Variety Models Tailor-Made Suits Are at Once...

YOU'LL FIND IT HERE NEWS OF THE DAY CONDENSED FOR BUSY PEOPLE PARIS ? The Aero Club de France Itkk decided on June tt unit 11 for the Uordon BtniitU W nun-*. Accident, not foul pUy. brought about the death of l>nvld C»rl«o«, whose body waa rwxn ered from Qreen river. »*>!> Deputy Coroner Snyder Chrla Vtw. held In the county Jail. will be releawcd Bearing In her cargo Sl4 balea Pf raw wllk. the Nippon liner Bado Marti dorkml taut nlnht. Klftv eight Jap* and oijp Kuaalan c«uw lu the steerage. Her bottom a maaa of a«a graaa, the t'hllean bark Curaon came Into the bay yealerday from Valparalao A dramatic rocital of "Enoch Arden" will bo given by queen Anne Congregational church to night, with l»r K T. Hunntan and Mlaa Dorothy Dunatan In the chief roloa. After arguing an appeal In the habeas corpus eaae of Johan Til- berg. District Attorney Todd re- turned la*t night from San Kran claeo. It la expected that the wreck of the Maine will be lifted by June 1 Mrt. W. S. Wall of Atlanta. Ga.. while visiting In Cincinnati, used the kmc dl*'ance telephone to talk \u25a0with her parrot. It cost her |.!0. The pig given by Mr*. 0- H. P. Belmont ns a prlie for charity, prvved to i rippled and was killed In Now York. Mh> 11. INtU, wa* the da> of the fight In "The Bloody Angle all Hpotaylvanlft court houae. Virginia. , The I'nlon army for day* had charging the Cod(ml)<W« Intrench- IJ;. 11'- »!f ll III.MI' l>t li'HM Hl»ll ff«'t ?111 ; roaullg, but tm the l!th the aecond trmv corpa un dor command of <}«>». Hancock *wung hard on the Confederate right center and raptured 4,000 men and 10 can- non, Klve time* the Confederate* on either aide __ attempted to dli* ! lodge llnnciirk. but un*uece**fully j So tarrlflc »»* the rifle fire In thla i all day battle thai the *een« baa ' been IniiuortalUed In military hi* (ory aa the bloody angla " Rtlaaiad after being held two ! daya at Fort Townnend for viola i (lon of quarantine, the arhonuer S ! T Alexander arrived alat night, 72 ! daya from Sallna t'rui. Met Service of tha California-Atlantic | Stcaiti*hlp I'd., operating between | Sail KYanolaco and Panama, will be extended to Seattle. VANCOUVER. Waah.?A portal | waving* bank will be opened here i Juno 1. ?? PHILADELPHIA?DacIarIno that ? hoy "helped him to make hi* for- tune." Krancla Mage*. a carpel manufacturer, devlaed In hi* will 1 glfta ranging from $100 to 9500 to 34 employe* Mr*. All i* Hobaoa of Hardy. Nab., haa written The Star for Informa lion concerning her brother. Marry | K Wilson, who followed tithing and J mining In thto state. Nearly 100 mambar* of tha 5* ! attle Commercial club left laat night In a special train for a two- day trade-booatlng trip to vartoua portion* of tbe atate. Amy Paina, tha actra**, *i* oatraclaed aboard the Celtic sailing ; to New York, becauae abe smoked : Hgarcta on deck. For partial a*phymation In tha Pacific hotel, Martin Olaaon obtain | «d verdlrta for >300 each again*! i tb<- Seattla Lighting Co and J A, I Petcraon, a contractor, who cut a j gaa pipe. Bernard N. Ducloa. a Lano*. i Man* . barber, haa aold a buff rock rooater to S»-w*rd Webb for $460 through a tip given by J. Plerpont Morgan. Sixty one yrut acn this very day an awful calamity befell Ifcw tun and Mu>-a chllMtU, DOt to \u25a0ay anything about the rent of the land. Henry Cabot Lud(«. "scholar In poll- i tics" and first aid to injured btx business, made bis advent. Having been mlsrepre sented by "the scholar" for more than 30 years, the common people of that state are happy upon this (l»t birthday of their "boss"? n ? ? ' » Slst or a 41st birthday. Retiring to boom Judaon Harmon democratic presidential candl-. date. P. C I-eonard laat night re *ign»»d as prwlilifot