Vasopressin Antagonists in Polycystic Kidney...

Vasopressin Antagonists in Polycystic Kidney Disease Vicente E. Torres, MD Summary: Increased cell proliferation and fluid secretion, probably driven by alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis and cyclic adenosine 3,5-phosphate, play an important role in the development and progression of polycystic kidney disease. Hormone receptors that affect cyclic adenosine monophosphate and are preferentially expressed in affected tissues are logical treatment targets. There is a sound rationale for considering the arginine vaso- pressin V2 receptor as a target. The arginine vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists OPC-31260 and tolvaptan inhibit the development of polycystic kidney disease in cpk mice and in three animal orthologs to human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (PCK rat), autoso- mal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Pkd2/WS25 mice), and nephronophthisis (pcy mouse). PCK rats that are homozygous for an arginine vasopressin mutation and lack circulating vasopressin are markedly protected. Administration of V2 receptor agonist 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin to these animals completely recovers the cystic pheno- type. Administration of 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin to PCK rats with normal arginine vasopressin aggravates the disease. Suppression of arginine vasopressin release by high water intake is protective. V2 receptor antagonists may have additional beneficial effects on hypertension and chronic kidney disease progression. A number of clinical studies in poly- cystic kidney disease have been performed or are currently active. The results of phase 2 and phase 2-3 clinical trials suggest that tolvaptan is safe and well tolerated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. A phase 3, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in 18- to 50-yr-old patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and preserved renal function but relatively rapid progression, as indicated by a total kidney volume 750 ml, has been initiated and will determine whether tolvaptan is effective in slowing down the progression of this disease. Semin Nephrol 28:306-317 © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, nephronophthisis, vasopressin, vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist A utosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common of the inherited renal cystic diseases and a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. 1 It is genetically heterogeneous with 2 genes identi- fied: PKD1 and PKD2. Autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is less com- mon than ADPKD, but together with nephroph- thisis is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease in childhood. It is caused by mutations to PKHD1. 2 Currently there is no effective ther- apy for these diseases. Advances in the under- standing of cystogenesis and availability of ge- netically related animal models provide unique opportunities to develop effective treatments. This article summarizes recent advances, rais- ing the hope that vasopressin V2-receptor an- tagonists will become a safe and effective ther- apy for PKD. PATHOGENESIS OF PKD The cloning of PKD1 and PKD2 in 1994 and 1996 3–6 and of PKHD1 in 2002 7–9 were major steps toward the understanding of PKD. The Division of Nephrology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN Supported by the National Institutes of Health grant DK44863. Address reprint requests to Vicente E. Torres, MD, Division of Nephrology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail: [email protected] 0270-9295/08/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.semnephrol.2008.03.003 Seminars in Nephrology, Vol 28, No 3, May 2008, pp 306-317 306

Transcript of Vasopressin Antagonists in Polycystic Kidney...




Vasopressin Antagonists in PolycysticKidney Disease

Vicente E. Torres, MD

Summary: Increased cell proliferation and fluid secretion, probably driven by alterations inintracellular calcium homeostasis and cyclic adenosine 3,5-phosphate, play an important rolein the development and progression of polycystic kidney disease. Hormone receptors thataffect cyclic adenosine monophosphate and are preferentially expressed in affected tissuesare logical treatment targets. There is a sound rationale for considering the arginine vaso-pressin V2 receptor as a target. The arginine vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists OPC-31260and tolvaptan inhibit the development of polycystic kidney disease in cpk mice and in threeanimal orthologs to human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (PCK rat), autoso-mal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Pkd2/WS25 mice), and nephronophthisis (pcymouse). PCK rats that are homozygous for an arginine vasopressin mutation and lackcirculating vasopressin are markedly protected. Administration of V2 receptor agonist1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin to these animals completely recovers the cystic pheno-type. Administration of 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin to PCK rats with normal argininevasopressin aggravates the disease. Suppression of arginine vasopressin release by high waterintake is protective. V2 receptor antagonists may have additional beneficial effects onhypertension and chronic kidney disease progression. A number of clinical studies in poly-cystic kidney disease have been performed or are currently active. The results of phase 2 andphase 2-3 clinical trials suggest that tolvaptan is safe and well tolerated in autosomal dominantpolycystic kidney disease. A phase 3, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in 18- to 50-yr-oldpatients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and preserved renal function butrelatively rapid progression, as indicated by a total kidney volume �750 ml, has been initiatedand will determine whether tolvaptan is effective in slowing down the progression of thisdisease.Semin Nephrol 28:306-317 © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Keywords: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive polycystickidney disease, nephronophthisis, vasopressin, vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist




