User Manual Bulding Plan Approval

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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval


    User Manual (BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL), Release 1.0

    Copyright CMC Limited, 2003

    All rights reserved. Printed in Kolkata, WB

    Authors: Systems Integration Group, CMC Limited, Kolkata.

    This software/documentation contains proprietary information of CMC Limited.

    If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. CMC

    Limited does not warrant that this document is error free.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval




    The User Manualdescribes the basic functionalities of the various users of Building

    Plan Approval for the following services:An applicant can either go to the CHOiCE center or RMC operator for submitting the

    application form.

    For CHOiCE center users there are three hyperlinks, they are as follows:

    New Application.

    Status Query.

    Permission Letter Generation.

    For RMC operator users there are three hyperlinks, they are as follows:

    New Application.

    Status Query.

    Permission Letter Generation.

    For RMC clerk there is one hyperlink, which is

    Application form (Application submitted from Choice center user or RMC


    For RMC sub engineer there is one hyperlink, which is

    Application form (Application submitted from RMC clerk).

    For Town Planner there is one hyperlink, which is

    Application form (Application submitted from RMC sub engineer).


    This User Manual is necessary for CHOiCE center user who is using the Building

    Plan Approval module, being it the data providers, the data entry operators.


    This User Manual assumes that you are familiar with functionality of activitiesrelated to the Building Plan Approval.

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    In addition to the above, the User Manualalso assumes that

    - Data provider is familiar with every functionality of Building Plan Approval for ease of

    collection of data

    - Data Entry Operator is familiar with the operational details of Building Plan Approval in

    order to enter the data correctly

    Applicability statement

    This document describes the functionality of Building Plan Approval.

    Software/hardware Requirements

    This section lists the software/hardware required for running Building Plan Approval


    Server End

    Sun Solaris on Sun Server

    Linux (For Thin Client)

    Jboss-Tomcat (ENS)



    ENS Cell Phone/Fax/Email


    Digital Signature

    Oracle 8i Database on Sun Server


    Client End

    Thin Client

    Biometric Device

    Smart Card Reader or IKEY

    Digital Signature

    Oracle Driver


    Document usage description

    This User manualis composed of the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Introduction

    This chapter introducesBuilding Plan Approval.

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    Chapter 2, Menus/Commands

    This chapter explains each menu item ofBuilding Plan Approvaland its processes

    in brief and describes how the various functions are to be accessed.

    Chapter 3, Instructions for using the screens

    This chapter describes the stepwise instructions for using the services ofBuildingPlan Approval.

    Notational Conventions

    Note these typographical conventions when reading this user manual.

    Convention Meaning

    * This shows the field is a mandatory field forBuilding PlanApprovalApplication.

    This is for Drop Down List.

    Is used for Radio Buttons. Clicking in a circle willdisplay dot inside the circle, this means that the data itemis selected. If you do not want to select the data item,again click in a circle, dot will disappear; this means thatdata item is not selected now.

    Is used for check boxes. Check mark in ablock denotes that the data item is selected, ifyou dont want to select the data item, click

    inside the block and leave the box blank.

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    Customer Support

    We value and appreciate your comments as a user ofBuilding Plan Approval

    Department and reader of our manual. At the back of this User Manualis a Reader'sComment Form. We encourage you to use it to relay your comments to us. If the

    form is missing, or if you would like to contact us, please write or E-mail us at the

    following address.

    Project Manager, CHOiCE

    CMC Ltd.