of the King County Democratic rlub. A rcsolu- tion was adopted favoring home rule for Alaska. She'll Contest for Seattle YOU'RE PERFECTLY SAFE? when you attend a per- formance at the Nation- al theatre. Four exits make it possible to empty the house in a minute. Youll appreciate the handsome decorating and refurnishing Fred- erick & Nelson have done for us. Stop in and enjoy an hour in our splendidly appointed new theatre. Continuous Perform- ance. Admission sc. NATIONAL THEATRE 315 Pike St. "The Houae of the , Radium Screen." RUTH PITKA. Wallace MacPbernon, a Tacoina boy. won the flmt part of the state ; Interscholastic declamatory contest, held at the University laat night, with a prite of $25. The second part of the contest will take place tonight, with Ruth Pltka of Frank- lin and Arthur E. Carr of Mncoln as the Beattle representative*. Star "Want" Ada Are Bunnesr Bringers Ladies' Velvet Shoe Special Latest novelties in ladies' footwear, specially priced for Saturday and next week. Colors black and brown, button, short vamp, high heel, plain toe. SELLS REGULARLY FOR $3.50. OUR PRICE FOR SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK? $2.95 RAYMOND &HOYT 1 406 Third Avenue CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GOOD SHOES AGENTS FOR EDUCATOR SHOE WASH BRAIDS. BOLT or 6 yards, ar.r - Shown in an excellent ratine of color# and effective designs, from to \yi inches wide. Style as Pictured Special $1.25 fjpilJS Dress is made of good quality washable percale, in gray or pretty navy or light-blue and white plaids. The waist has sleeve and shoul- der in one piece and the Dutch ncck is trimmed at back and front with turn-over lapels of plain chambray gingham. Very attractive ami practic- al, and a specially-good value ?it - liaremnnt Malearoom. THE SEATTLE STAR FREDERICK & NELSON, Inc. BASEMENT SALESROOM Women's and Misses' Tailor-Made Suits SPECIAL $12.75 ?garments made to our order after approved mod els from a manufacturers short lengths of fine suit ings, including gray home spuns, navy and black serges and gray diagonals. There arc tailored ami trimmod Suits to select from; jaunty short coats with notch collar or shawl collar of black satin; skirts in plain gored and paneled styles. Sizes Misses', 14, 16 and 18 years. Women's, 34, 36, 38 and 40. To those seeking at a low pricc a Suit that is at once serviceable, well-tai- lored and correctly styled, this unusual offering is confidently commended. ?- HaMmsßl NalrHOOKk Popular Neckwear Novelties At 25c Assortments at this low price inciudc Ja- bots, Eton Collars ami Stocks in lawn and net, effectively trimmed in Imitation VeniNC, Valenciennes and Cluny laces; also Windsor Ties and Embroidered Byron Collars, in attractive dc- sißns. PK \RI. BUTTONS 5< DOZEN?Excellent qualitv Pcarl Buttons, in two-hole style, also small Smoked Pearl Buttons. ?ttaWtMMl ft* !*«?*+«» Women's Lace-Boot Lisle Hosiery Special 15c Pair A limited quantity of Women's I.isle Hosiery of pood grade, in attractive lace boot designs. Col- ors, white, black and tan. Special, to close out, 15<* pair. WOMEN'S LACE-TRIMMED TIGHTS, 2r»C PAIR ?Of pure white cotton, with wide uni brella knee; excellent value. sinm. For Summer Wear Charming White Milan Hats At $4.95 ?featured in a collection that embraces large, medium and turban shapes, whose ef- fectiveness is enhanced by black velvet folds and fac- ings. They are prettily trimmed in crush roses, wistaria, lilac and French rosebuds? some in wings and ribbon Ik>w«. Excellent values at $4.95. CHILDREN'S TRIM- MED LEGHORN HATS. SPECIAL $2.50 In thr pretty mushroom shape, trimmed in shirred «atin rib- bon, in blue, pink and white, and white lace effect, with a touch of dainty flowers. ?Katearoom* One-Piece House Dress PURNITUKE DRV GOODS GIRLS' KILTED MIDDY SKIRTS?Of heavy quality navy- blue serge, made extra-full and plait- ed at side. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Price $3.95. GIRLS' ALL-WHITE AND TAN REP MIDDY SKIRTS? Made in side plaited style and fin- ished with deep belt; sizes 6 to 14 years. Price $2.50. GIRLS' MIDDY BLOUSES OF FINE QUALITY GALATEA?In all-white, or white with red or navy; shown in sizes from 6 to 18 years. I'rice $2.45. "Direct-Action " Gas Ranges FREDERICK & NELSON, Inc. Store Clo»«» Daily at 6:30. Featuring a Variety of Models That Are at Once Becoming and I ndividual mi IK Hat* arc of Milan, Hemp, Chip and Nea|«.litin, -1- wrought into an unusual variety of tkstelul shapes. 'J'hc trimmings are of rose*, poppies, berries, lilics-of the- valley, foliage and various small flowers, a* well as ribbon bows and velvet quills. In colorings, the choice afforded is ext < ptional. The offering will readily appeal to women who arc in the habit of paying considerably more for their Millinery than the mode t price quoted Sj7.r»o. Misses' and Children's Hats at Special Prices Panama Hats, trimmed with velvet ami soft quills, special fft.OO. Black and White Milan Mushroom Sailors, with black, brown or red velvet ribbon bands, »pe< lal HUt.7.%. TAILORED SUITS FOR MISSES AND SMALL WOMEN A Special Purchase Featured at $25.00 UNUSUAL values in finely tailored Suits of menVwear serge, with 25-inch plain tailored coats and panel skirt; also a model in navy, black* Copenhagen and light-tan storm serge, with deep silk-inlaid sailor collar, coat fastening with braid or- nament. and straight cut skirt. Sizes 14, 16. 18 and 20. Special $155.00. ?\u25a0«< .»* n<w New Arrivals in Silk Petticoats at $5.00 NEW models in mtnalint silk, designed for wear with the prevailing narrow-cut skirt*, made with accordion-plaited double flounce, finished in braid, and shown in a grxxl selection of fashionable colors. Other Skirts are in Dresden ??ilk, finished with braid at bottom, and some have silk under ruffle. Priced at $5.00. ?n«wr. New House Dresses THE week's arrivals in inexpensive House Dresses in- clude a variety of new models whose unusual w<>rth is apparent in their sturdy materials and excel- lent workmanship, as well as in their exceptional at- tractivcno* of coloring and «lcsign. We invite especial attention to the following values: _«wwb4 rio«. SPECI AL AT 91.75. A very pretty One-piece Dress of washable plaid per- cale, in combination colorings of pink, blue and white; navy, green and white, blue and white or black and white. The tucked waist closes at side front, has elbow sleeves and is trimmed with Peter Pan collar and cuffs of white pique. I'nusual value at $1.75. SPECIAL. AT $1.95. An equally attractive model in French-blue gingham, patterned in narrow white stripes. The waist is prettily tucked, and the square Dutch neck and sleeves arc trimmed with white embroidery beading, drawn with black silk rtbbon. Girls' Middy Suits and Blouses GIRLS' AND MISSES' REGU- LATION SAILOR BLOUSES OF DRILL CLOTH?Finished with navy-blue flannel collar an<l cuffs, lacing in front. Sizes 10 to 20 years; price $2.25. GIRLS' PANAMA GYMNASI- UM BLOOMERS?Made of heavy quality navy-blue panama and cut extra-full. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years, sjirciai GIRLS BLACK GYMNASIUM BLOOMERS OF FARMER SAT- lN?Especially good material, sizes 12, 14 and 16, special $1.f)5. SUooFloor, Women's Canoe Sweaters % y\ N attractive value is offered iti the smart box-coat Sweater pictured, which may be had in maroon, Oxford-gray, white and cardinal. It is of pure worsted yarn, Shaker-knit, and finished with high, close-fitting collar and woven-in pockets. I'rice $8.00. Other interesting values are indicated in models displayed at $5.00, $6.50, $7.75 and $9.50. ?s«con<J Floor. "Domes of Silence" The Invisible Casters Without Wheels "Domes of Silcnce" arc little discs of hardened and highly- polished nickeled steel. Furniture fitted with "Domes of Si- lence'' will glide easily, silently and smoothly over carpets and floors. No nails or screws are required in fitting them to fur- niture* I rice, Set lour, ?llDuaefurnlihlnia B«ctlon Frederick & Nelson Incorporalcd r U RN I T U l< I! DRY GOODS A Special Offering of Trimmed Millinery at $7.50 Milan Outing Hat», in two-tone effect*. l>l;i<~k and white, blue and white or red and white, special 92.<M>. Dre»* Hat», in Milan, Panama and Java, special RI.(K) to 910.00. 'ib4 F itf, Mail Orders Carefully Filled Dress Accessories Ju*-t a few items of'limely interest selected for mention from our carefully-chosen stocks of Summer Dress Accessories for Women. Handkerchief s A new showing of Women's Initialed Handkerchiefs, in good quality sheer Irif-h linen, embroidered with the popular long letter; very good value at I2j£c each. Unusually pretty effects in Colored-border Handkerchiefs for Women, printed in de- siKns taken from the fine French Handker- chiefs, in delicate shades of pink, light-blue, tan and lavender. They are embroidered in one corner in pretty floral, shamrock, fleur- de-lis, butterfly and French knot effects. Priced at 25c each. ?rir»i r.«*»r. Women's Silk-Lisle Lace Boot Hosiery, 50c Pair /fn attractive selection of new designs is offered in full-fashioned Lace-boot Hosiery of fine silk-lisle, reinforced with high spliced heels, double soles "and toes. Colors include black, white and a good range of fancy shades. Price 50c pair. ?rtr«i Kid and Silk Gloves WOMEN'S F R E N C H S U F. D E GLOVES, $1.50 PAl?Women's imported French Suede Gloves of high quality, in two- clasp. pique style, with Paris-point embroid- ered backs ; black and gray; $1.50 pair. WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES, offered in a variety of correct styles and colorings and desirable qualities, at 50c, 75c, $1.00, SI 25, $1 50 and $2 00 pair. _rir.t ru«r. New Velvet Hand~Bags Special $3.50 An assortment of new styles in all-silk Black Velvet Bags, with covered and fancy metal frames, furnished with cordeline or self handle and inside coin purse. ?Fir»t Floor. Elastic Belts, Special 50c Made from excellent quality elastic, in black, white and colors, finished with novelty buckles. ?rir»t n«*. All-Silk Chilfon Veils, $1.75 Made from chiffon cloth of heavy quality, with <-atin stripe borders; in a good range of popular shades. ?n? now. Wide Silk Ribbons, 25c Yard Lustrous Silk Taffeta Ribbons, of fine quality, excellent for hair bows, sashes and millinery purposes; inches wide, and of- fered in a widp range of colors. An excep- tionally strong value. _Fir«t n«ot. Gold-Filled and Sterling Silver Lockets Many pretty styles in Gold-filled Lockets for wear with vanity chains, priced from 50c to $r.50, also in sterling silver at $1.50 and $*?75. ?rmt rioo». Shetland-Finished Veilings These arc the latest novelty in smart Veil- ings and are shown in various effects, in navy, brown and black. Priccd from 75c yard upward. _ nr ? Fl#or . Specials in Notions Swan Hooks and Eyes, without hump, non -rustable, 5c card. Diamond Snap Fasteners, black and white, 5c card. Goff's Angora Braid, 5-vard bolts, black, white and colors, 10c. Gold Standard Mercerized Shoe Laces, black and tan. 50 inches long. sc. Midget Jet Invisible Hair Pins, waved and straight, in assorted sizes, box, sc. Carmen Invisible Hair Nets, dozen, spe- cial 25c. Chloris Dress Shields, spccial 12c, 15c, 18c and 20c. Ironing Wax, with handles, dozen, spe- cial sc. Fir*t Floon

