VOLUME 02 | ISSUE 40 JUL 11 - JUL 17 , 2015 PRICE ` 10 PG 18 Page 24 NEW CHIC ON THE BLOCK PG 16 Akanshya Handique PHYSICIAN BURNOUT A HIDDEN PROBLEM NOBODY CARES EID DELIGHT A PHOTO STORY With two major sex trade busts in six months , the spa business is under scanner from the authorities for their authenticity. PG 02 POINTS FINGERS AT ALL CITY SPAS SEX SILPUKHIRI RACKET


JUL 11 - JUL 17 , 2015

Transcript of VOLUME 02 | ISSUE 40

VOLUME 02 | ISSUE 40JUL 11 - JUL 17 , 2015PRICE 1̀0

PG 18 Page 24

New chic oN the block

PG 16

Akanshya HandiquePhysician BurnoutA hidden problem nobody cAres

EID DELIGHTA photo story

With two major sex trade busts in six months , the spa business is under scanner from the authorities for their authenticity.


poInTs fInGErs aT aLL cITy spas



G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 20152

Lead Story

silpukhiri sex racketpoints fingers at all city spas

with the police’s discovery that a spa in heart of the city is running without any license and is involved in sex trade, city authorities have vowed to check all city spa’s running conditions

A recent raid in a spa and sa-loon in the heart of the city has raised questions on the

operation of such businesses in the city. Police recently raided Glisten spa and saloon at Silpukhiri and ar-rested six persons under IT(P) Act. A case has been registered in Chan-dmari police station (case number- 429/15 under section ¾ of IT(P) Act. The accused were then forwarded to court and at present they are in the judicial custody. G Plus explores the entire operation by the police and finds the way such establishments operate in the city.

Modus operandiAccording to a senior official of

the city police’s crime branch who headed the team which raided the spa, police received inside informa-tion from the public that some im-moral activities are taking place in Glisten spa and the crime branch team decided to conduct a raid. When the police team entered the spa, it was discovered that there are four rooms in the spa, out of which two were locked from the inside. When the police knocked on the doors, there was quite a long pause before the doors were opened. Police entered the rooms forcefully, and in one of the locked room they found a spa worker and a customer but in-terestingly there were no massage oil or any other material used to pro-vide body massage. The other locked room did not have a customer but it was locked by one of the worker, and in that room there were massage oil and other body massage require-

ments. On searching the bed in the room where there was a customer, police discov-ered both used and unused packets of con-doms. Police also got some other evidence which left no doubt that immoral activities do take place in that spa. Out of the five women arrested, one was the owner of the spa and the rest were workers who belonged to different places of Assam. One male worker was also arrested as he was trying to hide the evidence. According to the police, he was trying to dispose of the used and non used contraceptives.

According to police, many customers al-ready know about such places where such ac-tivities happen and contact the service pro-viders accordingly. Customers who do not know about such activities are approached when they go to the spa for massage or other

services like facial, hair cut and so on. The customers are asked if they require any extra service which is a bit expensive and if the customers agree they have to make the payment in advance which is usually Rs 2000 to Rs 4000. The rate is mostly negoti-ated and the customers also get the option to choose the worker.

Police said that in Glisten spa, there was no money receipt book found and the owner also failed to show any license for running a spa in Silpukhiri. The earning is high as according to the police, the rent of the spa which was located at the 2nd floor of UK Tower was Rs one lakh per month. A similar incident had also come into notice when in January 2015, Glam Thai Spa and Salon was also raided by the police and was sealed for similar activities.

GlAm flAshbAck

A joint team of city police crime branch and the Bhangaghar po-lice had conducted a series of

verification drives in spas, mostly locat-ed on GS Road in the month of January. DCP (Crime) Swapnanil Deka had said, “We had an input that some foreigners are working in some Thai spas violating the visa norms, so we raided the spas to verify the visas and other documents. On the first raid in a Thai spa, we found five Thai nationals working on tourist visas, and similarly in another raid in an-other spa, we found four Thai nationals working on tourist visas. We deported the foreign nationals and filed a case against the first spa we visited. During our raid, we found some used and un-used contraceptives as well which made

us suspicious that there are some illegal business running in the spa.” According to the Bhangaghar police, a case of illegal trafficking was registered against Glam Thai Spa and Salon (case number -09/15 under section 370 (A)(2) IPC R/W section 3/4/5/7 IT (P) Act). Two accused were ar-rested and send to judicial custody.

red liGht AreAsaccording to DsP pro-

bation, Pallabi Majumdar, Guwahati is turning to be a hub for immoral activities and there are various pock-ets in the city where immoral activities take place on an everyday basis. there is no red light area in the city but the police’s women wing Veerangana keeps a check on places like Paltan Bazar, Ganeshguri and many more where sex workers deal with the customers. she said that the police from time to time conducts raids in hotels, bars and spas and parlours where immoral activities take place.

in november 2014, many pubs and bars were raided and many people were ap-prehended. another police official said that it is very dif-ficult to prove immoral activ-ities and the spa which was sealed recently made the mistake of not removing the contraceptives during the raid. if the spas are involved in such business and if the police does not receive any inputs or complaint about such activities, it is tough for them to always act against such spas. it is possible if the public helps the police by providing information.

Police has also decided to check the licenses of all city spas and GMc has also told G Plus that even they will check the licenses of such establishments.

In January 2015 many spas were raided by police and Glam Thai Spa and Salon was sealed and two persons arrested for running a business of immoral activity

In July 2015 with special inputs from the public, Glisten spa and salon was raided and six people were arrested for running similar business including the owner who is a woman

In both the cases, used and unused contraceptives were found in the rooms of the spas

Glisten spa did not have any license to produce

Police and GMC has decided to check the licenses of all city spas


Police said that in Glisten spa, there was no money receipt book found and the owner also failed to show any license for running a spa in Silpukhiri. the earning is high as according to the police, the rent of the spa which was located at the 2nd floor of Uk tower was ` 1 lakh per month.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 3

[email protected]

In The News

Barely 15 days after Guwahati witnessed a week of rape, hom-icide and attempt to murder,

another incident that took place right under the nose of police officials has raised several questions about the ef-ficacy of the city’s law and order sys-tem.

A woman hailing from Megha-laya’s capital Shillong was found dead after she allegedly committed suicide inside a toilet attached to the Dispur police station. The deceased, identi-fied as Victoria D Kharkongor (39) from Nongrimbah, Laitumkhrah was brought to the police station at around 8.30 pm after a security guard at the International Hospital report-ed to the police that she was found in a ‘restless state’ in the hospital prem-ises as she was neither a patient nor an attendant. The officer-in-charge of the PS immediately assigned two women police officers to enquire into the matter. On their arrival at the hospital, the attending doctor handed over the lady to the PS staff with a report and the police officials brought the woman to Dispur PS at around 9.30 pm. At around 10.20 pm, the woman went to the toilet attached with the PS. After noticing that she did not come out of the toilet evn af-ter 10 minutes and did not respond even after repetitive knocks, the po-lice personnel decided to break down the door and found that she had hung herself inside the toilet with a scarf tied around the neck. The woman was rushed to Guwahati Medical College Hospital where she was declared as

‘brought dead’ at 10:45pm.Although the post-mortem that

was carried out along with vide-ographic evidence, police officials has reported the incident to be a clear case of suicide and there were no signs of any kind of struggle or sexu-al harassment found on the woman’s person. But the motive of her suicide still remains unidentified and this is keeping the officials of the Dispur po-lice station under the radar of doubt.

“We have come across cases where the bodies were found kneel-ing down after hanging themselves. There was also a recent case where a body was recovered in a sitting con-dition. It is due to the weight of the body that stretches the object used by the victim to hang oneself and that cannot justify the height at which the victim had hanged oneself”, said an official of Dispur police station prior

dead woman inside dispur ps creates ripples in the cityKALyAN Deb witH iNPUts fRom KyRmANLANG URiAH

though the cause of Victoria’s death has been identified but the reason still remains a mystery to all

Victoria who has her house in Lawjynriew at Shillong was a bright stu-dent who completed her Class XII from St. Mary’s School Shillong and start-ed her teaching career at a school in Amritsar in 2002.

She was conferred with the Award of ‘Best Teach-er’ from Shaheed Bhagat Singh International School but failed to provide the eligibility documents re-garding her qualification as she could never com-plete her BA even after being enrolled. After leav-ing her job in Hyderabad, Victoria went to Arunachal Pradesh and was teaching

there. Victoria also has a 12-year-old daughter from a marriage that turned sour. Her estranged hus-band lives in Hyderabad and she would frequently visit Hyderabad in order to meet her husband. Vic-toria’s last visit to home before tragedy struck the family was in the month of May when she came to see her mother. Victoria was in touch with her mother while returning from Hy-derabad and her last call was from Kolkata. Follow-ing this, there was no com-munication and the news of her death left the family surprised.

to the arrival of the post-mortem re-port.

“People are making allegations without the basis of any knowledge that will be clear after the PM report comes in”, the official had added.

Two personnel namely sub in-spector Pritilata Talukdar and sub inspector Sanjib Kumar Chettri have been suspended for dereliction of duty based on the inquiry report of Joint Commissioner of Police, NMASF Haque, as the two should have taken the lady to the GMCH, rather than taking her to the police station that led to the death of Victo-ria Dayoun Kharkongor.

Meanwhile, the District Admin-istration Kamrup (M) has ordered an inquiry to be conducted by addi-tional district magistrate Fakruddin Ahmed to be submitted within 15 days.

Earlier, leader of the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS), Akhil Gogoi alleged that the woman was raped and has also demanded CBI inquiry into the incident while its women’ wing Nari Mukti San-gram Samiti to protest death of the woman in custody staged a dem-onstration in front of the Dispur PS on Tuesday to protest the death of the woman. Following which, a case (number 13/2015) at Dispur PS under section 120(B), 153(A), 389 and 188 IPC against the peasant leader. Gogoi has been absconding since then.

reported at 8:30 pmTaken to Dispur Police Station at around 9:30 pmBody found hung inside the toi-let at around 10:20 pm

declared brought dead Gmch at 10:45pm

brief about Victoria kharkongor

VictimVictoria D kharkongor (39)

Meanwhile, the District Administration kamrup (M) has ordered an inquiry to be conducted by additional district magistrate Fakruddin Ahmed to be submitted within 15 days.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 20154

In The News

[email protected]


The long awaited Supreme Court order regarding the ad-ministration of the Kamakhya

temple was passed by the apex court recently, and the SC upheld a Gauhati High Court order of 2011 to restore the traditional system of managing the affairs of Kamakhya Temple by the Bordeori Samaj in place of the Kamakhya Debutter Board. There were always controversies revolving around the management of the holy shrine and since 1998 the Bordeori Samaj was unhappy about the entire management process which was con-trolled by Debuttar Board since then. But after this change what will the general public or the pilgrims who throng the temple in thousands gain, and how will be the Bordeuri Samaj different from the Debutter Board. G Plus takes a look.

the issueThere are two parts of the Kam-

akhya Temple management process- religious and administration. Previ-ously there was no division between the administrative and religious management of the temple, but after the formation of the Debutter Board, the administration part were being taken care of by the board members, whereas the religious part including the pujas and other rituals are taken care of by the Dolois, who belong to the Bordeuri Samaj.

Prior to 1998, when the Debut-ter Board was formed, since ages, the Kamakhya Temple was being taken care of by the Dolois elected every five years by the voters from the Bordeuri Samaj (a cluster of families which had run the temple for over a hundred years). Comprising the Buras, the Dekas, the Hutas and the Bidhipathak, the Bordeori Samaj had been the traditional caretakers of the temple till the Kamakhya Debutter Board came into power in 1998. This is when the controversy about run-ning the temple started.

According to the Bordeuris, some sevaites formed a committee in 1998 illegally and forcefully took over the powers of running the temple. The age old tradition of electing the Doloi was stopped after 1992. After the forma-tion of the Debutter Board, the Bor-deuris approached the local courts and both the district and the Gauhati High Court, after hearing the peti-tion, gave the order in favour of the Bordeuris and in 2011, after the High Court’s verdict, the temple witnessed election of the dolois after around 19 years. Kabindra Prasad Sarma

emerged as the winner overtaking his closest contestant, Jadunath Sarma, by five votes. Kabindra Prasad be-came the  bordoloi  (head priest) and Jadunath Sarma became the xorudo-loi (assistant priest). Both of them are still running the office but are only taking care of the religious part of the temple. But, soon after the elections, the Debutter Board members moved the Supreme Court against the High Court’s ruling. The Supreme Court, then for the time being, allowed the Debutter Board to run the adminis-tration of the temple, and the dolois were expected to take care of the re-ligious activities till the case was not over. After the July 7 SC order, now again the Bordeuris will take care of the administration of the temple.

With regard to the SC’s decision to dissolve the Kamakhya Debutter Board, three administrative officials, Lakhinandan Saharia, Oswin Nam-pui and Swapna Kakoti have been instructed by the District Magistrate, Kamrup (M) to follow up on the ver-dict and to take over the relevant doc-uments and property which were un-der the Kamakhya Debutter Board. They have been asked to complete the process within one month. 

what will be the difference now?

What could have been the reason for such a long cold war between the Debuttar Board and the Bordeuri Samaj? The Samaj members might contend that since they have been taking care of the temple through ages, then why a different body should take care of the administra-tion, while similarly the board mem-bers have been claiming that they are more democratic and the board was formed by Dolois only. But now after the SC verdict, finally the Bor-deuris will be back in the action but what changes will they bring? One of the secretary of the Samaj, Bhaskar Sarma said, “Our priority will be to provide the best of the facilities to the pilgrims as well as keeping the tag of the religious heritage intact. And we will seek help from each and everyone to turn this religious place to a top class tourist destination in the northeast.”