utosomal-dominant polycystic kidneydisease (ADPKD) is the most common ofthe inherited renal cystic diseases and a

eading cause of end-stage renal disease.1 It isenetically heterogeneous with 2 genes identi-ed: PKD1 and PKD2. Autosomal-recessiveolycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is less com-on than ADPKD, but together with nephroph-

hisis is the leading cause of end-stage renal

ivision of Nephrology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MNupported by the National Institutes of Health grant DK44863.ddress reprint requests to Vicente E. Torres, MD, Division of Nephrology,Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail:[email protected]

270-9295/08/$ - see front matter

s2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.semnephrol.2008.03.003


isease in childhood. It is caused by mutationso PKHD1.2 Currently there is no effective ther-py for these diseases. Advances in the under-tanding of cystogenesis and availability of ge-etically related animal models provide uniquepportunities to develop effective treatments.his article summarizes recent advances, rais-

ng the hope that vasopressin V2-receptor an-agonists will become a safe and effective ther-py for PKD.


he cloning of PKD1 and PKD2 in 1994 and9963–6 and of PKHD1 in 20027–9 were major

teps toward the understanding of PKD. The

rs in Nephrology, Vol 28, No 3, May 2008, pp 306-317







Vasopressin antagonists in PKD 307

roteins encoded by these genes are mem-rane-associated proteins. Polycystin-2 (PC2 orRPP2), the protein encoded by PKD2, is a TRPhannel with high permeability to calcium.olycystin-1 (PC1) and fibrocystin/polyductinFC/PD) are thought to be cell surface recep-ors that directly in the case of PC110,11 or indi-ectly in the case of FC/PD12 interact with andegulate the channel function of PC2. PC1 andC/PD also have other functions, some ofhich are in turn regulated by PC2. For exam-le, PC2 binding to PC1 reduces the ability ofC1 to constitutively activate G proteins.13

PCs and FC/PD are multifunctional proteinsith numerous interacting partners that are es-

ential to maintain the differentiated phenotypef the tubular epithelium.14 Reduction in one ofhese proteins below a critical level induceshanges in protein trafficking and targeting,ell-matrix and cell-cell interactions, prolifera-ion and apoptosis, planar polarity, and fluidecretion that result in the initiation and growthf cysts.15 The underlying molecular mecha-isms are complex. The PCs and FC/PD partic-

pate in kinase cascades that connect interac-ions at cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts to theegulation of nuclear transcription and cell dif-erentiation.16–18 PC1 and FC/PD also may un-ergo regulated intramembrane proteolysis, arocess initiated by ligand binding that releasesytoplasmic peptide fragments that migrate tohe nucleus and affect transcription.19–22

The role of the PKD proteins in primary ciliand regulation of intracellular calcium homeosta-is has received the most attention. PC1, PC2, andC/PD are located in primary cilia.23–25 In therimary cilia, the PC/FC complex senses andranslates mechanical stimulation into calcium en-ry, which triggers calcium-induced calcium re-ease from the endoplasmic reticulum.26–28 PC2lso is present in the endoplasmic reticulum,here it interacts with other calcium channels,

he IP3R and RR.29–32 Together, PC2, inositolriphosphate (IP3R), and ryanodine receptorRR) are responsible for calcium release fromntracellular stores. Reductions in the levels ofCs or FC/PD below a critical threshold impair

ntracellular calcium homeostasis.33,34 In renalubular epithelial cells, intracellular calcium

