Viking Finds in Middleham!

Dark Age Discoveries Children dig up their finds. Earlier this week, local school children have found what look like viking artefacts. These were located in the grounds of Middleham School when a group of children were testing a friend‛s metal detector. The objects are thought to be Viking remains which is a big co-incidence as the children have been learning about these ferocious fighters and had guessed what they were, what they were made of and what they were used for. The owner of the metal detector is Joey Lappin, aged 7. He was given the detector for christmas and was intrigued to find out what it did. Mrs Dobbs, who is the Head Teacher, said, “It‛s very interesting and exciting that some ancient artefacts have been found in our grounds !” Children have high hopes that the objects are of Viking origin and the Hawes Museum have been e-mailed and soon will be running tests. Josh


Newspaper articles

Transcript of Viking Finds in Middleham!

Page 1: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Dark Age Discoveries

Children dig up their finds.

Earlier this week, local school children have found what look like viking artefacts. These were located in the grounds of Middleham School when a group of children were testing a friend‛s metal detector. The objects are thought to be Viking remains which is a big co-incidence as the children have been learning about these ferocious fighters and had guessed what they were, what they were made of and what they were used for. The owner of the metal detector is Joey Lappin, aged 7. He was given the detector for christmas and was intrigued to find out what it did.

Mrs Dobbs, who is the Head Teacher, said, “It‛s very interesting and exciting that some ancient artefacts have been found in our grounds !” Children have high hopes that the objects are of Viking origin and the Hawes Museum have been e-mailed and soon will be running tests. Josh

Page 2: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Discovery From Year 5 At Middleham School  



Viking  Artifacts   

Last week, a young boy discovered mysterious objects buried under school grounds. The children think they belonged to the Vikings and the teacher has sent an e­mail to the Museum to find out if they really are from the Vikings!       

At the time, the children were testing out a metal detector. The Museum say that they probably are from the Vikings so the children are so excited to find out if they really are from years back! Teacher, Mrs Monaghan said, “I wonder where they came from?”  Letia 


Page 3: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Young Boy Finds Objects Under School Ground


Viking artefacts  

Earlier this week ,a young boy Edward Suttill, age 9, found interesting things buried under school grounds. He was testing out a friend’s metal detector to see if it worked. Their teacher Mrs Monaghan let them bring in the detector because they were looking for Viking artefacts.         

Edward and Joey brought the interesting objects in the classroom so the other children could have a look. Mrs Monaghan said, “I think we will send a photo of our find to the museum at Hawes and maybe they will tell us if they really are from viking times.”   Chloe   


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The Viking Hunt  

 The viking stuff 


Last week, Middleham School went outside with Joey’s metal detector. Joey, who is 7 years old, found some viking objects. The class was shocked by what we found. The class said that they were made out of clay.   The people who found the viking stuff was Edward,aged 9, Joey, aged 7, Ella, aged 8 and Eve aged 10. Edward was the one that found it. When we found it, we guessed what it was. Everybody thought it   

was money. Mrs Monaghan took a photo of the objects and sent them to the museum and class 2 hope to get information.  Neve  


Page 5: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Discovery of Viking Artefacts   

 The metal detective begins to beep 

    The children at Middleham school earlier this week found some intriguing objects which were buried in the school field. Some of the children were trying out a pupil’s metal detector which he had received for Christmas.  Edward Suttill, who is a student at Middleham School, said “The objects looked very old and they were made out of clay and metal.”   Other children at Middleham said: “The artefacts which we received were a broken sword, pots, beads and other interesting things. 

The pupils who were there at the time were Joey Lappin,7,Ella Woodcock,8,Edward Suttill ,9,Ben Simpson,8,and Eve Sutherland,10.  The children are very intrigued and can’t wait to see if anything else is found. Mrs Monaghan,who is a teacher at Middleham school,has contacted Hawes Museum to get further detail.   Brodie  

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The  viking hunt in Middleham School  

 Looking  for viking objects 


Last week , the children in class 2 Middleham school  found  objects  in their play ground. They think they are viking  items.There were pots and coins and more artefacts.  They think that the pots were for putting things in and the coins were for buying things. 

Edward ,9, found the items  with a metal  detector. Joey got the metal detector for christmas. The school is going to send a photo to the museum  to  help them to get some information.  


Page 7: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Viking Finds  

 The viking artifacts   

On Wednesday 27th January, some children from Middleham school found some objects which it looked like there was a comb, 2 pots, a bit of money, a brooch, a broken bracelet, a metal tray and a metal jug. They looked like some of them had been made out of clay.  Edward Suttill, 9, was the person who found the objects.They found the objects with Joe Lapings metal detector which he got for christmas.     

