VOLUME 41, NUMBER 03 The Joshua Code The Resurrection – by Dr. O.S. Hawkins - TBN March... ·...

©2014 Trinity Broadcasting Network. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TBN. From TBN‘s studio overlooking the Mt. of Olives, Mt. Moriah, and Mt. Zion: Matt, Laurie and the TBN team in Jerusalem. What Do We Ask for Now? Going back to Israel without my Dad was hard. But, Jerusalem is such an important part of continuing the vision to take the gospel to the world. Watch Praise the Lord on the internet at www.itbn.org! VOLUME 41, NUMBER 03 MARCH 2014 I can‘t think of the month of March without remembering the birthday of my sweet Daddy, Paul Crouch Sr. He would have been 80 this month. His vision was to take the gospel to the whole world via satellite. He may be gone from this earth, but his vision continues. The Trinity Family of Networks reaches vast numbers of souls with 26 great networks in 8 languages through television stations, satellite channels, cable systems, internet streaming, and video on demand! One thing Dad loved to do each month was to personally write this main newsletter article. He‘d write it by hand on a yellow legal pad — I can still see him doing it in my mind. We found this article from April 2009 and thought it‘d be nice to give you an excerpt. – Matt Crouch WHAT DO WE ASK FOR NOW? “Ask, and it will be given to you. . . . For every one who asks receives . . . ” Matt. 7:7-8. How would you like to have God offer “ANYTHING” to you simply for the asking? He will, you know — IF! In the spirit I can already hear your cry — “But I HAVE ASKED, I have SOUGHT, I have KNOCKED, but still no answer!” Believe me, I have been there too! But, hold on — a KEY to that unanswered prayer is coming — This is a BIG ONE! From Jesus’ own Word: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness . . . ” Matt. 6:33. Wow! Here it is — take hold: “And all these things shall be added to you” Matt. 6:33b. “But I HAVE sought first the Kingdom of God. I’m saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit! And still no answer to that need, that life or death miracle!” Now, dear Partner, let us turn that KEY to that locked door once and for all! So, what exactly is this “KINGDOM OF GOD” that we are to seek first? Very simply: THE ETERNAL LOST SOULS of humanity! Jesus said, again: Continued inside Prayer and/or Pledge Line: 1-888-731-1000 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) International: +1-714-731-1000 For more information about TBN, please go to www.tbn.org, or write TBN, P.O. Box A, Santa Ana, California 92711 Do you want to know the secret to prosperity and good success? The answer is found in God’s word, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.“ (Joshua 1:8 NKJV) In The Joshua Code, Dr. O.S. Hawkins has compiled 52 key Scripture verses that address many of the challenges we face today including understanding salvation, temptation, prayer, grace, integrity, and more. Each verse includes a devotional teaching designed to help take us through a yearlong journey of learning and meditating on one Bible verse a week so that we can claim and memorize God’s word for our own lives. Your love gift to TBN for this month of March only will bring you this powerful book that will revolutionize the way you memorize, understand, and apply God’s word to your life. It comes to you with our love and heartfelt thanks for your partnership with TBN. The Crouch Family The Joshua Code by Dr. O.S. Hawkins Our to you for MARCH A limited quantity of love gifts is ordered each month. If we run out of the gift, a substitute will be sent in its place. The love gifts offered are not for sale. Please do not ask for more than one love gift. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. NO PHONE ORDERS, PLEASE. Keep the lines open for Salvation, Prayer and Pledge Calls ONLY. God bless you! The Resurrection – Russian Icon Reproduction For $25 a Month or $250 One Time Another beautiful Russian icon reproduction for you from TBN’s collection! Over the centuries, Russian artists depicted stories from the Bible in brilliantly colored paintings called icons. These paintings were displayed in churches, monasteries, and homes throughout Russia. This reproduction of a magnificent 19th century icon shows Jesus — resurrected in His glory — standing on the empty tomb with His hands outstretched in blessing, while two angels kneel in adoration and worship at His feet. This unique piece of art has been reproduced and placed in a golden frame just for you, our TBN family. Your Praise-A-Thon pledge in the amount shown above will bring you this glorious depiction of the power and majesty of the Resurrection. Enjoy it this Easter season and throughout the year. It comes to you with our love and thanks for your support of the TBN Family of Networks — taking the wonderful message of Jesus to the world! For more information please visit the website at: www.HolyLandExperience.com The Holy Land Experience brings ancient Jerusalem alive! Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 4655 Vineland Road, Orlando, Florida 32811 | 1-800-447-7235 Visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando! Mel Gibson‘s powerful epic movie about the final 12 hours of Jesus‘ life comes to TBN this Easter season. DAY DATE TIME [ PACIFIC TIME ] Saturday April 12 8:00 PM Monday April 14 2:00 PM Thursday April 17 7:00 PM Friday April 18 8:30 AM Saturday April 19 2:30 PM Saturday April 19 8:00 PM Easter Sunday April 20 7:00 PM Tuesday April 22 7:00 PM Wednesday April 23 1:30 PM Thursday April 24 8:30 AM Broadcast schedule subject to change without notice. On TBN This Easter Season... Please email your comments to us at: [email protected] You may e-mail your prayer requests to: [email protected]

