Values for the Yatra JUNE 2012

Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter June 2012 Values Values Values  for the  for the  for the Yatra Yatra Yatra VALUE of ALIGNING FOCUS As the New Scholastic Year 2012-13 begins, the Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC) would like to focus its first issue of ‘ Values for the Yatra’ on this all important Value ‘ALIGNING FOCUS, CAPABILITY and WILL’ in order to get back to the right track. The NEWS these days is quite shocking to those who have a conscience. But to those whose Values are not aligned with Inner Conscience, nothing will ever disturb them. The news of Dr. Sudam Munde’s abortion clinic in Beed, who openly revealed in 2010 that he was aborting female feotesus and feeding them to his five dogs to avoid the hassle of disposing the bodies can be very shocking. Read the statistics for Maharashtra alone, the number can be horrific. Unethical medical professionals involved in foetal determination and sex selective abortion runs in a 1,000 crores i ndustry! Dr. Munde’s clinic still runs! Recently, NDTV highlighted the plight of thousands of malnutrition children along Maharashtra’s tribal belt. Beneficiaries of the Governments’ Integrated Child Development Services (ICDP), they have their food supplements siphoned off to feed chickens! Middleman Yashwant Thakre, caught in this scam, is only a small face in a wider connivance with Government officials. When we diverge from our ‘inner voice’, our Values become no more significant ideals and then, even the most deplorable acts and scams become an everyday ‘chalta hai’ norm. If we are not careful, at the start of our New Scholastic Year, in clarifying the Values that the Institution stands for and protects, we run the danger of back-sliding, degeneration and heading to ruin. Every Teacher, Student, Parent, and non teaching staff must align to the Values that the institution stands for. Let the Vision Statement, the Mission Statement of the Institution be made simple, clear and understandable for all. Everyone on board needs to own the Vision and Mission of the institute. Let it be displaye d in every staffr oom, classroom, corridor. Let your school assemblies and other important school extra-curricular programs be an occasion to remind all of these Values. We need to see and hear them daily in order to keep them and commit ourselves to them. AVEC wishes all the Institutions affiliated to the ABE a very fruitful and Value based scholastic year ahead. T he school is known by the Values it treasures and defends. Begin now to make a U-Turn and to realign one’s values with those of the institution. With you on the Valued Path to make our Institutions Diamond Valued Environments and our Students Diamonds too! Fr. Glenford Lowe

Transcript of Values for the Yatra JUNE 2012

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