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Transcript of Victoriano

  • 7/21/2019 Victoriano


    Victoriano vs. Elizalde

    - Victorianoo Member of the INC

    o Employee of Elizalde Rope since 19!o Member of the "nion

    - "niono C#$ %ith company

    o C#$ contains closed shop provision

    - "nder R$ !&o employer %as not precl'ded (from ma)in* an a*reement %ith a

    labor or*anization to re+'ire as a condition of employmentmembership therein, if s'ch labor or*anization is the representativeof the employees

    - R$ amended R$ !& in 19/1o b't s'ch a*reement shall not cover members of any reli*io's sects

    %hich prohibit a0liation of their members in any s'ch laboror*anization

    - V tendered resi*nation to the 'nion- "nion sent formal letter to Company as)in* Es separation from %or) d'e

    to his resi*nation to the 'nion- Co noti2ed E that 'nless he has a satisfactory arran*ement %ith the 'nion,

    he %ill be dismissed- E 2led a petition for in3'nction before the C4I


    15 $ct violates consti ri*ht of freedom to form assoca. #eca'se it prohibits those members of reli*io's sects %hich prohib

    'nion membership from 3oinin* 'nions65 "nconsti for impairin* obli of contracts5 R$ is discriminatory 7 favors certain reli*io's sects85 "nconsti for vio no reli*io's test shall be re+'ired for the e:ercise of a

    civil ri*ht;5 Violates e+'al protection of la%s;/5 Violates consti provision on promotion of social 3'stice&5 Closed shop a*reement cannot be considered as violative of reli*io's

    freedom and that R$ %o'ld %ipe o't trade 'nionism as companies %o'ldfavor employees %ho are members of sects prohibitin* 'nion membership

  • 7/21/2019 Victoriano


    c. the assailed $ct, far from infrin*in* the constit'tional provision onfreedom of association, 'pholds and reinforces it. It does notprohibit the members of said reli*io's sects from a0liatin* %ithlabor 'nions. It still leaves to said members the liberty and thepo%er to a0liate, or not to a0liate, %ith labor 'nions.

    65 >he provision on non-impairment of contracts is not absol'te

    a. ?e*islation impairin* the obli*ation of contracts can be s'stained%hen it is enacted for the promotion of the *eneral *ood of thepeople, and %hen the means adopted to sec're that end arereasonable. #oth the end so'*ht and the means adopted m'st bele*itimate, i.e., %ithin the scope of the reserved po%er of the stateconstr'ed in harmony %ith the constit'tional limitation of thatpo%er

    b. R$ i. ='rpose@ ins're freedom of belief and reli*ion, and to

    promote *eneral %elfare 7 ?e*it p'rposeii. Means@ e:emptin* reli*io's mems from 'nion sec'rity

    cla'se 7 reasonable5 the *overnment sho'ld not be precl'ded from p'rs'in* valid ob3ectives

    sec'lar in character even if the incidental res'lt %o'ld be favorable to areli*ion or sect. It has li)e%ise been held that the stat'te, in order to%ithstand the strict'res of constit'tional prohibition, m'st have a sec'larle*islative p'rpose and a primary eAect that neither advances nor inhibitsreli*ion.

    a. R$ passes these criteriab. #ene2t members of certain reli*ion 7 incidental

    85 >he $ct does not re+'ire as a +'ali2cation, or condition, for 3oinin* anyla%f'l association membership in any partic'lar reli*ion

    a. It ipso 3're e:empts the member, no act re+'ired from the memberb. Bo% then can there be a reli*io's test re+'ired for the e:ercise of a

    ri*ht %hen no ri*ht need be e:ercised5 E+'al protection of la%s allo%s classi2cation

    a. $ll that is re+'ired of a valid classi2cation is that it be reasonable,%hich means that the classi2cation sho'ld be based on s'bstantialdistinctions %hich ma)e for real diAerencesD that it m'st be*ermane to the p'rpose of the la%D that it m'st not be limited toe:istin* conditions onlyD and that it m'st apply e+'ally to eachmember of the class.

    b. R$ passes the criteria/5