Vinod Project Report

Introduction Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd is the manu facturers and resellers of the natural fruit products. It is one of the growing companies of India which is situated at Panchgani Mahabaleshwar Ro ad. It  produces jams, confectionaries, squashes, jellies and many more fruit products.I t is the fruit  processing business over more than forty years and it is known for the innovationand quality i n the industry. The Chief Executive Officer of the c ompany is MayurVora. It has itsmanufacturing units in Panchgani, Wahi, and Gurgaon. It is most likely to spread its operation inDelhi and Pathankot. There are more than 500 local employees in the company and about 100contract labourers.Mapro Foods is a well-known brand in jams and squashes. It is a family business started in 1959 by the Vo ra family, making jams from strawberries and raspberries. Mapro was one of the first touse traditional ingredients to make plant -based beverage concentrates such as strawberry crushand rose syrup. The company was also the first in India to introduce pectin  jellies and fruitsweets.

Transcript of Vinod Project Report

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Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd is the manufacturers and resellers of the natural fruit products. It is one

of the growing companies of India which is situated at Panchgani Mahabaleshwar Road. It produces jams, confectionaries, squashes, jellies and many more fruit products.It is the fruit

 processing business over more than forty years and it is known for the innovationand quality inthe industry. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is MayurVora. It has itsmanufacturingunits in Panchgani, Wahi, and Gurgaon. It is most likely to spread its operation inDelhi and

Pathankot. There are more than 500 local employees in the company and about 100contract

labourers.Mapro Foods is a well-known brand in jams and squashes. It is a family businessstarted in 1959 by the Vora family, making jams from strawberries and raspberries. Mapro was

one of the first touse traditional ingredients to make plant-based beverage concentrates such as

strawberry crushand rose syrup. The company was also the first in India to introduce pectin

 jellies and fruitsweets.

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Industry profile

FMCG industry

Alternatively called as cpg(consumer packed goods)industry primarily deals with the

 production,distribution and marketing of consumers packaged goods.the fast moving consumer goods is those consumables which are normally consumed by the consumers at a regular 

interval.some of the primeactivities of FMCG industry are selling ,marketing,

financing,purchasing etc.the industry also engaged in operations,supplychain,production andgeneral management.

FMCG industry economy

The competition among FMCG manufacturers is also growing and as a result of this ,investmentin FMCG industry is also increasing,specifically in India,where FMCG industry is regarded as

the fourth largest sector with total marketsize of us(dollar)13.1 billion.FMCG sector in India is

estimated to grow 60% by 2010 .FMCG industry is regarded as the largest sector in NewZealand which accounts for 5% of Gross Domestic product.

Common FMCG products

Some common FMCG products categories inclutide food and dairy products,glassware,paper 

 products,pharmaceutical s,consumer electronics,packaged food products,plastic goods,printing

and stationery ,household products,photography,drinks etc and some of the examples of FMCG

 products are coffee,tea,dry cells,greeting cards,gifts,detergents,tobaCco and cigarettes,watches,soaps etc.

Market potentiality of FMCG industry

Some of the merits of FMCG industry,which made this industry as a potential are low

operational cost ,strong distribution networks,presence of renowned FMCG

companies.population growth is another factor which is responsible behind the success of thisindustry.

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Company profile

Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd is fruit processing company. It was founded by visionary

ShriKishoreVora. It came into existence in 1959 A. D. The company used to produce jams from

strawberriesand raspberries when it was established but later it started manufacturing various

other productslike crushes, squash, confectionaries, sweets, jellies and many more products. Thecompany isone of the leading companies in India. The Managing Director of the company at

 present isMayurVora. The company is situated at CHESSON ROAD,

MAHABALESHWAR,PANCHGANI. The plant is BVQI certified and provided with facility of state of art food park and cold storage.Mapro Foods Private Limited is the flat organization

where management works along with their technical and sales functionaries to achieve the vision

and mission of MFPL.

Mission of MFPl

Mapro will develop, produce, package & sell food products, with highregards for safety,nutrition & taste, which we can confidently give to our customers byimplementing and

continually improving Quality Management system & food safetymanagement system to meet &

exceed customers expectations.

History of MFPL

Over 40 years ago, in small town of Panchgani, near Mahabaleshwar, a businessman named

KishorVora decided to make some Strawberry Jam. Today his 'Hobby' has borne fruit in the

shape of Mapro« one of the most modern, hygienic, quality- conscious Jamand Fruit ProductsManufacturing Concerns in Western India.