Another representative of the Bordeuri Samaj, Samir Prasad Sar-ma said that there many ideas but

nothing has been finalised yet. The Samaj is mulling to do away with the ticket system to visit the deity. Also they will be making rest houses for disabled, children and women pil-grims. Samir said that the financial earnings of the temple will be very transparent and each and every penny coming to the temple will be calculated and the balance sheet will be produced before the entire Sa-maj which has 467 members on an yearly basis. The calculation of the earnings of the temple will also be tallied once the Samaj takes over the administration within one month as directed by the SC.

closing Prashanti lodge

Samir said that the Prashanti Lodge, constructed by the tourism department and at present being run by the Debutter Board has had received complaints from many lo-cal people about immoral activities within its premise, so, the Samaj members will try and close down the lodge if possible.

kamakhya debutter board stripped off all its powers

In 1998 the Debuttar Board was formed, which according to the Bordeuri Samaj took over the administration of the temple forcefully

The Bordeuri Samaj moved the district and the Gauhati High Court in 1998

On 25th October 2011 GHC ordered the administration of the temple to Bordeuris

On 11th November 2011 Debutter Board moved the Supreme Court against Gauhati High Court’s order

On 7th July 2015, SC reserved the high court’s order and quashed Debutter Board’s appeal

Bordeuri Samaj to take over the administration within one month

There is a daily footfall of around 5000 devotees at the temple

The monthly earning of the temple is approximately 4̀0 lakh.

After 14 years of long legal battle, bordeuri Samaj is all set to again take full control of kamakhya administration

Prior to 1998, when the Debutter board was formed, since ages, the kamakhya temple was taken care of by the Dolois elected every five years by the voters from the bordeuri Samaj

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 5

In The News

Success for Sujab in slumThe slum area in the city’s

Hafiznagar area wears a happy look in spite of all the pain these

people have to undergo every day. This is because of a phenomenon which has happened after 40 years since people started to reside in the slum.

Sujab Ali, one of the residents of the slum which houses around 50 odd families, has successfully passed his High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) exam this year.

Now Sujab dreams big but he has to face even tougher hurdles in the days to come due to his poor economic background. His father is a rag picker and his mother runs a tea stall at their hut.

“It feels great to be appreciated for what I have achieved. I would like to thank my mother for taking so much pain to help me continue with my studies,” an elated Sujab told G Plus.

In the recently declared results, Sujab secured almost 50 percent marks and he has taken admission in the city’s Kamrup Academy to continue his studies with the help of UTSAH (Universal Team for Social Action and Help) a NGO, working on child rights and protection in Assam.

He appeared for the class 10 exam from Bhaskar Bidyapeeth High School. Earlier he studied in Bamunimaidam Government Lower Primary School. It was sheer hard work and determina-tion of Sujab that brought this laurel. He even worked as a help at construc-tion sites and houses during the night

hours to augment his meagre family income.

“I cannot go out to work during day hours. But often I go out for work at night. I earn around Rs 300 in a day which helps me to buy books and also give clothes for my siblings,” Sujab said. They have seven siblings and Su-jab is the eldest.

Though he wanted to study sci-ence but his family can’t afford to do that. “I wish I could become a software engineer someday, that is my dream. But I don’t think it will be a reality,” he added.

His father, Chandmiya Ali said it

has become difficult for him to run the family with the ever increasing prices of essential commodities in the market. “Who does not want his son to excel and become a better person? But for us, survival comes first, then education. I also have to look after my other chil-dren. If somebody helps my son, I do believe that he will achieve something big,” Ali said.

His mother Sukurbanu Begum attends her small tea stall to cater the needs of the neighbourhood which fetches her a little amount of money daily. She has been the real energy to motivate Sujab to continue his study. In

ADityA GoGoi

I cannot go out to work during day hours. But often I go out for work at night. I earn around `300 in a day which helps me to buy books and also give clothes for my siblings

her mother’s words, “As he has shown interests in studies, I want him to con-tinue it. I’m ready to take all kind of pain to see him realizing his dreams. We have had a very tough life here. We hardly could even dream of it (study-ing).”

Sujab now wants to influence his neighbours and other children in the slum to study and bring a change.

Rahima Begum, a resident of the slum who has been providing edu-cation to the students, said that the children have to face adverse situa-tion due to poverty. “The people here are poor and their first struggle is for

very survival. So, it is extremely diffi-cult to think of education. And in such circumstances, what Sujab has done is really praiseworthy. All the dwellers here are happy and proud of the boy. We pray for his success,” said Rahima.

Sujab has also been able to grab the attention of others outside the slum.

“Sujab stands as an inspiration to all those many children living in slum areas of Guwahati city who have to live amidst so much difficulty and yet have the fire to come out victorious in their fight of life,” said Miguel Das Queah, founder chairman of UTSAH and a child right activist.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 20156

In The News

100 cr revenue targeted by Gmc30% fail to renew licenses out of 52,500 traders and many government offices, private schools and malls are in the list of defaulters

In a move to generate more rev-enue for the corporation, the Guwahati Municipal Corpo-

ration (GMC) has formed special teams to survey city traders and households to make sure that eve-ryone pays property tax on time. The corporation has started raiding different places in Guwahati and on Thursday, officials of Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) con-ducted a raid at Spanish Garden, one of the biggest residential apartments of the city for not paying GMC taxes from last few years.

The planAccording to GMC commis-

sioner Narayan Konwar, many gov-ernment offices, schools, malls and

many households are not paying their property tax on time which is caus-ing a problem to the corporation. He said, “I request the public to pay their property tax on time as whatever rev-enue we generate is used to develop the city.”

He further stated that there are various establishments who are not paying revenue taxes since a long time and serious action will be taken against them with even the property being sealed. The GMC chief said that many government offices like Railways, BSNL, AG office, Megh-doot Bhawan, FCI, CPW and pri-vate schools like Faculty, Sanskriti Gurukul and many more have been defaulters since a long time in pay-ing tax. The GMC team will check

documents like occupancy certifi-cate, property tax papers, building permissions and trade licenses of all the establishments and also the households. Konwar said that their

target of revenue collection for this fiscal is Rs 100 crore. In 2013-14, the revenue collected by GMC was Rs 40 crore while in 2014-15 it was Rs 44 crore.


G PLUs feAtURes

The present statusCity Mayor Abir Patra said, “The

situation of GMC was very critical few days back as there was shortage of money in the organisation and at one time they were even worried about how to pay the salaries to their employees.” According to him after Narayan Konwar joined as the com-missioner, the situation is improv-ing now and the property tax is a very important source for generating revenue by the corporation. He also said that in the first quarter of this fiscal, GMC collected approximately around Rs 11 crores as last year in the same quarter the revenue collection was around only around Rs seven crores.

The Indian Super League Play-ers Auction, the first ever auc-tion of football players in In-

dia, saw the eight franchises battle it out for 10 of India’s finest players in Mumbai earlier today.

Ten players who have featured for the Indian national team and had missed the Indian Super League’s (ISL) inaugural season went under the hammer for the eight teams in the first-of-a-kind auction. UK based Charlie Ross began the auctioneer proceedings by making clear the rules of the process. What followed next was a test of business skills and a fight between the franchises to pick the players of their choice.

Charlie Ross was at his best as the auctioneer that witnessed Indian football captain Sunil Chhetri bag-ging the highest bid, a whopping Rs. 1.20 Crore from Team Mumbai City

FC. Eugeneson Lyngdoh, the 28 year old midfielder came a close second by breaking through the Rs 1 crore ceiling, winning a bid price of Rs 1.05 crore successfully bought over by FC Pune City fol-lowing a round of bids from Mum-bai City FC, Atletico de Kolkata and North East United FC.

Rino Anto, India’s best right back turned out to be the dark horse of the ISL bagging a surprise bid price of Rs 90 lakhs when he was picked up by Atletico de Kol-kata. Charles Ross was in total rhythm for Rino’s bid bringing up the amount to Rs. 90 lakhs from the base price of Rs. 17.50 lakhs. Chennaiyin FC grabbed a sweet deal with Karanjit Singh, the only available goal keeper at the auc-tion for his base price of Rs. 60 lakhs. Chennaiyin FC also bid successfully for Thoi Singh, the 24 year old talented midfielder for Rs 86 lakhs.

The much anticipated second season of the Indian Super League (ISL) will kick off on the 3rd of October with its opening match to be played between Chennaiyin FC and Atletico de Kolkata, win-ners of the first season of the ISL at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Chennai.

indian super League reaches

the rs. 7.22 crore mark in its

first ever player auction

indian football team captain

sunil chhetri bagged the high-

est offer of rs. 1.20 crore.

he will be playing for

Mumbai city Fc. Eugeneson

Lyngdoh the 28 year old mid-

fielder came a close second by

breaking through the rs 1 crore

ceiling, winning a bid price

of rs 1.05 crore successfully

bought over by Fc Pune city

isl’s first ever auction sees 10 players go under hammer

Player Buying Team

Base Price

Auction Fee

Sunil Chhetri Mumbai City FC Rs. 80 Lakhs Rs. 1.20

CroreEugenesonLyngdoh FC Pune City Rs. 27.50

LakhsRs. 1.05 Crore

RinoAnto Atletico de Kolkata

Rs. 17.50 Lakhs Rs. 90 Lakh

Thoi Singh Chenaiyin FC Rs. 39 Lakhs Rs. 86 Lakhs

Arata Izumi Atletico de Kolkata Rs. 40 Lakhs Rs. 68 lakhs

Karanjit Singh Chennaiyin FC Rs. 60 Lakhs Rs 60 Lakhs

Seityasen Singh

NorthEast United FC Rs. 20 lakhs Rs 56 Lakhs

Robin Singh Delhi Dynamos FC Rs. 40 Lakhs Rs. 51 lakhs

Jackichand Singh FC Pune City Rs. 20 Lakhs Rs. 45 Lakhs


Delhi Dynamos FC Rs. 40 Lakhs Rs. 41 lakhs

Details of the players and auction bid price is as below

“i request the public to pay their property tax on time as whatever revenue we generate is used to develop the city.”Narayan Konwar, GMC commissioner

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 7

In The News

Late morning at around 11.30 am on Thursday, the driver Abdul Alam of a city bus bearing reg-

istration number- AS 01X 8338 com-ing from Reserve Bank towards Paltan Bazar, while overtaking another city bus at the Pan Bazar overbridge lost control over the vehicle and instead of taking a left went straight, crossing the road towards Vishal Mega Mart and ran over a two wheeler, an auto rick-shaw, an ice cream thela before finally crushing into the boundary wall of the mall and stopping. It was a horrifying situation for the pedestrians.

The police arrested the driver and a case has been registered in Paltan Bazar Police Station (case number- 591/15 under section 279, 338, 337 and 427 of IPC).

Just after the accident, various reports came out in the media, some reporting that two were killed whereas some others reported that four persons were killed. The Paltan Bazar police, however, told G Plus that no one was killed in the accident although eight people were injured, out of which one person is reportedly seriously injured. The police, however, claimed that the doctors informed that person is out of danger.

An eyewitness said, “The police and the government health service like 108 did not reach on time and the public themselves had to take the victims to the hospital.” But, the po-lice said that the police reached on time and arrested the driver. They also said that the police helped the victims reach hospital.

city bus terrorRecently the transport authorities

introduced 70 new buses for the city and Guwahatians thought their prob-lem will be eased to a large extent but according to a daily bus passenger, till the private buses are plying in the city, the problem will never be resolved. The passenger said, “The private buses wait for a long time at all the bus stops in the summer heat and I have seen people fainting inside the buses. Also the conductors of the private buses are very rude to the customers. The government buses are fast but they are always packed with passengers and maximum buses in Guwahati are pri-vately owned who do not think of cus-tomer service but try to earn as much as they can.”

DCP traffic PJ Goswami said, “Nowhere in India city buses operate the way they do in Guwahati because in other places even if there are some privately owned buses, they run under a corporation or a government body which runs the entire operation but here the city bus organisations run the buses. Though Guwahati has hardly 1000 city buses, there are six asso-ciations for this 1000 buses and their entire operation is conflicting because they are always competing with each other.”

He said that if GGUMTA has 200 buses and GGMTA also has 200 buses so their main routes are only three or four like from Khanapara to Adabari, Basistha to Adabari and Noonmati to Adabari etc. They direct all their

city bus mauls into Vishal mega mart, injures eight

City bus with registration number AS 01X 8338 rams into AT Road Vishal Mega Mart injures eight

Driver Abdul Alam arrested, case registered in Paltan Bazar Police Station

City has approximately 1000 private city buses associated with six associations creating a conflict between the different groups

As buses of different associations ply on the same route, there is always a competition between buses for getting more passengers

AT Road accident had the same issue as bus driver was overtaking a bus of the same route

City traffic department has already submitted a proposal to the RTA for bringing all buses under one roof

in one of the deadliest city bus accidents, driver runs over two-wheeler, auto and a mobile ice cream shop

vehicles in these three four routes. They have a very cut throat competi-tion. In other cities, the drivers and conductors are under a corporation so they are trained and disciplined. In Guwahati, the main interest of the driver or a conductor is profit. They have to pay Rs 1,400 every evening to the owner while they can take the rest of the money above the Rs 1,400. Two buses on the same route stop at a bus stand and they try to overtake each other and block the way. A proposal has already been submitted to the RTA to give the entire bus service to an umbrella body. City bus stoppages are also not regularised and that is also a major problem. So, till the city buses are not regulated under one roof, the public will have to encounter acci-dents and other problems.

