

worship the Eucharist tia5u-pa3i Se3ng-the2 朝拜聖體

worship the gods ke3ng-si5n, pa3i-si5n 敬神,拜神

worship the moon pa3i goe8h-ni5u 拜月亮

worship with offerings, offer, to sacrifice, an oblation, holocaust che3-hia3n, hia3n-che3 祭獻,獻祭


worship with reverence, venerate with bow ke3ng-pa3i 敬拜

worship, adoration pa3i, cho5ng-pa3i, ke3ng-pa3i 拜,崇拜

worship, honor by service or rite, offer sac-rifices to che3-su7 祭祀

worship, respect, to revere chun-ke3ng 尊敬,敬拜

worship, sacrifice to the gods or ancestors che3 祭

worst sio7ng-ba2i, ke8k pha2i* 最壞,極壞 worst

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- in the worst case cho3e pha2i* e5 che5ng-he5ng la5i ko2ng 最壞的情形來說

- to prepare for the worst i7-ho5ng ba7n-it 預防萬一

worth ke3-ta8t 價值

- How much is it worth? Ta8t lo7a-che7 chi5*? 值多少錢?

- five hundred N.T. worth go7+-pah kho+ e5 ke3-ta8t 五百塊的價值

- It is worth reading. U7 tha8k e5 ke3-ta8t. 值得讀的.

worth it, worthy of, deserve ta8t-tit 值得

worth a million dollars u7 chi8t pah ba7n e5 ke3-ta8t 有一百萬的價值

worth more khah ta8t 較值得

worth taking note of, considerable amount, impressive kho2-koan 可觀

worthless bo5 ke3-ta8t, bo5 lo7+-e7ng 無價值的,無用的

worthless books bo5 ke3-ta8t e5 chheh 沒有價值的書

worthless effort pe8h-ki5a* 白走

worthless man bo5 lo7+-e7ng e5 la5ng 沒有用的人

worthless, of no value m7-ta8t-chi5* 不值錢

worthwhile u7 ke3-ta8t 有價值

- not worthwhile m7-ta8t, bo5 ke3-ta8t 不值,沒有價值

worthy of or to tng-e7-khi2 當得起

- not worthy of or to tng-be7-khi2 當得起

worthy, have value u7 ke3-ta8t, u7-ta8t 有價,值得

- worthy of respect kho2-ke3ng 可敬

worthy friends, beneficial friends lio5ng-iu2 良友

worthy of praise or commendation kho2-chhu2 可取

worthy of praise, commendable kho2-ka 可嘉

worthy of, able to bear or to hold e7-kham-tit 值得,配得

worthy son-in-law, your son-in-law hia5n-sa3i 賢婿

would beh, boeh 要

wound, cut siong-chhu3i, khang-chhu3i 傷口

- mortal wound ti3-mi7a-siong 致命傷

- the five wounds of Jesus Ia5-so+ ngo2+-siong 耶穌五傷

- to dress a wound siong-chhu3i ko5+ io8h-a2 在傷口上敷藥

- severely wounded ta7ng-siong e5 重傷的

- to wound the feelings of another siong la5ng e5 ka2m-che5ng 傷害別人的感情

wound another's pride siong la5ng e5 chu7-chun-sim 傷別人的自尊心

wound infected by water chu2i-ho5ng 傷口因觸水而發炎

wound is very nearly healed up khang-chhu3i siu-sok 傷口收縮

wound with a knife or sword tha5i-tio8h-siong 割傷,殺著傷

wound, major wound chi5a*-khang 有傷口

wound, pain, suffering, painful tho3ng-kho2+ 痛苦

wound, to damage, to injure su2n-ha7i 損壞

wound, to hurt siang, siong 傷

wound, to hurt, injured by blow phah-siong 打傷

wounded by dart tio8h-pio 中鏢

wounded by fragment from bottle ho7+ ko3an-a2-pho3e koah-tio8h 被玻璃片割傷

wounded or cut to the bone chek-tio8h 扭傷

wounded slightly by knife ho7+ to koah-tio8h 被刀劃傷

wounded soldiers siong-peng 傷兵

wounded, be wounded, injury tio8h-siong 受傷

wrangle, altercation, angry argument sio-me7 口角

wrangle, quarrel angrily, to haggle, to bicker cheng-lu7n, ke3-ka3u 爭論,計較

wrangle, quarrel, argue, debate, contend, argument, contention, controversy oan-ke, sio-che3* 吵架,爭論

- Don't wrangle over such a trifle. Ma3i ke3-ka3u hiah-ni8h se3 e5 ta7i-chi3. 別計較瑣碎的事.

