The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1913-08 ... › lccn › sn87093407 › ... ·...

! I Free Examination The exceptionally low prices listed below for our htgn grade work *«> enable us to i«p busr during the summer months and only sool for thirty da} s. »2k Go'd Crowns.. $5.50 to S5 \u25a0rldgework . $3.50 to $6 Full Set of Teeth $VSO Up Porcelain Crown (best) $J 50 Up 0«ld Fillings ? 1 Up Silver Fillings We Up n , Hr.l \«n r»l lib. IstM In the < llr sn4 at the t'hrapeat Peasifcle l*rlr«. Vv p. Kiarllr «? Advertised. U4r Atttstast, TKHMS TO »I IT. Teeth Without Plates |S Work Ci«r«»tred IS Ve»r». Ukorliw People's neat Ist*. KFAINLBsSJ - opt* puiuk: King county will probably be the flrat In the atate to take advantage of the Murphlne logged off land law, paaaed by the last legislature. The county commlaalonera have decided to hold a apeclal election, probably In December, when the port election la held, on the queatlon whether a logged off land dlatrlct shall be formed. At the same time three commis- sioner* are to be elected to serve without pay. In case a favorable vote Is given by the i>eopl« for the | creation of the district. Will Buy and Clear Land These commissioners will bo em powered to Issue bonds, as approved by the law. to acquire loggod-off lands In King county, which will be the boundaries of the district. Two limitations are placed upon the purchase of such lands: First, the price shall not exceed $20 per acre where more than 20 acres Is purchased from one Individual or firm. Second, where the cotlimls sloners feel Justified In paying more than $'.'0 per acre, they are limited to purchasing only 20 acres from any one Individual or firm. A fur (her limitation of $100 per acre Is placed for the cost of clearing. Murphlne Drafts Bill The aubject of longed-off land de velopment was one of the most lm l>ortant before the last legislature Several bills were Introduced, and finally Representative Murphlne. progressive leader of the house, was placed at the head of a committee which drafter a bill that Included the best features In all the various pro posit lons. By the terma of thla bill a district How the Logged-Off Land Lnw Works John Smith wants to get buck to the almple life. He haa been a bookkeeper, let ua any, or a teamster, or hod carrier, these many years, or maybe he la one of the new Immigrants who will come here In thouaanda when the Panama canal la opened. Smith la not overburdened with money. So he apptiee to the commlaalonera of the logtifd off land dlatrlct. Under their direction, the dlatrlct haa acquired and cleared a number of tracta. If Smith la a married man, and haa a family, he will be given preference over an unmarried man. The commlaalon will aell him a tract of land?the amalleat urea practicable?on the Inatallment plan, It will charge him the coat of the land and the coat of clearing, with 5 per cent Intereat. He will be given 20 yeara In which to complete the pay- menta. The Intereat charged him la only 1 j per cent more than the dlatrlct paya on the bonda to carry on the logged off land Improvements. Thia 1 j per cent will take care of admlnlstra tlon coata. The commlaalonera receive no salary. Summed up. It meant that the dlatrlct practically loana the money to the aettler, which muat be repaid In Inatallmenta for 20 yeara. Title to the land remalna In the dlatrlct until all the Inatallmenta are paid up. Meat Prices Cut for Saturday The Middleman Eliminated at Frye & Co.'s Markets The following big special* will be offered to- morrow, Saturday: Fancy Fresh Dressed Hens, per lb. ........ 22c I Choice Steer 10m Choice Steer Boiling If). I Pet Roaat I&C Beef lUC I Rib and Loin Mutton 4C« I Chope IvU Choice Steer «C .. \u25a0 \u25a0 j . Shoulder Steak I3C Choice Leg of 4 Mutton I *TO (Our mutton la of a itpenor American Full lOn quality. Try It.) Cream Chaaaa lUw The above prices will prevail at the following markets: OLYMPIC MARKET. Second and Pike. SEATTLE MARKET, Occidental and Yesler Way. WESTLAKE MARKET. Weatlake and Pine. AMERICAN MEAT CO., Third and Jefferson. WESTERN MEAT CO.. Western Avenue and Spring. CASCADE MARKET. Lower Floor Weatlake Market. BALLARD MARKET. 