[email protected]


Amidst multiple reports about several deaths in the accident there were no fatalities recorded during the horrendous crash

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 20158


In a direction to the Assam Power Distribution Corporation Ltd (APDCL), the Kamrup Metro

district administration has man-dated not to provide power connec-tion to the new constructions in the hill areas under Kamrup Metro dis-trict without obtaining No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Kamrup Metro.

The order has been issued as per provisions of the Disaster Man-agement Act, 2005, and comes into force with immediate effect. In his order, Kamrup Metro Deputy Com-missioner and chairman of DDMA, Dr. M Angamuthu said that it has been observed that “unscientific and haphazard earth-cutting and earth-filling in the hill areas for unplanned construction works in Kamrup Met-ro district destabilises the natural earth slopes, blocks natural drains, and clogs natural and artificial drains triggering severe landslides, artificial flood and persistent water logging during the rainy days resulting in substantial loss of human lives and cattle heads and destruction of prop-erties.”

It said that “unscientific earth-cutting also degrades environment and overall ecological balance.”

The order added, if such hap-hazard, unscientific and unplanned

earth-cutting and earth-filling for illegal construction are allowed to continue unhindered in this district, it may cause a catastrophe, mishap and calamity of great magnitude in this district.

Angamuthu added, “The build-ings that have already been provided permission will continue to reside in the area as we are currently concen-trating in barring further hamper to the hillocks. We will take further measures to prevent encroachment and even carry out eviction drives if necessary.”

The initiative has so far been suc-cessful as no landslides have been ex-perienced in comparison to last year where several people lost their lives.

Survey by ASDMA

Earlier ASDMA (Assam State Disaster Management Authority) had conducted a survey around the city of Guwahati in order to identify the landslide prone areas and delineate the comprehensive landslide vulner-able zones following which 366 land-slide vulnerable sites were identified, some of which demand immediate attention to prevent loss of human lives and property.

The survey was conducted to as-sess and evaluate landslide risk with respect to potential loss of human lives, properties and infrastructures in greater Guwahati city. The survey also aimed to do landslide suscepti-bility mapping for identifying critical zones of instability by analysing the field data and soil samples and for as-sessment of risks in the hazard-prone areas. It was lastly aimed to provide a basis for systematically planning for short term and long term measures to contain landslide disaster.

Two RVS teams comprising of four student volunteers each from Civil Engineering Department of


ddmA noc a requisite for basic requirements in hillocksDc takes initiative to preserve and save the hillocks from further haphazard, unscientific and unplanned earth-cutting and earth-filling for illegal construction

Assam Engineering College under the guidance of Dr. Diganta Gos-wami, Associate Professor, were formed to locate all the sites in Guwahati where landslides have al-ready proved to be a major threat to mankind or which are vulnerable to future slides and rock fall. One important observation during the RVS was that Guwahati does not have a scientifically designed hill area drainage network, based on a total 48 watershed management ap-proach. This in turn increases the erosion of topsoil from city hills and at the same time leads to slope fail-ure. It is also a reason of flood.

Following the survey, ASDMA had also carried out awareness pro-grammes by engaging NGOs and arranged dos and don’ts while the symptoms of landslides start show-ing. ASDMA also suggested remedial measures through which the hazard-ous situation can be restored but the process will take around two years of time after surveying each and every prone area through process of earth nailing and other methodologies. An RFP (request for proposal) has also been filed for the restoration of the hillock.

landslide vulnerable city sites identified from the survey

Fatasil 5Garbhanga 9Gotanagar 6hengerabari 30Jalukbari/ Lankeshwar 2Kahilipara 25Kalapahar 7Kamakhya/ nilachal 5Khanapara 33Kharghuli 37Koinadhora 5Maligaon 8nabagraha 6narakasur 14narengi 31noonmati 40santipur 20sarania 5sukreswar 1sunsali 77totaL 366

[email protected]

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 9


The holy month of Ramzan, apart from spreading religious fervour is also popular for the

colourful sights and sounds as the market gets flooded with different va-rieties of sewai, regarded as one of the cherished items during Iftar.

Speaking to G Plus, a seller at Fancy Bazar, Gulam Mustafa said, “There are 3-4 qualities of sewai in my shop. Patna Laccha, Kolkata Lac-cha, Banarasi Laccha and Siliguri Lac-cha. The Patna Laccha cost Rs 120 per kg, the Kolkata at Rs 120 per kg, Banarasi 150 Rs per kg and Siliguri Rs 70. The sewai comes from these states as it is not produced in Assam.” Mustafa said that people in Assam still has not taken the initiative for the pro-duction of Sewai. As it is a traditional food item for the Muslims during Iftar, so it has been brought from outside the state.

“Other than the Muslim commu-nity, people from other communities

also buy sewai in large quantities to offer it to the poor who cannot afford to buy although it is meant as a tra-ditional food and all the people after namaz takes sewai as it is considered as a holy food,” said Mustafa.

There is also another quality which comes in containers— the ghee sewai which is preferred by 10 out of 100 people as most of the people opt for the local ones only. “We also sell products like Ajua Al Madinah at Rs 1000 for 400 gm, Date Crown at Rs 130 for half kg, Al-Azawi Rs at 100 for 400 gm, Fardh Dates at Rs 100 for 500gm, kaccha khejur at Rs 150 (500gm). These are also products needed in Iftar,” informed Mustafa.

Another shopkeeper, Santosh Kumar said, “I have three qualities of Sewai- Laccha which is sold at Rs70-Rs 100 per kg, Phani sold at Rs 100-120 per kg and Haldiram sewai which comes in containers and sold at Rs 120 (500gm) and Rs 180. The Haldiram

sewai, the largest selling product in ramazan


sewai comes from Kolkata while the others come from Patna and Siliguri. I brought 10-15 quintal for the month of Ramadan as people want the sewai daily.”

Santosh said that there is no pro-duction of the product in Assam as the water and climate is not suitable for sewai. The market is not good at pre-sent but after some days it will pick up as this is a light item which is good for health as it is prepared with milk and dry fruits which are healthy.

Santosh also said that this year the branded one like Haldiram has been sold in large quantities as people are becoming more hygiene conscious. 

Hasina Ahmed, a customer said, “Sewai is an important item during Eid, in the month of Ramazan as we have to take some sweet dishes after Iftar and sewai is considered to be a sacred food. We also offer it to guests and also give it to the poor as they can-not afford to buy it.”

Prices of Different varities of Sewai

Patna laccha ` 120 per kg

kolkata laccha ` 120 per kg

banarasi laccha ` 150 per kg

Siliguri laccha ` 70 per kg

Ajua Al Madinah ` 1000 (400 gm)

Date crown ` 130 (half kg)

haldiram Sewai ` 120 (500 gm)

Veteran actor, Shakti Kapoor who was in the city on Friday to promote few new projects

in the state said that a lot more still remains to be done to promote Assa-mese movies on the national platform and remove the shortcomings in the story line, post production works and presentation.

“Assamese filmmakers can ap-proach directors and producers from Bollywood to help improve the quality of Assamese films. The state govern-ment too should take steps to improve the plight of the film industry by re-leasing fund meant for its develop-ment,” he said.

Shakti Kapoor is part of a team including Nupur Mehta, who was the lead actress against Sunny Deol in ‘Jo bole Soh Nihal’ and Onkar Das, who starred as Natha in ‘Peepli Live’ who will shoot three short movies in

“Assamese films need to remove shortcomings to shine on national platform”- Shakti Kapoor

Guwahati under Dream House Produc-tion where the star cast is from Mumbai and Assam.

The production house is on a mis-sion to raise the bar of film-making and entertainment in Northeast India. It is committed to tap the bundle houses of talents in the region, be it the adroit tech-nicians or the consummate performing artists

  Dream House Production will be involved in a series of projects in North-east Assam and the rest of the region and plans to tap its potential. They will be in-volved in a series of short movies, which involves Bollywood stars and will also in-volve local artists from Assam. The main objective behind these movies is to com-pete in the International Film Festivals.

 The production house will also be involved in a music video featuring Ajaz Khan and Kumar Sanu and also a TV serial.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201510


Weather report for the weekSAT

11 JulySUN

12 JulyMON

13 JulyTUE

14 JulyWED

15 JulyTHU

16 JulyFRI

17 July

Passing showers A few tstorms Thunderstorms Strong thunderstorms Heavy rain Mostly cloudy Showers early. Mostly cloudy.

25 / 32 °C 25 / 33 °C 26 / 33 °C 27 / 33 °C 24 / 31 °C 24 / 37 °C 24 / 38 °C

As Guwahati continues to ex-pand, the most common casualty are open spaces for

the people. Public parks are the only places where one can spend some free time for relaxation and children can come out to play but the number of such parks are less compared to the population of the city.

Speaking to G Plus, Chairman of Guwahati Metropolitan Develop-ment Authority (GMDA) Dhiren Baruah said, “The parks are the only places where people can spend their leisure time with their children. As the people do not find any space in their homes, they come out to spend the time in parks where they can walk, exercise, play or simply talk to one another. Therefore, GMDA is trying to develop the parks and come out with new parks for the people.”

He said, “The Government should also adopt a policy for the development of parks for the people. There are 18 parks in the city under GMDA but we need more parks. One park is necessary against 30,000 peo-ple but there are only 18 parks and people are not even aware of the ex-istence of all the parks except a few. We are providing funds for their maintenance but we should give a an-nual grant to the parks for mass par-ticipation as the fund collected by the parks are not sufficient for maintain-ing them.”

Baruah also informed that a new park, Church Abdullah Park at Kharghuli is being developed with a budget of Rs 5 lakh. The Shraddhan-jali Kanan Park and Nehru Park are maintained by GMDA itself although some of the parks are also run by civ-ic societies like senior citizens.

Some of the parks are also run by Assam Tourism Development Corporation (ATDC) but they are not in a condition to attract tourists although they can be made tourist spots. The Dighalipukhuri Park, Sati Radhika Udyan, Uzanbazar falls un-der ATDC.

Dighalipukhuri Park

The Dighalipukhuri Park, which is one of the oldest parks in the city with historical significance, is facing

some problems and the government has not emphasized on them. “As the park has been given under lease, the lessee has to maintain the entire park and if there is any renovation to be done, the ATDC provides the fund. The main problem is the fishery office that is located on the Northern side of the park. The four sides of the pond can’t be connected as the fishery of-fice is situated in the middle of the northern part. The tourists or the vis-itors often express their desire to have a walk around the entire length of the park but we have not been able to provide them with the facility,” said an official of the park while speaking to G Plus.

The official said that earlier the Government handed over the work

of demolishing the office as it is of no significance but now the govern-ment has given the responsibility to the Sainik welfare society for making a war cemetery. “The war cemetery is not a problem but the main problem is that if we can’t fulfil the demands of the public, we will run short of visitors,” the official added.

Nehru Park

The Nehru Park being the most popular park for children also needs renovation. Speaking to G Plus, Engi-neer of GMDA, Amitava Borthakur said, “The park needs some renovation for tourist attraction as the visitors’ flow mostly increases during the summer va-

cation. During the monsoon, the park looks a little dislevelled as work can’t be done in the rainy season. There are some broken play things in the park which looks shabby and it will be renovated.”

Borthakur said that they get revenue of around Rs. 1lakh 35 thousand every month from this park but they need much more for maintenance. There are more than 30 parks but 18-19 parks are actually running. “There are some small parks which are run by the civic socie-ties but they take help from GMDA to run the parks,” said Borthakur.

An official of the park said that GMDA provides fund for maintenance and many things have been renovated but still it needs innovations to attract more visitors.

Requirement of more parks in the cityJUtHiKA bARUAH

` 1 lakh 35 thousand revenue earned every month from nehru Park

18 parks are running in the city under GMDA and for each 30,000 people one park should be available in the locality

Sati Radhika Udyan, Uzanbazar

The park which is under ATDC needs much more development as although it is near the mighty River Brahmaputra, inspite of its scenic beauty, lacks public awareness due to negligence by the government. “We maintain the park with the revenue collected from the people which is not sufficient. To maintain a park, good amount of money is required and we urged the department for maintenance funds many times but they provide funds only once which are not sufficient. The paint jobs, maintanence of the gardens and lighting are all done from the reve-nue collected. The Government must emphasize on the problems to make it more attractive so that the tourists could also visit the park,” an official of the park said.

one new park will be constructed at Kharghuli which has a budget of ` 5lakh

War cemetry to be constructed at Dighalipukhuri Park

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 11


lamb road hostel plans in-campus facilitiesStudents are often compelled

to stay in the city’s numer-ous hostels against their better

judgement for want of better home-like facilities but one hostel which has managed to nail the concept of ‘Home Away from Home’ with a homely environment is the Anamika Girls’ Hostel in Lamb Road, Ambari.

Anamika Girls’ Hostel is the only hostel in the city which has the concept of providing all the facili-ties to the students inside the hostel campus itself. “I started the hostel in 2006 with the concept, ‘Home Away from Home’ which means that the girls could stay in the hostel with the feelings that they are living in a home not in a hostel. Students come away from their home leaving their parents and other family members behind for higher studies and when they do not get a homely environ-ment in the hostel, most of the stu-dents want to go back to their home or some opt to stay in rented accom-modations which again poses differ-ent sets of problem for them,” said R K Borthakur, Proprietor of Anamika Girls’ Hostel while speaking to G Plus.

