Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps...

Using COMET with Visio Visio UML Modeling

Transcript of Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps...

Page 1: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Using COMET with Visio 

Visio UML Modeling 

Page 2: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Crea7ng a Drawing 

•  A:er opening Visio, you will see a list of templates available. 

Page 3: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Create a Drawing (cont) 

•  Under the So:ware Engineering folder, select UML Model Diagram 

•  A:er choosing your units, select “Create” 

Page 4: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Create a Drawing (cont) 

•  You will be taken to a new drawing with the UML shapes and Model Explorer visible. 

Page 5: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Shapes Library 

•  The Shapes Library is on the le: hand side. 

•  Shapes are organized by the kind of UML diagram they appear on. 

Page 6: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Model Explorer 

•  The Model Explorer is also on the le: hand side. 

•  All the objects you create will be shown here in a hierarchy for easy access. 

Page 7: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Adding Stereotypes 

•  To add stereotypes, right click on the system in the Model Explorer 

•  Select “Stereotypes…” and the Stereotypes dialog will appear. 

Page 8: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Adding Stereotypes (cont) 

•  Click “New” to create a new stereotype 

•  You can specify the name, and the base class the stereotype applies to. 

Page 9: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Adding Stereotypes (cont) 

•  Lets make the en7ty stereotype for classes. Click OK to finish. 

Page 10: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams 

•  First, select the UML Use Case sec7on of the shapes library 

Page 11: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  Drag a use case onto the drawing. 

Page 12: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  Double‐click the Use Case to open its proper7es dialog, and give it a name. 

Page 13: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  Repeat this process with an Actor 

Page 14: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  Find the Communica7ons Connector in the UML Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. 

Page 15: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  A:er linking the Actor and Use case, double‐click the Communica7on Connector to open its proper7es. 

Page 16: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

•  Note you can change the end names and mul7plici7es. 

•  Blank all but a mul7plicity of 1 for the Driver. 

Page 17: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Use Case Diagrams (cont) 

• The Use Case is now Finished. 

Page 18: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams 

•  In a new drawing, select the UML Sta7c Structure shapes. 

Page 19: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  Drag a Class onto the drawing. 

Page 20: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  Double Click on the new class to open its proper7es, where you can change its name. 

Page 21: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  You can also add aYributes and opera7ons to the class. 

Page 22: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  A:er crea7ng several basic classes, right‐click on one and select “Shape Display Op7ons” 

Page 23: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  Note that you can suppress the visibility of the AYributes and Opera7ons fields. 

Page 24: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  To define a composi7on or aggrega7on rela7onship, use the Composi7on connector. 

Page 25: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  Changing the Aggrega7on to “shared” replaces the solid diamond with a transparent one. 

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Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  A:er edi7ng the proper7es of the Composi7on connector, connect its ends to the appropriate objects. 

Page 27: Using COMET with Visio - IHMC Public Cmaps (3) Use Case shapes, and drag it onto the drawing.. Use Case Diagrams (cont) •

Class Diagrams (cont) 

•  Similarly, generaliza7on rela7onships are shown with a Generaliza7on connector.