V THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE Ht L 1J Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x4s3w/data/0065.pdf · 15 day of February...

y V THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE v Ht k Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky j Entered as ge J6fulClnss Matter Feb nf1r10tb lOOt ntitbo PontoNlco nt Haibourvllie Ky under Act of onjrrojss of March 3rd IBiD O WILL CLARKIIND PUBLISHER Jt Subscription Rates 100 per year in advance fo Everybody The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox Connly i Tjho Only tfawapapor Published in Jffnox County REPUBLICAN N01MNRES For November Election J9051 For County Judge Vlom D 8nml on1 Attorney W H Lay S 015rk C f math Sheriff Dun H WiltfuniF Jnllor 0 2C lluvlmniin Suptof Schools Ben K Tinker Assessor OII Huminony Surveyor W F Wostorllolil Coroner Hi nun Yonrjv FIRST DISTRICT For Magistrate Alex M Smith Constable T M Hlchnrdson SECOND DISTIUCT For Magistrate W II Burch Constable C It Iiuimm HIS INAUGURAL ADDRESS In his inaugural address as he hns done in more important thingsPrcf ident Roosevelt has shown himself a record breaker In a few words wellchosen and not a word amiss I he addressed the thousands of his fellow citizens on the occasion of his inauguration the briefest of all in augural addresses yet comprising f all that was necessary and proper The keynote was fidelity to duty awl an appeal to the American pub r lie to appreciate the fact that wIth i1 > growth of territory population trade and commerce new obligations 1 had been imposed and new duties to- t be faithfully done had arisen fV II Characteristic expressions tetst v and full of meaning were not want S S ing in the inaugural When Presi r > dent Roosevelt laid it down as an y axiom that Toward all nations x > large and small our attitude must f be one of cordial and sincere friend- ship i he gave recognition to the fact tthnt the obligations of honer fair dealing and honesty are as bindi- ngiour nations as on the indiviual com il ppsing them and that as men are ad f judged sp will nations be judged as they adhere to or depart from high f standards When he said that the T American people were the heirs of- t the ages yet had to pay few of the penalties which in old countries are IF4 exacted by the dead hand ofn bv if gone civilization he illustrated the 1L youthful bud the giant strength of- f the Republic working out not only ffits own destinies with a freehand Ottbut extending its hand to the peo v pies of the world and leading them 4 into apprecation of the blessings goerningk none but fearing none was thoroughly char Itnttncking of the man and President know that the whole looking to his administra- tion r of the affairs of the United p States domestiVand foreign in the fullest confidence that which he does will be done with one object only in view the good of the whole country and the advancement of the interests of the wholc people He assumes the duties of Ins high office on the 11of the people ex ¬ pressed in the most emphatic man- ner ¬ possible With a large majority of the popular vote and the Electoral I votes he is in fact ind indeed the President of the whole people and i r as such the whole people look to him and upon him GOVERNOR J Frank Hanley the dewly elected Governpr of the State of Indiana has set a new mark in the matter of appointments to office bi declaringtl1nt no man who drinks intoxicants even though he does not drunk will not receive n pointment under his Administra ¬ tin His policy was announced when a personal friend called aotl suggested the name of a well known party man or apli tment I II ld like to appoint your 4r J the Gdvenor and n d or km t lZiltotlocrits it to THIUD DISTRICT For Magistrate W M Miller Constable Sim Shusher FOUUTII DISTRICT Magistrate John W Mcsser Constable lUtiKhntn FIFTH DISTRICT For Magistrate T O Mammons to Constable Smith SIXTH