Ukedchat Archive 02 December 2010

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Transcript of Ukedchat Archive 02 December 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Ukedchat Archive 02 December 2010


    username time status

    Creativeedu 19:57Is everyone ready for #UKEdChat - with @carolrainbow and @CreativeEdu

    hosting... let's learn about crowdsourcing!

    ukedchat 19:57#ukedchat starts in a few minutes. Join @carolrainbow & @Creativeedu as

    they discuss, "crowd sourcing a curriculum"

    dailydenouement 19:58No idea what crowdsourcing even means... #ukedchat So this could be a steep

    learning curve!

    stevebunce 19:58RT @ukedchat: Join @carolrainbow & @Creativeedu as they joint host

    #ukedchat this evening "Crowd sourcing a curriculum"

    ukedchat 19:58Please remember to add #ukedchat to your tweets, so they can be added to

    the archive.

    didactylos 19:59ukedchat ever since I started teaching I have borrowed others ideas, now I

    have a lot more people I can borrow from

    carolrainbow 19:59Your hosts for the evening are @CreativeEdu - and myself #ukedchat


    MissSMitch 19:59are we talking about internet crowdsourcing or using in schools? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 19:59 @dailydenouement I crowd sourced a couple of great definitions which I'll

    retweet as soon as everyone is sitting comfortably ;-) #UKEdChat

    carolrainbow 19:59 Hello and welcome everyone, it seems the crowd sourcing idea is the one that

    is going to move us forward tonight. #ukedchat #ukedchat

    ianaddison 19:59crowdsourcing is great, very useful for sharing ideas with other people


    carolrainbow 20:00 Tonight - Around the world in 33 days what exciting curricular

    opportunities are there for children in this fun topic. #ukedchat #ukedchattombarrett 20:00 @carolrainbow @CreativeEdu Strapped in and ready :-) #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:00We could build these ideas into a creative curriculum bank for all to use.

    #ukedchat #ukedchat

    mooshtang 20:00If I just stick a microphone into my computer can I record my voice as well as

    the screen to explain a method? #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:00 My idea is that we have a crowd sourcing opportunity every few weeks as

    time allows, maybe one every 6 weeks or so. #ukedchat #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:01 Good evening everyone and welcome to #UKEdChat with @carolrainbow

    hosting and me doing my best to support! #UKEdChat

    carolrainbow 20:01@tombarrett Would love your Google docs crowd sourcing to be running - but

    it seemed to stop :-( #ukedchat

    didactylos 20:01ukedchat last summer our Aliens summer school was crowd sourced in an

    hour on twitter

    Creativeedu 20:02Harnessing the collaborative power of social networks to facilitate the

    development of a solution to a problem #UKEdChat @PeteJbell

    didactylos 20:02ukedchat are we talking about the theory, or using an example or organising


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    carolrainbow 20:02 @mooshtang not in Twitter - sadly

    Catriona_O 20:02@gorsey why are you asking me? don't you follow #ukedchat? #get with it


    Creativeedu 20:02 Earlier this evening I crowd sourced a couple of definitions of crowd sourcing

    which I thought would be good to get us started. #UKEdChat

    dailydenouement 20:02 @carolrainbow So is this a primary topic then? #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:03 was wondering also RT @MissSMitch: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat are we

    talking about the theory, or using an example or organising stuff?

    paulholio 20:03 @CreativeEdu @carolrainbow Evening #ukedchat

    MissSMitch 20:03RT @didactylos: #ukedchat are we talking about the theory, or using an

    example or organising stuff?

    Creativeedu 20:03 Crowdsourcing - To tap into the collective knowledge and experience of a

    group of people to aggregate a response. #UKEdChat @CrudBasher

    SusanElkinJourn 20:03

    ukedchat How does 'crowd sourcing' differ from (discredited) 1960s style

    'topic work'?

    carolrainbow 20:03@dailydenouement @carolrainbow it could be primary or KS3 I guess


    carolrainbow 20:04 @GaryAveryICT @CreativeEdu sounds perfect

    carolrainbow 20:04 As we add ideas can we add an age group please, then I will catalogue, we

    could develop a useful topic web #ukedchat #ukedchat

    paulholio 20:04 I don't know if I follow... #ukedchat

    duckinwales 20:04 Oops - arrived late - what's the #ukedchat topic tonight please?

    GaryAveryICT 20:04

    @CreativeEdu ah...a kind of internet brainstorming then.... #ukedchat

    mooshtang 20:05and then embed in blog by uploading to vimeo or somewhere? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:05@duckinwales we're discussing crowdsourcing a creative curriculum


    john_at_muuua 20:05@CreativeEdu @PeteJbell interesting definition, but needs must include

    'social networks', surely that's just the medium #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:05@duckinwales brainstorming Around the World in 33 days as a creative

    curriculum topic #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:05 #ukedchat Or is it more of a theme day? Taught in 1 school where we used to

    have wonderful cross-curr Indian days, for examp with food etc

    mooshtang 20:05 If I just stick a microphone into my computer can I record my voice as well as

    the screen to explain a method on the smartboard ? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:05RT @garyaveryict ah...a kind of internet brainstorming then.... #ukedchat

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    ianaddison 20:06#ukedchat I'm crowdsourcing a new ICT curriculum for my primary school, DM

    me if you want to join in

    BAFDiploma 20:06@didactylos Hi Roger, you are missing the # from ukedchat so your tweets are

    showing up.

    MissSMitch 20:06i love the idea of a theme day -in 2ry pupils would get a different range of

    topics and could feedback in tutor time #ukedchat

    didactylos 20:06 ukedchat so is tonight about brainstorming and will follow up with some formof wiki?