- They started to wrangle among them-selves. In soah khi2 sio-che3*. 他們卻起了爭論.


wrap, to bandage, to pack, to surround, to encircle, to hem in pau-u5i, pau-chat 包圍,包紮

wrap, to cover, to bundle pau, khu2n, pa8k, chat 包,捆,縛,紮

- to be wrapt up in one's thoughts cho5an-sim la5i si7u* 專心思考

- to wrap the rest into packages chhun e5 chi8t-pau chi8t-pau pau ho7+ ho2 剩餘的一包一包包好

wrap glutinous rice in bamboo or palm leaves pa8k-cha3ng 綁粽子,包粽子

wrap up kauh 捲,包 wrap

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wrap up spring cakes kauh chhun-pi2a*, kauh lu7n-pi2a* 捲春捲

wrath of heaven, God's punishing hand thian-khia2n 天譴

wrath, become angry si7u-khi3 生氣

wrathful khi3-phut-phut 盛怒的

wreak hoat-sia8p 發洩

wreath, garland, floral hoop hoe-kho5an, hoe-kho+ 花環,花圈

- make a wreath, garland cho3 hoe-kho+ 做成花圈

wreathe, to coil around something, to twine, to weave khu5n 盤繞

wreck or hurt family ho5ng-ha7i ka-te5ng 妨害家庭

wreck, destruction, damage, to wreck, to break, to destroy pho3-ha7i 破壞

wreck, to perish, to ruin, to destroy hu2i-bia8t 毀滅

wreckage, remains cha5n-ha5i, hu2i-bia8t 殘骸,毀滅

wrench, a sprain, a crick, to sprain cho7ai*-tio8h 扭傷

wrench, spanner lia2n-chi3 (phonetic) 螺旋鉗

wrest justice toa8t-li2 奪理

wrestle with a problem bu2-le8k ka2i-koat bu7n-te5 以武力解決問題

wrestle, throw down, lay down, to over-throw ia2n 觔,推,扶

wrestle, to strive, to struggle hu3n-ta3u 奮鬥

wrestle, trial of strength sio-ia2n, kak-le8k, sut-kak 摔角,角力

wrestler sut-kak-ka 摔角家

wretch excites and inflames quarrel by slandering each side to the other siang-bi7n-to-ku2i 雙面刀鬼,居中破壞者

wretch, base, mean, contemptible person pi-phi2 e5 la5ng 卑鄙的人

wretch, poor, miserable, pathetic person kho2-lia5n e5 la5ng 可憐的人

wretched circumstances chha2m-cho7ng 慘狀

wretched person kho2+-lia5n e5 la5ng 可憐的人

wretched traitor pi-phi2 e5 be7-kok-chha8t 卑鄙的賣國賊

wretched weather pha2i* thi*-khi3 壞天氣

wretched, base, mean, contemptible, des-picable pi-phi2 e5 卑鄙的

wretched, misfortune, adversity, unfortu-nate, sad, unfortunately chhe*-chha2m 不幸的人