DISTRICT For Magistrate M A Vldnor Constable Samblos SER TH DISTRICT For Magistrate E P MoKcenn Const obi o Hose EIGHT DISTRICT KorMnglstnitc Isnlmm Luwson Constable A J Hull do work if he did his best but rail roads and other large business enter- prises have of late years ruled against drinking men in their employ That is good policy and as long as I am Govenor of the State tin same policy shall be pursued in its business I am sorry to disappoint you but that will have to be my decision NEWSPAPERS are published in 151 towns in Kentucky There fire llfl county scats but a newspaper is published is only 1C 2 of them lean- ing 17 county seats without news- papers ¬ There are 30 dailies one triwcekly 17 semimonthlies 24 monthlies and 3 quarterlies making in all 314 publications in the State Mayfield Messenger NOTICE First Meeting of Creditors In th District Court of the United States for the District of Kentucky in Bankruptcy In the matter of D D ISAM j Iii Bankruptcy Bankrupt To the creditors ofL DIsam of Josie in Letcher county and District aforesaid a bankrupt Notice is hereby given that on the 15 day of February 1905 the said D D Isam was duly adjudged hank ¬ rupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will he held at Barbour ville Ky in the city of Barbourville on the 18th day of March 1905 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day at which time the saidcreditors may attend prove their claims ap- point ¬ a trustee examine the bank ¬ rupt and transact such other husi ness as may properly conic before said meeting This March 6th 190- 5WWTINSLEy iIReferee in Bankruptcy D D FiauS Sos Attys The West Southwest and California Best reached via Missouri Pacific Ry or Iron Mountain Oneway olonist rates on February 21 March 21 1905 to Arkansas Texas In 3ian and Oklahoma Territories and numerous points in other Western States Great opportunity for the nvestoror homeseeker Homeseek er round trip tickets on sale every Irst and third Tuesdays of each month limited twentyone days L ands are cheap rates are ItJrf CIeap round trip rates now in ef ect to winter resorts of the West aid Southwest Liberal limits and stopover privileges Daily through standard Pullman sleepers from St louis via Missouri Pacific Ryor hon Mountain Route nt o1frson Lily conducted tourist sleepers Tues lays Thursdays and Saturdays to California without change Do eript ivc literature map folders etc fern shed free For particulars rates etc consult nearest Ticket ngrnt or iddressR T G Matthews T P A Room 301 Norton Bldg Louisville Kentucky Subscribe now for the MountainAdYooate 25qA COPY I THC ArIERncAly MONTHLY REVIEWOF REVIEWS The more Mnefagines there are the more Indispensable is Ths Review of Reviews Indispensable The one matfasine I fcrl I trust take The world under a ficlJttbss An education in public affairs and current literature these tre some of the one hears from noted people who read ths Review of Rcvicwi The more magazines there are the more necessary is the Review of Reviews because it bring together the best that is in all the moil of the vovd Such is the flood of periodical literature that nowadays people ny that ihe only why to up with it is to read the Review of Renrv Frlirely cur and above this review- ing ¬ section it has More orii final malt r and ens Ibm molt magazine and the most timely and important articles printed in ty rntlily Probably the moil useful section of al b A uf 1ows illustrated Prog- ress ¬ of the Vorld wheretiblic event I and MUJS r re O ihoritativelyand luridly explained in every 1an111 suwcribV in 71ii department clone is wort more than the prc of the magazine hC uri1c cartoon department depicting current hilt ry in caricature is another favorte The Review oi Reviews covers live continents and yet is American firs and foremoft Men in public life the member of Centres proftSsiollrimen and the great captains of in uflry who must keep