Unite the Light Leadership

Growing A New Humanity Elizabeth Ellames

Transcript of Unite the Light Leadership

Growing A New Humanity

Elizabeth Ellames

= Human-Unity(Humanity)

CommunityCulture Commitment ConnectivityChoiceConversation


We are birthing a New Woman and New Man, which is also birthing a new style of Leadership in the world.

The first step in becoming a true leader is making the

decision to say yes to the call, and then stand up and lead.

The number one distinctionabout being a leader.

Your ideas and actions aredirected and activated byyour commitment to lead.

Its really quite simple,

we become what we believe in. 

But first we have toLET GO OF THE PAST

Women - for centuries have adopted controlling addictive behaviors in order to survive. Sad but true!

The old divide and conquer tactic – Split the group through malicious or petty/idle gossip. (control)

Overt or covert displays of suffering – Constant complaining, comparing or judging of others. (control)

Seduction of another persons loved ones – partner, friends, or family. (control)

Subtle belittling of a persons abilities and personal appearance. (control)

Men - for centuries have adopted controlling behaviors in order to survive and maintain a position of power.

Sad but true!

The Competitive approach – Having to dominate conversation, ideas and outcomes. (control/power)

Displays of dominance – Constant bullying, comparing and always having to be right. (control/power)

Seduction of another persons loved ones – partner, friends, or family. (control/power)

Abusive belittling - of another persons abilities and personal appearance. (control/power)





Re-lease & Liberation

Union & Peace

Happiness &


Growth & Advanceme


Will birth the ‘New MAN’ archetype,

which in turn will create a new story

and a new consciousness.

The old way of thinking says -

Basically what that is saying is –

If you don’t have any

$,your not really worthanything.


We are now moving from the

Adam Smith model of competition.

We are all born to connect not compete.

We are hardwired to Share, Care and be Fair.

What’s good for ME and good for the GROUP.

Create goals that UNITE. Goals that are LARGER than we

can CREATE on our own.

We can ONLY do it by creatingco-creative societies.And by operating in systemsthat are already working well forthe whole.

Exchange + Frequency= Currency, which creates

Collaboration CreatesCurrency

Collaborate And Thrive

Falseness + Suspicion = IndifferenceTruth + Trust = Unity

Disarray + Confusion = InertiaUnity + Clarity = Glory

Forming Community

INERTIA meaning and definitionA disposition to remain in active. The resistance of a body to change momentum. Sluggish, lethargy or laziness.

GLORY meaning and definition Exaltation, praise, or honor. Something that brings or is worthy of praise.

Support Each Other

Radical transformation is natures tradition.

Crisis precedes transformation – problems are evolutionary drivers.

Nature takes jumps through synergy and co-operation.

When a system becomes unstable, that is the time to reorder.

This is how nature evolves. We are part of that nature.

The new leader does not show you how it is done.

The new leader says YES to the call.

Word of mouth


Self ordering structures.

After sales service.

VISIONQuality through design.

= Human-Unity(Humanity)

CommunityCulture Commitment ConnectivityChoiceConversation