    28, Ravi Nagar



    PIN - 492001

    Phone: (0771) 5092115 / 5069175

    Email: [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval



    Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1What is New Application for CHOiCE center user 1-2

    Overview 1-2

    What is New Application for RMC operator 1-2

    Overview 1-3

    What is Status Query 1-3

    Overview 1-3

    What is Permission Letter Generation 1-3

    Overview 1-4What is New Application for RMC clerk 1-4

    Overview 1-4

    What is New Application for RMC sub engineer 1-4

    Overview 1-5

    What is Approved Application for Town Planner 1-5

    Overview 1-5

    Chapter 2 Menus/Commands 2-1

    The Login Screen 2-1

    The Common Menu Screen 2-1

    The Building Plan Approval Menu Item 2-1

    Chapter 3 Instructions for using the screens 3-1

    Instructions For Application for Building Plan Approval 3-2

    Instructions For Status Query for Building Plan Approval 3-7

    Instructions For Permission Letter Generation for BuildingPlan Approval


    Instructions For Application for RMC clerk 3-11

    Instructions For Application for RMC sub engineer 3-13

    Instructions For Application for Town Planner 3-16

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    1 IntroductionThis chapter gives a brief overview of Building Plan Approval.

    An applicant can either go to CHOiCE center or RMC operator for submitting his/her

    application.In this service there are five users they are as follows:

    1. Kiosk Operator (CHOiCE center)

    2. RMC operator.

    3. RMC clerk.4. RMC sub engineer.

    5. Town Planner.

    1. For Choice center user there are two hyperlink, they are as follows:

    a. New Application.b. Status Query.

    2. For RMC operator there are two hyperlink, they are as follows:a. New Application.

    b. Permission Letter Generation.

    3. For RMC clerk there is one hyperlink, it is as follows:a. Application Form (Application Submitted from Choice Center or RMC operator).

    4. For RMC sub engineer there is one hyperlink, it is as follows:a. Application Form (Application Submitted from RMC clerk).

    5. For Town Planner there is one hyperlink, it is as follows:a. Application Form (Application Submitted from RMC sub engineer).

    It describes the functionality of the process in brief.

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    What is New Application for Choice Center User This service is appropriate for those applicants who want to construct a new (fresh)

    building and seeking the prior permission from the respective authorities of the RMC

    (Raipur Municipality Corporation) Department. The applicant can also go to RMCoperator for submitting his application.


    CHOiCE Center user will logon to CHOiCE website using proper authentication


    CHOiCE Center user will enter using digital signature the New Application details in

    the system based on applicants request.

    All the mandatory columns as identified in the application have to be filled in.

    For the normal CHOICE CENTRE service charges (Rs. 15/-) and the Application form

    fees charges (Rs.10/-) will be collected from the applicant.

    Before submitting the application, the application is displayed with a declarationstatement from the applicant stating that the information furnished is correct to the best

    of his/her (the applicants) knowledge. If any mistake is found, then operator can again

    edit the respective fields.

    Print out of the filled in application form along with the declaration is to be taken. The

    applicant has to sign on the print out of the application.

    Acknowledgement is printed and given to the applicant.

    What is New Application for RMC operator

    This service is appropriate for those applicants who want to construct a new (fresh)

    building and seeking the prior permission from the respective authorities of the RMC(Raipur Municipality Corporation) Department. The applicant can also go to CHOiCE

    center for submitting his application.

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    RMC Operator will logon to CHOiCE website using proper authentication details.

    RMC Operator will enter using digital signature the New Application details in thesystem based on applicants request.

    All the mandatory columns as identified in the application have to be filled in.

    The Application form fees charges (Rs.10/-) will be collected from the applicant.

    Before submitting the application, the application is displayed with a declaration

    statement from the applicant stating that the information furnished is correct to the bestof his/her (the applicants) knowledge. If any mistake is found, then operator can again

    edit the respective fields.

    Print out of the filled in application form along with the declaration is to be taken. The

    applicant has to sign on the print out of the application.

    Acknowledgement is printed and given to the applicant.

    What is Status Query

    Applicant can inquire about the status of his application through CHOiCE center as

    well as from RMC operator.

    A status search query screen is provided in the application, and search can be based on

    some parameters like Application reference number, Date of application etc. This can

    be done at CHOiCE Center.


    Applicant can inquire about the status of his/her application at choice center.