The objects were found in Middleham school field, by Edward suttill ,9, Ben Simpson Joe Lapin ,7, Ella Woodcock ,7, Eve Sutherland ,10. They were taking in turns and it was Edward's turn when he found the Viking remains.Edward said, “ I couldn’t believe it! We never thought we would find some things like that.”  Mrs Monaghan, their class teacher, sent an e­mail to the Viking museum for expert advice. The class are still waiting for an e­mail back from the museum.    Lauren 

Page 8: Viking Finds in Middleham!

 Young boy Joey finds artifacts 

Viking artefacts 

Last Wednesday, student Edward Suttill received some unfamiliar artefacts, that were left on the banking of a playground from Middleham School. The unfamiliar artefacts were found by student Joey Lappin who is the owner of a metal detector. He got the metal detector for Christmas and he wanted to show his class and wanted to take some of his classmates to test the metal detector out to see if there is any ancient viking remains in the playground.   

With the amazing metal detector of Joey Lappin, the students of Middleham School were quite impressed with the ancient artefacts that the children found. They had an exceptionally good scrutinize of what they thought were ancient viking artefacts. They brought them back to the students in the class, they all thought they were ancient viking artefacts. They sent an email to the inspectors at Hawes museum to see what the mysterious artefacts are.   Ryan   


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Children Discover Viking Artifacts

 Viking artifacts found 

Some of Middleham students found some artifacts in their school field it took place a few days ago and they tested a metal detector.  The person that brought a metal detector it was his christmas present and he has found various things, like viking stuff shuffles,clay bracelets and something like a coin.The person who got metal detector was called Joey and his age is seven and the person that found the artifacts with the metal detector was called Edward and his age was nine.   

We have e­mailed the museum and the children are waiting for the museum to reply the children were amazed.  Mrs Monaghan said “WOW! that is amazing how did you find it,” and all the children ran over to have a look and Edward replied “I never thought we will find it because it had been raining for ages.”  Ben 


Page 10: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Viking Burial 

 The viking artifacts 


Last week, in our school we found what looked like viking artifacts in our school grounds, with Joey Lappin’s metal detector.  Our group, found them : me, Eve, Ben, Ella and Joey I was so amazed at how much we found because there was 7 coins, 1 brooch, 1 comb, 1 bracelet and cups.     

Teacher Monaghan said “ I am amazed about this.” We sent an e­mail to Hawes to see if they would like to take a look at them.  Edward  


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Special Find         


Viking artifacts in school grounds  

Early last week, some children of Middleham school made a fabulous and ancient discovery in the grounds of the school.The children of the school think they could be viking artifacts.But the main lad is Edward Suttill,who has made other discoveries in his lifetime,was amazed.  Edward Suttill,9, was just using one of his mate’s metal detector, he and his mate had been trying it out for the second time, when it went of. “I was so amazed when the buzzer went off I just couldn’t wait to dig it up!” said Edward Suttill. Joey ,7,who is Edward’s mate, got the metal detector as a christmas present from his mum.”I’m just so happy that my mum got it me for christmas I couldn’t do anything without it,” said Joey.     

The teacher of KS2 ,Mrs Monaghan,has sent an e­mail to Hawes Museum for advice about these artefacts to see which age they’ve come from.The children of the school in KS2 are hoping that they have found viking artefacts.”I’m so glad that we’ve found these artefacts because we might get some cash for it.”said Mrs Monaghan.  Aidan 

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 Viking artifacts found in school grounds 

On Thursday last week, children of Middleham School found some interesting objects under the grounds. The children were astonished at what they found in their field. The reason they found the objects is because a student named Joey Lappin ,7,  brought in his metal detector.  In the ground there was objects that looked like coins, a broken brooch, a broken sword and a metal object. 

Joey Lappin’s metal detector was a christmas present from his mum and his grandmar.   Joey was testing it with some of his friends named Ben Simpson, Edward Suttill, Neve Suttill, Ella Woodcock and Eve Sutherland. At the time Edward Suttill was holding the metal detector. Mrs Monaghan, who is a teacher at Middleham, emailed the museum so some people will tell them what they are.   Jacob   


Page 13: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Exciting Viking Hoard

The children at Middleham school found what might be some objects from the vikings.They found the objects with Joey Lappin‛s metal detector and Edward Suttill was controlling it.

Some children went out of the classroom to try and find objects. When it bleeped, Mrs Pearson, who works at the school, dug the metal things up. When they brought the things in everyone was surprised. Archie



Page 14: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Viking find in school grounds  


Things  found underground.  