imits cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) w

ccumulation by inhibiting AC6 and stimulatinghosphodiesterase-1.35–37 This may account forhe renal accumulation of cAMP in animal mod-ls of ADPKD and ARPKD.38–41 cAMP stimu-ates cell proliferation and chloride (cystic fi-rosis transmembrane conductance regulator–ediated)-driven fluid secretion.42–44 Athough

nder normal conditions cAMP inhibits mito-en-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalingnd cell proliferation, in conditions of calciumeprivation such as in PKD it stimulates cellroliferation in an src-, ras-, and b-raf–depen-ent manner. This proliferative effect may benhanced further by the stimulation of mislo-alized Erb-B receptors by epidermal growthactor-like factors present in cyst fluid.45 Theignaling pathways activated downstream fromutated PC1 converge with those activated in

uberous sclerosis complex, possibly owing toisruption of the physical interaction betweenC1 and tuberin or to phosphorylation of tu-erin by ERK and Akt, leading to activation ofammalian target of rapamycin.46


he increased understanding of the molecularechanisms of PKD has provided a number of

argets for therapeutic intervention (Fig. 1).riptolide binds to PC2, induces calcium re-

ease by a PC2-dependent mechanism, and ame-iorates cystic disease in a Pkd1 animal model.47

onsistent with observations of milder diseasen patients who have ADPKD and cystic fibro-is,48,49 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduc-ance regulator inhibitors inhibit the develop-ent of cysts by Madin-Darby canine kidney

MDCK) cells in collagen gels50 and in meta-ephric organ cultures51 by inhibiting chlorideecretion. How to apply this strategy withoutnducing cystic fibrosis will be challenging.rb-B tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been useduccessfully in a variety of models, but differentrb-B receptors seem to be important in differ-nt animal models.45,52–55 These drugs have sig-ificant toxicity, which may limit their use forxtended periods of time. The same can be saidor src, mek, and cdk inhibitors.56–58 This con-ern is less for mammalian target of rapamycinnhibitors thanks to the extensive experience

ith this drug in transplantation.46,59,60





308 V.E. Torres

ATIONALE FORHERAPIES TARGETINGHE ARGININE VASOPRESSIN–2–RECEPTOR AXIS AND RENAL CAMPargeting strategies that minimize the effects ofmedication on normal cells are essential in

hronic diseases that require long-term treat-ents. The central role of cAMP in the patho-

enesis of PKD and the ability to hormonallyodulate cAMP in a cell-specific manner pro-

igure 1. Diagram depicting hypothetical pathwaysreatment with triptolide, cystic fibrosis transmembranextracellularly regulated kinase (ERK) or cyclin-dependenomatostatin, and V2-receptor antagonists. Dysregulatiozation of ErbB receptors occur in cells/kidneys bearing Pidneys may result from: (1) disruption of the polycyseceptor; (2) stimulation of Ca2� inhibitable AC6 andCa2�]i; (3) increased levels of circulating vasopressin owf vasopressin V2 receptors. Increased cAMP levels coecretion. In addition, cAMP stimulates MAPK/ERK signaln cyst-derived cells or in wild-type tubular epithelial c

edium. Activation of mislocalized ErbB receptors by ligf MAPK/ERK signaling and cell proliferation. Phosphorylalasma membrane caused by defective interaction witamartin and lead to the activation of Rheb and mammystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ERycin; PDE, phosphodiesterase; PKA, protein kinase A; R

uberin (TSC2) and hamartin (TSC1); V2R, vasopressiodified with permission from Torres et al.1

ide opportunities for such strategies in PKD. t

mong various hormonal systems that may in-uence the development of PKD, a combina-ion of favorable factors make the arginine va-opressin (AVP)-V2–receptor axis a particularlyttractive target.