Borthakur said that they only prefer degree and Master degree stu-dents because the Higher Secondary students often get in late as they have tuitions after the schools and col-leges.

“I don’t allow the girls to go out

after 6.30 pm and the entry time can-not exceed after 6.30 pm. I maintain the security well because the girls’ are under my responsibility and the hostel is under CCTV surveillance and have a biometrics system so that I could have all the information about the entry and exit time of the girls,” said Borthakur.

The hostel also has some schemes for the meritorious students to en-courage them to bring good results. “Any student who will obtain a rank in Higher Secondary exam or if a

student bags first class in degree or Master degree examination, they will be provided a cash prize at the time of leaving the hostel which will be equivalent to the 50 per cent of the total seat rent that she will pay to the management during her en-tire period of stay in the hostel. The cash amounts to 4̀5,000,” informed Borthakur.

The hostel management has de-cided to avail all the facilities inside the campus including even pencil and erasers so that the girls’ don’t

have to go outside to buy necessary items. “We are planning to have such facilities but we will need adequate manpower so that it could be main-tained well. We also celebrate each and every festival and also arrange fresher’s programme to welcome the new comers in the month of August,” added Borthakur.

Borthakur also informed that a Self Defence course will be started from next year for the girls as they are more vulnerable to any crime in the city. He said that experienced

professional will be hired to train the girls. The hostel management also provides career counselling to the girls so that they could be trained how to face interviews, how to crack competitive examinations and how to groom themselves to start a good career. The hostel has some unique facilities like weekly visits by cobbler and the washermen to the hostel, intercom connection in rooms for second and third floor, terrace gar-den, fire extinguishers in each floor, indoor games such as badminton, carom, chess and ludo.

The hostel management is also planning for ISO certification for quality. The hostel which has the ca-pacity of 50 seats also has separate computer rooms as the girls’ are not allowed to use laptop rather they can use the computer lab which charge extra fees of Rs. 300 per month. The hostel has some dining rules also like dress code, time for dinner, en-try to kitchen etc. While visiting the ground floor and dining hall, the girls’ should wear proper dress i.e. up to knee length, shoes are not allowed inside the dining hall except during certain days in winter which will be notified are the management.


[email protected]

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201512


Dr Ronen Roy, VP, indian arthroplasty association

one of the country’s famous orthopae-dic surgeons with

special interest in joint replacement surgery, Dr Ronen Roy recently vis-ited Guwahati and was at the Fortis information centre. he talked exclu-sively to G Plus about his impressions here and some of his medical ex-periences.

What is your purpose of visit to Guwahati?

I have been practicing joint re-placement surgery (JRS) from late 1980s. I am trained in the UK and came back to India in 1993 and since then I have been practising in Kol-kata. When we started JRS in Kolkata, the number of cases used to be 50 a year, and now we are doing about 5000 such cases a year. I have been with Fortis Hospital since the last five years and we are doing a significant number of JRSs a year. I am the vice president of the Indian Arthroplasty Association and also the vice presi-dent of the West Bengal Arthroplasty Society. There are surgeons in Guwa-hati who are doing JRSs but this city is the most important city as far as the seven sisters are concerned as it is the gateway to the northeast. The number of patients that are coming to Guwa-hati is enormous and the penetra-tion of health care in our country is not good. This is an initiative by the Fortis Hospital to try and improve the peripheral care as far as possible. We work in sort of a ‘hub and spoke’ concept like we have a hub in Kolkata and we develop spokes so that we give care to the periphery to improve the health care scenario and if the re-sponse is good, hopefully within next few months we will have some more specialists coming to Guwahati. This is our first step in this region and we are getting a good response.

Is Fortis planning to set up a hospital here?

We want to set up a unit here as Fortis is always in the growing mode but I am not the right person to give you a time line as to when we are go-ing to start it. It is there in the pipeline and we will definitely have a presence in the northeast.

You get a lot of patients from Guwahati so what are the major problems the patients from the city usually face?

We are here to provide super spe-ciality services, we are not here to do bread and butter treatment so it only the complicated surgeries and high end treatments which we deal with

that I think will compliment what is available locally. We don’t want the people of Guwahati should suffer from non availability of top level specialist care. As a general rule, Indians these days are facing increasing problem of arthritis. Large number of patients in our country are suffering from arthri-tis irrespective of the region and most-ly the women are suffering more than the men. Knee arthritis is particularly common unlike the west where hip ar-thritis is frequently found. The reason can be dietary, genetic and changes in our lifestyle. We are putting on more weight, not bending our knees, we don’t sit on Indian commode, we don’t bend for prayers, we don’t do all this things commonly. So, these are all life-

style changes which are probably af-fecting us. In the rural areas, the prob-lem of arthritis is relatively less.

Yoga and exercise is obviously good for the health, do you want to suggest anything else to the people?

I think there is a major prob-lem of pollution these days, be it air, water or food. Contamination of the vegetables with pesticides and similar kind of issues is a ma-jor problem. We don’t know how much free radical damage is being caused by all these entities. Free radical damage is one of the con-tributory factor for arthritis. It’s very important to have good diet with fresh fruits and vegetables so that you get appropriate nutrients that can negate the negative effect of these environmental pollutants.

What are the common orthopaedic problems among the young people?

One of the biggest problem that we are facing is the Vitamin D deficiency. One of the problem which is shown by number of stud-ies is that even in young people the vitamin D deficiency is incredibly high. Even if we have a significant amount of sunlight we don’t get the amount of vitamin D in our bod-ies. Awareness about vitamin D deficiency and improving it from a young age will help our bone health. Other problem that young people are getting these days is because of wrong gym. There are gyms opening up in every neigh-

bourhood now without properly trained instructors and people get lot of injuries because of over en-thusiastic gymming. Youngsters should not get carried away when they go to a gym.

Coming to Guwahati what do you like and dislike the most here and if you can talk about the health sector of the city?

I like the weather, the food here and I think I like the mekhla chadar. I don’t like the traffic in Guwahati. I think just like the oth-er parts of the country, Guwahati is obviously improving in delivery of healthcare. We hope that we will help in the further improvement of health services in Guwahati.

Doctors are considered next to God, but these days some doctors are accused of going into a money making business, what do you want to say about it?

Unfortunately the perception about doctors is changing around the country and one of the reason proba-bly is the content that comes out in the media. If there is positive news, peo-ple put us in a pedestal like bhagwan (god) and if anything goes wrong then we are immediately known as shaitan (devil), so there is nothing in between. The fact that we are an insaan (man) is forgotten. Neither we are bhagwan neither we are shaitan. No doctor in their right mind would think anything should go wrong with their patients. Expectation has to be realistic and one of the reasons where there has to be improvement is communication with the patients. Most of the times, prob-lems arises because of lack of commu-nication.

Do you have any message for the medical students of Guwahati and especially those who do not get admission in India and go out of country to study?

At the onset, you have to real-ise that unlike other professions, the time that a medical graduate spends in developing his or her skills is much longer than most other profession. A doctor requires 12-13 years of training before he is a super specialist provided he entered his exams the first and he has cleared all his exams the first time. After 14 years of training, I think that you are literally still at the bottom of your profession, then you are look-ing around for an association with a hospital. Its not an easy profession, requires a lot of hardwork and unfor-tunately in today’s day it also needs monetary backup.



[email protected]

Guwahati is improving in delivering healthcare

It is too early to suggest which party will have the last laugh in the assembly election in 2016,

but one year before the polls, it is the advantage of BJP.

Senior BJP leaders includ-ing general secretary,  Ram Mad-hav  has chalked out the party’s plans and picked up issues to at-tack the Congress government on “lies and loot”. But popularity of the party is slowly receding in the state due to some decisions of the central leadership regarding the state.

Two main reasons for this is- one, Modi Government’s present decision of going ahead with the land transfer deal with the Bangla-desh that was signed in 2011 by the UPA regime.

Two, Modi government’s U-turn on the issue of big river dams. Its state leadership, which had earlier participated in an agi-tation alongside civil society and students’ organisations against construction of 2,000 mw Lower Subansiri hydroelectric power project in Arunachal Pradesh, has now made it clear that the centre would fast track the construction which has been halted for the past few years for anti-dam activists.

In such scenario, the mission 84 of the saffron party seems to be in peril.

But now, to make a smarter en-try into the government, the BJP is holding on to the issue of granting citizenship to the Hindus who mi-grated to the state following perse-cution in Bangladesh and granting of scheduled tribe status to the six ethnic communities.

“We reiterate our commit-ment to giving citizenship to Hin-dus and BJP will fulfill its commit-ment however it may take some time. The issue of giving scheduled tribe status to the six ethnic com-munities is being actively pur-sued.” said Ram Madhab, General Secretary, BJP.

BJP is planning to go alone to the polls and will contest the en-tire 126 assembly constituencies. The party which is often labeled as communal is leaving no stone un-turned to woo the Muslim and re-ligious minority votes. BJP in As-sam has launched an all-out effort to expand its support base among Muslims who have been exploited as a vote bank by the Congress and All-India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) over the years.

In a state where 35 per cent of voters are Muslims and the re-ligious minority voters play a key

role in 60 of the 126 seats, both the Congress and the AIUDF may strike a tacit understanding with an eye to engineer a post-poll al-liance.

But, the ruling party has still not recovered from its two year long dissidence and one after an-other split in the party is making the central leadership tense. In such circumstances, the BJP has started confabulating with Muslim organisations of Assam to garner their support in the election by holding meetings and conventions.

BJP at least want to tactically divide Muslim votes in three ways among itself, Congress and the AI-UDF in Muslim dominated con-stituencies so that Muslims do not vote en bloc for either Congress or the BJP, which will benefit BJP which is confident of winning ma-jority of the LACs where Muslim voters can’t decide the fate of poll candidates.

“It has been the design of the Congress all along to keep the Muslims under stress by brand-ing the BJP as communal and anti-Muslim. But the Congress has failed to uplift the lot of Muslims in the country while the BJP has strived for all round development of Muslims in the country,” said BJP’s National Minority Morcha, Abdul Rashid Ansari,

State BJP president Siddhartha Bhattacharyya said that out of the total 25 lakh members of the BJP in Assam, over 2.60 lakh are Mus-lims. He said the Muslims in Assam had responded tremendously to the membership drive of the BJP.

The anti incumbency stance against the ruling state Congress is strong due to multiple issues of in-filtration, unemployment, failure to protect the rights of tea communi-ties and the steaming scam in APSC. So, BJP will be working as to how it can convert the same to votes for BJP. The party will intensify its cam-paign against the Congress and will aggressively bring out the failures of the state government in the public domain.

The BJP will reach somewhere around the halfway mark in Assam’s 126-member assembly in the 2016 state polls if it performs as well as it did in the Lok Sabha elections last year.

The emergence of two new po-litical forces – farmer leader Akhil Gogoi’s Gana Mukti Sangram Asom and former BJP national executive council member Prodyut Bora’s Lib-eral Democratic Party – might dis-rupt the usual numbers game.


A year ahead of pollsbJP still better off in multiple ways

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 13


Black and white images always carry a special point of attrac-tion and if such images are cap-

tured in rural environment, then the compositions of those images send out a strong appeal to the spectators. In such an image, two tribal women with heaps of wooden blocks on their heads are marching towards home. With the advancement of civilisa-tion, the only thing which remains in their lives intact is the ‘Struggle’. Young shutterbug Indranil Gayan names such a composition as ‘Strug-gling Life... I saw it... I heard it...’ and displays the same at the recently held (July 6-10, 2015) photography exhibi-tion organised by ‘Candid Clicks’ at the State Art Gallery in Guwahati. ‘Candid Clicks’, a facebook group born in 2014, has created a platform for amateur passionate as well as pro-fessional photographers and as an outcome of this initiative such an ex-hibition has been organised. Coming to the topic of Black and White again, Hudipta Borgohain’s ‘The talk’ pre-sents the joyous moments conversa-tion, between two fisherwomen.

Discussing the technical aspects of photography, Atanu Prasad Shar-ma’s ‘Star Trailing at Chandradinga’ is an excellent chromatic composi-tion of vibrant Red and Splendid Blue. Similarly, Anjan Deka’s two clicks, namely ‘Twlight’ and ‘Reflection’, displayed in the exhibition are tech-nical shots in low light. Prabhakar De’s two landscapes displayed in the

splendid moments, ‘candid clicks’

sUbHRAJit Roy

event are excellent examples fram-ing of themes as well as colours of nature. Prabhakar’s picture named, ‘To explore’ brings out the essence of the curious nature of childhood where two kids are found to explore a greenwood in a big landscape. Simi-larly, in a click by Dwijen Talukdar, a flooded paddy field can be witnessed, where the partition between two re-spective portions of a field takes the shape of snake over which the cattle uses to roam.

Many pictures on the theme of sunset are displayed in the exhi-bition. But the one which needs a special mention here is by Bandana Bordoloi, where the dark image of a footballer on a river bed is visible and the technicality is that the sun and the dark image of the football are on the same vertical straight line. Similarly, ‘Childhood is a promise that is never kept’ by Indranil Gayan is also on the theme of sunset where two kids are visible to carry a bicycle with immense effort and the techni-cality here is that a foggy image of an adult horizontally parallel to those of the kids tries to show the future when one of them is alone.

