Viral neos2

VIRAL NEOS How to Build Massive Traffic and Leverage ‘Seed Traffic’ For Your Social Neos Campaigns

Transcript of Viral neos2

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How to Build Massive Traffic and Leverage‘Seed Traffic’ For Your Social Neos Campaigns

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Hi, Ben Murray here from

In this training, I'm going to outline the best methods to build a massive list of Twitter followers quickly that you can leverage to make your posts, content, and products get massive


When you integrate your Social Neos viral campaigns, to get them to take off you need some initial traffic to start sharing the content.

This will show you how to build a large following through the best practices via Twitter so when your ready to launch a new campaign, you can share your post/content/video etc. with your social following and not even have to mail your list.

(This stuff has nothing to do with buying Twitter followers by the way.)

After setting up my Twitter a few months ago, I’ve been able to get over 15k followers in a short amount of time that I can now leverage for different campaigns. (@virtualpioneer)

Best of all, a lot of influencers in my niche now tweet and share my stuff on a regular basis resulting in potential tons of traffic.

Here’s some for a recent post I did on my blog, a site that offers reviews, special discounts/deals, and bonus training for the best marketing tools.

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I got tweets from some of the biggest influencers like NY Times Best Selling Author Joel Comm and Mark Schaefer.

The best part is I haven’t been putting that much effort into building my Twitter following as I should and I’ve still gotten great results quickly.

Also, we'll be covering some additional tactics to help your tweets go viral and get shared by big influencers in your niche.

Just by following these steps, you'll be in the 99% of people using Twitter correctly for business.

That being said lets get started with the steps.

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#1. Make sure to fill out your ENTIRE Twitter bioIf you want to build a big following on Twitter, it starts with actually filling out your information correct when you go to set it up in your Twitter bio.

Be clear about why people should follow you, what content you're going to tweet out, and use keywords in your bio that will attract the people you want to follow you.

There are a lot of Twitter bio search tools out there like BuzzSumo, and people will find you just by using Twitter search looking for peopleto follow.

Also, remember to update your cover photo and icon to one that defines what your about and looks good.

Do you think an influencer is going to feel comfortable interacting with you if your cover photo is blank and no one can really tell what niche or business your even?

#2. Add a follow button to your blogTo grow your following you need to remove all barriers to entry and the main barrier to entry is finding their way to your Twitter profile.

The easiest way to do this is to add a social media button or follow widget to your blog.

I particularly like how Brian Dean does this on, he provides a great introduction packed with social proof followed with a simple call to action; Follow @Backlinko:

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One thing that stands out to me here is that using a follow button in this way won’t immediately take people away from your website.

This is great because as bloggers it’s important to keep visitors on ourblogs for as long as possible.

How to do this yourself:

If you’re using an official Twitter button, you’ll just need to add this code:

<a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="true">Follow @virtualpioneer </a>

If you’re using anything other than the official Twitter button, you’ll need to use this code:

<a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="true">Follow @virtualpioneer</a>

<script src=""type="text/javascript"></script>

Note: don’t forget to change the Twitter username.

If you want to add a follow button without a follower count, you can use Twitters button resource page to generate one.

Remember to add share buttons to your blog as well

Remember to have an option to allow users to share content directly from your blog. There are still blogs out there that haven't really optimized this correctly and its costing them social engagement.

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A good plugin to use comes from

I have used a free one called ShareThis at

#3. Use Hashtags the SMART WayHashtags are a great way to find and build Twitter followers, especially when you're starting out and don't have any followers because it gets your tweet seen by others interested in your message.

First, find relevant ones that work in your niche.

Never just guess at popular and relevant ones you think might work. Use a service like RiteTag to find ones that will get views, but are not over used.

Also, or to find relevant ones that people are searching for and using.

Next, you need to make sure they are specific enough to your content to add value.

When you overdo hashtags or make them very general they are not going to add any value. For example, adding in #sport in your tweet is not going to help you at all.

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But, when used well, hashtags can be very useful for building up your followers. Here are some examples:

a). Conferences

If you are at a conference, find out the hashtag and tweet regularly throughout, making sure you use the hashtag. If you provide really good, relevant information you will get followers from other people at the conference and also from people who are not there but are tracking the conversation.

b). Twitter chats

Twitter chats are conversations based around a hashtag which defines the topic. These conversations happen at specific times, for example, there is a #blogchat every week run by Mac Collier. By finding Twitter chats relevant to your niche, and engaging in conversation on them can be a great way of attracting new followers.

c). Sharing content with hashtags

When you share your content on Twitter, consider the hashtags that people may use to track content on that subject. If you make good useof popular, specific hashtags it means your content will be picked up by more targeted people, which will result in more followers.

#4. Find Popular and Relevant Twitter Users and Start Interacting with ThemA lot of people just start randomly following others in hopes of getting them to follow you back.