    Creativeedu 20:06@paulholio what's up - not sure if you follow what crowdsourcing is or what

    we're up to tonight? #UKEdChat

    dailydenouement 20:06 We don't use creative curriculum yet RT @carolrainbow: brainstorming

    Around the World in 33 days as a creative curriculum topic #ukedchat

    MissSMitch 20:06 #ukedchat I love the idea of a theme day

    carolrainbow 20:06@Ideas_Factory I agree but it is useful to have some ideas ready to pick up

    and use #ukedchat

    colport 20:07

    What tools could be used for crowdsourcing an idea? Google docs?


    mberry 20:07 @SusanElkinJourn when you say topic work is 'discredited', by whom? and on

    what basis? cf IBO PYP #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:07 why 33 days? #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:07@MissSMitch I heard on 2dnry teacher talking about a theme day - it worked

    really well, pupils motivated etc #ukedchat

    cleverfiend 20:07 Its not just ideas teachers want - its the confidence to branch out and do

    smthng different.Should be sharing these experiences 2! #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:07 Around the world in 33 days? 'Multicultural' novels for Key Stage 3. Plotprovenance on maps etc. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:07 Whilst we discuss crowdsourcing we'd also like to carry some out - let's source

    ideas on the topic 'around the world in 33 days' #UKEdChat

    john_at_muuua 20:07 does crowd sourcing need 'social media'? #ukedchat

    JMGubbins 20:08I was thinking something like this: Each school in the

    project could make their town 3d #ukedchat

    clairelowe2 20:08what is crowdsourcing - can guess but can someone explain pls #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:08

    @carolrainbow #ukedchat After you've asked the kids-then ask the staff-what

    would they like to know about the topic?

    TheHeadsOffice 20:08Is the idea to crowd source across the internet or within a school / cluster?


    theokk 20:08@carolrainbow have you a platform or place in mind for the crowwdsourced

    curriculum Carol? #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:08@missbrownsword Any number of days - 80 was too many maybe 30 too few

    :-) #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 20:08 RT @john_at_muuua:@petejbell interesting definition, but needs must

    include 'social networks', surely that's just the medium #ukedchat

    clairelowe2 20:08@ianaddison you need to ensure that ICT is plumbed into the experiences

    offered to the children not a separate event #ukedchat

    MissSMitch 20:08 @john_at_muuua I think it social networking would be easier as you havepositive inputs but it would be great to see it in school #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:08 @carolrainbow You mean the Curriculum Catalyst? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:09What do you consider to be the positives and negatives of crowdsourcing?


    CreativeSTAR 20:09 Please please please include outdoor activities in any crowd sourced creative

    curriculum #ukedchat Creativity happens easily outside

    mberry 20:09@MissSMitch we had some lovely whole school theme /weeks/ too at my old

    place. #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:09

    My first thought is planning a route using GoogleEarth / Google maps, working

    out distances etc #ukedchat #ukedchat

    paulholio 20:09@CreativeEdu the specifics of what you are up to tonight, but I'll catch on

    eventually... #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:09RT @colport: What tools could be used for crowdsourcing an idea? Google

    docs? #ukedchat

    TheHeadsOffice 20:09 @JMGubbins Thank soujnds good! #UKedchat

    colport 20:09 @TheHeadsOffice I think either works well. #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:09 #UKSnowDepth is an eg of #crowdsourcing #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:09 #ukedchat Could use poems as global stepping stones too.

    missbrownsword 20:09 @carolrainbow we did a thing where the kids flew around the world, eachclass a diff country which they visited during the week #ukedchat

    dailydenouement 20:09Ha! Was just about to say same RT @clairelowe2: what is crowdsourcing - can

    guess but can someone explain pls #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:09@tombarrett The Curriculum Catalyst - yes could not remember it's name :-(


    missbrownsword 20:10indeed RT @HYWEL_ROBERTS: #ukedchat #mantleoftheexpert is a great way

    of unlocking a theme creatively.

    didactylos 20:10@Creativeedu #ukedchat google docs works very well for indiv ideas, for a

    range a wiki is better

    Creativeedu 20:10

    Welcome to any latecomers to #UKEdChat tonight we are discussing

    crowdsourcing a creative curriculum

    clairelowe2 20:10RT @tombarrett: #UKSnowDepth is an eg of #crowdsourcing #ukedchat

    HYWEL_ROBERTS 20:10#ukedchat #mantleoftheexpert is a great way of unlocking a theme


    tombarrett 20:10Tools for #crowdsourcing have to have no barrier to entry - or if they do a

    simple way to hop over them #ukedchat

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    carolrainbow 20:10 RT @JMGubbins: I was thinking something like this: Each

    school in the project could make their town 3d #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:11 RT @ideas_factory: @carolrainbow #ukedchat After you've asked the kids-

    then ask the staff-what would they like to know about the topic?

    DrAshCasey 20:11 So crowd sourcing is asking a 'room' full of people for ideas? Where did theterm come from? #ukedchat

    didactylos 20:11RT @tombarrett: Tools for #crowdsourcing have to have no barrier to entry -

    or if they do a simple way to hop over them #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:11I think a key thing with crowdsourcing is simply that many heads are better

    than one? #UKEdChat

    JMGubbins 20:11@Creativeedu As I understand it crowdsourcing is basically a global

    collaborative effort to accomplish a singular goal. #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:11 #ukedchat How can u 'Crowdsource' a truely creative curriculum-creativity

    does not have predefined set of answers & exists without a pathway

    theokk 20:11@TheHeadsOffice got to be Internet? When it's closed it is not really

    crowdsourced #ukedchat

    dailydenouement 20:11Are we talking about crowd sourcing generally or a particular topic? I'm

    hopelessly confused #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:11Maybe getting different groups to study different areas and feed their ideas

    into a wiki or make presos #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:11RT @theheadsoffice: Is the idea to crowd source across the internet or within

    a school / cluster? #UKedchat

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    john_at_muuua 20:12difficulty of crowd sourcing is that 'crowds' are inclusive, meaning they include

    the good bad and... needs quality control #ukedchat

    mberry 20:12@missbrownsword I guess that's not to be taken literally. Would have loved

    to see the risk assessment ;-) #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:12#ukedchat It would be good to learn a few phrases in the languages of the

    other countries too.

