· Web viewArrange the following events that occur in healing by primary union in the correct...

Chapter 4 Study Questions Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ Choose the letter of the best answer. Place your answer on the scantron.

Transcript of  · Web viewArrange the following events that occur in healing by primary union in the correct...

Chapter 4 Study Questions

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

Choose the letter of the best answer. Place your answer on the scantron.



1. What does "C" represent on the diagram of cell connections? A. tight junctionB. gap junctionC. basement membraneD. hemidesmosomeE. desmosome


2. What does "A" represent on the diagram of cell connections? A. tight junctionB. gap junctionC. basement membraneD. hemidesmosomeE. desmosome


3. What does "E" represent on the diagram of cell connections? A. tight junctionB. gap junctionC. basement membraneD. hemidesmosomeE. desmosome



4. This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "C" represent? A. nucleus of neuronB. dendriteC. cell body of neuronD. axonE. neuroglia cells


5.  This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "B" represent?  A.  nucleus of neuron B.  dendrite C.  cell body of neuron D.  axon E.  neuroglia cells


6. This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "E" represent? A. nucleus of neuronB. dendriteC. cell body of neuronD. axonE. neuroglia cells




7. This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "D" represent? A. dermisB. subcutaneous fatC. epidermisD. blood vesselE. blood clot


8. This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "A" represent? A. dermisB. subcutaneous fatC. epidermisD. blood vesselE. blood clot


9. A coiled fibrous protein in connective tissue consists of molecules that form a meshwork resembling a bedspring. This protein is stretchy and called A. a reticular fiber.B. proteoglycan.C. elastin.D. collagen.E. hyaluronic acid.


10. A tissue that has a fluid matrix is A. blood.B. adipose tissue.C. areolar tissue.D. cartilage.E. bone.


11. Macrophages are cells specialized for A. support.B. absorption.C. secretion.D. phagocytosisE. carrying gases.


12. To do their work, muscles need a continuous supply of A. ATP.B. proteins.C. cells.D. water.E. carbon dioxide.


13. The type of membrane that lines freely movable joints is a _____ membrane. A. serousB. synovialC. mucousD. visceralE. pleural


14. The four primary tissue types are A. epithelial, cartilage, muscle, and brain.B. connective, eipithelial, skin and blood.C. epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve.D. glands, bone, lungs and kidney.E. bone, skin, blood and muscle.


15. Hyaluronic acid gives a very slippery quality to fluids that contain it. Hyaluronic acid A. resists stretching.B. functions as an insulator.C. is a good lubricant for joint cavities.D. promotes oxygen transport in the plasma.E. is a protein.


16. Which of the following is a function of epithelial tissue? A. conduction of action potentialsB. secretion and absorption of moleculesC. support of other tissue typesD. contractionE. shock absorption


17. Which of the following is associated with nervous tissue? A. axonB. desmosomeC. intercalated discD. lacunaE. osteocyte


18. Which of the following epithelial types is mismatched with its function? A. simple epithelium - diffusionB. stratified epithelium - protectionC. squamous epithelium - transportationD. cuboidal epithelium - absorptionE. columnar epithelium - secretion


19. A gland with branching ducts that end in acini would be classified as A. simple acinar.B. compound acinar.C. simple branched tubular.D. multicellular.E. simple coiled tubular.


20. Arrange the following events that occur in healing by primary union in the correct sequence. 1) clot forms 2) scab develops 3) wound fills with blood 4) clot is replaced with granulation tissue A. 3, 1, 2, 4B. 2, 3, 1. 4C. 3, 1, 4, 2D. 1, 4, 3, 2E. 1, 2, 3, 4


21. Epithelial tissue is distinguished from connective, muscular, or nervous tissue by its A. extracellular matrix.B. contractility.C. ability to carry action potentials.D. ability to serve as insulation.E. basement membrane.


22. In the process of tissue repair, which of the events listed below occurs last? A. The wound fills with blood and a clot forms.B. Granulation tissue develops.C. A scab forms to seal the wound.D. An inflammatory response occurs.E. Fibroblasts migrate to the area.


