2014 September

The Next Chapter for Child Health Association By Jacquie Petrusma THE APPLE CONNECTING TASMANIAN FAMILIES 01 September 2014 I was very pleased to attend the celebration of the re-launching of CHAT. CHAT has a new logo, website and publication to showcase its expanded scope, including the joining of Hobart Mums Network. CHAT offers advocacy for children and families aimed at improving health, education and social outcomes. It has a long and proud history of promoting the health of Tasmania's children and is now entering its 97th year of operation. In fact CHAT was successful in 1918 in lobbying for the first child health nurse in Tasmania with the opening of the first child health clinic. And at the other end of the spectrum, CHAT’s new group, the Hobart Mums Network, was launched by Christine Jolly in October 2011 via a Facebook page to connect local mums. Tasmania's parents and children will have access to even stronger support with Hobart Mums Network joining Child Health Association Tasmania. The combining of these two groups, along with programs such as The Haven and Pram Walking Groups, will provide Tasmanian parents with a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and support to help give children the best start in life. Photo by RachelBaker.com.au 1



Transcript of 2014 September

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The Next Chapter for Child Health Association By Jacquie Petrusma


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I was very pleased to attend the celebration of the re-launching of CHAT. CHAT has a new logo, website and publication to showcase its expanded scope, including the joining of Hobart Mums Network. !CHAT offers advocacy for children and families aimed at improving health, education and social outcomes. It has a long and proud history of promoting the health of Tasmania's children and is now entering its 97th year of operation.

In fact CHAT was successful in 1918 in lobbying for the first child health nurse in Tasmania with the opening of the first child health clinic. !And at the other end of the spectrum, CHAT’s new group, the Hobart Mums Network, was launched by Christine Jolly in October 2011 via a Facebook page to connect local mums. !Tasmania's parents and children will have access to even stronger support with Hobart Mums Network

joining Child Health Association Tasmania. !The combining of these two groups, along with programs such as The Haven and Pram Walking Groups, will provide Tasmanian parents with a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and support to help give children the best start in life. !!!Photo by RachelBaker.com.au


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A special thanks to Rachel

Baker Photography and

Mrs. Paper for your vital

contribution to our



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It was a delightful morning spent at the CHAT relaunch with Hon. Jacquie Petrusma MP Minister for Human Services and Minister for Women, Peter Gibson, Chair of the Kidsafe Board, CHAT Board, staff, Life members, volunteers and most significantly our member families and their children! !Some three years ago I was thrilled that I was successful in my nomination to join the CHAT Board. I knew very little about this near 100 year old organisation. I thought I was volunteering to give back to a group that had provided support, friendship, education and exercise through pram walking for me and for my children access to the wonderful play gym at the Westbury branch of CHAT. !I was quickly educated about the history of CHAT, the pioneering women that fundraised, advocated on behalf of families and most significantly aimed to reduce high infant mortality rates. It established baby clinics throughout Tasmania to provide mothers with free information from nurses, doctors, and volunteers about child health and mother craft. !The focus of CHAT has continually evolved to meet the needs of families during the 20th and 21st Centuries. In 2014, CHAT continues to work with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS). !The advancement of technology creates opportunities for CHAT to bring people together regardless of time or space, providing 24/7 support through the website and the Mums Network Facebook pages’, Information seminars, workshops, business mums connect, music, choir, various groups across the state, playgroups, pram walking, Growing Families program - Dad’s groups & CHAT ‘n’ munch, play gyms and our wonderful and most successful Family Food Patch program. !CHAT has grown its capacity to deliver for families reaching more deeply into the communities we serve to advocate for children. One way we have been able to achieve this is the recruitment of Christine Jolly to our staff. We are delighted with the subsequent merging of Hobart Mums Network into CHAT. !CHAT has a bright future providing a unique service to families giving them a voice. Our relaunch ensures the organisation remains at the forefront of educating parents raising our most important people. !The Board express sincere appreciation and thanks to our staff and volunteers lead by our very capable acting State Executive Officer (SEO) Alison Wood for

their dedicated efforts to ensure the relaunch was a wonderful success. !The Annual General Meeting (AGM) season is in full swing and I am delighted CHAT is preparing the mammoth task of the audit, annual report and election of the Board 2014-2015. All Board positions will be declared vacant and nominations are invited. This year the AGM will be held in the south at Hadley’s Hotel for brunch on Saturday the 13th September 2014. Our Public Officer will be contacting all members with more information and personal invitation to the AGM. The AGM is open to the public and there is significant planning and preparations well underway to offer a dynamic forum for parents together with the AGM. !As many of you will be aware, His Excellency the Honourable Peter Underwood, AC, Governor of Tasmania, passed away last month after a short illness. A beautiful kind man His Excellency will be missed by all. TasMBA express our deepest sympathies to our Patron Mrs Underwood and family. !Photo by Rachel Baker.

