Vishwakarma Institute of Technology - Bansilal …Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev...

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18 Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (Page | 1) Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University) Structure & Syllabus of B. Tech. (Industrial Engineering) Pattern ‘C19’ Effective from Academic Year 2019-20 Prepared by: - Board of Studies in Industrial & Production Engineering

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt. 01/07/18

Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 1)

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus of

B. Tech. (Industrial Engineering)

Pattern ‘C19’

Effective from Academic Year 2019-20

Prepared by: - Board of Studies in Industrial & Production Engineering

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 2)

T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering AY 2019-20 (C19)


t No. Subject

Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme

(Hrs/Week) Examination scheme Credits

Theory Lab CA MSE GD/ PPT

ESA Total

HA LAB ESE VIVA Semester-1 (Module-V)

S1 IE3001 Facilities Planning

3 2 10 30 15 10 15 20 100 4 IE3005 Work System Design

S2 IE3003 Quality Management

3 2 10 30 15 10 15 20 100 4 IE3004 Materials Management & Control

S3 IE3009 Optimization & Simulation

3 2 10 30 15 10 15 20 100 4 IE3010 Product Design & Modelling

S4 IE3107 Statistical Methods for Data Analytics

3 2 10 30 15 10 15 20 100 4 IE3008 Industrial Engg Applications in Service Sector

S5 IE3171 Engineering Design & Innovation - 1 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 4

Total 13 10 20

Semester-2 (Module-VI)

S1 IE3037 Human Factors and Ergonomics

3 2 10 30 15 10 30 20 100 4 IE3039 Entrepreneurship Development

S2 IE3036 Manufacturing Processes & Systems

3 2 10 30 15 10 30 20 100 4 IE3038 Operations Management

S3 IE3040 Supply Chain Management

3 2 10 30 15 10 30 20 100 4 IE3041 Management Information Systems

S4 IE3042 World Class Manufacturing

3 2 10 30 15 10 30 20 100 4 IE3043 Costing & Cost Control

S5 IE3186 Engineering Design & Innovation - 2 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 100 4

S6 IE3189 **General Proficiency - 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Total 13 10 20

(*) Irrespective of Module in second semester

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 3)

Module V

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 4)

FF No. :654


Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. Introduction to Facilities Planning - Scope of Facilities Planning – Importance &

Objectives, Nature Of Location Decision, Factors affecting Facility Location, Single &

Multiple Facility Location Models, Qualitative Considerations in Facility Location, Factors

Urban v/s Rural Location, Site Selection Location Pattern In India.

2. Layout Planning - Plant Layout – Introduction, Types of Plant Layout: Product, Process,

Fixed Position, Hybrid – Cellular, FMS, etc.

3. Systematic Layout Planning - Phases of Layout Planning, P-Q Analysis, Flow of

Materials Analysis, Charting & Diagram Techniques, Activity Relationship Analysis – REL

Diagram, Space Requirements & Availability, Techniques of Space Determination. Modifying

Considerations, Practical Limitations, Selection of Layout – Techniques of Layout,

Installation of Layout

4. Computerized Layout Planning - Computerized Layout Planning – Introduction &



1. Assembly Line Balancing - Concept of Line Balancing: Heuristics, Assessing


2. Material Handling - Principles of Material Handling , Material Handling Function, Scope

And Functions Of Material Handling , Manual Mechanical Handling Ratio, MH Equipment

Types Positioning Equipment, Unit Load Equipment, Auto Identification & Control

Equipment, Transport Equipment – Conveyors, Cranes, Industrial Trucks. Storage Equipment,

AGVs & Robots

3. Systematic Handling Analysis - Handling Analysis, External Integration, Classification of

Materials, Layout Considerations, Analysis of Moves, Visualization of Moves, Flow Diagram

– DI Plot, Preliminary Handling Plans, Modifications & Practical Limitations, Calculation of

Requirements, Evaluation of Alternatives, Installation

4. Industrial Safety - Training for Safety, Communicating Safety Messages, Safe Practices in

Industry, Safety Considerations in Manual & Mechanical Handling, Transportation, Role of

Factory Inspector, Safety Officer, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)


List of Practicals:

1. Single facility location problems

2. Multiple facility location problems

3. Location Analysis

4. Cellular layout analysis

5. Charting & Diagram Techniques for Layout Planning

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 5)

6. Activity Relationship Analysis for Layout Planning

7. Computerized Layout Planning

8. Assembly Line Balancing

9. Material Handling Equipment selection

10. Material Handling Analysis

11. Industrial Safety

12. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Guidelines

List of Project areas:

Students will perform following projects

1. Facility Location Models

2. Multi attribute decision making problems in Facilities Location

3. Layout Analysis

4. Layout Improvement

5. Material Handling Systems Analysis

6. Material Handling Systems Design

7. Line Balancing

8. Computerized Layout Planning

9. Safety Messages Design

Text Books:

1. Systematic Layout Planning by Richard Muther

2. Systematic Handling Anaylsis by Richard Muther

3. Facility Planning by Clark

Reference Books:

1. Plant Layout and Material Handling by James M Apple

2. Plant Layout by Immer

3. Plant Layout by Shubin

4. Material handling by Allexande

5. Material Handling Equipment by N Rudenko

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to -

1. Learn formulations, models, and analytical procedures to select location of facilities

for business organizations

2. Learn formulations, models, and analytical procedures for the study of facilities layout

planning incorporating products, process and personnel requirements for

manufacturing and service organizations.

3. Design and improve existing and new layouts using computerized layout planning


4. Learn formulations, models, and analytical procedures for assembly line balancing

5. Learn and apply fundamental principles of material handling to select appropriate

material handling systems for manufacturing organizations

6. Understand basics of safety measures to be followed in industry.

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 6)

FF No. : 654


Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. Productivity: Introduction to Industrial Engineering, Historical background, Contribution

of Taylor and Gilbreth, Productivity –Definition, Types, Improvement, Work Content

Analysis, Definition and Scope of Work Study, Productivity study, productivity ratios,

Numerical and Cases on Productivity

2. Methods Analysis: Definition, Steps in Method Study, Various Considerations to select a

job for Method Study, Recording – Significance, Need, Charting Symbols, Recording

Techniques- Charts and Diagrams, Examine–Questioning Techniques–Primary& Secondary

Questions, Methods improvement-cost benefit analysis, Cases on Recording Techniques

3. Methods Improvement: Introduction to Principles of Motion Economy, Develop–

Alternate Methods of Doing Work, Evaluate –Criteria for Evaluating & Selecting Best

Method, Define–Develop Standard Operating Procedures, Work Instructions, Implement–

Practical Aspects in Implementing New Method, Overcoming Resistance to Change,

Maintain, Standard Operating Procedures– Developing SOPs, Standard Work Instructions


1. Time Study: Definition, Steps, Concept of Observed Time, Basic/Normal Time, Standard

Time, Video Time Study–Elemental breakdown of tasks, types of elements, Rating– Concept,

Types, Allowances –Concept, Types, Application, Calculation of Standard Time, Numerical

on estimating standard time, Work Sampling – Steps Involved, Applications, Advantages

2. Predetermined Motion Time Standards: Introduction, Methods Time Measurement–

Establishing Time Standards using MTM. Introduction to MOST-Basic, Mini and Maxi

MOST, General Move, Control Move, Tool Use Sequence, examples on MOST

3. Introduction to Job Evaluation system: Necessity, Job Analysis, Job Description, Job

Evaluation, job classification, Different Job Evaluation Systems like Factor Comparison, Point

System, Merit rating, Wages and Incentives, factors influencing wage system, types of wages,

wage structure

List of Practical:

1. Numerical on Productivity

2. Case Study on Productivity

3. Assignment on Recording Tools & Techniques – Charts

4. Assignment on Recording Tools & Techniques – Charts using WorkPro Software

5. Assignment on Recording Tools & Techniques - Diagrams

6. Methods Analysis (Record, Examine) using WorkPro Software

7. Methods Improvement (Record, Examine) using WorkPro Software

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 7)

8. Training in Rating - Dealing Cards

9. Setting Time Standards using Time Study–Video Analysis using WorkPro Software

10. Work System Analysis for reducing standard time using WorkPro Software

11. Work System Improvement for improving resource utilization using WorkPro Software

12. Work Sampling exercise

List of Project areas:

