Ukpoc Newsletter issue 1

Issue 1. Welcome to the first issue of the new UKPOC Newsletter. We hope you find it interesting and informative, Each issue will contain a mixture of how to guides, members cars and profiles and special features.



Transcript of Ukpoc Newsletter issue 1

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Issue 1.

Issue 1.


Welcome to the first issue of the new UKPOC Newsletter.

We hope you find it interesting and informative, Each issue will contain a mixture of how to guides, members cars and profiles and special features.

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Note From Your Editor

Remember we need your stories and pictures to keep the newsletter going,

I would appreciate your help by getting involved and sending me pictures stories or any

ideas of what you would like to see in the newsletter.

If you have got something you want to say but no time to write it, then call me with your

story and I will type it up for you.

You can contact me by private message at UKPOC or

By email at [email protected], or on my mobile on 07789655473

I can be contacted

Meet Your Admin Team. Find out more about the members in the admin team

Tech Guru Spot Winter hints & tips to help keep your Probe running by head tech Numnuts

The Car’s The Star Mojo 98’s Silver Blue Mist, find out more about the story behind car

Members Stories Mike and Rita reveal how they first found the club and its members

Events Up and coming events for your diary

Members Gallery Six members pride and joy on display

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Meet Your Admin Team

Andy W

Name Andy Location: NE

About Andy: Occupation: Graphic Designer.

Other Roles at UKPOC: NE Region Rep. Probes Owned: 2 . Current Cars Rio Red 16v (currently off the road) & Grey 'Rat' 16v

I've been around Probe Clubs since year 2000 when I bought the rio red.

When UKPOC was started I was delighted to be asked to join and took up the NE Role. Being a Rep is a passion for me, we own some great cars and I think it is our duty to get out there and show them off to the general public (some of which have never seen a probe before) which is why I'm so keen to get members to as many events as possible. I joined the Admin team a few years back and think I can bring some different skills to the team. In addition to finding out about events, working in the areas of publicity and design I try and make sure the classic press get to know about the club and I try and make the club look as professional as possible.


Name Trevor Location: Essex

About Trevor: Railway Signal Engineer.

Other Roles at UKPOC: None Probes Owned: 3 . Current Cars : Black 24v

I joined UKPOC in 2005.back when you had to be voted in. Ford probes were very new to me at this time, and as time

progressed I took up the role of SE Rep, moving on to Moderator, before becoming part of the Admin team. I am one of a

handful of people who have been to every Probefest, starting with the first in 2006. As part of the Admin team, I try and

take a neutral approach to things, and also look after the background stuff on the forum. I own a standard 24v, for one

reason only, because there are not enough standard cars out there. And if you still don’t know who I am, then shame on

you, as you have never been to a Probefest, and experienced the breath taking raffle


Name Paul Location: Midlands

About Paul Occupation:

Other Roles at UKPOC: Midlands Rep, Head Tech Guru. Probes Owned: 105. Current Cars : Lazer Tint 24v

I bought my first probe in 1999 which was a 1994 rio red 16v and managed to get through another 5 of them before I

joined UKPOC in 2007. Since I joined the club I have learned so much from so many members and have had great

pleasure in helping members keep the cars in the best condition possible. I became a Tech Guru for the club in

2008 and Head Tech a year later. During my club membership I have bought and resurrected a further 99 ford probes

and many of these are still owned by club members. I was promoted into an admin position recently and hope to help

move the club forward so we are fit for the years ahead of us as the cars and parts begin to get scarce

Paul K

Name Paul Location: Glasgow

About Paul Occupation: Car Parts Tech.

Other Roles at UKPOC: Scottish Rep & Tech Probes Owned: 9. Current Cars: White 24v I joined UKPOC in 2005 after buying my first black 16v probe. Since then there have been a few passed through my hand to my current White 24v, In 2006 I became the Scottish rep, which was great, it let me push my enthusiasm for the car even more, setting up meets and shows in Scotland. I love getting to and seeing the cars at a show/meet, and like Andy I think we own some great cars, if fact some of the best probes in the UK, and these cars deserve/need to be shown to the public. I joined the Admin team this year, and hope I can help push the club forwards into a new era were we get the cars out and about to shows, have a great forum for owners to use, and a club we can all enjoy.

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Getting Ready For Winter

Winter Service: a short winter checklist to help you get through the winter in one piece.