Transcript of VOLUME 41, NUMBER 03 The Joshua Code The Resurrection – by Dr. O.S. Hawkins - TBN March... ·...

Page 1: VOLUME 41, NUMBER 03 The Joshua Code The Resurrection – by Dr. O.S. Hawkins - TBN March... · 2015-07-13 · ©2014 Trinity Broadcasting Network. ... through the Trinity Family

©2014 Trinity Broadcasting Network. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TBN.

From TBN‘s studio overlooking the Mt. of Olives, Mt. Moriah,

and Mt. Zion: Matt, Laurie and the TBN team in Jerusalem.

What Do We Ask for Now?Going back to Israel without my Dad was hard. But, Jerusalem is such an important

part of continuing the vision to take the gospel to the world.

Watch Praise the Lord on the internet at www.itbn.org!


MARCH 2014

I can‘t think of the month of March without remembering the birthday of my sweet Daddy, Paul Crouch Sr. He would have been 80 this month. His vision was to take the gospel to the whole world via satellite. He may be gone from this earth, but his vision continues. The Trinity Family of Networks reaches vast numbers of souls with 26 great networks in 8 languages through television stations, satellite channels, cable systems, internet streaming, and video on demand!

One thing Dad loved to do each month was to personally write this main newsletter article. He‘d write it by hand on a yellow legal pad — I can still see him doing it in my mind. We found this article from April 2009 and thought it‘d be nice to give you an excerpt.

– Matt Crouch

WHAT DO WE ASK FOR NOW? “Ask, and it will be given to you. . . . For every one who asks receives . . . ” Matt. 7:7-8.

How would you like to have God offer “ANYTHING” to you simply for the asking? He will, you know — IF! In the spirit I can already hear your cry — “But I HAVE ASKED, I have SOUGHT, I have KNOCKED, but still no answer!” Believe me, I have been there too! But, hold on — a KEY to that unanswered prayer is coming —

This is a BIG ONE! From Jesus’ own Word: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness . . . ” Matt. 6:33.

Wow! Here it is — take hold:

“And all these things shall be added to you” Matt. 6:33b. “But I HAVE sought first the Kingdom of God. I’m

saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit! And still no answer to that need, that life or death miracle!” Now, dear Partner, let us turn that KEY to that locked door once and for all!

So, what exactly is this “KINGDOM OF GOD” that we are to seek first? Very simply: THE ETERNAL LOST SOULS of humanity! Jesus said, again:

Continued inside

Prayer and/or Pledge Line: 1-888-731-1000 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) International: +1-714-731-1000

For more information about TBN, please go to www.tbn.org, or write TBN, P.O. Box A, Santa Ana, California 92711

Do you want to know the secret to prosperity and good success? The answer is found in God’s word,

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.“ (Joshua 1:8 nkjv)

In The Joshua Code, Dr. O.S. Hawkins has compiled 52 key Scripture verses that address many of the challenges we face today including understanding salvation, temptation, prayer, grace, integrity, and more. Each verse includes a devotional teaching designed to help take us through a yearlong journey of learning and meditating on one Bible verse a week so that we can claim and memorize God’s word for our own lives.

Your love gift to TBN for this month of March only will bring you this powerful book that will revolutionize the way you memorize, understand, and apply God’s word to your life. It comes to you with our love and heartfelt thanks for your partnership with TBN.

The Crouch Family

The Joshua Code by Dr. O.S. Hawkins

Our to you for MARCH

A limited quantity of love gifts is ordered each month. If we run out of the gift, a substitute will be sent in its place. The love gifts offered are not for sale. Please do not ask for more than one love gift. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. NO PHONE ORDERS, PLEASE. Keep the lines open for Salvation, Prayer and Pledge Calls ONLY. God bless you!

