Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT...

Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT PLAINFIELCS, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, EDSALL'S You will find an excellent assort ' «ent of Summer Fixings \tl the latest and most^ attractive •goods, at Correct Prices. All articles are marked at the vety LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES in oider to encourage home trade and leave no excuse for going our o( town to make purchases. Pretty W i n g s aid Fichus, BeutiOl Handkerchiefs, flaadsome Laces, Milts ud Gloves, Ribbons, Hosiery, and Summer Corsets. in real pretty patterns. Sun Umbrellas AND PARASOLS. Merino V aderwear- A complete assortment of Gents'Famishing Goods formed Prom bran, Bod tn dueed tba cooUnuiuf aii onMiury dry sn.nl- •lore froo. a bi«* STRANGERS in town and others, who are pre- paring to leave for their Summer Vacations, •illI find this establishment the PROPER PLACE tp purchase for necessary articles heeded at this season of the year, and without which LADIES feel their ar- rangements are very incomplete. EDSALL'S White Goods AND fash Dress Fabrics. At this season of ,the year we arc anxious to close out all SUMMER STOCKS, and RARE BAR- had ii GAINS can be picked i that are not always to be i the early season. j We offer A Special Lot of \ LADIES' Muslin Underwear. Consisting of FinejSkirts, Chemise, Night Dresses land Drawers, $1.47Each. All of our DEPARTMENTS ha< ;>H Seasonable Goods, aftd Ladies """ save themselves considerable annoyance and time by a visit to OUR STORE. You can rest as- [ ,«red you will receive the utmost Attention and politeness from all our salesmen and salesladies, d will not be unpleasantly urged i bu y- We purchase our goods ' *fct from MANUFACTUR- ERS AND IMPORTERS, and ^"" e . prepared to nieet the most *'ve competition. Seely.Edsall. '• VAN EMBURGH, A. German Cler*1aiul dub has tanaaA inHnw Brunswick, y —Tba freaeow* ba vn begun work on interior of i lie Opsra Kon**. —The Tuiuut botris in town bar* 1 weH patruaised tha past nrautti. —A number of n*w bouts* n n iu pn at enctioa on both side* at tha bnwk. icwTiuf t.>w,i fjr Uw.wawm lirnv* Tn NEWS w.it tbam at th* regular tta*. —The public a-hooU of t h * city aud of north Maii.neM art, nndergoiii*- tbe —T..euiL m r t i o f Bjrue, 8cri.i*»r ft Co. of EDcabetfa, w*.-e ,.1-Uai.y destroyed by flre jestei day moraine. —The Reform Ctab b a u n w veiling, will be held in tbe lector* room' tbe Pint Baptut Church. —An cicvnii.il to Mauch Chunk onr 1 Reading rad will take ptae* on July *J. This ji tlie flftb of thii soaaou's will be held in SomervU* tht rvi-niiijj (or tbe purpose ol org&nialug a and He dric s campaign club. Tim n«ilJ«J ftnfcwri ~* "- EiralFrHiby ' RefomieU Cl.urcbes go JMpQM —TLe liimtml i-xpivn* Htruc iiitrii de|)-)i, KlizalH-lli. •t'uv.-d bruksu. —The K-j.uliLw.iit-. of North Pioinnvld wil Met U> ratify tbo UUDIHMliana in UIB old ncboul buu«S. uii Harmony strwl, DrxC Tur»- u buneaa carriage which b*a lby9««*lt*Eiigie»Co.,HQ. 1 rrived'tbli morning-. It liai room fu ted beside* tbe itrtnr. —A Blatne aad Lagan bami-r will he raiaeJ atpUhway tc-morrow evening. H.ID Hoffman and utbcr q n k m «r —Tbe RarlMa A(rlcvltiiral Wurfc. >w busily •ugagwi In turning out their IBD- prond borao powers tlireelier* ami cieatirrx. Tbe demand ia far greater tlnu they are hie to mpply. —"Van dat yon pat dat tu Vimbaper bout dat vight on Duer street. I TH one of de felleia. You bare it dat Bprague iio hit Dalva.rfj.lt. We* potb on paiL Pot dat n. ll»t n«j£(a.beop:«tUn*." Eiit. —Hon. Benj imin A. Vail, President of the New Jenej Senate, and a member of ih fmiiithin county, wa* inurtuf but wejk, •i-. .flli i. ••. QoToraw .of Naw "Jersey, G-.v- ' Abbett brinz at the Chicago Gcm< . The o.MT .|- peared after UM trees wo™ all nicKly pk-kvd, a-d rlfiuaiii]«ti naif tbe fruit. It la .aid tbe tf..m*i-villu loan felt happy. —La.t erMInx at Ihe fl re two p*rturb»l jiriia slightly overs»pped the bound ordinary iuterouniw, ami were &MCt \ wipe each other out of existence, wbeu ti of good M M aixi of the lawnte|>f«d i and prvreuUd tlw area! from a*ppeLii<«. The animal (port for tbe iniall boy of atrlking *t •wallow* on Park avenue lia* be- Ye«tcniay aftemoou OH youag lad atood tn the intOd!**"' tbe road witii a atrin, , hand and hi* hat in the othe striking- frantically at tbe •wlft-flyW WrJ, . Som«n*t ODU ty Board of Ftu rrfiue to agree to th* report of tli Bint fr*eboklerv conimiUee of Cukrn ait omsrMt omutiaa, relative Io ptecing a* ™ brldzo which did duty fur a nnllmt arer *e Mntam at FarTBgut —Peter P. Dtunoiit, of Kor(b PlaiuoVl I. «t with a miafortnue Sui»l*y, in tbe •od- an death nt a raltwbtebone which he.had riven tn S.mierville. Prof- Voorbea* aud Dr. P»ter S- VanZaiit, vetennarj nurge3 t that place, made a pout ay and "found th» food trie tsver and death." evening ingoing to lbs Ore the Hook id J.lT wax drawn for «>ni • dUtance by hand. IVhenjusr. !»•>'.ud lilt Madiaou BT<- ridce W . I M , E»Ki..-, No. & oiuw Uiwling along ju.i if -lunil witli norws ontl» ill-JIi Ttto Hi>.k ami ldddsr tnmad out "* ucbat |i-*.ilil«inilii .hort ilnie BIIOWMI Bin, ie.ivifi^ barely room for th" (^ifriue ta obecwsau tb track and tl>4,>,>;»*(!,•• rfile- ilk. Tin- h.>™-s taclwl to Su. 3 wera going • • -ucu a ra*= that it > u writ nigh rfUtf to «oiit" Uwn aafely rhrougl, thla isfi-it-'i-. In »t.™il*ii.|t h> tin d, Uw |mto f ibeeni;inps:rairka nuail maple traa uu rncr.'i Tumi »ti."t,, i.ivakiii« it ilmn a an iiiM.vit. « "1 csu^u_' tb apparallW M ma to <I«>1 iisll. Tip! i-nKiiic and hursva apad without i Jury. 11Mttaj * • , lalnad *S) by tb* owner, Mr. Comieely. The : ' 8'. ' * g Blank. Art Uiudoob«. Ai generally exhibited. * pereon U locked »y Ohaat, which ia UMO bound f t " abort UM, Ua*loK Ute ropt • and look* in tb* jampo-lbm u at Mn . Bnt the Jewell Brottwr* did quit* the n- ITBB. Acuiinniti** waa appoint^ by the ulieiice to rxamin* tbe client aid dt> tb* merary 'y»«- ARsr being wall lied ibe cbatc wa* tlten wrapped in a canvB* c nud tlits *tw wa* wound about with many A pHluriura w u then produced in which UM k*ads ur on* <rf the br.«ber* w*r» « ly locked. Aft*rtbecouHnitM*hwlmad* Htretl waa absolutely aloo*, a ennalu waa drawn around him. In a fewmlnota* ba « n ti**, bat tb* ptllorium Mli| remaliiadas ly h*kt*L Ttwo retina* behind Om curtain b* began the Uuk of «utartng the cti**t, te> ingoHige.1 to Ue *|| the rop«.tier bloiMl •iter baing (airly lock* wit!, which Ik* ooauulttce tbe ouvrr of tbe check Tn* whole operatiui ocenpied law than four minute* and wbri the curtain wait withdrawn, tbe chert, with when left by tbe o.rnt who boundit, Jewell w u iuada. and after baiiig emsrgnl amid a itona of applaaae. Tlie goeata '""i 1 " * tha box to liettrt* content aftar ibe partormaao', niauy njiiuioii* were aJraiicrd by y< aod (4.1 M to Un manual- Iu which the *rhade.,fc«l iv Mr. Je*ril cl , IK>mie excepting hliuaalf, not rven u»n broUiei- pamm* ih* tecret. AnotbM Uibttioa wi'l b* given later hi tb* —aon Ycatenlay att«rnouu tba family of Jatne* O. Ji.tuw, wbu rrskba on Maituu:i aveune above Nmth strest, w«M euEagutl in rvfUIiug b)nu straw bad*. Atiout flve o'clucfc a loat bava it out orn- i,ieht It wa* ulaoed in iht rear halL riierr was nl*o »unaa luoae atraw in th* fnwt baJl ou cite aeooad atory. Mr. Juan* to>t prswut ab*oiit m m lion*. Haver*! other n a n M n of the (aniily w«rs •Wi alMeot in tbe event..*. Mis. June*and her eldest daoztatcr, who were th* only o t hum*. 1 , had inLniiU^l it>go to town, bat nv lioinjs au ttaay U.uui;iit tltcy would ail M puiM for a abort Lime. Ou atwmpting to iv-eutar the Bou*e to get bur pun.-. Mot Junw Goaud that tbe door bad blown to, faatenlng the m^bt ;>...I ~aunttikg; them oat. Alt Die otiier Unors and ail the wtudow* wers 1-lw.tl Bud lastexU. She abo objerTed bat there w u swulu in-ide. Piuduv h.-r- •alf miabietigMJn, vha cilled to Mr 0 . B. »rU who reaukiuwn, door. M-. L-oiv aiul hi- *MI and Couurilman Frank Hum I, iinmsiliattly went to Mr*. Jonea' a*- iwtauue, and forced' am entrauoe tUrough i>f theraar tiuor*. On vuteriug it Hi that butb lieafB of straw were on Tlw entire IUKM* waa flllei with unuke the pUuueriDK and wood-wor^ w e n very i IMUIL Iii a few nwjiueiiU ibo entin s would i<a»e boon o-i flre. Water wai prumpdV IhroWn on tbe burning stran ami tlw window* ttpeutkl to allow Uw amokt (oeaBape. In tlie meauiinie analarm had been wen' nt by telepbono, to whiirh the fine depart' nent bad wny promptly renpondd. "" uiiauily their *errico» #er* not nesdad. Tbe flre it roppo—d to bare origin froin atappinz on m mntcli ou tb* floor, the Ore at Br*t but "light soon extend 'aj. danimje Wthe liou« turousli being a broofffa injury to tbe plastering ami -wi.rk In iwtimat n to bo ab»ut f^OO. The i>lac i i* owu«l by John Cameron. llr.SC Gopr, nif Worriitown, Uviait- ig frlei«i* in tbi. city. ICra, Tltumaa Hand and ton, of Front Teet, are vialti -ig friaoda ia Atiantio City. Dr. Fred Well* to riiitlnz an >ug hit reU- t*M and frfeud, in Madiaou county, New '. 8. A. Vuttt-r *ihi fmnily of North ... ifleld, wlU paai th* I SttMnner in Ttog. couuty. Now Turlt. Mrt. K*l« Vanderrser and Mr*. WUliam •bom, of Woodaridge, are ,p™diDf tbe day with friend, lu tbi* City. ' Mr. CtMriei MoCutellen an d family and Mr. Samuel MeCut.bii. ud family will Tbe ROT. Mr. Been, tbe rector of tlw Ctinrcu Of the Holy Innooenta, Du:ellen, ill IPMKI Ilia racalion In : he Ticinity of ake George. Mr. JaiuasT. Bulle* aad torally of Hjr Tnrfc. are siopping at tbe Park HOUH. Mr. BoHea baa the N*w Jeney ajwocV for Apple- «D i'a Cy cl iposde*. Uouncilman Prank Marab, who ba* »n a taw paKnar of i Judge Tiuwoi th, r Nsrwark tor a nambar of jean, bas itnoffiM Of fits .nwn in tb* aanie bttildlnc in wuiol! tbe old fl™ hadfebair•*> floe. H* will .lao bare an office In IM* citj. Horan c a c h e * %nd a baggai* car mads up ie psoornou train for tb* Sa*ngerUiii<i >i« rooming. The MCcnnlunMiU will take iadl arecuU Bt*ten Uland, and bad * Hlghlaad* ot Naveaink, *bw» tha day b**p*ntt*th*- aaJoymMt at Uw ami IM » i ban ball, U to- iRed l>y tb* nrnn- Kama* played, haa ban ratbar qolet Few week* past, tb* future ba* been «•"—•• •— well •rra.Kjol f.. by the Crwc.uU. i-w f*;. 1 * £.m-.r. band for early Mtl*. I ^^""IrV Tho flnt will be piayad on SaiunUy ~- ' with a Pateraun dub at that plane, aad ou Wednesday i # n t • Bahwaj club will nrob- iy tbe oooMi'lttee of tbe Crt*canto iu U M wtche* i. th* tact I bat lit. re are Bo I cl.wdKruun>laiu t*i- c.iy; anj aa t » i of the viutnr. have to ba wet In *ui nai.i»r, ttoey are unwilling to « « • ,nk. VlalUg, O*y, G ft Wa*h- initJii, Jooii DOUUTBII. H Y, John Mm- phy. H Y, J., Whit.. Brooklyn, N Y. Jubu R. Vail, Sandonn, Tutaa; LdWl*C HHIiel.l.Cvaii Beach, H J; Cor ,-lfcj Myeta, Ariwy Paik, N J; AVlL.ni Dudfey, New York C .y; WJ-iam SmitL, MB* Mar*-i Cbarle. WDite,Pater»oo,HJI; Hirau. HmitL Brookly,., L L r«an'i Hom^KriMi I, Harguar, New- ark, NJ.Chaa BMlenbBimar. Irri.ir-'it W/.UFox, Go. Maker. N T, Mr. to Qranau, Hack«Mowii. H J, SIW Hat*-r« City. (HILNrrmmvixm—W. C. Chriwtie, wife *..d child, Grange N J, MM* AHIae War.l V Y, Fi-s.1 H (Juit^r, Buffiio, H V, Orii*n Baw^uwn, N Y, T W W*.ka, BruoUva. MrtL<r«<»be!nl>uico,MadaiiJ (iniad, lln. GJUTaylor aad S edlldnn, ALeant Wib, fl cuiklr.-i i and maid, E M Bntlm- Midi BI.BS!I, U Renault, Frauk A Cornell JvhoRT.wnsaiid, CbaaATroup, Wn> 1 Tivup,S children and mafct.Mba Tronp,Ms Kauway, Cbaa L Sdey, Jamea K Hill, Mte. Mirce, Mi» Dclmonieo, Mb* AniweDd monico H»d S maida, Mattrios M Ifiuton, D H Watwu and wife. T H Hamilton Jt X. Y. John DUud*tn,BroottynJ SAiidnwa wife, .lungbier an.l tnaiJ. E G l ^ l , wif: a.nd ta:<, QRsMaeiw, O BBridgentan, Ciia> M Siiaun, TIH* BTownwnd and wife, M HTaylir. Wm. H BackMt, wife awl child Mi*> Satkett, G W Hopkuwoii «ml wift- W O lVnny, Saw Yurk, W D Nnttar Uifutieal. Cbaa B Hobiuaon, Paruamburc C H Hoehtu and wife, Btatra l-taitd, Gw. W G»Baii, BVMIOII, MaaL, CoL Oaeai Eaen, wik, two children andmaid, New ark, XJ,, Uorbam Bonrdiuiii, Broukiyn. IUlIfS'8 HOTBL-H KLor ion, V. Y. A Vaii- u w , Newark, B It Huunll, Btd.mn.ier, U J . . C N Cooklin, BmwMi^ K J.. Wm. •X Haver, Broochberg, N J., Win. Hanl- uruvsr, Brtdgewatar, K J-. C N Btaata, Kranklm. N J.,PWWyLoff, Hili^burou;!., N J., J 8 Hoajrlaud, Moutgouwry, K J., Wm. E JUUSB, Surti FbuuSelJ, N J., CLas. Sobafftr, Warreu, H J., A P Ayxra, Kli*aueUj,N J., C E Yesger, Piuaburgb, P*.. KPSmith, Buffalu, B Y . . B C Joint• rtou, Eluiira, X. Y., A J Ftiiley, Rich dV Patrii-k Lyon, a«ed 50, euptoy«U on Bn* Railway, WHS «ru*beU Iwtwoeu two t UMJersvy CiLy tuuuel jMtvrday aud iu- i m l su badly Lhat o..- dud. "Under a loog-forguttau law thra boruugb IBwr.- have bue.i apuuimeJ by Hmldonflcld )ril tbe fiwu or habitual drunkAi-d-i wkj Jowtb Weinenh did « SI aiiciiaea luapital, Buwark, ywiitnlay, from lock-Jaw ^J H&!»r*^wWb'b. -S" t"" JsirB^tU^^Kfactury. 1 *" "* Tbe Kewuk Call aaya that Ovurge A. HJJ- sey will not rafam tlw Republican uoiiuua- '"- Ci»i(reiai in the Sixtli Dutrict aud gra>aaiau P«lder trill run a n i n in lite of 111* i« ter of tleclniatiu A farmer named Dureiuiw r.- Jtice *-t FikiKii ywtoMay U new born fttniaie infant, tian i« r.v«r it*ar ni« property. Tbe body w Udu aad there were two u^ly «oaitd* in L KZ A pet du: belonrtng tu a fu riiier at Mi *.4 r i ii. ..ewJujml a mania fur aockii kkiud out a.>ddi»card«l w . ..,—fa* ibr w Kinue.f lnu> tl wfahsaowlal intent, but . i n fl-h-J ~ wkjl* making uoexertio.i tuswjm. - kila Tua *, w f law Sevaartb Ward, Pat- r lrt*>, a.^1 idenUflad with oih^r In.-h polti) Cll ... - - .—itioal or- raise a CtomOaaii audHe.i- .•ick. bauuar pi s^Wl th- Bratpolit^al Mn - raised in Paienon ttiia staaon. C«..:. Nayl-r, at PnlbwUlpUa, rnrkSar- <C puanl io i ho eaatward of Oraat >«c Si'.tJy a barlmatlna. AU % *• 'Zu ..aniliiig, aud tue royal yard* bugfaw 4 fureiiiar - Kotltiug t* kuown of the <te be, artuirat, dtapuear* 1 M . Jan* au, tor drawing liu mo >tu s «alary. apil ha* •oUbWe been HWU I: is believed \,U afa- nlce » v.du.iiary, •< be tried to nej hi* Jnly xeJary tieforv going away .UNly are left iu aUaitoued " ihnt the in»o*atii.ii wtntM tlw .ll-eiUinf «t tb* •clii-J, .v«t«itt of training w..uMba d * y • •• . ~ ISAAC BHOKAW, HEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE H u n e r IDd J u s t j Cilj Fire Ins. Cos,, BUTLER'S Drug Store, Formerly Yoorh'eeg 1 , 21 W. Front Sf, Plainfield, N. J. Telephone Call, No. ia6. pAYID C. SMALLEY, BUTCHER, | 78 SOMERSET STREET. LK.JJ THE SWITZERUKD OFAMERICA< Mauch Chunk, GLEN ONOKO SWITCHBACK. f Fifth Popular Excursion of the Season. Philadelphia and Reading R.R., | New Jersey .Central Division, Wednesday, July23. ^Special Express 7$'ain, Leave Plainfield 8 5Q, Fare S2. Switchback. 60 Oenta Extra. HKTL-RM.V(;-.L™vr Giro Oooko «1 j ba p. n R. WALDRON. ^Practical Gilder, ; No. 9 East Front Street, •irn N.tiuulJ^wk Buddiaf, PUnfaU, K. J I PICTURE AMD PORTRAIT FRAMES, WINDOW CORNICES, ETC FlneGold Frues tor Pftictlog i Specially. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION I •Public Auction, on the pnajwa oa Sflturday, July 19 th, u t o'efack. p. m^ 6 Hols Cor. of C!l3tonAw. ul Foirtl St. 4Hots»r. ofDiUjtoiin. ul FifllSt Cte of PLminDcid. Evan. Suiiw. Each pkn jrwija PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES com- pounded with the utmost care. Business condoct- et] nnd^r the imme- diate supervi- sion of the ' Propri- - «or. BUTLER, The origfnator of j-t;cnt Ice Cream Soda Water, desires tocall especiaL attention to his ; 5 Cent GINGER ALE. Equal to the finest Imported, BUTLER Ii selling ••Hullcs Bros." Extracts for the Handkerchief, equal to any of American Manufacture, M 15 c*s per ounce. AIX OOORS. WHY!" , Buy "Kxtracts" reduced with ai- ' conpl, or any of the ordinary colognes put up in one ounce bot- tles, retailing for 25 cents, when you can get the above GENUINE EXTRACTS, all odors, at BUTLERS, for only 25 cents per ouiice bottle. BUTLER'S Aromatic Tooth Wash foi cleaning j and preserving the teeth. Imparts a fragrance to the breath that is rare and delightful. It prevents all tartar and discoI orations and completely arrests tbe progress of decay, at the same time whitening tmch parts as may have already be- ' . come affected. Price 25 Cts. per Bottle, 80M Only at Butter's Drug Store. BUTLER'S FOR SALE. EIGHT ACRES TWO LOTS, Emily Street, lortfc Pltlalleil Peter Wooden. . .. i a' d NIT r laria. Frto*$t pkr Iwttlr. HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTEKTION! Voa eaa put up all kfaub of Trait, WUKNU heat, rcoininf the uttral fresh ap- pearaiiee ind ia»« »I*B '«'« bl rid ith the raiiee ind ia»« »I*B '«'« trouble arid expense with the preparation now for sale at Butler's Drag Store. Call and see some fruit pot Bp this ill 1 it . price 35 Ceo to Butler's C. A. BUTLER, Proprietor. Formerly Yoorb'ees’, 21 W. Front St, Plainfield, N. J. Correct Prices. All article- arc marked at the very Lowest Possibi.e Figures. Hi order lo encourage home trade, and leave no excunc for going out o( town to make purchase*. Prtui RiefciMs ud Fichus, Bcitfftl Handkerchiefs, Aidsome Laces, Milts and Glues, Ribbons, Hosiery, and Summer Corsets. ISAAC BROKAW, 1EAL ESTATE and INSURANCE PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and KAMII.V RECIPES com. pounded with the utmost care. Business conduct- ed underthe imme- diate supervi- sion of the ' f Propri- etor. •rk. It a. Chm Raul uM.we. Irel^u, I MJ, UPUa, O n. Uw. R Y, Mr. Mc- AYID C. SMALLEY, BUTCHER, 78 SOMERSET STREET. The originator of 3 vent IccCreain Soda Water, desires to call especial, attention to his , 5 Cant RINSER ALE. Equal to the finest Imported. THE SfmiHLUD OF ilEUCi ! Mauch Chunk, GLEN ONOKO AMD THE SWITCHBACK. i Fifth Popular Excursion of in real pretty patterns. Sun Umbrellas AND 1 OcwB OrtiT* kHBorro*. PARASOLS UT«yl*. W. Is selling M BoUes Bros." Extracts for the Handkerchief, e«juaJ to any of American Manufacture, at *5 cts per ounce. ALL ODORS. Merino Underwear- A complete assortment of Pkikdilphii and Reading k R., New Jersey Central Division, Wednesday, July 23. |Speciul Express "ft-tiin, xtracts" reduced with aL or any ol the ordinary IS put up in one ounce bot- aifing for 25 cents, when 1 get the above GENUINE ACTS, all odors, at Plain fit Id 8 5Q. Fort S2. in town and others, who are pre- paring to leave for their Summer Vacations, iill find this establishment the PROPER PLACE t? purchase R. WALDRON. Practical Gilder, No. 9 East Front Strait, lor only 25 cents per Quite bottle. BUTLER’S necessary articles needed at this reason of the year, and without which LADIES fed their ar- rangements are very incomplete^ PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES. WINDOW CORNICES. ETC. MGoM Prints for PiUtlMi SpacUltj. Aromatic Tooth Wash foi cleaning and preserving the teeth. Imparts a fragrance to Ihe breath that is rare and delightful. It prevents EDSALL’S White Goods AND la&h Dress Fabrics, AND AL ESTATE AT AUCTION I Price 25 cts. per Bottle. Itotl O.IJ at Butler's Drug Store. Public Auction, Saturday, July / 9 th, Ihiucir. orainoiln. ik FHitE SL 4fMmr.ifLKii.ila in. ik Fltlk II At this season of the year anxious to close out all SU. STOCKS, and HARE GAINS can be, picked i that are not always to be A Special Lot of ladies- Dustin Underwear. Consisting of Fine Skirts, Chemise. Night Dresses and Drawers, 1 FOR SALE. EIGHT ACRES TWO LOTS, ®d will not be unpleasantly urged 7? huy, We purchase our goods «rect from MANUFACTUR- ERS AND IMPORTERS, and •re prepared to meet the most *cbvr competition. C. A. BUTLER,