Mr. Vora could have rested easyon success of his Fruit recipe. But he wanted to on developinnovative ideas such as VegetarianJelly Sweets, Fruit Cubes with Fruit Juice and Rose Syrups

with Rose Petals «. All for the first time in country.


Mapro does not use advertising medium like press, radio and television to propagate its product

 but the taste of product and nutritional value, and uniqueness result inrepeat sales. Today Mapro

is leading supplier of tasty as well as nutritious fruit product to theInternational market. Mapro isknown to care for its employees. Mapro is a home where there ismutual understanding between

employee and employer like members in the family. It features a blend of hard work and

dedication. It is now in the process of certification under ISO 9000.Most of Mapro's business islargely concentrated in the Western regions of India. Currently,Mapro exports its products toabout 12 countries through merchant distributors; these account for less than 10 per cent of its

total sales. It has its manufacturing units in Panchgani, Wahi,Gurgoan. The company is going to

open its manufacturing units in Delhi and Pathankotlately.The main market segment currently isin Maharashtra and Gujarat. It is also concentrating inexpanding its market to the other cities like

Kanpur, Lucknow, and in Punjab.The annual growth rate of the company is more than 50%. It

earns 40%-50% profits from thesales of its products. The leading product of Mapro is Rose syrup

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(made from the rose petals andtheir extracts).For the production of the products the company

 buys the fruits from both the sectors i.e. the localfarmers and market and import from other 

countries as well. The machineries and other rawmaterials are imported from various countrieslike Egypt, China, New Zealand, Australia etc.

Product profile

There are various products produced by the Mapro Foods. It is basically involved in

 producing jams, Faleros, squashes, crush, syrups, ice creams, etc. The various productsmanufactured byMapro Foods Pvt. Ltd are listed below along with few details.


Jams are used in various meals courses especially for refreshments and light snacks and they arefound tasty withfresh breads buns and toast, parathas, rotis and puri and also ona variety of salted



Squashes are used in the preparation of Soft drinks inchilled water, soda water and ice Lolliesand slush¶s and mock tails.


Syrups have a number of applications such as to make refreshing soft drinks in chilledwater,

Soda water and in milk for milk shakes and add a taste to Faloodas and Shahi Lassi and Mock 

tails. Syrup is also used in preparing Ice creams.


Crushes gives a refreshing and nourishing drink when prepared in chilled water andSoda water.

Kokum syrup is also used in Ice Lollies.

Mapro Syrups AlansoMangoCrushKokumCrushKiwi Crush 


These are the fruity sweets with the real fruit jam. They are made from sugar, glucose,fruit juice, pectin, citric acid and permitted stabilizers. They are available in different packingdepending

upon the type of Falchoos. There are various kind of falchoos manufactured shown inthe table

along with the packing details.

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Honey Honey is the only natural sweetener known that needs no additionalrefining or processing to be

utilized. Honey is an invert sugar composed of 38 percent fructose,31 percent glucose, 1 percentsucrose and 9 percent other sugars along with water and smallamounts of vitamins, minerals,

enzymes and amino acids.As a carbohydrate, honey is a good supplier of energy at 64 calories

 per tablespoon.Because of honey's unique composition, it is digested a little differently thanother sweeteners.

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Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd has customers from a wide range of people. Mostly the customers of 

thecompany are children as the products of Mapro are targeted for this group only i.e.Mapro produces chocolates and jellies and jams and many more which is mostly liked by thechildrenonly. But this doesn¶t mean that other age groups are not covered.


Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd is in food business which is highly and rapidly growing business &hasfew

competitors also. Some of them are listed below:


Manufactures Syrups & exports of the syrups have increased by 20% since2003 touching 18,000

 bottles in 2005.


In jams, Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd is close second to Kissan in market share.

MANAMA Their range of products consists of cordials, syrups, fruit and chocolate desserttoppings..

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Objective of the study

1. To Study the Market response of R.L Products in Uttrakhand district .

2. To Study the sales of R.L Products in hilly areas in small towns.

3. To find that the customers are liking the R.L Product taste or not.

4. To find that sales persons are timely visited or not to check demand and sales

5.The study of this research also analyses the findings and provide R.L product with the

effective recommendations or suggestions.

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Observation and findings

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Research methodology


Research is an organic process, which is continuous and changing. The purpose of this study is to

identify the need for the development of niche tourism products, which will promote strong

future growth and diversification in Cyprus tourism industry.