23. The support and protection of neurons rests with A. dendrites.B. ligaments.C. neuroglia.D. trabeculae.E. axons.


24. Blood cells are produced in hemopoietic tissue found in A. yellow bone marrow.B. brown bone marrow.C. red bone marrow.D. white bone marrow.E. compact bone.


25. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? A. endoderm - boneB. mesoderm - muscleC. ectoderm - skinD. neuroectoderm - nervous systemE. neural crest cells - peripheral nervous system, skin pigment, tissues of the face


26. A tissue has the following characteristics: free surface, single layer of cells, cells are narrow and tall, microvilli, many mitochondria, goblet cells. Which of the following is most consistent with those observations? 1)active transport2)epithelium3)simple epithelium4)columnar epithelium5)cuboidal epithelium6)squamous epithelium7)secretion by exocytosis8)movement of mucous across its surface A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7B. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8D. 2, 3, 4, 8E. 2, 3, 4, 7


27. If a simple epithelial type has a well developed zonula occludens, which of the following is consistent with that observation? A. The cell is involved in active transport.B. The cell is involved in diffusion of substances through the epithelial cells.C. The permeability of the epithelial layer is determined by the permeability of the plasma membranes of the epithelial cells.D. Large water soluble molecules a likely to be able to pass through the epithelial layer.E. The cell is involved in diffusion of substances through the epithelial cells and the permeability of the epithelial layer is determined by the permeability of the plasma membranes of the epithelial cells.


28. Dense regular collagenous connective tissue would be found in A. a nerve.B. the brain.C. a ligament.D. a skull bone.E. a lymph node.


29. Connective tissue in tendons is A. dense regular collagenous tissue.B. dense regular elastic tissue.C. dense irregular collagenous tissue.D. dense irregular elastic tissue.E. reticular tissue.


30. A thick, sticky secretion produced by goblet cells is called A. serous fluidB. synovial fluidC. plasmaD. salivaE. mucous


31. To determine that a type of epithelium is squamous, which of the following is most important? A. the number of cell layersB. the shape of most of the epithelial cellsC. the shape of the most superficial epithelial cellsD. the shape of the basal epithelial cellsE. the shape of the basement membrane


32. Lamellae are characteristic of A. compact bone tissue.B. cancellous bone tissue.C. spongy bone tissue.D. hyaline cartilage.E. fibrocartilage.


33. Which of the following molecules consists of numerous polysaccharides attached to a protein core? A. collagenB. proteoglycanC. elastinD. reticulinE. hyaluronic acid


34. Adipose tissue A. functions as an insulator and a site of energy storage.B. exists in three forms: yellow, red, and brown.C. contains large amounts of extracellular matrix.D. is composed of relatively small cells.E. does not contain lipids.


35. Connective tissue is separated into subgroups based on the A. cell type.B. shape of the cells.C. number of cell layers.D. cell functions.E. structure of the extracellular matrix.


36. Collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers in connective tissues all contain A. phospholipids.B. carbohydrates.C. adipose tissue.D. proteins.E. triglycerides.


37. A unipolar neuron is characterized by the presence of A. one dendrite.B. two dendrites.C. three dendrites.D. four dendrites.E. no dendrites.


38. Which of the following is found in cancellous bone but not compact bone? A. osteocytes in lacunaeB. hydroxyapatiteC. trabeculaeD. collagenE. matrix


39. Cartilage heals slowly after an injury because A. this tissue type is very complex.B. it contains so much proteoglycan.C. it has few, if any, blood vessels.D. it is a dead rather than a living tissue.E. it contains no fibroblasts.


40. Which of the following statements concerning collagen is false? A. Collagen is the most common protein in the body.B. Collagen resembles microscopic ropes.C. Collagen is strong and flexible.D. Collagen is elastic and stretchesE. There are at least 15 different types of collagen in the body.


41. Which of the following statements is false? A. Secretory epithelial cells are usually cuboidal or columnar in shape.B. The movement of materials through epithelium is enhanced by simple squamous epithelium.C. Stratified epithelium is adapted for a protective role.D. Columnar epithelial cells promote diffusion.E. Cuboidal epithelium is found in areas where absorption occurs.