5443 Ballard Avenue. Our Motto: "From Packing House to Consumer." Look for U. S. Purple Stamp. It signifies purity and quality. Shops Open Until 10 p. m. la created slmlllar to (ho port or school district, a distinct govern mental agency of Its own, with the power to Issue 20-year bonds. Will Help Settlers. Too The bill enables settlers already on longed off lands to develop their iMids with ureal facility, and also gives newcomers a chance to udopt agricultural life without large In LOCKED IK DOOM WITHOUT FOOO CHICAGO. Auk I!>. Three days without food. half naked and ahut In a filthy dark room with a de mented father. »u the experience of six children found by detective* in a tenement building On heailnit the children crying. the detective* forwl open the door and found l-awrenre Stort*. the father, In a demented Htate. The children neat tered about the floor were exhaust ed from lack of food The mother had been taken to a hospital. At a police station. where they were fed. the children said they had had noth Ing to eat for three daya NORTH VAKIMA.?The picking of hop* beiran In the Yakima valley yeaterday Sixty-four plckera ar rived from Seattle, FRECKLES Now It the Time to Get Rid of Theee Ugly Spot* There's no loniser the slightest need of feeling aahatned of yonr freckles, aa the prescription othln" -double strength?la guarantee*! to remove these homely spott Simply get an ounce of othlne- double strength?from Hartell Drug Co.. and apply a little of It night and morning and you should toon »ee that even the worat freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter »nee have van- ished entirely. It la seldom that more than an ounce la needed to completely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion, lie aure to aak for the double strength othlne aa this la sold un dor guarantee of money back If It falls to remove frecklea. Get Your Bradbury Suit On Credit fTTT HEN it come* to a question of YY clothes, you can make no mistake in selecting one of these Bradbury Sys- tem Suits. For years we have been catering to a discriminating public and have learned to know what the men and young men of Seattle The styles arc correct ?the materials are of the very best, and the workmanship through- out is just what you would expect to find in the inost expensively tailored garment. The prices, however, are more than reason- s2s and Up will buy any one of a dozen up-to-date mod- els, including the Norfolk, so much worn by young fellows, as well as the popular box back effects, of which we have sold an tin- New shipments are arriving almost daily, and no matter when you come, you will find something exclusive and out of the ordinary. On Credit I: Of Course We don't expect you to pay all cash when you select your suit?ju*t a small payment down will give you an open account with us?pay the balance a little ftch week or month, as you prefer. 1332-34 Second Ave., floor UnionSt THE DAY'S TOLL THE MARKETS THE STAK?FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1913. HOW YOU CAN GET BACK TO THE SOIL Logged-Off Land Bill Will Help the Homeseekers VMimmU Thua It In planned In maho thou nand* and (iinuiutnd* of acres of waat« In\u25a0 111h Into profitable amiciil- turul null. A committee from tl»»» Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce and the Bant Sldn Commercial Club plan* n campnlKn of edui at lon In be- half of the com 1 iik election. Flirting Hurts Eyes Says Optometrist SOt'TII HEND. Ind . Auk 2!