President’s Report By Katie Wightman


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Where did August go? I find myself asking this question, amazed at how quickly the last month has flown by. Granted it was a huge month for CHAT, with our relaunch event on 9 August. This event was a calendar highlight for the year, with the Minister for Human Services, the Hon. Jacquie Petrusma MP launching our new logo, new website and this new publication. !The event was well attended by our Board, staff and members. We had lots of fun activities for the kids, from crafts, to dress ups, and a selection of indoor and outdoor toys that would make any child think all their Christmases had come at once! I would like to acknowledge and thank the Swanston Street Children’s Centre (Swanston Street, New Town) for allowing us to hire the venue and commend them on an amazing facility. !This event was a celebration of months of hard work by the Board and staff of CHAT to consolidate the resources and services that we have offered our members so successfully for so many decades, to recommence some of these resources and services that had unfortunately slowed down or stopped due to significant staff

turnover and some extended job vacancies during the last year, and to celebrate that we have the opportunity to now expand on our scope - to offer bigger and better services and ensure we continue to meet the needs of our ever evolving membership. !I remain very excited by our re-energised organisation and that we can not only continue to deliver the resources and services we have offered for such a long time, but that we can build on them, and strive to achieve our vision for CHAT – to be a leading service provider, through the provision of health related resources, activities and knowledge, supporting Tasmanian families. !I have pleasure in reporting that during August our wonderful community pulled together to help us provide support to the C U @ Home Program. This program is run through the Child Health and Parenting Service (CHaPS) for young, first-time mums between the ages of 15 – 19. CHAT continue to share a close working relationship with CHaPS and it has been great to be able to help out 3 young mums in the last 5 weeks, all thanks to the kindness and

generosity of our members in donating much need items. !I would also like to make a special shout out to our Mayfield Branch, who kindly donated funds for us to purchase some toys and puzzles for the Snug Child Health Clinic in August. This ongoing support of our branches also helps us to continue to support CHaPS. !Other exciting news is that we are currently advertising our Northern Regional Coordinator position. This position has been vacant for some months, and it will be wonderful to expand the CHAT team to include someone dedicated to providing support, services and a local point of contact in the northern region again. If you are interested in applying, check out the advertisement under the Northern Regional Coordinator Report, and please give me a call on 0428 221 886 or email me at [email protected] for the position description and selection criteria. Applications close 5pm Friday 5th September. !Lastly, I encourage all our members to attend our AGM on Saturday 13 September. All members should have received an invitation to attend, and I hope to see you there!

Report from the State Executive Officer By Alison Wood



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Annual General Meeting13 September 2014 10:00-12:30pm !Hadley’s Hotel, Regency Room 34 Murray Street, Hobart

Annual General Meeting !13 September 2014 10:00-12:30pm

Hadley’s Hotel, Regency Room 34 Murray Street, Hobart

Dine over a fine brunch with other members of Child Health Association Tasmania. Our Annual General Meeting is open to all members and will feature an inspirational guest speaker. !This most important event of our calendar year will bring together our network of groups and programs across the state. With a shared vision, we will move forward and enthusiastically continue our mission to seek the wellbeing of Tasmanian children and families. !Pay Online or Direct Debit Cost: $25.50 Online: www.stickytickets.com.au/19527 Direct Debit: BSB 067103 Acc : 28036281 Please add “your name/AGM” as a comment to the transaction. Email [email protected] !RSVP strictly by 5 September 2014


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One way you can really protect the health and tone of your pelvic floor is to ‘prepare’ when you do any of the following things: !

• Laugh • Sneeze • Cough • Blow up a balloon • Lift heavy weights • Bracing the abs • Lift anything unpredictable !

By preparing the pelvic floor we are reducing the amount of movement or ‘flex’ in the muscles during these times. It’s particularly important if you are unwell and are coughing and sneezing a lot. To prepare the pelvic floor close off the three sphincter muscles (back

passage, vagina, bladder). Now lift the pelvic floor forwards and up, laugh, sneeze, whatever. You won’t feel nearly as much movement in the muscles so this will help keep your pelvic floor in tip top shape. If in doubt about the health of your pelvic floor contact a women’s health physiotherapist. I have a free pelvic floor exercise mp3 for you – keep it on your smart phone and listen and practise any time you wish. Just email me and I’ll send you a copy. There are some great resources online too www.pelvicfloorfirst.org.au. !!!By CHAT member, Jo Cordell-Cooper, who runs award winning Active Solutions and Health Network – finding the RIGHT balance for women at all ages and stages. www.jocc.com.au 0409 862 206 for more information

Pelvic Floor By Jo Cordell-Cooper

Since its inception in 1997, Bravehearts is dedicated to the prevention of child sexual assault and our key is to educate, empower and protect Australian kids. !59,000 Kids are harmed each year in Australia. The annual cost to society is $10 billion dollars. !Bravehearts need $44 million which will halve the number of children affected by 2020. This will ensure continued delivery of our school based prevention programs as well as training, counselling, support and advocacy for survivors. It will also allow continued research and important legislative reform agenda. !Australians are preparing to play their part in raising awareness and funds in need as the countdown begins for Bravehearts signature event, the 18th annual white balloon day on 12 September. Supporters wear white on the day to show support for victims of child sexual assault and to generate awareness about the issue. !White Balloon Day is not only a day of recognition, awareness and support, it’s also the principle fundraising initiative for Bravehearts as it seeks to educate, empower and protect the most vulnerable members of our community – our kids. !The Australia–wide event is a key fixture during National Child Protection Week with all funds going toward education, prevention and counselling programs. !Our Hobart Bravehearts committee will be hosting a Family Fun Day on Saturday 6th September on Parliament Lawns starting 10am- 2pm to launch this national event during child protection week.