Last wednesday Edward Suttill, age ,9,discovered some mysterious items in the school grounds of Middleham school.Joey Lappin who is 7 received the metal detector for Christmas and,tried the metal detector out before showing his class mates.  The children dug up an old ragged net, a brooch, a few gold cups and a broken sword. Edward told the reporter “I never thought I would finds these mysterious items I felt amazed when the metal detector   

bleeped.”    The children and their teacher Mrs Monaghan took a picture of the objects and sent it to the  Jorvik museum and the children are hoping to find some interesting facts about these items.  Caitlin 

Page 15: Viking Finds in Middleham!

A  Mysterious Find

                                       This are the objects that were found in the field  


A couple of days ago,some children from Middleham school found some viking objects in the field by testing a metal detector.  They found : coins,a sword,bowls made out of clay.If it  wasn't for Joe Lapin,7, they wouldn't have found anything. At the time Edward Suttill,9, was holding the metal detector.   

Last but not least they sent a photo of what they found and Emailed it  to Jorvik  museum and they are waiting for further notice.          Ella Woodcock 



Page 16: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Mysterious Discovery

The remains found in Middleham school field.

Last Week, Middleham School children made a discovery in the school grounds with edward Suttill,9, and his best classmate Joey lappin ,7. they thought to discover old viking artefacts, with his Christmas present, a metal detector. Edward Suttill ,9, who lives in Carlton in Coverdale, managed to discover the mysterious objects in the school ground. He thought he was able to find them with all the rain have had

pushed them up to the surface. The artefacts were found with the use of Joey‛s metal detector with further try at lunch with little success in finding anything. Mrs Monaghan, who was teaching at the time, said “ The children were amazed when they brought them back up to our class, we just didn‛t know what to do with them!” However, photos of the objects have been sent to Hawes Museum, and still need further emails to work out what year the coins were from. And they are waiting for futher notice from the Museum. The children can‛t wait to find out what they are.



Page 17: Viking Finds in Middleham!

The Great Find 

 The remains found in the Middleham School grounds 


Last week, the children of Middleham School found some interesting artifacts that they had dug up from the School ground.  Edward aged 9 and joey aged 7 were both on the scene with hearing the beep of the metal detector. Joey had been given a metal detector for christmas which came helpfull with there project.  They found some clay models that they think were used for the dark ages when the Vikings were around in 793 AD. Edward and Joey said: “If anyone finds any more interesting artifacts they should contacted the Hawes Museum.” 

Once they had contacted the Museum they said that they would organise to send some send some archaeologists out to have a good look at these interesting and mysterious objects.   Cameron 



Page 18: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Local Children Find Viking Objects

The artifacts that they found.

Last week , people of Middleham school found viking artifacts in the school field. It was a mystery. A student of Middleham school got a metal detector for christmas. They found some viking artifacts. They didn't expect to find anything but then the metal detector started going. So then they immediately stopped and starting digging. There was a hessian sack over it and a metal tray. Edward Suttill age 9 was holding the metal detector.

The metal detector belonged to Joey Lappin age 7 who got the metal detector for christmas. Edward Suttill said, “I didn't think they would have been anything but I think with the flood it might of brought the objects up from the underneath the ground.” However the teacher from Middleham School has sent a photo too Hawes museum and the school are waiting for a reply. Alaina


Page 19: Viking Finds in Middleham!

Discovery Found In Middleham School Grounds

Artefacts that were found.

On Wednesday 27th January, pupils of Middleham school were testing a child‛s metal detector when they found a secret stash of what might be some Viking objects. Surprisingly before they had no luck. The stash was found right next to a drain. The main people who found it were Edward Suttill aged 9, and the owner of it, Joey Lappin aged, 7 years old.

Joey said, “I feel amazed with finding them because they might be more valuable than I thought”. KS2 have got in touch with the Hawes Museum to seek expert advice. The children are hoping that they will be worth lots of money. Oscar


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On 27th January,children in class2 of Middleham school found objects in the school grounds. A group of children went out of the class to find some metal with a metal detector.  When it beeped, they dug into the grass straight away and they spotted some metal. 

They pulled it out and brought it into class. There were pots, coins and a bracelet. The children think it might be and sent pictures to the museum in Hawes so that they can come and  see if they are viking.   Bleddyn     




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Vikings objects in the school grounds  


  Last week students of Middleham school found some objects with Joey’s metal detector in the school grounds. The people who found them were Edward,Joey Eve and Ella.   

  It looked like some Viking objects so Mrs Monaghan reported it to the museum. The children are waiting excitedly for the museum to call back.     Joey