1. Productivity improvement

2. Work content analysis using WorkPro Software

3. Work Content Reduction using WorkPro Software

4. Methods Analysis using WorkPro Software

5. Methods improvement in manufacturing sector using WorkPro Software

6. Methods improvement using in service sector industry WorkPro Software

7. Work place design

8. Work Sampling in service sector

9. Work Sampling in manufacturing sector

10. Work Measurement -Time Study in manufacturing sector using WorkPro Software

11. Work Measurement – Time Study in service sector industry using WorkPro Software

12. Establishing standard time using predetermined time standards

Text Books

1. George Kanawaty, Introduction to Work Study, Fourth revised edition, Universal Book

Corporation, Bombay. International Labour Office, Geneva

2. Yoga M., Job Evaluation, Third Edition, National Productivity Council, New Delhi

Reference Books

1. Kjell B. Zandin, Most Work Measurement Systems, Second revised edition, Marcel

Dekker, Inc, New York

2. Kjell B. Zandin, Maynard’s Industrial EngineeringHand Book, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill

Standard Handbooks

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand and apply productivity concepts and principles and analyze work content

2. Systematically record; critically examine methods of doing work to effect improvements

3. Design the workplace using principles of motion economy and develop improved methods

4. Establish standard time to carry out a specified job using stop watch time study

5. Establish standard time to carry out a specified job using video watch time study

6. Establish standard time to carry out a specified job using predetermined time standards

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FF No. : 654


Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. Concepts of Quality: Meaning of Quality, Modern concept of Quality- Quality loss

function, Quality Characteristics , Major aspects of Quality, Quality of Product versus

Quality of Service, Quality control, Quality Assurance, Quality and Reliability, Quality

Improvement, Cost of Quality, Value of Quality, Cost-Quality Trade-off, Quality and

Productivity, some philosophies and their impact on Quality

2. Acceptance Sampling: 100% Inspection versus Sampling Inspection, Concept of Producer

Risk and Consumers Risk, Operating Characteristics Curve, Some measures for evaluating

sampling plans- AOQ, ATI, ASN, Types of Sampling Plan – Single, multiple and sequential

sampling plans. Design of single sampling plans, Determining Sampling Plan on the basis of

MIL, ASQ Standards

3. Statistical Process Control: Variations – Concept, Causes – Special & Common,

Statistical basis for control chart, Errors in making inferences from control charts- Type I and

Type II errors, Difference – Process in Control versus Process is Capable, Control Charts for

variables and Attributes, Process capability Analysis, Process capability Indices, Six Sigma



1. Introduction to TQM, Quality Circles, Quality function Deployment, Benchmarking,

Quality Improvement Tools- Check Sheet, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Fishbone Diagram, Run

Charts, Scatter Diagram, Process Flow Chart, QM Tools – Program Decision Process Chart,

Tree Diagram, Affinity Diagram, Prioritization Matrix, Matrix Diagram, Network diagram,

other Quality tools like why-why Analysis, Mistake Proofing

2. Importance and overview of ISO 9000, Standard clauses, Introduction to TS16949, ISO

9000 Certification: Certifying Bodies & Accreditation Agencies, Necessity for Certification &

Certification Process, Benefits of Certification

3. Introduction to Six Sigma: Definition, Concept, Six Sigma Approaches – Design for Six

Sigma (DFSS) Approach & DMAIC Approach, Six Sigma Tools, Methodology, Six Sigma


4. Reliability- Concept of probability, definition, Life-cycle curve and probability distribution

in modeling Reliability- exponential and weibull distributions, determination of MTBF and

MTTR, Active and Passive Redundancy, Evaluation of overall system reliability- series,

parallel and mixed configuration

Concept of Maintenance, Preventive maintenance, reliability centered maintenance, system

availability and maintainability

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 9)

List of Practicals:

1. Assignment on Control Charts for Variables

2. Assignment on Control Charts for Attributes

3. Assignment on Process Capability Analysis

4. Assignment on Design of Acceptance Sampling plans

5. Assignment on Determination of AOQ, AOQL, ATI and ASN

6. Construction of control chart, Run Chart, Cause & Effect Diagram, Scatter plot, Pareto

chart using MINITAB/SPSS/R software

7. Construction of control Scatter plot, Pareto chart using MINITAB/SPSS/R software

8. Case study on application of 7 QC tools

9. Case study on application of & QM tools

10. Case study on implementation and impact of Six Sigma Projects.

11. Assignments on Reliability

12. Assignments on Availability, maintainability etc.

List of Project areas:

1. Project on quality cost analysis/Benchmarking

2. Project on Mistake proofing

3. Project on study and application of ISO 9000

4. Project on statistical process control

5. Project on Quality Control tools I

6. Project on Quality Control tools II

7. Project on Quality Management tools I

8. Project on Quality Management tools II

9. Project on Quality Function Deployment I – Constructing House of Quality: Products

10. Project on Quality Function Deployment II – Constructing House of Quality: Services

11. Project on Process Improvement through Six Sigma I (Define, Measure and Analyse


12. Project on Process Improvement through Six Sigma II (Define, Measure and Analyse


Text Books:

1. Amitava Mitra; Fundamentals of Quality Control & Improvement; 2nd

edition, Pearson

Education 2002

2. Phadke M. S.; Quality Engineering using Robust Design; Pearson Education 2008

3. A. V. Feigenbaum; Total Quality Control; McGraw Hill International Editions, USA.1987

4. Douglas. C. Montgomery; Introduction to Statistical quality control; 4th edition, John

Wiley 2001.

5. Charles E. Ebelin; Reliability and maintainability engineering; TMH (2000)

Reference Books:

1. J. M. Juran & F. M. Gryna; Quality Planning and Analysis; 5th

Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993

2. Juran’s Quality Handbook; J. M. Juran, A. Blanton Godfrey; 5th

Edition, McGraw Hill

Professional, 1999

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 10)

3. E.L. Grant & R.S. Leavenworth; Statistical Quality Control; 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Kaoru Ishikawa; Guide to Quality Control; Asian Productivity Organisation, Tokyo, 1986.

5. ISO 9000 Quality Management System; International Trade Center, Geneva

6. Patrick D. T. O’Connor; Practical Reliability Engineering; 4th edition, John Wiley 1993

7. Green A. E., and Bourne A. J.; Reliability Technology; Wiley Inderscience, 1991

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand and apply principles of quality management

2. Interpret for process control, identify and analyze and eliminate/reduce causes of variation

and carry out process capability studies

3. Select and design an acceptance sampling plan for sampling inspection

4. Develop an ability of problem solving and decision making using quality improvement


5. Understand and apply Six Sigma Methodology and QMS and its applications

6. Evaluate reliability, maintainability and availability of product/component systems

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FF No. : 654


Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hours / Week

Lab : 2 Hours/week


1) Inventory Management & Replenishment Systems Classification and Costs of

Inventories: Types of inventory models- Purchasing inventory model & Manufacturing

inventory model with and without stock out allowed , Objective of holding inventories,

Different types of Inventories, Costs Associated with Inventory - Carrying cost,

Procurement cost. EOQ - Concept, Assumptions of EOQ Model, Practical Constraints –

Numerical Analysis, Quantity Discounts. EMQ Model - Carrying cost, Set up cost. EOQ

Special Considerations – Spares, Bought-outs, etc. Replenishment Systems: Introduction,

Concept of lead time and its effects on Inventory, Components of Lead Time - Internal

and External. Variability in demand and lead time. Practical considerations vstheortical

EOQ. Service level and optimal probability of stock out.

2) Multi Inventory Control Models with constraints- Total warehouse space, total

investment in inventories, total number of orders to be placed per year for all items.

Selective Inventory Control: Concept of Selective Inventory Control, ABC analysis, VED

analysis, HML analysis, SDE analysis, SOS analysis, FSN analysis, GOLF analysis.Safety

Stock Evaluation and ways to minimize lead time, Different types of replenishment

systems like Fixed order quantity system, Fixed order interval system, Combination of

fixed order interval and quantity system, Two Bin System.

3) Probabilistic Inventory Model & Vendor development process- system with Discrete

data distribution, - system with uniform data distribution & - system with Normal data

distribution. Vendor development process, Vender evaluation method- Rating method,

Analytic Hierarchy method, Saaty scale, classification of criterias, Use of AHP method for

selection of best vendor. Types of Contract signed between supplier and manufacturer-

Time and material contract, fixed price contract, Cost reimbursement contract, Letter

contract, Indefinite delivery contract, Responsibilities of Purchase Department.