That is ok to start out, but to build a big following fast, you need to follow and interact with the key people who have large following in your niche, but will still tweet or interact back with your stuff.

This is one of my preferred methods of growing your followers.

To do this, you start by making a list of the most influential people within your niche and then engage with them on a regular basis to build up a relationship with them.

At first they may ignore you, but if you put the work in you’ll get their

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attention. Comment on their blogs, mention them in your blog posts, mention them in your tweets, and share their content.

If they get to know you and you provide good content, it’s likely that they will follow you back and also start sharing your content. This kickstarts their own followers into following you they will see your content.

There are many tools available to help you find those influential followers, for example, twtrland. This tool allows me to search Twitter by location, skill or name.

Another one I recommend is BuzzSumo, although the free version willonly show you a few pages or results.

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ManageFlitter provides free functionality which allow you to do a search of bios. You can search for keywords and then further narrow down the search to find people in a particular country, or who have a certain number of followers etc. This gives you more flexibility than

In the following example I searched for people who had put ‘Social Media Manager’ in their bio, who live in England and who have more than 1,000 followers.

Next, make sure you start interacting with them correctly.

Create a list in a free program called TweetDeck to organize the influencers you want to start interact with so you can see just their tweets.

This saves lots of time than trying to sift through thousands of tweets in your dashboard, or remembering to check each of their individual feeds.

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If you start promoting and sharing other people’s content, they generally notice this and a lot of the time they will follow back.

Make sure you mention their name in the tweet to improve the chances of them noticing. For example:

‘Really interesting post -> Why “Unlimited” is Attractive … via @syedbalkhi‘

Don't get discouraged if they don't follow you back or start retweeting your stuff, especially if they are major players.

However, if they're on Twitter, then at some point you can tweet directly at them asking for a favor like tweeting out a great content guide you've made, and they'll recognize you as someone who's built good will with them overtime.

#5. Follow The Best Influencers Who Are Already Engaging in Your ContentWhen you find people that are sharing your content or engaging with you on Twitter, these are people who are likely to make good

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You will need to check out their profile to see if they are relevant but it’s a good target group to start with (assuming they are not engaging with you with spam content).

One way of doing this is using a tool called picks out people that are engaging with you and call these Supporters or Engaged Members. It also identifies Influencers in your niche.

What this free tool will do is help you recognize the most influential people who are actively participating back so you don't waste months trying to engage with large influencers who will never participate back with you. will also give you suggestions of the best people to start following and interact with.

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If you hover over one of these people, it will show you more detailed information about when they interacted with you and the influence they have.

So, by tracking who you are engaging with in an efficient way using a tool like you can start to gain a bigger and better following.

#6. Join in Specific Tweet ChatsTweetchats are Twitter conversations on a particular topic at a specific

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For example, Blogchat is a Twitter chat on Sunday evenings; anyone can join in and meet a lot of people interested in blogging.

Tweetchats are a fantastic way of building followers because, when you engage with other like-minded people during the conversation, a lot of them will want to stay in contact with you so will follow you.

During the Twitter chat, make sure you ask questions, respond to people, and share your thoughts on the conversation. The more active you are, the better.

A good tool for engaging with tweet chats is Twitterchats can be fast and furious, so provides some functionality to help you manage them, e.g. pausing the Twitter stream when you want to catch up.

#7. Set Up Tweet CardsOnce you setup Twitter cards, whenever someone shares a link from your blog, it will look like this when you read the summary:

This is eye-catching and will increase engagement, which increases the likelihood of gaining more followers.

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For WordPress users, setup is easy. Especially if you are using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast because you will find the option to add Twitter cards in the social settings:

Once activated, you will need to follow the ‘Twitter Card Validator’ link to get your Twitter Cards approved.

If you aren’t using WordPress, Twitter has some documentation that will give you a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

#8. Ask for retweets (not too much)Studies have shown that asking your followers to retweet can help increase your retweets by up to 4 times.

More retweets is a great thing because it expands your reach and witheach retweet you have the opportunity to gain more followers.

Just add “Please retweet” at the front of your tweet.

This has the potential to work purely because you are including a direct call to action for your followers but it’s important to note that some people on Twitter do find this annoying.

Studies have shown that asking your followers to retweet can help increase your retweets by up to 4 times.

More retweets is a great thing because it expands your reach and witheach retweet you have the opportunity to gain more followers.

Just add “Please retweet” at the front of your tweet.

This has the potential to work purely because you are including a direct call to action for your followers but it’s important to note that

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some people on Twitter do find this annoying.

#9. Syndicate Great Content By Other UsersOne of the easiest ways to grow your Twitter Following on autopilot is to simply tweet out the best content written in your niche by other bloggers.

This will...

#1. Will let the influencer who wrote the post know you are taking timeout of your day to share their content (and they will start to tweet yoursback)

2. Will show that your Twitter profile is an 'authority' in your industry since it provides the best value (even if it's not you) which will lead more people to follow you.