Drain the coolant from the radiator and refill using at least 3 litres of concentrated (not pre-mixed)

coolant. This should ensure you have at least a 40% mixture which should be good for all UK extremes.

Do an oil change while you can still get under the car in dry(ish) weather. Use good quality 5w30 fully

synthetic oil on 24v's or 10w40 semi-synth on 16v's.

Check auxiliary belts for condition and tension. If you don't know when they were last replaced, do them

now as it’s much cheaper than a breakdown.


Give the car a really good wash with hot soapy water to remove all the grime, rinse with fresh, clean

water and then dry it thoroughly. Use a good polish to give the car a nice shine and then seal it with a

nice thick layer of wax. This will keep the road salt at bay and make it easy to keep clean by just rinsing.


Get all the wheels off the car and make sure that all the calipers are operating freely and freshly

greased. This will save issues with seized calipers and sticky handbrakes. While you are there check the

condition and tread depth on all the tyres. Give the wheels a clean while they are off. Before refitting the

wheels clean each wheel arch thoroughly as mud gathers on the arch rims and will hold water against

the insides of the arches, this will lead to bubbling. If necessary underseal each wheel arch at this time.


Get the car raised as high as possible and safely supported on axle stands. Get right under the car and

make sure that the underseal is in good condition and hasn't begun lifting in those hard to reach areas.

Remove as much of the dirt/rust/flaking underseal as you can and go over it all again with a good thick

layer of waxoyl (other brands available, but waxoyl includes a rust treatment). Pay particular attention

to the brake pipes, sills (especially under 24v cladding) and the rear floor areas as these are most heavily

affected. Another area worth a check are the inside of the ¼ panel at the rear seat, as some probes have

started to rust there from the inside out (this will require you to remove the interior trim panels).

Wipers and lights:

Check all the three blades for signs of cracking/wear, if blades are ok then give them a clean or replace if

worn. Remember to defrost your windscreen properly on icy/frosty mornings; using your wipers on an icy

windscreen that hasn’t been defrosted will damage the wiper edge of the blade.

Check all the lighting and replace bulbs were necessary

Useful Hints, Tips And Guides On Keeping Your Probe Running And In Great Condition

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The Story behind M152MHK Silver Blue Mist M152MKH was first registered on 15th May 1995 by Neil Stubbs of Grimsby

(we believe he may have been a main dealer) then sold to Mrs Ryder on 7th September 1995;

I purchased the car on 20th November 2010. With a mileage of 10500 miles and to date it has 14700 miles. I first leant about this car from Andy W. He knew that I was after a 16V with Air Con for Janice, so he phoned me,

telling me about this car which only had 10500 mile. Phil Holleran a car dealer from Newcastle under Lyne had

contacted UKPOC via Mark saying that he had this car, which came from the relatives of Mrs Sheila Anne Ryder,

who had owned the car but had since passed away, He looked after the car servicing and preparing the car for

MOT`s over the years.

We were about to go to the classic car show at

the NEC in November of 2010, so I phoned Phil

Holleran and ask him about the car and he told

me that he would only sell it to car enthusiast

who would not mess about with the car, I told

him about my cars especially about my Gold

Probe, and he agreed that I could go to see the

car and after talking to Janice we decided that

we would go and see the car on the way to the

N.E.C, I called Phil to say that we are coming today, when we arrived at his house the car was already on the drive,

it looked great I took one look at it and I said to Janice I have to have this, (even without Air Con).


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Phil told me more about the history of the car and how Mrs Ryder had looked after it, keeping it in a heated garage,

he also told me a little about Mrs Ryder, one story was that she had two dogs, and when she took them for a walk

she would put them into a pram and take them to the nearby park to do their business, she would then put them

back in the pram and take them home. On the test drive he took me to where Mrs Ryder lived before see passed

away. Again Phil questioned me about what my plans were for the car, saying again that he was only prepared to sell

the car if he thought the person who buys it will look after it. He then agreed that I could have the car, I said that I

was only prepared to pay £2000 for it which he said that`s was fine and said if anybody else phones up the car was

sold. We shook hands on the deal and agreed that I would pick up in a week. We left and travelled on the N.E.C,

while in the hotel that night I got a call from Paul (Numnuts) asking did I buy the car, I said yes. A Week later we went

back down to Newcastle under Lyne to collect the car and drive it home.

After seeing this car everybody known’s this car has got to be kept totally standard.