> Flirting I* Injurious to the eye*, according to an Klkhnrt optometrist. An Klkhnrt young man suffered greatly with hi* eye*. Treatment* re*lilted fur untight until It wa* learned thnt th«< patient mude a practice of "eyeing" the pretty girl* "Too much wilt and fllnmy *klrt* and nllk *tocklng*. that * all the matter with you Oo homi< at 6 o'clock every night for a week and atay there," waa the doctor'* pre- Kcriptlon. The young man obeyed, with the result that he uo longer wear* gln»Ke» FIND DRUG DENS PARIS. Aug IS.?'The ordinance directed agnlnat the sale of opium, cocaine and other hahlt.forming drug*, went Into effect today. They were the result of ei|>o*ure* follow- ing an lnve*tiKntlon by the police department Into charge* that stu- denta of the l.atln quarter and re*|. dent* of the Monttnarte district have been running private drug dens. silver City, N. M.?M. H. Long- nlchle, F. W. Whitman and William Hyrd. of the Santa Hits mine, were killed by the eiploalon of a bla*t Wednesday night ? ? ? Anacortea.?Harry Lawrence, sus- t>ecte<l of twins a flah pirate, died yesterday of wound* received when he waa *hot by Xlghtwatchman Ruth. ? ? ? Olympla.?F. Wesenberge, aged ?10, 1* dead here of Injurte* received In a Hhelton logging camp. ? ? ? Ellen*burg,?Earl Coon, killed In a fall from in H P A 8, train, waa burled here yesterday. ? ? ? Tacoma.? Mr*. Ellolae V. Pierce, wife of Jo* hila Pierce, I* dead here at the age of 67 year*. COREY BACK ON JOB J J Corey of Seattle who ha* held the position of deputy state Inapecfor of coal mine* under the former Inspector D. C Hotting, hn* resumed hi* work with the I*. 8 bureau of mine* from which he h*d been furloughed for the pnst two yoam. I'rlrM paid i*ro«lttrrr« for fntll* and triflnblrai (Corrcctid dally by J W. Godwin * Co ) Apple*. local rooking 1 00 1 26 Hla< k berrlea .75 91 100 *ntaloup"* 100 O 160 pMtchtfl, wblt« 4" Penrbea. yellow SO « CO Plum* 78 1 00 Hpuda, ton II00 QSO 0O * in lon m . 01 % onion*. green .26 s«juu*h. Hubbard .... 02 CaMxige OS <4 -»2 4 Cucurnnar* 20 <fr 40 **ck i no Carrota 1 00 Celery «0 it <*>.'\u25ba Corn 1 26 Mead lettuce .20 KUdlihM .10 Prlcea paid prndurrr* for butter, ? KM*, poultry, %eal and pork i i Corrected 'tally by Perry Droi.) FUnrh butter ... 2S French ranch egg* .. .HI Mrollera. any *l*e ... ,1§ Urn*. over .1 lb* fat .14 AT .16 Men*, fat. 8 Iba. find under .12 |Old rooeter*. live ... .10 i I moka, old, live .10 Bpr In g duckling*. \Vhit*' Pekln* .14 Hprlng ducklfnga. col- ored .12 < lre*»\ fat .10 Turkeys, fat. live .22 Turkey*, old Torn#. fat, live 1* N<|tittb*, good 2 2r» (tulnca fowl. live. dr. 9 00 (»ld pigeons. Rood *lse, do* 1.60 Veal. fat kidney, fre*h 12 If .14 Veal, larger 09 $ .12 Pork. good block hOfl. fi» *h 10 <fji .1014, Pork, larger 06 <ir 09 TWO FINE OFFERS The Seattle Star ha* two excep- flonally flno iiremlum offer* which It la maklnK to 11®w *üb*crlher», or to old aubacrlber* who iund In their renewal subscriptions. One In tho latent parcel pout chart; which Rlvea full and complete data and information a* to the u*« of the parcel pout, Its ratea, etc. Thla chart Include* a map of tho atato of Washington and a map of tho thlud Stntfß The other offer a complete Durham aliavlng outfit, ronnl*tlnn of unfety rar.or, aeven guaranteed Made*, nickel-handled ahavliiK bruah and nhavliiK »oap. all racked Jn neat leatherette cane. Either the raap'or the raror I* eent absolutely free with a year* *üb- ?crlptfAn at tie rexular price of |3.20 per /ear to advauc* CLOSED MONDAY Labor Day Extra Speciali Tomorrow Fresh Creamery Mutter. 3 lbs fur fl.oo I'rimust ("lieese, Jib. Brick SOr MRS. COHR'S-Stall 204 Lower Floor Annex SATURDAY Mutton Chops, lb. 12 1 /jc Mutton Shoulders, lb. 7c Mutton Breast, lb. . .7c Mutton Chops, Ib.lOc Sirloin Steak, 1b... . 