Some excellent mobile clicks are also on display, but the prints and frames could be of smaller sizes, where noise can be avoided. Among the macro clicks, ‘Incognito’ by Ma-nas Jyoti Mahan is a good display of Blue and Green. Some of the portraits of tribal men and women displayed in

the exhibition could have a better ap-peal if they were in colours. Nabajyoti Kalita’s portrayal of a smoking tea cup is excellent in composition, but for the purpose of exhibition, the same could be displayed without water marks as well. Sanghamitra Bordo-

loi’s ‘Survival of the fittest’ displaying an abandoned building can be better seen in a bigger frame. Samiran Gos-wami’s ‘Rhythm of Tradition’ pre-senting the Naga Folk Dance, is again a combination of Red attire and Blue Sky. Finally, the exhibition ends with

the creative theme of arrangements of half segmented betel nuts clicked by Gautam Bora. Over all, keeping the technical aspects of the amateur photographers aside, the moments clicked and displayed here are not only candid but splendid as well.

‘The talk’ by Hudipta Borgohain

‘To explore’ by Prabhakar De

‘Struggling Life... I saw it... I heard it...’ by Indranil Gayan

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201514

Ward Watch

[email protected]

panjabari’s drain of sorrowJUtHiKA bARUAH

Drains filled with silt due to earthcutting, Panjabari area have become a cursed place for the residents

The roads have a thick layer of silt and during the rainy season it becomes difficult to move from the home and even difficult to take the children out of the house

Earthcutting is a major problem for which drains are blocked and water can’t be drained out due to siltation

The artificial flood of the city will have a long term solution

After Anil Nagar and Nabin Nagar, which are the most f lood prone areas in the city,

Panjabari is perhaps another area in Guwahati which suffers immensely in terms of damage caused by artifi-cial f lood with the improper drain-age system of the area being the ma-jor cause of water logging.

The residents of Panjabari al-lege that the drainage system is technically wrong and as the drains are filled with silt and are not cleaned by the authorities, the peo-ple are harassed during the mon-soon season.

“Panjabari is like a cursed place during the monsoon. People can-not move from their houses and the drains are filled with silt all the time. The f lood has been a head-ache for the people and even my father lost his life because of the f lood. He suffered a massive heart attack after severe anxiety over the house getting water logged used to make him sit entire nights keeping a lookout for f lash f lood whenever it rained heavily. Today we have lost one person from the area, tomorrow it might happen to someone else but the administration is silent and has not taken any measures to solve the problem,” said Parlee Gogoi, a resi-dent of the area while speaking to G Plus.

Another resident of the area, Geetashree Gogoi said that the ad-minsitration has only emphasized on the Anil Nagar and Nabin Nagar areas but they forget that there are many areas in the city where water

logging has been a major problem. “I have not seen such water logging in the past six years of my stay in the area as it has been this year. The administration has cleared and cleaned the rivers and wetlands to make the city free from artificial f lood but Panjabari has remained the worst affected area after Anil Nagar and Nabin Nagar,” said Go-goi.

Speaking to G Plus, District Commissioner of Kamrup (M) M. Angamuthu said, “It is not that we are not emphasizing on making other areas of the city f lood free but as Anil Nagar and Nabin Nagar are

low laying areas, water logging is a problem. We are also studying the other areas for long term measures to solve the problem of artificial f lood. From this year, such areas are also being emphasized and from next year, there won’t be any prob-lem of f lood in the city.”

On the other hand, Guwahati Metropolitan Development Au-thority (GMDA) Chairman Dhiren Baruah said that from next year the entire city would be free from f lood and works are being done in such areas to solve the problem.

councillor of Ward no 31 swapan Das said that there is no problem with the drains. it is due to the earthcutting that the drains are filled with silt for which the rain water cannot be drained out. the drains are be-ing cleaned everyday but the result will not be satisfactory and until and unless the earth-cutting would be stopped.

“i have written to the ad-ministration several times but they have not taken any

steps. as per the act, the ad-ministration can also arrest the people responsible for earthcutting but they have not done so. if a person is ar-rested then the earthcutting might be stopped. as the wa-ter of Meghalaya comes down towards the low lying areas in assam, the area gets water logged. the srimanta shank-ardeva Kalashetra is also filled with waist high water on some of the worse days.

councillor’s View

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 15

In Focus

Anita Sarma, the woman who have introduced the concept of beauty therapy in the city,

which has, since then, turned into a craze for Guwahatians. It was in 2003 when she ventured into the slimming and beauty line with VLCC.

“When I come down to Guwa-hati from Bhubaneshwar, I realized that the Northeast people, especially the people of Guwahati are much more beauty conscious than the people of Kolkata and that is when I started thinking that I should do something for the people and start-ed with VLCC. I approached them and there were several rounds of interview as they had certain norms and conditions. Finally my partner and I got the franchise and that was my first business venture which also established me as an women entre-preneur,” said Sarma.

Sarma has other businesses as well and after VLCC she started with Silver Streak, Westside, Con-fucius, Red and a lot of other pro-jects. “My husband and I used to look after the business as none of our family belongs to business fam-ily. My husband used to look after the food sector and I look after the beauty line and being the first line of business, naturally, we had to strug-gle. And after the tenure of VLCC got over, I wanted to start over with another brand and after conducting a survey, I felt that IOSIS would be a better brand. As VLCC was miss-ing out in the spa section, IOSIS was the brand that is the fusion of the change which I wanted,” Sarma said.

Other than the beauty sector, she also have joint businesses with her husband like Food Villa, Kabab Paratha, Quick Pick etc. but she is involved more with the wellness in-dustry whereas her husband looks after the food sector. Sarma wanted to give something new to the city which could be followed by others.

“When I was working in VLCC, people asked me whether it was a biscuit factory and was I working in a biscuit factory and I had to explain to them that it was not a biscuit fac-tory but a beauty sector. I started at that level where people thought it was something else. I always had an urge that something different needs to be done for the society and we started with the discotheque which was again the first in the Northeast,” said Sarma.

Talking about the challenges that Sarma faced in her professional life, she said that being a woman there were some limitations but she has never felt any interference or has she ever been interrupted whenever she wanted to start a new project.

“I never faced any difficulties from my family although being a woman, there are limitations like I

Anita SarmaMeet

the beauty and wellness Entrepreneur

cannot go out at 2 O’clock at night in this city and at times I have to ask someone to accompany me. In this city, there is an attitude that women can’t do anything alone and people still have that mindset. But being a woman entrepreneur, it never hampered my profession. And I am working in the beauty and wellness sector which is more comfortable for women and it is not like a construction work or an-ything like that in which the male are more dominant and I got im-mense help and cooperation when-ever I needed,” said Sarma.

Anita also manages both fam-ily and business together without being hampered by any of it and being a woman she has managed both by dividing the day’s sched-ule.

“After a particular time every evening, I make it a point to go home and spend time with my kids and during the day when my children also have a busy sched-ule like going to schools and tui-tions, I come to work. I also go for a short summer holidays to spend time with my family. I am also blessed with many helping hands at home,” said Sarma.

Talking about her future plans, she said that she wants to upgrade the beauty and wellness sector as even today it couldn’t be compared to the international level and she aims to bring that standard to the city. In one or two years down the line, they are planning to expand the food sector.

Anita’s three years of work has helped her to start with the busi-ness and she said that inspite of whatever obstacles or difficulties are faced if one does not give up hope, they will surely succeed. Pa-tience and dedication is important and the urge inside anyone is the key to success according to Anita.

NAbRUZ sADAt isLAmEntrEprEnEur

Firstly, the transport department should carry out a survey on the routes of buses. I personally being among those who commute on buses, feel that there are certain routes where availability of buses are more in comparison to the passengers whereas there are also certain routes that have more passengers but the availability of buses are less. Again after a certain point of time, usually after 8 pm there are many people who wait for buses but suffer due to the lack of its availability.

Apart from that, if bringing all the private bus associations under one umbrella helps a commuter then certain step should definitely be taken.

should all city bus AssociAtions be

brouGht under one umbrellA?

There are six associations that run the private city bus services in the city. With the growing number of accidents caused by rash driving of the city buses, would putting the bus associations under one umbrella under strict norms provide a solution. G

Plus seeks the public opinion.

DR. J bALAJitransport CoMMissionEr

Today I travelled on a city bus to understand the problems of the public and found several issues. The public concerns are definitely genuine so we’ll have to put a system in place. Bringing all the private associations under one umbrella is an option but after today’s experience, I found that the buses do not issue tickets, the one I was travelling in was itself over 15 years old and all possible problems existed. One can name a prob-lem and it is there. There are several initiatives required to be taken and we will have a series of discussions in the next few days with the associations.

I personally feel that all the city bus services should be winded up and put under the ASTC but the matter will end up in court and the associations will get a stay order.

We will have to put a full proof system in place by putting control on the buses and phase out the old ones. A bus takes one and half hour to travel from Dispur Secre-tariat to Adabari, which means the bus is stopping after every five minutes without any reason, which we have to monitor either online or through personnel placed at each point. Meanwhile, we will put the entire mechanism in place and we will ensure that nobody gets license without a proper drill.

ViKRAm DAGABikanEr assaM roadlinEs india liMitEd

It is not that ASTC buses do not cause accidents, so there should rather be a set of strict norms for the bus drivers. The bus drivers can be seen speeding on the city roads while competing against each other which is due to the lack of civic sense. So the bus drivers should undergo rigorous training before providing license.

AJoy DUttAsoCial aCtivist

In the old Guwahati, there was a Guwahati Motor Transport Association and there was a system and everything was under control. But today there is no system for which the city bus drivers do not follow any rules and regulations. There should be an asso-ciation who should take the responsibility and it is doubtful whether some drivers are even Indians or not.

KULeNDU KHAtANiAR sEnior division supErintEndEnt, astC

The drivers under ASTC are well trained and we follow a proper procedure which the private vehicles don’t. We can maintain even 2000 vehicles if the Government hand over the private vehicles to us but they didn’t do that. A proper association is necessary for the control of private vehicles in the city.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201516


Recently an article was pub-lished in ‘The Indian Express’ newspaper regarding a doc-

tor’s 35-hour shift on 8 bananas. The article created quite a stir among all concerned as pretty much the same condition prevails in every health care institute of this country. Why does having a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment as a modern doctor seem like such a struggle at times? There is an invisible battle going on, day-by-day between a fulfilling career in Medicine and the hidden forces of a burnout.

what is physician burnout?

Every job can lead to burnout, but what happens when it strikes the doctors, who make decisions that can affect their patients’ lives? It is well known that being a doc-tor is stressful. Various studies have shown a higher level of stress amongst doctors when compared to the general population. The doctor has to recover his drive and energy before his return to work. This resilience should continue. The difference between Stress and Physician Burnout is this ability to recover in their time off. Phy-sician Burnout begins when the doctor is unable to recharge his batteries between call nights or days in the hospital. Then begin a downward spiral that has three distinct symptoms.

Physical and emotional exhaustion

The doctor is emotionally drained, depleted and worn out by work and not able to recover in his non-working hours

DepersonalisationThe Development of a negative,

callous and cynical attitude toward patients and their concerns. The car-dinal sign here is cynicism, sarcasm and feeling put upon by the patients.

Reduced Sense of Personal Ac-complishment:

The tendency to see the work negatively, without value or mean-ingless and incompetent.

Are the doctors under pressure?

A shortage of personnel is a nag-ging problem – either because of under-staffing or because of rampant absenteeism among the support staff. Nurses and doctors are compelled to do jobs like crowd management, pushing trolleys, getting drugs and equipment and escorting patients be-tween departments. This affects their interaction with patients. Such work reduces their status in the eyes of the relatives. It does not help that resi-dent doctors are sometimes bullied by the permanent ward staff, view them as novices and temporary. The stress is compounded by the environ-ment of the outpatient department, where crowds of patients, each push-ing case papers to get the doctor’s at-tention, surround doctors and nurs-es. If a Class IV staff is absent there is no system to manage the stream of patients. Absenteeism is common among senior doctors (registrars, assistant professors and professors) who may make cursory rounds of the wards and are often missing during duty hours when they are required. This affects the quality of care and dampens the residents’ morale. Many full-time professors and as-sociate professors practice privately which has made the situation worse. Teachers rush to leave the teaching hospital and compensate their pay packets with a private nursing home attachment. Senior doctors may not be committed to patients in a public hospital. A number of academic posts remain vacant and this overburdens the existing cadre of doctors. Doctors are under constant pressure to give special treatment to patients who have connections with politicians, senior government officials or senior doctors and administrators. It is com-mon for patients to proffer a ‘note’ or letter of reference from an influential person. It is not rare to have politi-cians demand preferential treatment for certain patients. Administrations should not succumb to pressure from politicians, local leaders and patients instead of standing up for doctors. The recent incidents of violence by patients have led doctors to practice a kind of defensive medicine – doc-tor’s focus on avoiding an “incident” even if it is at the cost of victimising innocent colleagues. Senior doctors may berate resident doctors in front of patients, humiliating and demor-alising them. Many resident doctors do not have regular duty hours. They are not even assured of a day off fol-lowing a night on call. They may work all day and attend calls through the night. So patients coming in through the night assume that the doctor on

duty is sleeping and get angry. They may not even get a break to eat. All this takes a toll. Many residents can-not go home even on holidays. Sev-eral have problems adjusting to the culture and the work environment of a big hospital. Resident doctors also may resent the meager stipends they receive. Although medicine is a lucrative profession in the long term, residents resent that their peers in engineering and management al-ready earn a lot more. They feel that they are being made scapegoats for all the problems at the hospital. Resi-dent doctors are usually at a stage in life when they have many other per-sonal preoccupations and no support system. Many of them start with the belief that medicine is an exalted pro-fession and they, as doctors, should be treated as important people. They become disillusioned when their col-leagues or patients don’t reciprocate this belief.