    Cre8tiveCoach 20:12 RT @HYWEL_ROBERTS: #ukedchat #mantleoftheexpert is a great way ofunlocking a theme creatively.

    didactylos 20:13 RT @ianaddison: shouldn't we crowdsource everything? why do tchrs spnd

    hours planning when we're all doing the same thing anyway?? #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:13#ukedchat All you are doing when you crowdsource is coming up with more

    ideas-what if pupils hate ideas-what then?

    colport 20:13 @Creativeedu My concern with online crowd sourcing is that this would

    exclude many experts who do not engage in technology #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:13 - from wikipedia #ukedchat

    clairelowe2 20:13 #ukedchat How cn u 'Crowdsource' a truely creative curriculum-creativity

    does not have predefined set of answers & exists w/out a pathway

    MissSMitch 20:13@Ideas_factory it would allow students to apply skills without exam restraints


    MissSMitch 20:14RT @Catriona_O: is crowdsourcing an ongoing activity or is it just useful for a

    one off question? #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:14 Success of #crowdsourcing does depend on your ability to access a crowd or

    indeed the make up of the crowd you want to tap into #UKEdchat

    MissSMitch 20:14#ukedchat crowdsourcing is a good way of making links especially in a 2ry

    setting - not the final answer but a definite start

    Catriona_O 20:14is crowdsourcing an ongoing activity or is it just useful for a one off question?


    Creativeedu 20:14How can we involve those who are less tech savvy in our crowd sourcing?


    didactylos 20:14 @colport good way to get them involved then #ukedchat

    Tina_Barr 20:14 RT @gregoryshea: Looking for more educators to tweet with and follow!

    Please RT! Thx #edadmin #elemchat #midleved #lrnchat #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:14@colport #ukedchat Not only that but it narrows the type of ideas you havebecause it's mainly the same type of person...

    Creativeedu 20:14 RT @colport: My concern with online crowd sourcing is that this would

    exclude many experts who do not engage in technology #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:14@Ideas_Factory surely you only choose ideas that you think your pupils would

    enjoy - and adapt ideas to fit your class? #ukedchat

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    GaryAveryICT 20:14 But if we 'crowdsource' don't we run the risk of losing creativity, especially

    across a cluster, do we crowdsource with children. #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:14 @CreativeEdu @CrudBasher #ukedchat Yr definition is the sort of jargon

    which gets teachers/teaching a bad name. Up with plain English!

    AntHeald 20:14RT @didactylos: RT @ianaddison: shouldn't we crowdsource everything? whydo tchrs spnd hours planning when we're all doing the same thing anyway??


    cleverfiend 20:15 @ianaddison If we all worked from 1shared resource it would be QCA

    schemes all over - its the ideas that aid personalisation etc #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:15 I forgo to include #ukedchat in last tweet, doh!

    CreativeSTAR 20:15@clairelowe2 #ukedchat Crowd sourcing ideas for a creative curric need not

    be prescriptive - more like springboards to tailor

    colport 20:15 @Ideas_Factory Agree, and also agree with your point about pupils. I always

    engage ideas with pupils about what they want to learn #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:15RT @didactylos: #ukedchat I think we need to talk generally not go for any

    specific idea here its about process IMHO tonight

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    didactylos 20:16 @MissSMitch it can be asynchronous and ongoing #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:16



    TONIGHT? #UKEdChat

    GaryAveryICT 20:16@carolrainbow Agreed, as teachers we all have our own style and take on

    others ideas in our own way... #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:16 @MissSMitch @Catriona_O I would have thought it should be on-going - andadded to as nnew ideas crop up #ukedchat

    JMGubbins 20:16 I think the important thing with a project like this isn't just the project, but the

    outcome- does it have real world application? #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:16#ukedchat you could crowdsource help guides, videos, examples, ideas etc

    didactylos 20:17@colport but we can benefit from others contributions and still shape it

    ourselves #ukedchat

    GaryAveryICT 20:17 What is the easiest forum for crowdsourcing? #ukedchat

    SusanElkinJourn 20:17

    @didactylos #ukedchat That makes more sense. But it just sounds like any

    good lesson to me.

    Ideas_Factory 20:17@carolrainbow #ukedchat I agree-but by decided what the kids enjoy all your

    doing is replecating the old QCA units.

    tombarrett 20:17Jump into the #ukedchat tonight as we discuss #crowdsourcing, what it means

    and how we can make best use of it in edu

    jowinchester 20:17I think it is possible to selectivly crowdsource - after a crowd in a bar is not the

    same as the crowd in a cafe.. #ukedchat

    CrudBasher 20:17@SusanElkinJourn @CreativeEdu Heh heh, you are probably right! How would

    you define it in plain English? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:17@susanelkinjourn do you have a plain english version we can use?


    Creativeedu 20:17 RT @susanelkinjourn: @CrudBasher #ukedchat Yr def is the sort of jargon

    which gets teachers/teaching a bad name. Up with plain English!