We invite all Families to come along enjoy the day and support Bravehearts. Other ways you can get involved 2014: !• Host an event - hold a 'white' morning tea,

organise a 'wear white' day at your child's school or at your workplace or encourage your community to take part in a 'white walk' while raising funds for Aussie kids. !

• Social media selfie - snap a #whoRUprotecting selfie: the selfie requires you to answer the question 'who are you protecting' and display the answer in a photograph. !

• Protect Kids photo - purchase a Bravehearts 'protect kids' T-Shirt, snap a picture of you in the shirt and share on all social media. !

• Tell your story - do you have a story to tell? Bravehearts can work with you to inspire others in the community to act for child protection. !

• Social media - positively promote Bravehearts and White Balloon Day on your social media accounts using the hashtags #whoRUprotecing and #whiteballoonday !

Donate now! !Any Business or individual who would like to donate to support the day please contact: !Nicole Storey Bravehearts Hobart Committee Member 0468 925 450 [email protected]

Bravehearts Family Fun Day By Nicole Storey


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We all have some kind of expectation from marriage. What this means is, we have an expectation from our partner to fulfil a certain role. We expect love, kindness, understanding, patience, support and we can add far more to this list. In all marriages both need to accept that not all expectations will be met and so we have to settle for less than what we desire. Settling for a reasonable level of disappointment, and not expecting much more is where most couples remain. !However in some relationships one partner cannot not settle for this and they will express that they have greater expectations, higher hopes and want more. If you have a longing for what potentially can be a better marriage for both of you, the first step is to discuss this. You may in fact be surprised what your partner wants not only from you in the marriage, but also what they want to contribute to the marriage. !Relationships rarely remain in neutral, they tend to either gradually get better, or gradually get worse, with many highs and lows in between. Work out what you believe would be best for both of you and then share your expectations for your marriage. !Most realistic expectations are not that difficult to meet. Expectations in the realm of fantasy, deep longings and comparative to other relationship are

more difficult but can create an interesting discussion. Discussing this occasionally in an open, non-defensive manner with a smattering of humour can help you move towards a growing satisfaction in your most valued relationship. See this and more marriage tips go to www.youtube.com search ‘marriage tips, talk to the Hans. !Hans is a marriage counsellor, husband, father, step-father, and local minister. You can contact him via www.hobartmarriagecounselling.com.au. He also writes a regular Marriage Q&A for The Apple. You can ask him any question to be answered by emailing [email protected] .

Expectations in Relationships By Hans Kelder



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Playdate Australia is a new responsive platform that allows mothers to connect based on similar locations, interests, lifestyle, culture and ages of children. !Child Health Association has leapt at the opportunity to join this platform and connect Tasmanian families to one another in a meaningful way. Site users can locate other mums in their area and even nearby playgroups or scheduled playdates. Each of our regional CHAT playgroups and pram walks are listed on the site. Tasmanian mums can also find out about our special interest groups like Hobart Mums Choir and Business Connect through the site. !Playdate Australia was created by Queensland couple Pinar and Anthony Parry after they discovered the un-addressed need for a online space that helps mums get together in neighbourhoods.

!Featuring clean design and usability, the platform is fully responsive to mobile/tablet and desktop. Functionality includes the ability to search for local mums based on a range of criteria, connect, organise playdates and join local groups.  !Future plans include accelerating the growth of their membership base, adding more powerful functionality to their core features and expanding to New Zealand. Pinar Parry’s background was in Corporate and Institutional Banking whilst Anthony is employed as a Business Analyst in the Mining Industry.  !The idea came to Pinar Parry after her own personal experience moving to a new suburb in Brisbane with 2 toddlers and feeling the brunt of loneliness. !“I knew there should be an easier way to meet mums - no matter where you go, or what stage of parenting you are in. So we set out to create it. We took our experience and designed a platform that will help mums find their Village and create happier mums, families and communities - one playdate at a time!" !Visit www.playdateaustralia.com.au

