Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

Unit 11: Unit 11: Nutrition Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the Nutrients and the evolution of the evolution of the digestive system. digestive system.

Transcript of Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

Page 1: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

Unit 11: Unit 11: NutritionNutrition

Food – Glorious - Food!Food – Glorious - Food!

Nutrients and the evolution Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.of the digestive system.

Page 2: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

A. Nutrients

1. ______________ - measurement of the amount of ___________ - the amount of energy needed to raise ________________ - the back of the food label really measures __________ (Calories) - average person eats 2000 – 3000 Calories per day

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2. Macronutrients - macro = large - macronutrients are nutrients needed in large quantities

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a) _______________________ 1) Function: ___________________ respiration __________________ 2) Foods: - __________ – fruits, candy, cookies mono- and di-saccharides _______________________________ Easily broken down – _____________________

(_________________________) - _____________ – grains, potatoes ____________________ Complex Carbohydrates = big starches, long time to digest

_________________ ____________________ = indigestible carbohydrates (cellulose) 3) Digestion: ______________ ______________ ______________ Store energy: monosachharides ____________ (animal starch) Glycogen stored in the _____________

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Page 6: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

b) ___________________ 1) Function: _______ body organs, ________ the body, ______ energy, _______________, hormones - _____________ 2) Foods: oils, butter, meats - no more than 30% of calories from fat - _______________________________

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3) Digestion:Lipids break down into



Fatty Acids

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c) ____________________ 1) Function: materials for ________ an _______, ________, characteristics, regulation, transport, _________, _________ 2) Foods: meats, eggs, beans, rice, nuts 3) Digestion: - Proteins __________________ - There are 20 amino acids used in the body - Your cells can make 12 of them 8 are an essential part of the diet:

methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, threonine,

valine, isoleucine, lysine - Without eating the 8 amino acids you could not survive

complete proteins

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Page 10: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

3. Micronutrients - nutrients needed in small quantities a) Minerals – inorganic

molecules Mineral Sources Function

Calcium Dairy, sardines, tofu, dark green leafy vegetables

Bone and tooth formation, blood clotting, nerve and muscle function

Iron Meats, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables

Hemoglobin, energy metabolism

Iodine Seafood, iodized salt Thyroid hormones, metabolism

Magnesium Whole grains, green leafy vegetables Activation enzyme in protein synthesis

Phosphorus Dairy, meats, grains Bone and tooth formation, pH balance

Potassium Meats, dairy, bananas pH balance, water balance, nerve function

Chlorine Salt Gastric juice, pH balance

Fluorine Seafood, tap water Bone and tooth structure

Zinc Meats, seafood, grains Digestive enzymes

Sodium Salt pH balance, water balance, nerve function

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b) Vitamins - organic molecules - often work with enzymes as coenzymesVitamin Sources Function

A (Retinol) Dark green, yellow, orange vegetables Growth of skin, night vision

B-1 (Thiamine) Whole grains, legumes Metabolism of carbohydrates

B-2 (Riboflavin) Dairy products, meat, whole grain Growth, energy metabolism (ETC)

B-3 (Niacin) Liver, whole grains, nuts, legumes Energy metabolism

B-12 Meats, eggs, whole grains Protein synthesis, energy metabolism, nerve function

C (Ascorbic Acid) Citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli Cartilage and bone, antioxidant, tissue repair, iron absorption

D Fish oils, eggs, sun light Bone growth, calcium absorption

E Green leafy vegetables, seeds Antioxidant, prevents cell damage

Folic Acid Legumes, nuts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables Coenzyme in nucleic acid metabolism, red blood cells

K Green leafy vegetables, bacteria in intestines Blood clotting

c) _____ – necessary for chemical reactions

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4. Diet - balanced diet needed to receive all necessary nutrition

Page 13: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

Which is the better food for you to eat and why?

Page 14: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

B. Adaptations for Nutrition

1. Nutrition in Protists a) _________________________ - digestion inside the cell using lysosomes and vacuoles - Amoeba – __________ – cytoplasmic projections engulf prey

____________ - Paramecium – __________________



Page 15: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

2. Nutrition in the Hydra - Simple animal made of two layers of cells and a hollow center - captures food with _______ moves food into _____________ ____________ - both ______________ and ___________ digestion - _______ digestive system – food goes in the _____ – undigested material comes out the ______ – food is circulated by water flow


Page 16: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

3. Nutrition in the Earthworm - _______ digestive system – allows the worm to eat while other food is digested two openings – ____________ - alimentary canal - food is pushed through the digestive system by muscular contractions