men and women oil ovr America have decided that it is indispensrble fJIiT THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY 13 Astor Place New York 1 m u H A BUSINESS EDUCATION BOOLEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING 2501 absolutely necessary tc yoinwiiinn oryounit wo who would win success In life This boliiB conceded It is of 111t Inipprtiinco to Bet your t rnlniiiR nt tho scliool tlmt stiinds In the vory front riuil THE BRYANT sF STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE M E Cor Second and Walnut Sts LOUISVILLE KY Seven experienced teachers unch one specialist In his line Write for n bountiful book giving testimonials from Krnduiites oc eupyliK prominent positions nil over time United States It will hl mailed to you FREE School open all year students can enter at any time E J WRIGHT Pre H u rtI rFREB T SUB s i BRsl Q I IO GREAT 1905 OFFER We have purchased a number of annual subscrip ¬ to the Southern Agriculturist and as long as we will give one Free Ot Charge to every altions who in udvanne pays for the MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE theyI you are in arrears pay up NOW and get this If you are not already a subscriber 01If at once ERN before AGRICULTURIST this great offer is with valI B Is published at Nashville Tenn It is issued 24 times aZ year and the subscription price is 50 cents It is edited by I Southern men who know the needs of Southern farmers Every issUe is like a big experience meeting the farmers questions being answered by such men as 111 ljd J Key formerly Assistant Commissioner of Alabama and Prof Andrew 1f Soule 11hOmaS Virginia Experiment Station ofAgI Home Department is conduct by Aunt whomall readers soon learn to love WE OFFER 150 IN VA UE FOR I 100I But you must hurry This proposition will open indefinitely Address or call on the Le Mountain Advocate J J3arlaottrr tll 15eii11c13y Q One Horse Hoosier Corn Drill WITH FERTILIZER ATTACHMENT Double your yield of corn by drilling and fertilizing your land So simple that a boy can operate it I Give me your order now and have your drill ready to plant your corn crop I also have a car load of Homestead Fertilizer that 1 am selling at a very reason ble price The best that is In deCaU o- nDAVISrvzs > r l i I l I St 01Jeii Yj ii u 2 i i I L 1t lam Local Time Card j TOST EFFECT APRIL 1 19Oi 1 1NoHI i 1J Truing do not stop nt Station whuro no limo Is shown 1t il5n m 822 p my Corblii in20oin Ihsopiii 3liv m 824 p in CJrnyg ioor n m li07pifr r 120 p in Kuwnuol III Wn in 350 n in UOOp m llarbourvlllo 1157 n m 10is p IIJ DIM am 410 pm Artomus 4 0iflnin 1085 Inz 409iitn 421 p in Fiat Lick untiniii 1025 pm 421 n in iW p in Ilnuvlllo 8fi8a m 1010 pIl I y 420nui liip in Wasloto 851 n in 1000 pm 155 p in Fur dull 841 n nt 4r 11111 0 lip MlclJolsboro M 825 am L 010 p m HELP 1 I 7 Wo must have help at onco to open up our wonderful bodies of Copper ire I Have Spent Every Cent of My Own Money j in organizing this COlupunf and securing tho 82 claims it owns 100000 shares of stork sold nt 05 cents a share palg value 1000 > Will do this ¬ velopment workI 100 Shars Will Cost You I Only 6500 You can pity for It at 500 per month nod it nay bo wortht 6500 In Three Yearsr Jinny copper properties have shown oven greater Inorousos If you desire further milt fullI information its now Up To You Ad 1rllsI J The Monte Crjsto Conservative I Mining i PresI J W Stonehouse Douglas Arizona 3Ir Storehouse Is not a br6ker or promoter just an Arizona mai- ming ¬ I man wit I a good proposition for small investors ia SEED CORN x Those desiringto secure of the finest seed corn ever plantI ed in Knox county can get it at this office while it lusts at live cents per ear This is the corn j that was exhibited for tho prixes in the recent coo e and nil dgujjtedly file finesrin the coun ¬ ty Call early as it will not last I long i A Guaranteed Cure for Plies Itching