Uranium Background Info

Sunday, September 8, 2013 5:21 PM Eugéne-Melchior Péligot is credited with the first isolation of Uranium.


Background information on Uranium for Honors Chemistry

Transcript of Uranium Background Info

Sunday, September 8, 20135:21 PMEugne-Melchior Pligot is credited with the first isolation of Uranium.

Pligot isolated uranium in 1841.

He heated the compound uranium tetrachloride with potassium, which isolated the uranium.

A german chemist named Martin Heinrich Klaproth dissolved a yellow substance with sodium hydroxide and pressumed that the yellow substance was a new-found element. It was unisolated however, therefore he did not isolate it.

Uranium is found in topsoil anywhere in the planet, and in the mantle. This makes it at least 30 times as potent as Earth's supply of silver.