Vivek Manifesto Layout

Hello! I am Vivek Agarwal (Y7513) and I am contesting for the post of President, Students' Gymkhana. During my time here at IIT Kanpur I‟ve been working hard towards making IIT Kanpur an even better place than it is, not just for „me‟ or „us‟ but for “YOU”! I‟ve made a humble attempt to give my two cents, initially as a senator (three times) and also as your Finance Convener this year. These experiences have taught me a great deal about how an absolutely marvelous institution like IIT Kanpur works. There is a lot to be proud about but like all good things there is room for growth and improvement. Through this manifesto I hope to share with you how I want to use the next year as a starting point to dedicate my time and energy for this very “growth and improvement”. I hope that this mani- festo will not just remain a document but will turn into an engine of growth through a constant system of dialogue and feedback. I believe, I am friendly, hardworking, honest, reliable and passionate about making this happen for YOU! I love challenges and I promise to strive and help make IIT Kanpur a place we can ALL enjoy and be proud of. I believe I have the requisite skills, dedication and energy to make it happen. But, this would be a lot of talk and gibberish without your sup- port - not just through your vote but also through a commitment to be a part of this journey a journey that will enrich us all and take OUR institute to even greater heights. Together I believe we can make a difference! Yours Truly, Vote Vivek!

Transcript of Vivek Manifesto Layout

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Hello! I am Vivek Agarwal (Y7513) and I am contesting for the post of

President, Students' Gymkhana.

During my time here at IIT Kanpur I‟ve been working hard towards

making IIT Kanpur an even better place than it is, not just for „me‟ or

„us‟ but for “YOU”! I‟ve made a humble attempt to give my two cents,

initially as a senator (three times) and also as your Finance Convener

this year. These experiences have taught me a great deal about how

an absolutely marvelous institution like IIT Kanpur works. There is a lot to

be proud about but like all good things there is room for growth and

improvement. Through this manifesto I hope to share with you how I

want to use the next year as a starting point to dedicate my time and

energy for this very “growth and improvement”. I hope that this mani-

festo will not just remain a document but will turn into an engine of

growth through a constant system of dialogue and feedback.

I believe, I am friendly, hardworking, honest, reliable and passionate

about making this happen for YOU! I love challenges and I promise to

strive and help make IIT Kanpur a place we can ALL enjoy and be

proud of.

I believe I have the requisite skills, dedication and energy to make it

happen. But, this would be a lot of talk and gibberish without your sup-

port - not just through your vote but also through a commitment to be

a part of this journey – a journey that will enrich us all and take OUR

institute to even greater heights.

Together I believe we can make a difference!

Yours Truly,

Vote Vivek!

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Vision To continuously live the Excellence Dream!

My vision for IIT Kanpur is simple – To ensure unparalleled excellence in

all aspects for every student. Yes, this sounds audacious; but it‟s only befitting

for the extremely bright students of this fascinating institution. Given the will to

make it happen, there is no reason why we cannot get there. Without doubt,

we have unparalleled infrastructure & unmatched human resource, but some-

how we still haven‟t quiet achieved the ultimate. Clearly, there is work to do,

we need to be aggressive about pursuing growth, and it would be naïve to

believe that an individual can do it alone. I solicit your support in the Pursuit for

Excellence; Excellence for ourselves and for our institute.

Mission Aligning dreams, Mobilizing Effort and Delivering Tangible Results

My mission is to help YOU succeed with yours!

This institute is not about the vision of an individual, in fact no institute is about

the vision of one individual, and the moment that happens an institution

ceases to be an institute!

To help you get the best out of this institution, is my top priority.

Making the student voice Matter!

There is something distinctly different between a lay man cribbing about the

system and an educated student discussing the faux pas of a system whilst

offering intelligent analyses and logical, realistic solutions. Cribbing is easy but

the latter is not as simple. I will ensure that this educated voice is heard, and

heard out LOUD; in short this voice will matter – it will create a tangible differ-


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Why Vote for me?

The Institute needs to ensure it‟s acting for the current students NOW,

not just planning for the future. Yes it‟s important to keep the long term in per-

spective but one cannot totally compromise the short run, after all (y)our time

here, (y)our education matters! This year as Finance Convener and Senator I

have raised ongoing issues surrounding finances and campus life in general to

the attention of the people who „need to know‟, to make a difference! But,

these projects need continued attention. Work needs to be done in sufficient

detail and across many fronts in order to make a real difference.

“I‟ve learnt so much this year, but now it‟s time to step up as your President.”

This is your institute, your student experience and YOU need to make

sure the right person speaks for you, the person who will let your voice be

heard, who will ensure that it adds value!

We have all put in a lot of sweat and paid a huge price to reach here,

we all deserve to be in a great Institute! I want to be the medium to ensure

that this happens, and I want to do that aggressively, at a never before pace.

