Voucherful presentation

Your Destination For Wonderful Vouchers Increase Your Revenue Reach New Customers Reward Current Customers Build Your Brand Awareness Speed Up Your Business Aga Marchewka UK Market Specialist 0048 536480397 [email protected] International Coupons Sp. z o.o. Rynek Główny 28, 31-010 Kraków, Poland Magda Werminska UK Market Manager 0048 790 759 470 [email protected]


Learn a bit more about Voucherful - your destination for wonderful vouchers....

Transcript of Voucherful presentation

Your Destination For Wonderful Vouchers

Increase Your RevenueReach New Customers

Reward Current CustomersBuild Your Brand Awareness

Speed Up Your Business

Aga MarchewkaUK Market Specialist 0048

[email protected]

International Coupons Sp. z o.o.

Rynek Główny 28, 31-010 Kraków, Poland

Magda WerminskaUK Market Manager 0048 790

759 [email protected]


OverviewOverview• About InterantionalCoupons.com

• Voucherful.co.uk Promotional Opportunities

• Successful Campaigns

• Merchants Benefits

Since 2008, our mission is to provide you with the best discounts, deals and voucher codes from the online shopping sites. We

launched our websites in 20 countries worldwide.

Voucherful.co.uk is a part of international chain of voucher code websites. We are the leading brand on the Norwegian, Dutch and

Polish market. Our sister site - KodyRabatowe.pl is the biggest voucher code website in Poland!

As we continue to expand, we have developed from Discounthunt.co.uk . We also operate other sister voucher site in

the UK market: PiggyVoucherCodes.co.uk. It is growing in strength day by day.

There are 300,000 active users across all our voucher code websites who spend around 90 million € per year.


300 000

Monthly Pageviews:

23 000 000

Unique Visitors:

1 000 000

Number of Sales:

190 000(per year)

Total Order Value:

90 000 000(per year)


25 000

About About INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONALCOUPONSCOUPONS• Over 5 years of customer savings

• 20 markets (and growing) successfully launched and operating

• Up to 1 million daily unique visitors across all 18 markets

• 300 000 member database – fully opted in, not purchased or leased

• Over 25 000 merchant relationships

• Dedicated Business Relationship & Market Account Managers

• Flexibility and Efficiency – fast Implementation and New Sales Tactics

• Creativity – FB competitions, on site promotions, bespoke campaigns

• Expanding portfolio of resources – email, blogs, creative, content, etc.

Voucherful.co.ukVoucherful.co.uk Opportunities OpportunitiesIn return for exclusive codes, we can offer some/all of the following site opportunities: Our HomepageOur Homepage

Placement in the New Offers

Exclusive Promo Space: 750x300

Exclusive Voucher Banner : 350x300

Placement in the Best Deals

Placement in the Top 15 Codes

NewsletterNewsletter•6 000 distribution list and growing

•Clean – Completely opted in and exclusive

•Weekly distribution

•80% Female

•Click-through Rates 12%

•Minimal unsubscribe rates due to high quality base

Exclusive Promo Space

The Best Theme & Category Codes

Carefully Selected Clients

Social Media Social Media Presence:Presence:•Our Blog




Social Media Social Media Benefits:Benefits:•Well indexed by Google via feeds

•Growing and interactive following

•Instant tool

CompetitionsCompetitions•Great brand exposure on our site and pushed through various marketing

•Prize is required (vouchers to spend, actual products, money etc)

•Exposure includes:

oExclusive Promo Space on our homepage

oDedicated competition landing page

oMentions at the top of our newsletter

oDedicated and branded FB application

oPromotion on Twitter, Pinterest

oEspecially designed banners

oPaid promotion on Facebook Fan Page

oPrevious Successful Competition Campaigns run via Discounthunt.co.uk

oPromotion on 3rd party competition websites,

oCooperation with relevant bloggers

SSuccessful uccessful PromotionsPromotions

MerchantsMerchants BenefitsBenefits• Bringing Incremental Sales

• Clearance of end of season/discontinued lines

• Swaying consumers at purchase stage!

• Adding credibility to your offers

• Helping to become competitive

• Working to your requirements

• Maintaining strong sales during price establishment

• New customer acquisition

• Additional brand exposure

We treat our visitors and merchants as customers:We treat our visitors and merchants as customers:For merchants:For merchants:

• Marketing plans to suit your strategy• Real partnership to service savvy shoppers• Deal intelligence to optimise your strategy

For visitors:For visitors:• Best user experience – e.g. deals always work • Best deals to suit their needs • Social media engagement

HowHow We We OperateOperate

• 19 markets worldwide• Kodyrabatowe.pl – the biggest and only voucher code site in Poland• The only network covering so many countries worldwide• Successfully launched and working on the UK market

Where Where are we are we heading?heading?• Work towards being the best voucher code site for retailers,

members, networks and staff• Maintain IAB compliance at all times• Retain our place as a leading player in the voucher code field

worldwide• Launching new markets worldwide

Where are we now?

Contact UsContact UsAga MarchewkaAga Marchewka

UK Market Specialist

0048 536 480 397

[email protected]

Magda WerminskaMagda Werminska

UK Market Manager

0048 790 759 470

[email protected]