The objectives of the research are

o  To identify the need for differentiation

o  To determine the potential markets of Cyprus tourism

o  To ascertain whether Cyprus has the potential and necessary characteristics to attract the

tourism market.

This chapter begins with an analysis of the importance of secondary and primary data, then

explains why both of them were used and in which way. Finally, some limitations that the

researchers faced were discussed.

Secondary Data Collection

As Churchill (1991) mentioned, first attempts at data collection should logically focus on

secondary data. Secondary data are statistics/information not gathered for the immediate study at

hand but for other purposes (Churchill, 1991; Malhorta, 1993). Secondary data are easily

accessible, relatively inexpensive, and quickly obtained (Clark ET. Al. 1998; Veal, 1991). On the

other hand, because secondary data have been collected for other than the study at hand, their 

usefulness to the current situation may be limited in many important ways, including relevancy

and accuracy (Clark et. al. 1998; Malhotra, 1993; veal, 1991). Using secondary data could help

the researcher to explain primary data more insightfully (Bryman, 2001, Malhotra, 1993).

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For this thesis, secondary data such as the annual reports of Cyprus Tourism Organization

(CTO), the strategic plan for tourism 2010, general texts on tourism and marketing, tourism,

hospitality and leisure journals, the Internet and newspapers, were used.

Primary Data Collection

Primary research involves the collection of original data using an accepted research

methodology. Primary data are data originated by the researcher for the specific purpose of 

addressing the research problem (Malhotra, 1993). The process of collecting primary data is

individual tailored, the cost is high, and the collecting time is long.

Since the thesis sought to explore the current situation in Cyprus in terms of tourism

development, the primary information obtained was quantitative. The quantitative approach to

research involves statistical analysis. It relies on numerical evidence to draw conclusions or to

test hypotheses (Veal, 1992). In the research, questionnaire survey was used, which involves the

gathering of information from individuals using a formally designed schedule of questions called

a questionnaire or interview schedule.

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The advantages of questionnaire survey include:-

o  Objective results

Complex information in easy understood form

o  Providing opportunity to study change over time, using comparable methodology

o  Ensuring that a complete picture of a person’s patterns of participation is obtained 

The disdvantages of questionnaire survey include:

o  Somewhat impersonal method for collecting valuable information

o  The results may not be understandable to people who are not statistically trained

o  Unable to collect valuable behavior information (symbols, gestures).


The research design adopted in this study is DESCRIPTIVE  RESEARCH DESIGN.

Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding enquiries of different kinds. The

researcher used this research design to find out the respondents and attitude inside the

organization, by the research the researcher can only give suggestions but implementing

these suggestions depends up on the interest of the company.


structured design questionnaire is used for surveying the costumers and only the closed

end questions.

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It is the process of obtaining information about an entire population by examining only a

 part of it. The item selected from the population is known as a sample.

o  The sampling that adopted in this study is random  sampling.


different distributers and consumers in pune are considered as the population for the

study. The researcher used Convenience sampling method.

SAMPLE SIZE: - A sample of 120 people was taken for the survey. The required data

collected through questionnaire. 


The area of study is within pune only to find out the effective result.

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Q1 Are you aware about mapro products ?

Particulars No of Respondents

Yes 80 No 40






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Q2 What do you think mapro should do a advertisement of its products?

Particulars No of RespondentsYes 80

 No 40




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3. Does your outlet cover entire range of Mapro products?

Particulars No of Respondents

Yes 90

 No 30

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4. What is your Frequency of order taken?

Particulars No of Respondents

Monthly once 20

Monthly twice 40

Monthly thrice 25

Monthly four times 35

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5.What is Your Frequency of delivery of stock?

Particulars No of Respondents

Monthly once 20

Monthly twice 40

Monthly thrice 35

Monthly four times 25

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Q6. How often the company sales person visits your shop?

Particulars No of Respondents

Visit regularly (every month) 80

Occasionally 30

 No visit 10

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Q7. Are you satisfied with the distributor regarding the trade terms?

Particulars No of Respondents

Partially Satisfied 60

Satisfied 35

 Not Satisfied 25

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Q8.What do you think about availability of stock of Mapro products?

Particulars No of Respondents

Available 80

 Not Available 40

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Q9.What do you think about customer preference about Mapro products?

Particulars No of Respondents

Falero 70

Squaches 20

Crushes 10

Jams 20

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Q10.Which Flavour of Falero is mostly liked by customers?

Particulars No of Respondents

Strawberry 60

Khaci kheri 30

Guava 20

Litchi 10