20c A head-on collision between a motorcycle ridden by Sidney Ultlefsen, 24. of 903 25th av? an<l an auto driven by A Kron. 1421 15th av? on Kaat fnlon *L. Thurs \u25a0lay, resulted In the Injury of the \u25a0 ?? ? * 1 ~ -I {. ji PWisi* I rTRADE AT THE r PUBLIC MARKET CENTER I?Pike Place Public Market Blb ClinAD 4#c ss- A " 0 »? v * 111 aB Thla la about 25 par L*"" 1 . I II II \u25a0 cheaper than the average Wh'i'u* \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 atore chargea or the tame I augar. Why pay more? Stull No. h>**li Halnion, tfO*' and |{Sf «-'»ch. Norway HcrrliiK, 5f each.. .37 GOLD DUST ißc °°^ y DU D 8 A T Y Watermelon*. !.%<», tMlf and 2ISf each . Ilrown 2<>H Thompaon'a Peanut Mutter, 2 lbs.. ' J Chicken Dinner, n,, d other *i>ecl*ls Mr*. I>e l*>nn ' SN *VvK f= A M flmall white, l>c«t quality. * lb«. a\V T or ev<ry (ln> 20 , 54 40 Cralmpples. 50f bo«; Hw.-ct Potatoes, 4 lbs.. ITtf If'- 1 Have you tried Kellry & Stevens' Home-Made Bread? "It Satisfies" BOOTH 130 (/j| PUBLIC MARKET E, C. ROLOFF 116?Main Floor?l2s l*rlrra Haturday full Una Of Drtad Fruit*, Mutt. Hon#y. Pia«h Fruit# and Va»rMaM*a Uold»ii 4 ! >>\u25a0 C Fard l>at*a t Iba Hwml I'ruftaa ft I!W* Funry n*w crop Comb Honay Hf inlsh and Jumbo I'ranuta. t !'? Uround Oirrrlaa. lb. .. i'lumi, I'rurwt and F«*ch»a for otnnlnf 7 Sanitary Public Market Corner Public Market Pike Place Public Market MOOD'S HOME-MADE CANDIES r ? I 40c Chocolate. Nut and Fruit Marshmallow Special i»af. 20* Peanut and Cocoantit Hrittlcs, lb 15^ Wrapped Cream Chews, 20^ 40c Chocolates, hand rolled, lb 25^ Ice Cream. Fruit and Nut Sundae* 10< HOOD S CANDY KITCHEN, 1509 Pike Place. Ml. V«ruol| J»r«e* Batter lb .15f EGGS i!JT h 35c Doz. linih«iri»r Chaea* lb 'JittC MT. VERNON BUTTER STORE isti I'IHK ri.Ac r. NEW RAINIER MEAT CO. 1527-1529 PIKE PLACE Old Public Market SPECIALS Eastern Hams, lb. . .22c Eastern Bacon, lb. .20c Pure Lard, lb 15c Lard Compound, lb.. . . 12K* Bacon Backs, 1b... ,20c Whole Salmon, freeh caught. 25c Boneleaa Smelte, 20c Lb. Tenderloin of Sola, 2 Ibe., 25c Philadelphia Fish Market. Stall 10. CARNATION MILK, per dozen 85c (With <1.00 Grocery Purchase) 4 lha. Coftnlene 55c 2 pkKB K»(K-f> f4ee 15r 1 doz Fruit Jars, qta AOf 1 doz. Fruit Jara, pt* 50t TOKIO TEA SIORE STALLS 24 AND 36 ROOT LEADS THEM ALL With Low-Priced Fancy Fruits 1516 Pike Placc ENTRANCE SANITARY MKT. Corner Public Market Sugar, 20 Lbs. $1.00 Hunnr M'-n«!*y *<>ap. 1 bar*. V*nry tUUaih* pkff Q? Tapi-.ra <>r 4 i a 25^ Haifa in ua lilbhon T*a, lb »'ur« 1-ard. I-|b ca.n %<\C Mai'iri Hall Fruit Jara, qt., dr Cottolana, 10-lb ran ? I.sft Ml. Vart» n Milk, per ra»* S3..lft With '»th*r tl 10 or«!er SUN GROCERY Stalls 104-112-114?Main Floor CARNATION MILK 3 BIG CANS 15* With 1 lb tic Coffw or Hulk Tea CONES GROCERY HTM. Mi ID-U Sharp Cream Cheese, lb 15c MORRIS WILLIAMS Wl WWT I'IKK HT. The Northwestern Poultry Co., Inc. SEE US IN OUR NEW HOME Live, Dressed and Breeding Stock. 530 PIclCC* Incubator* and Baby Chicks. J. Tom reeder, mgr. formerly in corner mkt. motorcyclist. He wa* taken to the I'rovldcnc.e hospital. painfully bruised. Tenants, buyers. sellers ?Stsr wants ads find them 111. An addreaa on Labor Day will be delivered by Joaeph Gilbert, editor of the Seattle Herald, Sunday, Augußt 31, S p. m. In Socialist I hall. 711 Olive at. IT MEANS MUCH To every man, to have his Suit or Overcoat made to FIT with lots of STYLE. It makes you look pros- perous, and gives you confidence in yourself, when your personal appearance has that mark of distinc- tion of being well dressed. It makes an impression on the man you come in contact with in the every- day business life. Suit or Overcoat Made to Measure $15 Suit or Overcoat Made to Measure FIFTEEN DOLLARS Will do this at the English Woolen Mill» Store*. You get the benefit of a ?killed and well organized staff of tailors and your choice of many hundred choice patterns to select from, and you save from $10 to $15 on your suit or overcoat. ? * ENGLISH WOOLEN MILLS THIRD AT SPRING TWO STORES 704 FIRST AVE. for the third tim« this year thieves stole a Ford auto owned by Dr. J. H. Knott. This time the , machine was stolen from In front of the Stander hotel.