Transcript of Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT...

Page 1: Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT PLAINFIELCS, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, EDSALL'S You will find an excellent assort '

Vol. 1, No. 38•••—^^™



EDSALL'SYou will find an excellent assort

' «ent of

Summer Fixings\tl the latest and most^ attractive

•goods, at

Correct Prices.All articles are marked at the vetyLOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURESin oider to encourage home tradeand leave no excuse for going ouro( town to make purchases.

Pretty W i n g s aid Fichus,BeutiOl Handkerchiefs,

flaadsome Laces,Milts u d Gloves,

Ribbons, Hosiery,and Summer Corsets.

in real pretty patterns.

Sun UmbrellasAND

PARASOLS.Merino V aderwear-A complete assortment of

Gents'Famishing Goods

formed Prom bran, Bod tndueed tba cooUnuiuf aii onMiury dry sn.nl-•lore froo. a bi«*

STRANGERSin town and others, who are pre-paring to leave for their

Summer Vacations,•illI find this establishment thePROPER PLACE tp purchase

fornecessary articles heeded at thisseason of the year, and withoutwhich LADIES feel their ar-rangements are very incomplete.

EDSALL'SWhite Goods


fash Dress Fabrics.At this season of ,the year we arcanxious to close out all SUMMERSTOCKS, and RARE BAR-

had iiGAINS can be picked ithat are not always to be ithe early season.

j We offer

A Special Lot of\ LADIES'

Muslin Underwear.Consisting of FinejSkirts, Chemise,

Night Dresses land Drawers,

$1.47Each.All of our DEPARTMENTS ha<

;>H Seasonable Goods, aftd Ladies""" save themselves considerableannoyance and time by a visit toOUR STORE. You can rest as-

[ ,«red you will receive the utmostAttention and politeness from all

our salesmen and salesladies,d will not be unpleasantly urged

i ™ buy- We purchase our goods' *fct from MANUFACTUR-

ERS AND IMPORTERS, and^""e. prepared to nieet the most

*'ve competition.

Seely.Edsall.'• VAN EMBURGH,

—A. German Cler*1aiul dub hastanaaA in Hnw Brunswick, y

—Tba freaeow* ba vn begun work oninterior of i lie Opsra Kon**.

—The Tuiuut botris in town bar* 1weH patruaised tha past nrautti.

—A number of n*w bouts* n n iu pnat enctioa on both side* at tha bnwk.

icwTiuf t.>w,i fjr Uw.wawmlirnv* T n NEWS w.it tbam at th* regular

tta*.—The public a-hooU of t h * city aud of

north Maii.neM art, nndergoiii*- tbe

—T..euiL m r t i o f Bjrue, 8cri.i*»r ft Co.of EDcabetfa, w*.-e ,.1-Uai.y destroyed byflre jestei day moraine.

—The Reform Ctab baunwveiling, will be held in tbe lector* room'

tbe Pint Baptut Church.

—An cicvnii.il to Mauch Chunk o n r 1Reading rad will take ptae* on July *J.This ji tlie flftb of thii soaaou's

will be held in SomervU* thtrvi-niiijj (or tbe purpose ol org&nialug a

and He dric s campaign club.Tim n«ilJ«J ftnfcwri ~* " - EiralFrHiby

' RefomieU Cl.urcbes go

JMpQM—TLe liimtml i-xpivn* Htruciiitrii de|)-)i, KlizalH-lli. •t'uv.-d

bruksu.—The K-j.uliLw.iit-. of North Pioinnvld wil

Met U> ratify tbo UUDIHM liana in UIB oldncboul buu«S. uii Harmony strwl, DrxC Tur»-

u buneaa

carriage which b*alby9««*lt*Eiigie»Co.,HQ. 1

rrived'tbli morning-. It liai room futed beside* tbe itrtnr.—A Blatne aad Lagan bami-r will he

raiaeJ atpUhway tc-morrow evening. H.IDHoffman and utbcr q n k m «r

—Tbe RarlMa A(rlcvltiiral Wurfc.>w busily •ugagwi In turning out their IBD-

prond borao powers tlireelier* ami cieatirrx.Tbe demand ia far greater tlnu they are

hie to mpply.—"Van dat yon pat dat tu Vim baper bout

dat vight on Duer street. I T H one of defelleia. You bare it dat Bprague iio hitDalva.rfj.lt. We* potb on paiL Pot datn. ll»t n«j£(a.beop:«tUn*." Eiit.

—Hon. Benj imin A. Vail, President of theNew Jenej Senate, and a member of ih

fmiiithin county, wa* inurtuf but wejk,•i-. .flli i. ••. QoToraw .of Naw "Jersey, G-.v-

' Abbett brinz at the Chicago Gcm<

. The o.MT . | -peared after UM trees wo™ all nicKly pk-kvd,a-d rlfiuaiii]«ti naif tbe fruit. It la .aid tbetf..m*i-villu loan felt happy.

—La.t erMInx at Ihe fl re two p*rturb»ljiriia slightly overs»pped the bound •

ordinary iuterouniw, ami were &MCt \wipe each other out of existence, wbeu ti

of good M M aixi of the law nte|>f«d iand prvreuUd tlw area! from a*ppeLii<«.

The animal (port for tbe iniall boy ofatrlking *t •wallow* on Park avenue lia* be-

Ye«tcniay aftemoou OH youag ladatood tn the intOd!**"' tbe road witii a atrin,

, hand and hi* hat in the othestriking- frantically at tbe •wlft-flyW WrJ,

. Som«n*t ODU ty Board of Ftu

rrfiue to agree to th* report of tliBint fr*eboklerv conimiUee of Cukrn aitomsrMt omutiaa, relative Io ptecing a *™ brldzo which did duty fur an n l l m t arer * e Mntam at FarTBgut

—Peter P. Dtunoiit, of Kor(b PlaiuoVl I.«t with a miafortnue Sui»l*y, in tbe •od-an death nt a raltwbtebone which he.hadriven tn S.mierville. Prof- Voorbea* aud

Dr. P»ter S- VanZaiit, vetennarj nurge3 •t that place, made a poutay and "found th» food

trie tsver and death."

evening ingoing to lbs Ore the Hookid L» J.lT wax drawn for «>ni • dUtance by

hand. IVhenjusr. !»•>'.ud lilt Madiaou BT<-ridce W . I M , E»Ki..-, No. & oiuw

Uiwling along ju.i if -lunil witli norws on tl»ill-JIi Ttto Hi>.k ami ldddsr tnmad out "*ucbat |i-*.ilil«inilii .hort ilnie BIIOWMIBin, ie.ivifi^ barely room for th" ( ifriue taobecwsau tb track and tl>4,>,>;»*(!,•• rfile-ilk. Tin- h.>™-s • taclwl to Su. 3 wera

going • • -ucu a ra*= that it > u writ nighrfUtf to «oiit" Uwn aafely r hrougl, thlaisfi-it-'i-. In »t.™il*ii.|t h> tin d, Uw |mto

f ibeeni;inps:rairka nuail maple traa uurncr.'i Tumi »ti."t,, i.ivakiii« it i lmn

a an iiiM.vit. « "1 csu^u_' tb apparallW Mma to • <I«>1 iisll. Tip! i-nKiiic and hursvaapad without i Jury. 11M ttaj * • , lalnad*S) by tb* owner, Mr. Comieely.