Also, there is simply more activity resulting in more retweets and favorites from your Twitter feed.

However, you might spend your entire day retweeting and sharing content if you don't automate some of this.

First, use to find the best content to Tweet about. This willallow you to add the best blogs you follow and see their feeds all at once.

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Then, sign up for a free service called Buffer that will allow you to schedule your posts multiple times in advance so your not on Twitter all day.

This is free to sign up, but if you want to start tweeting over 20-30 times and more per day, you'll need to upgrade your account to their 'Awesome' plan for $10 per month.

Then, simply find a few of the best content from your RSS feeds, and

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set that up in Buffer. It will only take a few minutes and instantly make your Twitter profile look like an authority guy in your niche.

The more tweeting you do, the more interaction you'll get, more traffic,and more followers.

#10. Keep your posts short enough to retweet.Retweets are the only to get noticed by people who don’t follow you.

Therefore, you must make it easy for your followers to retweet you. Keep your tweets short enough for people to add the RT symbol and your username (“RT @virtualpioneer”).

For me, that takes up 18 characters, including the space. That means my tweets can be no longer than 122 characters (140–18=122).

#11. Reply to others publicly.I used to reply to people via DM, thinking my message was irrelevant to most of my followers. Because I wasn’t replying in public, this mademe look unsociable.

So now, I reply almost exclusively in public. The only people who see those messages are those who follow both me and the person I am replying to—a small subset of my followers. So, it’s sociable but not annoying.

#12. Avoid sending multiple tweets in a short space of timeSending a lot of tweets in a short amount of time will only cause more people to unfollow you.

If you’re using different tools to send out tweets, it can become a bit ofa juggling act but if you’re mindful about it and try to space out your tweets when possible – that will be a big help.

There are tools like Buffer which can be a big help as we discussed before.

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Instead of hitting the tweet button, add your tweets to Buffer and they’ll be published at a schedule of your choosing.

#13. Schedule your tweets to be published when your followers are onlineOptimizing the times which you share content is the key to getting more traction and increasing your reach.

Free tools like Tweriod will enable you to find out exactly what times your followers are most active on Twitter. You can also use Followerwonk to analyze your following too, it’s a paid tool but comes included in a Moz Pro subscription ($99/month).

Once you know when your followers are most active, you can start scheduling your tweets. You could do this manually but it’s a lot easierto use a scheduling tool like Buffer.

The awesome thing is that both Tweriod and Followerwonk have a one click sync option that will configure your Buffer schedule automatically.

#14. Monitor keywordsAll the content on this site is based around social media tools and technology so I track when anyone mentions ‘social media tools’ in their tweets.

I do this to keep an eye on content that is written and shared around this topic because I want to hear about any new articles and developments.

However it’s also a good source of followers because I am able to seethe same people/organizations sharing a lot of content in this area.

There are several free or low cost tools you can use for this task, for example Brand24, Google alerts or Mention.

In the following example we have set up a keyword search for ‘social media tools’ and filtered based on microblogs, which ensures that it

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will include tweets in the results.

#15. Tweet something your audience will actually care aboutThese are all A+ tactics for building a following very fast on Twitter, but it won't mean anything if you don't tweet your own original content that will get users interested in clicking to whatever you've posted and share it around.

Make sure you really know your target audience and create content ortweets that stand out from the millions of other ones flooding people's feeds all day long.

How to Get Even More Traffic with Powerful Strategies and the Best Tools

There you have it. Some of the best tips to start attracting a huge following on social media 99% of people don’t do.

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These are just a few of many strategies I use to drive tons of people to landing pages, squeeze pages, my blog, and more.

If you want to get more content like this, learn about the best tools to do so, and get discounts, reviews, and special bonus on the best marketing tools out there today…

Then subscribe to my blog at

where in addition to getting updates, training, detailed reviews, exclusive non-PLR training, and more to help you with the best internet marketing products out there today, you’ll also receive a detailed free report called: 50 Awesome Low-Cost Tools to Get Your Business Up & Growing Fast in Under Two Weeks.

This report details the best tools (free and paid) to help you start getting massive traffic and success quickly online. These are all things I use each day to help me generate over 200K in sales just last quarter.

This is valued at $197, but you can download it today for free this week by visiting

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In addition if you want, I’ll also send you reviews, training, daily discounts, and tactics on the best tools and resources available for internet marketing.

Unlike 99% of marketers online, my team and I only review and promote the very best software & tools and provide detailed reviews and special bonus training (not PLR crap or bonuses given out to all affiliates of the product) to actually help you get results with that tool and make sure it’s a right fit for your business.

That being said, learn more about traffic and tools to do the heavy lifting in your business by visiting

Thanks again for going through this training and I hope this providing some value for your business.

Talk soon,

Ben Murray