Blind Bleodingor Protrud- Ing Piles Druggists rofund money If I AHO oiATMHNT falls to euro any ease no matter of how in to4 clays First application glvsoaso and rest r 0 cents If your druggist hasnt it send 50 touts in stamps and it will bo fownnlod post ¬ paid by Paris Mcdloino Co St Louis Mo SPECIAL LOW RATES To all points In Montana Idaho Washington Oregon anti British Columbia March 1st to May loth 1103 Round hi HomoHookors tick ¬ ets on special rays Write at once for information and maps to Ira F Schwegel Traveling Agent Wisconsin Central Roll +vayt 407 Traction Bldg Cincinnati O OUR CLUBBING OFFER I I b special arrangements with the publishers we nrq enabled to quote the following club prices with the 1 MOUNTAIN AUVOCATK Wewill senrl the ADVOCATE weekly and Louisville Herald daily 1dn350Hea- rlrl daily and Sunday 400 Herald weekly 130 Courier Journal weekly 150 CourierJournal daily 040 CpurierJoufnal daily Sun 820 New York Tribune Pnrmer 125 C IrmCl111n bunc weekly t 150 LexingFoiiLerul r weekly 150 If you are a subscriber to the An VOCATI ancf want to ral < c advan ¬ tage ofthis offer sendus your money timid we will extend the time I of your subscription one year more i send you any of the papers in the j j Take advantngc of this remark ably low rate while it lusts 1 Make all 6rders payable to DW CLARK and send all ordersSto MOUNTAIN ADOCATE Darboufville lj Kent it iIj 1ff11 > t r r No2I No80 DullY a mh I the Frankfort and Cincinnati Railway Company The Midland Route c TIME CARD M AM Daily except AM PM 5 No HI mo Kif I OOIIIiJO Iv rn lkfortArlU251712QiJt Oonnocts nt PAIUS iiiul FUANKFOHT Union Depots wltlrli S N Gco B harper Saml E Mutton < Gen tupt GP A 11r 1if rtOR s y With a view of moving to nay f I have decided to soil riiy stock of general merchandise consisting of about 1000 in dry fr notions shoes hats grot ceries and hardware will sel1mil cost Terms cash or on easy in I stallments stock is new quid vV 1dwelling merchandise business I willi give control of the postoflice which pays about 25 quarterlyi K Call on or address J 4i TitOMAS IIU1DAiLD < < se Kentucky vir 1Scalf I 8 r 1 Letters from Europe t t Will 38 lieaJinj RItrtf lie Cour1erJourila1During TiI Timbre will be ninny other attrac ¬ f tive departments all going to make ° tj complete newspaper AJI J ijr a I- j Daily CourierJournal one year and Sunday oneyear il Weekly one year t a y COMPANY 1 ELOUISVILLE By n spocial arrangement you can i got thu i 1 Mountain Advocate < + told tho 4 7 ItfaoJcly Courier journal r Both one year tot onlyc I J5OI This is for lash siibscrlptlons olii5mt A11 subscriptions undor tills com ¬ f bination otter must busont through tl Una Jtdvocato Offcos ji- t How To MAKE MONEY Agents should at ogee write forrye terms to Marsh Mfg Co 533W LolicSt Chicago and owlor snin plo box cor Valuing v IlCuke hnvliiK Soai v Jflbr1 1 Cnko Kotnity Com 1110 < IIn Soup 25 ° a I Cake 811111 2i 1 rake IMnu Tup ollll j 05 7 I Cake Witch Hnxol Soap I Cuko Almond Jloul snap Y5F I 1 Cake 111l1l18h CustlloSoap J15 y N dIIOO- Nlno out of ton families culled on k order More Is a 5 to 10 per r city Sample ox25 cents 5IM5 Nnniu this patter when YOU wrUO1f 7l TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY f J 4 iK1 TuRo LA ATIVM BKOSIO QUINIXJ Tablets All druggists refund th money if it iall to cure Jg W44 t Groves signature is nn ouch box 2jj J cents W ANTRDQulckly few persons to roprtg scat loiiKostnbllshoil wliolosaloliousoninonK Lottil territory feweountlesl8snpmryandruponsospoldt tmlsllioll Huslnuis sucetissful Prwvlous oxporloncy i not ojiMimtlal Enclose HOlt en v velop AllUrUilS SUIKIIK JNTDRNT PaM KLKUS K5 Dearborn Ht Oblcngo I1UNTIRS Learn to Trap Fox Coon tnil Mink Fur thonsantl faxes nlreoctx trapped with mv nmet hail moke SiMf1 10 f duilv I teach you how to tea r land snpw and water Writiejrcr terms enclosing stamp to FRAN B m n > lf IYARTZ St s Im cngo 111i M 1r k