The : ' 8'. ' *

gBlank. Art

Uiudoob«.Ai generally exhibited. * pereon U locked

»y Ohaat, which ia UMO boundf t "

abort U M , Ua*loK Ute ropt • and look* in tb*jam po-lbm u at Mn .Bnt the Jewell Brottwr* did quit* the n-ITBB. Acuiinniti** waa appoint^ by theulieiice to rxamin* tbe client aid dt> tb*merary 'y»«- ARsr being wall lied ibe

cbatc wa* tlten wrapped in a canvB* cnud tlits *tw wa* wound about with many

A pHluriura w u then produced in whichUM k*ads ur on* <rf the br.«ber* w*r» «ly locked.

Aft*rtbecouHnitM*hwlmad* Htretlwaa absolutely aloo*, a ennalu waa drawnaround him. In a few mlnota* ba « nti**, bat tb* ptllorium Mli| remaliiad asly h*kt*L Ttwo retina* behind Om curtainb* began the Uuk of «utartng the cti**t, te>ingoHige.1 to Ue * | | the rop«.tier bloiMl

•iter baing (airlylock* wit!, which Ik* ooauulttcetbe ouvrr of tbe check Tn* whole operatiuiocenpied law than four minute* and wbrithe curtain wait withdrawn, tbe chert, with

when left by tbe o.rnt who bound it,Jewell w u iuada. and after baiiigemsrgnl amid a itona of applaaae.

Tlie goeata ' " " i 1 " * tha box toliettrt* content aftar ibe partormaao',niauy njiiuioii* were aJraiicrd by y<aod (4.1 M to Un manual- Iu which the

*rhade. , fc«l iv Mr. Je*ril cl, IK> mie excepting hliuaalf, not rven

u»n broUiei- pamm* ih* tecret. AnotbMUibttioa wi'l b* given later hi tb* —aon

Ycatenlay att«rnouu tba family of Jatne*O. Ji.tuw, wbu rrskba on Maituu:i aveuneabove Nmth strest, w«M euEagutl in rvfUIiugb)nu straw bad*. Atiout flve o'clucfc a loat

bava it out orn- i,ieht It wa* ulaoed in ihtrear halL riierr was nl*o »unaa luoae atrawin th* fnwt baJl ou cite aeooad atory.

Mr. Juan* to>t prswut ab*oiit m m lion*.Haver*! other n a n M n of the (aniily w«rs•Wi alMeot in tbe event..*. Mis. June* andher eldest daoztatcr, who were th* only o

t hum*.1, had inLniiU l it> go to town, batnv lioinjs au ttaay U.uui;iit tltcy would ailM puiM for a abort Lime.Ou atwmpting to iv-eutar the Bou*e to get

bur pun.-. Mot Junw Goaud that tbedoor bad blown to, faatenlng the m^bt

;> ...I ~ aunttikg; them oat. AltDie otiier Unors and ail the wtudow*wers 1-lw.tl Bud lastexU. She abo objerTedbat there w u swulu in-ide. Piuduv h.-r-

•alf miabietigMJn, vha cilled to Mr 0. B.»rU who reaukiuwn, door. M-. L-oivaiul hi- *MI and Couurilman Frank

Hum I, iinmsiliattly went to Mr*. Jonea' a*-iwtauue, and forced' am entrauoe tUrough

i>f theraar tiuor*. On vuteriug itHi that butb lieafB of straw were on

Tlw entire IUKM* waa flllei with unukethe pUuueriDK and wood-wor^ wen very

i IMUIL Iii a few nwjiueiiU ibo entins would i<a»e boon o-i flre. Water wai

prumpdV IhroWn on tbe burning stranami tlw window* ttpeutkl to allow Uw amokt(oeaBape.

In tlie meauiinie an alarm had been wen'nt by telepbono, to whiirh the fine depart'nent bad wny promptly renpondd. ""uiiauily their *errico» #er* not nesdad.Tbe flre it roppo—d to bare origin

froin atappinz on m mntcli ou tb* floor, theOre at Br*t but "light soon extend 'aj.danimje Wthe liou« turousli being a

broofffa injury to tbe plastering ami-wi.rk In iwtimat n to bo ab»ut f OO.

The i>lac i i* owu«l by John Cameron.

l l r . S C G o p r , nif Worriitown, U viait-ig frlei«i* in tbi. city.ICra, Tltumaa Hand and ton, of Front

Teet, are vialti -ig friaoda ia Atiantio City.

Dr. Fred Well* to riiitlnz a n >ug hit reU-t*M and frfeud, in Madiaou county, New

'. 8. A. Vuttt-r *ihi fmnily of North... ifleld, wlU paai th* I SttMnner in Ttog.

couuty. Now Turlt.Mrt. K*l« Vanderrser and Mr*. WUliam

•bom, of Woodaridge, are ,p™diDf tbeday with friend, lu tbi* City. '

Mr. CtMriei MoCutellen a n d family andMr. Samuel MeCut.bii. u d family will

Tbe ROT. Mr. Been, tbe rector of tlwCtinrcu Of the Holy Innooenta, Du:ellen,

ill IPMKI Ilia racalion In : he Ticinity ofake George.Mr. JaiuasT. Bulle* aad torally of Hjr

Tnrfc. are siopping at tbe Park HOUH. Mr.BoHea baa the N*w Jeney ajwocV for Apple-«D i'a Cy cl iposde*.

Uouncilman Prank J£ Marab, who ba*»n a taw paKnar of i Judge Tiuwoi th,r Nsrwark tor a nambar of jean, bas

itnoffiM Of fits .nwn in tb* aaniebttildlnc in wuiol! tbe old fl™ had febair •*>floe. H* will .lao bare an office In IM* citj.

Horan cache* %nd a baggai* car mads upie psoornou train for tb* Sa*ngerUiii<i>i« rooming. The MCcnnlunMiU will take

iadl arecuU Bt*ten Uland, and bad* Hlghlaad* ot Naveaink, *bw» tha dayb**p*ntt*th*- aaJoymMt at Uw a m i

I M » i

ban ball, U to- iRed l>y tb* nrnn-Kama* played, haa ban ratbar qolet

Few week* past, tb* future ba* been «•"—•• •—well •rra.Kjol f.. by the Crwc.uU. i - w f* ; . 1 *

£ . m - . r . o« band for early Mtl*. I ^ ^ " " I r VTho flnt will be piayad on SaiunUy ~- '

with a Pateraun dub at that plane, aad ouWednesday i # n t • Bahwaj club will nrob-

iy tbe oooMi'lttee of tbe Crt*canto iu U Mwtche* i. th* tact I bat lit. re are Bo I

cl.wdKruun>laiu t*i- c.iy; anj aa t » iof the viutnr. have to ba wet In *ui

nai.i»r, ttoey are unwilling to « « • , n k .

VlalUg, O*y, G ft Wa*h-initJii, Jooii DOUUTBII. H Y, John Mm-phy. H Y, J . , Whit.. Brooklyn, N Y.Jubu R. Vail, Sandonn, Tutaa; LdWl* CHHIiel.l.Cvaii Beach, H J; Cor ,-lfcj Myeta,Ariwy Paik, N J; AVlL.ni Dudfey, NewYork C .y; WJ-iam SmitL, MB* Mar*-iCbarle. WDite,Pater»oo,HJI; Hirau. HmitLBrookly,., L L

r « a n ' i H o m ^ K r i M i I, Harguar, New-ark, NJ.Chaa BMlenbBimar. Irri.ir-'itW / . U F o x , G o . Maker. N T, Mr. toQranau, Hack«Mowii. H J, SIW Hat*-r«City.

(HILNrrmmvixm—W. C. Chriwtie, wife*..d child, Grange N J, MM* AHIae War.lV Y, Fi-s.1 H (Juit^r, Buffiio, H V, Orii*nBaw^uwn, N Y, T W W*.ka, BruoUva.MrtL<r«<»be!nl>uico,MadaiiJ (iniad,lln. GJU Taylor aad S edlldnn, A LeantWib, fl cuiklr.-i i and maid, E M Bntlm-Midi BI.BS!I, U Renault, Frauk A CornellJvhoRT.wnsaiid, CbaaATroup, Wn> 1Tivup,S children and mafct.Mba Tronp,MsKauway, Cbaa L Sdey, Jamea K Hill, Mte.Mirce, Mi» Dclmonieo, Mb* AniweDdmonico H»d S maida, Mattrios M Ifiuton,D H Watwu and wife. T H Hamilton JtX. Y. John DUud*tn,BroottynJ SAiidnwawife, .lungbier an.l tnaiJ. E G l^ l , wif:a.nd ta:<, Q RsMaeiw, O B Bridgentan, Ciia>M Siiaun, TIH* B Townwnd and wife, MH Taylir. Wm. H BackMt, wife awl childMi*> Satkett, G W Hopkuwoii «ml wift-W O lVnny, Saw Yurk, W D NnttarUifutieal. Cbaa B Hobiuaon, ParuamburcC H Hoehtu and wife, Btatra l-taitd, Gw.W G»Baii, BVMIOII, MaaL, CoL OaeaiEaen, wik, two children and maid, Newark, XJ, , Uorbam Bonrdiuiii, Broukiyn.

IUlIfS'8 HOTBL-H K Lor ion, V. Y. A Vaii-u w , Newark, B It Huunll, Btd.mn.ier,U J . . C N Cooklin, BmwMi^ K J.. Wm.

•X Haver, Broochberg, N J., Win. Hanl-uruvsr, Brtdgewatar, K J-. C N Btaata,Kranklm. N J.,PWWyLoff, Hili^burou;!.,N J., J 8 Hoajrlaud, Moutgouwry, K J.,Wm. E JUUSB, Surti FbuuSelJ, N J.,CLas. Sobafftr, Warreu, H J., A P Ayxra,Kli*aueUj,N J., C E Yesger, Piuaburgb,P*.. K PSmith, Buffalu, B Y . . B C Joint•rtou, Eluiira, X. Y., A J Ftiiley, Rich


Patrii-k Lyon, a«ed 50, euptoy«U onBn* Railway, WHS «ru*beU Iwtwoeu two

t UM Jersvy CiLy tuuuel jMtvrday aud iu-i m l su badly Lhat o..- dud.

"Under a loog-forguttau law thra boruugbIBwr.- have bue.i apuuimeJ by Hmldonflcld)ril tbe fiwu or habitual drunkAi-d-i wkj

Jowtb Weinenh did « SI aiiciiaealuapital, Buwark, ywiitnlay, from lock-Jaw

^JH&!»r*^wWb'b. - S " t""JsirB^tU^^Kfactury.1*" "*Tbe Kewuk Call aaya that Ovurge A. HJJ-

sey will not rafam tlw Republican uoiiuua-— '"- Ci»i(reiai in the Sixtli Dutrict aud

gra>aaiau P«lder trill run a n i n inlite of 111* i« ter of tleclniatiuA farmer named Dureiuiw r.-Jtice *-t FikiKii ywtoMay Unew born fttniaie infant, tiani« r.v«r it*ar ni« property. Tbe body wUdu aad there were two u^ly «oaitd* in L

KZA pet du: belonrtng tu a fu riiier at Mi*.4 r i i i . ..ewJujml a mania fur aockii

kkiud out a.>ddi»card«l w. ..,— fa* ibr w Kinue.f lnu> tl

wfahsaowlal intent, but . i n fl-h-J ~wkjl* making uoexertio.i tuswjm. -kila

Tua* , w

f law Sevaartb Ward, Pat-r lrt*>, a. 1 idenUflad with

oih^r In.-h p o l t i )C l l

. . . - - .—itioal or-raise a CtomOaaii aud He.i-

.•ick. bauuar pi s^Wl th- Bratpolit^al M n -raised in Paienon ttiia staaon.

C«..:. Nayl-r, at PnlbwUlpUa, rnrkSar -<C puanl io i ho eaatward of Oraat >«c

Si'.tJy a barlmatlna. AU % * • ' Z u..aniliiig, aud tue royal yard* bugfaw4 fureiiiar - Kotltiug t* kuown of the

<te be, artuirat, dtapuear* 1 M . Jan* au,tor drawing liu mo >tu s «alary. apil ha*

•oUbWe been HWU I: is believed \,U afa-nlce » v.du.iiary, •< be tried to nej

hi* Jnly xeJary tieforv going away.UNly are left iu aUaitoued "

ihnt the in»o*atii.ii wtntMtlw .ll-eiUinf «t tb* •clii-J,

.v«t«itt of training w..uM bad

* y • • • . ~


Huner IDd Justj Cilj Fire Ins. Cos,,

BUTLER'SDrug Store,Formerly Yoorh'eeg1,

21 W. Front Sf,Plainfield, N. J.

Telephone Call, No. ia6.




Mauch Chunk,GLEN ONOKO

SWITCHBACK.f Fifth Popular Excursion of

the Season.

Philadelphia and Reading R.R.,| New Jersey .Central Division,

Wednesday, July23.

^Special Express 7$'ain,

Leave Plainfield 8 5Q, Fare S2.Switchback. 60 Oenta Extra.

HKTL-RM.V(;-.L™vr Giro Oooko «1 j ba p. n

R. WALDRON.^Practical Gilder,; No. 9 East Front Street,•irn N.tiuulJ^wk Buddiaf, PUnfaU, K. J



FlneGold Frues tor Pftictlog i Specially.


•Public Auction,on the pnajwa oa

Sflturday, July 19 th,u t o'efack. p. m^

6 Hols Cor. of C!l3tonAw. u l Foirtl St.

4Hots»r. ofDiUjtoiin. ul FifllStC t e of PLminDcid. Evan. S u i i w . Each pkn jrwija


pounded with the utmostcare. Business condoct-

et] nnd^r the imme-diate supervi-

sion of the 'Propri-

- «or.

BUTLER,The origfnator of j-t;cnt Ice CreamSoda Water, desires to call especiaLattention to his

; 5 Cent GINGER ALE.Equal to the finest Imported,

BUTLERIi selling ••Hullcs Bros." Extracts for

the Handkerchief, equal to anyof American Manufacture,

M 15 c*s per ounce.A I X OOORS.

WHY!" ,Buy "Kxtracts" reduced with ai- 'conpl, or any of the ordinarycolognes put up in one ounce bot-tles, retailing for 25 cents, whenyou can get the above GENUINEEXTRACTS, all odors, at

BUTLERS,for only 25 cents per ouiice bottle.

BUTLER'SAromatic Tooth Wash foi cleaning jand preserving the teeth. Impartsa fragrance to the breath that israre and delightful. It preventsall tartar and disco I orationsand completely arrests tbeprogress of decay, at thesame time whiteningtmch parts as mayhave already be-

' . come affected.

Price 25 Cts. per Bottle,80M Only at

Butter's Drug Store.



TWO LOTS,Emily Street, lortfc Pltlalleil

Peter Wooden.

. . . ia' d N I T r

laria. Frto*$tpkr Iwttlr.

HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTEKTION!Voa eaa put up all kfaub of Trait, WUKNU

heat, rcoininf the uttral fresh ap-pearaiiee ind ia»« »I*B '«'«

bl rid ith theraiiee ind ia»« »I*B '«'«

trouble arid expense with thepreparation now for saleat Butler's Drag Store.

Call and see somefruit pot Bp this

i l l 1 it .pr i ce 35 Ceo to

Butler'sC. A. BUTLER,


Formerly Yoorb'ees’,

21 W. Front St, Plainfield, N. J. Correct Prices.

All article- arc marked at the very Lowest Possibi.e Figures. Hi order lo encourage home trade, and leave no excunc for going out o( town to make purchase*. Prtui RiefciMs ud Fichus,

Bcitfftl Handkerchiefs, Aidsome Laces,

Milts and Glues, Ribbons, Hosiery,

and Summer Corsets.