The cysts in PKD derive predominantly fromasopressin-sensitive tubular segments express-ng V2 receptors (ie, the collecting duct and theistal nephron). Athough there is general agree-ent that the cysts in ARPKD and nephronoph-

gulated or down-regulated in PKD and rationale foructance regulator inhibitors, ErbB tyrosine kinase, src,e inhibitors, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors,a2�]i increased concentrations of cAMP, and mislocal-

utations. Increased accumulation of cAMP in polycysticmplex because PC1 may act as a Gi-protein–coupledhibition of Ca2�-dependent PDE1 by a reduction inan intrinsic concentrating defect; and (4) up-regulationte to cystogenesis by stimulating chloride and fluidd cell proliferation in a Src- and Ras-dependent mannereated with Ca2� channel blockers or in a low Ca2�resent in cystic fluid also contributes to the stimulationf tuberin by ERK and Akt (or inadequate targeting to thecystin 1) may lead to the dissociation of tuberin andtarget of rapamycin. AC-VI, adenylate cyclase 6; CFTR,oplasmic reticulum; mTOR, mammalian target of rapa-atostatin sst2 receptor; TSC, tuberous sclerosis proteinsreceptor; V2RA, vasopressin V2-receptor antagonists.


t kinasn of [CKD mtin co/or ining tontribu

ing anells trands ption o

h polyalian, end, somn V2

hisis derive from collecting ducts, a careful










Vasopressin antagonists in PKD 309

eview of the literature indicates that cysts inDPKD and in slowly progressive Pkd1 andkd2 animal models derive predominantly fromollecting duct and distal nephron.61 The ex-ression of V2 receptors is strong in the med-llary thick ascending limb, macula densa, andedullary collecting duct, intermediate in con-

ecting tubule and cortical collecting duct, andow in cortical thick ascending limb and distalonvoluted tubule.62

Vasopressin acting on V2 receptors is theain hormonal regulator of adenylyl cyclase

ctivity in freshly dissected collecting ducts.63

he V2-induced effects on cAMP and waterermeability may be limited by the action ofVP on V1a receptors on apical and basolateralembranes, stimulating phospholipase C,hosphoinositide hydrolysis, and Ca2� release

rom the endoplasmic reticulum.64

To avoid dehydration mammals live underhe constant tonic action of AVP on the distalephron and collecting duct.65–68 Only afterrinking large volumes of liquid do plasma AVP

evels decrease enough to render the urineore dilute than plasma. Thus, during most of

he day, cyst epithelial cells are stimulated per-istently to proliferate and secrete fluid.

The circulating levels of AVP are increased inuman ADPKD and in all animal models inhich it has been ascertained.69–71 This may be

he result of a central defect72 or, more likely, toompensate for the reduced concentrating ca-acity of the polycystic kidneys. This concen-rating defect may be owing to the disruption ofhe corticomedullary architecture by the cysts,arly development of tubulointerstitial disease,r directly linked to the PKD cellular pheno-ype.73 The up-regulation of aquaporin 2AQP2) in polycystic kidneys,38–40,73 in sharpontrast to other forms of nephrogenic diabetesnsipidus, suggest enhanced vasopressin activ-ty and a defect distal to the production ofQP2.In contrast to the V2-receptor down-regula-

ion in other conditions with persistently in-reased AVP,74 the V2 receptor is overex-ressed in polycystic kidneys.38–40,73 This isrobably owing to the up-regulation of the V2-eceptor promoting activity by cAMP.75

The restricted expression of V2 receptors to p

pithelial cells of the distal nephron and collect-ng duct62 and on endothelial cells, where it haseen implicated in the secretion of von Wille-rand factor,76 suggest that V2 antagonists are

ikely to be well tolerated. Indeed, there is al-eady considerable experience with these com-ounds in clinical trials for congestive heart

ailure and hyponatremia. These have as mainide effects an expected mild to moderate thirstnd dry mouth, and increased urination that arell generally well tolerated.77–81


attone et al73 initially reported that adminis-ration of an AVP-receptor antagonist amelio-ated the cystic enlargement and azotemia in aouse model of rapidly progressive renal cystic

isease. To test the effects of AVP V2-receptorntagonists in animal models orthologous touman diseases, we used 2 compounds: OPC-1260 and tolvaptan. OPC-31260, a strong an-agonist of the V2 receptor in rodents, is 82imes more selective for rat V2 receptors thanor rat V1a receptors.82 Because OPC-31260 is aelatively weak antagonist of the human V2eceptor, we also used tolvaptan, a strongerntagonist for the human receptor (Ki value 22imes higher than that for OPC-31260), which is9 times more selective for human V2 recep-ors than for human V1a receptors.82