Procurement Procedure, Methods of Buying ,Legal Aspects of Buying, Import- Export



1) Stores Management and Warehouse Management- Warehouse Management:

Warehousing – Objectives, Concept of SKUs, Warehousing Principles & Best Practices

in Receiving, Shipping, Order Picking, Storage & Put away, Warehouse Activity

Profiling, Warehouse Layout Planning. Warehousing Functions, Types of Warehouses,

Inventory Management, Stores Management: Functions of Stores, Stores Procedure –

Documentation. Need of physical stock taking, method of stock taking like annual,

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 12)

continuous, reorder point stock taking, Inventory records. Surplus and Obsolescent stocks:

Introduction, Genesis of surplus materials. Disposal of surplus and obsolete materials

2) Logistics Management- Definition, Logistics Function: Transportation – Significance,

Modes of Transportation– Rail, Road, Pipelines, Water Air –Advantages &

Disadvantages, Order Processing – Role of IT, Material Handling Transportation: Concept

of TL, LTL, FTL. Selections of Appropriate Modes of Transportation. Laid down Cost,

Line Haul Cost, Market Boundary, Transportation consolidation, Product supply system

and Product distribution system

3) Logistics Outsourcing: Introduction, Objectives, Concept of Logistics Outsourcing,

Catalyst for logistics outsourcing, Benefits of logistics outsourcing, Issues in logistics

outsourcing, Third-Party Logistics, Fourth-Party Logistics, Selection of Logistics Service

Provider, Logistics Service Contract, Outsourcing-Value Proposition.Customer Service:

Key Element of Logistics: Introduction, Objectives, Concept of Customer Service,

Attributes of customer service, Different phases of customer services, Customer Service

for Competitiveness, Value-Added Logistical Service

List of Practicals: 1. Assignment on Manufacturing inventory model with and without stockout allowed

2. Assignment based on Quantity Discounts

3. Assignment based on Practical considerations vstheortical EOQ

4. Assignment based on ABC analysis& XYZ analysis

5. Assignment on Probabilistic Inventory Model

6. Assignment based on Vender evaluation method- Rating method, AHP Method

7. Case study assignment onWarehouse Management

8. Assignment on method of stock verification like annual, continuous stock taking

9. Case study Assignment based on Logistics Management

10. Assignment based on Laid down Cost, Line Haul Cost, Market Boundary

11. Case study Assignment based on Logistics Outsourcing

12. Case study Customer Service Management

Project Work:

Project work based in

1. Manufacturing Inventory model

2. Purchasing Inventory Model

3. Probabilistic Inventory model

4. Deterministic Inventory Model

5. Selective Inventory Control methods

6. Vendor Development

7. Warehouse Management

8. Method of stock verification

9. Types of Logistic Outsourcing

10. Transportation consolidation

11. Physical supply and distribution Systems

12. Customer Service Management

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Structure and syllabus of T.Y. B. Tech. Industrial Engineering. Pattern C-19, A.Y. 2019-20 (P a g e | 13)

Text Books

1. Chary, Production & Operations Management –McGraw Hill Publications

2. Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Tata

McGraw Hill

3. S K Mukhopahyay, Operations Planning & Control, Jaico Publications

Reference Books

1. Krajewski, Operations Management, 9th Edition, Pearson Education

2. Production & Operations Management – Panneerselvam, McGraw Hill Publication

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand the scope of operations function in industrial and business organizations and

various elements of it from its management point of view.

2. Recommend specific type of Replenishment System for the given situation and will able to

perform the inventory system calculations.

3. Understand the scope of Probabilistic Inventory Model & Vendor development process

4. Understand the scope of Stores Management and Warehouse Management

5. Understand the scope of Logistics Management

6. Understand the scope of Logistics Outsourcing

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FF No. : 654


Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hours / Week

Lab 2 Hours/week


1 Introduction & Formulation of LP Model OR methodology, Definition of OR,

Application of OR to engineering and Managerial problems, Features of OR models,

Limitation of OR, formulation LPP Models. Definition, mathematical formulation,

standard form, solution space, solution – feasible, basic feasible, optimal, infeasible,

multiple, optimal, Redundancy, Degeneracy. Graphical and simplex methods. Variants of

simplex algorithm – Artificial basis techniques, Big M Method.

2 Queuing Theory & Simulation:: Introduction, terminology, Customer Behaviors,

Different Queuing Models, ( M /M /1): (GD/∞/∞) Model, , ( M /M /1): (GD/N/∞) Model, (

M /M /1): (GD/ N / N) Model, ( M /M /C): (GD/∞/∞) Model ( M /M /C): (GD/N/∞)

Model, ( M /M /C): (GD/ N / N) Model, Tandem queuing concept- M/Ek/1 Model.

Definition, Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation., Application, Different Problems

solved using Monte Carlo Simulation, Using Applications of Simulation, Generation of

Random Numbers. Simulation software, Building Model on Simulation Software,

Running the simulation, Understanding the results.

3 Game Theory -Introduction, two -person zero sum game, minimax and maximin

principle, saddle point, methods for solving game problems with mixed strategies,

Graphical and iterative methods, solving game by LP Method.


1. Integer Programming And Dynamic Programming - Integer Programming: Branch &

bound, cutting plane method, Dynamic Programming: Introduction, application, capital

budgeting, different problems solved by dynamic programming

2. Decision Making tools & Multi criteria Decision Making Tools: Decision Tree – Logic.

Decision making under risk (EMV criteria) and Decision making under certainty &

uncertainty. Goal Programming-Definition, Introduction, Problems. SAW, WPM,

TOPSIS, Electrethee, Promethee.

3. Replacement Analysis & Non linear Programming methods - Replacement of capital

equipments that deteriorates with time, time value of money (a) remains same (b) changes

with constant rates during period. Equipment renewal policy, group and individual

replacement. Individual Replacement, Group Replacement Policies, Problems & Non

linear Programming methods- Kuhn Tucker, Lagrangian method.

List of Practicals: 1. 1Assignment on Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming Problems

2. 2Assignment on duality

3. Assignment based on queuing theory

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4. Assignment based on Multi stage queuing Model

5. Assignment based on Game theory- graphical method

6. Assignment based on Game theory- dominance property

7. Assignment on Integer programming using branch and bound method

8. Assignment based on Dynamic programming

9. Assignment on decision tree and on decision making tools.

10. Assignment on MCDM

11. Assignment based on replacement models

12. Assignment based on Non linear Programming methods

Project Work:

Project work based in

1) Queuing theory

2) Replacement analysis

3) Linear programming applications

4) Simulation modeling

5) Game theory

6) Goal programming

7) Integer programming

8) Dynamic programming

9) Decision making tree

10) Non linear programming

11) Tandem queuing

12) Monte Carlo Simulation

Text Books:

1. Taha H A Operation Research and Introduction 9th Edition Pearson Education 2014

2. Gupta &Hira Operations Research Revised Edition Chand & Co. 2007

3. Paneerselvam Operations Research Second Edition Prentice Hall of India 2009

Reference Books:

1. Hiller and Libermann Introduction to Operation Research 9th Edition McGraw Hill 2011

2. S.D. Sharma Operations Research 15th Edition Kedarnath, Ramnath& Co

3. J K Sharma Operations Research 3rd edition Laxmi Publications 2009

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Formulate a linear programming model and solve it optimally

2. Formulate a real life queuing problem and generate optimal solutions

3. Simulate various real life problems and generate optimal solutions

4. Analyze the replacement policies for manufacturing and service sector

5. Develop integer solution for the real life problem by applying various methods

6. Divide a complex problem into no of stages and solve it optimally

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


Introduction to product design and development process - Key concepts, processes and

methods, including product classification / specifications, Generic product development

process, Product life cycle. Product mix. Proof of concept, Value Engineering / Value

Analysis. Ergonomics / Aesthetics, Intro. To TRIZ- axiomatic design, Concurrent Engg.,

Rapid prototyping,

Conceptual Design - Innovative / Creative thinking. Concept generation, selection &

embodiment of concept, Design morphology. Engineering drawings, Design for prototyping,

and manufacturing. Product architecture. Designing to codes and standards, DFX. Product

costing. Legal, ethical and social issues in design.

Sketching and Engg. Drawing techniques, standards and Conventions : Freehand

drawing, perspective, sketching and editing. Dimensioning technique for machine

components, Conventional representation of machine components as per IS code: SP-46 such

as screw threads, springs, gears, bearing, tapped holes, knurling, splined shafts, tapers,

chamfers, countersunk and counter bores, keys, & welded joints,

Standard Machine components and Fasteners - Rivets - forms & proportions of rivet heads,

types of riveted joints. Thread terminology, thread forms, designations, single and multi-start

threads, right and left hand threads, types of screws , bolts and nuts, nut locking arrangements

using pins, washers & screws. Std. components - Bearings, Seals, retaining rings, etc.