wretched, pitiful, pathetic kho2+-lia5n e5 可憐的

wriggle so5 蠕動,蜿蜒

wriggle out of a difficulty ba7n-ba7n siat-hoat thoat-li7 khu3n-la5n 慢慢設法脫離困難

wring chu7n 扭絞

wring out a towel chu7n bi7n-kin 扭絞毛巾

wring out clothes chu7n-sa* 擰乾衣服

wrinkle jia5u-hu5n, jia5u-khi3, jia5u-jia5u, jia5u 皺紋

wrinkled face bi7n-pho5e jia5u 臉皮皺

wrinkles at outer side of eyes, crow's feet ba8k-bo2e jia5u 眼尾起皺

wrinkles, lines liap-ke2ng 皺紋

wrinkles, lines hard to disappear si2-su5n 不輕易消失的線條

wrist chhi2u-oa2n 手腕

wrist band chhi2u-n2g-ki 袖子的帶子

wrist watch chhi2u-pi2o 手錶

wrist watch band pi2o-a2-to3a 錶帶

writ phi3o, tho5an-phi3o, khu-phi3o te2ng 票,傳票,拘票等

- to serve a writ on a person sa3ng tho5an-phi3o ho7+ la5ng 送傳票給人

writ of summons tho5an-phi3o 傳票

writ of summons, subpoena, summons for appearance in court tia3u-toa* 召集令,傳票

writ, script, written language, writing style, phraseology bu5n-ji7 文字

write a book si2a-chheh 寫作

write a confession and repent si2a chu7-pe8k-su kah ho2e-ko3-su 寫自白書與悔過書

write a few words si2a ku2i ji7 a2 寫幾個字

write a prescription khui io8h-toa*, khui io8h-hng 開藥方

write again te5ng-si2a 重寫

write an inscription for tablet te5-pia2n 題匾

write an invoice khui hoat-phi3o 開發票 write

write by hand chhi2u-si2a 手寫

write characters si2a, si2a-ji7 寫,寫字

write check khui chi-phi3o 開支票

write clearly si2a-be5ng 寫明

write composition, compose an essay cho3-bu5n, chok-bu5n 作文

write contracted forms, write briefly, abbre-viate ka2n-si2a 簡寫

write down si2a khi2-la5i 寫下來

write down name lo8h-mi5a 寫上名字

write down or record one's name ki3-mi5a 記名

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write down or memorize incorrectly ki3 m7-tio8h 記錯

write down, memorize ki3-teh, ki3-le3 記著

write down, to register ki3-lio8k khi2-la5i 記錄下來

write for another, be ghost writer ta7i-pit 代筆

write from a copy, to make a copy chhau-si2a 抄寫

write from memory a3m-si2a 默寫

write good hand si2a-ji7 chin khia3ng 善於寫字

write horizontally ho5ai*-si2a 橫寫

write in blood in great desperation or ex-treme indignation, petition, letter writ-ten in blood hiat-su 血書

write in confused or scribbled manner, scribbled writing lo2-chho2-si2a 潦草寫

write a letter si2a-phe, si2a-phoe 寫信

write literary essay si2a bu5n-chiu* 寫文章

write medical prescription, medical pre-scription chhu3-hong 處方

write on a drawing, painting te5-ji7 題字

write or offer detailed account or descrip-tion of something si2a be5ng-se3-pi2o, khui be5ng-se3-pi2o 寫明細表,開明細表

write or wipe hastily chu8t 塗抹

write original works of literature, an original work of literature or art chho3ng-chok 創作

write play, playwright, dramatist phian-kio8k, pian-kio8k 編劇

write poetry cho3-si 作詩

write prescription for medicine he7-io8h 下藥

write with one's own hand chhin-pit 親筆

write with pencil Io7ng ia5n-pit si2a 用鉛筆寫

writer, author chok-ka, tu3-chok-chi2a 作家,著作者

writer, copyist, recorder ki3-lio8k 記錄

writer, reporter, journalist ki3-chi2a 記者

writhe in pain, suffering, painful kan-kho2+ 痛苦

writhe, to wriggle ngiau8h-ngiau8h-soan 滾動,蠕動

writhe, wriggle like an eel or snake, climb up like a climbing vine, sneak away soan 溜,滾動,蔓爬

writing, written works si2a, si2a-chok 寫,寫作

- foreign writing go7a-kok bu5n 外國文

writing desk chheh-toh-a2, si2a-ji7 toh-a2 書桌

writing in vernacular Chinese pe8h-o7e-bu5n 白話文

writing method, way of writing si2a-hoat 寫法

writing, article, essay, literary works, writ-ings, hidden meaning bu5n-chiong, bu5n-chiu* 文章

writing, handwriting chhi2u-pit, pit-chek 筆跡

writing, literary work, compose, write ti3-chok 著作

writing, technique of writing, calligraphy or drawing pit-hoat 筆法

writing, works of art, opus chok-phi2n 作品

written si2a e5 寫的

written answer ho5e-si3n, ho5e-phoe 回信

written application sin-chhe2ng-su 申請書

written challenge thiau-chia3n-su 挑戰書

written Chinese Ha3n-bu5n 漢文

written complaint, petition, written accusa-tion so3+-chn7g 訴狀

written confession chu7-pe8k-su 自白書

written consent given by the patient for surgery chhi2u-su8t chhiat-kiat-su 手術切結書

written agreement, consent, letter of au-thorization to5ng-i3-su 同意書

written contract khe3-iok-su 契約書

written declaration of war chia3n-su 戰書

written English language Eng-bu5n 英文

written estimate ko2+-ke3-toa* 估價單

written examination pit-chhi3 筆試

written explanation, written instructions attached to merchandise soat-be5ng-su 說明書