    Based on the searching criteria such as application no, application date etc. the status

    query can be done.

    What is Permission Letter Generation

    Applicant can obtain his/her certificate through CHOiCE center as well as from RMC

    operator, if the corresponding application is approved.

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    A search query screen is provided in the application (Permission Letter Generation),

    and search is based on some parameters like Name of the recipient etc. This can be

    done either at CHOiCE Center or at RMC operator.


    Applicant can obtain the certificate of his application through CHOiCE center as well

    as from RMC operator, if the corresponding application is approved.

    Based on the searching criteria such as recipient name and clicking the corresponding

    application number etc. the certificate printing can be done.

    What is Application Form for RMC clerk

    The RMC clerk has a provision to view whole details of the application that has beensent by the CHOiCE center user or RMC operator (as applicant can either go to

    CHOiCE center or RMC operator for submitting his/her application). The user also hasthe provision to see the pending list of the rest applications. User forwards the

    application to the next level i.e., to RMC sub engineer for further process.


    RMC clerk will logon to CHOiCE website using proper authentication details.

    RMC clerk will enter using digital signature to view the New Application details come

    from the Choice center or RMC operator in the system.

    Based on the searching criteria such as application no, application between from and to

    date etc. the application can be search.

    After viewing the whole application details, of the corresponding application number,

    and clicking the next (agay) button the user will come to know that the respective

    application has been forwarded to the next level for further process.

    The user can see the rest of the pending application by clicking the hyperlink (click to

    see the other pending application list).

    What is Application Form for RMC sub engineer

    The RMC sub engineer has a provision to view whole details of the application that has

    been forwarded by the RMC clerk. The user also has the provision to see the pending

    list of the rest applications. The user has the authority to take the decision whether the

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    application can be rejected, keep pending for some reason or approved for further

    processing. If rejected, the application data will be rejected and the applicant shall be

    informed through electronic media or through Choice Center. If kept pending, theapplicant should be informed assigning reason for the same through electronic media or

    through Choice Center. If it is approved, then it goes to the Town Planner for the

    further processing.


    RMC sub engineer will logon to CHOiCE website using proper authentication details.

    RMC sub engineer will enter using digital signature to view the New Application

    details come from the RMC clerk in the system.

    Based on the searching criteria such as application no, application between from and to

    date etc. the application can be search.

    All the mandatory columns as identified in the application have to be filled in.

    Based on the eligibility criteria the user will take the decision whether the applicationhas to be rejected, keep pending or giving approval by clicking the correspondingbuttons.

    The user will be come to know that the respective application has been either rejected,

    pending or approved based on the corresponding button pressed.

    The user can see the rest of the pending application by clicking the hyperlink (to see

    the other pending application list).

    What is Application Form for the Town Planner? The Town Planner also has the authority to approve, reject and pending the application

    for some reason. If rejected, the application data will be rejected and the applicant shall

    be informed through electronic media or through Choice Center. If kept pending, theapplicant should be informed assigning reason for the same through electronic media or

    through Choice Center. If it is approved, then the corresponding application number

    will be visible in the Permission Letter Generation, where the certificates will be

    printed and hand over to the applicant.


    Town Planner will logon to CHOiCE website using proper authentication details. Town Planner will enter using digital signature to view the New Application details

    come from the RMC sub engineer in the system.

    Based on the searching criteria such as application no, application between from and to

    date etc. the approved application can be search.

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    Based on the eligibility criteria the user will take the decision whether the application

    has to be rejected, keep pending or giving approval by clicking the corresponding


    The user will be come to know that the respective application has been either rejected,

    pending or approved based on the corresponding button pressed.

    The user can see the rest of the pending application by clicking the hyperlink (to seethe other pending application list).

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    2 Menus/CommandsThis chapter lists down the purpose of all the menu and submenu items of Building Plan Approval for Choice Center,RMC operator, RMC clerk, RMC sub engineer and TownPlanner.