The PCK rat is a model of human ARPKDaused by a splicing mutation (IVS35–2A¡T)hat skips exon 36 and leads to a frameshift inkhd1. Administration of OPC-31260 to PCKats between 3 and 10 weeks of age reducedhe renal accumulation of cAMP and Ras andRK activation, and inhibited disease develop-ent, as reflected by lower kidney weights,lasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogenBUN) concentrations, renal cyst volumes, anditotic and apoptotic indices.38,40 By compar-

ng the kidney weights of the treated and un-reated PCK rats with those of 10-week-oldild-type Sprague-Dawley rats, the estimatedegree of protection was 60% to 75%, depend-

ng on the dose. Administration of OPC-31260rom 10 to 18 weeks of age reduced the renalccumulation of cAMP and inhibited disease

rogression, as reflected by lower kidney









310 V.E. Torres

eights, plasma creatinine and BUN concentra-ions, renal cyst and fibrosis volumes, mitoticnd apoptotic indices, and systolic blood pres-ures. The weights of the kidneys at 18 weeksf age in the treated rats were identical to thosef the control PCK rats at 10 weeks of age,

ndicating that the administration of OPC-31260ompletely halted disease progression.PC-31260 did not have a significant effect onbropolycystic liver disease, consistent withhe absence of AVP-V2 receptors in the liver.

The Pkd�/WS25 mouse is a double heterozy-ote for a Pkd2 null allele and an unstable Pkd2S25 mutation. It is a model of human ADPKD

PKD2) that reliably develops renal cysts withinmonths. OPC-31260, administered in the diet

o Pkd2�/WS25 mice between 3 and 16 weeks ofge, reduced the renal accumulation of cAMPnd inhibited disease development, as reflectedy lower kidney weights, plasma BUN concen-rations, renal cyst and fibrosis volumes, anditotic and apoptotic indices.39 The kidneyeights of treated Pkd2�/WS25 mice were simi-

ar to wild-type, indicating that renal enlarge-ent was prevented. OPC-31260 did not have a

ignificant effect on polycystic liver disease.The pcy mouse is a model of nephronophthi-

is caused by a missense mutation in NPHP3,he gene mutated in adolescent nephronophthi-is. Administration of OPC-31260 to CD1/pcyice between 4 and 30 weeks of age inhibited

he renal accumulation of cAMP and diseaseevelopment, as reflected by lower kidneyeights, plasma BUN concentrations, renal cyst

nd fibrosis volumes, and mitotic and apoptoticndices.38 Administration of OPC-31260 to CD1/cy mice between 15 and 30 weeks of age also

nhibited the renal accumulation of cAMP levelsnd disease progression, as reflected by theower kidney weights, plasma BUN concentra-ions, renal cyst and fibrosis volumes, and mi-otic and apoptotic indices. Kidney weights ofice started on treatment at 15 weeks and

illed at 30 weeks of age were significantlyower than those of untreated mice at 15 weeksf age. This suggests that OPC-31260 not onlyalted disease progression but also induced dis-ase regression.

To confirm that tolvaptan, a V2-receptor an-

agonist used in clinical trials for hyponatremia i

nd congestive heart failure, also is capable ofnhibiting the development of PKD, this com-ound was administered to the same animalodels of PKD. In the 3 models, the adminis-

ration of tolvaptan reduced the renal enlarge-ent and cystic pathology.40,83,84


o confirm that the protective effect of V2-eceptor antagonists is indeed owing to vaso-ressin V2-receptor antagonism, we generatedCK AVP�/�, PCK AVP�/�, and PCK AVP�/�

ats, as well as wild-type and Brattleboro con-rols, by breeding F1 rats resulting from PCKPkhd1�/�) and Brattleboro (AVP�/�) crosses.rattleboro rats are homozygous for a 1–baseair deletion of a guanine nucleotide in theecond exon of the AVP gene and lack circulat-ng AVP. At 10 and 20 weeks of age PCKVP�/� rats showed polyuria and reduced renalAMP compared with the PCK AVP�/� rats.85

his was accompanied by a marked reductionn kidney weight and renal cyst and fibrosisolumes.

