Vol 4 Issue 2

ISSUE #2 VOL#4 DEC. 07 ***FREE I ntervie w Issu e Inventor Steve Frink Rider Jordan Armstrong Poser Terry Parker


Snowskate Magazine

Transcript of Vol 4 Issue 2

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ISSUE #2 VOL#4 DEC. 07 ***FREE

Interview Issue

Inventor Steve Frink

Rider Jordan Armstrong

Poser Terry Parker

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revolutionSnowskate Shop

Wenatchee, Washington


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“We’re gonna be in Starfish? I feel Famous.” Mindy Davis on being in Starfish

“I live in America, which means I can have a closet full of guns and I can write what-ever I want about whoever I want” Leavitt on Canadians questioning his ethics.

“I am stoked to be involved” Chris Wellhausen on replacing PLWP


“That was the best snowskate movie I have ever seen” Peter Line on Only A Matter Of Time

“That’s the first Movie he’s made that’s worth a damn” Danny Sheehan on Only A Matter Of Time

“In addition to the boarders, a small contingent of enlightened snowskaters make the Holy Oly a

regular event. Among them is Clarke Hurlbut. This guy charges the hill on his snowskate like a man processed. While Pat Moore was

fast planting the quarter, impressive in its own right, Hurlbut was doing kickflips to fakie on his snowskate!!! No joke. The dude has obviously made a deal with the devil.” Pat “The Eye” Bridges on Jake’s

domination of the Holy Oly event.

“Dude, you gotta quote me on that” Spi-coli on something he says everytime I see


“Snowskates have no bindings, which helps in executing halfpipe type maneuvers and

other moves familiar to skateboard enthusiasts” Craig Hill, Tacoma News


“Editing is done with a computer mouse in one hand and a beer in the other,” Craig Hill, Ta-coma News Tribune on


“Jail isn’t bad. It’s like camp,” Tyson on jail

“Rules were meant to be broken” Sean Davis on Starfish’s continuing

typo problem

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Photo by Chris Wellhausen

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Maple syrup and back bacon

Jordan armstrong has been snowskating for many years, and

loves it more then he could ever love a human child. about three years ago

Jordan started his own board company, circuit snowskates. although it is

starting up slow, Jordan has recently moved from his mothers garage in calgary, to his own home in nelson b.c. where he now has his own shop

to make his boards in. needless to say, success is ensured and Jordan is pumped on his future, and the

upcoming season.

during the winter, Jordan travels to Washington to take part in many various snowskate events, usually

placing in them. He’s one of the best canadian snowskaters us locals have

ever heard of, and we hope it stays that way.

How long have you been snowskating for?

Aboot 10 years ago, before I learned how




to snowboard, I used to put packing tape on my skateboard and ride down a hill by my house. A few years later I found out about Premier Snowskates, and it went from there.

When did you realize you liked snowskating better than snowboarding, and why?

“In Nelson nothing is against the law.”

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Media kingpin. Jordan has been appearing in Star-fish for years. Here he is on the cover of last years

April Fools Issue and in an ad for Pluto Sports.

I started snowskating more, and it slowly took over my snowboarding over the past few years. Last year was the first year I didn’t snowboard once. For me, snowskating is a control sport. I just love being able to ride mountains not strapped in because I enjoy it more when I have to look carefully at what I’m about to ride.

What’s your favorite place to ride?

Either Fernie, or Hurricane Ridge.


Fernie, because it has all the terrain I need, great snow, and the saddles are amazing, Hurricane, because I just like the feeling of it with the rope toe and the natural terrain.

all snowskaters smoke the reefer, or at least drink. What’s your deal eh?

I honestly don’t know, I did before, then I stopped and I enjoyed stopping. It’s just not my scene eh?

so would you say you’re straight edge?

Boardslide to fakie in the rain.

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865-523-0045 AND

GATLINGBURG 865-436-9990


Pat Bonzer by Chris Wellhausen



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Matt Qualm

Wolle Nyvet by Jess Mooney

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I just learned what that is. Tim told me it’s when you don’t drink or smoke so I guess? I didn’t know there was a name for it.

What snowskating competitions have you been to and what did you place?