Representation of students has increased with the introduction of Presi-

dents‟ Hour and many such small but forceful initiatives, but there‟s still so

much more to do. The dynamic student culture needs desperate attention.

As a representative on several committees I‟ve fought to make IIT Kan-

pur something we can be proud of and now it‟s time to take it to a different


Let‟s improve our education, let‟s improve the quality of our campus

experience, and let‟s take this institute to great heights! I want to help bring

about positive change for all students both through my own work and by help-

ing other students to make a contribution and get things done!

So, Vote Vivek!.

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Key Areas If elected for the post of President, Students' Gymkhana, I will work on

the following key areas:

Academic Review Committee

With less than half the work done, there is a lot more that needs to be

done. The UG section of the report has been tabled in the Senate and with

only parts of it having been discussed there is a long time before it will be put

to work.

Also, work on the PG Section is yet to start, active feedback in early stages

itself will make it much easier to see suggestions from student‟s being imple-

mented. I shall utilize already existing channels of DPGC & SPGC apart from

utilizing other avenues like Open Houses and Online Feedback to collect feed-

back as early as possible and present the same via proper channel.

Also, I would try to incorporate feedback from Alumni to make the Curricu-

lum more compatible with today‟s demands.

Centre for Development of Soft Skills

It pains me to see that all the time, all that we talk about is just Antaragni

and Techkriti, while forgetting a very important part of our student life. It sur-

faces only towards the final year, by when it is a little too late. The proposal for

CDSS has been in the air for some time now, it would be my first priority to com-

plete and implement the same so that current students can take maximum

advantage of the changes.

Placements are not everything that the student life should be about, but it

has its rightful place. With more and more companies and even professors

complaining about poor soft skills it is important that the students focus on this

area, which is what exactly my focus would be on.

Inter IIT Students Council

A council that was formed by the student leaders from five IITs at IIT Guwa-

hati last October, is still in its infant stages. A brainchild of student leaders of IIT

Kanpur and Guwahati specifically, this council has a long way to go before it

can firmly establish itself as one of the elitist college student force.

With IIT Kanpur hosting the next Summit sometime in March, it requires a lot

of attention and care from the side of the host. Having been a delegate at the

First ever Summit has helped me develop an in depth understanding of the

council, which will come to be of great importance in this year‟s summit.

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Planning Commission

In my active involvement in the senate for about two and half years, I

have noticed something very important. Many decisions end up being short-

sighted, a reason for which might be the lack of a clear vision and little knowl-

edge of past.

Given a chance as a president, I would form a planning commission with

active participation from the junta to lay a broad path for the Students‟ Gym-

khana for the next five years. I also propose that a similar committee be

formed every year to review the principles to fit the needs of the newly

elected General Secretaries.

Health Center

The facility has been functioning since early 60‟s. During the past 15 years,

the student population has doubled. However, the health center facility is

more or less same in size and has not seen any major expansion.

There is a need for ushering a new dimension of health care for students

particularly when the size of student population has increased and is likely to

increase in the coming days.

Work on a Three Tier System is on and I shall collect feedback from the

Students through proper channel and present the same to the Director and

push for speedy implementation of the same.

Golden Jubilee Celebrations

By the time the incoming President takes over, we would have completed

half the time in the Golden Jubilee year. However a major part of the celebra-

tions would be left, with big events like ICARUS, SPIC MACAY National Conven-

tion, several conferences to the culmination with the PAN IIT meet.

Participation from the student side has been somewhat dismal. I will work

out plans with the golden jubilee committee to have more competitions and

student oriented events, in coordination of other councils.

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Alumni Networking – Student Liaison Officer

To me the biggest asset at IIT Kanpur is the Alumni Network. To leave such

an influential and resourceful network is not just foolish but criminal! With the

help of the Student Liaison Officer, I will try to strengthen the Alumni-Student

bond in the following ways:

Persuade start-ups by our Alumni to open opportunities for IIT Kanpur junta.

Push for more involved participation from the alumni in student activities.

Hall Executive Committees and Students‟ Gymkhana

While both the HEC‟s and the Gymkhana work towards a common goal,

there is for some reason a big disconnect between their activities.

Revamp the present setup of the COSHA, and to make way for a more

interactive forum between the Gymkhana and the HECs.

Involve the hostels actively while preparing the “Gymkhana Calendar”.

Existing & Ongoing Efforts

A lot initiative like the Presidents‟ Hour has helped to bridge the growing

gap between the Gymkhana and the student body. I intend to continue these

initiatives in full spirit. The Presidents‟ Advisory Committee hasn‟t been a hit,

with a little reform I believe that it can do wonders.

Specifically, I plan to have a Presidential Advisory Committee that just

doesn‟t advice the President, but shall also participate across various

committees on behalf of the president. This way a more focus can be paid

on every single issue.