To confirm that the protective effect of AVPeficiency on the development of PKD is owingo the lack of stimulation of the renal V2 recep-ors, PCK AVP�/�, PCK AVP�/�, and wild-typeats were treated with the V2 agonist-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP),dministered via osmotic minipumps at a dosef 10 ng/h/100-g body weight between 10 and0 weeks of age.85 This dose is the minimalose necessary to achieve urine osmolalities inrattleboro rats similar to those observed inild-type Sprague-Dawley rats. Administrationf DDAVP to PCK AVP�/� corrected the poly-ria, increased the renal concentration ofAMP, recovered the full cystic PCK phenotypes reflected by the kidney weights and cyst andbrosis indices, and significantly increased thelasma BUN concentrations. Administration ofDAVP to PCK AVP�/� rats increased the se-erity of PKD, as reflected by significantlyigher kidney weights, cyst and fibrosis indices,nd plasma BUN concentrations. Administra-ion of DDAVP to wild-type rats at the dosesed in this study caused a slight but significant

ncrease in renal mass per unit of body weight











Vasopressin antagonists in PKD 311

ithout inducing cystic changes or fibrosis.his is consistent with previous reports of se-

ective AVP-induced hypertrophy of the medul-ary thick ascending limb in Brattleboroats.86,87

A nongenetic approach to suppress vasopres-in action also supports the importance of va-opressin in the modulation of renal cystogen-sis. Addition of 5% glucose in the drinkingater increased fluid intake and urine output

.5-fold, reduced urinary AVP excretion, AVP2-receptor expression, and ERK activation, in-ibited proliferation, reduced the severity ofhe cystic disease, and improved renal func-ion.88


he long-acting somatostatin analogue oct-eotide and the endothelin ETB receptor antag-nist A-192621 have been reported to have op-osing effects in animal models orthologous touman PKD that may be mediated by opposingffects on vasopressin-stimulated cAMP accu-ulation in the kidney. The administration of

ctreotide to PCK rats lowers cAMP levels andnhibits the development of PKD, whereas thedministration of A-192621 to Pkd2�/WS25 micencreases urine osmolarity and renal cAMP andggravates the severity of the cystic disease.89,90

t physiologic concentrations somatostatin in-ibits vasopressin-induced cAMP generationnd water permeability via Gi-coupled soma-ostatin receptor (SSTR)1 and SSTR2 receptors,hich are located predominantly in the distalephron and collecting tubule.91–93 On thether hand, endothelin-1 acting via ETB recep-ors, the predominant endothelin-receptor sub-ype in the collecting tubules, inhibits vasopres-in action and promotes diuresis.94


n addition to its effects on cystogenesis, AVPay have effects on blood pressure and renal

unction that may be relevant to the progres-

ion of PKD. s

ffects on Blood Pressure

he inverse correlation between urine concen-rating capacity and average 24-hour bloodressures in children with ADPKD71 and theorrelation between urine volume and meanrterial blood pressure in Modification of Dietn Renal Disease study participants with AD-KD95 suggest that the increased circulating

evels of AVP observed in ADPKD may contrib-te to the development of hypertension, one ofhe most common manifestations of this dis-ase. AVP effects on blood pressure are medi-ted by V1a and V2 receptors. V1a receptorctivation may increase blood pressure by airect effect on vascular smooth muscle and byeducing medullary renal blood flow and pres-ure natriuresis.96 V2-receptor activation en-ances � and � epithelial sodium channel ex-ression and function and acts synergisticallyith aldosterone in the cortical collectinguct.97–99 On the other hand, V2-receptor acti-ation also may exert an antihypertensive effecty inducing nitric oxide synthesis in collectingucts and increasing medullary blood flow.100

mpaired nitric oxide synthesis, which has beeneported in human ADPKD and in animal mod-ls of PKD,101,102 may be a prerequisite for therohypertensive effect of vasopressin.