Transcript of The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1913-08 ... › lccn › sn87093407 › ... ·...

Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1913-08 ... › lccn › sn87093407 › ... · practice of "eyeing" the pretty girl* "Too much wilt and fllnmy *klrt* and nllk *tocklng*.


I FreeExamination

The exceptionally low prices

listed below for our htgn grade

work >» *«> enable us to i«p

busr during the summermonths and only sool forthirty da} s.

»2k Go'd Crowns.. $5.50 to S5\u25a0rldgework . $3.50 to $6

Full Set of Teeth $VSO Up

Porcelain Crown (best) $J 50 Up

0«ld Fillings ? 1 Up

Silver Fillings We Up

n, Hr.l \«n r»l lib.

IstM In the < llr sn4 at the

t'hrapeat Peasifcle l*rlr«.

Vv p. Kiarllr «? Advertised.

U4r Atttstast,


Teeth Without Plates|S Work Ci«r«»tred IS Ve»r».

Ukorliw People's neat Ist*.

KFAINLBsSJ-opt* puiuk:

King county will probably be theflrat In the atate to take advantageof the Murphlne logged off land law,

paaaed by the last legislature.The county commlaalonera have

decided to hold a apeclal election,probably In December, when theport election la held, on the queatlonwhether a logged off land dlatrlctshall be formed.

At the same time three commis-sioner* are to be elected to servewithout pay. In case a favorablevote Is given by the i>eopl« for the

| creation of the district.Will Buy and Clear Land

These commissioners will bo empowered to Issue bonds, as approvedby the law. to acquire loggod-offlands In King county, which will bethe boundaries of the district.

Two limitations are placed uponthe purchase of such lands: First,the price shall not exceed $20 peracre where more than 20 acres Ispurchased from one Individual orfirm. Second, where the cotlimlssloners feel Justified In paying morethan $'.'0 per acre, they are limitedto purchasing only 20 acres fromany one Individual or firm. A fur(her limitation of $100 per acre Isplaced for the cost of clearing.

Murphlne Drafts BillThe aubject of longed-off land de

velopment was one of the most lml>ortant before the last legislature

Several bills were Introduced, andfinally Representative leader of the house, wasplaced at the head of a committeewhich drafter a bill that Includedthe best features In all the variouspro posit lons.

By the terma of thla bill a district

How the Logged-Off Land Lnw WorksJohn Smith wants to get buck to the almple life. He haa

been a bookkeeper, let ua any, or a teamster, or hod carrier,

these many years, or maybe he la one of the new Immigrantswho will come here In thouaanda when the Panama canal la

opened.Smith la not overburdened with money. So he apptiee to

the commlaalonera of the logtifd off land dlatrlct. Under theirdirection, the dlatrlct haa acquired and cleared a number of

tracta.If Smith la a married man, and haa a family, he will be

given preference over an unmarried man.The commlaalon will aell him a tract of land?the amalleat

urea practicable?on the Inatallment plan, It will charge himthe coat of the land and the coat of clearing, with 5 per cent

Intereat.He will be given 20 yeara In which to complete the pay-

menta.The Intereat charged him la only 1 j per cent more than

the dlatrlct paya on the bonda to carry on the logged off landImprovements. Thia 1 j per cent will take care of admlnlstratlon coata. The commlaalonera receive no salary.

Summed up. It meant that the dlatrlct practically loana themoney to the aettler, which muat be repaid In Inatallmenta for20 yeara. Title to the land remalna In the dlatrlct until all theInatallmenta are paid up.

Meat Prices Cutfor Saturday

The Middleman Eliminatedat

Frye & Co.'s MarketsThe following big special* will be offered to-

morrow, Saturday:

Fancy Fresh Dressed Hens, per lb. ........ 22c IChoice Steer 10m Choice Steer Boiling If). IPet Roaat I&C Beef lUC IRib and Loin Mutton 4C« IChope IvU Choice Steer «C.. \u25a0 \u25a0 j . Shoulder Steak I3CChoice Leg of 4Mutton I *TO

(Our mutton la of a itpenor American Full lOnquality. Try It.) Cream Chaaaa lUw

The above prices will prevail at the following markets:

OLYMPIC MARKET. Second and Pike.SEATTLE MARKET, Occidental and Yesler Way.WESTLAKE MARKET. Weatlake and Pine.AMERICAN MEAT CO., Third and Jefferson.WESTERN MEAT CO.. Western Avenue and Spring.CASCADE MARKET. Lower Floor Weatlake Market.BALLARD MARKET. 5443 Ballard Avenue.