being a Doctor is Stressful … Period

The “most stressful” professions are characterised as having a high level of responsibility and little con-trol over the outcome. The practice of Medicine certainly fits that descrip-tion and is consistently on the short list of professions with the highest in-herent stress levels. Doctors have the highest rate of suicide among all the professions. And, in sharp contrast to the general population, where male suicides outnumber female suicides four to one, the suicide rate among male and female doctors is the same. The days of a doctor are filled with intense encounters with sick people, with the emotional needs that come with an illness. This naturally drain-ing environment is compounded by the typical lack of training on how to create and maintain boundaries with the patients. In addition, there is an apparent mismatch between what doctors are trained for and what they are required to do. For example, in the medical curriculum, there is much focus on pathophysiology, di-agnosis and treatment. There is now increasing emphasis on communica-tion skills, law and ethics in medi-cal education. However, other key aspects of a doctor’s job like admin-istrative and financial management is poorly addressed, and these often cause stress amongst doctors.

what can be done?Is physician burnout an inevi-

table consequence of the choice to become a doctor? Not by any means. The solutions are relatively simple. There needs to be a recognition and

awareness of the contribution of the doctors toward the cause of health-care in the country. In view of our economy getting bigger, healthcare also needs a bigger contribution in terms of the size. Healthcare in the country is woefully underfunded. A large-scale addition in the number of doctors coupled with clearing of the bottlenecks in the medical education system is the need of the hour. The surplus and shortage of doctors in many hospitals is actually a manage-rial problem. There needs to be flex-ibility in duty rosters being prepared with the option of post duty offs. The day-to-day nature of the battle between Physician Engagement and Physician Burnout mandates a role for active prevention, regular moni-toring and aggressive treatment. Recent research shows the efficacy of the burnout prevention and treat-ment measures should be dealt both the personal and organisational level. Personal Burnout Prevention Meas-ures should include Work Life Bal-ance, Lowering stress by Learning effective leadership skills and Exert-ing control over the work hours when it is possible. Many of the negative consequences of physician burnout have direct implications for provider organisations. Any decrease in physi-

physician burnoutA hidden problem nobody cares

cian burnout should produce meas-urable increases in quality of care and patient satisfaction in addition to lower malpractice rates and physician and staff turnover. Each of these ef-fects of physician burnout reduction would also result in increased profits. Organisational Prevention Measures should state an organisational inten-tion to value, track and support Phy-sician Wellbeing, Institute regular monitoring for physician burnout amongst providers, Create CME pro-grams teaching the Personal Burnout Measures, Provide time and funding for physician support meetings, Pro-vide leadership skills training and Support flexibility in work hours.

The uncomfortable truth is that we may need to reimagine healthcare in a way that views some errors in healthcare as unavoidable, demystifies the physicians as su-perheroes. In other words, making health care more satisfying for physi-cians and patients should be a group effort with active participation of both the parties.

DR. biKAsH RAi DAs,Consultant Heart surgeon, GnrC Hospital

the “most stressful” professions are characterised as having a high level of responsibility and little control over the outcome.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 17


tiNAt AtifA mAsooD

His HoLiNesssRi sRi RAVi sHANKAR Ji

www.artofliving.org/yoga, Follow sri sri @srisrispeaks on twitter

unisonDeath came calling last nightWith a sharp poisoned arrowIn his handsThat he piercedThrough my already bleeding Heart...As I writhed in painAfter withstanding an intial Blow...He asked me, his face dark and grimWhy I wanted to liveAny more?But...I told himMy love knows notOf my existence.I want him to knowI am aliveThat I live only to keepHim aliveIn his life is mineIn his breath I survive...Give me a whileI pleaded of death,As he was about To strike me down...You will get but a UniverseTo prove...But I will comeTo take you and tell youThat your existence for himWas futile...He will have never decipheredYour breath for him!January 2014

nightmareThe clouds came...Darkening everything in its fury...She knew his heart would beat...But nay...not for her anymore...See my love...The dark stead comes...Fast and furious...And has crushed your love...Under its galloping hooves...Knowing too well that she will die...but did she?Hark! There she lies...beheaded and bereft of any life...Breathing the last drops of jasmine...

Fast reverseIncoherent,I tried to understand YouAs I stoodDisheveledDisheartenedDistantDistortedDistraught?You lookedAskanceUnperturbed by the rapidityOf emotionsFlowing through me.Once upon a timeYou braided dreams Through my hairNow the putrid airStinks fouler thanWhen you told her,“I don’t find you attractive!”I stood laughing anewWaiting for the Menopause seasonTo rake new storiesOf gore and guiltThrough a bodyYou once glorifiedAs your own.

of the moon and loveI didn’t knowThe Moon wouldTell me storiesEven nowIn a different language...In his mother’s tongue?We both knewThough, there was a space,In between the hillsWhere the snake livesIn its slimy coatTo slither over the

seeds?We had sown them,Remember?In the fields....One mystic night?But with our heartsAbandonMoon said, “If only you knew.”I knew, I know!

oVer A yeAr

If we keep dividing ourselves ac-cording to race and religion, there will be no end to it [conflict],” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said on Wednesday at the PICC. “We have to honor diversity.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is not the Ravi Shankar that is Norah Jones’ dad. This Indian guru started The Art of Liv-ing Foundation in 1981 and advocates meditation, yoga, and breathing to help control the mind, manage stress, and al-low a certain level of clarity of thinking.

He was in Manila for a speaking gig on Wednesday, the last stop of his 6-country Asian tour that included Ja-pan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.

At the PICC Plenary Hall, Sri Sri led a 20-minute meditation session and answered questions from the audience.

No wonder he attracts so much at-tention and so many followers. Sri Sri had clear answers to pretty much eve-rything: from battling cancer to dealing with a 12-year-son rebellious son, to mending a broken heart to stress.

Below are 15 things we learned from Wednesday’s talk. We will surely be keeping these in mind

Work and life are one and the same. There is no such thing as a personal time and a

public time that you keep separate. 

When we think, we should not be reac-tive and instead be responsive.

Let go of the past. Carrying it with you will only drain you.

Do not feel guilty. It only brings anger in you and creates a platform to be nasty.

Past is past. Mistakes happen when you’re not in the right state of con-sciousness. Resolve not to repeat it and do good work instead.

Happiness and love are our true nature. And the happiness that you feel is actual-

ly connected to the people around you.

15 tipsfor a happier, less

stressful life

Accept there are pleas-ant and unpleasant mo-ments. You need to re-member this to maintain

the equanimity of your mind.

Learn to accept diversity. Honor it. It should not be tolerated, but instead be celebrated. You have to

see the world as one family.

Men should not step on women’s emotions, and women should not step on men’s ego.

Do not ask for proof of love. It is a burden to have to prove love.

Think of destiny and free will as this: Height is your destiny, weight is your free will.

Make one new friend a day. Don’t be too serious. Smile more.

Don’t give up.

Battling with cancer? Don’t say that. Say-ing you’re “battling cancer” will make you

feel weaker.

There are no bad guys. There are only misled and misguid-ed people.

Make room for im-perfection. Think of it as the area in your house where you keep

your garbage. You need that area to keep your entire house nice and clean, right?













G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201518

Photo Story

EID DELIGHTFor most of us, when you think of Eid, you think

of food! In this holy month of Ramadan, the myr-iad choice of succulent, sumptuous food available throughout the city is simply heavenly. Be it the ever popular sewai, the colourful halwa, the fresh kebabs or the mouth-watering briyani, Guwahati becomes a gastronaut’s delight. Adib Zamali tries to capture some of these delicacies for your delight.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 19Events

Jeevan Juice Festival

Aimed at popularizing fruit drinks among the youth, Volun-teers’ Association Jeevan Initiative organized the 3rd Annual Jeevan Juice Festival in the city. The event is India’s only Juice

Festival.Fruit juice manufacturers, food entrepreneurs and fresh fruit

juice vendors participated in this year’s Jeevan Juice Festival, organ-ized in association with the Directorate of Horticulture and Food Processing, Government of Assam.

Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) Chairman, Dhiren Baruah lit the ceremonial lamp and inaugurated the 5-day festival on 1st of July at the Assam Engineering Institute field, Chandmari, Guwahati.

The region is home to a variety of fruit species. Almost one third of country’s total fruit species are found in the Northeast. This festi-val aimed to create an atmosphere of fruit processing entrepreneur-ship and to promote the benefits of natural drinks.

There were various events as a part of this summer carnival. A

juice bar with an assortment of flavours drew attention of thou-sands of visitors. Thekeratenga, Teteli, Bogori, Kordoi, Litchi, Kiwi, Guava, Pineapple and other local fruit juices were not just displayed, but served to guests. A juice drinking contest was or-ganized and the winners were given cash prizes and Lutibaagar T-shirts.

The cultural programmes included performances by Po-har, Metaphor, Srishti, Ecrit, Open String, Moksha, Ultra violet, Swadhyay, Crossfield, Euphonica, Eastern Vibes and other mu-sic bands. ‘Oinitom’ from Karbi Anglong mesmerised the au-dience with their instrumental performance blending folk and modern tunes.

The 5 day fest which included a Music Video Award ceremony was attended by a large number of celebrities from cinema and the music industry. ‘Satifuti’, directed by Anup Baruah won the Best Music Video award, ‘Bisari Aat’ directed by Bhu-pesh Saikia & Tapasi Barman came in second and ‘Raabone Hari Nilaak’ directed by Kamal Paran picked the third spot. A cash prize of Rs. 10,000 (ten thousand) and various me-

mentoes were presented to the winners. Prizes for ‘Slogan Wearing Contest’ and other competitions were also present-

ed to the winners.The festival coincided with the completion of ten

years of the Assamese quarterly ‘Jeevan’. A special edi-tion of the magazine was released by Sadou Assam Kavi Sammelan president Anis Uz Zaman and a spe-cial cultural evening was organized on the occasion.

Around 40000 people visited the festival over a span of five days. This is double the number of visi-tors from the last edition of Jeevan Juice Festival. This

event has given a platform to fresh juice as a better and healthier drinking choice for the new generation, who

are otherwise addicted to the artificial flavours, sugar and soda along with giving a platform to food entrepreneur. The main motive behind the event was to create an urban demand for naturally produced and available fruits and going by the tremendous response the event gained, the goal is one step closer.

Magnificent Assamxbhp 12th year mega meet

With an aim to promote State’s tour-ism potential through photography, Assam Tourism, Govt. of Assam,

organised “Magnificent Assam” —a national photography competition. Gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest V K Pipersenia, Chief Secre-tary, govt. of Assam inaugurated the Photogra-phy Exhibition at Hotel Brahmaputra Ashok on Thursday. He also distributed the awards among winners.

The second event included an exhibition of selected photographs and a workshop on pho-tography.the winners of the competition of the

different categories are:

Culture & Traditions1st Prize- Bhrigu Kumar Bayan- Barpeta 2nd Prize- Debdutta Chakraborty- Kolkata 3rd Prize- Biju Boro- Guwahati

Festivals1St Prize- Bhrigu Kumar Bayan- Barpeta 2nd Prize- Gautam Swarup Pathak- Mangaldoi 3rd Prize- Hitjyoti Sharma- Morigoan

Flora & Fauna1st Prize- Buddha Saikia- Jorhat,2nd Prize- Hitjyoti Sharma- Morigoan 3rd Prize- Biju Boro- Guwahati Historical Monuments1st Prize- Manash Gogoi- Tejpur2nd Prize- Abhinav Borah- Tejpur 3rd Prize- Samrat Ghosh- Guwahati

Landscape1st Prize- Gautam Swarup- Mangaldoi 2nd Prize- Bitu Chetia, Sibsagar 3rd- Vivek Rajsingh, Guwahati

xBhp celebrated its 12th anniversary and

motorcyclists from Guwahati, Shillong, Nagaon and Silchar

gathered at the Umi-am Lake, NEPA valley

in Meghalaya to share the joy. A biker from

Goa, Romania and a female biker from

Singapore were also a part of the gathering

to celebrate the spirit of biking. Assam xBhp

regularly organises safety awareness rides.

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201520

Baahubali I Love NY Love In Bangkok(Assamese) Terminator Genisys ABCD 2 Jurassic World Hamari Adhuri Kahaani

Apsara Cinema Daily at 11.00 AM, 5.00 & 8.00 PM Daily at 2.00 PM

Anuradha Cineplex

Daily at 9.00 AM & 2.00 PM Daily at 5.15 PM Daily at 11.45 AM Daily at 8.15 PM

Fun Cinemas Daily at 8.30 PM Daily at 12.30 PM Daily at 5.45 PM Daily at 2.50 PM

Gold Cinema(Paltan Bazaar) Daily at 2.30 & 8.00 Daily at 2.00 PM Daily at 11.30 AM

& 5.30 PMDaily at 11.00 AM & 8.30 PM Daily at 5.00 PM

Gold Cinema(Fancy Bazar)

Daily at 11.30 AM & 8.00 PM

Daily at 11.00 AM & 2.30 PM Daily at 2.00 & PM Daily at 5.00 PM Daily at 5.30 PM

Gold Cinema(Narengi) Daily at 5.00 PM Daily at 11.00 AM Daily at 2.00 PM Daily at 8.00 PM

Telebooking numbers: Anuradha Cineplex; 03612656968, 9954544738, Fun Cinemas: 9864800100, 9864800200, Gold Cinema (Fancy Bazaar): 03612735367, 9854077177, Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar): 9854066166, Gold Cinema (Narengi): 8811001898


Set in Ancient Era, Shivudu (Prabhas) after being or-phaned due to circumstances

grows up in a poor Forest Village near Mahishamti Rajyam. He falls in love with Avanthika (Taman-nah) who is part of a Rebel army hiding and waiting for their Re-venge on Mahishamati. What is the connection of Shivudu with Ma-hishamti forms the main plot.