KD Progression

VP levels are increased in CKD.103 Bankir etl104 proposed that this contributes importantlyo disease progression.105–107 AVP (or exoge-ous DDAVP) increases urea and decreasesaCl concentrations in the thick ascending

imb of Henle and at the macula densa by in-reasing intrarenal urea recycling. This resultsn a suppression of tubuloglomerular feedbacknd a stimulation of renin secretion that mayead to glomerular hyperfiltration, albuminuria,enal hypertrophy, and tubulointerstitial dis-ase. In support of this hypothesis, suppressionf circulating AVP in five-sixths nephrecto-ized rats by doubling the daily water ingestionas been shown to reduce proteinuria, bloodressure, renal hypertrophy, glomerulosclero-is, and tubulointerstitial fibrosis.106,108 The at-enuation of renal disease progression in five-

ixths nephrectomized Brattleboro rats is








312 V.E. Torres

eversed by the administration of DDAVP, sug-esting that V2 receptors play a major role inhe deleterious influence of vasopressin on dis-ase progression.105 Contrary to these observa-ions, a retrospective analysis of Modification ofiet in Renal Disease patients with baselinelomerular filtration rates (GFRs) of 25 to 55L/min/1.73 m2 raised the possibility that aigh fluid intake could be detrimental to pa-ients with chronic renal insufficiency, particu-arly to those with ADPKD.95 The patients withhe greater urine volumes and the lowest urinesmolalities experienced the fastest GFR de-lines. Because they tended to have lower se-um sodium concentrations and had urines hy-otonic to plasma, the investigators concludedhat excess water intake and not a renal con-entrating defect caused the high urine volume.urther studies will be necessary to elucidatehe potential beneficial or detrimental effects ofigh fluid intake in ADPKD patients with renal



he observations in animal models of PKDtrongly suggest that AVP is a powerful modu-ator of cystogenesis and provide support forlinical trials of V2-receptor antagonists in thisisease. The Tolvaptan Efficacy and Safety inanagement of PKD and Outcomes trial

TEMPO) consists of several studies. Two phasestudies on the safety, pharmacokinetics, and

harmacodynamics of tolvaptan tablets in AD-KD included 11 and 37 volunteers, 18 to 60ears old, with a serum creatinine level of lesshan 1.8 mg/dL, randomized to oral placebo orolvaptan.109–111 Each study began with a 1-dayaseline. Patients drank ad libitum and re-orded fluid intake and output.

Study A was a randomized, placebo-con-rolled (8 treatment, 3 placebo), ascending dose0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 mg administered 72ours apart) study. Urine was collected at 0 to, 4 to 8, 8 to 12, 12 to 16, and 16 to 24 hoursostdosing. Tolvaptan caused dose-dependent

ncreases in urine output and reductions inrine osmolality and AQP2 excretion, withoutignificant changes in cAMP excretion. AQP2

xcretion changes paralleled those in urine out- s

ut. A significant increase in plasma AVP of 2-o 3-fold was seen at the highest dose ofolvaptan (�0.03 at 24 h post-120 mg) whenompared with its own baseline, although theifference from the group taking placebo didot reach statistical significance (P � .06). Theaximum means observed at any time were 4.1

tolvaptan) and 3.2 ng/L (placebo). Hyposte-uria was sustained during 4 to 16 hours post-osing, but urine output increased to greaterhan 300 mOsm/L in 5 (15 mg), 2 (30 mg), and

(60 mg) patient 16 to 24 hours postdosing.hese results indicate that cAMP productionay not be inhibited beyond 16 hours postdos-

ng, AQP2 excretion is not superior to urineutput to monitor the response, and cAMP ex-retion is not a good marker of cAMP produc-ion in the renal medulla.

In study B, subjects took tolvaptan in dosesf 15/15, 30/0, 30/15, or 30/30 mg twice daily8 AM and 4 PM) for 5 days. The mean urineutput increased on average from between,974 and 4,586 mL/d by a further 2,974 to,586 mL on day 1, declining to a further 1,764o 2,274 mL on day 5. A negative fluid balanceas seen on acute introduction of tolvaptan