    The Login Screen

    The user has to click the Continue button in the USERNAME/PASSWORDAUTHENTICATION TEST and BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION TEST screen

    to enter in the Common Login screen. The user has to give his/her User Name,

    Password in the screen and Thumb Print in the biometric identification device to

    authenticate him/her and login into the common menu screen for CHOiCE.

    The Common Menu Screen

    In this screen, the user can select any of the services under CHOiCE, by clicking on

    the name of the services like Building Plan Approval etc.

    TheBuilding Plan Approval Menu Items

    Details of Building Plan Approval menu appears in CHOiCE centre as:

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    New Application This Process will be used when an applicant comes to

    submit a new application for Building Plan Approval. After clicking the menu item New Application, the entry

    screen for entering application data will be displayed in

    front of the entry operator.

    Status Query After clicking the menu item Status Query, a screencontaining some searching criterion like application

    reference number, range of date of application and name ofthe applicant will appear to know the status of the


    Details of Building Plan Approval menu appears in RMC operator as:

    New Application This Process will be used when an applicant comes to

    submit a new application for Building Plan Approval.

    After clicking the menu item New Application, the entry

    screen for entering application data will be displayed in

    front of the entry operator.

    Permission Letter



    After clicking the menu item Permission Letter

    Generation, a screen containing some searching criterionlike name of the applicant will appear for the purpose ofprinting the certificate of those application that has been

    approved by the Town Planner.

    Details of Building Plan Approval menu appears in RMC clerk as:

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    Application Form










    er or





    This Process will be used by the RMC clerk for viewing the

    list of the pending applications After clicking the menu item New Application, a list of

    the pending application will be visible to the user by

    clicking the search button.

    For viewing details of that application (come from theCHOiCE center or from the RMC operator) will be

    displayed in front of the entry operator by clicking the

    application number hyperlink.

    Details of Building Plan Approval menu appears in RMC sub engineer as:

    Application Form










    This Process will be used by the RMC sub engineer for

    viewing the list of the pending applications After clicking the menu item New Application, a list of

    the pending application will be visible to the user byclicking the search button.

    For viewing details of that application (come from the

    RMC clerk) will be displayed in front of the entry operator

    by clicking the application number hyperlink.

    Details of Building Plan Approval menu appears in Town Planner as:

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    Application Form











    This Process will be used by the Town Planner for viewing

    the list of the pending applications After clicking the menu item New Application, a list of

    the pending application will be visible to the user by

    clicking the search button.

    For viewing details of that application (come from theRMC sub engineer) will be displayed in front of the entry

    operator by clicking the application number hyperlink.

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    3Instructions for using the


    This chapter deals with the step wise instructions for using all the screens under Building

    Plan Approval for CHOiCE Center user, RMC operator, RMC clerk, RMC sub engineer

    and Town Planner.

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    Application for Building Plan Approval

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    After clicking the New Application submenu under Building Plan Approval menu, a

    screen containing general instructions along with information about instructions and feeswill appear. This screen also contains two buttons named Application form and Back.

    The user has to click on the Application form button for entering into the application form

    screen. The user can see the keyboard layout for Hindi language by pressing the KeyboardLayout button, which will also appear at the top right side of the application entry screen.

    All the fields marked with red colored * are mandatory fields.

    Firstly, the user has to select the application location. For this, he has to click on the select

    button beside the Nagar Palika Nigam / Nagar Palika field. In the right side of the screen,

    an option will come to select the district name. Based on the given district name, a list ofCity and Nagar Palika Nigam / Nagar Palika will come. From this list the user has to select

    the required Nagar Palik Nigam / Nagar Palika.

    The application date field will remain disabled, as this will always display the current date.

    In the applicant information part, user has to fill an applicant name properly in the given

    field as first name, second name (not mandatory) and last name accordingly.

    User has to fill an applicant fathers name.