Transcript of Variety Models Tailor-Made Suits Are at Once...


PARIS ? The Aero Club deFrance Itkk decided on June tt unit11 for the Uordon BtniitU Wnun-*.

Accident, not foul pUy. broughtabout the death of l>nvld C»rl«o«,whose body waa rwxn ered fromQreen river. »*>!> Deputy CoronerSnyder Chrla Vtw. held In thecounty Jail. will be releawcd

Bearing In her cargo Sl4 balea

Pf raw wllk. the Nippon liner BadoMarti dorkml taut nlnht. Klftv eightJap* and oijp Kuaalan c«uw lu thesteerage.

Her bottom a maaa of a«a graaa,the t'hllean bark Curaon came Into

the bay yealerday from Valparalao

A dramatic rocital of "EnochArden" will bo given by queenAnne Congregational church tonight, with l»r K T. Hunntan andMlaa Dorothy Dunatan In the chiefroloa.

After arguing an appeal In thehabeas corpus eaae of Johan Til-berg. District Attorney Todd re-turned la*t night from San Kranclaeo.

It la expected that the wreck ofthe Maine will be lifted by June 1

Mrt. W. S. Wall of Atlanta. Ga..while visiting In Cincinnati, usedthe kmc dl*'ance telephone to talk\u25a0with her parrot. It cost her |.!0.

The pig given by Mr*. 0- H. P.Belmont ns a prlie for charity,prvved to L» i rippled and waskilled In Now York.

Mh> 11. INtU, wa* the da> of

the fight In "The Bloody Angle allHpotaylvanlft court houae. Virginia.

, The I'nlon army for day* hadcharging the Cod(ml)<W« Intrench-IJ;. 11'- »!f ll III.MI'l>t li'HM Hl»ll ff«'t ?111

; roaullg, but tm the l!th the aecondtrmv corpa undor command of<}«>». Hancock*wung hard onthe Confederateright center andraptured 4,000men and 10 can-non, Klve time*the Confederate*on either aide


attempted to dli*! lodge llnnciirk. but un*uece**fully

j So tarrlflc »»* the rifle fire In thlai all day battle thai the *een« baa' been IniiuortalUed In military hi*(ory aa the bloody angla "

Rtlaaiad after being held two! daya at Fort Townnend for violai (lon of quarantine, the arhonuer S! T Alexander arrived alat night, 72! daya from Sallna t'rui. Met

Service of tha California-Atlantic| Stcaiti*hlp I'd., operating between| Sail KYanolaco and Panama, will beextended to Seattle.

VANCOUVER. Waah.?A portal

| waving* bank will be opened herei Juno 1.


PHILADELPHIA?DacIarIno that? hoy "helped him to make hi* for-tune." Krancla Mage*. a carpelmanufacturer, devlaed In hi* will

1 glfta ranging from $100 to 9500 to34 employe*

Mr*. All i* Hobaoa of Hardy. Nab.,haa written The Star for Informalion concerning her brother. Marry

| K Wilson, who followed tithing and

J mining In thto state.

Nearly 100 mambar* of tha 5*! attle Commercial club left laat

night In a special train for a two-day trade-booatlng trip to vartouaportion* of tbe atate.

Amy Paina, tha actra**, *i*

oatraclaed aboard the Celtic sailing; to New York, becauae abe smoked: Hgarcta on deck.

For partial a*phymation In thaPacific hotel, Martin Olaaon obtain

| «d verdlrta for >300 each again*!

i tb<- Seattla Lighting Co and J A,

I Petcraon, a contractor, who cut a

j gaa pipe.

Bernard N. Ducloa. a Lano*.i Man*


barber, haa aold a buff rockrooater to S»-w*rd Webb for $460through a tip given by J. PlerpontMorgan.

Sixty one yrut acn this veryday an awful calamity befell Ifcw

tun and Mu>-achllMtU, DOt to\u25a0ay anythingabout the rent ofthe land. HenryCabot Lud(«.