Find a Playdate in Your Area By Christine Jolly


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We are delighted to welcome twelve new Family Food Patch Educators to the Patch from Geeveston and the broader Channel region. The women have shown a strong sense of community and bonding with one another over the 5 weeks

of Wednesday sessions we’ve held at the beautiful wayarapattee Child and Family Centre. They’ve shared stories about their lives, new recipes to cook with their families and inspired one another with the help, knowledge and guidance of our expert dietician facilitators Pen & Carole. !Over the five weekly sessions we’ve looked at topics including starting solids, fussy eating, screen time, label reading, drinks and getting kids involved amongst many more. The twelve remarkable women represent a wide range of backgrounds and family dynamics – some with their first babies, others with six children, a grandparent and a healthy community’s worker. This is the fantastic element of Family Food Patch – gathering together a cross section of a community and giving them tools and confidence to share their knowledge, experience and resources within their own peer groups and community networks. We look forward to sharing future success stories from their community in coming months. !To get some great links, event information, activity and recipe ideas that are related to healthy eating and physical activity for your family like us on Facebook. !One of the recipes that has been a big hit in the Patch with our Catch Up sessions and with the recent training, is this delicious winter warming soup from the Heart Foundation’s publication Healthier Recipes for the Family.

Sweet Potato and Lentil soup (Serves 6) !Ingredients 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 tsp ground paprika 1 tsp ground cumin 500g orange sweet potato, peeled and chopped 1 cup red lentils 5 cups water 1 tbsp reduced salt veg stock powder Squeeze of lemon juice 2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped !Method • Heat oil in a large deep pan; add onion, garlic,

paprika and cumin. Sauté until onion is soft. • Add sweet potato and lentils and stir for a further

minute. • Stir in water and stock powder and bring to the

boil, then reduce heat and simmer covered for 30mins.

• Remove from heat, cool slightly and blend. Stir in lemon juice and coriander to serve. !

Our next Family Food Patch training will be held before the end of this year so watch this space for location and venue announcements in the next edition of The Apple. If you would like to register your interest in the program or would like to know more about what we do and how we can support FFP Educators within their communities check out our website www.familyfoodpatch.org.au

Family Food Patch By Emma Rowell and Emily Rataj



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mamafirst fitness A Business Connect InterviewBy Kate Sward, Business Connect Coordinator

Who is Jess Schmidt? I am an English girl who’s married to a Canadian guy and we live in our adopted home of Australia with our two crazy, wonderful boys who are 2 and 5. I love reading real books and running on all tracks, I like yoga, travelling, wine and being with friends and family. !Tell us about your business and what you do. Mamafirst fitness is personal training for mums. We offer a fitness solution for every stage of motherhood from pregnancy to post natal and then mums returning to fitness. I understand that mums are time poor and they want safe and effective exercises that will get results. ‘Make time for some you time’ is the unofficial mamafirst fitness motto. !I also write and so I blog on my website www.mamafirstfitness.com and also write for a few other sites. It’s mainly parenting with a fitness slant and sometimes fitness with a parenting slant. !What were you doing prior to developing mamafirst fitness? I have had a few different jobs that have suited the various different stages of my life. I taught English in Japan and I travelled (which wasn’t a job, just an obsession) I worked in event management and project planning for 10 years where I managed major sporting events. I took time to be a full time mum when my eldest child was born and recently I started mamafirst fitness with the aim of developing a healthy home, work balance. !Inspiration behind starting mamafirst fitness? I have always been interested in health and fitness but decided to pursue other career avenues when I was at university. My inspiration to make a change in my career probably came from being a mum and taking the time to slow down and invest a bit more time in me and I discovered that I could do lots of things that I didn’t know I could – like run marathons. I met inspirational people that encouraged me and I really wanted to be able to inspire other people to reach beyond what they thought they were capable of doing. It’s an awesome feeling. !What was your first step in setting up mamafirst fitness? I registered my business name, applied for an abn, secured my website names, got hosted email, got a logo and brand identity, all the practical stuff. I had a strong idea for the business from the beginning and I can draw on my project planning and marketing skills from my previous roles so I have enjoyed it.

!Your biggest achievement to date? With regards to mamafirst fitness, it would be signing up my first personal training clients. It’s really humbling to have someone trust you to help them realise their fitness goals. I love it when clients text me to let me know that they are buying new clothes because their old ones are way too big. !

Best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Listen lots and ask lots of questions. Never assume anything. Plan as much as you can but be prepared to wing it if you have to. Don’t take things personally. If things go wrong fix them and then learn from it. Surround yourself with fabulous, giving people who want to see you succeed, get rid of the ones that don’t. !Which person or brand do you admire, why? I think the Lorna Jane brand is a great marketing example, I like the move, nourish ethos. I love The Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutter, her recipes are delish and I like her approach to nutrition. Blog wise I love Veggie Mama, I love her writing style. I also like Katy Bowman who is a biomechanist, she also has a wonderful writing style and she is on a crusade to teach us how to move better and use our bodies correctly. I really loves how she posts videos of her house on her website and she doesn’t bother to tidy up or do her hair. !