Transcript of V THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE Ht L 1J Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x4s3w/data/0065.pdf · 15 day of February...

Page 1: V THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE Ht L 1J Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x4s3w/data/0065.pdf · 15 day of February 1905 the said D D Isam was duly adjudged hank ¬ rupt and that the first meeting



Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentuckyj

Entered as ge J6fulClnss Matter Feb nf1r10tb lOOt ntitbo PontoNlco nt Haibourvllie Ky

under Act of onjrrojss of March 3rd IBiD


Jt Subscription Rates 100 per year in advance fo Everybody

The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox Connly

i Tjho Only tfawapapor Published in Jffnox County


For November Election J9051For County Judge Vlom D 8nml on1

Attorney W H Lay

S 015rk C f math

Sheriff Dun H WiltfuniF

Jnllor 0 2C lluvlmniinSuptof Schools Ben K TinkerAssessor OII HuminonySurveyor W F WostorllolilCoroner Hi nun Yonrjv


For Magistrate Alex M SmithConstable T M Hlchnrdson

SECOND DISTIUCTFor Magistrate W II Burch

Constable C It Iiuimm


In his inaugural address as he hnsdone in more important thingsPrcfident Roosevelt has shown himself

a record breaker In a few wordswellchosen and not a word amiss

I he addressed the thousands of his

fellow citizens on the occasion of his

inauguration the briefest of all in

augural addresses yet comprising

fall that was necessary and properThe keynote was fidelity to dutyawl an appeal to the American pub

r lie to appreciate the fact that wIth

i1 > growth of territory populationtrade and commerce new obligations

1 had been imposed and new duties to-t

be faithfully done had arisenfV

II Characteristic expressions tetst

v and full of meaning were not wantS S ing in the inaugural When Presi

r> dent Roosevelt laid it down as any axiom that Toward all nations

x > large and small our attitude mustf be one of cordial and sincere friend-

shipi he gave recognition to the fact

tthnt the obligations of honer fairdealing and honesty are as bindi-

ngiour nations as on the indiviual com

il ppsing them and that as men are ad

f judged sp will nations be judged asthey adhere to or depart from high

f standards When he said that theT American people were the heirs of-

t the ages yet had to pay few of thepenalties which in old countries are

IF4 exacted by the dead hand ofn bvif gone civilization he illustrated the1 L youthful bud the giant strength of-

f the Republic working out not only

ffits own destinies with a freehandOttbut extending its hand to the peo

v pies of the world and leading them

4 into apprecation of the blessingsgoerningknone but fearing none

was thoroughly charItnttncking of the man and President

know that the wholelooking to his administra-

tionr of the affairs of the Unitedp

States domestiVand foreign in thefullest confidence that which he doeswill be done with one object only inview the good of the whole countryand the advancement of the interestsof the wholc people

He assumes the duties of Ins highoffice on the 11of the people ex ¬

pressed in the most emphatic man-


possible With a large majorityof the popular vote and the Electoral


votes he is in fact ind indeed thePresident of the whole people and

iras such the whole people look tohim and upon him

GOVERNOR J Frank Hanley thedewly elected Governpr of the Stateof Indiana has set a new mark in

the matter of appointments to office

bi declaringtl1nt no man who

drinks intoxicants even though he

does not drunk will not receive

n pointment under his Administra ¬

tinHis policy was announced when a

personal friend called aotl suggestedthe name of a well known party manor apli tment

I II ld like to appoint your4rJ the Gdvenor and

n d or km

t lZiltotlocrits it to


For Magistrate W M MillerConstable Sim Shusher


Magistrate John W McsserConstable lUtiKhntn


For Magistrate T O Mammonsto Constable Smith


For Magistrate M A VldnorConstable Samblos


For Magistrate E P MoKcennConst obi o Hose


KorMnglstnitc Isnlmm LuwsonConstable A J Hull

do work if he did his best but railroads and other large business enter-

prises have of late years ruled againstdrinking men in their employ

That is good policy and as long

as I am Govenor of the State tin

same policy shall be pursued in itsbusiness I am sorry to disappoint

you but that will have to be mydecision

NEWSPAPERS are published in 151towns in Kentucky There fire llflcounty scats but a newspaper is

published is only 1C 2 of them lean-ing 17 county seats without news-


There are 30 dailies onetriwcekly 17 semimonthlies 24monthlies and 3 quarterlies makingin all 314 publications in the State

Mayfield Messenger


First Meeting of Creditors

In th District Court of the United

States for the District of Kentuckyin Bankruptcy

In the matter ofD D ISAM j Iii Bankruptcy

BankruptTo the creditors ofL DIsam of

Josie in Letcher county and Districtaforesaid a bankrupt

Notice is hereby given that on the15 day of February 1905 the saidD D Isam was duly adjudged hank ¬

rupt and that the first meeting ofhis creditors will he held at Barbourville Ky in the city of Barbourvilleon the 18th day of March 1905 at10 oclock in the forenoon of said

day at which time the saidcreditorsmay attend prove their claims ap-


a trustee examine the bank ¬

rupt and transact such other husi

ness as may properly conic beforesaid meeting This March 6th 190-


iIReferee in Bankruptcy

D D FiauS Sos Attys

The West Southwest and California

Best reached via Missouri Pacific

Ry or Iron Mountain Onewayolonist rates on February 21 March

21 1905 to Arkansas Texas In3ian and Oklahoma Territories andnumerous points in other Western