Our Motto: "From Packing House to Consumer."

Look for U. S. Purple Stamp. It signifies purity andquality. Shops Open Until 10 p. m.

la created slmlllar to (ho port orschool district, a distinct governmental agency of Its own, with thepower to Issue 20-year bonds.

Will Help Settlers. TooThe bill enables settlers already

on longed off lands to develop their

iMids with ureal facility, and alsogives newcomers a chance to udoptagricultural life without large In


without food. half naked and ahutIn a filthy dark room with a demented father. »u the experienceof six children found by detective*in a tenement building On heailnit

the children crying. the detective*forwl open the door and foundl-awrenre Stort*. the father, In ademented Htate. The children neattered about the floor were exhausted from lack of food The motherhad been taken to a hospital. At apolice station. where they were fed.the children said they had had nothIng to eat for three daya

NORTH VAKIMA.?The pickingof hop* beiran In the Yakima valleyyeaterday Sixty-four plckera arrived from Seattle,

FRECKLESNow It the Time to Get Rid of

Theee Ugly Spot*

There's no loniser the slightestneed of feeling aahatned of yonrfreckles, aa the prescription othln"

-double strength?la guarantee*!to remove these homely spott

Simply get an ounce of othlne-double strength?from HartellDrug Co.. and apply a little of Itnight and morning and you shouldtoon »ee that even the woratfreckles have begun to disappear,while the lighter »nee have van-ished entirely. It la seldom thatmore than an ounce la needed tocompletely clear the akin and gain

a beautiful clear complexion,lie aure to aak for the double

strength othlne aa this la sold undor guarantee of money back If Itfalls to remove frecklea.

Get YourBradbury Suit

On Credit

fTTTHEN it come* to a question of

YY clothes, you can make no mistake inselecting one of these Bradbury Sys-

tem Suits. For years we have been cateringto a discriminating public and have learned toknow what the men and young men of Seattle

The styles arc correct ?the materials are ofthe very best, and the workmanship through-out is just what you would expect to find inthe inost expensively tailored garment.

The prices, however, are more than reason-

s2s and Upwill buy any one of a dozen up-to-date mod-

els, including the Norfolk, so much worn by

young fellows, as well as the popular box

back effects, of which we have sold an tin-

New shipments are arriving almost daily,and no matter when you come, you will findsomething exclusive and out of the ordinary.

On CreditI: Of Course

We don't expect you to pay all cash when you select your suit?ju*t a small

payment down will give you an open account with us?pay the balance a little

ftch week or month, as you prefer.

1332-34 Second Ave., floor UnionSt




HOW YOU CAN GET BACK TO THE SOILLogged-Off Land Bill Will Help the Homeseekers

VMimmUThua It In planned In maho thou

nand* and (iinuiutnd* of acres ofwaat« In\u25a0 111h Into profitable amiciil-turul null.

A committee from tl»»» CommercialClub, Chamber of Commerce andthe Bant Sldn Commercial Clubplan* n campnlKn of edui at lon In be-half of the com 1iik election.

Flirting Hurts EyesSays Optometrist

SOt'TII HEND. Ind . Auk 2!>Flirting I* Injurious to the eye*,according to an Klkhnrt optometrist.An Klkhnrt young man sufferedgreatly with hi* eye*. Treatment*re*lilted fur untight until It wa*learned thnt th«< patient mude apractice of "eyeing" the pretty girl*"Too much wilt and fllnmy *klrt*and nllk *tocklng*. that * all thematter with you Oo homi< at 6o'clock every night for a week andatay there," waa the doctor'* pre-Kcriptlon. The young man obeyed,with the result that he uo longerwear* gln»Ke»

FIND DRUG DENSPARIS. Aug IS.?'The ordinance

directed agnlnat the sale of opium,cocaine and other hahlt.formingdrug*, went Into effect today. Theywere the result of ei|>o*ure* follow-ing an lnve*tiKntlon by the policedepartment Into charge* that stu-denta of the l.atln quarter and re*|.

dent* of the Monttnarte districthave been running private drugdens.

silver City, N. M.?M. H. Long-nlchle, F. W. Whitman and WilliamHyrd. of the Santa Hits mine, werekilled by the eiploalon of a bla*tWednesday night

? ? ?

