Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies. Rebellion Indicator Sources.

Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies

Transcript of Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies. Rebellion Indicator Sources.

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Unit 3 Assessment

8th Grade Social Studies

Page 2: Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies. Rebellion Indicator Sources.
Page 3: Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies. Rebellion Indicator Sources.

Rebellion Indicator Sources

Page 4: Unit 3 Assessment 8 th Grade Social Studies. Rebellion Indicator Sources.

How to use these sources

• Each heading corresponds to an aspect on your Rebellion Indicator Checklist

• Research each source provided and then think to yourself…– Is this issue significant in causing a rebellion?– If so, will a riot break out because of it?

• Or…will people be able to cope with it and move on

– If it is not significant, it is not a great factor in causing a rebellion.

• Feel free to research on your own after you use the sources provided.

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How to use Restrictive Law Sources…

• Read the first 4 sources: they explain the rights that all Americans are supposed to have

• Read the last two bullets which describe laws

• Determine which rights are violated/restricted

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Restrictive Laws/Policy• Bill of Rights:

– http://www.billofrights.org/• 14th Amendment:

– http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html• Summary of Amendments:

– http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h926.html• Civil Rights Act:

– http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=old&doc=97• Patriot Act:

– http://www.npr.org/news/specials/patriotact/patriotactprovisions.html• Arizona Immigration Act

– http://www.cga.ct.gov/2010/rpt/2010-R-0213.htm– http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/us/politics/24immig.html

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• http://www.ntu.org/tax-basics/who-pays-income-taxes.html

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Imprisonment Rates

• http://www.prisonpolicy.org/graphs/malesinc.html

• http://www.prisonpolicy.org/articles/notequal.html

• http://sentencingproject.org/doc/publications/rd_stateratesofincbyraceandethnicity.pdf (focus on data tables)

• http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/

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• Interactive Poverty Map– http://www.usccb.org/cchd/povertyusa/map.htm

• Poverty in Suburbs – http://news.uchicago.edu/news.php?asset_id=2044

• Various Cities (focus on graphs and maps) – http://www.buffalostate.edu/geography/documents/paper.pdf

• Poverty Map (focus on maps):– http://www.cdc.gov/Pcd/issues/2007/oct/07_0091.htm

• Housing Map:– http://uspoverty.change.org/blog/view/housing_everywhere_unaf


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Geography: Poverty by Region

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Access to Resources

• Access to Quality Food– http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/01/21/us-access-


• Study on Access to Fresh Food and Inner Cities– http://www.policylink.org/atf/cf/%7B97C6D565-BB43-

406D-A6D5-ECA3BBF35AF0%7D/FINALGrocery Gap.pdf

– Focus on Pages: 7-9; 13-20

• Surroundings and Obesity– http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-09-25-tee


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American Education (CIA World Factbook)

• Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write– total population: 99%male: 99%female: 99% (2003


• School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): – total: 16 years – male: 15 years – female: 17 years (2008)

• Education expenditures: 5.5% of GDP (2007)country comparison to the world: 46

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Primary Sources

• Jay-Z “Minority Report”• Tea Party Speech• Guns at a Town Hall Meeting• Lupe Fiasco- “Show Goes On” Lyrics• Occupy Wall Street Pictures

– http://www.mendhamboro.org/14002051495152750/FileLib/browse.asp?A=374&BMDRN=2000&BCOB=0&C=55645

– (all five can be found here)

• ABC News Video on the Economy– http://abcnews.go.com/Business/unemployment-rate-college-


• See Mr. McLaughlin for Challenge Sources