The Resurrection – Russian Icon Reproduction

For $25 a Month or $250 One Time

Another beautiful Russian icon reproduction for you from TBN’s collection! Over the centuries, Russian artists depicted stories from the Bible in brilliantly colored paintings called icons. These paintings were displayed in churches, monasteries, and homes throughout Russia.

This reproduction of a magnificent 19th century icon shows Jesus —resurrected in His glory — standing on the empty tomb with His hands outstretched in blessing, while two angels kneel in adoration and worship at His feet. This unique piece of art has been reproduced and placed in a golden frame just for you, our TBN family.

Your Praise-A-Thon pledge in the amount shown above will bring you this glorious depiction of the power and majesty of the Resurrection. Enjoy it this Easter season and throughout the year. It comes to you with our love and thanks for your support of the TBN Family of Networks — taking the wonderful message of Jesus to the world!

For more information please visit the website at: www.HolyLandExperience.com

The Holy Land Experience brings ancient Jerusalem alive!

Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM4655 Vineland Road, Orlando, Florida 32811 | 1-800-447-7235

Visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando!Mel Gibson‘s powerful epic movie about the final

12 hours of Jesus‘ life comes to TBN this Easter season.

DAY DATE TIME [pacific time]

Saturday April 12 8:00 PMMonday April 14 2:00 PMThursday April 17 7:00 PM Friday April 18 8:30 AMSaturday April 19 2:30 PMSaturday April 19 8:00 PMEaster Sunday April 20 7:00 PMTuesday April 22 7:00 PMWednesday April 23 1:30 PMThursday April 24 8:30 AM

Broadcast schedule subject to change without notice.

On TBN This Easter Season...

Please email your comments to us at: [email protected] You may e-mail your prayer requests to: [email protected]

Page 2: VOLUME 41, NUMBER 03 The Joshua Code The Resurrection – by Dr. O.S. Hawkins - TBN March... · 2015-07-13 · ©2014 Trinity Broadcasting Network. ... through the Trinity Family

TBN team in Helsinki welcoming Alfa TV staff to the Trinity Family of Networks.

How much do we love Finland? We went there in the middle of winter, and yes, it was cold!

“For the Son of man has come to seek and to save that [souls] which was lost” Luke 19:10.

So, how do we win souls and bear fruit for God’s Kingdom? The Holy Spirit will open any number of opportunities for you to be that witness which will bear fruit for the Kingdom. My angel Jan has told hundreds of her miracle healing from cancer! Many have come to faith because of it!

I never thought I‘d be here without Paul. I always thought we‘d go home together. I remember when I was diagnosed with cancer and was between life and death, God told me “you have a great big job to do here for the Kingdom.“ Now that job‘s even bigger, and there are challenges ahead, but there's nothing greater than reaching souls!

– Jan Crouch

One powerful way to bring souls into God‘s Kingdom is by supporting YOUR TBN! The moment you decide to call or pledge, you become an instant soul winner!

Papa Crouch‘s heartbeat was for souls. Watching his memorial service on TBN made the vision so clear and helped us all focus on exactly what we are to do. So, when he entered his rest we began our work.

– Laurie Crouch

Millions have come to the saving knowledge of Christ through the Trinity Family of Networks, and the outreach continues to grow — the Al Horreya network has expanded and now reaches Arabic speaking people on five continents, Life TV in Estonia has been added to the Hot Bird satellite — reaching Russian speaking people in Europe, Russia and the Middle East, and Now TV in Hong Kong, a cable system with over

1,200,000 households, is now carrying TBN Asia!

So what do we ask for? SOULS! And what will we receive? Precious souls joining the family of God! But there‘s more — God also promises to meet our needs and to give us the desires of our heart. Join us this month in continuing and expanding the vision of Paul Crouch — taking the gospel to a lost and needy world.

More exciting news is on the way — the Urdu language JCTV network covering Pakistan and Central Asia, and a new network in Finland. Look for these complete stories next month!

Continuing the Vision with Your Prayers and Love, The Crouch Family

In the studios of Alfa TV after first taping together.


The Smile of a Child children’s network, JUCE youth network, and TBN’s children’s block — including daily weekday broadcasts of VeggieTales —are reaching kids for God’s Kingdom with fun-filled, Bible and faith-based programs. Your pledge is needed to help keep touching young hearts and lives for the Kingdom of God.