Anacortea.?Harry Lawrence, sus-t>ecte<l of twins a flah pirate, diedyesterday of wound* received whenhe waa *hot by XlghtwatchmanRuth.

? ? ?

Olympla.?F. Wesenberge, aged?10, 1* dead here of Injurte* receivedIn a Hhelton logging camp.

? ? ?

Ellen*burg,?Earl Coon, killed Ina fall from in H P A 8, train,waa burled here yesterday.

? ? ?

Tacoma.? Mr*. Ellolae V. Pierce,wife of Jo* hila Pierce, I* dead hereat the age of 67 year*.

COREY BACK ON JOBJ J Corey of Seattle who ha*

held the position of deputy stateInapecfor of coal mine* under theformer Inspector D. C Hotting, hn*resumed hi* work with the I*. 8bureau of mine* from which he h*dbeen furloughed for the pnst twoyoam.

I'rlrM paid i*ro«lttrrr« for fntll*and triflnblrai

(Corrcctid dally by J W. Godwin* Co )

Apple*. local rooking 1 00 1 26Hla< k berrlea .75 91 100*ntaloup"* 100 O 160pMtchtfl, wblt« 4"Penrbea. yellow SO « COPlum* 78 1 00Hpuda, ton II00 QSO 0O

* in lon m . 01 %onion*. green .26s«juu*h. Hubbard .... 02CaMxige OS <4 -»2 4Cucurnnar* 20 <fr 40

**ck i noCarrota 1 00Celery «0 it <*>.'\u25baCorn 1 26Mead lettuce .20KUdlihM .10

Prlcea paid prndurrr* for butter,? KM*, poultry, %eal and pork i

i Corrected 'tally by Perry Droi.)FUnrh butter ... 2SFrench ranch egg* .. .HIMrollera. any *l*e ...

,1§Urn*. over .1 lb* fat .14 AT .16Men*, fat. 8 Iba. find

under .12|Old rooeter*. live ... .10i I moka, old, live .10Bpr In g duckling*.

\Vhit*' Pekln* .14Hprlng ducklfnga. col-

ored .12< lre*»\ fat .10Turkeys, fat. live .22Turkey*, old Torn#.

fat, live 1*N<|tittb*, good 2 2r»(tulnca fowl. live. dr. 9 00(»ld pigeons. Rood

*lse, do* 1.60Veal. fat kidney,

fre*h 12 If .14Veal, larger 09 $ .12Pork. good block

hOfl. fi» *h 10 <fji .1014,Pork, larger 06 <ir 09

TWO FINE OFFERSThe Seattle Star ha* two excep-

flonally flno iiremlum offer* which

It la maklnK to 11®w *üb*crlher», or

to old aubacrlber* who iund Intheir renewal subscriptions. One

In tho latent parcel pout chart;which Rlvea full and complete dataand information a* to the u*« of theparcel pout, Its ratea, etc. Thlachart Include* a map of tho atato

of Washington and a map of thothlud Stntfß The other offer l«

a complete Durham aliavlng outfit,

ronnl*tlnn of unfety rar.or, aevenguaranteed Made*, nickel-handledahavliiK bruah and nhavliiK »oap. allracked Jn neat leatherette cane.Either the raap'or the raror I* eentabsolutely free with a year* *üb-?crlptfAn at tie rexular price of|3.20 per /ear to advauc*




Fresh Creamery Mutter. 3lbs fur fl.ooI'rimust ("lieese, Jib. Brick

SOrMRS. COHR'S-Stall 204

Lower Floor Annex

SATURDAYMutton Chops, lb. 12 1/jc

Mutton Shoulders, lb. 7c

Mutton Breast, lb. . .7cMutton Chops, Ib.lOcSirloin Steak, 1b... . 20c

A head-on collision between amotorcycle ridden by SidneyUltlefsen, 24. of 903 25th av? an<lan auto driven by A Kron. 142115th av? on Kaat fnlon *L. Thurs

\u25a0lay, resulted In the Injury of the

\u25a0?? ?

* 1~


{. jiPWisi* I rTRADE AT THE

r PUBLIC MARKET CENTERI?Pike Place Public Market

BlbClinAD4#c ss- A"0»? v* 111 aB Thla la about 25 par

L*""1. I II II \u25a0 cheaper than the average

Wh'i'u* \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 atore chargea or the tame Iaugar. Why pay more?