-U.S. Open 2003 at Hood, I got 6th. -X games 2004, I got 3rd.- Clash of the Snowskates, I got 1st.- Clash of the Snowskates best trick, 2nd.-Rude Boys Ender Bender Snowskate Cross, I got 1st. -The past few Shut Up and Snowskates, best I got was 2nd and 3rd. -Hurricane Ridge Bank Slalom, I got 4th Oh yeah and -Yeti Jam, I got 2nd in first year and 1st in Bideck, both years.-Northwest Series, I got 1st at Stevens and 7th Overall.

What’s your take on canadian back bacon?

It’s pretty good. I don’t know, I like to have it with other bacon.

Isn’t it against canadian law to mix bacons?

In Nelson nothing is against the law.


No, I don’t think he stuck this one either. I have

seen him stick them before. The problem with Jordan is that he usually

rides alone so we don’t have that many photos right now.

Who do you look up to?

I really like Steve Frink because he had some really good ideas with his snowskates, and he rips on them. Andy Wolf really helped me out when I was sponsored by Premier. John Pernal, from Universal Ramps also

helped me out at a few competitions. I really like Greg Todds’ outlook on binding free riding. I also like Jake Tomlinson and Spicoli because I think they’re leading the sport right now, and I like what they’re doing with it.

Whatever happened to your accomplice, colin

sproule eh?

I don’t know what to say to that. We still ride; Colin just gets hurt all the time. He constantly ends his own seasons early.

are you planning anything new and exciting for circuit this year?

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Things are going slow because I just moved, but I have some pretty good ideas in my head.

do you ever stop riding to tap into a maple syrup tree?

No not yet, I’m scared of the maple farmers.

Would you ever combine the delicious flavors of maple syrup and back bacon?

THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME! Bacon cooked in syrup is delicious. I wish I were having some right now!

(Leaves to go make maple syrup bacon)

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photo by Dane Orvold

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Interview by Leavitt, Joey

McGuire, Clarke Hurlbut and Dane Orvold

Clarke: I got a question Terry, I used to really like the cartoon Revolu-tion ads that you drew. How come you don’t draw the cartoon ads any-more?

Terry: Cuz the Edi-tor didn’t like them any more, he said

they weren’t cre-ative And that they sucked.

Leavitt: No, the readers said that.

Terry: No, it was the editor because I never saw any of the letters that the readers sent.

Joey: Nobody reads it anyway.

Terry: Yeah the readers? What they read like the other eight paragraphs and then they were like oh yeah and that Revolution ad? I’m pissed off at that.

Joey: How many readers actually wrote you letters?

Leavitt: Actually the readers were pretty stoked but I just got sick of calling you like 20 times for one ad. Alright do you want to start with the Peter Line story, the Craig Kelly story, the 89 Mogul Champ story, the Bear Mace story or the story of how you got beat up last night?

Joey: Last night would carry more reality the mogul story would be like freakin...Leavitt: Yeah who remembers 89?

Terry: I beat Don Schwarts but I wasn’t there it was in Calgary.

Leavitt: What year was that?

Terry: It was Amer-ica.

Clarke: And what year is this coming out?

Terry: Next year? 2008 starfish. So what how do we start this out?

Leavitt:I just started it, I thought.

Terry: You asked me 18 different ques-

Photo by Dane

“It is not really a feeling

it’s just a being.”

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Leavitt: Well let’s start with the fight last night, you bit the dude’s finger off?

Terry: Well he stuck it in my mouth, I bit that shit down to

the bone. Next ques-tion.

Leavitt: Go to the Peter Line story.

Terry: I made that bitch. Next question.

Leavitt: What about Craig Kelly “the

shredder. “

Terry: I dated his sister. I made out with her too.

Clarke: Come on man were you MBHC?

Terry: No, Dave Wallace said I did

not have the mate-rial and that I would never have the material and that no matter what I did I would never be MBHC.

Joey: He said that to you?

Terry: Yes, no mat-ter how hard I tried no matter what I did I would never be MBHC.

Leavitt: Who said that?

Terry: Dude, fuckin’ Dave Wallace, the fuckin MBHC sheriff.

Leavitt: I thought it was Colter or Cart-er?

Joey: All those guys were MBHC but Wal-lace definitely took the reins as police chief, If there were any rules him and Fulton would have sat and wrote them down.

Terry: I think a kid off the street would have a better chance of be

Boardslide. Photo by Jimmy Clarke

“Steve Frink? Fuck that guy I invented


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ing MBHC than me. Galbraith called us Mission Ridge light weights.