    In the residential address section, the user can fill the no and pin code number as it

    is mandatory fields. If the address is of within Chhattisgarh then the user has to select theaddress type (Rural or Urban) by clicking any of the radio buttons.

    For Urban, an option will come to select the district name in the right side of the

    screen after clicking the select button beside the city field. Based on the givendistrict name, a list of City will come. From this list the user has to select the

    required city. Then the user has to click on the select button beside the ward field to

    select the required mohalla or ward. A field for entering the name of the mohallawith a go button will appear in the right side of the screen for searching the wards

    based on the mohalla name. A list of ward along with its mohalla, city, tahsil, sub-division and district will come in the right side of the screen based on the

    previously selected city. Then the user has to select the required mohalla or ward.Based on the selected mohalla or ward, the tahsil, sub-division and district will be

    automatically populated.

    For Rural, an option will come to select the district name in the right side of thescreen after clicking the select button beside the gram field. The user can also give

    the name of the gram as a searching condition. Based on the given district name

    and gram name (if given), a list of grams along with its gram panchayat, block,

    tahsil, sub-division and district will come. From this list the user has to select therequired gram. Based on the selected gram, the gram panchayat, Patwari Circle

    Number, Block, tahsil, sub-division and district will be automatically populated. The user can fill the full address details, as it is not mandatory.

    In the architect, engineers or supervisors details, the user must have to fill the

    corresponding license number, as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to fill the architect, engineers or supervisors name, as it is mandatory


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    The user must have to click the radio button indicating that the given application is

    approved by the nagar nigam or not. If it is yes, then the user must have to click the yes

    button else no button.

    If it is approved, then user must have to select the date of the approval in a specified format

    (DD/MM/YYYY) by selecting the number in a select option.

    In the architect, engineers or supervisors address section, the user can fill the no

    and pin code number as it is mandatory fields. If the address is of within Chhattisgarh then

    the user has to select the address type (Rural or Urban) by clicking any of the radio


    For Urban, an option will come to select the district name in the right side of thescreen after clicking the select button beside the city field. Based on the given

    district name, a list of City will come. From this list the user has to select the

    required city. Then the user has to click on the select button beside the ward field toselect the required mohalla or ward. A field for entering the name of the mohalla

    with a go button will appear in the right side of the screen for searching the wards

    based on the mohalla name. A list of ward along with its mohalla, city, tahsil, sub-division and district will come in the right side of the screen based on the

    previously selected city. Then the user has to select the required mohalla or ward.

    Based on the selected mohalla or ward, the tahsil, sub-division and district will beautomatically populated.

    For Rural, an option will come to select the district name in the right side of the

    screen after clicking the select button beside the gram field. The user can also givethe name of the gram as a searching condition. Based on the given district name

    and gram name (if given), a list of grams along with its gram panchayat, block,

    tahsil, sub-division and district will come. From this list the user has to select therequired gram. Based on the selected gram, the gram panchayat, Patwari Circle

    Number, Block, tahsil, sub-division and district will be automatically populated. In the Place information section, the user can fill the no and pin code number as it

    is mandatory fields. If the address is of within Chhattisgarh then the user has to select the

    address type (Urban) by clicking any of the radio buttons.

    An option will come to select the district name in the right side of the screen after

    clicking the select button beside the city field. Based on the given district name, alist of City will come. From this list the user has to select the required city. Then

    the user has to click on the select button beside the ward field to select the required

    mohalla or ward. A field for entering the name of the mohalla with a go button will

    appear in the right side of the screen for searching the wards based on the mohallaname. A list of ward along with its mohalla, city, tahsil, sub-division and district

    will come in the right side of the screen based on the previously selected city. Thenthe user has to select the required mohalla or ward. Based on the selected mohallaor ward, the tahsil, sub-division and district will be automatically populated.

    The user can fill the full address details, as it is not mandatory.