I remember being told years ago that if you want the Ford Probe to become a Classic Car you would have to keep it

standard and that is my aim.

The biggest thing that I would like to do with this car is to show it at the Classic Car Show at the N.E.C.

This car will never be sold, it will stay with me until it`s time for me to leave it, then Janice has a plan for it.

The car only gets taxed for six months, March until end September each year then it is put away for the winter, this

car will never see snow or salt.

We use the car mainly for shows and each year it along with the Gold Probe goes to Probefest and even to

Silverstone. Janice doesn’t like taking it out on hot sunny days because it doesn`t have Air Con, so the poor thing is

left at home and we take one of the other probes out

I would like to thank Andy W for introducing me to this car and for the work he did helping me clean the engine bay

(the original wax was still on rocker cover)

Driving this car is an absolute pleasure, it’s like driving a new car and the colour is stunning (that`s my view anyway)

MOT History

May 2004 = 9453mls

June 2005 = 9699mls

May 2006 = 10049mls

May 2007 = 10230mls June 2008 = 10354mls May 2009 = 10372mls April 2010 = 10418mls May 2011 = 11097mls May 2012 = 12591mls May 2013 = 13633mls

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Mike & Rita’s Story

Whilst living in Lossiemouth on the

Moray coast in Scotland, a decision was

made to join the Barcelona Bangers trip in

2009, and our first challenge was to find

a reasonably dependable car, capable

of travelling 1600 miles (one way) and

costing us less than £200.

I’d never heard of a Ford Probe but there was a Teal 16V living in Sheffield that was for sale and it soon found itself on the A9 on a cold winter’s night on its way back to Scotland.

There was a lot of work involved in getting the car ready, although I hadn’t expected to be changing CV joints in my kitchen or had ever had career plans to become a grease monkey’s assistant. The best part was painting the car bright pink with gloss paint and a three inch brush and decorating it with logos of the charities we were supporting. And when our number 18 arrived, it looked like we had a proper rally car. While Mike was working on the car, he went onto the internet and found the UKPOC site, he asked for some advice, and later found an invitation on our computer from Andy W to join the club. We have had a tremendous amount of support from club members, particularly from The Clan and felt that Probefest 2009 would be an appropriate finale to our trip.

The pink Probe went to Barcelona and beyond, travelling through the mountains of Andorra without missing

a beat. We took turns at the driving and found that it was the most comfortable car we had. (bear in mind

There was a XJ6 in the garage at home). On arrival at Fest we received an amazing welcome, our first contact was with Paul K who announced to anyone in earshot: “It’s Dick Dastardly!” Over the next couple of days, club members raised money for our charities by doing ignition timings (Numnuts & Paul K). Several people also paid good money to sign the car. We sold raffle tickets for £5 each and the winner would get the car, and we were delighted when Kit and Elland 57 won the pink Probe. We are still delighted because they have kept it on the road to the present day and I really can’t see Jan ever giving up her Pinkie. Probefest came to an end, and that could have been the end of our Probe owning days if it wasn’t for Jackie (Bulldog’s wife). When she found out that we would have to hire a car for the trip back to Scotland she offered us the loan of her 24V Probe. Remember this is a woman to whom we were complete strangers and she let us take her pride and joy, with nothing more than a promise from us, to return it to her at the Bridge of Allan car show in Scotland three weeks later. Well driving home in that 24V was a whole new experience. I wanted one!

I sold my Peugeot and sat tight. I’d asked Mike to look out for a red Probe with black leather interior and we struck lucky when Jon G put Scarlet up for sale. Once again, we travelled south to collect a Probe and were invited to stay for Kaz’s birthday party. Again we found that UKPOC people were incredibly generous.

Scarlet is now the only car we own. She tows the caravan, does the bottle run and takes us around the Country to visit friends and family. No matter wherever we travel Mike will always ask me which car I would choose from the car park. There is only ever one!

There is no doubt the people we have met through this car club are friends for life.

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As we all know 2014 is the 20th Anniversary of the year the probe was introduced into Great Britain.

In 2014 we plan to mark this occasion by attending as many events as possible throughout the year, but the main event of the year will be Probefest.

I ask that as many of you as possible try to make this event to help us mark the occasion with the biggest turnout of Ford Probes ever.

It only requires a bit of forward planning to enjoy a great weekend at Probefest at Trenfield Farm

June 5th to 8th are the dates for Probefest, book the time off work NOW, so you know you can make it

Cash is always an issue in the current climate with fuel cost etc.