Joey: Galbrath said that I thought you guy’s made that up?

Terry: Galbrath started it. The MBHC and the Mission light-weights.

Leavitt: How does it feel to be snowskat-ings #1 ranked pos-er?

Terry: It is not really a feeling it’s just a being. I remember when I really felt like that(#1 Poser), I was talking to Ryan Davis, the second snowskate poser and Krush. Krush, he kills it he passed me with a fuckin mi-crophone telling me how he was passing me two inches from my face. Krush has skills.

Leavitt: Tell us about the first Shut-Up and snowskate?

Terry: Well, OK. I was watching that shit pretty good. I tried to hit the jump twice and just like didn’t do it. And Joey was hitting it pretty good so I was just like well he is probably hitting it pretty good for both of us. So, I just let him take care of that. And then

I remember leaning on it... and it wasn’t even my snow skate....somebody gave him a Toronto when we got there. So I had his old Michigan, like the first snowskate ever made. I had the Michigan and I was like I will probably ride that. Probably not! And then that is when I realized I was snowskatings first poser. I went there, I actually hiked up the hill.

Joey: I think that was the first day

with actual evidence of a snowskate poser.

Leavitt: Then you placed in the North-west Series but never actually took a run?

Terry: Oh, yeah! I got trophies too.

Leavitt: Do you have a new proser model leash coming out?

Terry: We are ne-gotiating, because I want it a little bit longer than normal cuz when I go down,

I go down hard and fast. I wanna make sure that shit is clear.

Leavitt: Well what is your plan for this year and how are you gonna get an-other snowskate, since you don’t seem to have one. You have been getting a lot of coverage.

Terry: My plan for this year is to take some sick runs pret-ty much and get my new snowskate.

According to Kyle


down, I go down hard and fast. I wanna make sure that shit is clear.”

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Phillips(Lib Tech rep) I should just buy one or try and pro form one. Which they are not on the pro forms but according to the Lib rep they are.

Joey: That sucks the snowskater who is getting the most actual snowskate coverage can’t even get a snow skate?

Terry: I know it is amazing. I mean sports need pioneers and I had to pioneer posing. Who else is gonna be able to have a snowskate and stand around and walk around with it?

Joey: It actually came to me as this epiphany as the first ever snowskate thing like you are the first snowskate poser. I was blown away.

Terry: Yeah while Joey was hitting the kicker going like 25, I was sitting there watching him, with a snowskate under-neath my arm.

Leavitt: And you get a lot of coverage.

Terry: You know what’s funny your questions are more boring than my an-swers.

Leavitt: I thought you were supposed

to make up the questions and I was just gonna read them back to you?

Terry: Well yeah, but in all real-ity, in a real world but it didn’t happen.

Leavitt: What’s up is Mission Ridge open to snowskating.

Terry: No, not any more, I took care of that one day.

Leavitt: Did you get it opened up?

Terry: Me? No... I actually got it shut-down for a little bit but Joey talked them back into it.

Leavitt: So is it open or closed?

Terry: They change that shit ev-ery other day up there.

Joey: Basically get on the lift don’t make eye contact and ride. If you make eye con-tact, like is this OK? You are asking a question that can be answered, if you just get on the lift there is no question.

Terry: This is boring.

Leavitt: Hopefully Steve Frink

Terry’s patented “look back” frontside air. Photo by Lorn


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Jake Tomlinson

Background photo by PLWP

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Sean DavisPhotos by Dane

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will do a better job.

Terry: Steve Frink? Fuck that guy I invent-ed snowskating.

Dane: How do you feel about next year’s Shut-Up and Snoskate contest offering “I passed toecutter” shirts?

Joey: Who made that up?

Leavitt: Krush

Terry: I’m gonna train, I’m gonna fuckin win and he is gonna sit on all of those shirts. That’s my goal this year I decided right now. I’m gonna train and I am gon-na win it and nobody is gonna pass me. I’m gonna win the mother fucker! With Clarke’s help. Clarke’s gonna be in the front and he is gonna crash and take peo-ple out.

Clarke: What about John?

Terry: Oh, Big John. I gotta team with that guy definitely.

Leavitt: Tell us something interesting Ter-ry?

Terry: What! Oh like this Interview is just me?

Leavitt: You were supposed to organize it like your ads.