From classic Bible stories, end time prophetic thrillers, and documentaries, to films and specials dealing with contemporary issues, TBN brings you the very best movies and specials — all COMMERCIAL FREE! Your pledge is needed to help support this effective way of communicating the Gospel message!


Enjoy the best of today’s preachers, teachers, musicians, celebrities, sports figures, Christian events, and more on TBN’s flagship program, Praise the Lord. Your pledge to TBN will keep this powerful, life-changing program reaching souls around the world!

Call TBN’s Prayer and/or Pledge Line: 1-888-731-1000 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) International: +1-714-731-1000. To make or renew your Praise-A-Thon pledge, or for more information

about TBN, please go to www.tbn.org, or write TBN, P.O. Box A, Santa Ana, California 92711.


Music and ministry, prophetic news, adventures on foreign mission fields, science, and so much more — TBN’s specialty and variety programs offer something for everyone to enjoy. Please pledge and keep these and many other programs coming to you each week: Always Good News with Franklin Graham, IBA News from Israel, Worship Without Limits, Travel the Road, Creation in the 21st Century...and many more!

Watch Bethany Hamilton on the

JUCE TV Network at iTBN.org


For about the cost of airtime on just one major market U.S. secular TV station, TBN expands the reach of ministries like Joel Osteen, Jesse Duplantis, Greg Laurie, T.D. Jakes, Sid Roth, Joyce Meyer — and many others — to the entire WORLD! Your support for TBN is needed to help keep these great ministries going further and reaching more people with the Gospel!


Be a student of the Word with TBN’s outstanding Bible teaching programs. Your pledge will help keep these and many other insightful and dynamic Bible teachers instructing the Body of Christ around the world: Creflo Dollar, David Jeremiah, Bob Coy, Reinhard Bonnke, Hal Lindsey...and more!

March 30 – April 4, 2014

VeggieTales TM and ©2014 Big Idea Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.

Behind the Scenes from TBN‘s Jerusalem studio.


200 million people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India are being reached via satellite in the Urdu language; TV affiliates in Finland, Estonia, and Canada are among the most recent to join the TBN Family of networks, and renovations continue on the Jerusalem studio. Our international networks — the Arabic language Al-Horreya channel; TBN Nejat TV reaching Iran and the Farsi- speaking world; TBN-Russia; TBN-Italy; TBN-Europe; TBN-Pacific; TBN-Africa; TBN-Asia; and the Enlace Spanish network covering Latin America—are reaching people in their own languages. Be a part of this great end time harvest of souls—pledge for MISSIONS!

From One Night with the King: Omar Sharif and Tiffany Dupont.

Top 3 hosts: Rich Wilkerson, Jr., Seshmi Robertson, Bianca Peters, and Preston Pollard.

Join Us for TBN’s

TBN reaches countless direct-to-home satellite dishes worldwide.


The TBN Family of Networks blankets the globe with the Gospel through over 85 satellite channels feeding tens of thousands of cable and TV stations, and direct-to-home satellite dishes. Be a missionary to the world and pledge to support SATELLITE!


TBN is at the cutting-edge of today’s technology and is taking the Gospel to the world via TBN Mobile. People worldwide can access 20 of the TBN Family of Networks through iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and other mobile platforms — plus TBN’s video-on-demand service, iTBN! Please pledge to support this exciting new way of taking the message of Jesus‘ love to the whole wide world!

FOR ANY PLEDGE: Psalm 45 Perfume“ All of thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia, out of the ivory palaces whereby they have made thee glad’ (Psa. 45:8).

Psalm 45 — a Messianic psalm — gives us a beautiful word picture of our Lord! If you will read the entire text of Psalm 45, you will see that it is an amazing prophetic foreshadowing of Jesus. And, now, inspired by this psalm, we have taken the biblical formula of “myrrh and aloes and cassia,” and created this wonderful fragrance into a perfume — the scent of Jesus’ own garments! Bottled in a beautiful glass container, and capped with

a royal crown, it is a sweet reminder of our precious Savior.

Your pledge to TBN in any amount will bring this unique perfume — a little bit of the fragrance of heaven — to you. It comes with all of our love and thanks for partnering with us as we take the name of Jesus to the nations through your TBN Family of Networks!

Actual Size

What Do We Ask for Now? (Continued from front)

Above: Paul and Jan with Hannu Haukka at his Helsinki studio in 1990.

Hannu Haukka and Matt

at Alfa TV‘s tower in Helsinki.