Understanding Context

#cmi @juntajoe Today’ s Webinar: Understanding Context: Delivering the Right Content to the Right Channels

Transcript of Understanding Context

#cmi @juntajoe

Today’s Webinar: Understanding Context:

Delivering the Right Content to the Right


#cmi @juntajoe

• Interact with the presenters anytime – ask questions! • Type into the “ask a question” text area – click submit. • The slides will advance automatically throughout the event. • Having trouble? Click “Help” link below the media player.

Before We Get Started

#cmi @juntajoe

Hi I’m Joe Pulizzi (@juntajoe)

#cmi @juntajoe

Advancing the Practice of Content Marketing


CCO Magazine

#cmi @juntajoe

4-5-6 March, 2013

Sydney, Australia

Sept. 9-12, 2013

Cleveland, OH

#cmi @juntajoe

Today’s Agenda:

Provide specific content marketing tactics to:

• Thinking about what goes into content creation before channel selection

• Understand how to choose the right channels for your content

• Better idea of measuring specific to channels

#cmi @juntajoe

Today’s Presenter:

Jason Thibault Limelight Networks


#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

Image Courtesy Bill Hills

#cmi @juntajoe

To be relevant, we need to shape our

content for each channel

#cmi @juntajoe

Up Until 2008

1 Web Site

Publishing Model

Optimize and

Manage slowly…

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

This means, we need a channel

strategy for each (and every)


#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

Business Case | Define the Who | The

Buying Process | Your Sales Process

Don’t Start with Channel First

#cmi @juntajoe

Creating Our Channel Plan

1. Situational Analysis

What do we have? What must we change? What must we

stop? – to tell an effective story.

2. Channel Objectives

The objectives of the channel.. its purpose, personality,

velocity, other initiatives

3. Content/Conversation Plan

Mapping to the larger story? When does it enter the

story? What will be the content?

#cmi @juntajoe

4. Metrics

Expectations for the channel – not measurement goals.

5. Personas Addressed

Which personas are addressed by this channel

6. Editorial Calendar

It’s fed by multiple initiatives – it should be balanced

Velocity, Tone, Desired Action, Structure

Creating Our Channel Plan

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

#cmi @juntajoe

1. Situational Analysis – Be THE educational resource for

marketers. TO DO: Recruit influencers, editorial team, SEO


2. Channel Objectives – Subscriber growth, Sharing that

leads to search traction, Event signups.

3. Content Plan – Answering content marketing questions

that aren’t being answered anywhere else. Challenging the


4. Metrics – Subscribers, Sharing metrics, Search indicators,

referrals to event site.

5. Personas – “Doing” marketers at enterprise-level


6. Editorial Calendar – Morning post, one per day.

Instructional tone. Varied influencers.

#cmi @juntajoe

Today’s Presenter:

Jason Thibault Limelight Networks


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

The Promise of Context

The Right Message to the Right Channel

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

What is Context?

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

The Trap of Consistency

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Context is About Targeting

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Context In the Digital World

These Two Things Are Not the Same

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

And They Are Definitely Different From This

Context Drives Content Selection

Device Behavior

What do they do on the device? What are the user’s expectations? How long is an average session?


Where are they when

they are using the



What service or

application are they


What kind of behavior

is associated with that


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Weighing on Context

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

How Do You Know?

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Your Context is Not a Mystery

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

It Just Requires Some Planning

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Technologies And Planning

Web logs and Analytics

Behavior across website by devices

Social Media Analytics

Who is posting what/when?

• Most social networks provide this

• Dashboards like Buffer, SocialBro, and Sproutsocial expose it

Marketing Automation (i.e., Marketo, Eloqua)

Targeting and tracking

Time of Day mapped to behavior

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Common Contexts


Common behaviors


Purchasing something

Decision support



After discovering website

behavior throughout the day,

develop content that supports

common behaviors according

to time-of-day:

• Window shoppers at 4pm?

Probably on PC at work

(correlate with requesting

device into in logs). Deliver

more video!

• Decision support at 8pm?

Maybe on tablet or

smartphone at home. Deliver

something more visual!

Social Media

Types of Social Media Posters

Flamers (pissed off customer)

Drive-by Likers

Distracted Conversationalists

Social Media Butterflies


Use social media analytics to

determine what kind of posts

are being made at what time

of day from what kind of


Develop post content that

appeals to the different kinds

• Visual for Drive-by Likers

• Questions for Distract


• Video for Social Media


The Impact of Mobile

Mobile adds complexity to understanding context because Mobile behavior is unique because users are constrained Time—they may only have a

limited amount of time to be online (i.e., waiting in line, waiting at a light, etc.)

Form Factor—the device is small (even a tablet)

Connection Speed—both WiFi and Cellular connections are spotty at best because they are shared by so many other devices

Location—where is the user? Are they at their workplace? Are they on the go?

Tips You can’t just deliver what you

have to mobile

Mobile should be “light” • Less content

• Shorter videos

• Smaller images

Connect device recognition with content tagging so that the right content is delivered to the right device at the right time (without intervention)

The Complications of Video

Video requires its own


Understanding when users

start, how long they watch,

what bitrates were delivered

Mobile devices don’t all treat

video the same


Utilize h.264-based video

format to ensure easy

conversion to different devices

Look for management

services that enable “publish

once, deliver anywhere”

(automatic conversion of video

to different devices)

Make content more contextual

by putting key information up-

front (more meat at the


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Why Is This All So Important?

@_jasonthibeault #CMI


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Really Though, It’s Your Digital Presence

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Which Is All About Engagement

@_jasonthibeault #CMI


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

How Do You Get This Done?

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

You Need the Right Tools

@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Four Primary Management Platforms

Web Content

A system that enables you to track and identify behavior

Additional technologies that provide device recognition (and can

be tagged to tracking)

Video Content

A system that provides player-level analytics

Additional technologies that automatically convert video to

mobile formats based on device recognition

Social Engagement

Comprehensive analysis of social media activity indicating best

time to post, most active conversations, etc.


@_jasonthibeault #CMI

Thank You

#cmi @juntajoe

Questions & Answers

Keep your questions coming. Type into the

“ask a question” text area and click submit.

#cmi @juntajoe

Thank you for attending today’s webinar!

A link to the archive will be sent to you in a day or two

after the event.

For more on the Content Marketing Institute visit: http://ContentMarketingInstitute.com