To help you why try what some of the members do, and that is stick any spare change you have in a jar till Probefest, (if you put £5.00 worth of spare change in a jar from 1st week in December till last week in May you would have saved £130.00) this would cover most people’s fuel cost, and Mutsnuts allow for inexpensive eating while at fest.

Also if there is anything you would like to see at Probefest, or anything you think we could do better, please let us know via the Probefest topic at UKPOC

Dates for you to remember for your 2014 show season

Some events are organised by other clubs, so dates/venues may change - please check the forum for updates. Scotfest April 18th - 21st

Fiesta in the Park 18th May

Fins & Chrome 25th May

Probefest 5th – 8th June

Blackpool Ford Day 7th September

For further information on any of the above shows, please check the events forum on the site, were these and all other shows and meets are listed in more detail

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1995 25V BLACK MODS DONE TO CAR: KLZE engine, MSD External ignition, Blue Magnecor HT leads, FPR, Blue Samco hoses Short shifter, Push button start,

Black leather seats, Sparco steering wheel, Polished Probe st/st sill covers, Flash to pass (V2), Quad brake lights, Tinted

rear lights and front indicator/sidelights, Quad driving lamps, US headlight covers, Side repeaters Aerial & Rear wiper

arm removed and filled, De-badged rear, "Probe" front oval, "Bassman" bonnet ( louvered and scooped). body kit,

aftermarket boot spoiler, 19" alloys, Lowered 30mm, CAI, DAB/bluetooth head unit

FUTURE MODS PLANNED FOR THE CAR : Fibreglass sunroof. Sensei rear bumper. Amp, sub, speaker upgrade. Rear strut brace .LED rear lights. Full respray



1997 16V TIMBERLINE MODS DONE TO CAR: Upgraded to 24v swirlies, After market spoiler fitted,

Upgraded from tan leather to black, engine dressing, Sub fitted in the boot.

FUTURE MODS PLANNED FOR THE CAR : Planning to upgrade sound system.

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MODS DONE TO CAR : Kerr nelson 8m red HT leads, Nology silver plugs, Rocspeed blue CAI, Drilled and grooved discs, green stuff pads all round, Stainless Powerflow Exhaust, de-cat, stainless headers and downpipe, Front and rear strut braces, 35mm Panther lowering springs, KYB gas struts all round, front and rear anti roll bar poly bush kits, Top and bottom mesh, clear indicators, US Rear lights, refurb wheels, short shifter, Braided steel clutch pipe and brake hoses (Goodridge), OEM spoiler,brushed aluminium dress up kit under the bonnet , Maxlift boot struts, blue LED side lights, fibreglass sunroof (carbon wrapped),Kenwood 7.5inch fold out DVD Player, JBL GTO front door speakers, Custom fit clarion rear speakers, Vibe black air 1600w 12"sub.

FUTURE MODS PLANNED FOR THE CAR : 10mm Blue Kerr nelson leads, powdercoated rockers, polished IM, Stainless Front slam, rear slam, rad shroud, cruise cover, fusebox cover, rad brackets. Always fancied supercharging it



MODS DONE TO CAR: Powerflow exhaust system, C.A.I, Powder coated Cam covers, shiny bits under bonnet, red 8mm ignition leads, colour

coded red hoses, Fox alloy wheels, white dashboard dials, red leather gear lever shroud, 30mm lowering springs, 2

new rear shock absorbers, new rear drop links and poly bushes,Rear centre panel GT brake light , stainless steel

braided clutch hose, new front brake discs and pads and stainless steel braided brake hoses all round,

FUTURE MODS PLANNED FOR THE CAR : Water pump, cam belts and pulleys, front wishbones with new drop links and new drive shafts

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Changed Ball joints, drop links, CV boots and brake pads replaced, plastic rear brake shields.

Blue-flame Cat back Stainless Steel Exhaust system, K&N Panel filter, Iridium Plugs, Clear Side

Repeaters, GT Decals.

FUTURE MODS PLANNED FOR THE CAR : Change interior carpet, painting the callipers, fit my quad exhaust. fit Green stuff Pads All round, a

Bluetooth radio and some decent speakers.





FX Designs body kit. Mazda KLZE Engine. Momo steering wheel. Msd external ignition.

17 inch Wolfrace Wheels