    SusanElkinJourn 20:17 @mberry i didn't say it was. I wondered if it was . . ? #ukedchat

    mberry 20:17 The source crowd needn't be us, it could be the pupils: what would you (all)

    like to learn? How could we teach one another this? #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:17@colport #ukedchat I mean we're all aiming for same objectives and 90% are

    teaching the same topics

    john_at_muuua 20:17 @SusanElkinJourn Up with plain English! indeed #ukedchat

    mooshtang 20:18

    RT @mberry: The source crowd needn't be us, it could be the pupils: whatwould you (all) like to learn? How could we teach one another this?


    colport 20:18@didactylos Yes, I think that was the point I was trying to make. #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:18RT @didactylos: @colport but we can benefit from others contributions and

    still shape it ourselves #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 20:18 RT @mberry: The source crowd needn't be us, cd be the pupils: what wd you

    like to learn? How could we teach one another this? #ukedchat

    clairelowe2 20:18 #ukedchat@colport @ianaddison we share lots

    ianaddison 20:18#ukedchat while working on the VLE, most tchrs were reluctant to share any

    ideas or resources in case 'they weren't good enough'

    myhallin 20:18 RT @briankotts: 100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers #edchat #edtech #ukedchat #eduswe

    ianaddison 20:18 #ukedchat problem is, how many tchrs actually like sharing? What have you

    ever given back? until we get over that, crowdsourcing wont work

    Creativeedu 20:18 RT @tombarrett: Jump into the #ukedchat tonight as we discuss

    #crowdsourcing, what it means and how we can make best use of it in edu

    carolrainbow 20:18@Catriona_O @carolrainbow a wiki is just an outcome - every activity would

    have a different outcome #ukedchat

    colport 20:18 @ianaddison The QCA topics have a lot to answer for :-( #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:18 @GaryAveryICT #ukedchat @creativeedu @tombarrett Hello everyone -

    serendipity intervenes. We'd like to invite you to

    Creativeedu 20:19 RT @CreativeSTAR: please please include outdoor activities in crowd sourced

    creative curriculum #ukedchat Creativity happens easily outside

    ianchia 20:19 @carolrainbow @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat We're a diverse group of parents

    who are educators and artists/artisans/developers who are attempting

    josepicardo 20:19 one of best things about crowdsourcing as classroom activity is to see pupils'reaction at how easy it is to access new knowledge #UKEdchat

    MrColleyStMarys 20:19Using edublogs for OCR ICT cont. ass so learners can 'collaborate and share

    information effectively'. #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:19#ukedchat Lets not forget-A creative curriculum doesn't just mean having

    more ideas for your theme or doing more 'arty' activities

    SusanElkinJourn 20:19@CreativeEdu #ukedchat Working with a group on a non-exam topic?

    Creativeedu 20:19 Has anyone tried crowdsourcing with their pupils? #UKEdChat

    GaryAveryICT 20:19@colport I'mditching my ICT QCA units, they don't fit with a creative

    curriculum #ukedchat

    stevebunce 20:19

    RT @CreativeSTAR: Please please please include outdoor activities in anycrowd sourced creative curriculum #ukedchat Creativity happens easily


    didactylos 20:19@SusanElkinJourn yes but with input from maybe hundreds of brains by using

    the pln #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:19 @mberry great point! #UKEdChat

    ianchia 20:20 @carolrainbow @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat ...a worldwide crossexchange of

    creativity and learning, trying to invent a new way of sharing betwn

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    theokk 20:20@ianaddison v important point, think you are right but things are changing,

    culture shift needed #ukedchat CC a good catalyst

    tombarrett 20:20Tapping into the expertise and asking for contributions from a wider

    community, so it's not just me my def of #crowdsourcing #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:20RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat problem is, how many tchrs actually like sharing?

    until we get over that, crowdsourcing wont work

    colport 20:20 @GaryAveryICT Absolutely, so perhaps we should crowd source re-designingan ICT curriculum for all key stages. #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:20It could be us, teachers not interested in tech and pupils - but banks of ideas

    really should be useful to spark creative lessons #ukedchat

    didactylos 20:20@GaryAveryICT @tombarrett has already shown the power of google docs for

    this @ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:20 @clairelowe2 @bevevans22 and people on here are obviously an exception,

    but trust me 95% of hants teachers are not sharing #ukedchat

    josepicardo 20:21pupils don't really connect social networking and its crowdsourcing

    possibilities with learning #ukedchat

    ForesterJo 20:21 @ianaddison @colport we are moving away from topics towards themes

    allows more scope for chdn's ideas eg belonging, choices #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:21 @clairelowe2 you only have to look at the massive potential of sharing in

    wizkid and how few bother to share back. it's a travesty #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:21 RT @tombarrett:"Tapping into the expertise and asking for contributions from

    a wider community, so it's not just me"#crowdsourcing #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:21#ukedchat @carolrainbow @Ideas_Factory children/schools worldwide. Some

    backstory here: 20:21 how do you harness your crowdsourced info #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:21#ukedchat example i always use: Have you ever downloaded from a site like

    primary resources? Have you ever uploaded back?

