Ultimateexercise ppt

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Ultimate Exercise For Working

Take Your Muscle Building Results To The Next Level!

The Details - Let These Exercises Take Your Muscle Development To New Levels


If you're looking for a powerful way to boost your overall fitness and get some serious results -- fast -- from your workout routine, look no further than performing squatting exercises.

Dumbbell lunges

Training your legs and abs with gym machines may get you bigger muscles, but machine-based training won't give you the function, strength, balance and athleticism that you need in many sports and daily activities..


The deadlift is the most manly exercise you can perform. To simply put it, there is no other exercise that provides as many benefits to the male body as does deadlifting. .

Bench Press

The bench press is virtually unparalleled in its ability to target the chest muscles with heavy loads. This isnt to say that the bench press isolates the chest (the shoulders and triceps play a major role, too). Nonetheless, benching allows you to target the pecs with a boatload of weight.


Overhead press strength carries over to the barbell bench press. This is because the overhead press trains most of the muscles trained when bench pressing, but with a different focus. It focuses on the shoulders and triceps, which are assistance muscles for benching. Additionally, the lockout strength (see above) carries over to the bench press.

Overhead shoulder press

Nothing beats this movement for increasing muscle mass in the shoulders. It also provides a significant workout for the triceps. Shoulder presses can be done seated or standing, with a barbell or using dumbbells. Two huge favourites are seated dumbbell presses and seated behind the neck barbell presses. Any of these variations is a highly effective workout for your deltoid muscles.


One of the things that makes push-ups such a great option is that you can basically do them anytime, anywhere. They can be done in combination with other upper body exercises, or as a stand-alone upper body exercise if you are away on vacation or can't get to a gym. Push-ups are great for building lean muscle in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and upper back.


Regularly increasing the intensity of your workouts is one of the secrets to building muscle.Some exercises require you to get fancy with your workouts in order to increase the intensity, but not pullups.

The Bottom Line

When you engage in these exercises as part of your regular workout routine, you can be confident that you are doing some of the very best muscle building exercises for your body. Because of their effectiveness at working the various muscle groups, none of them should be done on back-to-back days. Make sure that you establish a routine in which you work specific muscle groups in each workout, and then rest those muscle groups for at least the next day. Do your homework and research some sample workout routines to determine how to structure your workouts for the week, and how many sets and reps of each exercise to do. The important thing is to find a routine that works for you while incorporating many of these basic exercises into it.