Prabhas managed to deliver a largely Good Performance but is ordinary at times. Rana excelled in a Negative role and is apt. Taman-nah adds glam quotient and did her part with ease. Anushka in a de-glam role is very good. Ramya Krishna is excellent as `Sivagami` and is a highlight. Prabhakar, Sathyraj & Nazar are more than Adequate. Sudeep`s Cameo is fine.

Baahubali is a visual specta-cle and high octane period action drama!. The film has extraordi-nary art work, vfx and interesting

war theme coupled with huge cast-ing. It is a technical marvel and brilliance and surely is the best to come out of india in this aspect. The visuals alone are worth your every penny. The 1st half of the film is about par with a few good episodes and establishes the story. 2Nd half of the the film has been ordinary, may be due to high ex-pectations from war episode from cinematic point-of-view. There`s some thing amiss in the flick when walking out of the theatre after abrupt ending. The end is partly understandable since they have a 2nd part to release.

It has been a pure delight to watch those waterfalls and Ma-hishmathi is a total visual treat. The extraordinary visual content has been to an extent let down by lack of strong emotional conflict. Nevertheless you can still watch the film easily for its grandeur and Rajamouli`s Vision.

Old folkie that he is, Neil Young harbors a soft spot for songs as protest, and The Monsanto

Years is full of them. Where he often railed against war, here the purported target is the agricultural company Monsanto, a firm that, among other things, specializes in genetically modified crops, but Young uses that as a pivot to rage against all manner of modern outrages. Apathy among the populace, avarice among corpo-rations, and cultural homogenization provide the throughline on The Mon-santo Years, and while the weathered hippie takes some time to lay down his electric guitar and breathe, this isn’t a mournful album like Living with War, his W-era missive. This is a raging record and to that end, Young hired the Promise of the Real, a ragtag out-fit led by Willie Nelson’s guitarist son Lukas, to approximate Crazy Horse’s lop-legged lumber. Usually it works: the group roars not with righteous-ness but with their own glee at making noise. Plus, the Promise of the Real is adept at the softer side, too, so they ably follow Young, laying down the electric and harmonizing in a fashion reminiscent of an unwashed CSN.


Seven years ago a teenage girl, Aarushi Talwar, was found mur-dered in her bedroom in Noida,

a middle-class suburb of Delhi. The body of the prime suspect—the fam-ily servant, Hemraj—was discovered a day later. Who had committed the double murders, and why? Within weeks, Aarushi’s parents, the Talwars, were accused; four years later, they went on trial and were convicted.

But did they do it?

Avirook Sen attended the trial, accessed important documents and interviewed all the players—from Aarushi’s friends to Hemraj’s old boss, from the investigators to the forensic scientists—to write a me-ticulous and chilling book that reads like a thriller but also tells a story that is horrifyingly true. Aarushi is the definitive account of a sensational crime, and the investigation and trial that followed.

Album: The Monsanto Years Artist: Promise of the Real / Neil Young




Book: AarushiAuthor: Avirook Sen

F1 2015 features cars and driv-ers from the 2014 season, but a day one update on 10 July will

see this year’s drivers and cars added. At Codemasters’ HQ in Southam, near Leamington Spa, we were able to have a hands-on with the updated version of the game, which included car specs that were in play at the first race of the season in Melbourne on 15th March.

There have been a few changes to the cars since then – for example, McLaren and Force India are now running radically different nose-cones on their cars – but they’re pretty minor. The most important elements of this year’s cars – such as being able to drive the McLarens in their new livery, and the presence of the Manor Marussias – are present and correct.

For those whose motor-racing skills are minimal, F1 2015 offers plenty of accessibility. It’s definitely more forgiving than any of its pre-decessors, subtly encouraging you

to tone down your assists as you be-come more familiar with the circuits and the cars, and embark on a quest for quicker lap times.

As keen Formula One fans, we were also quick to dive into the Mexico track. While the actual driv-ers will have to wait until October to experience this new circuit, we can happily report that it will be a fine addition to the Formula One calen-dar.

You can, however, pick from three virtual-engine maps in the game. A feature that we suspect few will explore.

Winners in F1 2015 also now get the opportunity to take part in proper podium celebration, with a TV-like sequence in which the driv-ers gambol around, spraying each other with champagne. The virtual drivers were recognisable, but they weren’t massively convincing in their movements – but F1 2015 really isn’t a game that you’d associate with top-notch motion capture.


Formula 1



Cast: Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah Bhatia Director: S. S. Rajamouli

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 21

Tech Watch

blackberry passportPrice: rs. 39,900

blackberry classicPrice: rs. 28,000

nokia Asha 303Price: rs. 6219

samsung chatPrice: rs. 8597

Before we get started on this article, it is nec-essary to remember that even though touch-screen phones are what everyone is looking

for, there is a hardcore QWERTY fan base out there for whom, a touch screen just doesn’t cut it. They’d rather avoid the unnecessary activity, the pointless tapping and the pocket dialling.

No matter what Swype and ‘slide and write’ fea-tures companies incorporate, there are always ‘loy-alists’ as I would put it. There are about 50 million Smartphone users in India and about 10 million of them are corporate/business users for whom a physical keyboard makes all the difference in their purchase. However, there is also a section of urban youth for whom texting is so integral, that they’re ready to sacrifice high end hardware and software ca-pabilities that modern phones offer and just stick to old 600MHz processors that run a QWERTY phone just perfectly.

So what if touch screen phones are regarded as old and defunct tech; the QWERTY phone lives on; and there are so many to choose from, not just BlackBerry either. This roundup is especially for those who like the soft tap noise of the button that gives you a sense of purpose even when you’re just idly texting your friends.

However, this is just a general reminder that you cannot and should not compare the performance of these phones to a Samsung S6 or an iPhone.

• Single NaNo-SIM• 13 MP Camera with Flash with

1080p recording• 2MP front facing camera• 4.5 Inch Display,1440 x 1440

pixels,453 ppi• 2.2 GHz Quad Core Processor;

Qualcomm Snapragon 801 processor

• 3GB RAM• Adreno 330 GPU; 450MHz• 3450 mAh battery• Blackberry 10 OS• 32 GB Internal Memory with

expandable memory• Capacitive with Multitouch up to

5 fingers• Optical image stabilization (OIS),

f2.0 5 element lens• 6DOF Video Stabilization

• 3.5 inches• 720 x 720 Pixels, 291 ppi• Capacitive With Multitouch• Corning Gorilla Glass 3• 8 Megapixel Primary Camera with

2.0 Megapixel Secondary camera• Single LED Flash• Auto-focus, Backside Illumination,

continuous and touch to focus, Image and video stabilization, 2DOF video stabilization, 3x digital zoom

• Blackberry 10 OS• 1.5 GHz Dual Core Processor• Qualcomm S4 Plus Snapdragon, 2

GB, Adreno 225 GPU• 16GB internal memory and

expandable upto 64GB

• Single Sim, Mini-SIM• Capacitive Touch + QWERTY• 3.2 Megapixel • Symbian OS• 1Ghz Single core Processor• 1300 mAh, Li-ion• microUSB• Bluetooth; v2.1 with EDR• Expandable memory upto 64GB

• Touch + QWERTY• Single Sim, Mini-SIM, GSM• Capacitive With Multitouch• 2 Megapixel• Android OS, v4.0 (Ice Cream

Sandwich); 850 MHz Single Core Processor; 512 MB

• 1200 mAh|• microUSB v2.0+ Bluetooth v3.0 • Internal Memory: 4 GB + expandable

upto 32GB

The BlackBerry Passport is the Canadian giant’s supercard to gain back its lost charm. With a snappy little processor, it blazes through applications like a boss. QWERTY loyalists will not be disappointed with this. The pricing with BlackBerry devices still re-mains an issue. For technology released al-most a year ago, the pricing is still not com-petitive; maybe because there is no one vying to rule the QWERTY keyboard space.

The BlackBerry Classic as the name suggests, is all about the root functions. A Snapdragon S4 processor is definitely outdated at this point but still serves its purpose of business applications. The Classic like most business phones supports the latest version of MS Office and offers hassle free work. The non removable 2515 mAh battery offers decent battery life throughout the day but could have been definitely competitively priced. But then again, it’s a moot point.

Maybe, just maybe you might get your hands on one of these online. The best feature of this phone is the fact that it supports What-sApp and yeah, Angry Birds too, so your daily chatting needs are met. Unlike the two devices featured before this, the Nokia Asha 303 is not a performance ended or a business phone; but in terms of form factor and typing comfort, it probably is a great choice. The Nokia Asha 303 is great as a secondary phone with your office sim to ‘just keep in touch’. However, you could opt for the Nokia Asha 210 which has more or less the same features, but then again, keep in mind all the drawbacks of old aged hardware.

The Samsung Chat was a hit among teenagers a couple of years back, the reason being its snappy little keyboard and the rage with android devices. The camera like all Samsung phones was decent even with 2MP. It featured Samsung’s TouchWiz UI and gave access to Whatsapp, Facebook, Gmail, GTALK, ChatOn, Samsung Apps, S Plan-ner, Memo, G+, Youtube, QuickOffice. The phone however force uses the virtual keypad in landscape orientation thereby ruining the QWERTY experience; but still, the phone still manages a spot in the column because of its nifty design.

Conclusion: While touchscreens are all about pinching, splaying and multi touch based UI, there truly is something about a physical keyboard that makes typing fun. I remember the number of texts I sent back when I had a Nokia E63 (best QWERTY ever by the way!) so I speak from experience. The business applications of these phones are better than the integration with other software and that is a cause for concern for all loyalists.

blackberry Q10Price: rs. 19,850

• Single Sim, GSM• Touch + QWERTY• Super AMOLED, With 16 M Colors+ Capacitive With

Multitouch• 8 Megapixel with Single LED Flash• 2 Megapixel• Near Field Communication (NFC equipped)• Blackberry 10 OS• 1.5 GHz Dual Core Processor; Qualcomm

Snapdragon S4• 2 GB• 2100 mAh• 16GB internal memory with 32GB expandable


Once again, you can buy better phones at this price, but will they make you feel premi-um and business like? No.

BlackBerry Q10 does of-fer the latest update of OS10. Made for the best messaging experience, the Q10 is a good buy. However, to get the most out of it, like all BB devices, you’ll need to invest some time in learning the tricks and shortcuts.

do youQWERTY?

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201522


tandob naachat bordoisila theatreBordoisila Theatre, known for pre-

senting realistic drama with strong social themes, is going to stage three

plays in the new season. The highlight of the event will be ‘Tandob Naach’ written and directed by Abhijit Bhattacharya.

The society is plagued not just by poli-tics and malpractice, but there are uniden-tified catalysts in our surroundings that we often fail to observe and just overlook. ‘Tandob Naach’ depicts this very flaw of our society. Made to protest against the designs of the society, it depicts a strong message against violence. According to the playwright, ‘Tandob Naach’ is the perfect balance between drama and reality. The music has been composed by award win-ning singer-composer Tarali Sarma. The lead characters have been portrayed by Raag Oinitom and Swagata Baruah. The fe-male protagonist Swagata plays a challeng-ing role in this drama. The others artistes in the cast are Jayanta Das, Binoy Deka, Dulal Sarma, Latumoni Bhuyan, Tapan Saikia, Sagar Baruah, Pallavi Bora, Moon Saikia and newcomer Anamika.

The other two plays selected for the season are ‘Thikonabihin Thikona’ by Sy-amsundar Jalan and ‘Na Xajere Xojam Tumak’ by Binoy Deka. Bordoisila Theatre has been produced by Najrul Islam. Re-hearsals begin on July 9 at their permanent camp.

kothanodi receives Post-Production Grant

An Assamese Feature Film, Kothanodi (The River of Fa-bles) has been selected by the

‘Asian Cinema Fund’, South Korea for its Post Production Grant 2015. Kothanodi has been well received by international critics.

This is the first time where an As-samese movie has been awarded this grant and the second movie from In-dia to receive this honour. The fund offers an opportunity for the selected film to complete its post-production in Korea and then have it premiered in the Busan International Film Fes-tival - one of Asia’s biggest festivals which will take place around October 2015.

The team involved in the project used a Mumbai based crowdfund-ing platform; ‘Wishberry’ which of-fers filmmakers a new shot at raising funds for their films through crowd-

funding. The team raised Rs 22 lakhs, making it one of Wishberry’s most suc-cessful campaigns.

The film has been directed by Bhaskar Hazarika and he considers the award a benchmark that validates the hard work and dedication of the crew. The movie has also been written by him and the dialogues have been given by Assamese novelist and Sahitya Akademi-awardee Arupa Patangia-Kalita. Based on events and characters in Rasaraj Laxminath Bezbarua’s “Buri Ai’r Xadhu”, Kothanodi has been pro-duced by Dergaon-based Anurupa Hazarika. The film stars Seema Biswas in her first major role in an Assamese film, along with noted actor Adil Hus-sain, Zerifa Wahid, Kopil Bora, Urmila Mahanta and Asha Bordoloi. The di-rector plans an Indian premiere of the movie and a nationwide release in In-dia.

‘spotless’shines at bangalore Film Festival

Assam-born, young and talent-ed, Naba Kumar Das recently was awarded the ‘Best Actor’

for the short film ‘Spotless’ in the in 4th Bangalore short film festival 2015. The movie has been directed by Vikramjit Kashyap and produced by Naba Kr. Das under the banner of Woo Fame Creations, India.