    The user can fill the proposed developing lands details, as it is not mandatory.

    User can fill the zone serial number, as it is not mandatory.

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    User can fill the plot number, as it is not mandatory.

    User can fill the house number, as it is not mandatory.

    User must have to select the type of the development from the given combo box, as it is

    mandatory field.

    User must have to fill the given text fields such as Length of the land, Breadth of the land

    and the Total area of the land respectively, as these fields are mandatory. Whether an applicant has the No Due Certificate (Nazul) enclosure or not depending on

    that the user must have to click the Yes or No radio button, as it is mandatory.

    If Yes, then the user must have to fill the No Due Certificate (Nazul) serial number, as it

    is mandatory.

    If Yes, then the user must have to select the receiving date of the No Due Certificate

    (Nazul) in a specified date format (DD/MM/YYYY).

    The user must have to fill the cost of the estimation of developing, as it is mandatory.

    In the map details, the user must have to fill the Total Plinth Area (to be filled in meters),

    as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to fill the total floor area of specified floors including the basement (tobe filled in meters) as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to fill the floor area (to be filled in meters) as it is mandatory.

    The user can fill the number of floors and the floors details, as it is not mandatory.

    The user has to click the radio button, whether the model map wanted or not, if wanted

    then the user must has to click the Yes button.

    The user can fill the model map serial number, as it is not mandatory field.

    The user has to select the number of rooms to be constructed in the corresponding radio


    The user has to select the actual starting date of the construction and the finishing date of

    the construction in a specified format (DD/MM/YYYY). In the correspondence details section, the user can enter data in phone number, mobile

    number, e-mail id and fax number. For correspondence address, a question is asked where

    the correspondence address is same as residential address. If the user clicks on yes radio

    button, then he/she does not have to enter any postal address. But he/she has to enter thepostal address in the please specify the correspondence address field if he/she selects no

    radio button.

    There are two buttons named Next (Agay) and Reset (Phir Se) at the end of the first

    screen. If the user wants to delete all the entries he/she has made and to start again, he/shecan click the Reset button. If the user wants to go to the next screen, he/she has to click

    the Next button.

    After clicking the Next button, the errors (if any) will be displayed like mandatory fields

    are left blank; character value is inserted in numeric field etc. Until the screen will be errorfree, the user will not be able to go to the next screen.

    After entering all the required fields properly and clicking the Next button, the same

    screen will appear in display mode with all the entered data and with two buttons named

    Edit (Sudharna) & Continue (agay) at the top and bottom of the screen. As well as, anew window will appear displaying all the data entered in the application form and the user

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    can print the page by clicking the print button. Or he/she can click on the close button to

    close the page. If the user wants to change some fields value after seeing the whole screen,

    he/she has to click the Edit button. Then all the fields will become editable. Otherwisethe user can click the continue button to go to the next screen.

    The next screen is for payment information. The service charge for this service will be

    displayed in non-editable mode. Total amount to be paid will also be displayed. The userhas to only select the payment mode from a list. If the payment mode is other than cash,

    then he/she has to enter value in cheque/demand draft no., cheque/demand draft issue date

    and bank/branch name. One button named Submit will also present in this screen. But atpresent the payment mode is only cash.

    At last, the user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the button

    start signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has to

    press the OK button to save the information into the database.

    After this a message box is invoked saying that the Data has been signed, sending to

    server. Please wait . After pressing the OK button, an acknowledgement will appearon the screen with the unique application number and other relevant details. The user hasto click on the print button to print the acknowledgement. The user has to click on the back

    button to return on menu page.

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    Status Query for

    Building Plan Approval

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    After clicking the submenu Permission Letter Generation for Building Plan Approval, a

    screen will appear containing recipient name and list of the approved application, approved

    by the Town Planner, after clicking the corresponding application number, the recipient

    can take out the certificate printed and there are two buttons named back and reset. If no record is fetched after the searching process, then a message will be displayed and the

    user can again perform the searching process.