You're a business woman - how do you balance home/work life? I have set times when I work and times when I am a mum and I try not to combine the two. !If there was a contest the kids would win, well running would come a close second but I think there are enough hours in the day to keep everyone happy. !Any hot tips for aspiring Mumpreneurs? Decide why you want to do this. Look at it objectively to see if it would actually make money. Is there a market for it? Don’t under price yourself; charge what your time is actually worth otherwise you are taking yourself away from your family for nothing. And remember that you will be your marketing department, your IT department and maybe even your HR. There are many hats to be worn and you only have one head. !!!Business Connect is open to all members of Child Health Association Tasmania who are mums and own their own business. To join email Christine Jolly at [email protected]



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Many Mums are awesome at looking after their children – nurturing, feeding, loving, playing, educating, disciplining and laughing. !Many of those Mums are also great at looking after their partners – again, loving, caring & laughing. !Why then, when we are the ‘experts’ at looking after others, do we often do such a poor job of looking after ourselves? !This is a concern, on a few levels. If we keep ‘giving’, without replenishing ourselves, we reach a stage of ‘emptiness’. As a Parenting Consultant for 14 years, I’ve seen many women who love the early years of parenthood, and then they start to look tired and worn out, which can lead to resentment. !Now we all know parenting can be both fulfilling and exhausting. A Mum who looks after herself, will be able to more easily cope with the various things which can happen in a day with youngsters – drawing on the walls, cutting their sisters hair, and vegemite hugs! !The second concern with not looking after yourself as Mums, is the modelling aspect. As we know, children model both our positive, and our less desirable traits. If you are tired, constantly giving, and never doing anything for yourself, this is the image you are presenting to your children. To your female children you are saying, (through your actions): ‘When you grow up honey, you can be tired and run-down like this’. And, to your male children, you are saying: ‘When you

grow up, find someone like me, who’ll do everything for you’. Is this the message you want to convey? !Wouldn’t it be great, to model for them – strength & fulfilment, love & receiving, nurturing others & self-care – isn’t that what you really want for your children? !So, how do we find ‘Me-Time’ when there’s washing to hang out, a toddler who wants you to paint, and what’s for dinner? !The answer lies in the amazing way in which Mums are able to organise and multi-task every day! Think of what you do when you go out with a young baby – nappies, wipes, change of clothes, toys, books, food etc. We are capable organisers – so let’s utilise that strength! !Open your diaries right now, and pick a time this week, and write in “Me-Time” – ideally a 2 – 3 hr spot. I can already hear some of you giving me excuses why it’s not possible. However, if it were an appointment for the dentist or Canteen duty, you would do what you needed to do, to keep the appointment. You can do this! !Many of you have sisters, friends and neighbours who have children similar ages to yours. Build those friendships, by having them over for play dates, at your home, or theirs. Once you know and trust them well enough, that’s when the magic of “Me-Time” begins — the two of you agree that (eg) Tuesdays 9am -12 noon is “Me-Time”. One

Tuesday you drop your children off to their place, knowing they will be well cared for. You now have 3 hours just for you – a walk, a bubble bath, painting your nails or to read a book and drink a whole cup of hot tea! Imagine how refreshed you would feel, and how you would greet you children (and partner) once again with a big smile. Next week, you reciprocate for your friend. How good would it be to have that time regularly? – value yourself enough to make this happen! !One suggested ‘rule’ is that in “Me-Time” there is no housework to be done! – this is about nurturing yourself… You and your children deserve that! !Happy Parenting! !Sonja is a Senior Parenting Consultant, with 14 years parenting experience, on top of a 20 year teaching background. She is also a Life Coach. Sonja can be found at www.theparentingcafe.com.au or via email: [email protected]

Looking After Mum: “Me Time” By Sonja Preston



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As the days are getting warmer and longer, what a great opportunity to get the kids outside and explore Hobart’s wonderful parks and reserves. Did you know the City of Hobart provides and maintains over 40 parks and reserves across Hobart? For a detailed list please see www.hobartcity.com.au/Recreation/Parks_and_Gardens/Hobarts_Playgrounds !Saturday, 6 September Bravehearts Family Fun Day Parliament House Lawns 10am – 2pm Come along for some family fun, there will be jumping castle, performers, face painting, crafts and more. !Sunday, 7 September Threatened Species Day Event Waterworks Reserve, Site 8, off Waterworks Road, South Hobart 11.30 – 1.30pm !Join us at the majestic Waterworks Reserve and discover some of the threatened species that call Hobart home. You’ll be surprised at just how many species, big and small, live right here in Hobart. From Tasmanian devils to ammonite snails and the stinking pennywort, these animals and plants need our help! !There will be lots of displays, guided walks and activities for the kids, so bring a picnic or BBQ and discover that even the smallest species are remarkably valuable. !Saturday, 13 September Ann Pelo workshop Sacred Heart College Thirza St New Town, Hobart 9.30 – 3.30pm !Ann Pelo is a teacher educator, program consultant, and author whose primary work focuses on Reggio-inspired, social justice, and ecological teaching and learning.. Currently, Ann works with early childhood educators and administrators in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, thinking with them about inquiry-based teaching and learning, pedagogical leadership, and the necessary place of ecological identity in children’s and adults’ lives. Contact [email protected] for more info. !Sunday, 21 September Fahan School Fair. 11am -3pm, Fisher Ave Sandy Bay http://www.fahan.tas.edu.au/ !Friday, 26 September Where our wild things are. 6.15pm – 7.45pm !Meet just inside the gate to Waterworks Reserve, Waterworks Road, South Hobart. A night walk to see where our wild things are, then head back together for a starlight support and a story. For enquiries and booking please contact the City of Hobart during business hours 6238 2886.