States Great opportunity for thenvestoror homeseeker Homeseek

er round trip tickets on sale every

Irst and third Tuesdays of each

month limited twentyone daysLands are cheap rates are ItJrfCIeap round trip rates now in ef

ect to winter resorts of the Westaid Southwest Liberal limits andstopover privileges Daily throughstandard Pullman sleepers from Stlouis via Missouri Pacific Ryorhon Mountain Route nt o1frsonLily conducted tourist sleepers Tues

lays Thursdays and Saturdays toCalifornia without change Do eript

ivc literature map folders etc fern

shed free For particulars ratesetc consult nearest Ticket ngrnt or

iddressR T G Matthews T P A

Room 301 Norton Bldg LouisvilleKentucky

Subscribe now for the





REVIEWOF REVIEWSThe more Mnefagines there are the more

Indispensable is Ths Review of ReviewsIndispensable The one matfasine I fcrl I trust take The

world under a ficlJttbss An education in public affairs andcurrent literature these tre some of the one hears from noted

people who read ths Review of Rcvicwi The more magazines there are the

more necessary is the Review of Reviews because it bring together the best that

is in all the moil of the vovd Such is the flood of

periodical literature that nowadays people ny that ihe only why to upwith it is to read the Review of Renrv Frlirely cur and above this review-



section it has More orii final malt r and ens Ibm molt magazine and

the most timely and important articles printed in ty rntlilyProbably the moil useful section of al b A uf 1ows illustrated Prog-



of the Vorld wheretiblic event I and MUJS r re O ihoritativelyand luridly

explained in every 1an111 suwcribV in 71ii department clone is

wort more than the prc of the magazine hC uri1c cartoon department

depicting current hilt ry in caricature is another favorte The Review oi

Reviews covers live continents and yet is American firs and foremoft

Men in public life the member of Centres proftSsiollrimen and the great

captains of in uflry who must keep men and

women oil ovr America have decided that it is indispensrble



1m u H




absolutely necessary tcyoinwiiinn oryounit wo

who would win successIn life This boliiB conceded

It is of 111t Inipprtiinco to Bet your t rnlniiiR nt tho scliool tlmt stiinds In the vory front riuil


Seven experienced teachers unch one specialist In his lineWrite for n bountiful book giving testimonials from Krnduiites oceupyliK prominent positions nil over time United States It will hl

mailed to you FREESchool open all year students can enter at any time




IO GREAT 1905 OFFERWe have purchased a number of annual subscrip ¬

to the Southern Agriculturist and as long aswe will give one Free Ot Charge to every

altionswhoin udvanne

pays for the MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE theyI

you are in arrears pay up NOW and get thisIf you are not already a subscriber01If at once


AGRICULTURISTthis great offer is with valI

BIs published at Nashville Tenn It is issued 24 times aZyear and the subscription price is 50 cents It is edited by

I Southern men who know the needs of Southern farmersEvery issUe is like a big experience meeting the

farmers questions being answered by such men as 111 ljdJ Key formerly Assistant Commissionerof Alabama and Prof Andrew 1f Soule

11hOmaS Virginia Experiment Station ofAgIHome Department is conduct by Aunt

whomall readers soon learn to love


I 100IBut you must hurry This proposition willopen indefinitely Address or call on the

LeMountain Advocate JJ3arlaottrr tll 15eii11c13y


One Horse Hoosier Corn Drill


Double your yield of corn by drilling and fertilizingyour land So simple that a boy can operate it


Give me your order now and have your drill readyto plant your corn crop

I also have a car load of Homestead Fertilizer that1 am selling at a very reason ble price The best thatis In deCaU o-

nDAVISrvzs> r

l iI l

I St 01Jeii Yj iiu 2 i i

IL 1t lam Local Time Card jTOST EFFECT APRIL 1 19Oi 1

1NoHI i 1J Truing do not stop nt Station whuro nolimo Is shown


il5n m 822 p my Corblii in20oin Ihsopiii3liv m 824 p in CJrnyg ioor n m li07pifr r