ISAAC BROKAW, 1EAL ESTATE and INSURANCE PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and KAMII.V RECIPES com. pounded with the utmost care. Business conduct- ed underthe imme- diate supervi- sion of the '

f Propri- etor. •rk. It a. Chm Raul uM.we. Irel^u, I MJ, UPUa, O n. Uw. R Y, Mr. Mc- AYID C. SMALLEY,


The originator of 3 vent IccCreain Soda Water, desires to call especial, attention to his , 5 Cant RINSER ALE.

Equal to the finest Imported.


SWITCHBACK. i Fifth Popular Excursion of

in real pretty patterns. Sun Umbrellas

AND 1 OcwB OrtiT* kHBorro*.

PARASOLS UT«yl*. W. Is selling MBoUes Bros." Extracts for the Handkerchief, e«juaJ to any of American Manufacture, at *5 cts per ounce. ALL ODORS. Merino Underwear- A complete assortment of

Pkikdilphii and Reading k R., New Jersey Central Division,

Wednesday, July 23. |Speciul Express "ft-tiin,

xtracts" reduced with aL or any ol the ordinary IS put up in one ounce bot- aifing for 25 cents, when 1 get the above GENUINE ACTS, all odors, at

Plain fit Id 8 5Q. Fort S2.

in town and others, who are pre- paring to leave for their Summer Vacations, iill find this establishment the PROPER PLACE t? purchase

R. WALDRON. Practical Gilder,

No. 9 East Front Strait, lor only 25 cents per Quite bottle.

BUTLER’S necessary articles needed at this reason of the year, and without which LADIES fed their ar- rangements are very incomplete^


Aromatic Tooth Wash foi cleaning and preserving the teeth. Imparts a fragrance to Ihe breath that is rare and delightful. It prevents

EDSALL’S White Goods


la&h Dress Fabrics,

AND ■AL ESTATE AT AUCTION I Price 25 cts. per Bottle. Itotl O.IJ at

Butler's Drug Store. Public Auction,

Saturday, July / 9 th, Ihiucir. orainoiln. ik FHitE SL 4fMmr.ifLKii.ila in. ik Fltlk II

At this season of the year anxious to close out all SU. STOCKS, and HARE GAINS can be, picked i that are not always to be

A Special Lot of ladies-

Dustin Underwear. Consisting of Fine Skirts, Chemise. Night Dresses and Drawers,



®d will not be unpleasantly urged 7? huy, We purchase our goods «rect from MANUFACTUR- ERS AND IMPORTERS, and •re prepared to meet the most *cbvr competition.


Page 2: Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT PLAINFIELCS, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, EDSALL'S You will find an excellent assort '

Dcnorr, Mick., July 17.-8erer*l days

IJA, July 17.-MM Hoawaa.aa interior: Herhwoa, aila. i«I - _, and TTijul, utiiliiln ofpatUo

, re arrived hare on a tear of m-apaettoa. Tha prefect, welcoming them attie depot, said that over 40,000 paraoat hadfled by the railway and »>.«» by other roadsIwsillaa mil of ttw city. The !• t n ramsat tfenataaed a more tarribw scourgethan the eholara, namely, anprecedfl '

W«S. '; l?i j ? 6« HZZZilS S£

With Cleveland and Heodrieksas the Dem-ocratic Prcskfcittiat candidates the chtbat tbe neit President will be a Democrat maybe considered good. not withstanding the part

" the Democrats took in the la.tCoagrcs.ori *tariff question. , That wilt be (he It repower in she hands of the Republicans.gsrdlew oit the possible opposition of JohnKelly, we believe Cleveland has strengthenough tocarryNe* Vork, and that llendrickshas strength enough to carry Indiana. These.with tbe conceded Democratic States areenough to nuke Cleveland the not President.Tbe Democrats can afford to lose New jer.aey, if they can hold all ttw Stales concededto Ihem, as is probable, and can gain* NewYork and Indiana. New Jersey is a veryimportant manufacturing State, and tbe tariffscare may secure it to the Republicans., al-though, under other circumstance*, it wouldprobably go Democratic. New York State'the battle ground. This is tbe aspect of af-fairs at this stage of the campaign.

MR. JHMtj DODII, of the Newark Sav-ing* Institution, is again on the "nedge." He recently affirmed thai the *2,ooo U, S. securities be bad deposited with thefirm of t-isk & Hatch, and which that firm*ichsng*d for other securities, wasWithout his knowledge or approbation.Fbke now takes the floor aad denies in toloall I)odd hat asserted. Mr. Kbk swears thatbe had authority to use such securities; if tiereplaced them with other bonds of equalvalue. The case is still before the Chan-Cellar, and Dodd's connection with it looksworse than before.

- Tiitftt ate many honest Greenbacks in' "Union county and the Stale of New Jersey.

Sow do they like the idea of being cold like•keep to Blaine by Ben. Butter? That UBenjamin's prcaelit programme, and he i

'-Sew York arranging with Saints KellyGfady all the details of the cootemplated sale

Tut President of Peru has resigned andnew election has been ordered. Carry tbenews to JJutfcr.

j t Care -ill kill a cat. Tbe care m,•ertised in taking aim. It is extremely diffi-cult, however, to hit one in the dark wiWttie.

• Chatty Old Bachelor— "Mos* r'mark'blei3tent*s between those two children,Nurse—-Ves, sir, twins; sir." OM bachelor—-What, both o-'em r"

' "You arc weak," said • woman to herv*o was remonstrating against her numi ngafsin. "Vet, mother." be replied. "I'm Soweak that I can't go a stepfather."

jenkago Herald' "Id hate to be in-rowshoes," u U a woman, who was <*iih a neighbor. "Vou couldn't get intothem." sarcastically replied the neighbor.

A Hoboktn grocer received this orderfrenn a customer: "Please send in by bearerWo pounds of shugfaar, a blackin' brash, fivepound* of coffey, and some little nails, mywife had a baby Use night, also padlocks anda monkey wrench.

"..What is the price of this axle-creese?"**ed a new tterk ol a grocery dealer; "the™fajoomarkon.it." "It depends on )T0UTCU*-

' toper. If he asked for axle-greaae chargehfci fifteen cents a pound, but if be wantsHtter. make it flirty-eight ceats.''

A recent advertisantBt reads as fof lows:"If tbcgenUeman who keeps the shot storewith i red head wilj return the umbrella of ayotiiujUdy with whalebone jibs and an ironhandle to the slate-roofed grocer's shop be

e » th* gift of a de«-»etj monW oe with the name engraved on it."

Daria, of Wast

platform, excepting Qa*. Butler, arrived ata flaal decWon which carried, not merelyth J d t bat tb h r t l /

, ghaving f.ired to relieve y

Of imk^i," | h ? V * f 4 « a hfll, wkkh m

ilh i due regard to I: Uw faith of th> nation

thiu dmsanded a ndiictioa'of the war 1within Uw revsnae staodard, ft proceecpnwrlbs the mode and manner of tat _pussd transition from a protection systeru-te.

p l ^ ^ f u t l t k o to the Bepabiloau Chargethat "a tariff for revenue only- mean a vio-lent and reactionary rerlaVm of the tariff,

or propusad. The traasitiaa e r a from abad .yatou to * good s> ateai shomk) be madewith proper deliberation aaU hud in "a spirito fairness to aU intariali." The Be-

this with tbeMHintfr-flBMTtion of tbe purpoee to ••lro-moto Uwir healthy growth" by the Fntro-duction of free raw material and

piiDt nhicb win rover the incrcn . i coat ofi'j eseatad bj- the higher wages paid incountry, which is a simple matter ofilaml wnowiasa point of princUtiorof:r*rm. In fact, all throng.' the flaUorm

and through the tariff plank the dssaand»for no more revenue than will supporttbe government economically adnUaktnd,mul having replied to the misreprMentatiowot tbe Republicans and specified the methoduid opjrii which thn Deiuomu-y «ill, if en-triouwl with powar. apply to tbe revision ofth • tariff tha fundamental idea aad faith ofthe party are embodied In tbe clear, explicit•ad ringing declaration that all -Federaltaxation (hell be exclusively tor public pur-f—. aad shall KX exceed Uw mSkSfiZgovernment economically administered."Them word, taken In connocttoa with the

spirit ana tenor ot tha platform en-ustala the position ot Uw rrwnds of

~ i. Speaking ot Mr. Cleve-trrsun «aid: "Th. governor. i= a brave and boost

magistrate. He w liberal and *ul ighteatda - l m aUie.l bknsrif with all that fa deanand sober, upright and derated hi ourpublic life. Hi I I > plain and aotki citfeen

" "" " .his duty always and without

_ ban, and who baa tbe .trenglhsnii the nerve to handle the new broomwhich i> to i m p the public serrice dean.He lias in the penon of Mr. Uawlricaa,

' to him all that n muius lo urn of theick*t," and finally he • a Incky man

_ reak of good for;une. My belief isthat tiia ticket «ill be electrd and for my

••«**« tbe canraw wttneut one

_ __e.nd , Mrat Dew

XMAST, Jo l j l l .-, of Hew York, called on Oo*. ('Irvelaudterday afternoon. They greeted one

notlier with treat cordiality, and remainedi converntlon for l.» minntes, and U> Uw

United Press repnHeDtittiva, Hr. Darehehasr"" " lv iioniinntion was sattatactory to tile

bnlkof the democratic party. There. he rMaarlcni. be little sans in dhTer-fc: iuiis bat (hey VTOMld heal in tb*

O»per, <S-T.I l - - - -

soueral illations.Die pbojogrsphers are at work or. Uw ax-

scutivv cluuubrr. Tbay are bakini; all kindsjf viewn of tt. Some will ahow Cl-mUndin the executive .-lair, and others will msre-ly depict the ornate tbditg* and U» antique

traita of a«n. Washington and the early

Bnllrr' . rnaacae.

y ___ _ __rweiv.il fnim closa friend* of Qtn. Butlerby B. F. BtuXriy, Bactretarr of Qw An«:UoiK)]»list nimmittw, Lti ih B n t t a d i dw ^prSdb^oS

at tfekBt. Surety, whoseare sji this city. *aiil Uiat

coora* will not be .Itond. by, theaction or tbe labor convention to be bald fnS July aft -BuUert c«nd

relj,"wotiW introdaos an

DBstta, Tlw proapects o f T ciossw«erfthB Democrat* «ad Bepab-r. good. UaSSTru- . wJtnto

Or. -i nlack aad Labor ktraniajeharsMltasatwIn t h o . „ „ . „ „ , „ „ „miy be brought alwot, wheat the huoK ofroprexrntatire. will take ap Uw tkttionwhi'rein the vote* bj- .tnteti Hichta;tn has

decume vote, and a Unaabasasr trousUte has h. turn tte h i d i n g roU of

y afcaraoon, at, i-oed the folk-wing

eall:—A state cunrvMioa of tbe natioBalgneuback lalxv party lsthestaMof S e *York will b* beld at Ha* ball, te (b. city .if«,W York, at not*, on M'^awitr. Aogwa7ih, JWt*. fur tl» Jiurpoaa u< -—i-rfn-n»u.lkhUM for a«preiad«1tialriac<or.a»dtwo .anJidal*. for Jpdgwof (as Court-K^ l appoint % new ata to o&uioiJttds

_ . _ _ _ il»lss>tss eaoan: FraaVtoaS' • I I M I T rhiljt. is? Iwiiial m l i | Presi-dent FnnUta Carsar. of WUIiam. ooOrgeIWm. R Hale, of Morthawptea; HaamalBowk* of Sprlagflald; Jossph H. Walker, otWorcerter; George R Mfrrlam, of B—""3

astd; C B. Cadman. oc namstabls; 8Bordea, of Pall River: WiOaVn SraMQui«pr;W. A. rorbw. Of H IB tow; L.Wseason, of C«aBbMa»; Puag aaLyman, JloorftsW Story, and MosesUarns, of Brooklyn; Wbaiow Warn

bar* than H eArtia'tohs aaadTattkeiMet,Ing or tha DetoacrafeK «SMsJi*» casantttaaon tbe lath to oca* Will lam H. BantnR fromthe chairmanship. B—»nr Oorman, it a>•aid, U being paabed for tb . pla«s and ala*OT-8enator WalUde. It is stated tbat Ran-dall ha* iwqnts j bb rrieod. not to urgehat name (or that position, bat to concen-trate their effort* in faror of Mr. Wallace,

f W l l 1 t hi t

that the amoont ot voluntary rau

MUrr, K.T., July 17.—Daniel Hasniag,-hairtnan ut tbe demOcTaltc Mate eoauuit-tee,bas awwriaeaJl for a meeting on Wed.

fcJwly 17,-The Rppublicancentral commiUee ban decided to open

tbe campaign in Indiat a in tfai. city Uw la* ,week of Angaat < W John A. Lo*«i> wi]be Uw rrin.-ipml .p«ker.

THE nnfe FIEND.own r»*»rl/ ttomammtm* — *,OOOiecahaMa or p s t a r atarsMaU

_ . .LATIK, Tens., July U.—The littlo townof Carthage, situated thirty-six mfle. fromhere, was nearly coanimed by flre. Toe lireOriglaaMd in the dwelling of W. W. Fordin the centra ot a Urge row of d welling, and~ ' * - The namr. apread iu both

before they could be checked.wens burned to the ETOQIHI.

Tbe cause of tbe fir* is not known. Manybelieve ft to be the work of an incendiary.Tbe loss '- " •±~'Jm- —' — -

and it waa supposed at ftrat that hedruwaid while fca awlsMnlNS. Tb* omuiwrtinqoeat, bowever, ha* eadad hi a rordict oCmardar by partiea anltnuwa. The inreseU

tbe man had aik^d wWe b.wild roa-m, ancl gave a boy *ossda. UM had a well-ailed pwas erideatly wealthy. ATtar getting — .Informattoii be went atotw down the beacbl

•how where then:

, Jnj» lX-^aarin^ HaW

aaaa'sacand tha ase o T W l U b o tcounty gallowa lor the meomtkm of BogCephas, Uw arorderar of old Mrs. Murphy,who h. to Iw hanged August 1. It w theamme scaffold upon which Jantot T^V* washanged last year. Cephas fc aa happy as ifhThad a Ihousaad yearTu. UvTXvera l

called an him yesterday, and beavfted them to be present at hi*On his osll door 1. a notice askingpar 9 asaM toward removing hb-

body to Wirjiamaborg after be I. dead. In-stead ot •avins the money for thu purpce

•nd.lt for fceeraamand other 'lei [ « .^ ^ H e f a r s ^ » t r . | * U y , and bfaBppe

l*T atann a, colored man named OnHa, with bla mule, aougtit shelter under

a large oak tree four mile, above this city-A bolt of tigbtnJng strnck tbe tne, splittingitgto tbe art—a, fcaaehtng Horrl. and tfc.• n l . — s H - . e l . m i a g the•agrtfsdothuig,sboa. and atoekiEMni from h is body, aad tear-Ing up tbe frmond. Tbe male recovered and

ner, and Morrsi • < BTt*rwanl "regained

aWoftVtelof tbasysspmtar of the go*ern-•wot wi th the people aad add Uw otaaoet

1 liiiiii In iitlnil.ili illitniiThe cUata. here daring the twonty-four

di t VJB 53 The toti'

would be. th. here daring the *

hours ending at VJB was 53. The totalBomber ot daath* from tha appearancethe plague ban antfl the prasent time is 9

. jctxm, July IT.—The BBmber of dehare from chuien was twenty-two. Amongthose who died was the wire of Admiral Fis-

bere si ne'e Tneadiy n ^ t , incltkUng Uw con^tuiaayyof UM police and the calaf prtooo

aUrted for Tooloo. Hutinkwith him JH,-000 as a donation from the Comte de Parkand family for Uw relief of tbe •offanrs bom" B eholara.