"scholar In poll- itics" and first aidto injured btxbusiness, made bisadvent. Having

been mlsrepresented by "thescholar" for morethan 30 years, thecommon peopleof that state arehappy upon this(l»t birthday oftheir "boss"?

n ? ? '

» Slst or a 41st birthday.

Retiring to boom Judaon Harmona« democratic presidential P. C I-eonard laat night re

*ign»»d as prwlilifot of the King

County Democratic rlub. A rcsolu-tion was adopted favoring homerule for Alaska.

She'll Contestfor Seattle YOU'RE


when you attend a per-formance at the Nation-al theatre.

Four exits make itpossible to empty thehouse in a minute.

Youll appreciate thehandsome decoratingand refurnishing Fred-erick & Nelson havedone for us.

Stop in and enjoy anhour in our splendidlyappointed new theatre.Continuous Perform-

ance. Admission sc.


"The Houae of the,

Radium Screen."

RUTH PITKA.Wallace MacPbernon, a Tacoina

boy. won the flmt part of the state ;

Interscholastic declamatory contest,held at the University laat night,with a prite of $25. The secondpart of the contest will take placetonight, with Ruth Pltka of Frank-lin and Arthur E. Carr of Mncolnas the Beattle representative*.

Star "Want" Ada AreBunnesr Bringers

Ladies' Velvet

Shoe SpecialLatest novelties in ladies' footwear, specially

priced for Saturday and next week.

Colors black and brown, button, short vamp,

high heel, plain toe.





WASH BRAIDS. BOLTor 6 yards, ar.r -

Shown in an excellentratine of color# and effectivedesigns, from to \yiinches wide.

Style as Pictured

Special $1.25fjpilJS Dress is made of good

quality washable percale,in gray or pretty navy orlight-blue and white plaids.The waist has sleeve and shoul-

der in one piece and the Dutchncck is trimmed at back andfront with turn-over lapels ofplain chambray gingham.

Very attractive ami practic-al, and a specially-good value?it - liaremnnt Malearoom.




Women's and Misses'

Tailor-Made SuitsSPECIAL

$12.75?garments made to ourorder after approved models from a manufacturersshort lengths of fine suitings, including gray homespuns, navy and blackserges and gray diagonals.

There arc tailored amitrimmod Suits to selectfrom; jaunty short coatswith notch collar or shawlcollar of black satin; skirtsin plain gored and paneledstyles.

SizesMisses', 14, 16 and 18

years.Women's, 34, 36, 38 and

40.To those seeking at a

low pricc a Suit that is atonce serviceable, well-tai-lored and correctly styled,this unusual offering isconfidently commended.

?- HaMmsßl NalrHOOKk

Popular Neckwear NoveltiesAt 25c

Assortments at this low price inciudc Ja-bots, Eton Collars ami Stocks in lawn and

net, effectively trimmed in Imitation VeniNC,Valenciennes and Cluny laces; also Windsor Tiesand Embroidered Byron Collars, in attractive dc-sißns.

PK \RI. BUTTONS 5<DOZEN?Excellent qualitvPcarl Buttons, in two-holestyle, also small SmokedPearl Buttons.

?ttaWtMMl ft*!*«?*+«»

Women's Lace-Boot Lisle HosierySpecial 15c Pair

A limited quantity of Women's I.isle Hosiery ofpood grade, in attractive lace boot designs. Col-ors, white, black and tan. Special, to close out,


2r»C PAIR ?Of pure white cotton, with wide unibrella knee; excellent value. sinm.

For Summer WearCharming White Milan Hats

At $4.95?featured in a collectionthat embraces large, mediumand turban shapes, whose ef-fectiveness is enhanced byblack velvet folds and fac-ings.

They are prettily trimmedin crush roses, wistaria, lilacand French rosebuds? somein wings and ribbon Ik>w«.Excellent values at $4.95.

CHILDREN'S TRIM-MED LEGHORN HATS.SPECIAL $2.50 In thrpretty mushroom shape,trimmed in shirred «atin rib-bon, in blue, pink and white,and white lace effect, with atouch of dainty flowers.


