UNWE Newsletter January 2014

JANUARY UNWE newsletter



Transcript of UNWE Newsletter January 2014

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contentBobby’s speechy2b updatey2b photosChristmas cocktail infoLCP electionsProject updates World Playground MD&MU FSB W<3U Green Future CSR in Practice Global Citizen IIOpportunities and upcoming

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Bobby’s speech

Hey, Hey Yey! AIESEC UNWE!

This is your current LCP speaking! :D Oh the feeling of knowing that you are nolonger the mother of the LC is so frustrating!I didn`t want to give my LC to anyone, but I had to. Congratulations to our LCPe Veli! : )May the force be with you my dear son and in six months you to become the almightyfather of the LC! :DOk to the point. Dear LC, I hope you had great holidays. I wish you the joy of onethousand lifes, the friendships to share it with and to achieve success as one, asone family as one LC our LC! The 2014 has already began and we need to be strongerthan last year and braver than last year, because a lot of hard moments are ahead ofus, a lot of challenges to overcome and a lot of good to achieve!Stay together, stay as one and become Generation 213 - a generation of leaders notafraid to go into the fight and win it no matter the costs.

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The second edition of Youth to Business forum took place on 26th be announcedas a record breaker! And because money makers love speaking with digits,here are some: • more than 350 applicants • almost 300 delegates • 8 internationally established case-partners • 3 professional lecturers in the field of entrepreneurship • Reached thousands of students through physical promotion in 7 universities in Sofia • Reached a hundred thousand more through media • 22 media partners, including Bulgaria on Air and Nova TV

On the 23th of October students had the amazing opportunity to meet face to facerepresentatives of the companies participating in the event and closelycommunicate on the hottest issues with them.

Estimating the feedback forms, the Organizational Committee was very happy tofind out that the majority of the delegates were highly contented by the workshopsof the companies and by the opportunity to meet so many experienced leaders andgain a real vision of the business reality at current. Last, but not least, a lot of careeropportunities have been proposed by the companies after the event and so thecommunication between them and the youth is still going on!

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Visit the photo gallery athttps://www.facebook.com/YouthToBusinessBulgaria/photos_stream

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AIESEC Sofia’sChristmas CocktailHow much magic can be gathered in one evening? It depends only on us, becausewe made that magic. Since we carry it in our souls, whenever we want something tohappen, we just do it.

After long preparations and so many effortson 11.12.13, AISEC Sofia held its ChristmasCocktail, inviting all current members of thethree LCs in Sofia and the National Office, allcorporate partners and of course every Alumniwho wanted to join. Even though, the mainidea originally came from LC UNWE and gotrealized owing to the faithful work of the theBusiness Task Force.

So this is how in ATM Hotel’s restaurant,Christmas came earlier. Entering the partyevery guest got a Christmas wish from ourwish-box. Of course there was a dress codeand everyone had to wear something red orwhite and could choose to drink red orwhite wine.

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Breathtaking was the presence of the chair of the event, and namely our VP ER- Krasi,who took care of our guest with special agenda. A short presentation was there toshow our guests what we have accomplished within the last year – the thousands ofkids who smiled because of us, the hundreds of students who lived the adventure oftheir lives and all the new ideas that were born and flourished just in a year. Everyoneknows Christmas is also about presents, so there were special made certificates, pensand flash drives with AIESEC’s logo for our partners as a sign of recognition for theirgreat contribution and steadfast support to AIESEC. Members of LC UNWE were notforgotten either! After winning the vote of the majority, our President, Bobby, gavesome of them special certificates, too.

In the fun part another very special guest appeared too - the real Santa with his SnowWhite, spreading the Christmas spirit all around us. Actually, we had a Secret Santa, too.And not just one! Everybody turned into Santa by making a nice gesture for someonerandomly chosen. Because Christmas is about being better people. The party continuedwith lovely talks, jokes, Christmas songs and of course roll-calls. And about the magicwe made that magic! Just make sure you would keep it and spread it!

AIESEC Sofia’sChristmas Cocktail

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LCPElectionsOn the 15th of December the elections for the AIESEC Sofia UNWE LCP for the term 2014/2015 took place in UNWE. The candidates were Veliana Zlateva (present LCVPF) and Milen Haralambiev (present LCVPTM). The event started at 2 p.m. First there was a 15-minute speech and then a 15-minute Q&A session with the first candidate – Veli. Then the same happened with the second candidate – Milen. Afterwards we proceeded with an open discussion with both of them – Milen and Veli were asked the same questions about AI and the role of AIESEC Bulgaria in it and every one of them had to answer. After that the candidates had a little break, during which the other members of AIESEC discussed the features a Local committee president should have to be an effective leader. Next came the time for the final 5-minute speeches of the candidates. Then the most essential part of the elections happened – the voting. There were 29 full righted members of AIESEC Sofia UNWE present and every one of them had to vote secretly and anonymously. At about 6 o’clock every one of them was ready and we moved to the inner yard of UNWE, where the present LCP – Bobby Georgiev pronounced and poured 10 liters of water on ‘his baby’ – the LCP-to-be. The result is – with 17 against 12 votes for the position of LCP of AIESEC Sofia UNWE for the term 2014/2015 was elected Veliana Zlateva. We wish a lot of success for both of the candidates. And Veli, may the force be with you, so that you can bring AIESEC Sofia UNWE to a better future!