Surface Roughness - Introduction, terminology, machining symbol with all parameters,

roughness values (Ra) and roughness grade numbers, indicating surface roughness on


Tolerances, Fits, GD&T - Definitions applied to tolerances, types of tolerance, types of fits,

fit system. Geometrical tolerances – Nomenclature, tolerance frame, types of geometrical

tolerances & their symbols, indicating geometric tolerances on drawing,

Assembly & Details of Machine Parts - Introduction to assembly & part drawing ,examples-

Revolving Centers, Machine Vice, Tool post, Screw Jack, jigs & fixtures, tailstock, Cotter

Joint, Knuckle Joint, Flange Joint, Rigid and Flexible Coupling, Drawing reading. – Title

block, part list / bill of material, revision block etc.

Basics of computer graphics& CAD - Software configurations, functions of CAD package,

constructing the geometry, various graphics elements such as line, circle, rectangle, ellipse,

arc, spline etc. Geometric transformations, translations, rotation, mirror, concatenations, etc.

Examples in Typical CAD software like AutoCAD,

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Fundaments of solid modeling - Geometry and topology use of primitives in solid modeling,

Basics of Boolean operations, and representations schemes of solids, B-rep and CSG,

Examples in Typical 3D CAD software like CATIA,

Advanced Solid, surface and Assembly modeling - Assembly design and drawing,

Advanced solid modeling and surface modeling in 3D-CAD. Simulation of mechanical

movement, animation, photo rendering, top-down-design and generating drawings.

List of Lab Practicals:

1. On Full Imperial Sheets - Conventional representation of machine components as perIS

Code: SP 46

2. On Full Imperial Sheets - Types of screws, Bolts and nuts, Nut locking arrangement.

3, 4, 5.On Full Imperial Sheets - Assembly and details of any 3 of machine Assembly :Cotter

joint, Knuckle joint, Flange joint, Rigid and flexible coupling, Stop valve, Non returnvalve,

Revolving centers, Machine vice, Tool holder.

6. 2D / 3D CAD modeling assignments on min. 6 drawings / parts

7,8,9. on 2D CAD - Assembly and details of any 3 of machine Assembly :Cotter joint,

Knuckle joint, Flange joint, Rigid and flexible coupling, Stop valve, Non return

valve, Revolving centers, Machine vice, Tool holder.

10,11,12 - on 3D CAD - Assembly and details of any 3 of machine Assembly :Cotter joint,

Knuckle joint, Flange joint, Rigid and flexible coupling, Stop valve, Non return

valve, Revolving centers, Machine vice, Tool holder. (Using Solid, surface and assembly


List of Project areas:

1. Blueprint reading and comprehension

2. Assembly modeling and animation

3. Programs on parametric programming involving: Programming for standard machine

components, Programming involving decision making and looping.

4. Use of Standard part libraries

5. Use of script files and CAD customization

6. Special CAD modeling assignments

Text Books:

1. Gill P. S., A Text book of Machine Drawing, Revised Edition K. Kataria and Sons,

NewDelhi, 2008,

2. Farazdak Haideri, Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics, NiraliPrakashan, Pune,1998.

3. George Omura, ABC’s of Autolisp, BPB Publications, 2002.

4. Zeid Ibrahim, Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Xiang Z. & Roy P., Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill International


6. Sham Tickoo, Catia V5-6r15 for Designers, 13th Edition, Dreamtech Press, 2016

Reference Books:

1. Narayana K. L., Kannaiah P., Venkatata Readdy K., Machine Drawing, 2nd

Edition, New

Age international Publishers, Delhi, 2008, ISBN 81-224-1917-8.

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2. Bhat N. D., Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charotar Pub. House, 2000.ISBN: 9380358466

3. John Hood D., Using AutoCAD with Auto LISP, McGraw Hill Book Company

1990.ISBN:0070297487 2.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Describe the product development process and account for its conditions and terms, and use

the most common methods of managing teams and concept development,

2. Use standard machine drawing techniques to communicate ideas, make design and

manufacturing drawings of parts and assemblies.

3. Plan, implement and present a design project using a 2D / 3D CAD-software to design

products, create advanced solid, surface and assembly models, produce realistic images and

simple animations of a product,

4. Use of GD & T standards to design and understand various designs on shopfloor.

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


Data Analytics Introduction (6 Hours)

Introduction to big data:– Challenges of Conventional Systems - Intelligent data analysis –

Nature of Data - Analytic Processes and Tools - Analysis vs Reporting. Data in Engineering

and Management Research, Types of data, Measures of Frequency Distribution

Probability Distributions (8 Hours)

Review of Probability Theory, concept of Random Variable, Discrete probability distributions

in statistics and their analysis, Continuous probability distributions in statistics and their

analysis, Functions in MS EXCEL for probability distributions

Estimation in statistics (6 Hours)

Sampling Distributions, Central Limit Theorem, Chebyshev’s Theorem, Point estimation,

Interval Estimation, Confidence Intervals, Sample size determinations for means and

proportion, Large sampling versus small sampling, Methods of sampling


Tests of Significance for Means and Proportions (8 Hours)

Concept of significance level, Test of Significance for single mean and proportion, Errors in

Hypothesis Testing, Test of significance for two sample means and proportions

Tests of significance for variance (8 Hours)

Chi-square distribution, Test of significance for one sample and two sample variance. Test of

independence, Test of goodness of Fit, F distribution, One way ANOVA, Introduction to

Design of Experiments

Research Methodology (6 Hours)

Meaning of Research, Motivation for Research, Research Approaches, Criteria for Good

Research, Importance of communication skills in Research, Technical writing skills,

Objectivity and Ethics in Research, Steps in Research process, Methods of primary and

secondary data collection, Exploratory versus Descriptive research, Scales of Measurement,

Aspects of Questionnaire design, Design of field surveys, Use of Regression and correlation

in research analysis and forecasting.

List of Practical: (Use of Excel / R / Python / Minitab / SAS / SPSS)

1. Measures of Frequency Distribution

2. Discrete Probability Distributions

3. Continuous probability Distributions

4. Central Limit Theorem

5. Estimation in Statistics

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6. Test of significance for means

7. Test of significance for proportion

8. Test of significance for variance

9. Test of independence


11. Regression

12. Correlation

List of Project areas:

1. Questionnaire design in Marketing

2. Exploratory Research using secondary data from websites / magzines

3. Exploratory Research using primary data for canteen / hostel / flats

4. Descriptive Research

5. Data analysis in MS Excel

6 Discrete probability distributions in industry

7 Design of field surveys for food apps

8 Methods of sampling

9 Continuous probability distributions in industry

10 Sensex Analysis

11 Brent Crude Analysis

12 Corelation between various sectors

13 Forecasting of values

14 Academic result analysis

15 Developing small tools/programs in R/Python

Text Books:

1. Richard Johnson, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Eighth edition, Prentice Hall of


2. Srivastava U.K., Shenoy G. V. and Sharma S.C, Quantitative Techniques for Managerial

Techniques, Third edition, New Age International Publishers

3. Krishnaswamy K. N., Sivakumar A.I. and Mathirajan M., Management Research

Methodology” Pearson publication

4. Kothari C. R., Research Methodology, Second Edition, New Age International Publishers

Reference Books:

1. Levin Richard and Rubin David, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall of India

2. Murray Spiegel, Schiller John, Srinivasan R. A. and Goswami Debasree, Probability and

statistics (Schaum’s outline Series), Third Edition, McGraw Hill

3. Paneerselvam R., Research Methodology, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India

4. Paneerselvam R., Design and Analysis of Experiments, Prentice Hall of India

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Explain the nature of research and data requirements

2. Calculate probability by selecting appropriate probability distribution for managerial


3. Estimate confidence interval

4. Perform test of significance for means and proportion

5. Perform test of significance for variance

6. Assess the appropriateness of different kinds of research designs and methodology

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. IE Approach: Historical development of IE, F.W. Taylor and other contributors, nature

and characteristics of repetitive work , manufacturing operations and its characteristics,

Bottleneck operation(s), Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy theory, management of resources,

managerial recipe to use of resources, product quality- two approaches.

2. Distinctive characteristics of services: Nature and importance of services and service

sectors, definitions and classifications, Clark-Fisher hypothesis, Stages of economic

development, Trends in employment, Service package, Emotional labor, Service encounter

triad, Dimensions of service quality, Gaps model of service quality.

3. Applications of waiting line models: Psychology of waiting and its principles, Model

Configurations, (M/M/1: GD/∞/∞) formulae, Little’s law, numerical problems and

calculations, capacity planning, use of simulation, data collection and its analysis for waiting



4. Productivity Improvement Techniques (PITs): PITs – machine based, material based,

man based, method based, money based, Information based, Scope for applications of PITs in

services - Indian scenarios, EOQ, Selective control of materials, Layout and material flow

analysis, Role of Technology in services, Use of IE charts in services, Use of checklists.