�708 to �901 mL), however, this equilibratedy day 5 of study B (�99 to �558 mL). AVP

ncreased dose-dependently with variable sig-ificance compared with baseline. For the high-st dose, the mean level at day 5 remained inhe midnormal range of 1 to 3 ng/L. Twice-dailydministration was necessary for adequate sup-ression of the vasopressin effect reflected byersistent urine hypotonicity and the best re-ult was obtained with the administration of 30g twice daily.In both studies, tolvaptan dose-dependently

nduced modest increases in serum sodium andsmolality, without changes in other electro-

ytes. No appreciable changes in vital signsere noted. Thirst appropriately maintaineduid intake. No serious adverse events wereeported and no one discontinued tolvaptan inither study. In study A, 21 mild and 3 moderateide effects were reported in the tolvaptanroup (n � 8) and 4 mild and 1 moderate sideffect was reported in the placebo group (n �). In study B a total of 35 mild and 6 moderate

ide effects were reported in 21 of 37 subjects.








Vasopressin antagonists in PKD 313

ry mouth was the most frequently reportedide effect and was not clearly dose dependent.

The pharmacokinetic profile of oralolvaptan in ADPKD individuals was similar to aealthy control population. In summary,olvaptan was well tolerated throughout aange of doses and when administered once orwice a day in ADPKD individuals with normalenal function. Twice-daily administration wasecessary for adequate suppression of the vaso-ressin effect reflected by persistent urine hy-otonicity.Forty-six of the 48 participants in the previ-

us phase 2 tolvaptan studies with a GFR ofreater than 30 mL/min were enrolled in a-year, open-label, phase 2 clinical trial to ac-uire tolerability, long-term safety, and pilotfficacy data.112 Initially, tolvaptan was admin-stered in ascending doses of 15/15, 30/15, 45/5, 60/30, or 90/30 mg orally twice daily (8 AM

nd 4 PM) beginning at 30/15 mg to establishaximal tolerated and minimum effective

oses (titration phase); 96%, 61%, and 46% ofubjects said they could tolerate 45/15, 60/30,nd 90/30 doses for the rest of their life. Sub-ects then were randomized to a low (45/15, n

22) or a high (60/30, n � 24) dose extendedherapy. Sixteen of the planned 36-month fol-ow-up evauations had been completed at theime of the last report. Average daily doses haveeen 59.7 and 82.5 mg. Polyuria has been wellolerated. The median urine osmolalities haveanged from 165 to 253, 123 to 154, and 108 to52 mOsm/L before AM and PM doses and atedtime. The serum creatinine level increasedrom 1.20 and 1.36 mg/dL at baseline to 1.36nd 1.49 mg/dL at 2 months, but had returnedoward the baseline level at 16 months (1.27nd 1.39 mg/dL) in the low- and high-doseroups, respectively. The administration ofolvaptan was accompanied by a slight, but sus-ained, reduction in serum BUN and an increasen serum uric acid. Serum sodium concentra-ions at 2 and 16 months were unchanged fromaseline. Serious adverse events led to discon-inuation of tolvaptan in 4 subjects. These in-luded a reversible increase in serum creatinineevel from 1.4 to 1.7 mg/d, left periorbital swell-ng, atrial fibrillation with transient ischemic

pisode, and pituitary microadenoma. In sum-

ary, these preliminary results from this open-abel study suggest that a split dose regimen ofolvaptan is well tolerated, appears to be safe,nd is able to sustain urine hypotonicity.

A phase 3, multicenter, double-blind, place-o-controlled, parallel-arm trial of split-dose reg-

mens of tolvaptan has been initiated in 18- to0-year-old patients, with relatively rapid pro-ression, as indicated by a total kidney volumeTKV) of greater than 750 mL, and relativelyreserved renal function as reflected by an es-imated GFR of greater than 60 mL/min. Therimary outcome measure is renal volumehange by magnetic resonance (MR). This clin-cal trial is expected to enroll 1,200 to 1,500articipants with 3 years’ duration of treatment�7).In summary, extensive animal studies sug-

est that AVP is a powerful modulator of cysto-enesis, that inhibition of renal cAMP produc-ion accounts for the protective effect of V2eceptor antagonists, and that these drugs mayfford additional benefits on hypertension andKD progression. These studies have providedstrong rationale for clinical trials using V2

eceptor antagonists in ADPKD which are cur-ently in progress.

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