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World Playground team is working very hard. We have five EP's - from Egypt, China and Indonesia and we'll need five more to reach out our target. We have our first promo materials, which aim to inform the candidates for our project and we are sure that soon we will achieve our goals.

We have a brand new marketing plan, Prezi for our interns, we've made segmentation of more than 20 companies, and a budget.We've already started calling schools and kindergardens and we've arranged 2 meetings for January. We have a working programme for the interns and a fancy wiki.

And last but not least, we have our first article, which is going to be published in not one, not two, but three magazines and we are very very excited about that!

Team MD & MU is ready with the marketing plan, budget and timeline of the project. The girls already know what Canvas model is, and with a lot of spirit come up with a promise, which is waiting to be posted on the wall!

The Team already has a progress in its project. The phone took part in the work and the first companies were called. Of course, schools weren't forgotten, too. They had their first meetings, MU project caused a huge intereset. The girls and Mitko started to give grades about their work together and made CAT 360, answering the questions trutfully and honestly. They decided to give themselves a reward for their last meeting for 2013 and made an awesome team-evening with sweet talks, drinks, table football, darts and so much laugh. Everyone could see how they were going to look like if they were in a cartoon movie, thanks to their COMM - Sofia. Also they made their promise as a team and felt not just like colleages but like friends!

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Welcome to the stage the new FSB crew! Under the humble guidance of their OCP, Neda Slavova, Ivet Pilitova, Senem Barut, Georgi Blagov and Nataliya Georgieva are going to make wonders. They already promised the whole office to work hard while never forgetting to also enjoy their time in the organization and have lots and lots of fun.

The cold wind and harsh weather of December didn’t stop the enthusiasm in FSB. Despite all the finals and projects due, we managed to keep up with the good work: • ICX segmented over 100 NGOs (!), made 20 cold calls, 8 of which turned into meetings with several promises for second meetings in January. The girls also helped other fellow ICX-ers with their EP interviews. • TM worked non-stop, doing CAT 360, PDPs and a great team building. • COMM is following the marketing plan and with the help of TM designed an awesome Christmas email for us to send to all our contacts.

The team of CSR in Practice heroically lost two members-ICX. However, the team is strong and continue working on their tasks. We successfully developed our busi ness model and set our goals and vision. The team is making some researches in the CSR area on national and international level-articles, videos, companies which are practicing CSR and their initiatives. ERs started prepearing segmentation of companies which are practicing CSR, international companies and some potentional partners. Our gorgeous COMM started planning a promotion compaign which will help in attracting corporate partners.The compaign will last a month and will show the benefits of having an international intern. The organization Denkstatt will help us in realising the project by providing trainings for the team and the interns , the trainings are directly connected with CSR policies and practicies. The sweet TM supported our first emotional teambuilding and the smoothly going of processes in the team.

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1. Until now 10 professors agreed to work with us and support us. We are continuing meeting professors and looking forward for new partnerships.2. World University already have four applicants and already have ONE APROVED! He is a boy from China and he is very excited about the project.3. We have our segmentation of the companies and started the cold calls. We already had two meetings and both went very. Educational center ADVANCE answered us that they want to work with us and we are going to sign our first contract in a week. The other have to give us answer after a week.4. We are almost done with CAT 360 and starting working on PDPs.5. We already had his first team building and we become much closer to each other. And we will have the second one very soon. 6. We have mission vision and promise of the project.7. We have Canvas model, marketing plan budget and media list.8. I am very glad to say that we have a new member in the team. Her name is Monika Rachovska and she is going to be on OC VP ER position. We all very excited to work with her and sure we are going to do awesome job together. Welcome Moni!

Hi LC UNWE, "Zelenite chovecheta" have done a lot of work this month. First, we learned how to work together, we made our promise and Canvas model. After this our amazing Comm made lots of visuals and she started promo campaign about our two projects. Our OCs VP ICX have done a lot of interviews with inters from all over the world and we have our first MAs, also they contact schools,where we gonna realize all our social projects. Let's be synergetic!! Our sexy ERs made segmentation and soon they gonna make their first calls. We had our first team bulding, and now the whole team together made their SWOT analysis and PDP. Zelenite chovecheta wish you Happy and Green New Year and a lot of success during the session.

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Update information for Global Citizen II:

From the beginning of our mandate so for1. We have done 18 lectureshauts, with the kind cooperation of LC UNWE2. 3 daily info desks3 Held a presentation for candidates for internship4. Made OPS, for the approved candidates for internship

After the above and something else ended up with:1. 97 applications2. 35 interviews3. 5 Contracts4. 4 Matches

Also we made a cool video for the new start and good luck of all !@ers

Opportunities& UpcomingAIESEC

17.01.2014 - Apply for CC of AIM26.01.2014 - Apply for delegate in iTtT Poland


15.01.2014 - Win a 2000 BGN scholarship by BELLA Bulgaria18.01.2014 - Personal Development Workshop @ betahaus31.01.2014 - Apply for Global Impact Competition 2014