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    Application FormFor

    RMC clerk

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    After clicking the menu New Application, the search query screen is provided in the

    application, will appear in front of the user. Searching fields contains application number,

    application between from and to date and applicant name for the purpose of searching theparticular application. Based on the searching criteria the required application number will

    be displayed in front of the user.

    After clicking the required application number (Hyper linked) the user will be observing

    the full view details of that application (come from CHOiCE center or from RMC operator,as the applicant can either go to the CHOiCE center or to the RMC operator for submitting

    his/her application) and simply forwards the respective application to the next level that is

    to RMC sub engineer for further processing.

    At last, the user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the button

    start signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.

    After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has topress the OK button to save the information into the database.

    After forwarding the application, the user will see the message mentioning, that the

    corresponding message has been forwarded to the next level.

    User can see the rest application by clicking the application number (hyperlink)

    mentioning that click here to see the rest pending application.

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    ForApplication Form


    RMC sub engineer

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    After clicking the menu New Application, the search query screen is provided in the

    application, will appear in front of the user. Searching fields contains application number,

    application between from and to date and applicant name for the purpose of searching the

    particular application. Based on the searching criteria the required application number willbe displayed in front of the user.

    After clicking the particular application number (Hyper linked) the user will be observing

    the full view details of that application (come from RMC clerk).

    The user must have to fill the clerks name, as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to fill the name of the sub engineer name, as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to select the site inspection date in a specified date format

    (DD/MM/YYYY) by selecting the appropriate date from the combo box, as it is


    The user can select the acknowledgement date in a specified date format (DD/MM/YYYY)

    by selecting the appropriate date from the combo box.

    The user can fill the type of land use, as it is not mandatory.

    The user can fill the details of the land, as it is not mandatory.

    The user can select the radio button, whether the land belongs to the Raipur Development

    Authority, Land of society or Government land.

    The user has to fill the details of the margin accordingly given in the application form

    (should be fill in numbers).

    The user can fill the area according to the plinth area ratio in the given text fields.

    The user can fill the floor area ratio in the given text field.

    The user can fill the marginal open space details in the corresponding text fields (should be

    fill in number).

    The user must have to fill the total amount in the given text field, as it is mandatory.

    The user must have to write the comments in the certain text field when the application is

    departure for approval.

    The user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the buttonstart signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.

    After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has topress the OK button to save the information into the database.

    For Rejecting or pending the application number user must have to click the respective

    button and after clicking the button the user must have to give the reason for the rejecting

    or pending the corresponding application.

    At last, the user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval


    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the button

    start signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.

    After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has topress the OK button to save the information into the database.

    The user can see the list of other pending list by clicking the hyperlink (click here to see

    the rest of the pending application).

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Bulding Plan Approval


    After clicking the menu New Application, the search query screen is provided in the

    application, will appear in front of the user. Searching fields contains application number,

    application between from and to date and applicant name for the purpose of searching the

    particular application. Based on the searching criteria the required application number will

    be displayed in front of the user.

    After clicking the particular application number (Hyper linked) the user will be observing

    the full view details of that application (come from RMC sub engineer).

    If the user feels that an application can be approved, then clicks the Next (Anumodhan)

    button for further processing (for Certificate Printing).

    The user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the button

    start signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.

    After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has topress the OK button to save the information into the database.

    For Rejecting or pending the application number user must have to click the respective

    button and after clicking the button the user must have to give the reason for the rejecting

    or pending the corresponding application.

    At last, the user has to click the submit button to open the screen for digital signing.

    The user has to first enter his smart card in to the smart card reader and press the button

    start signing. A small window will open for entering the pin number for the smart card.

    After giving the pin number properly, the OK button will be enabled. The user has to

    press the OK button to save the information into the database.

    The user can see the list of other pending list by clicking the hyperlink (click here to see

    the rest of the pending application).