5. Resource allocation and scheduling techniques: Manpower requirements analysis,

Linear programming using MS Excel and its applications for duty scheduling, Manpower

requirements analysis, Assignment model, Numerical problems and case studies.

6. Demand and supply management strategies: Demand management strategies in service

sectors, supply capacity strategies, Yield Management, Franchising strategies, Growth and

Globalization strategies, service recovery.

List of Practicals:

1) Bottleneck operation analysis

2) Maslow’s Need-hierarchy Theory

3) Service characteristics and classification

4) Principles of waiting and waiting models

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5) Waiting line simulation

6) PITs- characteristics

7) Layout Improvement and MFA

8) Linear programming

9) Assignment model

10) Demand management strategies

11) Supply capacity measurement and management

12) Yield management strategies

13) EOQ

14) Selective control of materials

List of Project areas:

To apply IE Techniques in

1. Banking, Insurance and Financial sector

2. Education sector

3. Police and Fire protection services

4. Consulting and auditing services

5. Marketing and Advertising services

6. Lawyer and Legal services

7. Government services

8. Business services

9. Transportation services

10. Utilities services

11. Retailing and distribution services

12. Hotel and restaurant services

13. Healthcare services

14. Other services

Text Books:

1. Fitzsimmons James and Fitzsimmons Mona, Service Management 5th edition McGraw Hill


Reference Books: 1. Haksever, Render, Russel and Murdick Service Management and Operations, 2

nd edition,

Pearson Education, 2003

2. Zeithaml and Bitner Services Marketing, 6th

Edition , McGraw Hill 2013

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Explain characteristics of IE approach

2. Understand distinctive characteristics of services

3. Analyze waiting line for service delivery

4. Explain resource-based productivity improvement techniques

5. Analyze resource allocation and scheduling techniques in services

6. Explain demand and supply management strategies for services

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Module VI

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


Methods Improvement

1. Introduction to Human Factors Engineering -Human Factors Engineering – Definition

and scope, objectives, history, human-machine system, characteristics of human-machine

system, need for application of Human Factors Engineering in industry and society

2. Applied Anthropometry and Work Place Design - Introduction to Anthropometry,

type of dimensions, use of anthropometry data, Principles in the application of anthropometric

data, work spaces, work space envelopes, design of work space, science of seating,. Principles

of seat design, design of work surfaces, principles of arranging components, types of controls,

factors in control design, location of controls and displays within work space

3. Information Input and Processing - Design and Displays: Information input and

processing, visual displays of static and dynamic information. Auditory, textual & olfactory

displays, concept of visibility Text, graphics, and symbols. Visual displays of dynamic

information, Auditory, Tactual and Olfactory Response


4. Human output - Physical Work and manual material handling - Muscle mechanism,

BMR, MAP. Heart Rate variations, Oxygen consumption, Rest allowances, Rate of energy

expenditure, Manual Material Handling Capacity determination Effect of environmental

conditions and work design on Energy Expenditure. Motor Skills, Controls and Data Entry


5. Environmental Conditions - Illumination: Measurement of light, color systems, energy

consideration, concept of visibility, effect of light on performance, Climate: Measurement of

thermal conditions, wet-bulb temperature, heat exchange process, heat stress, cold stress, wind

chill index, Noise: Physiological effect of noise on performance, noise exposure

6. Human Factors in System Design - Human error, accidents and safety, theories of

accident causation, factors contributing to accidents, designing a safe product, Human factors

application in system design, characteristics of system design process, Case studies on

application of human factorsin system design

List of Practicals:

1. Review of research paper/case study on Ergonomic work place design

2. Review of research paper/case study on Ergonomic product design

3. Recording sound levels in various work environments

4. Recording light intensity in various work environments

5. Analysis of energy consumption in carrying out various manual tasks

6. Review of research paper/case study on Work related musculoskeletal disorders

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7. Analysis of effect of postural variations on human effort in service sector industry using

WorkPro Software

8. Analysis of effect of postural variations on human effort in manufacturing sector using

WorkPro Software

9. Analysis of effect of temperature on human effort in service sector industry using

WorkPro Software

10. Analysis of effect of temperature variations on human effort in manufacturing sector using

WorkPro Software

11. Analysis of effect of temperature on human strength in service sector industry using

WorkPro Software

12. Analysis of effect of temperature variations on human strength in manufacturing sector

using WorkPro Software

List of Project areas:

1. Design a work place by applying principles of Ergonomic design

2. Design a product by applying principles of Ergonomic design

3. Anthropometric Data Collection and Analysis

4. Applied Anthropometry–Work Place Design (Seating Workstation) using Ergo module of

WorkPro Software

5. Applied Anthropometry–Work Place Design (Standing Workstation) using Ergo module

of WorkPro Software

6. Analysing and quantifying human effort for carrying out manual work using Ergo module

of WorkPro Software in service sector industry

7. Analysing and quantifying human effort for carrying out manual work using Ergo module

of WorkPro Software in manufacturing industry

8. Analysing and quantifying human effort for carrying out manual work using Ergo module

of WorkPro Software in service sector industry

9. Design/study a visual display/auditory display used in practice by applying Ergonomic

design principles

10. Review of research paper/case study on Work related musculoskeletal disorders

11. Design aErgonomic work system by applying Human Factors Engineering using Ergo

module of WorkPro Software in service sector industry

12. Design a work system by applying Human Factors Engineering using Ergo module of

WorkPro Software in manufacturing sector

Text Books

1. M. S. Sanders and Ernest J. McCormick, “Human Factors Engineering and Design”,

Seventh edition, McGraw-Hill Inc.

Reference Books:

1. Maynards H.B., Industrial Engineering Hand Book, third edition, New York and London,

McGraw- Hill

2. George Kanawaty, Introduction to Work Study, Fourth revised edition, Universal Book

Corporation, Bombay, International Labour Office, Geneva

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Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand need of applying Human Factors Engineering in industry & society

2. Design workplaces and products ergonomically by applying principles of design, work

physiology and anthropometry.

3. Understand information input and processing to design visual/auditory displays.

4. Evaluate and estimate human efficiency and by understanding work physiology

5. Design work environment by applying knowledge of Physiological effect of

environmental conditions on human performance.

6. Apply knowledge of Human Factors in Ergonomic system design

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


Unit 1: Introduction Motivation Inputs To Entrepreneurship

Motivational input : Charms of being an entrepreneur. Reasons for being an entrepreneur.

Study of the wealth creators of an economy. Myths of entrepreneurship. Case studies of

successful entrepreneurs. qualities necessary to be a successful entrepreneur, developing

entrepreneurship qualities, Entrepreneurship tendency test. Achievement oriented work


Unit 2: Psychological & Administrative Elements Psychological tendencies in budding entrepreneurs. Entry barriers to entrepreneurship

and how to overcome them. Overcoming family and social barriers, overcoming and

understanding barriers to business development.

Administration inputs to entrepreneurship – planning scheduling, time management.

Unit 3: Legal Inputs To Entrepreneurship

The Government policies promoting entrepreneurship and business. Business

environments Legal inputs on staring a business. Review of forms necessary to start

businesses. Review of registration procedures. Business classifications. Sales Excise

Duties and Tax formalities. (Assignment)Overview on rules and regulations for different

types of business units. Overcoming legal obstackles, Long term partnering with law and

tax firms Monopoly creation of Logos, branding, Copyrights and Patents. Shop ACT

Business cards, venue Ambience,


Unit 4: Business Opportunity Identification Inputs To Entrepreneurship Understanding the needs of businesses. Choosing the right opportunity. What business

should be done? How to search for business opportunities and convert them to cash.

Business opportunity identification methodology. Business creation methods. Places to

look for business. How to take help for getting business. When to look for business

opportunities ? Case studies on the right time to do a business. How to formulate a

business and project plan. Project counseling to students

Unit 5: Marketing Inputs To Entrepreneurship

What to sell and how to sell ?: , Market research and survey, overview on methods of

forecasting, launching and marketing the products and services, sales and distribution,

project feasibility study – market feasibility, technical feasibility, sources of finance,

financial feasibility – project costing and budgeting, product costing. Where to find finance

and how to get project finance for a business; Legal input to a business

Marketing inputs to entrepreneurship: How to prepare a business plan and strategise. How

to identify the right strategy for market development. Exploiting an attractive market.

Creating competitive advantages for the market. Creating the right strategy. Inputs for

strategy development.

Vision and Strategy planning, Product / Process evaluation assignment for chosen business.