Fbe Academy of Medicine has referred tonnasmhafon the qnestioa as to what m m* should be taken to promote Ua> public

health and prevent the tatradnctian of

abm of u bcbATork <A tjr OOBM to

C.a» *t rrltlal.a; I


> You, July IT.—In 1

sUaaeons Stock exchange. The ~tga waa organbNd for the pnrpoa!

fivbw; tha pabUc a medium wbprvliy itxMkl d*sl in fracttonal k n o t m w f ,

_ge President Baldwin, of the FourthNational bank. deliTored a moat eulogisticoration and predicted for Uw Exchange all

to of prosperity for sereral months.TrooUs, bowever, has lately bean brewina,

Mr. Hard raa%nsd, and John A. Bel vin wa>mdacadtc-accBptUwprMidncy. This pomUon he threw up a few days ago on account.Ufa add, of afa t e r s e r antagonism to SipsrmtoBdeot Alexander Laa, n, and the «

1 'at tbe exchangu «

which wa. bald for tbe j

•d yestanlay at utbe sbxkbolden,

Lommt, Joly n.—Otat. MrrriW, tbe'American TOiwul-gencral, has appointeJ aphysician to examine veaMs waring Luu-doti for the United State*, far tbe purpose ofascertaining their «aniUry ™n. lition. I

PI re Day* <*•• ranllaa.toFLl, July 17.—Tbe Turtiahha. o-dered a quarantine rtd ll J arriving at


I govwTHiienti nve day. aijTiui^'portarrom^ypt.moi . .[the report that cholera *xuU in Alexandria.


Ural. IN 11M Tea Trail* •M » rackan «u.i

KKWAMX. II. J., July 17.

SCKAKTO., Pa.. July IT.—The Abingtooin thi« Hty, wa. tb . acene df ate snbrkle bjr fire, a n G*

r .... dothingwithblonsd her I <M to the side of the bi

Her t-rie« of agoay •'' ianta. aad when i

__,_ . burned to a crhti.Ber insanity wa. the neult of relizions en-thusiasm, and w her case was always con^•idered a mild cw, die wa. givn, tbe libertyof the place and allowed to Tad t her home

KBW O i u t n , Jnlj- lT.-Dnrimg the cek-bration of tba tint national fete on Mondaymight Evarkte Foricae, a brother of the ai-

b t hilinwL

, _ , JaW IT.—Adve flre, starting in McEe;'. talot .down some of the priacipal busiiiBss bouiM Capt. J. J. E. Bran, a H—mimalIu tha towu. The' B H M spread Mowty, aVom hot word- thry m m to blowm, a)eiivFluplmt the whole of block 110, the riche wa* badly nsed op. yeaVrday a duel

incipa) Hjiun of the buMnes center, and was fought on the river bank nppnaiU,-eral building, oa other block, were aho I city with small nrords. Poricae rvce.. „UsumetL The total low on boildmrg is i > wound in his side which fat serious bat notout aas.ooo. The loss on-«tockw not large, .fatal. Both, however, declared that " "

July 1SM Bwrneai.

state that a large fir* at Maasttan destroyedthe *UR»r wirsbouau uf Senor lie Ga lo and SO yean of W. and tba daughter of _

' fantiei- of Frankliu towaaalp, killed herselfa bullet throoKO her

sugarBenor Delpino, with %l _•Ogar. Tbe !<>« u a half nalliou dollars.

PrrlHrsi Kii. Va., Jaly IT.—D. W. Brats'*tobacco itteiiitnery «nd tbe adjoining build-1DK> were dm.roy«I by fire, •om, brtweenW.UOO and •10,«»: kwured.

Dtp l .aa . I . l u . n l u a fc, Opaalar*..ZAIIAVI. July IT.—Tbe French lmtrsssa

dor. the BraiiUan mblater, and other diplonwu, »itti a aomber of Preach offleen, UwFrench rotwul-gpneral, and kr i d rid hn W

ai ber boma by aswlingbrain. Olivia returned a short time agofrom Mount F^faont college, where. It hiMid. she bw-anv- sljghtly denuijed oror her•todies. Kb? was cuntantly frettimr be-cau>. .ha did not .tan I higher tn ber clan.The. funiily phjikiui told htr that- aha

. wuiild becucoo an imbtcUe if she did botj osaas worrying, and this made her so frantic| that s h e e * ^ her life. f

e ffleen, Uweral, and a k«raw party ofhen While Baron deeh b dMichel*, th- French ,

his «i«c«>lo goeen Inbella Owty emUrked on a FraiicnIt a short Mil. When they

umd, o»ing to Us* qttara-ttoe, aithoagbeatter»poa>a-sd acJeanbUL T h a n * .

CHICAGO, l it , July 17.—six I(.«• tbe root of the new skating rink, « , the.witf side, fell 30 feet to th. KTUUU.1 ycuter-

iUinm aypBsTaBrd 30 yearRj WKIHO, Bgwl ffi, both workmeu. m

<ii to the hospital, and at a lawpronounced fatally injured inter

The other nix wounded me* will rebay - i T*" accident resulted from card w o .L th. , U» part ot the workmai. theawl-raa.

iHCblar.BI-FFALO, July IT.—Mn. Sehwinn who

i last Friday kidnapped ber daughter B—•«ie anrt took her to Toronto, has t»on ar-reABdbera. She a ™ back mfwr her otherdnnciiter, UvlnU, who is still with her anew

waa named the children1* guard ian lar father* wUL Mr* Bchwhm « y . «b»not want the t m * fond that n . loft to

ofiVdala hft*> beea keeping theeeeape of aprisoner very quiet Bis name is Howard, ,and h* was hi for three yean for robbing • Jrwrlrj store ia KhuMpolf*. He crawled 'int.. B smokeMack of a tbrtMber, aad withthe nmcainewM loaded on the can. Afterbeing for two days and iiiKbt» eom^aladwithout food cr drink be got out at Mlmne-

luawBDon of both children, "A hiiiiiM wiUtehad tc-day.


The Society of Art* medal ha* bain pre-mtad to Capt. Jam*. B. Bads. The pra.utation was made by the IMnce of Waha.•TIMII. Morton ft Heae, of London, ottex a

.bBcrlpMon of •B.IW.IW four per cent, ner-rKual debeatcresof Che Iferth*rn railwayof Canada, at 80

A box of explosive, has been dwuunwlonthequsy of the Londoa castorn boosa. Ittesaki that it was take* from an

cinuuHasry of police who *~riMlsd anag to tbe mob at the Coatfaaal

uritijf the natioaal featTb W

freak.«anl Davis.

tSf.™ * .* '"?' OBil* ""PP*1 °* *» "-Clothing, placed tt in the center of Us cellfloor. Suited it, aad began . war dancaaroond and throngh the Oamea. The anok*became so dense that Darts was i

MBtta Ooniwcileiit rccimrat dnrla« the »ar» ' " » " • w««»7. Rum l a . nUMd

oooWy. Gw^^atrtok, a weilthy farmer,wtt bom* to y v» a swarm of twes. Be did

a«4ast Patotofc, kWteen u r M e i i. .

I T B i m j - i w . ra r. Wrsok**.

it) n r pany stytsag themsslveB the Importers'Tea company, ot Sew fork, opened a prisepackage ten and coff«- atom at So. MISroad street. They sold tea and oofhe ti

to»aa' B^eralrf'thBkadfaftda.Jfewark were patron*, and wen re-

warded by drawing diamond rings, abirttadeand sllvar « t d w

A rival Ma store, Inding that t"""""""" " " iway, entered coi

. The phu. wa.t capture of Judge 1lrg. as the principal

•eexchanga. Tbe special committee"^*_>ted of Chairman Whitney. William >Wilson and John B. Brown. They rat ap-pofnled on the 3nd inat. to inrntigato tbsmaaagarnvnt of tbe excbanRt. When thi-committee was appointed there were omin-oiw refiorts and many charged that th*axraang* had bew rnfa in the interastoTicertain few, aad a great deal of Ij-stlifntlon prevailed.

The f eeling appeared to b . dlnctad ags**tSupsrintnideiit Laseni, and it has been tin

id that be had .addled the exefcanp" wiai iadobttdiMaiof $8,000 through tuseos-«tkn with a* evauiag WaU street Joarnat.

j i l t wa. rartasr stated that Iaaawhaibwn quite a student of nepotism, sod thu•llof hta relatives, evea down to Uw six-

«qth coosin. had been provided for.There was a amall but stormy meeting in

tbe exchange rooms tats yesterday aflernoMLOnly forty-»evMi numbers were present, soil

_ [ for this Secretary Jocelyu came in for a goodand three pounds ileal of criticism. It was said that Uirouzbat or *L In each atr. Joclyn'a close aflUiaUon with Mr. laam

- - ' " ' " * - failed to

Vp a

pmake > and that

i Ubed. The report, it isIt the bank wa. WM.

_ . U and that the aaet. are000,000 or #300,000 short of the liabilitiesTb. bank, it will be reronnbered, failsd

weeks ago for nearly a *—>1 milli" • that the " •

-_ =• to be th* opinion thatthe aawtbi will not pay deposlton aftr cent.o» the dollar. The creditors generally U-n>re that Preaident Albert Cwro will makegood all deflclsociea, anJ out uf hU privatefortune pay dollar for dollar.

'Death «r • • Accosnpll.Le4 Lady,ItuniDma, Ot, July |T ssafj Emily J

Leonard, tbe BBthonw, died y«atvday..1 afaoat SO. She w u . mM.br f th

l U b l l

HOB; a proniinent_ „ _ _ al botanM and aawist, syeakini French and Germanaad reading Latin. Italian and other

" 10 translatingTof TolitieaJ

b - u, i - , _ * ; 'sjrL-«,*_*srat years translated nrticles for "Lalor'i En-cyc'opodU of Political Economy" end writ-tna fur Tbe Index and The Woman* Jour-nal. Her father waa a prominent Abo-

' and the inventor of the first brass

nnTailed. Snperintrcuidly h i - ni. and !r . . _ Superinta _nmndij hwi-d. and Sapnrlntedent Jodyadidn't receive many bouquet). The meetingfinally broke op in a ruw snd adjourned un-tfl Moaday next Z

After the adjoarnmpa* a mas: ixdtinr— • -pn the floor of tbe Ei-

_ _ _ i e r y Freaoaiaan *tbeoanwof Hochart walked np to Um rataanounced him as a liar and a' foot. MrBochart folkiwed his vituperation with ablow, and Mr. lascen's righi eye »*• im-madlateiy In mooning. The two din Wi,thea broke away and returned to tb.

For a time all w

separated. It was only for a mom™:, b7 " - " — ™—J«r tbenght that Lancn

. . treated; and he, wifepitched Into Mr. Hochart,nonsred him nicely, tore hit

clothes, wiped tbe floor with him ana Mlhim in so dilapidated » condition aa to com-pel M. friend* to sead ' him home. Mr.Hocb*rt waa severely injured, but t ha repo-tatfon of the Exchange, through the OB-ssmnly riot, will be the greatest sufferer.

Cotton MftBofactariitg Co., of Sumtsr, B.C.,has f*ll~d a meeting of its Stockholders [orJuly * ] . fi-wldent « inn, in bit sutem-nt,rtatm that the rauwn ha. be--n miming atkMH, is unalik to pay its floating i ' ' '

s an usgthe property to pay

tbe advisability ofiy tbe debts. The coi

J l 1881y

I July, 1881, with a

WASBTMTOJI, July 17.—The court of Ala-

I three thousand, tbe aggregate of "tbiawafd^ BsMaJaj •n.^.l'e*t> ^""8 about

BAB HiHBsiM, Me., July IT.—Mr. aad Mr*.

haveiiara, preretoat actual

president ha. appoiitted Qerritt H.

ex-Minhter Sargent. Gen" Butter"Gen. Sheridan, and Senator WaOe

offlee,was•velnpe." lor priVilatloooflaw.

Tfov.S . Y./Jnly 1 7 . - p i Amrnrt I theAlbany so.1 Keiu^la.-r iron and Mae) aatUs

h t f

j sMstsida Surakicfal defeats Carlo* Mar

Jn.. in a wrwtling match at Claveland «>rw«l«y uignt

Thp Sarigattoa compaikj's ttepot atlouche, Fran™, ha. been humed. The l «

1,UUH,«» Iranca.Young Hope, a two-rear-oid bora* owoed

by Bt'iijamin Aahntead, of Jamaica, €. t ,trotteil a half mile j«te!nl»y in 1:10.

Piper, praatwr of Nora Bcotla, bas re-•igaed. W. T. FwkUng will form a » >

Eno, will not be ex^radJtod' and is fjw, -tillato every pubtio moTemunt hi shadowed byillnTjWta,

By the will of tb* late William^ Perry, otBrockton, Mas*., taw Institute of Technologywill reoalre a bequest which it te estisrUI amount to WO.OOO.The port offlc* In Swanton, Vt , was «t-

" " burglar — - —

uwon, at C. 'ii. IForeman Johnson, a I Uiliey* turn ...Hamilton, Maw., hammd himself* a_Uass,, yestsrdBy. ^ e was surgeon-generalan Gun. Butler, staff during the war.

Gaerfje W. Bennett, the bank Janitor •(rniatfclrtl, N. J.. who .:ole gn-eabaefc. from

. leller1* desk"by mean. <,T a fisb line arxlt«l weight, and was arrested, died iu JailTH-iilon. VMIaplsy.

wi*4ai n-luij; it I t .. ,i- i »3u-


T. w. MORRISON. I tommu. Ky.. Joly 11-^iMR * l>|1 R«»|-<T*-——ktadRlQM*! W. - Mtr ■*» Q°s- ClmUiMTWal.WWi T*. •Ro M IIIR1I1 rrR *■»•( *■“ HaHarlammlkHRsR UR«WM0( hUMwu, •up ncmp owMitauni p*r»* Ton. nd •■uUWl kn IM tM« *■ — I> «MR> (or Om p—. “A

nloo to i-iutl too I" li"Wi . IN| si IbwTirtMTaMw IMMMaM

I ummwm, and Kaynal, satotasr W>Mo _ . r j narts. have arrived km on • tear «* ■mo-s kr *»■ rwxd »■■ | kl ZS

Dmn>to. .Mr 17.-Bo.-ul MyR M* toS^C^IIto j/ILjR Btoo. WobuJ* IMoM-MW tll^JkyW «W cxorw- —d I. — -^-0 to to- to- to -to —. -it* to. p«w- .tot, too «—

Nr- V<—r. July IT.—la


wild raws, and p— a toy wfco told Mai » g-to.«. IL Tidto d Raw. LW. HI, riaooa. of Cu-MW*: O iRri.i-io Ikon, -,_ Iro-a. KoorMRlfeiy. aad ■— WU- Haaa. d tooufclyal Wl—tow W—roa. of to—

Tooua, fair IT. -Tto a

(ftoa to. i-Mlr a —odium -tor-, M, 3—M d.<l la (ra—toaol to- of ... iuB—d toltoto. pwtouu. u.*, —a -aatoo-l a faaadi—I —tor a*— - but '''**"*” At tto fh» ammo of tW b

Ttotr trerts la ibandai < ^M. Wiy iUmaa _ _ tova arrival laa They have <na

bank. bUnrodanai sukgtair ■J far th. Euku,.* rf anm, aad mt^rior-d lb. •f . Omega M. Hard, of tto Chatham laak, m thaa aa effort M to be made at tto a In* of tto Ttaanrfnfe aamatIra ■»■ «a tto Mtk to oute WOtUm B. Banram f

yw •/ mil kind, m! r f tto parttes to K. Tto mb rad m» Aswoaariag tto raytoMraa M for ’ felted ta relieve tto eoanby aoto •T wB-woTWStoto H to—a—d Ifeas Jtto>a S£JST, l, July 17.—«tort* ■r county. mat on ad tto am of tto T

of Imtocsiug tto

Si* stsrt^^SJsnis

trata ttotr cfforte ki favor of Mr. Walter aaa to- WaltaesV sapper* of Mm i ■t I* !• ato> Mated tto* Oar. Ctev lato ptrtor Mr. Moaning. oT tow Tort.

visited tto Ht Maadrtar hospital. — rtr. TWtaj night, lnefudta! tto com- afcaary of tto polka aad tto c»kf prtoai

totWl*r tto Naffbrwm. FAWa, Jaly 17.-Tto dak* of Ctortrss kao *af*sd for Tuakai. H** inuk wML Ua JCL-

«>. Jatjt IT—la P.pakhnaacto totteao ta tow fort aad olaa*

^ r-izid 7-rxr^ r^tod -Ua 7-wuy. “ eomtolly tortod ttoaa to to prwwt ml kanctab Oa kfa oaU door la a aotto aa l aftor kata toad, to • fonaai ay—»«a. Tto ftrtoto a o plate rafutatkm to tto BapaUW. to tkat “a tariff for imaroo^-aai • «

itof pwtort In raj** aa.