The story revolves around Naba, a differently-abled boy who after losing his mother at very young age struggles with his disability which is compounded by an unsympathetic step-mother and a father, hard-pressed for emotional display of af-fection. Naba turns to music and his guitar to find solace. His constant search for mental peace leads him to drugs and addiction. A car crash leads to the death of his parents and Naba’s life goes downhill from there. Naba’s struggle is doubled with his relatives, causing more stress in his life and he eventually takes his own life.

Spotless was also screened in the 3rd Kolkata Shorts Interna-tional Film Festival and he shared the award with Naseeruddin Shah. The film’s story and script has been penned by the talented Naba Kr. Das. The cast and crew of Spotless include Manash Sharma, Jina Baishya, Rumi Kalita, Vikramjit Kashyap, Haridhan

Das, Dhritiman Kashyap, Ashim Gos-wami, Moon Rajiv, Jeet Barua, Dudul Bodo, Pranjit Haloi, Tirtha Nath and Vijay Kumar. The film has been co-produced by Kulen Ch. Das, cinema-tography has been done by Harshajit Kashyap, lyrics have been penned by Parikhit Mahanta and music has been given by Manasquam Mahanta. Back-ground music has been composed by Anindya Kashyap. The film’s produc-tion Manager is Rashmi Goswami. Such endeavor by the Assamese indus-try is always appreciated and deserves the accolades.

bRAiNchilD behiND SPotleSS



Cinema is the only dream I had with my eyes open and now all my fantasies have come true”. Working in an oil field in Bahrain, Naba Kr. Das tackled Acting, Story and Script writing, produced the movie un-der his own banner- “WOOFAME CREATIONS” and now is receiving the much deserved accolades for his hard work.

As a child, Naba was just a ‘boy next door’, backbencher in school and college, an average student, he was active with sports and he then took up engineering because he rec-ognises the risk and creativity that go hand in hand.

The idea behind ‘Spotless’ came from memory- back in college where he had seen substance abuse. The movie is a firsthand narrative and promises unpolished reality. To get in character, Naba did not cut his hair for a year, deformed his well built body and did not shave for over 6 months. He tells us, “Some-how I started to live in character and even faced depression. Every-body asked me about what was go-ing on and I didn’t have an option but to keep quiet”.

“Chasing after dreams is never an easy task. Added with work-load, financial pressure and limited leaves, the project was an uphill task”, says Naba.

He is young, dynamic, creative and substance abuse is something

he has had personal experience with, so it’s apt that he worked on this topic. Teenagers are very sensitive and it is necessary to address the growing problem of substance abuse with them. He says, “No individual is good or bad; it’s all about timing and situ-ations. However, with will power, they can come out of that hell. It is necessary to encourage them to live a life worth living instead of neglecting or avoiding this issue”.

His next project is titled “Pain”, which is another short film

based on human trafficking. He is try-ing for a YouTube release for “Spot-less” so that the movie is accessible to everyone in India and all over the world.

Spotless has been directed by Vikramjit Kashyap and was received very well by critics. He was awarded the ‘Best Actor’ in the Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival, 2014 which he shared with Naseeruddin Shah & also received ‘Best Actor-Jury’ at the Bangalore Short Film Festival 2015.

“No individual is good or bad; it’s all about timing and situations. How-ever, with will power, they can come out of that hell. It is necessary to en-courage them to live a life worth liv-ing instead of neglecting or avoiding this issue”

iNteRVieweD by siDHARtH beDi VARmA

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 2015 23


24-HOUR PHARMACIESArya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665)D Modern Medicos, Maligaon (9864366763)Candid 24x7, Panbazar (2604422)

DEAD BODY CARRYING VANGLP Social Circle 2737373, 9435047046Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251GGUMTA 98640-16740


0361- 2222233Green Cabs

0361-7151515My Taxi

0361-2228888Cherry Cabs8876222288

OTHERSFire Emergency 101State Zoo 2201363

GMC Carcass Pickup 9435190720, 9864047222

LPG Emergency/Leakage 2385209, 2541118

CINEMA HAllAnuradha Cineplex – 0361-2656968, 99545-44738

Fun Cinema (HUB)- 98648-00100, 98648-00200 Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) – 98540-66166

Gold Cinema (Salasar) – 0361-2735367, 98540-77177Gold Cinema (Narengi) – 88110-01898

SP, Kamrup District: Ph- 2540278DGP Control Room: Ph- 2540242SB Control Room: Ph-2261511Police Control Room: Ph-2540138, 2540113Azara PS: Ph2840287Basista PS: Ph-2302158Bharalumukh PS: Ph- 2540137, 2731199Borjhar PS: Ph-2840351Chandmari PS: Ph- 2660204Chandrapur PS: Ph-2788237, 2785237Dispur PS: Ph-2261510Fancybazar PS: Ph- 2540285

Fatasil Ambari PS: Ph-2471412Geetanagar PS: Ph-2417323Hatigaon: Ph-2562383Jalukbari PS: Ph-2570587Jalukbari Out Post: Ph-2570522Jorabat: Ph-2896853Khanapara: Ph- 2281501Khetri PS: Ph-2787699, 2787220Latasil PS: Ph-2540136Noonmati PS: Ph- 2550281North Guwahati PS: Ph-2690255Paltanbazar PS: Ph-2540126Panbazar PS: Ph-2540106Pragjyotishpur Ps: Ph-2785237Women PS Panbazar: Ph-2524627


Call Centre – 9678005171

Arya Hospital, Ulubari(2606888, 2606665)B Baruah Cancer Institute(2472364/66)Brahmaputra Hospital Ltd(2451634/678)Chatribari Christian Hospital0361-2600051, 92070-44374Downtown Hospital2331003, 9864079366, 9435012669Guwahati Medical College(2529457, 2529561)Guwahati Medical CollegeEmergency (2263444)International Hospital0361-7135005

Mahendra Mohan Choudhury Hospital(2541477, 2543998)Marwari Hospital & Re-search Centre0361-2602738/39Marwari Maternity Hospi-tal 0361-2541202/01Nemcare Hospital0361-2528587, 2455906, 2457344Pratiksha Hospital0361-2337260, 2337183/84Basistha Military Hospital (2304617/0351)

HOSPITAlS Railway Central HospitalCasuality (2671025)Redcross Hospital(2665114)Sri Sankardeva Netralaya0361-2233444, 2228879, 2228921TB Hospital(2540193)Wintrobe Hospital0361-2519860,98647-77986IHR-Institute of Human Reproduction0361-2482619,098641-03333


GNRC Hospital 0361 2227702GNRC Life First Ambulance 9401194011









A Sudoku puzzle consists of 81 cells which are di-vided into nine columns, rows and regions. The task is now to place the numbers from 1 to 9 into the empty cells in such a way that in every row, column and 3×3 region each number appears only once.













Moods may come and go, especially early in the week, making it hard to get a grip on the tasks and chores that lie ahead. If you’re bogged down with the demands of family members, you’ll need to carve out time for your own plans and projects or the coming days could rush by with you achieving little.

If you feel a stab of panic concerning money or another matter, it’s likely because your security seems threatened in some way. The thing to not do is act irrationally on the spur of the moment. Do what needs to be done and then go in search of advice - just make sure it’s reliable and trustworthy. At times it may seem as though you’re trying to navigate through fog.

Hidden forces seem to be at work, so you may feel your best efforts are being undermined and wonder how to tackle the problem. The best way to handle it is to relax and do the best you can, knowing that things should be a lot easier within a few days. The cosmos continues to shower you with interesting opportunities so long as you remain willing to move outside your comfort zone.

Don’t let family members or close friends prevent you from doing what feels best to you. If you have a goal, stick with it and don’t let others influence you. Your social focus continues to look bright, with plenty of reasons to enjoy some delightful evenings out. This is certainly a good time to expand your social reach and connect with people who may have alternative views and ideas.

You might need to snap to where financial matters are concerned, especially if a decision needs to be made. If you’re thinking of in-vesting in property or anything else, do your homework first to avoid disappointment or bad deals. Alone time might be appreciated, too, particularly if you’ve been busy lately.

Health and wellness issues come to the fore, as do work and lifestyle affairs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, perhaps you should consider pacing yourself and even taking some time out to recharge your batteries. From midweek you may feel more motivated to research your options and find ways to make life easier overall.

Though it’s tempting to issue ultimatums and get angered by some-one’s demands, you’d be better off listening to the advice of a friend who can help you see things from a more compassionate perspec-tive. Either that or keep quiet and go with the flow until a solution presents itself. It really isn’t worth making waves.

An edgy link could leave you feeling worried about what someone has planned. You can’t be sure of anything with Neptune in the picture! Bearing this in mind, it would be best to switch to spiritual mode and practice mindfulness or other meditation techniques to get a grip and be more effective. A bold move may be in the cards by Sunday.

Love troubles could be why you’re on edge early in the week, as feelings come to a head regarding a certain person. It’s best not to do or say anything spontaneously that you might later regret. Listen to the suggestion of someone who has some wise words to share. No matter what’s happening, things may not be as they seem.

A new direction beckons, yet despite wanting to find out more, you may be reluctant to do so. Perhaps a desire to stick with the tried and trusted is keeping you from exploring new options. Let your imagination take you to new vistas and it might be enough to spur you on. When it comes to romance, a current love affair could deepen and become more fascinating and seductive, which you might enjoy.

Relationships could be somewhat edgy early on, which might put a bit of distance between you and another. You might feel better about things if you can have a heart-to-heart talk. Mercury heading into Cancer can be a good time to clear the air, though in certain cases it might take some courage to do so.

Passionate feelings seem to be playing out in the arena of romance. Perhaps there are a few games being played, too, in the hope of getting greater leverage in a love tryst. Trust your instincts. If some-thing feels off, it might be best to move on to greener pastures. You’re very sympathetic to other people’s problems in general, but don’t overextend yourself by trying to help too much.

EMERGENCY NuMBERSAMBUlANCE Ambulance 102Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665Downtown Hospital 9864101111, 9435012669GLP Social Circle 2737373GGUMTA (Mirza) 03623-227109Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251Free Ambulance to GNRC HospitalsToll Free: 1800-345-0011

BlOOD BANKArya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665

Ganga Blood Bank 2454742, 2455029Lion’s Club of Ghy Central 2546611

Marwari Yuva Manch 2546470, 2547251Saharia’s Path Lab (24 hours) 2458594

G PLUS JUL 11 - JUL 17, 201524

Catching up

Printed & Published by Sunit Jain on behalf of Insight Brandcom Pvt. Ltd. and Printed at Arkashish Publications (P) Ltd., Katahbari, Garchuk, Guwahati and Published at H/No. 34, K. C. Choudhury Road, Chatribari, Guwahati - 781008, Editor: Koushik Hazarika. Phone: 0361 2737737, Email: [email protected], RNI No: ASSENG/2013/52641

Honey for your money Photo: Adib Zamali

PicoF theweek

GYAN Did you know?



lilY AlleNcollapsed at Glastonbury festival

Pop star Lily Allen reportedly col-lapsed at Glastonbury festival following a weekend of wild par-

tying.The “Hard out here” singer fell

backstage at the Silver Hayes dance area at the annual music event, which took place last month. She was treated by paramedics following days of partying.

“She went outside to sit down on

the grass. Gradually, she bent over, then slid forward to lie face-down in the filthy grass. She was out of it, she didn’t know where she was.

“Her friends were saying, ‘You all right?’ and trying to give her water. Her eyes were rolling and her chin was moving from side to side, chewing con-stantly,” an eyewitness said.

Kamur of THE wEEk

AboUt MeHi! I’m Akanshya Handique. I dream

of becoming a supermodel and I am fo-cused on building a career right now for the same. I won’t stop dreaming or work-ing towards it until I am satisfied with myself. I am a believer and I believe that I will succeed with the right guidance and hard work.

I love watching movies, reading, lis-tening to music, dancing and I am a food-ie! However I’m not fond of loud music, crowded places or partying.

I have done well for myself in this profession. Ramp-walks, shows and now, a finalist for Palaash Miss India. The fi-nale will be held this August.

MoJoMy mother has bestowed upon me

the gifts of patience and tolerance and she inspires me daily with her kindness, love and courage.

RoUte iN the wooDSMy career is still in phase one and I

have a long way to go. I just completed my graduation and now plan to pur-sue my Masters along with modelling. I consider both my pursuits to be equally important. But maybe someday in the fu-ture, I’ll try my hands at acting too.


Co-oRDiNAteD by: ARyAN NAtH

The Guwahati Club area located in the heart of the city, which was earlier known by the name

of Company Baghan, was renamed af-ter the shifting of the European Club (now known as The Guwahati Club) in the year 1915 to the current location.

During the freedom movement, the European Club was considered as an eyesore by the nationalists who con-sidered it as a symbol of imperialism.

Gauhati club

Back in the days the only Indians who were allowed into its hallowed precincts were the menial workers. This attitude to-wards the Indians led an elite section of Guwahatians to start a parallel club, the India Club in the year 1933.

It was only after Independence that the club admitted Indians as full members and S.N Baruah, B.C. Das, Mahmud Ali and P.P. Duara were among the first to acquire the privilege.

The attitude of the citizens can sometimes come as a surprise. During the recent AT Road bus accident, the gathered crowd sim-

ply started to blame the authorities. The cops had a tough time controlling the crowd as there was huge rush of peo-ple from all around and several of them started shouting slogans!