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Unit 6: Problem Solving Inputs To Entrepreneurship

How to solve problems as and when they arrive? Business crisis and how to solve them

when they arise. Review of Cash crisis Starting Crisis, Delegation crisis, Management

crisis and Succession crisis. Review of methods to solve each crisis.

Methods to solve new crisis which may arrive in the future. Review of luck and the

business cycle.

Tax and relativity of moral ethics in adverse business (corrupt) environments.

List of Project areas: 1. Administration inputs to entrepreneurship – planning scheduling, time management

2. Preparation of Business cards

3. Formulate Business Plan – Part 1

4. Formulate Business Plan – Part 2

5. Formulate Business Plan – Part 3

6. Formulate Business Plan – Part 4

7. Formulate Business Plan – Part 5

8. Process evaluation assignment for chosen business.

9. Market potential analysis of the business.

10. Tax and relativity of moral ethics in adverse business (corrupt) environments.

11. Study of Shop ACT

12. Business Crisis

Text Books:

1. S J Phansalkar Making Growth Happen – Learning from First Generation

Entrepreneurs. Edition No.1 SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd 23 March 1999.

Reference Books: 1. Dr J. S. Juneja Small and Medium Enterprise: Challenges and opportunities

URL: 1995

2. Kondalah, chukka Enterprise in the new millennium McGraw-Hill publication

3. Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review on Enterprise McGraw-Hill


4. Rabindra N Kanungo Entrepreneurship & Innovation Models for Development 2nd

Edition SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd 1999

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Evaluate its own entrepreneurial tendency and ability.

2. Analyze the techno-commercial feasibility of new business ventures.

3. To review and understand the legal requirements of business.

4. Brainstorm ideas for new and innovative products or services.

5. Evaluate and implement various market strategies as per product and business needs.

6. Understand and ways to overcome the problems associated with new startups.

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. Hot and Cold Working Processes: Forging - Classification of forging processes-open die

and closed die forging, stock penetration. Lubrication in tube drawing, Cold rolling, extrusion:

forward, backward, impact, Wire & Tube Drawing: Introduction rod and wire drawing

machines –Wire drawing dies, material. Forging equipment - Hammers and presses,

construction working capacities and selection of equipment. Tube drawing: Methods, force


2. Press Working : Press working terminology, Basic operations, types of presses-

mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and their mechanisms, elements of die sets, types of die

sets, types of dies - simple, compound, progressive, combination and inverted dies, types of

punches Methods of reduction of shear force, types of strip layouts, types of strippers, types of

pilots, types of stoppers, selection of dowel pins and allen screws Study of various processes

such as shearing, blanking, punching, notching, bending, forming, drawing,

3. Rolling of Metals: Scope and importance of rolling. Types of Rolling Mills - Construction

and working. Deformation in rolling and determination forces required. Process variables,

Roll Defects in rolling - Roll pass classification & design. Lubrication in rolling Automatic

gauge control flattening, Roll camber - its effect on rolling process, mill spring


1. Non-Conventional Machining Processes: Comparison with conventional machining,

classification, principle, working advantages, disadvantages and applications of ECM, EDM,


2. NC/CNC/DNC Systems: Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC Machines, basic components of

NC, NC coordinate system, NC motion control system-point to point, straight cut, contouring,

open loop, closed loop. Comparison between NC and Conventional Machine Tools, Basic

Principles of NC Machines, its Advantages, NC words, G&M codes, Introduction to

Machining Centres-funtions, types, advantages, disadvantages & applications CAM/CIM and


List of Practicals:

1. Study of Forging and Forging Equipment

2. Determination of Force in Tube Drawing/drawing.

3. Sketch of Die for Extrusion / Wire-Drawing.

4. Study of Equipment used for Sheet Metal Working/problem on deep drawing.

5. Problem on Scrap Strip Lay-Out and Sheet Utilization.

6. Study of Rolling Process and Process parameters/problems on slip, force etc.

7. Problem on Roll-Pass Design/sketching.

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8. Comparison of ECM, EDM

9. Comparison of AJM, LBM.

10. Comparison of IBM, EBM

11. Introduction to NC, CNC, DNC Machines/programming concepts,

12. ‘G’ and ‘M’ Code Programme for Simple Turned Components

List of Project:

1. Project on wire drawing/cup drawing

2. Project on extrusion process

3. Project on rolling mill

4. Project on press working

5. Project on Electro-chemical machining

6. Project on Electrical discharge machining

7. Project on Abrasive jet machining

8. Project on Laser beam machining

9. Project on Water jet machining

10. Project on Abrasive water jet machining

11. Manufacturing of complex job using ‘G’ and ‘M’ Code Programme for CNC lathe

machine I

12. Manufacturing of complex job using ‘G’ and ‘M’ Code Programme for CNC lathe

machine II

Text Books:

1. Hazra Chowdhary; Manufacturing; Process; Vol. 2.Revised Edition Media Promoters 2011

2. Zimmer & Groover; Computer aided design &manufacturing; 1st Edition Pearson

Education 2003

Reference Books:

1. Chapman W. A.; Workshop Technology; Volume I, II, III 5th Edition, A Butterworth

Heinemann 1972

2. Begeman; Manufacturing Processes; 6th Revised edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc 1969

3 Roy A. Lindberg; Processes and Materials of Manufacture; 4th Edition Prentice Hall of

India, New Delhi, 1990.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understand plastic deformation of metals and its applications

2. Apply the knowledge of press working.

3. Analyze basic sheet metal working processes such as blanking, punching drawing etc.

4. Analyze material forming forces for rolling.

5. Apply the working principles and processing characteristics of advanced machining

processes such as ECM, EDM, AJM, LBM, etc.

6. Apply the knowledge of NC CNC and DNC machines

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: Theory 3 Hrs / Week &

Lab/Project 2 Hrs/Week


1. Scope of Operations Management - Nature, Scope, Importance, Various Functions in

Operations, Types of Production Systems – Project type, Job shop, Batch Production, Flow /

Continuous Production, Mass Production - Characteristics and applicability of each type.

Operations Strategies: Process choice – Select the appropriate production system,

Competitiveness with Operations, Competing on cost, quality, flexibility, speed, reliability.

Order Winners & Order Qualifiers. Introduction to ETO, MTO, ATO & MTS

2. OPC and Material Requirement Planning (MRP I) - Operations Planning & Control –

PPC – Functions, Operations Planning & Control Framework. Material Requirement Planning

(MRP I): Inputs to MRP – MPS, BOM –Types of BOM, BOM Explosion, Inventory

Transaction Files, MRP Processing (Logic) Time Phased Operation Plan, Numerical on BOM

Explosion Netting Requirements, Lot sizing methods.

3. MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) - Operations Control – Gantt Charts,

Planning & Scheduling Techniques: Scheduling v/s Loading, Scheduling Types – Forward

Scheduling & Backward Scheduling, Scheduling Techniques –Single machine scheduling-

SPT, WSPT, Slack per operations, Critical Ratio, EDD, etc. –Evaluate lateness, tardiness.

Hogdson algorithm, Minimizing tardiness heuristics


1. Demand Forecasting - Components of Demand, Techniques of Demand Forecasting –

Qualitative (Survey & Judgmental – Delphi, Expert Opinion) & Quantitative (Causal Methods

– Input-Output Method, Leading Indicators Method & Time Series Analysis – Moving

Average, Exponential Smoothing, Regression Method). Holts Model, Winters Model, Box-

Jenkins Model. Measuring Errors in Forecasting – MAD, MFE, MSE & MAPE

2. Aggregate Planning: Introduction, Requirement of Aggregate Plan, Steps in Developing

an Aggregate Plan, Advantages of Aggregate Plan, Aggregate Planning Strategies, Planning

Options. Selecting the Method in Aggregate Planning, Aggregate Planning in Services Pure

Strategies – Chase, Level, Mixed Strategies, Role of Transportation. Detailed Capacity

Requirement Planning, Assignment Models, Numerical in Aggregate Planning.