Stull No.

h>**li Halnion, tfO*' and |{Sf «-'»ch. Norway HcrrliiK, 5f each.. .37

GOLD DUST ißc °°^yDU


Watermelon*. !.%<», tMlf and 2ISf each . Ilrown 2<>HThompaon'a Peanut Mutter, 2 lbs.. ' JChicken Dinner, n,, d other *i>ecl*ls Mr*. I>e l*>nn '

SN *VvKf= A M flmall white, l>c«t quality. * lb«.a\V T or ev<ry (ln> 20 , 54 40

Cralmpples. 50f bo«; Hw.-ct Potatoes, 4 lbs.. ITtf If'- 1

Have you tried

Kellry &




"It Satisfies"



E, C. ROLOFF116?Main Floor?l2s

l*rlrra Haturday

full Una Of Drtad Fruit*, Mutt.Hon#y. Pia«h Fruit# and Va»rMaM*a

Uold»ii 4 ! >>\u25a0 CFard l>at*a t IbaHwml I'ruftaa ft I!W*Funry n*w crop Comb Honay

Hf inlsh and Jumbo I'ranuta. t !'?

Uround Oirrrlaa. lb. . .

i'lumi, I'rurwt and F«*ch»a forotnnlnf


SanitaryPublic Market

CornerPublic Market

Pike PlacePublic Market


r ? I 40c Chocolate. Nut and Fruit MarshmallowSpecial i»af. 20*Peanut and Cocoantit Hrittlcs, lb 15^Wrapped Cream Chews, 20^40c Chocolates, hand rolled, lb 25^Ice Cream. Fruit and Nut Sundae* 10<

HOOD S CANDY KITCHEN, 1509 Pike Place.

Ml. V«ruol| J»r«e* Batter lb .15f

EGGS i!JT h 35c Doz.linih«iri»r Chaea* lb 'JittC


isti I'IHK ri.Ac r.


Old Public Market

SPECIALSEastern Hams, lb. . .22cEastern Bacon, lb. .20cPure Lard, lb 15cLard Compound, lb.. .


12K*Bacon Backs, 1b... ,20c

Whole Salmon,

freeh caught.


20c Lb.Tenderloin of

Sola, 2 Ibe.,

25cPhiladelphiaFish Market.

Stall 10.

CARNATION MILK,per dozen 85c(With <1.00 Grocery Purchase)

4 lha. Coftnlene 55c2 pkKB K»(K-f> f4ee 15r1 doz Fruit Jars, qta AOf1 doz. Fruit Jara, pt* 50t



With Low-Priced Fancy Fruits1516 Pike Placc


Corner Public Market

Sugar, 20 Lbs. $1.00Hunnr M'-n«!*y *<>ap. 1 bar*.V*nry tUUaih* pkff Q?Tapi-.ra <>r 4 i a 25^Haifa in ua lilbhon T*a, lb»'ur« 1-ard. I-|b ca.n %<\CMai'iri Hall Fruit Jara, qt., drCottolana, 10-lb ran ? I.sftMl. Vart» n Milk, per ra»* S3..lft

With '»th*r tl 10 or«!er

SUN GROCERYStalls 104-112-114?Main Floor


With 1 lb tic Coffw or Hulk Tea


Sharp Cream Cheese,lb 15cMORRIS WILLIAMS


The Northwestern Poultry Co., Inc. SEE US IN OUR NEW HOMELive, Dressed and Breeding Stock. 530 PIclCC*

Incubator* and Baby Chicks. J. Tom reeder, mgr. formerly in corner mkt.

motorcyclist. He wa* taken to theI'rovldcnc.e hospital. painfullybruised.

Tenants, buyers. sellers ?Stsrwants ads find them 111.

An addreaa on Labor Day will be

delivered by Joaeph Gilbert, editorof the Seattle Herald, Sunday,Augußt 31, S p. m. In Socialist

I hall. 711 Olive at.

IT MEANS MUCHTo every man, to have his Suit or Overcoat made toFIT with lots of STYLE. It makes you look pros-perous, and gives you confidence in yourself, whenyour personal appearance has that mark of distinc-

tion of being well dressed.

It makes an impression on the man you come in contact with in the every-

day business life.


OvercoatMade to Measure $15


OvercoatMade to Measure

FIFTEEN DOLLARSWill do this at the English Woolen Mill» Store*. You get the benefit of a

?killed and well organized staff of tailors and your choice of many hundredchoice patterns to select from, and you save from $10 to $15 on your suitor overcoat.

? *


for the third tim« this yearthieves stole a Ford auto owned byDr. J. H. Knott. This time the

, machine was stolen from In frontof the Stander hotel.