    Miss_LollyDolly 20:21#ukedchat I don't understand why teachers wouldn't share - surely it would

    make life much easier?! #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:21@DrAshCasey #ukedchat That's what I mean-crowdsource the kids!!Not just

    the ideas but the topic

    josepicardo 20:22pupils getting mixed messages all the time: assemblies and PHSE tell them it's

    all bad - some of us say it's actually good #UKEdchat

    didactylos 20:22

    @ianaddison that's their choice, their mistake, shouldn't top those who will

    and will reap the rewards #ukedchat

    colport 20:22@ianaddison A good example...just look at the resources still evident from

    sparkle box :-0 #ukedchat

    thecleversheep 20:22 @tombarrett This environment lends itself to communicating with a crowd or

    team, it doesn't often get leveraged for creation. #ukedchat

    ForesterJo 20:22 RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Lets not forget-A creative curriculum doesn't

    just mean having more ideas for your theme or doing more 'arty' activities

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    DeputyMitchell 20:22@ianaddison Good point Ian! Erm...just for the record I haven't! #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:22@ianaddison @clairelowe2 Maybe we can start the culture change ;-)


    cleverfiend 20:22RT @Catriona_O: how do you harness your crowdsourced info #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:22 @ForesterJo agreed, but you still need a bank of ideas and resources to usealong the way don't you? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:23@robsteadman what was the response like #UKEdChat can you tell everyone

    more about class wikis please?

    mberry 20:23

    @GaryAveryICT @colport @ideas_factory @cleverfiend has been offline since lunchtime, poss. earlier.


    ianaddison 20:23@cindypenney don't want the competition getting the good stuff? that makes

    me want to swear. lots. children will miss out #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:23 @ianaddison So you need to choose your crowd carefully #ukedchat

    ForesterJo 20:23 @clairelowe2 thanks look forward to having a read :) #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:23@CreativeSTAR @clairelowe2 #ukedchat - We're attempting this via over December w @sendfelicity

    Creativeedu 20:23

    RT @josepicardo: one of best things about crowdsourcing as classroom

    activity is to see pupils' reaction at how easy it is to access new knowledge


    Creativeedu 20:23 RT @Ideas_Factory: #ukedchat Lets not forget-A creative curriculum doesn't

    just mean having more ideas for your theme or doing more 'arty' activities

    james_madeinme 20:23 @ianaddison @clairelowe2 @bevevans22 I agree. It's dangerous to assume

    the Twitter 'crowd' in Ed is not a small minority. 1/2 #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:23 #ukedchat in training 500+ tchrs about VLE I found 90% had downlaoded from

    sites but only 5 people had shared back. crowdsourcing is hard

    Ideas_Factory 20:24 #ukedchat @ForesterJo It's a absolute MUST to do some learning away from

    the usual environs-give the kids a different space to be inspired

    theokk 20:24@james_madeinme possibly an influential and affective (growing) minority


    carolrainbow 20:24Banks of ideas that all could add to, adapt, modify etc may be useful in many

    ways #ukedchat

    Miss_LollyDolly 20:24 @ianaddison I agree! #ukedchat #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:24#ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share' Me: Stop sharing it

    with the 30 children in your class then.

    stevebunce 20:24 has a low technical barrier for teachers,but I still

    often use paper when planning out with others #ukedchat

    thecleversheep 20:24 @tombarrett I hinted at the need to model substantial products/projects in a

    blog post yesterday: #ukedchat

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    MrColleyStMarys 20:24@colport @GaryAveryICT Reworking presentation unit based on

    globalgossip's work on slideshare. Want a look? #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:24@CreativeSTAR @clairelowe2 #ukedchat Here is the seed for this Sat's activity - but it's open ended.

    ianaddison 20:24#ukedchat I'm far too used to playing devil's advocate on here...I am pretty

    much on the same side as most of you. I'm just saying :-)

    Creativeedu 20:24 RT @SusanElkinJourn: @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Working with a group on anon-exam topic?

    missbrownsword 20:24 @ianaddison Lot of teachers aren't confident theyve good ideas to share and

    yet some ideas/resources shared on sites are terrible! #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:24 The number of times I go into school to help with planning and people say -

    wow - did not know about that - they need to know! #ukedchat

    GaryAveryICT 20:25 @ianaddison Agreed.. never thought of that. #ukedchat

    robsteadman 20:25@CreativeEdu #ukedchat Class Wiki: once they got over the novelty of the

    chat facility they helped write a (cont)

    Creativeedu 20:25RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    james_madeinme 20:25Fear of sharing, fear of scrutiny, just plain old fashioned fear. A grass roots

    culture of sharing must precede any fancy tech. #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:25 @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat with we're trying to show

    intersection of STEM & arts. 3D geometry & craft for K-6 @sendfelicity

    DeputyMitchell 20:25 Many teachers don't think that they have much to offer as they believe they

    are satisfactory or satis with elements of good etc #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:25 RT @ianaddison: @cindypenney don't want the competition getting the good

    stuff? that makes me want to swear. lots. children will miss out #ukedchat

    lauradoggett 20:25RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    Creativeedu 20:25can anyone share an example of crowd sourcing really contributing to their

    curriculum / lesson planning #UKEdChat

    didactylos 20:26 @missbrownsword absolutely #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:26 #ukedchat I do have to say I spent 2yrs training teachers and trying to get

    them to share. I know the barriers. Also many of you are sharers

    thecleversheep 20:26@tombarrett Yes, Twitter. I ran out of characters, which is a limiting factor.But we have crowdsourced a few resources... #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:26 RT @robsteadman: @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Class Wiki: once they got over

    the novelty of the chat facility they helped write a (cont)

    didactylos 20:26RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    missbrownsword 20:26@CreativeEdu I often ask twitter tohelp me with lesson ideas that's

    crowdsourcing isn't it? #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 20:26

    RT @DeputyMitchell: Many teachers don't think that they have much to offer

    as they believe they are satisfactory or satis with elements of good etc


    DeputyMitchell 20:26 Maybe? #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:26#ukedchat I crowdsourced ideas for biographical questions with Year 5-6 and

    then the children wrote

    Creativeedu 20:27 Has anyone ever declined the opportunity to share a good idea whensomeone else was crowdsourcing... and why? #UKEdChat

    ianaddison 20:27I share all the time, if it's crap,people won't use it. If it's useful to 1 person,

    then it was worth sharing #ukedchat

    CreativeSTAR 20:27@Ideas_Factory #ukedchat Fostering Creativity - here's HMIe perspective Definitely more than just the arts!