Terry: Oh like this is not an interview it is some kind of one liner event? It’s not even an interview, it’s like a quotes page for the next three years all recorded.

Leavitt: Wait, how did you invent the snowskate before Steve Frink?

Terry: I couldn’t afford a snowboard. No, It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford one it was that I did not want one. I had a Sure Grip Skateboard, mine had 2 skis and my friend had one ski.

Leavitt: Enlighten us more about your rela-tionship with Craig Kelly “The Shredder”

Terry: Shredder? Shredder hated me. I loved shredder though.

Clarke: What did he have against you?

Terry: I was just a little snowboarding cock dude, and I sucked. I was making out with his sister.

Clarke: I wouldn’t like that either.


Terry: What are you guys giving up on me? I’m just getting warmed up.

Terry didn’t compete at this years Shut-Up and Snowskate

event because of the rain. He did show up 3 days later when the

sun came out and allowed Dane to

photo his air from the OP to bowl.

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“What are you guys giving up on me? I’m just getting warmed up.”

Photo by Big John

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When, where and why did you

first develop your Bi-deck snowskate design?

When is the Fall of '92.I was living at Ste-vens Pass with some other instructors teaching skiing and snowboarding.The previous season

What was your in-vention called?

I called it a snowskate, what else could you call it?The first samples I had made said Sno-Sk8 on them because I couldn't get www.snowskate.com as a web site.

By Jack HitchcockWas there flat deck-ers at this point in time?By the time I made those first samples Andy Wolfe had begun Premier snowskates and had done a local TV show out of Portland (PM magazine maybe). He was making them himself in a garage.Those things sucked. At this point in time, in 92 hadyou ever heard of Terry Parker, the Austrian, Alpin

Steve (here) shows us his

original design. (Above left) An

artist rendition of Steve talking to

Jake Burton.

“I called it a snowskate, what else could you call


we had been riding skate decks with no trucks or wheels, basically stand up sledding. The nov-elty wore off pretty quick though, we didn't think of mak-ing a big tail. I did think about riding the slopes without bindings.I thought about it over the summer and

that fall we were burning some skis to make the winter come and it all came together. I chopped the tip off Chad's Rossignol m3 and nailed it to a skate deck with a 2x4 in between and what do you know, the damn thing worked.I've got the skate I'll send a photo.

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I would have to see the Swing-Bo to tell you if I have seen one.And since we are e-mailing this in-terview I googled swingbo. I have never seen one in action but they have the right idea go-ing. The 2 skis are too wide so they need straps to get their edging. They were way ahead of

A French patent shut you down? Do you have any patents? No. I went through the Patent process for several years

and many thousands of dollars. It is very

difficult to get a patent if you are outside the corpo-rate world. I could have kept trying, each time you are rejected you can make changes and re submit your ap-

did talk about riding it without bindings.

Patents's suck. I think around that time Lib was mak-ing stickers that said "Boycott Pat-ent's you can't pat-ent fun" I'm gonna bring those back. Anyway when did you realize that your design worked? When and where did you start riding the chair?Well I knew it worked right away. That first skate did fine and the "radical" sport of “ski-boarding” was about to be-gin which gave me access to dif-ferent shapes and sizes of skis to use. The first ones were called Bigfeet and they were made for mountaineers to ski down cascade vol-canoes that were not steep enough to

Short haired Steve at Mt Hood. Circa way back. (Left) An artist rendition of Steve

talking to Jake Burton.

Surf "swing-bo" or the "snowskate" patented in the


their time with that sidecut though.There are many pat-ents for snowskate devices that use skateboard trucks like the Railz snowskates. They track the way a skateboard does but do not get edging the way a snow-board does.The Patent that shut me down was a french guy Laval.His deal was a raised platform above a snow ski, he rode it facing forward mono-ski style but

plication. I had al-ready been rejected for previous devices that used handle-bars and bindings

and each time I had to straighten them out it cost me more money than I had. I think I had a new idea and have seen

a lot of patents awarded to cor-

porations that are nothing new at all. And if you do get a Patent how do you enforce it against multi-million dollar

companies? fuck it, I just want to skate

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Yeah, fortunately Burton finally quit. I still send them mags for some reason. What do you think of the new Lib de-signs?