120 p in Kuwnuol III Wn in350 n in UOOp m llarbourvlllo 1157 n m 10is p IIJDIM a m 410 pm Artomus 4 0iflnin 1085 Inz409iitn 421 p in Fiat Lick untiniii 1025 pm421 n in iW p in Ilnuvlllo 8fi8a m 1010 pIl Iy420nui liip in Wasloto 851 n in 1000 pm

155 p in Fur dull 841 n nt4r 11111 0 lip MlclJolsboro M 825 am

L010 p m


I 7

Wo must have help at onco toopen up our wonderful bodiesof Copper ire

I Have Spent Every Cent of

My Own Money j

in organizing this COlupunfand securing tho 82 claims itowns 100000 shares of storksold nt 05 cents a share palgvalue 1000 > Will do this ¬

velopment workI100 Shars Will Cost You I

Only 6500

You can pity for It at 500 permonth nod it nay bo wortht6500 In Three YearsrJinny copper properties haveshown oven greater InorousosIf you desire further milt fullIinformation its now

Up To You

Ad1rllsI J

The Monte Crjsto Conservative I

Miningi PresIJ W Stonehouse

Douglas Arizona

3Ir Storehouse Is not a br6keror promoter just an Arizona mai-ming

¬ I

man wit I a good propositionfor small investors



Those desiringto secureof the finest seed corn ever plantIed in Knox county can get it atthis office while it lusts at livecents per ear This is the corn j

that was exhibited for tho prixesin the recent coo e and nildgujjtedly file finesrin the coun ¬

ty Call early as it will not last I

long i

A Guaranteed Cure for Plies

Itching Blind Bleodingor Protrud-Ing Piles Druggists rofund money IfI AHO oiATMHNT falls to euro anyease no matter of howin to4 clays First applicationglvsoaso and rest r0 cents If yourdruggist hasnt it send 50 touts instamps and it will bo fownnlod post ¬

paid by Paris Mcdloino Co StLouis Mo


To all points In Montana IdahoWashington Oregon anti BritishColumbia March 1st to May loth1103 Round hi HomoHookors tick ¬

ets on special rays Write at oncefor information and maps to

Ira F Schwegel Traveling AgentWisconsin Central Roll +vayt

407 Traction Bldg Cincinnati O



b special arrangements with thepublishers we nrq enabled to quotethe following club prices with the1MOUNTAIN AUVOCATK Wewill senrl

the ADVOCATE weekly and LouisvilleHerald daily 1dn350Hea-rlrl daily and Sunday 400Herald weekly 130CourierJournal weekly 150CourierJournal daily 040CpurierJoufnal daily Sun 820New York Tribune Pnrmer 125CIrmCl111n

bunc weekly t 150LexingFoiiLerul r weekly 150

If you are a subscriber to the An

VOCATI ancf want to ral < c advan ¬

tage ofthis offer sendus yourmoney timid we will extend the time I

of your subscription one year more i

send you any of the papers in the j


Take advantngc of this remarkably low rate while it lusts 1

Make all 6rders payable to DWCLARK and send all ordersStoMOUNTAIN ADOCATE DarboufvilleljKent it

iIj 1ff11 > tr r

No2I No80DullY





Frankfort and Cincinnati Railway Company

The Midland Route cTIME CARD

M AM Daily except AM PM 5No HI mo Kif I

OOIIIiJOIv rn lkfortArlU251712QiJt

Oonnocts nt PAIUS iiiul FUANKFOHT UnionDepots wltlrli S N

Gco B harper Saml E Mutton<

Gen tupt GP A 11r1ifrtORs y

With a view of moving to nayf

I have decided to soil riiy

stock of general merchandiseconsisting of about 1000 in dry frnotions shoes hats grotceries and hardware will sel1milcost Terms cash or on easy in Istallments stock is new quid vV

1dwellingmerchandise business I willi

give control of the postoflicewhich pays about 25 quarterlyi K

Call on or address J 4iTitOMAS IIU1DAiLD << se

Kentucky vir1ScalfI 8 r 1

Letters from Europe t t

Will 38 lieaJinj RItrtf lie

Cour1erJourila1During TiITimbre will be ninny other attrac ¬ f

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