42. Structures that function in intercellular communication are A. desmosomes.B. tight junctions.C. hemidesmosomes.D. gap junctions.E. centrioles.


43. The type of cell connection that serves as a permeability barrier is a A. hemidesmosome.B. desmosome.C. gap junction.D. intercalated disc.E. tight junction.


44. A cell that forms fibrous connective tissue would be called a A. fibroclast.B. fibrocyte.C. fibroblast.D. fibroid.E. fibromast.


45. The zona occludens A. attaches epithelial cells to the basement membrane.B. is part of a desmosome.C. prevents passage of materials between cells.D. generates electrical signals.E. provides for intercellular communication.


46. Unlike an exocrine gland, an endocrine gland A. is a secretory organ.B. sheds cells with its secretions.C. has no ducts.D. contains goblet cells.E. secretes to a surface.


47. An infant born with a genetic defect that causes little or no brown fat to be formed will have A. difficulty absorbing nutrients from the intestine.B. difficulty regulating his body temperature.C. very stretchy tendons.D. a reduced bone mass.E. difficulty breathing.


48. Which tissue type forms glands? A. connectiveB. epithelialC. muscleD. nervousE. glandular


49. Which of the following occur as a result of inhibiting the release of chemical mediators of inflammation shortly after injury in a tissue? 1) stimulation of pain receptors2) reduced stimulation of pain receptors3) increased permeability of blood vessels4) reduced permeability of blood vessels5) edema6) reduced redness A. 1, 3, 5, 6B. 2, 4, 5, 6C. 1, 3, 5, 6D. 2, 4, 6E. 1, 2, 5


50. Which of the following types of connective tissue is mismatched with its matrix? A. areolar - loosely packed matrix of protein fibersB. bone - mineralized matrixC. cartilage - highly vascular matrixD. blood - fluid matrixE. bone - highly vascular


51. A general characteristic of connective tissue is that it A. consists of cells with much intercellular material (matrix) between them.B. has no blood supply to the tissue.C. covers the outside of organs.D. is commonly found lining body cavities.E. contracts.


52. The type of muscle found in the walls of blood vessels is A. cardiac.B. smooth.C. striated.D. voluntary.E. skeletal.


53. Which of the following structures is likely to consist of dense irregular collagenous connective tissue? A. tendonsB. cartilageC. elastic ligamentsD. boneE. dermis of the skin


54. The type of connective tissue that contains chondrocytes, a rigid matrix of collagen fibers and proteoglycan-hyaluronic acid aggregates and few, if any, blood vessels is A. cartilage.B. bone tissue.C. adipose tissue.D. fibrous connective tissue.E. muscle tissue.


55. Intervertebral discs exhibit a great deal of strength because of the presence of thick bundles of A. elastin.B. proteoglycan.C. collagen.D. hydroxyapatite.E. calcium.


56. The various types of epithelium are classified by A. the size and shape of cells.B. the shape of cells and number of cell layers.C. the number of cell layers and size of the cells.D. the size and location of cells.E. function and size of cells.


57. Which of the following statements is true? A. Areolar tissue is tightly packed.B. Dense connective tissue has a fluid matrix.C. Mast cells are found in dense connective tissue.D. Collagen fibers provide strength to dense connective tissue.E. Elastic tissue is flexible, but not stretchy.


58. The three types of protein fibers found in connective tissue are A. hyaluronic acid, collagen, and reticular fibers.B. proteoglycan, elastin, and reticular fibers.C. collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers.D. proteoglycan, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.E. chondronectic, osteonectin, fibronectin


59. Which type of epithelium has the following characteristics: multiple layers, squamous cell shape, dead outer layers of cells, and keratin present in some cells? A. pseudostratified keratinized squamous epitheliumB. simple cuboidal epitheliumC. simple transitional epitheliumD. moist stratified squamous epitheliumE. stratified keratinized squamous epithelium


60. The secretions of endocrine glands are released directly A. onto the skin surface.B. into the bloodstream.C. into a gland duct.D. into the nervous tissue.E. into the lumen of a tube.


61. Epithelial tissue that can stretch or is subjected to stress would have many A. desmosomes.B. gap junctions.C. tight junctions.D. basement junctions.E. intercalated discs.