I have yet to ride any Magna-Traction and I really look forward to trying out this new Banana technology. It re-ally does not make sense to me, I think camber keeps the tip and tail on the snow preventing chat-ter but like I said, I haven't ridden them yet. I hope I get a chance. I am glad Lib

STEVE FRINK continued

“Big companies are not the innovators”

Wolfgang Nyvet by Jess Mooney

Bi-Deck Snowskates turned into a pile of skates in my base-ment.After Burton started making skates all the big companies jumped in any you could get skates in Wal-Mart a year lat-er. So many skates got built in those years that they are still selling on ebay for $50. There is no way to compete with people selling their stuff at a loss.It was difficult to get Bi-Deck into shops because Jake has strict minimum buys for shops that sell Burton products so there is little money left in a shop owners hand to spend on new com-panies and products. The shops have to sell what they have so they push the

What happened to Bi-Deck?

Mike of course lives in the Northwest and got wind of snowskates early on. He was very stoked right away and started build-ing them for bud-dies immediately. Once he saw Burton was selling them he knew I was fucked

Burton did about as much to help out as Premier. They both saturated the mar-ket with snowskates that don't work, products that make snowskaters look stupid.When did Mike Olsen get involved?

glissade. Roller blad-ing hadn't caught on yet either.The people at Ste-vens Pass are very cool. Then if you wanted a snowskate you had to build your own so they weren't ready to let people on the lifts during the season but every spring on employee day they let us rage. No one even considered a leash at that point.

Burton skates. And since the skates are selling there is no motivation to for Burton improve them and develop the sport. It is a vicious cycle that limits in-novation way be-yond snowskating.When Snowboarding

hit it took 10 years for the ski compa-nies to catch on and so there were a bunch of cool com-panies that were run by actual snow-boarders that made money for a while. Snowskating never got that break.

and started selling Gnu Snowskates. He gave me credit right away and was rela-tively cool about it.Mike is into snowskating fast down ski runs and used his manufactur-ing skills to make skates that are great at that. If someone in a similar position was into doing flip tricks and skateboard stuff... there could be inno-vation in that di-rection as well. The stuff Jake (Burton) sold just stayed the same as the first skates they saw. I just looked and couldn't find snow-decks on their web-site. Did they quit building them?

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Monty Hayes told me there was a

What's in the future for snowskating?I think things are looking good for new companies to find a niche. In skateboarding the bust part of the boom/bust cycle al-ways weeds out the poseurs and that is what has happened with snowskating. The big artificial boom is now over. Snowskating is hard core, you can't get one at Wal-Mart, it's not on TV commer-cials and the people out there skating now are in it for life.In the future some-one will figure out how to really make them ollie well and stop them without a leash and solve whatever other

When did you first see Starfish Maga-zine?

is trying new things.Jake was the one who was really in a position to make the sport go, it's too bad, now it looks like he was just milking it and got

out when he didn't cash in enough.

Danny Sheehan makes his own boards and hopefully boards for the rest of us some day! Did you all no-tice the artist rendi-tion of Steve talking

to Jake Burton?

snowskate magazine and they were look-ing for me a couple of years ago. I saw one issue from last year I guess and then the buyer's guide you just sent

out.I am very stoked a mag like this exists. Big companies are not the innovators, It will be snowskat-ers building their own stuff that ex-pands the sport. Just like snowboarding in the early days when the first thing you said to another snowboarder was "what have you done to make boots and bindings that work?"A cool zine will go a long way towards making that innova-tion happen.

“I encourage skaters to build their own stuff”

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Covington, Washington 253-630-4440NOLLIES.COM


on B

utler, P







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Awesome. I am out of questions. Any-thing we missed or people to thank?

I think that covered a lot. We can talk again if you want.I do want to thank some people. Guys like Ryan Davis and Armond Debuque who were into it enough to build their own skates in the early days and Chad Frost and Mitch Ross and everybody at Ste-vens who kept me pumped on the idea of starting a new sport. I want to thank the guy who


STEVE FRINK continuedproblems are out there.I encourage skat-ers to build their own stuff, don't wait around for it to come into the stores. Just remounting your deck can pro-duce all kinds of changes in your ride. Work on your set up often and try new things.

put up the money and had the connec-tions to get Bi-deck off the ground but he is a private guy so you will just have to know there is a guy with vision out there who put up the duckets to make it all happen.And a big thanks to resorts who allow snowskating, it is not bringing in a lot of cash so you know the resorts that let you skate are doing it because skating is

cool. We ride every day at Stevens Pass these days.