Transparent Finances

I shall ensure that the finances of the Presidential Council are transparent

and to achieve the same I shall:

Ensure that the estimated budget of the council will be as detailed as pos-

sible and there will be uniform expenditure during the entire tenure.

Make all the expenses incurred by the council available online.

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A Nobel initiative on the part of Students‟ Gymkhana, the “club” does

not have infrastructural hiccups but it is being constrained by the number of


I would try to enthuse students‟ to teach at Prayas, by highlighting what

Prayas is and what is stands for.

Gymkhana Lectures and Discussion Club

GLDC has been a fairly active club this year. My plans in specific for

GLDC include:

Make available an online forum where students can request talks, and

the GLDC shall work on those lines to organize the talk.

Try to have video conferencing wherever actual presence of speaker is

not possible.

Try to Live-Stream the GLDC Talks.

Students‟ Placement Office

Having highlighted the need for better soft skills it is important to follow it

up with a solid placement office. Our placement team has undoubtedly

worked extremely hard and has done well with all the given resources. But

with limited resources and locational disadvantage placements are an ex-

tremely difficult task. The least that can be done to better the placements is to

increase the resources, ranging from VH availability to manpower.

Book Club

With recent revamping of the Book club, the infrastructural demands of

the club have somewhat been met with. The focus now will be on:

Securing a better computer for the Book Club, so that Online Catalogue

of the same can be made possible.

Online forum where students‟ can request for purchase of new books.

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Entrepreneurship Cell

A club in its infant stages, it is one of the most promising clubs of the

Presidential Council. With already TED Talks lined up for the month end. And

also SIDBI at a stones throw, starting start-ups was never as easy! A more syner-

gic collaboration between the SIDBI and E Cell can boost the entrepreneurial

atmosphere of the campus.


Another new club which has joined hands with the Presidential Council,

the group was active prior to this and it has identified several problems and

solutions to various Environmental and Energy issues surrounding the campus.

The solutions to be implemented would require proactive persuasion on the

Presidents‟ part with external agencies. I would push for the same with full zeal.

Training program for Senators

Something that has been highlighted by students‟ and administration alike,

that there is need for professional training for all the senators and General Sec-


I will try to involve our Alumni who are actively involved in Administration,

Ministries, etc; to organize lectures/workshops to impart the senators with

basic skills on running an administrative body.

Gymkhana Calendar

Ever since I joined IIT Kanpur, I have been pushing for a detailed Gym-

khana Calendar. Today, the calendar is pretty good; however there is a lack

of coordination between the Students‟ Gymkhana and the HECs in this regard.

I will also implement an Online version of the Gymkhana Calendar, so that

people are actually aware of what‟s happening in the campus!

Industry – Academia Interaction

Would promote Industry – Academia interaction through forums like PoWER

(Promotion of Work Experience and Research) to bring projects for stu-

dents directly from industries, so that students at IIT Kanpur develop appre-

ciation for hands-on experience they gain while working for a problem

statement for an Industry.

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Students‟ Senate, IIT Kanpur

Senator, Y7 batch (Thrice)

Finance Convener, Students‟ Gymkhana (2009-10)

Acting President, Students‟ Gymkhana (March ‟09, May – June ‟09)

Acting Convener, Students‟ Senate

Acting COSHA, Students‟ Senate

Presidents Nominee, EAC (2009-10)

Chairman, Students Senate Ad-Hoc Committee (ARC Report)

Chairman, Students Senate Ad-Hoc Committee (Antaragni ‟08 Finances)

Co Investigator, Report on Hawkers in Front of Skating Rink

Member, Students Senate Ad-Hoc Committee (CDSS)

Member, Students Senate Ad-Hoc Committee (Galaxy Redrafting Commit-


Member, Students Senate Ad-Hoc Committee (Organization of Udgosh „09)

Member, Steering Committee (2008-09)

Member, SUGC (2008-09)

Member, Mess Committee

Member, Presidential Advisory Committee

Proposals Tabled

Proposal for Gymkhana Calendar

Proposal for improving the Ambience of the Academic Area

Proposal to include GE3 as a part of Presidential Council

Proposal for Gymkhana Planning Committee

Proposal for Cash Free Campus

Proposal for three year planning committee

Proposal for fee payment via wired payment

Proposal for Grades to me made available via eMail

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Institute Clubs / Festivals

National Convener, SPIC MACAY National Convention 2010

Student Volunteer, Academic Area Cycles Initiative

Coordinator, Nature Club

Senior Editorial Member, STRENGTHS, Departmental Magazine of Dept. of

Civil Engineering

Assistant Coordinator, Mayhem , Megabucks „09

Distinguished Achievements

Indian Envoy, to the Energy Week ‟09 (Portugal)

Scholar under His Holiness the Dalai Lama (5 Weeks)