Sunday, 28 September TMAG Family Fun Day 11am – 3pm www.tmag.tas.gov.au !Explore the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery with your children, a wonderful program for all of the family to enjoy. !City of Hobart School Holiday activities The City of Hobart Bush Adventures program has a lot of exciting events planned for the school holidays for children aged 5-7 yrs and 7-10 yrs. !Some of the activities include: Masked Owl Masquerade, Frogalicious, Tassie Rocks and Spectacular Spiders. Please see www.hobartcity.com.au/bushadventures !The City of Hobart – City School Holiday Activities also has a lot of fun things planned for you to do while exploring the City with your children. Some of the activities include: potting veggies, robots, making juggling balls and a Youth Art and Recreation Open Day for tweens. !The program will be on the city of Hobart website soon www.hobartcity.com.au !Focus on Services in Hobart and new publications for Children and Families in Hobart UTAS Psychology Clinic (UPC) - University of Tasmania Clark Rd Sandy Bay, 6226 2805 or email [email protected] !UPC is a training clinic for Clinical Psychology postgraduate students at the University of Tasmania. We provide a FREE service for the community, offering specialist clinical psychology assessment and intervention for children, adolescents, adults and families. !Australian Institute of Family Studies has released a few papers recently; I thought this one in particular would be of interest. !Helping your child to stop bullying: A guide for parents www.aifs.gov.au/cfca/pubs/factsheets/a147443/helping-parent-guide.pdf

Children and Families Activities in September City of HobartBy Amanda Midgley, Community Development Officer- Children and Families, City of Hobart.



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August began by The Haven welcoming published author Faye Waterman to come and speak to families and friends about finding the right help after a relationship separation. !As a consultant, she helps families do the following: !

• Make that critical decision, exploring their options

• Identify their needs, dissolve their confusion

• Understand the services available to them

• Create an environment that is comfortable for them and their family !

We also launched a new monthly get-together at The Haven where mums can bring their current crochet or knitting project and learn

from one another. This group is perfect for those who know nothing of the craft and those who are experts and enjoy a cuppa and a knatter. !Source Wholefoods graced our premises with an introduction to their organic fruit and veg program, as well as a brainstorm of how they can reach local families. !The Haven is a thriving hub of activity in Hobart’s CBD where local families come to connect. More than a parenting room, our members come to feed a baby, change a nappy, let toddler have a bit of a play, help themselves to a cuppa, make new friends, and participate in a number of events. !This volunteer-run facility is YOUR haven in the city.

Who can use it? All families are welcome at The Haven: mums, dads, bubs and kids, grandparents, carers, aunties, and uncles. Entry is $2 per family. FREE for Child Health Association Tasmania members. Opening Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am-2pm !We are excited that these hours will soon change to all weekdays from 9:30am-12:30pm. ! Location: 121 Macquarie St, Hobart (down the alley off Macquarie St. behind St. Davids Cathedral office building)

The Haven By Christine Jolly

The Child Health Association Tasmania (CHAT) delivers the Growing Families Program, which is funded through Anglicare’s Communities for Children Project and is aimed at increasing the awareness of healthy and nutritional food options for families living in the Northern Suburbs of Launceston and George Town. The Program has a specific focus on providing the knowledge and skills, along with the practical application of how to prepare and cook affordable, healthy and nutritional food for families. !In the last few weeks, Kathyrn has run a mobile CHATnMunch session with the HIPPY Program (a peer educated parenting program for migrants), at a Gumnuts Playgroup in South George Town and a Grandparents session! The CHATnMunch sessions are

popular and book up in advance. If you are interested in having a session over the coming months with your playgroup, school, neighbourhood house or some other type of group, please make contact with Kathryn Ervin on 0437 584 143. !We have lots of space in our Dads’ CHAT group in Mowbray and are keen to see the group grow. This group meet each Thursday, between 4.00pm – 7.30pm at the Northern Suburbs Community Centre in Dover Street. This is a great opportunity for Dads to get together, along with their kids, to prepare, cook and enjoy a meal each week. If you are a Dad in that area and might be interested, please make contact with the group facilitator, Jason Maxwell, on 0417 511 397.