3. Operations scheduling: LPT for multiprocessing machines, Flow shop Modeling-

Johnson’s method – Johnson’s rule for 2,3 and M machines problem, CDS Methods,

Minimize machine Idle Machine Method, Oven processing problems, Network scheduling of

jobs on parallel processing (similar Machines), Job shop scheduling- CLXspt method

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List of Practicals:

1. Case study assignment on Production Systems & Operations Strategy

2. Assignment on MRP 1 – BOM Explosion & Netting Requirements

3. Assignment on MCP and LUC Lot sizing Method

4. Assignment on PPB and POQ Lot sizing Method

5 Assignment on Hogdson algorithm

6 Assignment on Single machine Scheduling

7 Assignment on Moving Average method

8 Assignment on Regression Method of forecasting

9 Assignment on Johnson’s method for 2, 3 and M machines problem

10. Assignment on Demand Forecasting – Forecast Demand & Measure Error

11. Numerical assignment on Aggregate Planning

12. Numerical assignment on Job shop scheduling

List of Project areas:

1. Operations strategies Implementation

2. MRP-I Calculation

3. MRP-II & Aggregate Planning

4. Single Machine scheduling

5. Production strategies

6. Parallel Machine scheduling

7. Job shop scheduling

8. Flow shop scheduling

9. Lot sizing methods

10. Aggregate production Planning

11. Demand forecasting

12. Assignment Models

Text Books:

1. Panneerselvam; Production & Operations Management; 3rd

Edition, McGraw Hill


Reference Books:

1. Chary; Production & Operations Management; 1st Edition, McGraw Hill Publications

2. Chase; Production & Operations Management; 1st Edition, Pearson Publications

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Understanding of Operations management strategies and its usefulness.

2. Understanding of effective measures like using of Lot Sizing mechanisms

3. Understanding different scheduling techniques used in Production system

4. Understanding different Forecasting techniques used in Production system

5. Understanding different Aggregate production strategies used in Production system

6. Understanding of Relevance of scheduling

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: -3TH + 2 Lab Hours /Week


Basics of Supply Chain Management: Concept, Objective. Decision Phases in Supply

Chain. Process View of Supply Chain – Cycle View, Push/Pull view, Supply Chain

Performance – Achieving Strategic Fit. Types of Supply Chain – Responsive, Efficient,

Achieving Strategic Fit. Supply Chain Drivers – Facilities, Inventory, Transportation,

Information, Pricing and Sourcing.

Logistics - Logistics Function: Transportation–Significance in SCM, Modes of

Transportation– Rail, Road, Pipelines, Water, Air, Multimodal –Advantages & Disadvantages,

Concept of TL, LTL, FTL. Selection of Appropriate Modes of Transportation.

Warehouse Management: Warehousing – Objectives, Functions, Types. Concept of SKUs,

Warehousing Principles & Best Practices in Receiving, Shipping, Order Picking, Storage &

Put away, Warehouse Activity Profiling, Warehouse Layout Planning, Order Processing –

Role of IT, Material Handling, Warehouse Management Systems

Network Design in Supply Chain - Factors Influencing Distribution Network Design –

Response time, Product variety, Product availability, Customer experience, Order visibility,

Return ability.

Transportation Modeling & Optimization: Transportation Model: Vogel’s Approximation

Method, UV Method, Stepping Stone Method, Transshipment problems, Shortest Path

Problem, Minimal Spanning Tree, Maximal Flow Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem,

Vehicle Routing Problem.

Managing Supply and Demand: Managing Capacity – time flexibility of workforce,

seasonal workforce, subcontracting, use of dual facilities, and design product flexibility into

production processes. Managing Inventory – use common components across multiple

products; build inventory of high demand of predictable demand products Managing Demand:

Variable pricing, Forward buying. Collaborative Planning Forecasting & Replenishment


Inventory Management in Supply Chain - Managing Economies of Scale: Cycle Inventory-

Role in SC - Lot sizing for single product, multiple products or customers, Aggregating

multiple products in single order Managing Uncertainty: Safety Inventory – Role in SC –

Determine appropriate level of safety inventory. Pipeline/ In-transit Inventory, Seasonal

Inventory, Transportation & Inventory Cost Trade-off: Choice of Transportation Mode,

Inventory Aggregation. Transportation cost and customer-responsiveness trade-off;

Pricing & Revenue Management in Supply Chain: Role, Revenue Management for Multiple

Customer Segments, Seasonal Demand, Bulk & Spot Customers,

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Outsourcing & Co-ordination in Supply Chain: Procurement Process, Sourcing, 3PL, 4PL,

Vendor Managed Inventory. Co-ordination in Supply Chain: Lack of SC Coordination &

Bullwhip Effect. Obstacles to SC Coordination. Manager Levers to Achieve Coordination.

IT and Technology in Supply Chain: Role of IT in Supply Chain IT Framework. E-business

& Supply Chain, EPR Solutions, Future of Supply Chain. Cases on E-business and supply

chains, Recent Technologies in SCM – Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence

Special Cases in Supply Chain : Sustainable -Green SCM, Reverse Logistics, Global

Supply Chain Management – Case studies, Cold & Liquid Supply Chain,

List of Practical’s:

1. Detailed Study of Supply Chain of any one company in an Industry of your choice

2. Study of Industry or Sector Based on Economics Times Intelligence Group

3. Single Facility Location Models-

4. Multiple Facility Location Models-

5. Allocation Models – Transportation, Transshipment model ( Simio Software )

6. Application of Travelling Salesman Problem

7. Application of Vehicle Routing Problem( Simio Software )

8. Design/ Develop Inventory policy

9. Selective Inventory Control – ABC, FSN, VED etc.

10. Computerized Simulation Games – Bullwhip Effect

11. Supply Chain Optimization and Integration ( Simio Software )

12. Application of Recent Technologies in SCM

13. Excel – Solver based modeling

List of Project areas:

1. Distribution Network Design( Simio Software )

2. Inventory Classification and Management

3. Supply Chain Surplus Improvement

4. Logistics Modelling ( Simio Software )

5. Warehouse Layout Planning

6. Material Handling and Optimization

7. Traveling Salesman Problem

8. Vehicle Routing Problem

9. Application of Recent Technologies in SCM

10. Outsourcing – 3PL, 4PL

11. Sustainable Supply Chains – Green SCM etc.

12. Pricing and Revenue Management

13. Applications of Recent trends in SCM

14. Reverse Logistics

Text Books:

1. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management - Strategy, Planning &

Operation –Pearson Education

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Reference Books: 1. Bowersox , Logistical Management - The Integrated Supply Chain Process

2. Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education

3. Logistics & Supply Chain Management – Raghuram

4. Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management – Ronald Ballou, Peason Education.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Identify the key elements and processes in a supply chain and their interaction

2. Understand and analyze the designing, planning and operational decisions of SCM.

3. Identify the techniques used in management of critical components of supply chain

4. Analyze, design and optimize supply chain networks for manufacturing organizations

5. Design and optimize inventories across the supply chain

6. Explain the likely future development of logistics and supply chain management

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: -3 Th + 2 Lab Hours /Week


1. Management Information Systems - Need, Purpose and Objectives - Contemporary

Approaches to MIS - Information as a strategic resource - Use of information for competitive

advantage - MIS as an instrument for the organizational change

2. Information, Management and Decision Making - Models of Decision Making -

Classical, Administrative and Herbert Simon's Models - Attributes of information and its

relevance to Decision Making - Types of information

3. Information Technology - Definition, IT Capabilities and their organizational impact -

Telecommunication and Networks - Types and Topologies of Networks - IT enabled services

such as Call Centres, Geographical Information Systems etc.

4. Data Base Management Systems - Data Warehousing and Data Mining


1. Systems Analysis and Design - Systems Development Life Cycle - Alternative System

Building Approaches - Prototyping - Rapid Development Tools - CASE Tools - Object

Oriented Systems

2. Decision Support Systems - Group Decision Support Systems - Executive Information

Systems - Executive Support Systems - Expert Systems and Knowledge Based Expert

Systems - Artificial Intelligence

3. Management Issues in MIS - Information Security and Control - Quality Assurance -

Ethical and Social Dimensions - Intellectual Property Rights as related to IT Services / IT

Products - Managing Global Information Systems

8. Applications of MIS in functional areas as well as in the service sector should be covered

with the help of minimum 5 case studies.

Text Books: 1. Management Information Systems, Laudon and Laudon, 7th Edition, Pearson Education


2. Management Information Systems, Jawadekar, Tata McGraw Hill

3. Management Information Systems, Davis and Olson, Tata McGraw Hill

Reference Books:

1. Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Rajaraman, Prentice Hall

2. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Turban and Aronson, Pearson

Education Asia

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3. Management Information Systems, Schulthesis, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Management Information Systems - Sadagopan, Prentice Hall

5. Management Information Systems - Jayant Oke

Students will be able to:

1. Evaluate the role of information systems in today's competitive business environment.

2. Identify and describe important features of organizations in order to build and use

information systems successfully.

3. Demonstrate systems analysis, design and decision making in a business setting.

4. Define and describe the fundamentals of hardware, software, database management, data

communications and systems related to the management activities of an organization.

5. Assess how information systems support the activities of managers and end-users in


6. Identify the principal management challenges posed by the ethical and social impact of

information systems and management solutions.