    GaryAveryICT 20:27I have memory sticks full of resources.. what is our forum for sharing or

    should we get own own sites #ukedchat

    BAFDiploma 20:27RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    carolrainbow 20:27 There is no doubt that teachers feel their work is not good enough - an

    OfTSED result I think - but I see amazing stuff in schools #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:27@ianaddison there's also an element of 'if I share I'm showing off' #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:27RT @tombarrett: @CreativeEdu #UKEdChat Curriculum


    ianchia 20:27

    @CreativeEdu @ianaddison #ukedchat -extending the experience 2

    parents>3rd stakeholder we hope 2 pivot the learning experience


    ForesterJo 20:27 @ianaddison think you can have bank web tools etc but think resources maycrop up along the way as chdn ideas grow (if given opp) #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:27RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    Ideas_Factory 20:27 @Creativeedu #ukedchat We ask kids what topic they want to be taught-then

    crowdsource what they want 2 learn about-then ask adults-then plan

    AntHeald 20:27#ukedchat what I share with kids is mainly 'expertise' rather than 'resources':

    how do we crowdsource that?

    Creativeedu 20:27@missbrownsword YES getting your twitter followers to help you with your

    ideas IS crowdsourcing... who else does it? #UKEdChat

    tombarrett 20:27 @CreativeEdu #UKEdChat Curriculum Catalyst

    julietteheppell 20:28@josepicardo PSHE says what is bad? Social Networking? defo not in my

    school! :-) #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:28

    RT @Ideas_Factory: @Creativeedu #ukedchat We ask kids what topic they

    want to be taught-then crowdsource what they want 2 learn about-then ask

    adults-then plan

    TeacherToolkit 20:28 #ukedchat #TTkit

    clairelowe2 20:28 @ianaddison #ukedchat so we could start our own sparkle box?

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    Creativeedu 20:28@antheald I would say expertise and experience are often directly linked, you

    can share experience?... #UKEdChat

    kindlinglily 20:28

    RT @CreativeSTAR: Please please please include outdoor activities in any

    crowd sourced creative curriculum #ukedchat Creativity happens easily


    deafdotty 20:28

    RT @carolrainbow: There is no doubt that teachers feel their work is not good

    enough - an OfTSED result I think - but I see amazing stuff in schools#ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:28RT @AntHeald: #ukedchat what I share with kids is mainly 'expertise' rather

    than 'resources': how do we crowdsource that?

    Ideas_Factory 20:29 @CreativeSTAR #ukedchat Agreed and that's the way it should be!!

    ianaddison 20:29I wasn't going to join in #ukedchat tonight but you dragged me in. Sorry for

    arguing, see you all later I share here:

    TeacherToolkit 20:29White Paper feedback by #TeachersTv & #DylanWiliam

    #ukedchat #TTkit

    josepicardo 20:29@julietteheppell one of the enlightened ones then! hooray! :-) #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:29Does crowdsourcing curriclum topics from your pupils make them more

    engaged as they have buy in? #UKEdChat

    duckinwales 20:29

    RT @Ideas_Factory: @Creativeedu #ukedchat We ask kids what topic they

    want to be taught-then crowdsource what they want 2 learn about-then ask

    adults-then plan

    ForesterJo 20:29 @Ideas_Factory like a forest garden????? #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:29@ianaddison And aren't many teachers grateful? I know they are! It saves

    time and gives lovely ideas etc #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:30 RT @CreativeSTAR: please please include outdoor activities in crowd sourced

    creative curriculum #ukedchat @sendfelicity has those in our cal

    CreativeSTAR 20:30RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    carolrainbow 20:30 @ianaddison Bye and thanks Ian #ukedchat

    spx8jkb 20:30 I love sharing ideas, shame those in my dept hate change! when training

    NQT's they can't get enough! "Sharing creates genius!" #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:30RT @GaryAveryICT: I have memory sticks full of resources.. what is our forum

    for sharing or should we get own own sites #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:30@clairelowe2 noooooo, I meant useful websites and stuff really like delicious.


    CreativeSTAR 20:30 @ianchia #ukedchat Love the hats! Inspired! Thanks for sharing

    ianchia 20:30 @carolrainbow #ukedchat - our attempt here: with more

    ideas from a PLN here: using @sendfelicity

    colport 20:30 @ianaddison and myself crowd-sourced an e-safety area for people to get

    ideas for developing in own school #ukedchat

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    cleverfiend 20:30 @clairelowe2 There is already a sparklebox alternative gathering traffic, and

    the TES site - do we need more fragmentation? #ukedchat

    MrColleyStMarys 20:31Thinking of running it as a way to get my form to research for and prepare

    their assembly. Any ideas on a suitable medium? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:31

    RT @ianchia: @carolrainbow #ukedchat - our attempt here: with more ideas from a PLN here: @sendfelicity

    didactylos 20:31 @clairelowe2 bad choice of example, but yes - might work, might not -

    tension of central organisation versus individual flowerings #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:31

    RT @colport: @ianaddison and myself crowd-sourced an e-safety area for

    people to get ideas for developing in own school


    Creativeedu 20:31 @ianaddison thanks Ian fab input! #UKEdChat

    julietteheppell 20:31 @josepicardo as with any department - it's the teacher, their understanding,

    interests, passion and training not the subject! #ukedchat

    thecleversheep 20:31 @tombarrett An example of Twitter crowdsourcing: & The lesson was in doing the activity. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:32

    RT @thecleversheep: @tombarrett An example of Twitter crowdsourcing: & The lesson was in doing the activity.