                                       Inside an Earthworm

Page 17: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

a) pharynx – ___________________b) esophagus – __________________c) crop – ________________________d) gizzard – _____________________________ ______________________________________e) intestine – _____________________________ ________________ ___________________________

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4. Nutrition in the Grasshopper - similar to the earthworm but more defined organs

a) mouth – ____________________________ salivary glands – ______________________b) esophagus – crop – ______________________c) gizzard – ___________________________d) stomach – _______________________e) intestine – passes undigested food to the __________ – temporarily stores wastes and _____________________

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C. Human Nutrition1. Digestion - Digestion is the conversion of large complex molecules into simple small molecules = ___________________ a) Extra cellular vs. Intra cellular - Digestive System is designed for extra cellular digestion - to break down materials outside of cells so that the materials can diffuse into cells - Ingestion – ____________________ - Digestion – ____________________

- Egestion – ____________________

- Intracellular digestion is when the materials are broken down inside of cells

Page 20: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

b) Mechanical digestion vs. Chemical digestion - Mechanical Digestion = ______________________ it is still the same material, just smaller bits of it ______________________________ - Chemical Digestion = change the __________________ of the material requires the use of _____________ hydrolysis

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2. Human Digestive System Alimentary Canal – Gastro Intestinal Tract (GI)

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Page 23: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

a) Mouth – start of the digestive system, opening to the environment 1) Teeth – ______________________________________ ____________________ making food into smaller pieces 2) Tongue – tastes food, helps to move food around the mouth 3) Saliva – secreted by ____________, _________ food to ease it through the digestive system - contains – _______________ – starts the ________________ of _______ into __________ ex: crackers

Page 24: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

b) _________ – back of the throat 1) _________ – flap of muscular tissue used to direct food down the esophagus

c) _____________ – food tube 1) ____________ = muscular contractions used to push food into the stomach the GI tract is lined with muscle for peristalsis smooth muscle - _________________ 2) eat upside down

Page 25: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

d) _______________ – muscular, expandable sac 1) Sphincters = circular muscles at beginning and end of the stomach to separate it from the rest of the digestive system 2) Gastric Glands – ___________ = combination of __________ ______ and _____________ 3) _____________ – pepsin breaks down ________________ ________; HCl acid also helps to break down food and bacteria 4) __________________ – stomach muscles ______, _______, and _____ the chyme (food mass)

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Page 27: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

e) Small Intestine – small because it is narrow, it is over 20 ft long 1) ___________________________________ liver and pancreas make enzymes and chemicals used for the digestion of food - Liver – makes ________; stored in the gallbladder bile ___________ turns into small droplets so enzymes can work on it - Pancreas –

_________ – chemically digests ________________________ – chemically digests ________________________ – chemically digests ________________________ – chemically digests _____________________________ – neutralizes ________________

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Page 29: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

2) _______________________________ - lining of the small intestine is covered with ___ which are covered in ______________ - Why have all these extra folds and projections in the SI? - ______________________ – can absorb more nutrients into the blood - How do nutrients get into the blood? - ________________

Page 30: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

f) ____________________ - aka _______________ - undigested nutrient free material leaves the small intestine and enters the large intestine much wider, but shorter 1) ________________________ 2) Appendix – used to house bacteria to digest cellulose

Humans don’t use it any more 3) __________ – ____________ – vitamin K 4) _______________

Page 31: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

1. What are the functions of the digestive system?2. In what organ does digestion begin? Which enzyme is involved?3. In what organ are proteins first digested? Which enzyme is involved?4. What are the products of protein digestion in this organ?5. What role does the liver play in digestion?6. Into which organ does food pass into after it leaves the stomach? What occurs there?7. What is the contribution of the pancreas in digestion?8. What is the function of the large intestine?

Page 32: Unit 11: Nutrition Food – Glorious - Food! Nutrients and the evolution of the digestive system.

3. Digestive System Diseases and Disorders a) ___________________________ the esophageal sphincter does not close – when the stomach churns gastric juice comes back up the esophagus – burns the wall of the esophagus - antacids (anti acid) – stop burning

b) ____________________________ lining of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines is worn away mucus no longer protects the organs - caused by bacteria and acid reflux

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c) _________________________ large intestine absorbs too little or too much water dehydration usually caused by bacteria

d) _____________________ anorexia – not eating bulimia – binge and purge generally psychological intake of less than 500 calories per day e) ____________________ missing some component of the diet

f) ______________________ too many calories – body stores extra energy not necessarily caused by over eating

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g) ___________________ Build up of hardened _________ in the gall bladder

h) ___________________ Inflammation of the appendix could cause it to burst