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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: -3 TH + 2 LAB Hours /Week


Lean Manufacturing – Definition & Concept. Characteristics of Lean Manufacturing.

Concept of MUDA, MURA & MURI, Value Added and NVA activities

Value Stream Mapping – VSM Symbols, Current State and Future State, Kaizen- Types,

Format. Kaizen Development,

Toyota Production System- Toyota’s 14 Principles of Management, Problem Solving

Approach, Design of JIT- Pull System, Kanban-Types, Calculations of Kanban, Concept of

Standard Work – Standardization, Standard Operating Procedures

Set-up Time Reduction: SMED Methodology for Set-up reduction, OTED (One Touch

Exchange of Dies), Quick Attachment Devices.

Group Technology Approaches, Characteristics of A Group/Cell Families of Parts, Group

Technology – Codification & Classification Systems , Production Flow Analysis and Choice

Of Family , Benefits and Applications Of Group Technology.

Cellular Manufacturing: Work cell concepts and applications, Work cell design, work cell

staffing and equipment issues.


Japanese Lean Principles: Heijunka (Resource Leveling), Jidoka (Autonomation), Genechi

Genbitsu (Go and See)

Maintenance Management– Breakdown, Preventive, Predictive. Total Productive

Maintenance (TPM): Concept & Origin, Outline of TPM – 8 Pillars, TPM Performance

Measures – PQCDSM & OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), Introduction to

Autonomous Maintenance (JishuHozen) activities, Planned Maintenance, Small-Group

activities of TPM.

Visual Management System- Introduction to 5S: Steps in 5S Methodology, Concept of

1S(Seiri), 2S(Seiton), 3S (Seiso), 4S (Shiketsu), 5S, (Shitsuke). Implementation of 1S & 2S,

Visual Displays, Visual Controls

Theory of Constraints: Introduction to TOC, Concept, Constraints – Types, Factory Physics

Laws and Bottleneck Scheduling, Concept of Throughput, Inventory & Operating Expenses,

Throughput Accounting, TOC Methodology, Numerical & Cases in TOC. Application of

TOC in industry, Drum-Buffer-Rope Approach.

Lean Applications in Service Sector- Logistics, Healthcare

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List of Practical’s:

1. Waste Identification and Classification -3M of Lean

2. Kaizen preparation- operator or circle level

3. Value Stream Mapping- Current State and Future State (e-VSM Software )

4. Standardization of processes

5. Design Work Cell as per requirements

6. Design of JIT / Kanban System for manufacturing firm

7. Cellular Manufacturing

8. Design of Single Piece Flow

9. Identification and Reduction TPM Losses

10. Assignment on TPM Performance Measures

11. Assignment on Overall Equipment Effectiveness

12. Autonomous Maintenance -JishuHozen

13. Understanding and Implementation of 5S

14. Use of SIPOC Diagiram

15. Identification of Bottleneck and constraint classification

16. Application of Theory of Constraints- (Goldratt’s TOC Software)

17. Use of constraint management tools like CRT, FRT, Evaporating Cloud etc

List of Project areas:

1. Value Stream Mapping, ( e-VSM Software )

2. Kaizen Improvement Projects

3. Setup Time Reduction using SMED approach

4. Autonomation (Jidoka) and Andon implementation

5. Kanban, JIT feasibility and implementation

6. Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing

7. TPM- KK Pillar, Overall Equipment Effectiveness,

8. TPM-Pillars- JH and PM

9. TPM Abnormalities

10. 5S Implementation

11. Developing Maintenance Schedule

12. Standardization - Formation of SOP, Work Instructions

13. Theory pf Constraints Applications- (Goldratt’s TOC Software)

14. Lean Applications in Services

Text Books:

2. B.S. Sahay, Saxena, World Class Manufacturing -A strategic perspective, Laxmi

Publications Pvt Ltd, 1st Edition, 2018

3. Richard Schonberger, World Class Manufacturing – The Next Decade: Building Power,

Strength, and Value, Free Press, 1996

4. Jeffrey Liker, The Toyota Way, McGraw Hill Publications, Indian Edition, 2017

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Reference Books:

1. Mishra R.C., Pathak K, Maintenance Engineering and Management, PHP Publications, 2nd

Edition , 2016

2. James Womack & Daniel Jones ,Learning to See, 1998

3. John Bicheno , Cause and Effect Lean – The essentials of Lean Manufacturing, 1994

4. Nakajima Seiichi ,Introduction to TPM: Total Productive Maintenance, 1995

5. Terry Wireman ,Total Productive Maintenance, Industrial Press,2004

6. Kelley, M.J. Harris, Management Of Industrial Maintenance Newness Butterworths Press,


Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to –

1. Identify, eliminate and reduce the non-value added activities (wastes) in manufacturing


2. Apply the tools and techniques of lean manufacturing to improve productivity in

manufacturing organizations

3. Understand the principles and benefits of Toyota Production System philosophy

4. Apply the concept, tools and techniques in TPM philosophy

5. Apply the tools and techniques of constraint management to improve productivity in

manufacturing and service organizations

6. Apply the tools and techniques of lean manufacturing to improve productivity in service


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Credits: 04 Teaching Scheme: -3 TH + 2 LAB Hours /Week


Unit 1: Introduction to concept of Cost (6 Hours)

Cost, Cost Centre, Cost Unit, Elements of Cost: Material Cost. Different methods of pricing of

issue of materials – LIFO, FIFO, HIFO, Weighted Average Labour Cost: Direct & Indirect

Different methods, Time Keeping & Time Booking. Methods of calculating labour turnover.

Direct Expenses: Constituents and Significance, Prime Cost

Unit 2: Overheads (7 Hours)

Classification: Production, Office & Administration, Selling & Distribution. Treatment of

Overheads: Collection of Overheads - Primary and Secondary Distribution of Overheads: Step

Method, Reciprocal Method, Repeated Distribution Method. Absorption of Overheads:

Machine hour, labour hour rate, Under Absorption and Over Absorption of Overheads,

Preparation of Cost Sheet

Unit 3: Costing Methods (7 Hours)

Job Costing, Unit Costing, Contract Costing, Process Costing, Simple numerical on various

methods of costing to enable ascertains cost of product. Standard costing: Concept, Standard

Cost, Standard costing. Calculation of Variance Numerical on calculation of variances,

Variance – Variance Analysis, Material variance, Labour Variance, Overhead Variance

Unit 4: Marginal Costing (7 Hours)

Fixed & Variable (Marginal) Cost, Marginal Cost. Applications of Marginal Costing in

Decision-making: Product Mix, Profit Planning, Make or Buy Decisions. Limiting Factor,

Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Concept of Break-Even, P/V Ratio and Margin of Safety

Unit 5: Activity Based Costing and Process Costing (8 Hours)

Concept, Concept of Cost Drivers, Transfer Pricing: Objective, Methods – Cost Based,

Market Prices Based, Negotiated Prices. Recommended procedure for Transfer Pricing,

Limitations of Traditional Costing, Provisions under the Electricity Act, functions of Bureau

of Energy Efficiency, Special aspects of Process, Stage-wise cost calculation, Marketability as

well as further processing at the end of a stage, Losses and profits at each stage, benefits of

process costing

Unit 6: Standard Costing and Budgeting (5 Hours)

Standard Costing & Variance Analysis, Advantages and limitations, Computation of variances

relating to material and labour costs, Budget and Budgetary Control - Concepts, Types of

Budgets, Budgetary Control & Standard Costing

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List of Project areas: These assignments to be based upon real life products / services covering the following areas

1. Product Costing

2. Service Costing

3. Marginal Costing to determine Break Even Point and profitability

4. Process Costing

Text Books: 1. Ashish K. Bhattacharya, Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting, Edition No. 3, PHI

Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010

2. B. K. Bhar, Cost Accounting – Methods and Problems Edition No., Academic


Reference Books: 1.Jawahar Lal and Seema Srivastava, Cost Accounting,Edition No. 5,Tata McGraw Hill

P ublishers, 2013

2.M. Y. Khan, P. K. Jain, Management Accounting – Text, Problems, Cases,Edition

No.6,Tata McGraw Hill Publishers,2013

Course Outcomes: The student will be able to –

1. Classify different types of costs and apply it for ascertainment of costs of a product or a


2. Understand and apply distribution of overheads to ascertain the cost of any product or


3. Apply different types of costing methods and techniques according to the suitability for

various production processes and services.

4. Take decisions such as optimum product mix, profit planning, make or buy, limiting factors

based on marginal costing concept

5. Understand and apply the concept of activity based costing for cost ascertainment

6. Prepare Standard Cost sheet and budget