"■watmaarTniiw ta ttodapartoif will to fully aqaal to tto

Auait, K.Y.. Jaly IX—Daatei I

Camp. I1L, Jaly 17.—Durta* a tor; terrte, wttkktai * terga oak kraa ( A boll of lisktoli

OtnruninnA 17.—Tto Tarktek arfrhi at

ttol ttoo«*i 1‘reaadetit -ill to » I>rmocrat m.y be ewtodered food. Dotwithatandtog the part tto Ikemoermti took in tto ku Coogr«m co tto tariff qucatioo. .That will to tto bv power in tin toada o( tto Rcpabltcana. Ke | t»r«ll*aa of tto po^lbk oppc.tton of job., Keflv. we bdk^-e Cleveland to* *iret*th enough to carry New York, aad that Hendrick* ban atraafftk eauagti to carry Indiana. These

The Democrats can affool to kne New Jet ary. U they can hold all the Mates conceded to thc«i as b probable, aad c«a fato. N. Vortc and Indiana. New Jeraer Is a very Important maoulncturing State, and the tariff •care nay neenrr it to tto R<pablkaa*.. al*

• rain a. wHk a dmfgn of radar** tto AMnrtmn ratna to tto tore! of tto pauper labor df JEarope. Tto^ IteamrrnUc

+°-* fuoo. nuiarT LOTT.nr. £a-r-.'°r*'.‘ *• r-u- o. astsjl JZ.'ZZZrZZX ■""^OjT-iHd.*.* up . **" o**c«ormi acaoa. il, eta* to tto llara <rtn a “ d-IWU- *rip u-u-rio- .11 IN. whllu Now a OR. H. J..J.i7 »■-*»»* y . Tfc. ml. flmllj Irvuilii up In • c—wo oor* e™*“T o*r*fc« -• I-pooW Mr. aad Morri. mom uTtarwort —I Tou ™mJ. of How > or*, opowod o pn—

Mr. Bard rasfgmd. and Mi A. BsMa -a. iadacad to aceapt tto prttediry. Tkte pto- Ooa to tkrsw up a tew days s«r> on amnant. U Is .aid, of kb personal ■wtagontow to Ko-

*T2^ a toa asoss u»

was toid for tto pwrposa of hearing tto report of «n apaoial cmnutte. aw»-nt -*d to teias*Ik—* tto Baanrtel slandiacsf

—aapsaalt of tto exrhapga^ Wken^tta. oao reports and many charged itot tte rarbaifshad been rwk ia tto intaraatofs esrtaia te*. aad npnaadaal of dlsmltoso ^Ttotatt^nppaarad So badlfwcted aptem rinteodoat Laaseti, and It has boenswa lka» hehadsaddted tIsnrtopte aa tedtetodasssof 18,000 through Ustan-

% «n-Ud by tto k%tor mm*** umU In to tto country, which is a shapftr matter of detail aad la no win. a pUut of prlnrlrfe iwcf dnetrtna la fart all tkroagh tto |&fora aad through tto tariff pteak tto dstoand b for mo an** rerenu* sud having mdted to th. of tto RrpoUkwas aad ■ Ik-tariff tto f I Idea aad faith of

1 all - probably go lmaoaatk. New York Mate is the belt)* ground This b the aspect of of. fairs at thb stage of tto cmpalgn.

Ms. Da»is*. Doth., of tto Newark Saw tegs Institution, b again «* the r.gg«l adge.” Ho roccaiiy aftrmed that tbe$a,i»o.. oooU.S ascorirics he had dapomied «ii firm of Fbk A Hawk, aad which that firm without his knowledge or approbation Mr. Flake now takes the door aad denies in toto an Itedd has assorted. Mr. Fbk swears that he had authority to us* such ascorities if he

tin* .toll ba •■riMtvriy for pabtio pur i. nad stall not ezoMd tto needs of tto goraramssit aeoaoarieaffy a Tinssi word* tek—i te >mni i. _ nhote spirit aad tenor of too ptetformsa- t roly mmtmlm tto po-ltloa of tto Mamds of rvvsan»- reform. Hpeuklnc -f Mr. Ctesw- teud. Mr. Watlrmai «ud: •'Tka governor sf tow York in a brave and Mat magistrate Ite ** liberal aad enlightened. Be has sDieJ hknsrif with all that Is clean and sober. oprigM nad stevrthd te oor pabUe W* *U b 4 pUte aad solid eittes. who toa ton* Us doty always aad wlthoot 3 tees «-Mtea, end wto ton the strength tto nerve to handle tto aaw broom

lnustrauB Jnly 17.—Tto HrpobHosn state central roaunfttae has decidnd to open tto .nmmdga te India* a in this etty tto ite i - *■*■* "r- Jahm *■ L— -U I: arm. ..... rrwkofwl Bf-.RM. *U M* IT _TW- tmk rmt FIEND,

ne-H» Vnnssto-I,«M OaI/Jti*, Tub., J*lj IT.-Tto little town terttoga. Hate thirtywl* ala from * jwitunlS wnr<2d'

waf a terga row ofd wsMtegs and _ ■ ““ •" ooorsy

zzszzzL‘a~« w ■— -omutubnlrun Mu, — — M.- n,. I'. ‘”. b*.l^ .Tr* 0'.*°. *—lU»^- Dw.l —Ilk Mull lw.rfu

— MUotkoM-b-lMi. Umi IJ ■MM Ron-. r-foko. olwoUw,of ■ko—-

womk ago a tennthmaffa. tod beenpr * Importers' There ww* a mnall but « £rtod*MrMC. They sold te* aad pnrtaiaa lapmamiMag one and tto •1 I" each

for this Sscretdry Jocelyn rams te for a gnat deal of rriticism. It-as said that throagt Mr. dodyn’s Horn aflUtettea -ilk Mr Lanm toamamftwrsof ttoexrtang. tod falleJ b> raeatea aoSbm to attend tto masUuK. AC ihruagk the dtesatefoa tto granted scri—a-y prevailed Haptwiatandmit Lamm vs*

I . Miiw.ixn. Wb. Jnly 17.—Comddsrahte aariiumeet was oaumd by a Ikceiwr of tto CQllBPM* ako a report, aad that bad. Th* report. It is


ski* Hochart foltewad his HtaperaMoa -kh a «ko blow, aad Mr. loam's rtghr oya -was ta wtff mediately te mooning. Th* two rite tod.

live Are. starting la Me Re-', mlooa haraod prnassaadhig with a lady was hmtasd by <towa some of tto principal bastnass home. OapC J. J. *. Broa. a steamboat man. In the town. Tto baa -md Aowty. hoa hot warde ttoy earn* to Mows, aad IV — ..hpi, Ike wk— ot b-c* IM. Ik. , risk. wu. b-Ur — up. Y-ndq.dwl ronaomsd. The UAal Icsa oa balVltags Is a Wound In hb tote which b sarteos bat aa* t gte.oon Tto loss <m steak is not terga. tkteL Beth, however. *di

* showing waa very bad. Tto report, it is ctarga, ml •srtod. will show that tto baak was wow —r ™UU— rtSTSM1 Tor a line all was paodsmcmlom and **-

’ ■<—»—*°f —• MR Mu OMbMir —Mi. oil Hvad bank's affairs ampantail alasoat to ertaiaal mwal others, otatod into Mr y'1""*..11 r— ** tJ^wTtasmd Um nice ^ Mr MpoMtun «(., <wU MM «pM M— Mo, wit* >lo L' upU-.MM,. Tk. crrJiUN. fourull; hte, I. - dll.^dU-l 0 oo-lllkw

Iks h a streak of

* T U>u ait many hooesl L.rctnbackeT* >n Pj* ViNon county and rhe Seals of New Jerver. j ' Ho. do lbe> lilt* the id*, of being wX.I like Btacp 10 Blaine by Ben. Bulkr? That b teayam I n't prc~.it pcogratnnve. eO*l he .» ... P*w York urmngitig with s*iau K#U) «»d itoiy aU ihe cktalU of the conteo.pU.cd saw

that tto tk-kd will he elected and for my *wn part 1 rate* tto canram without W dogte rvarrve or lagrat.” Ea -Oor. U T. BterkUlvw. Om. Btmoa, ■ Buckner aad several others made rntea te baoali of tto tbkataad platform.

Maw Onubtjia. JMy I Bate that* Urge fir* at 1 to sugar warehouses of Hmar de Oalo and tenor Delpfno, with S.000 bogatewd. of sugar. Tto laar b A half million dollars. M. Vi, July 17*—D. W. BnsggV

mm*. Mt.MM and 110.MU;:

fknnm of fVanklte township, kfl^d hsraalf a* her kosn* by sendteg a halUS through tor temin. OH via ratnmed a short rime sgo from Mount P.rauurt cxJtegv. -bar*. It b rffsw. ',ma^laiweea *b» did ao« rtaa I higher to tor riga*. gad. TV« family physteian told her that .to would beciane aa imbed 1* if tea did hot

Msnma, Ok. Jnly 17.. fAonard. tto aathorani. did ymterday. ■d-t »•«« M- Bto was a member of tto itbouai Utoral tagna; not a eharrb noi-

Bahan, July 17.-The Fiwnrh ambama- dor. tto^Brasatea^mhtotor. and other dipto. A Lwasul-gewrai. nod a large party of

eaaaa worrying, aad this that she eadai tor Hte.

TMB Ndtal of Peru has fvsigua! and new dectioa has been ordered Carry ihe {rest talk of tto demorratte party. Thm sri {hi. to afitearked. be lltti# sof— .. differ- ■o- tat ttoy troaU teal ta tto

Carr will kill a cat The cere must t . ervned in taking aim. It is catmncly difb- ta!(. howevrr. to hit osw ia lh« dark with - tattle. •Chatty Old Bachelor- Mood rum,

M HwM—"VM. m —• « *-. h«k o'-m r K,' ;l“l» art «l-said a uou»u to h«

m r* took • Mwt—1. Wko IM, |«U( IM K — ol*. o»M — *Mh wort—, ww. Npaukk A- iu(w—d 1M_ | k In. - Ww* '■> IM ud - • — hour . L™ I-.-RH— q»»—k-. NIMH, Ik. "- t-r—r-1 ***>’ -— I ■ In.T W>Md to Ik. luapUl. o-l - arjssit srisT^Ssr a ms.-i Zzzr-xsurzz

L5K£-^o?7Sr£3 Hrops,H now aawl aa a test tank te aaaay caftegm aad tas toa far asvm r*| yvurs tamateted artteta for “tolar’s bt- .y. opmdte of IVtlltirel ten.,’ awl -rtt- t«b for The Index and Tto WonaanV Jour- nal. H*r father waa a prominent Abo- llboatel aad tto tewator of tto hrst team

immarud him nicriy, tor- to rlotto*, wiped tea Boor with him aad hf» him ia aa dilapidated h con 1 ilka astoeum- pel hb btanb to awed him hosna Mr Horbart wtoasvmuly tejamd. but tto rvpw tatton of tto Exchange, through the o» ••baly riot, will ba tto graatast suifarvr Maw Yott July 1L—Tto Bellsmonte

has rail?d a masting of ite’ atockbohtas July**- YrmUw Wten, te Ussteutnrnt. states that tto ootmsrn ha* toea rwonteg •» tern, b unable to pay its Boating Msbfed nsas aad maggmmtm th* advlmldlity of aslliug tto property to pny tto dehte Tto company was .wanted ut July. 1M1. with a capi d Am. moron, July 17.—Tto am* of Ala- s cUims te oa tto point of nompteting a

watd, tartBg iatorsst, Uing about

/a. Waamsuvos. July n.-

to B. F. Shively, ttertrstary «f Jta SS^hSter £T^l1litoJ^fS,‘,

crt.irm.xva! rooms will act te altmwl by tto ' tto labor canreatloa to be hstd te CWtewgo. July ta "Butter's cm *hl Shively, “would introduce « ■ * * and Iowa, aad

OXWAVna. Mina., Jnly 17.—taatoprteoa eAteale tova toon toephsg ttoaaeapaof . prisoner v«vy quiet Bbaaomte Howanl.

Ubvge Yoakaxa. Cheyenne mission. Monk, that puts a different phase oa tto story of tka trouble* of tto Ctoyaansa —nr pt.l

BrmiA July IT. Lbm^nrt^ited c^*r^,^ed aUS for two days and nights wmraated

on late Friday kidnapped her dssghbr W ■Uw«7 bmtwmmo St Pmri and ta aad took tor to Toronto. b> b»<r- Mteaaapolb. ami took to tto wood*.

apvwotvteto tham He furthar it ttoo harden have fenced te m of tha pateutedomala. pnrantiac

dsughler. Lavtate. who b still with bar a •to wu. named tto ehflriraal guardian te _ST7*' T**’ Jm* W.-Idwaiff Davb. absfr fatter*. «OL Mrs. BcBwtaa say. to* -*4j" ta * ,*r*^F •r‘W*d «* aB hb dote hot want tto trvta road that wuWt to ek^htg.plaead bin tto aaatar of hb mil the children aad W willing to car. for them ***• United M. aad began a wu tea Hndtb. 5 Oaas out of bar own private fands^bat >aata the nibmd and ttouagh tto tomsa Tto smoke public teuoan pumsabmof both chOdrsa. A toartag will bs^mdearn thm Darts wmaUntenriT,> KLu Hpmry. be had today. rated whan hte dilemma sraa dteooveiaiL i.~wf th* Mactetaa to tovutosn oohmeLof the Ntew wma a-Miai

«. July 17.—Tto teaaauryta-

COMOENBCD NEWS. ntam esrmwd ta» teoaah aad tT.n» te J-j.u.M.lun.MA.u

Mated, soraluchl defeated Cwhs Mar The Navigation company's depot at Lowrhe. Fraara, km beau burwed Tto law a L0uu,«00 franc* Toug Hapn. a two-year <Ud boras owned / Benjamin Astosend, of Jamaica, d. L. trotted a half teOe yesterday te 1:1ft Flpsr. preaster of Nova Beotia, toa to

By the will of thp lata Wllbara Ptery. of

Tto pud ofBce hi Hwaatun. Vt. wa- m- «ud hy bargtaraaa Tteswlay nigbV Ths ffa was blown open ami *U0 fn rash and Hamilton, ltaa, hangnd himself at Hatem- Haaa. yesterday. B* wu mur"togrnr.d

Page 3: Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT PLAINFIELCS, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, EDSALL'S You will find an excellent assort '

* p

<ow g i v n . CL, J*iT n.-JUm. hnu...'KI Ward will ta • f*w day* «rrtn « a*naa plan ho*-, at KM* UvUua, wbrt»

" iT^jT-p-d tb. - i MoMte, whitetor fa iata»tl rwuin. in Ladlow MMI jULBb« fan BlKMdy mil iwr kunra Mvl «M-rt,.,, ih*r». k-4 fntii., «. It fe -id. totake ftvqutat dHm tkrtnch tb* picWn.pi*

!»,„ of her brother. F. D. Gram. About•ve ysan •»>•. »**• tWe was lutite talk ofL r w <faiwu tk» aMoric old Cbuipio*

H M D baahnro th.t

I ^ ^ i o , effort, to * . ^ , b « t t t U DO* be-£Ud that the omMnhfe oC lb> botal willb. tafan from H n V M A parterre ot£ l i l i w pl.au « pl»M>d on the MrtwMd lawni, (ron.* the botrf, wigi U» wort* "Cton-

cbt (cc Ihe i w of f t o fa ana of UM~ B T itwwrtioiw of the hotel, aDd' at UM

j r t time it U about half flllad with£, frora jfaw York »nd Brooklyn


honr*. 011 June 3K. drora tacki»nt for™ and bomed all thiiid uwbinerr nn th* Santa MirU andH l l t a t i At l t tha

dfatricl, undarUautenants, »a> attached "by • itronii force.of government troop* known n* *ta» BanDmnioKo divWoa. Tbe imurjtsuu, brineinrr.-ndted. tvpnlMd the ™eniy, with th.km of th™. killed mwi »ever»1 wounded.Imon'j the iiwirfpnts oriy one man w ulii.li-lv wonu.l«L The «<|>uuii guoeral ofCain tan called a meeUn ; Of • t!lK-i-r.< to m»-cert A plan fur RUcc-eii.r.ully iem*. wintering theeni-iiiy In the field. l MIC" Uuiu e n of troop*»iv I,M «• dnuunlii.'.l by tbe guerilla il "of warfare adopted by the itioiir^uiit -.