Growing Families By Alison Wood


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I don’t like shopping, actually let me re-phrase that, I don’t like shopping for things with other people.  If I’m shopping for something by myself, for myself, then I don’t mind it.  I run it like a military operation: first planning (use the internet to find product reviews, work out what shops stocks what I’m after, map out the best route to go between multiple shops if required), then execution (in, out, done).  My wife often says if I put the amount of effort into our finances that I did into getting the best bargain for video games we’d be millionaires, to which I reply that money doesn’t bring you happiness… whereas a PlayStation 4 absolutely does (honey? PS4? hint, hint) !Recently our family found ourselves in the need to buy some furniture, namely a chest of drawers and a couch.  Of course Miss 5 and Miss 2.5 came along for the adventure.  The store was a combination furniture/homewares type deal. It consisted of a huge space with the large furniture arranged in aisles, and intermingled with the furniture were easily breakable knicnacks, all positioned at the exact height to catch the eye of any child walking past. Our girls are quite good in these situations and know not to touch things in shops, so instead they ran up and down the aisles at full speed yelling at the top of their lungs. The running and yelling game quickly turned into hide and seek, which as you can imagine is tremendously fun when there are 150 different cupboards/dressers/boxes to hide in. My wife and I quickly nipped that idea in the bud, because as we reasoned, with that volume of cupboards in one place there was a more than fair chance that at least one of them would probably lead to Narnia. And as much as we might enjoy riding a giant lion into battle against the forces of evil, my wife is allergic to cats, and I don’t think even Aslan would look too fondly upon the idea of presenting her with a magical sword, only to have her sneeze all over him. After somehow picking out a set of drawers, we moved onto choosing a couch. As everyone knows a couch is

merely an expensive mini trampoline, and our daughters wasted no time in testing out that fact. !After quickly grabbing them and sitting them down we picked out the couch we liked and my wife and the shop assistant started discussing the available colours. With our children happily occupied by pulling funny faces in a nearby mirror, I joined the conversation regarding the colour of our new couch. I was presented with my wife with a choice of 2 colours... both of which were the same colour... grey. I pointed out the fact that they were the same colour, to which my wife and the shop assistant looked at me like I was the village idiot and proceeded go to great lengths trying to explain that they were in fact quite different colours, one being a brown grey and the other being a black grey. It was soon realised that this effort was wasted on me, so they went back to talking to each other about the differences of the two. Feeling content that our new couch would be grey I went hunting for the girls, and found them pouring themselves drinks of water from a water cooler. I poured myself one and we all stood drinking our water watching my wife chatting to the shop assistant as she paid for our furniture. As I stood there I thought about how tiring it was shopping with kids, and how you spend the whole time chasing them, or telling them not to touch something or trying to find them. Then I thought, but if I wasn’t chasing the kids what would be the alternative? We would be in the shops for longer, we would end up going to more shops to compare products, and I would find myself in more conversations about different colour options which were in reality are THE SAME COLOUR! So really, the kids are improving what I would normally consider a tedious task. Once I looked at it that way I didn’t feel so stressed; the girls were helping me out... as only kids can. !Richard Casey’s family are CHAT members. He’s a Tasmanian dad entranced by life with daughters.

Herding Cats By Richard Casey



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The mums in Business Connect are escaping their comfort zones and embellishing their smiles with brightly coloured lippy. !With hopes to raise $1500 for the cause of Women’s Mental Health, you may see these members of Child Health Association Tasmania walking through town, doing business, dining out wearing their lipstick to raise awareness. For many this is an item of make-up that they rarely, if ever, wear. !Member and holiday house manager, Liz Selkirk says, “Whilst I'm not prepared to grow a moustache, I'm absolutely happy to paint my usually unadorned lips for such a great cause. The more open and honest we

are about women's mental health, and mental health in general, the better we will become at helping those struggling...and the better we will become at preventing many from suffering at all.” !To join their team or support the cause you can visit the following site: www.liptember.com.au/teams/hmn-business-connect

Liptember By Christine Jolly


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North West Region !This month has seen a steady increase in our Facebook membership page, NW Mums Network. !We have almost 200 mums connecting through our page, and I hope this continues until we reach all North West mums! The North West Region has started a weekly newsletter update which highlights hot topics discussed during the week, and also serves as a what's on event guide for kid friendly activities in the NW. To read our most recent weekly newsletter, click here: http://tinyurl.com/l5b8u9m. !The Child Health Association currently has two weekly groups meeting in the North West. !• The Rosebery CHAT Playgroup

meets every Wednesday from 10:30-12:30 at the Rosebery Memorial Hall.

• The King Island CHAT Playgroup meets every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 at the King Island Racecourse in the ground floor building. !

If you are interested in starting a playgroup, a pram walking group, or a group of another type in your area of the North West, please contact me for support, help and guidance. !Coordinator: Kelly Rechtin [email protected] 0408 538 349 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Southern Region !Each Friday our online newsletter is published and features the week’s pram walking locations, days and times of our special interest groups and playgroups and events at The Haven. We also feature relevant news that may be of interest to our Southern members. !The weekly newsletter is currently sent out to 260 of our members each week. Want to find out what’s on in the South? Sign up for our newsletter here: http://tinyurl.com/ldrpuly !We had the pleasure of greeting families as they walked in the door of the Baby and Kids Market in New Town this month. Expect to see us at each market in the future greeting you with balloons, healthy apples, warm smiles, and a brochure. We’re taking steps to make sure our families in the North have the same welcoming experience at the Launceston venue. For information about days and times visit their website www.babykidsmarket.com.au !We also hosted our first Kidsafe Information Session here in Hobart. Thirteen families came along and two new families signed up for membership with CHAT. It was so popular, we are now looking to plan another session in November, and hopefully have RACT attend to do free checks on carseat fittings. For more info, visit their website at www.kidsafetas.com.au !Coordinator: Christine Jolly [email protected] 0400 518 154 !!!!!!!!!!!