    AntHeald 20:32RT @missbrownsword @ianaddison there's also an element of 'if I share I'm

    showing off' #ukedchat

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    carolrainbow 20:33There are some great links to follow later everyone - thanks :-) #ukedchat

    ianaddison 20:33@DaffodillyDaisy got to, i'll just keep winding people up otherwise. I'm not

    usually argumentative. I think. #ukedchat

    robsteadman 20:33@CreativeEdu #ukedchat I always ask parents and pupils for repertoire

    suggestions for orchestra!!

    clairelowe2 20:33 #ukedchat polar express and hot hot hot chocolate beckon

    Creativeedu 20:33

    RT @cleverfiend: @GaryAveryICT The trouble with self-hosting resources is

    getting traffic. Taken me years & hard work to get a few hundred hits/day


    sellyeve 20:33 #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:33 RT @josepicardo as with any department - it's the teacher, their

    understanding, interests, passion and training not the subject! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:33RT @clairelowe2: am liking the reaction to my sparklebox suggestion!!

    #ukedchat good to see that we are all about learning

    ForesterJo 20:33

    RT @Ideas_Factory: @Creativeedu #ukedchat We ask kids what topic they

    want to be taught-then crowdsource what they want 2 learn about-then ask

    adults-then plan

    Creativeedu 20:34maybe crowdsourcing and community cohesion can be married somehow?


    HGJohn 20:34@clairelowe2 Have you seen it in 3D on the Imax? An experience not to be

    missed. #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:34@ForesterJo #ukedchat Yes!! or a building site, a park, a laundrette anywhere

    that's sufficiently different to stimulate learning

    sellyeve 20:34@Creativeedu we've found parental engagement absolutely key #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:34 RT @sellyeve: @Creativeedu I think any approach that gives chn moreinvolvement leads to more engagement #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:34RT @robsteadman: @CreativeEdu #ukedchat I always ask parents and pupils

    for repertoire suggestions for orchestra!!

    Creativeedu 20:34Fast and Furious #UKEDChat tonight as we discuss Crowdsourcing with hosts

    @carolrainbow and @creativeedu

    didactylos 20:34RT @theokk: Crowdsourcing and sharing should lead naturally to (opps for)

    collaboration #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:34 @CreativeSTAR @Ideas_Factory #ukedchat ABSOLUTELY. Innovation required

    both STEM and arts, but don't leave out either.

    tombarrett 20:34 Asking for contributions to a blog post is tapping into your crowd-see

    comments here we used them in a lesson #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:35

    RT @CreativeEdu: maybe crowdsourcing and community cohesion can be

    married somehow? #UKEdChat think they need 2 b otherwise all abit


    carolrainbow 20:35 RT @spx8jkb: I love sharing ideas, shame those in my dept hate change! NQTs

    cant get enough! "Sharing creates genius!" #ukedchat

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    JamiePortman 20:35 #ukedchat True about teacher reluctance to contribute re: crowd sourcing.

    We need to spread its benefits beyond twitter & into staffrooms

    ianchia 20:35 @ianaddison #ukedchat we're trying to show that within a ww group context,

    there's no right/wrong for learning creativity

    clairelowe2 20:35 @tombarrett like that example #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:35

    RT @tombarrett: Asking for contributions to a blog post is tapping into your

    crowd-see comments here we used them in a lesson


    Creativeedu 20:35RT @theokk: Crowdsourcing and sharing should lead naturally to (opps for)

    collaboration #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:36Sharing creates genius! #ukedchat - wisdom is definitely built from within!

    Creativeedu 20:36how can we spread the benefits of crowdsourcing beyond twitter and into

    staffrooms? #UKEdChat

    didactylos 20:36

    @Creativeedu crowd sourcing by it's nature is an open activity and lends itself

    to links with other actions #ukedchat

    MrColleyStMarys 20:36@missbrownsword Outstanding teachers I've trained didn't want to be tagged

    with 'bees knees disease'! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:36

    RT @JamiePortman: #ukedchat True about teacher reluctance to contribute

    re: crowd sourcing. We need to spread its benefits beyond twitter & into


    clairelowe2 20:36@HGJohn no i haven't thats a shame #ukedchat im sure we would all love it

    nuttyprof24 20:36RT @TeacherToolkit: White Paper feedback by #TeachersTv & #DylanWiliam #ukedchat #TTkit

    Creativeedu 20:36 @sellyeve do you have specific examples? sounds great #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:37 RT @sellyeve: @Creativeedu our VLE project last year got over 100 parents &

    grandparents more involved in children's learning - response huge. #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:37@CreativeEdu #UKEdChat we're inviting parents/schools/children to combine


    theokk 20:37 @Creativeedu close down the staffrooms #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:37@Creativeedu #ukedchat Our curric Based loosely on Reggio Emilia early years


    julietteheppell 20:37 @CreativeEdu crowd sourcing is defo a form of community cohesion! I

    encourage it with students its practical and extremely useful! #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:37 @Creativeedu our VLE project last year got over 100 parents & grandparents

    more involved in children's learning - response huge. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:37RT @Catriona_O: "Sharing creates genius!" #ukedchat - wisdom is definitely

    built from within!

    kenradical 20:37why is it that teaching is such an insular profession? good discussion tonight


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    carolrainbow 20:37@MrColleyStMarys @missbrownsword that seems really sad - they are the

    sort of teachers we want to share ideas :-) #ukedchat

    megsamanda 20:38@tombarrett have you ever tried the "speed dating" exercise in a staff

    meeting- choosing a topic of relevance #UKEdChat

    ianchia 20:38@sellyeve @Creativeedu #ukedchat Hence our "trojan horse" of a

    family/school based learning exp:

    tombarrett 20:38 Make it regular and simple, non-threatening #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:38

    RT @julietteheppell: @CreativeEdu crowd sourcing is defo a form of

    community cohesion! I encourage it with students its practical and extremely

    useful! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:38@sellyeve how inspiring! have blogged about it or similar so everyone could

    see? #UKEdChat

    TeacherToolkit 20:38 #UKEdChat What format do schools use to celebrate ex-students Yr11 results?