1 Wall 9tf*M Mao « I T , a 1,*4r <rD r x w u l u i at L . . m Srmiwk.

[AM B l M f j , Juiy IT.—-A ludy uvpcntlsBian, both tuhiunalily ilrv-*-1, • _ _w n walklag on the bearh laM yestanlay •!•torooon. Tbey went to the bathinf-hoiBDdM- tb. pin- aud, Pro.-iirimj bathiog ofib, —wei l UM w»t.-r. where tha lady«••<:-• nWck Btbmthn by her gracrolmmmiuK. bat th* febUeman awruod•u*ti-fl in Uw art. After they had baotbe water aboat tw«nty mliiulM rbebath.and people on th* baaofa wore althr»r t»e l»dy inoat far help, HbBysnUwit^ieth* limit, .ad It WM»ln- uuut drawn befuro help could reachHrr vdmpuioa WM pKralyswl u b . W«* un-ablr la n e w bar. A» her rlr« 0 7 for htfpwu beard Mr. Wheeler, a Wall i l m thn-tiT ami ineinlK-r of tbe Hew York Block.

rv-cw • ud briiught bn- tn the diur» atij.-Vlidrrsi.t theentwrt. Tbo lady, whomaarbMy .bamitoate, miul lier nuurt Irefii**l to give their namm. 'ltie woi

y in a oarrla(e.

H.SBARNES.17 aid II Front Street East,

Plainfield, N. J.






FURNITURE POIiSfl.And, in short, even-thing in his

line, al New York pricesand also gives a rebate

v of 5 per cent forcash.


CITY MILLS,Somerset Street,.

Near Front. Plainfield, NJ.

fiilwl nail m»'U' an nwi^iuiitrnt to *\V1L an.Friedman and Herman W. Vanderpoa), giv-Ing (.rrfer.-tx.-i-* amountiiiK to *56S,S3& Tbebuiiiww wan Rtartcd in thia city in laSB witb* capiUl of (HW.iw. wiilch was contHbuted(IT EtlniunJ Yard, «r.. slthna«h h» was oata |jartner. The ilnii tinpurtsd nearly niltlnir gnida from Hajiuaa * Alesand-r,N..IJ.inaluuo, Etujlsnd, who a n creditom IHi.- amount of SMU,(WO. In the trade tb.firms iial.iiin™ a n reported aU ibe wajfrom *7S0,O» to «,000,000. and anete abuutWJO,OOO.

CLKTBLAN]Pay lh« Tax.

JudgeI tb d

-•- ^ »• • *j • • » v • * .U m , O.. July 17.-Judge- Blandfn

B—.M»<lerinon yntarday In tbe demurrerof County TieuBMr \VhitU.«k to tl.« i»-ti'n .>l a »ta:<xaik(«|ier» to enjoin him fromniliapring ttie bcolt i«» uuu Tbe Judgecited tlK dscUiou, or the Mipmm. «oort aud« * • W B»Uin th« demurrvi of tb . trt«»-

kre|i.Tk Thj dw-uioi) give, general Bmtw-ftrtion. JndgB Btmtvlin ft • DauocraLTbpre are -Vlu AJOOJI k u n M iMii^hi ***- >A-tilioner. .bo w.re n H u b v t e M T d t L k owim will BOW have lbs SO par c*nt, peualty

YOUV ^nlylT.-Owr twwrty well-n phyioeian* aBMmblsd at tha inorgne

nlay aCtarnooi) to wit now UM aotupiyupun tliu body ol Jaium Bfilly the •how.

o dial oo Mottd.^, from the effect*b dIWJK bit,-. Th. body WM

uid •wuTtau, tha left Ion* w uojunt-iittl. and UM brain awoUea u d ln-

. a-.ii.-i. The imme&mtt, t a n * of dMth WM

•fdilent <•> the Man?UncolMhhw railway, _ .<»»* I ty the bUMkimt of an axle un.fcr on*">• the carriaipa. Kejarly the entira tram». -tliruimi down a -le-p embankm^n: to*•• higbw»r bMMth, killing t « , a t n WMH2fi»J«ta« Z-r io i rOpB of ?^ kill, dJM U.,, ld.ntiftH*a.C EdlUt«»,a u Amer

>' who WM vMUms friend* In Eng-

lar K*Pr«loi . .W. W. Vat, Jnly 17.—A qpaetal

ii]P,) Jilmw county, atetM that a••"fcrtoWiUw Br-j..' mw mfll aaar thatI*»w, «ploded. Ullias Bon Witaoo, aa«d>i- Hd fatally i.jnrinj U d u W i k w , , ^lf'hepropri-ior.o(HJ.n.ilL WUUMU B .

l lwo- the oroniaa, m tiro.""wn-Uiiy hart, bat wl* •a-I'>ri!i.i> ut Uw boilrr

•- ™ ;--Uve I ' M I B I the liuiM

FRENCH BROS.Merchant Millers,

Who^ale u d Remit Deafer* In

CHOICE Brandt • /


Flour and* Indian Meal,Hominy, Oat-meal, •

Wheat and Rye Bran.All kinds of Feed for Horses,

Cattle and Poultry.

BALEOIIAY AND STRAW.Corn, Oaks, Wheat, Buckwheat, Bai-

ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, CornMeal, Screenings, Cracked

Corn, Bone Meal, OilCake Meal, Gmund

Oyster Shells,Cracked



L. M.FRENCH,Carriage Mannfactnrer,

No. 18 Somerset St.



Carriages.ALL STYLES.







Ibolistlt Tndt Iide t Spwtutj.F»mili«irillK:* (he propriety o( u^a, oaly Pan

friaf W^cr !«•

siipsoi t co.,v Vks, Ncnay Sj>ru«, Mi

rrading and Contractingm AIJLITB BRA*CH*ft



Soda Water!All Flavors


Miller :AND


Under Van Deventer Hall.

Having greatly increased ourfacilities we a$k attention to thesuperior quality of our Soda Water,which cannot be excelled, and toto the new flavors we have Intro*duced.

Ginger Ale on Draught.Equal to any imported.


Wc'guarantee these extracts to bebetter than any sold for 25 cents,and have all the favorite odors.

Onr 1000 Bottles Sold by usin tbe last Two fears.

Why Pay 50cIFOR

Antifermentine,The Great fruit Preserver,

When Yon Gan Bny ItFor 38c a Box



Miller's 20 c Corn Cure.A positive and painless cure foicorns.


Sponges andChamois.

A large assortment selected with

special care, and offered at reason

able prices.

PrescriptionsIn this department we give ou>personal and especial attention,thus insuring reliability andpromptness, al greatly reducedirices.


No Combination

HIGH PRICES.ind shall continue to favor our

customers ;with all goodsat r*OP0LAR prices.

10 E. Front StreetPUUMFiaLD, X.: J.

Special Sale

Fine ClothingFOK i


Tremendous .Slaughter |PRICKS WAV DOWK I






Fancy Cashmeres,Cheviots,

CorkscrewSfWhip Cords,

Diagonals,AND ; .


$5 to $20

One of tiie mottHealthful, Comfortableand Accessible Inland

' Summer Resorts in theCountry.

i . Woodruff, proprietor.

Stoves Stored > Stored Stored /UMiildgnRiHdt 10ortfrr. C«wMa I

Sanitary Plumbing.•niini onnnLLT IUMMW.


CITY HOTEL,Career Put l i e m ml Smut Strut,

" Plainfield. N. J.






Linen Coats,and Dusters*


50c u d UFWASDS.

Uigol ud lest Assortment



I A T •

Tremendously LOW PRICES.


PARK HOUSE.Part A n i u Comr of EltMt Street,

Plaiaheld, N. J.

A Favorite Summer Resort.


Club House,s from prpoi—bevon


l Depot uo arrivmt at

SOMERSET HOUSE.Cor. Somerset and Emily Sts.,

tOrtl. Ptata«ekt.

John W. Hujflses, Prop.Ptrm.ncni u d TruHknt Bo»id. at f»u m e t .

I >EabIr* and aheds attacbed.



Established House



Merchant TailorAND


E. Front StreetOPPOSITE

j Park. Avenue

FARMERS HOTEL,Suacncl St. afi f n t Si.



Three ud • htilfgilH^inttbmat JNW

Charming Summer Retreat


SECOND STREET,r oi c;tr nn 11 pbktefieM. n. i.

I Curti&s tfl leet ill TrtHs.Family Riding a Specialty.

No. 11 Somerset Street


lor tn[ tw l"5blic Miildii** u d piiTiK d«cllin«*>

Headquarters for


New EnglandBREAD,

And all Varieties of First-Class

Cake, Pits, Pastry, Bread, etc.Havins bought Dili I he b-

15 West Front Street.aQ itcul«ti«s(iT HiaiiDiM MM* of all

vufetic*of«nidMCAe. Pie*. Brnd. «c.

Mn England Bread a Specialty.

Big's B n a r B u L E t a n ^

43AN BIRD,ATB nn«. RainiliUd, M. j .

E. C. MULFORDEstate Broker

andfire Insurance.

Office 35 ana 37, Opp. B. E. Station,

Plainfleld, N . J .

Hit lortfclMrieaiistniiBCo.of Mill,

PkuH boruee Ca., «f Uadn.P.O. Bo. 31s.


Office Hours, 7a.nK'to6:;jop. m.




Tie Plainfield Transportation,Clay Mining


IT ud II Prut Street East,

Plainfield. N. J.


Storas Stored I Stored Stand I Tremendous .Slaughter!

Sanitary Plumbing. WINDOW GLASS,


VARNISHES. FURNITURE POLISH. And, in short, everything ia hi line. s» New York prices and also gives s rebate ' of 5 per cent for

1l. Wood raff, proprietor. AND FINEST FABRICS DALY’S

CITY HOTEL Fancy Cashmeres, Cheviots,

Corkscrews, Whip Cords,


Usder Yu Deventer Hall. CITY MILLS,

Somerset Street,. Near Front. Plainfield. N.J.

Having greatly increased our facilities we ask attention to the superior quality of our Soda Water, which cannot be excelled, and to to the new Aavors we have intro, duced. I -


FRENCH BROS. Merchant Millers, New England


Equal to any imported.


Wc-guarantce these extracts to be better than any told for 25 cents, and have all the favorite odors. Ortr 1000 Battles Sold ky ue

in the last Two Tsars.

PARK HOUSE. hit iniM Con* tf BWU sum. FLOUR Alapacas,


Flour and" Indian Meal, Hominy, Oat-meal, -

Wheat and Rye Bran. All kinds of Feed for Horses. Cattle and Poultry. BALED HAY AND STRAW. Com, Oats, Wheat, Buckwheat, Bar. ley, Wheat and Rye Bran. Corn Meal, Screenings, Cracked Corn, Bone Meal, Oil Cake Meal. Ground Oyster Sheila. Cracked Bone,


Plainfield, N. J

an Coats, and Dusters.

A Favorite Summer Resort. 15 West Front Street.

N«i England Bread t Specialty. ■Iwyei1 -T—•"TAIJw W


Club House, Why Pay 50c


The Ofaat Fruit Frsssrrsr, When Yon Can Buy It

For 38c a Box


Car. Somerset and Emily Sts.. N-L n**u. John W. Hnghrs, Prop. L. M. FRENCH.

Carriage Mannfactiirer, Tremendonsty LOW PRICES. MLLERlITBERLEY’S

No. 18 Somerset St. PLUM FIELD. M. J. Miller’s 20c Corn Core.

A positive and painless cure corns. 6 BOTTLES FOR 91.00. - LAI MO'S HOTELj J«Mr« H. Miu-n. PaorMBTOt Fine


Carriages. ALL STYLES.

Cheap for prompt cask

Sponges and Chamois.

A large assortment selected with

a-CTiC.. “NFI"*' E, C. MULFORD Rea! Estate Broker

Established House

Fire Insurance. 0ffio« 35 and 87,0pp. R.B. Station,

Plainlleld. N. J. S. C. Lilienstern, HE LEADING PLAINFIELD Prescription


JA00B BLMM, PROPRIETOR In this department wc give out personal and especial attention, thus insuring reliability and promptness, at greatly reduced prices. tVI HaVX JOIItKD Mountain View Farm, BLUE RIDOR MOUNTAIN.

Charming Summer Retreat. Mo Combination


MO. 7

E. Front Street OPPOSITE,


Tkt Pliinfidd Transportation, Clay Mining

SIMPSON & CO., Vkoiwk True luU t Spicttttj.



Page 4: Vol. EDSALL'S BUTLER'S Drug Store, Summet of r Fixings 1 · Vol. 1, No. 38 •••—^^™ AT PLAINFIELCS, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, EDSALL'S You will find an excellent assort '



f IIIIK n m d of iW t b a w H t u _

of rmat *•»•

: i «o4«artDn

J. J

tapoadiai aaUlaatrMT


•at OK S*ia i

THS WEATHER.OBK* Pwaretime-rair weaikw

piruur. awdlMrir wind*. a%t» ba.

CHR.ONOA U o r m






s.-.i..n io *•>" Vera. foot of


-TElvrTAnoVfH..1**^ 'JLtAVl* "AS6"¥E L LKAVa. : ARRIVE

^'jajlAVx bFavB naupRiu 3 J7. a 41* J J JJH la 3/ ™

a (ram EUafeld c

Tnim BwrlH-d (•) e h « * i « « « B«ui«l Brook.'•• J, E WOOTTEN. G m n l ILiugrr.

1 C. q. HANCOCK, <5i«'l *•»*• and Tkk« A«uH P- BALDWIN,

Ges'I Eaten P iwuir Agon.

Ic-nMonremapbyifclai,. atMe .to dtteaw a certain -object In wticb boaiw wrn- iutanatHl. and oa which W t

fata parlor. I fbtmd belii> prvfraatoikil hoar* lor a aooW uaJI...*d*. H« lw* of it, took m, i •

e of the all* oat ofTh* doctor M <

with to >>n!<-:-iain

I watted half an hoar Wore tbe «>0-irk Uat waa namiiwd. e

»ith and preacribad for. Thau I Wctor to niymtr—for D>» mini!***—j

ii.n. enough to begin to ciemr oar btadtthe fi.-lit. wlnn timr-a-Unf want tta* doorML Another patient.

I went oat. The patient 1In rea.1. t.ut only fumed ami frrtted. Tina-l(aK: Another patient H,reception room and watted.

enl A «oman When l a

wi th tto doctor would he a, long one. I•e women generally cot the »Ii<vm thtof doctors and clergymen ir Uw v d

Why? 1 c m t « v - M la i l , 1 won't My.ru.»« t to h b

t the U pTb. Ant of the woonil batch of patient*

he «c»nd, and anally tbe woman "irnwl of. The woman's lnt«rvto*

of thorn alwBy*-xoinjr andwith her band on tb.

knob wd the doctor tutoring ronurt hewishing- ahe would *-o.

Again I found mj-aslf atone with the:for full fifteen mfmitta. Tbrn another rinand another patient, ami *o the evening

mUMd, bat IHW t*» I N * an out™^m u More kted or Kympktkwtto Uian tl

lortor »n»i no' aaan mora nadjr to KHtimn ail 1 mowr to tliP «i.-t and neniy

i" mnu who in the ei«TM* of bin profawonha* kept tkw right liaml Ignorant of wliUic I.tt waa dolnCT-and a doctor with•yinpaiUistic heart faalwayxoa the m i l to

But be IndiractlT pramiaed me a noc-W ,1tertalnmeiit and thrn ivfuael it. Ha mixerap tnineaa and plonore. He KMtcbed ame in drtbMa when Dot f eH i

t t ' fc lkl t tp p sBaton nwalltoplecea.

r mjr rrioml, tlmiy «•• ••> l i l l - ort.. o ( n i H i i y t ' m i

1 la Aii-rlean lira and unrittywith wbam what I i-a'l th-> noieno • iv art•notability, or ii0.-i.1l an.1 inWlertnsl coiininlon, U ttut W, l In th- •Ilghtett regard,

the doctor aiU I wantMf 'Mrtafii topic. To <a>.