Northern Region !All our groups in the region welcome new members. Regular groups and activities include: • City CHAT • Beauty Point CHATn Coffee • Westbury CHAT • George Town CHATnWalk • Mayfield CHAT !Growing Families: • Dads CHAT in George Town • Dads CHAT in Mowbray • CHATnMunch George Town • mobile CHATnMunch sessions !For more information, check out 'Groups' on our website www.chatas.com.au. !We are very excited to be currently advertising for someone to join the CHAT team, in the role of Northern Regional Coordinator. This position has been vacant for many months, and we cannot wait to welcome a new member to our staff, and to provide that greater level of support and contact to our members in the northern region. If you think you have the right skills and could offer something to CHAT, make sure you get your application in by 5pm Friday 5 September. !Coordinator: Vacant Written by: Alison Wood [email protected] 0428 221 886 !!

Tasmanian Regional Reports TH


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DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed within

The Apple are those of the writers only and do not reflect the views and opinions of Child Health Association Tasmania. !

Our members are encouraged to submit their own stories for our monthly publication. !

To submit content for future editions of The Apple, please follow our Content Guidelines on our website: www.chatas.com.au. !

To advertise in our monthly online magazine please read our Advertising Guidelines

on our website: www.chatas.com.au for various opportunities.

Birth Announcements TH


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Name: Hannah Setsuko

Member Mother: Jolene Inori

Birthdate: 29 August 2014

The baby that the Hobart Mums

Network danced and cheered into

the world! !Newborn Announcements Email the following to [email protected]: !• Photo, • Name, • Birthdate, • Up to 21 words

Honouring Our Life Members Annette Bain Kathy Barry Denise Bizjak Julie Bott Mary Brain Karen Casino Debra Chick Esme Clarke Gill Clarke Jenny Clements Barbara Cooper Elizabeth Cowan Marylynn Connelley Chris Dahlenberg Margaret Davis Dee Dawkins Brenda Dickenson Kathryn Direen Marianne Dolbey Maree Duggan Maria Eaton Kathryn Edwards Kathryn Ervin

Jillian Freeman Martha Frankcombe Ruth Freeman Maria Gill Fiona Gleeson Jan Griffiths Pat Harthen Anita Hine Lindy Holmard Suzette Holmes Eilin Hordvik Suzanne Horton Jenni Howlett Judy Hunt Pauline Hurd Mandy Jackson Elaine Johnston Anna Jones Marylynn Jones Rosemary Kellaway Mary Keller Tanya King Annette Langham

Lyn Long Jillian Lynch Margaret Maine Celeste Marchant Jessica Marston Susan McKinnon Jane McKnight Tanya McNeill Anita Meier Christine Minchin Chris Mooy Louise Morgan Robyn Nandan Lynne Neep Carol Newbon Sonia Ollongton Allison O'May Eleanor Phelan Jenny Ploughman Catherine Revell Pam Revell Audrey Richardson Fiona Ringrose

Robyn Robertson Gail Saggers Judy Salter Raelene Salter Leonie Scott Elizabeth Singleton Emily Shepherd Kaye Smith Linda Smith Tammy Smith Kristy Springer Loriee Snook Christine Stacey Janet Stephens Anita Street Pat Swindells Shelley Thomson Lyn Williams Kerrie Walkem Ann Wedding Marion Wilson Jill Zeeman


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Come along for a day of family fun! All proceeds go towards the Bravehearts Inc. charity to EDUCATE, EMPOWER & PROTECT OUR KIDS




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Business Classifieds !

Page 18: 2014 September

For term 4 sports and venues,

visit our website.

Registrations for Term 4 are now open.

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The following programs are part of Child Health Association Tasmania !

Business Connect Family Food Patch Growing Families

The Haven Hobart Mums Network

North West Mums Network Pram Walking Groups

Resource Libraries Retailers Discount Program !

To find out more about our programs and membership, please visit our website


A/State Executive Officer Alison Wood 0428 221 886

[email protected] !!Finance/Admin Officer

Matt Smith 0477 033 669

[email protected] !!Southern Regional Coordinator

Christine Jolly 0400 518 154

[email protected] !!North West Regional Coordinator

Kelly Rechtin 0474 114 784

[email protected]

Northern Regional Coordinator Vacant

Enquiries to Alison Wood !!Family Food Patch Program Manager

Emily Rataj 0409 405 789

[email protected] !!Growing Families Program Manager

Dianne Martin 0478 242 196

[email protected]