83'$7(5 +HDOWKFDUH 6FKRRO DQG &KLOGFDUH 7+( 1RYD 6FRWLD 2ZQHG DQG 2SHUDWHG Christmas is over and even Santa needs a break. Now the real fun begins ... WINTER ... cold temperature ... multiple layers of clothing & back breaking shoveling. Makes us all wish for the lazy days of summer. Stay warm and remember ... Spring is only 3 months away ... unless you are one of the fortunate ones traveling to warm climates ... then only one question . . . what are you still doing here. We may not be able to do anything about the weather but we will help you help with your menus, food product information, presentation, allergies etc. Feel free to contact us at - [email protected] or (902) 876-2356. &UHDWHG E\ $UPVWURQJ )RRG 6HUYLFH D SURXG 1RYD 6FRWLDQ FRPSDQ\ 32 %R[ .LQJVWRQ 16 %3 5 ,QVLGH 92/80( ,668( -DQ )HE $UPVWURQJ 1RWHV 3 3RVW 3 2O\PHO 3 0DSOH /HDI 3 5RVHPRXQW 6DOHV 0DUNHWLQJ 3 0RWKHU 3DUNHUV 3 3DUPDODW 3 5DFROOL 3 0DSOH /HDI 3 3URGXFW &RUQHU 3 5HFHLSH RI WKH 0RQWK 3 :HEVLWH ,QIR 3

Transcript of Untitled-2 [ ] · PDF fileDPPL VOUJM TMJHIUMZ TPGUFOFE t 4UJS JO DMPWFT HBSMJD 5#41...

Page 1: Untitled-2 [ ] · PDF fileDPPL VOUJM TMJHIUMZ TPGUFOFE t 4UJS JO DMPWFT HBSMJD 5#41 øPVS BOE UTQ UIZNF ... Consistent format Consistent coverage on pizzas

Christmas is over and even Santa needs a break.

Now the real fun begins ... WINTER ... cold temperature ... multiple layers of clothing & back breaking shoveling. Makes us all wish for the lazy days of summer.

Stay warm and remember ... Spring is only 3 months away ... unless you are one of the fortunate ones traveling to warm climates ... then only one question . . . what are you still doing here.

We may not be able to do anything about the weather but we will help you help with your menus, food product information, presentation, allergies etc. Feel free to contact us at - [email protected] or (902) 876-2356.

Page 2: Untitled-2 [ ] · PDF fileDPPL VOUJM TMJHIUMZ TPGUFOFE t 4UJS JO DMPWFT HBSMJD 5#41 øPVS BOE UTQ UIZNF ... Consistent format Consistent coverage on pizzas

It’s a Chicken-n-Dumplings Change-Up!

Cooked Diced Chicken

Page 3: Untitled-2 [ ] · PDF fileDPPL VOUJM TMJHIUMZ TPGUFOFE t 4UJS JO DMPWFT HBSMJD 5#41 øPVS BOE UTQ UIZNF ... Consistent format Consistent coverage on pizzas

Reduce health & safety concerns at the back of the houseConsistent format Consistent coverage on pizzasConvenient and easy to use right out of the bag

Parmalat Racolli 20% Shredded MozzarellaPack Size: 4 x 2.27 kg

OHA Code: 184279

Page 4: Untitled-2 [ ] · PDF fileDPPL VOUJM TMJHIUMZ TPGUFOFE t 4UJS JO DMPWFT HBSMJD 5#41 øPVS BOE UTQ UIZNF ... Consistent format Consistent coverage on pizzas

Description: Armstrong Shaved Roast Beef

Armstrong shaved beef is a great addition to any sandwich or wrap. Reduced in sodium and low in fat. Spice up your menu with easy to use meats. Vacuum packed and ready to use.

Pack Size: 2 kg avg

OHA Code: 124804