One-Piece House Dress


GIRLS' KILTED MIDDYSKIRTS?Of heavy quality navy-blue serge, made extra-full and plait-ed at side. Sizes 6 to 14 years.Price $3.95.

GIRLS' ALL-WHITE ANDTAN REP MIDDY SKIRTS?Made in side plaited style and fin-ished with deep belt; sizes 6 to 14years. Price $2.50.

GIRLS' MIDDY BLOUSES OFFINE QUALITY GALATEA?Inall-white, or white with red or navy;shown in sizes from 6 to 18 years.I'rice $2.45.

"Direct-Action "

Gas Ranges

FREDERICK & NELSON, Inc.Store Clo»«» Daily at 6:30.

Featuring a Variety of Models

That Are at Once Becoming and

Individualmi IK Hat* arc of Milan, Hemp, Chip and Nea|«.litin,-1- wrought into an unusual variety of tkstelul shapes.

'J'hc trimmings are of rose*, poppies, berries, lilics-of the-

valley, foliage and various small flowers, a* well as ribbon

bows and velvet quills. In colorings, the choice afforded is

ext < ptional.The offering will readily appeal to women who arc in

the habit of paying considerably more for their Millinery

than the mode t price quoted Sj7.r»o.

Misses' and Children's Hats at Special PricesPanama Hats, trimmed with velvet ami soft quills, special

fft.OO.Black and White Milan Mushroom Sailors, with black,

brown or red velvet ribbon bands, »pe< lal HUt.7.%.


A Special Purchase Featured at $25.00

UNUSUAL values in finely tailored Suits of menVwear serge,

with 25-inch plain tailored coats and panel skirt; also a

model in navy, black* Copenhagen and light-tan storm serge,with deep silk-inlaid sailor collar, coat fastening with braid or-nament. and straight cut skirt.

Sizes 14, 16. 18 and 20.Special $155.00. ?\u25a0«< .»* n<w

New Arrivals in Silk Petticoats at $5.00NEW models in mtnalint silk, designed for wear with the prevailing

narrow-cut skirt*, made with accordion-plaited double flounce, finishedin braid, and shown in a grxxl selection of fashionable colors. Other Skirtsare in Dresden ??ilk, finished with braid at bottom, and some have silkunder ruffle.

Priced at $5.00. ?n«wr.

New House DressesTHE week's arrivals in inexpensive House Dresses in-

clude a variety of new models whose unusual

w<>rth is apparent in their sturdy materials and excel-lent workmanship, as well as in their exceptional at-tractivcno* of coloring and «lcsign. We invite especialattention to the following values: _«wwb4 rio«.

SPECI AL AT 91.75.A very pretty One-piece Dress of washable plaid per-

cale, in combination colorings of pink, blue and white;navy, green and white, blue and white or black andwhite.

The tucked waist closes at side front, has elbowsleeves and is trimmed with Peter Pan collar and cuffsof white pique. I'nusual value at $1.75.

SPECIAL. AT $1.95.An equally attractive model in French-blue gingham,

patterned in narrow white stripes. The waist is prettilytucked, and the square Dutch neck and sleeves arctrimmed with white embroidery beading, drawn withblack silk rtbbon.

Girls' Middy Suits and BlousesGIRLS' AND MISSES' REGU-

LATION SAILOR BLOUSES OFDRILL CLOTH?Finished withnavy-blue flannel collar an<l cuffs,lacing in front. Sizes 10 to 20years; price $2.25.

GIRLS' PANAMA GYMNASI-UM BLOOMERS?Made of heavyquality navy-blue panama and cutextra-full. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years,sjirciai

GIRLS BLACK GYMNASIUMBLOOMERS OF FARMER SAT-lN?Especially good material, sizes12, 14 and 16, special $1.f)5.



Canoe Sweaters%

y\ N attractive value is offered iti the smart

box-coat Sweater pictured, which maybe had in maroon, Oxford-gray, white andcardinal.

It is of pure worsted yarn, Shaker-knit, andfinished with high, close-fitting collar andwoven-in pockets. I'rice $8.00.

Other interesting values are indicated inmodels displayed at $5.00, $6.50, $7.75 and$9.50. ?s«con<J Floor.