Pray for snow.


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Pat Quinn(Left on a Ralston), Andy Buergin(Here on a

Fuse) and Wolle Nyvet (Bottom right on a No-

board all agree:

“Big companies are not the innovators”

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*NOLLIES 253-630-4440nollies.com




2456NORTH BEND, WA. 98045

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Good news for Western Washington Snowskaters!

Mindy Davis and her trophy husband Zach have recently purchased the Nollies Board

Shop in Covington Washington.

Apparently Rob Herten is the only snowskater in New

Jersey. Anybody who contests that fact should get a hold of him and have a session, he is


The good people at the X-Games and Guiness Book

have decided that snowskaters need to hold World re-cords. Therefore they awarded one to this flat decker for jumping over this stick. The

only thing really notable about this

is that the stunt was made pos-

sible by FS grip.

If anybody knows Jess Mooney you should tell her we are going to keep bootlegging

her photos until she responds to our e-mails.

Some dude named Wade White recently became Star-fish’s first paid subscriber in


Lib Tech actually shipped their boards this year. They

may be shipping 150 more this season but our advice is to buy one if you see one, you may not

get another chance.



In the last issue when we said if you buy only one movie this year you should by the Trilogy Arts Movie we were wrong. I wrote that before actually seeing the mov-ies. If you are really only gonna buy one movie this year buy Sean’s movie “Only a Matter of Time”. If you want to see the Starfish Commercial go to our web page.

Some how the North Coast Stencil Company was completely left out of the Buyer’s Guide. Fans don’t need to worry. Victurd has promised new sten-cils will be available this season.

We still don’t know who took that photo of Jake doing his kickflip at the Holy Oly. We have established that Trevor did not take it. Terry offered to take credit for it so I guess we will give it to him. The owner of Ralston Snowskates is Danny Sheehan not Danny Sheenan.

Snowskating’s #2 Dead Beat Dad Tony Burt was so pissed

that Jake’s Kickflip at the Holy Oly did not win the contest that he took justice into his

own hands and stole the entire pallet of prize beer by himself.

Ironically local snowskaters received a prize they would

all enjoy even more, Tony was banned from their ski area for life! At this time Jake our At-torney J.T. and confused local skaters are still waiting for a public apology from Event Judges who were obviously

bribed by Quicksilver. Starfish is still surprised Jamie Lynne

did not win.

Joey Schwinghammer of St. Cloud Minnesota recently became the first person brave enough to subscribe via the internet. I hope we don’t let

you down Joey.

Anybody ordering a Florida Powder Skate should know that Adam makes those things in his garage by himself. He does a real, real good job at it but he

doesn’t make it till it is ordered. Therefore our advice is to plan

ahead and bug him.

The powerhouse heavy metal trio known as the Ruby Doe will be playing this years Shut-Up and Snowskate Jam.

If anybody wants a job hassling advertisers to pay

their bills they should contact [email protected].

It is a terrible job and we won’t pay you.

Former Bones Brigade member and all around bad ass Chris Borst is now helping to

design decks for Fuse.

The First Annual Ralston Cup will be held Saturday

March 8th at Sierra Tahoe. A race and Mini Pipe event are


OBITUAREY Snowskating’s #1 dog Peanut passed away on November 17th at his

home in Ballard Wash-ington. A memorial video

segment is being added to Only a Matter of Time

and should be online soon. Peanut will be missed by snowskaters everywhere.Peanut 7/1/99-11/17/07

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We know. This sequence of Donny is almost rad. If you want to see him ride it out you have to go to our web page: starfishsnowskatemagazine.com

Sequence courtesy of Strapless Entertainment

If anybody goes into a shop and sees Starfish T-shirts and

stickers you might as well just steal them. The shops never

pay for them anyways.

I know we say this every-time but our web page is really working now. It has some sick follow cam footage of Wolle

Nyvet on his pow skate in Alaska, photos and may be one of the only places selling Only A Matter of Time right now. starfishsnowskatemagazine.


Mayor Barry Tutle won our monthly joke about John Knox

contest with this entry:What’s the difference between

God and John Knox?God doesn’t walk around all day thinking he’s John Knox.The mayor was awarded an

embroidered Starfish baseball hat and a bloody mary for his

efforts. starfishsnowskatemagazine.comPat Bonser photo by Cris Wellhausen

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