Ad reeelva thongbt and nug^t-ition fi-oiirtotbCT.WbatdM weroqai

r ur two. A f tot uf

HT. OUI * -Libcnr

pgijtrr Srrvke* on Sunday

IW Third; Rev. R. N. Fait.

uih; Kc*. E. II. Rodnu

' E. rroai n

<—sE r lCnuai »vi-

S3«fS?L,»5!•„,„,». I

r FJm place; vonhip onD I S T .

C u u n A. , * R.v. . C. KiclMRl.vtnicHob SBbdMT At 10 -p»4 • HEHJ J *< p a .«>V*c*<vtalg jo an; H. B. Kwliall, Hptrbi

5.t?"rf?.1^L^*i' >ito****TT^" j prnftrtTBBFCKHSTJ.

'. Stood mme Park are; Rev. A. V. V.

9LteSEJVf-Sf.".?t-fiFimi—Warm Uiakun Ctapd; Frederick Kircali.

•Mtar. StrvicW « Stmckty U M *, . m. S u b y

time when th.iv sbonlit, iuv* been no breakI tbe «y!tij»lr:v-. i-nntlliuit)-r* Wendm-.

What did we kM through mil tlieregsrdI1 IK- law* soreraJas *«-.«! aad Intel!tercnomt I feet an evening whichivn been pltHisantly apeut d r u i - r .

nv tempn1 and patiance teaBporirll'calocdUie teit whersou to hang this nniHi-M'liat tb« doctor tort or gaintvl I tlim'tkui.HIf my oocaaiOBBl aocietr I* nt any *abae Khtm. be be* certaialy loM that for fee fainra,1.1,1-HS It,- ™. a;!;-,..., tlio tinuuteide of twain. M boars. If t<« a bore to him be boa gained.

I bold that B vMt amoant of hip;)in™amprofit k tCKt to a datJ of' peopli through thelark of s proper regulation at ths law*of «o-i-ial and meatal communion. I Oo not 11. ntbe srasarioikt d w I do not ni«.n the \ieipie waokweeJwaja tabs lattwoowd.auw h o o l w r r i y l l n o n t o f i L 1 do aot II.'HL

of tfaooKht on any om> anbject fui thirtj meuoda. Tbweiir h»rP.v »ad In tbelr propelplaw wbelt bearing tbe eound or tholr own

- vuk**, no nwtter »l*at I

Ho aneu a c-laa* of mind poa«wl dlK, ong^BBUty, fertility of thought, and

mi|g#il[ii awl appnolaUn, bat.' ' ' l d

Indeed. Thar «ak yea to <lrori hi otten."di-op in" of an eranfiv. when [mil—imlid

are* of iHUiinean an> OVKI-«nJ recrcatLniuiH«.rl *iiuaid be the rmter of tbe day.

or nt;h(. How do j-oit fimi tlirmfLin,!. Wronit «rt dMi ra~s, Bodk«anrl

niin-U ,-ihKrHtrd, without vfajor ar 1ton* Ohnl toaue you, of oouna:; flad to beralertnined by you; glad tohireroudan intellertual Imak-doini for tbeiraimml: gla.! to be amaued, but aaweak •Netrea, m> wrunc out. that when f o r t w afew *ecvod* you relax yowr effort* yoi Bad

•ettJinc back into tbe limp, wrun,-oanr c t T

you (tad no mmcte at all at tk* other and of

.ntal hb aodtoao. trmk anddrely uobraoed «nd tired oat-for if? wen la no lit condition to Imr aad • »

• n.««-, u d tfcat tbi* tuwppro

U>o«gM M 1 »l l . , « • * •*« pw»«« » « • ot w . ; * «arf f * * tar «ck.Tbw ratto. r-rnli>nl b> >och aaw-clalio.. Tk-b-4ft—r. ' 'a>J twttar pnpaMd fthim. Tfca other, be ai.

orrlerof tbnuirfit. Had we if vigor and rtwaV< « ot rninit . («* not lej-nely depend on fat-ting iww fden And do™ not vigor of bod

> with vigor aad Ireaaaaa* nt 'tear taw remark: "TMi nun talk

Uw world were mad. for nothing bat

to; a* if I In niiiaallj fin «**tinx a living, dotke* aad (halter for 01

•aklog boon. «adith o-1y

I grant the full fora of the objection.Hen Jo not bam tbe time nor strengthget oat of life all! tjl» good there mightfor them, or to get 411 the good out of them-telrr*. Ttil* IUILM no differ™* a> to

emit. The loat ii ta* aamu.But -ociahility mat onbrokeo ooenmni

of thought aad idea hare a great deal to 1with auccMa in wtrtdl j matter*. U to perbapi f n mnt important factor. Oi*Bmen of (H|n«J Land : mental calibr* an nppar-tiinity to talk ore* *>™ buatoee . _p. Ivate dinner; hjt Hhrfr opafaalnn for thetime be nndMmied: tat boththeir whole mind* on the hour: let the con

IUOB take a1 trtde range, enilirariimatten common Co their mutual experience",and in many OanWa rvrtaiironlon taeflV

veen tbetn-a ! oerfaUu {tfking, jwwiMeacfa. other; at- all i-veiii*. a ivrto

mutualitjof mlatiect and (Uvngtbenln^from tbeir jntarclunKe ot thought, ami

tbe ™u.t is roral.iiiati. .11 and <-of tbPtight and effort on acproject, and. combl iiatioo and o

mUUking now io aome 11dWy aM«« women,- who conld rebrain of BMU a bbamaB man. did he drop

•Ine* at ewtaiii times Mid wsaaDiv, andItlvate to some extent the art of eiitertaJ

ng and beins entertamad. I am tatUnR

night, ragged out, who ratt hh> dinnw, paon bis aUppera, atU goe* to deep in the HW•hair, or read* * paper, or •erlbbieeten a correepmtdsfitB, while aha situ by maewa, and poakibly wanden why the riverher .Imtiny. iThi'cli bat a frw jean >wcooiwd throtiKh HK-II a romantic and p

iw TaUayaboulil now have run into

punctunte the -leepj- period* of the>y «riiitn letlm. wltcn rwliniKlIyi

lil-* love for her surf <ttm* trrnr doing1 ml » tt-nrim mat • bat be did migfa

not pit.*.(rW an annasuat fellow. I renllyhim roini. in Jod c-rack a Joka. It dor

acterwbo had the unfortunateciwevrr. trith tbe bnatneaa elentent, of belos'•NVer-do-«elt." ibnplr bscauMhe did nolve to ill ike atoaty.But the burfneaa n m put (ID money raloa1 tbe o:har"« ability to pleaee and

Nera- such an ideal ocenmd to him. RidHe o wan I that an hour of " Yaak'Kwaa better madlcme than any ba

rwwi ved from hie doctor, to reat both bodyo arg u» that aoehmm].

txxl rromfI am writing" to aonwbody. 1 know not

whom and care not, who happen* to be goodimi]Kuiy tor him or, hrraclf; who BtgneUn

.- rk-h frfendr-Uie rich friend gladupaiiy awl nach rort as ii may brin)m friend wnvwlU consent to tab>

eat* reat in driblet*—a pleasing way ot (111{117 In the chinks In) HI am t-e.

orld: but the rich friend who never think*hat far more may be gi<nowledged or appreciated, and that far

more might be given, and gladly g l w ,would the Imatneei w t d lend, not it* money

Utlle more of it> mneeiitrr.ted earifn-n tn and nMtnaltty ot effurt in *o-

rieJ'interooune,1 am writing also to a gnat m a y ot ray•nopsft rrfendaeo "Umnerand in UWIDM," a>• have no time noir pMngU> for .-ultivat-g the art of eocislnli ty. J would 1ich if it ever w o n to then V•ere may be in the futon an extoteiben there can be no baying or wiling

Ibllltr ot beapinj: up gold and bank--M. Tbii «iUi me in nonple bet. a natnrat law to which all of ia

bom, an inerttul.f fhiugo in the orderbiaas, like that of day into night, andlUvli d -pendent on tbe U n of tbe ani-1 (u-.nu-v -r t ™ ; turn arel, tlut whenpaw out <i; tac nwuhliw J M call yoor

budy you ore - Ui • tliinkiug, aetlvn, intelli-gent being. Bat—and au aw/ul "bof b

t make your money paw InUi- new order of ^«ur creation; yoaatawd In the public animation in

proportion to the punnda of gold you own,.•alw •> rated wtlrelj by tbe ooaliUai

OH umaieM and yoor EMBMT of iMtag Chain,U n a i k f l B i c r home* • . » t a « .

•M in other people'* henrm. Tonx.t get an/ aatntnad rtwpert, or aHomedI"..iM-, or I I M I I oooaideratkm, for yon'U

*atr*Jg*it Oooagh othtn1 motirea, a. theyUI throutfh yoan. Yon can't gam any

fort or fcappfiMM a n by your ability to•eor he pteand. and you m»y not bato eici to . ny other eaaottoa In other*that of p t t f t e yow mkanble condi-aH»ns wit of yoar Mginet (n the raW-

•i.™ at Urn a n of pleartnf. And the •>

be tfearayonr onky roat and oomfort.nd TOO woat be able, tfe,Mgh yon dmjre it

much, to giv. bfan a dollar fir haily. Voa te

COMPTON'SIce Cream Garden

26 W«st Front Street.


HOME-MADE BREADIf Voa Want the Best.


Is Noted for Being Fresh, andthe Largest Variety in

tie city.


Fine ChocolatesL. L. COMPTON.

DIXON'S ICE CREAM" rialaleU Ct ik , and Dtpot,

35 Front Street.Hew York Btpota «k» Reatannat

289BieeckerSt, 140 6th AreHarlem Depot * . R e»t aorant,

104 West 125111SL,Newark, N. J. Depot «&, Reitaur.nt

675 Broad St

y and Itilcwirc Cowitu l « Flavored with th*

At Dixon'si ICP JT-esti Gardenfrozen Ljiionade, \t tei Iceslan?na Ice C.«-.m, tc Cream ta^akc a" TO cenis.: For Church Festivals,

Ice Cream Pa. ties,i Sunday School Festivals.

andSocieiy Gatherings.

Dixon's Ice Cream Garden,TEXT, 40X80 FEET,i Accommodating too Persons.


CE CREAM SALOON.Frencb r t. Amc-lcao

fee Cream and Water fees.

Freuch My* fo-

Pivnch Glace.

A Ijrge Variety of

Individual Ice C n u Imitations.

Ice Creamumona, Fead**].. Ornrche,, >aii»,

etc , at Reduced Prices.

North Ave,,Plainfield, N, J.

htme, No. ya. 6.io-ra


Ice Cream Garden,

i^anufacturer. Wholesale andRetail Dealer in -


Water Ices.

Laiatiye Wise.MT I PATER IEMGB


Vegetable Wine

Made from Ha» fruits of ih* »pe™« o

Rosaceae Amygdaleae

Specific forCostiveness

Mifiintrf and Dress-Makinq.Ml—ii« Goaaa » 1>i • iihT.

« Watt Frost S.rart, P-inneM, M. ™Ltt* eTatBe. Dnwe, w» Bnadavy, M. y.'

It is the only preparation in tharket which will take the plac

>f many-unpleasant purgatives,ind yet for its regulating effectIponth'e too often dreaded plagwConstipation, it has no equal. Wrill subject this Wine to theinalysisofany Physician orChem-st for its purity and harmless[ualitiefe.

Tie Coolest Place in Summer to Get tGOOD


William Claassen's, ,• . i WEST FRONT STREET.

laxative Wine1* put u|> m

Qnaii Bottles,

50 Cts. a Bottle,I

And U sold by ail




7€ V . . Double Roll.

4pC /) leRoll,

^ « i ;*dlm's,

[•'•."• It ' ft. Pirnls.

I N j . fi NV»r- .-> ^ ' enue .




iSHERWIN'Spoe Store,23 West Front St.

Special attention is called toir Ladies Common Senseh(Je at $2.50. Every pairiffanted.

A, Patterson,intcT. njutneu. I. J.qcMiad B o Mccicd Stock sfFIME SEGAKS,

Plpo u i Saotus1 IrtkheIK THS STATE.

Th fait Supplied it th Lorel Bilti.

Sole Agent for the Celebrated


FORD & STILESFuneral Directors



; Architect.* Am., w r Fn« t St.. Coward , Sal*,

XAYLOR Sf SMALLEY.Carpenters aiid Builders,

FhinfcW, K. J.


PIANOS AND ORGANS.Toned and Bepaired by



T. E. Morgans,SooXs, Stationery, Music.



Boot and <S/ioe Dealer.

Low Prices, at No, 1 Front Street,


'ruits and Vegetable* in Season.

37 Front Street.


Mason and Builder.PLAINFIELD, .Y 1..

Tt Put An, P.o.BoiW.


Fancy Goods, Hosiery, etc

^ im»t •mil fur aaia

Kugfene A. I .uim,THE HAIR CUTTER,"29 West Front Street, PlainfieH.

[, Hair-CuirW. ShampMnr. etc., in firt;-

ot and Cold I tier Bitta, Jfl Celts Eict~ l i i d U U ' ^n paid to cUUra'i

A. tt. RAMD,

24 'West From Street. '

Pianos for Sale and to Let.


Offlce, No. 45 West Front Street.l « » II •! Ij&ft Had, PMtalcM. ». J.




indling Wood far One Dollar.


_ V i U «**»»* Or* APn/iMTUSES j

F. E. KINSMAN, je a a n n r , . K . KINSMAK •CO.,

Ice Cream Garden, it Wnst Front Street. FORD & STILES

Funeral Directors A PORELV BUY COMPTON’S


Architect. *•. Ctmmrt, twit,.,,


Is Noted for Being Fresh, and the largest Variety in

the city. BUY COMPTON’S

Fine Chocolates. L. L. COMPTON.

Rosaceae Amjgdaleae.

NA YLOR &■ SMALLE ] Carpenters and Builders.

Specific for BSTIMATBS FURNISHED. Costiveness.

PIANOS AND ORGANS. Tuned and Bepairad by


It is the only preparation in the narkct w hit h will take the place if many • unpleasant purgatives, nd yet for its regulating effects iponthe too often dreaded plague, Constipation, it has no equst Wt rill subject this Wine to the Analysis of any Physician or Chem- tt for its purity and harmless SHAVE AND HAIR CIT William Claassen S89 Bleeder SI, MOM Ait,

Harts. Depet ReetserssS. IMYottSBtkSL, Laxative Wine T. E. Morgans,

Books, Stationery. Music. NEWS DEALER.

Quart Bottles, PLAINFIKIJ) AMO WIUDEIPHI*. B. IL FORCE. and Shoe Dealer.

50 Cts. a Bottle, Proien L-monade. \J tei Ices. Banana Ice Car.,. |c Crearr. old C^lce a X) cents.

For Church Festivals. Ice Cream Pa.ties,

Sunday School Festivals, and

Society Gatherings.

Fruit* and VagataUaa in Staaon. TKEMTON MEDICINE CO.

1. S. MELBOURNE, Mason and Builder,

PLAINFIELD. It. 1.. RkMmm-TI Put in. P.O.BeilM.


Accommodating too Persons

EDVARD RAIONETTI, MRS. A. B. WARNER. si 14 west PBOirr ar. PiAisrua Fuey Geode, Heeiery, etc. FREPCH COd.'ECAOHESr

Eugene A. Laine, ‘THE HAIR CUTTER,' 29 Wat Front Street, Plainfield.

1• enue.

Ice Cream CALL AT ’TiTtcot<aari:»Tlo*At- CAREV’S maijuat ut nuianr tiruu

Offce, No. 45 West Front Street. 24 North Ave., Plain fia/d, H. J.


as na. t. a. »mu J3fi~v <—r r~*c

Ice Cream Garden, cial attention is called to wadies Common Sense at $1.50. Every pair

Retail Dealer in


Water Ices