"Domes of Silence"The Invisible Casters Without Wheels"Domes of Silcnce" arc little discs of hardened and highly-

polished nickeled steel. Furniture fitted with "Domes of Si-lence'' will glide easily, silently and smoothly over carpets andfloors. No nails or screws are required in fitting them to fur-niture* I rice, Set lour, ?llDuaefurnlihlnia B«ctlon

Frederick & NelsonIncorporalcd

r U R N I T U l< I!


A Special Offering of Trimmed Millinery at $7.50

Milan Outing Hat», in two-tone effect*. l>l;i<~k and white,blue and white or red and white, special 92.<M>.

Dre»* Hat», in Milan, Panama and Java, special RI.(K) to

910.00. 'ib4 F itf,

Mail OrdersCarefully Filled

Dress AccessoriesJu*-t a few items of'limely interest selected

for mention from our carefully-chosen stocksof Summer Dress Accessories for Women.

Handkerchief sA new showing of Women's Initialed

Handkerchiefs, in good quality sheer Irif-hlinen, embroidered with the popular longletter; very good value at I2j£c each.

Unusually pretty effects in Colored-borderHandkerchiefs for Women, printed in de-siKns taken from the fine French Handker-chiefs, in delicate shades of pink, light-blue,tan and lavender. They are embroidered inone corner in pretty floral, shamrock, fleur-de-lis, butterfly and French knot effects.Priced at 25c each. ?rir»i r.«*»r.

Women's Silk-Lisle LaceBoot Hosiery, 50c Pair

/fn attractive selection of new designs isoffered in full-fashioned Lace-boot Hosieryof fine silk-lisle, reinforced with high splicedheels, double soles "and toes. Colors includeblack, white and a good range of fancyshades. Price 50c pair. ?rtr«i

Kid and Silk GlovesWOMEN'S F R E N C H S U F. D E

GLOVES, $1.50 PAl?Women's importedFrench Suede Gloves of high quality, in two-

clasp. pique style, with Paris-point embroid-ered backs ; black and gray; $1.50 pair.

WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES, offered in avariety of correct styles and colorings anddesirable qualities, at 50c, 75c, $1.00, SI 25,

$1 50 and $2 00 pair. _rir.t ru«r.

New Velvet Hand~BagsSpecial $3.50

An assortment of new styles in all-silkBlack Velvet Bags, with covered and fancymetal frames, furnished with cordeline orself handle and inside coin purse.

?Fir»t Floor.

Elastic Belts, Special 50cMade from excellent quality elastic, in

black, white and colors, finished with noveltybuckles. ?rir»t n«*.

All-Silk Chilfon Veils, $1.75Made from chiffon cloth of heavy quality,

with <-atin stripe borders; in a good range ofpopular shades. ?n? now.

Wide Silk Ribbons, 25c YardLustrous Silk Taffeta Ribbons, of fine

quality, excellent for hair bows, sashes andmillinery purposes; inches wide, and of-fered in a widp range of colors. An excep-tionally strong value. _Fir«t n«ot.

Gold-Filled and SterlingSilver Lockets

Many pretty styles in Gold-filled Locketsfor wear with vanity chains, priced from 50cto $r.50, also in sterling silver at $1.50 and$*?75. ?rmt rioo».

Shetland-Finished VeilingsThese arc the latest novelty in smart Veil-

ings and are shown in various effects, innavy, brown and black. Priccd from 75cyard upward. _nr? Fl#or .

Specials in NotionsSwan Hooks and Eyes, without hump,

non -rustable, 5c card.Diamond Snap Fasteners, black and white,

5c card.Goff's Angora Braid, 5-vard bolts, black,

white and colors, 10c.Gold Standard Mercerized Shoe Laces,

black and tan. 50 inches long. sc.Midget Jet Invisible Hair Pins, waved and

straight, in assorted sizes, box, sc.Carmen Invisible Hair Nets, dozen, spe-

cial 25c.Chloris Dress Shields, spccial 12c, 15c, 18c

and 20c.Ironing Wax, with handles, dozen, spe-

cial sc. Fir*t Floon