written in one's own hand, one's own handwriting chhin-pit 親筆

written language bu5n-ji7 文字

written language used in old China which is vastly different from spoken language bu5n-gia5n, bu5n-gia5n-bu5n 文言,文言文


written narration, narrative writing ki3-su7-bu5n 記敘文

written oath soan-se3-su 宣誓書

written off it-pit-kau-siau 一筆勾銷

written opinions, proposals submitted in written form i3-kia3n-su 意見書

written or printed character of the ordinary square form kha2i-su 楷書

written or printed prayer, read and burned, prayers said at the offering of any sac-rifice che3-bu5n 祭文

written prayer ki5-to2-bu5n 祈禱文

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written prayer read aloud and then burned, as in worship of Sages, congratulatory message, oration chiok-bu5n 祝文

written prayers, classical text keng-bu5n 經文

written prescription io8h-toa* 藥單

written proof ji7-ki3 字據

written refutation to verbal attack or charge tap-pia7n-su 答辯書

written repentance pledging not to commit the same offense again ho2e-ko3-su 悔過書

written report, speech, talk, lecture su-bi7n po3-ko3, po3-ko3-su 書面報告,報告書

written resignation si5-chit-pi2o, si5-chit-su 辭職表,辭職書

written security pact or promise chhiat-kiat-su 切結書

written statement, declaration ti5n-su8t-su 陳述書

written Taoist charm hu5-a2 符

written text of speech ia2n-ka2ng-ko2 演講稿

written vindication sin-pia7n-su 申辯書

wrong, error, mistake m7-tio8h, chho3-go7+ 錯的,錯誤

- to not admit he is wrong i m7 ji7n-chho3 他不認錯

- to know right from wrong hun-pia8t si7-hu7i 分別是非

- to take a wrong road ki5a* m7-tio8h lo7+ 走錯路

- to wrong people oan-o2ng la5ng, cho3 pha2i* ta7i-chi3 ha7i pa8t-la5ng 冤枉他人,做壞事陷害別人

wrong action put-che3ng he5ng-u5i 不正行為

wrong direction, wrong side up, wrong end m7-tio8h tha5u 方向不對

wrong doing, fault, mistake, error ko3e-chho3 過錯

wrong or reversed side of anything, left side to3-bi7n 反面,左面

wrong path be5-tin 迷津

wrong, evil, demonic, iniquitous, nefarious si5a, put-che3ng 邪,不正

wrong, faulty, defective u7 mo+-pe7* 有毛病

wrong, lawless, illegal, unlawful put-hoat 不法

wrong, mistake, error, mistaken, erroneous ta7* 錯誤

wrong, mistake, fault, error, blunder chho3 錯

wrong, receive unjust treatment, injustice o2ng-khut 冤屈

wrong, unjust treatment, wronged oan-o2ng (v) 冤枉

wrong, unjust, injustice put-gi7 不義

wrongdoer, criminal perpetrator, offender ho7an-cho7e-chi2a 犯罪者

wrongdoer, perpetrators ka-ha7i-chi2a 加害者

wrongdoer, scoundrel, evil-doer, malefactor, gangster, hoodlum pha2i*-la5ng 歹徒

wrongful exercise of authority loa7n-io7ng chit-koa5n 濫用職權

wrongful, illegal, unlawful hui-hoat e5 非法的

wrongful, mistaken, false, error chho3-go7+ e5 錯誤的

wrongful, not right, just or correct put-che3ng e5 不正的

wrought, forge, discipline, exercise tho3an-lia7n e5 鍛鍊的

wrought, manufactured, made che3-cho7 e5 製造的

wrought, processing ka-kang e5 加工的

wrought, refined cheng-che3 e5 精製的

wry oai 歪

- to make a wry face bi7n-au3 bi7n-chha3u, kek sia2u-ku2i-a2-bi7n 生氣的板著臉,裝鬼臉

WTO, World Trade Organization WTO, Se3-ka3i Bo7+-e8k Cho+-chit WTO,世界貿易組織

Wufeng Go5+-ho7ng 吳鳳

Wulai U-la5i, O+-la5i 烏來

wu-long noodles o+-lio5ng-mi7 烏龍麵

WWW, World Wide Web WWW, Cho5an-ki5u Chu-si3n-ba7ng WWW,全球資訊網