    Formal? VIP? Round-table? Oscars? Postal? Video? #help #TTkit

    GaryAveryICT 20:38Twitter and other social media is well received in school but has the stigma of

    only geeks tweet...which we all are not #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:38Share something, anything in the first 5 minutes of a staff meeting - helps to

    begin the process of sharing #UKEdChat

    Catriona_O 20:38@didactylos agree totally! #ukedchat i see crowdsourcing as an activity to be

    followed by some sort of process/filtering?

    missbrownsword 20:38@MrColleyStMarys @carolrainbow it's a barrier not only to sharing but to

    career progression too #ukedchat

    josepicardo 20:38 @JamiePortman problem is majority of teachers haven't had their paradigm

    shift moment yet, nor are they bothered. We are but a few #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:39@CreativeEdu @sellyeve #UKEdChat please see @sendfelicity and

    suebecks 20:39RT @tombarrett Share something, anything in the first 5 minutes of a staff

    meeting - helps to begin the process of sharing #UKEdChat

    CreativeSTAR 20:39As the saying goes "Knowledge is power, but only if it's shared!" #ukedchat

    Does this apply to crowd sourcing?

    Creativeedu 20:39 @garyaveryict really? I'm a geek and I'm proud ;-) #UKEdChat

    josepicardo 20:39@tombarrett we do termly Show and Tell sessions in our department instead

    of formal meeting #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:39 RT @GaryAveryICT: Twitter and other social media is well received in school

    but has the stigma of only geeks tweet...which we all are not #ukedchat

    theokk 20:39@CreativeEdu well at least let kids and parents in if you still need the coffee ; )#ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:39RT @tombarrett: Share something, anything in the first 5 minutes of a staff

    meeting - helps to begin the process of sharing #UKEdChat

    carolrainbow 20:39 Oxon Learning Platform is engaging learners and parents alike - and through it

    more teachers are sharing - ideas, resources etc #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:39@theokk ha ha! closing down the staffrooms is definitely one way!


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    Catriona_O 20:40loads of ideas for gathering info tonight but what about processing?

    analysing? evaluating? #ukedchat?

    carolrainbow 20:40@CreativeSTAR I think it does becasue it draws on a much wider knowledge

    base than is usually possible #ukedchat

    josepicardo 20:40@carolrainbow my students were using that in the playground today ;-)


    didactylos 20:40 @Catriona_O yes it's like having loads of stuff brought to you and you decidewhat you want to use #ukedchat

    GaryAveryICT 20:40 oh no.. Snowballing??? #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:40#ukedchat Twitter is the best for crowdsourcing, shared ideas and


    mrjstacey 20:40 I did an internal teachmeet at staff meeting, 10 resources in 3 minutes, first

    ever applause at a staff meeting sharing followed! #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:40 RT @carolrainbow: RT @spx8jkb: I love sharing ideas, shame those in my dept

    hate change! NQTs cant get enough! "Sharing creates genius!" #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:40

    RT @ianchia: @CreativeEdu #UKEdChat we're inviting

    parents/schools/children to combine @sendfelicity

    carolrainbow 20:40Snowballing is another form of gathering ideas - I have used that in the

    classroom but would work for planning too #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:40@megsamanda @tombarrett we did a 'speed dating' meeting on

    differentiation, worked well #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:41 @Creativeedu creating a blog is next project! #ukedchat

    colport 20:41@Catriona_O Good point. Are you asking about crowd sourcing an evaluation

    process? I do this with pupils. #ukedchat

    TheHeadsOffice 20:41 Apologies. Urgent phone call will have to take my leave! Will catch up witharchive! #UKedchat

    CreativeSTAR 20:41@missbrownsword speed dating! Great minds think alike - I often use this as

    an intro to my outdoor CPD sessions! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:41

    RT @ianchia: @JamiePortman #ukedchat A worldwide gallery of

    families+schools contribution is our aim. X1000+


    tombarrett 20:41 @josepicardo Do they work for oyur staff #UKEdchat

    Catriona_O 20:41 @didactylos but is that enough?#ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:41so essentially we seem to have agreed that crowdsourcing is sharing with bells

    on and it's generally a positive thing? #UKEdChat

    ianchia 20:41@JamiePortman #ukedchat A worldwide gallery of families+schoolscontribution is our aim. X1000+ @sendfelicity

    MrColleyStMarys 20:41@missbrownsword I'm having that idea for my NQT insets next week! Ta!


    Ideas_Factory 20:41@missbrownsword Sounds interesting-please tell us more #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:41 @Creativeedu chn inspired - found out today that since Sept my class last year

    have hit the VLE space we created 3,000 times! #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 20:41RT @CreativeSTAR: As the saying goes "Knowledge is power, but only if it's

    shared!" #ukedchat Does this apply to crowd sourcing?

    didactylos 20:42@Catriona_O nothing is ever enough, it's a lot better than doing it all

    yourself.... #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:42@colport no I'm asking about what you do with what you've


    Creativeedu 20:42 what is the BEST medium for crowdsourcing? Does anything beat good oldTwitter? #UKEdChat

    ianchia 20:42 @CreativeSTAR #ukedchat - Trying to show Knowledge+IMAGINATION is

    power, when shared. Pls see: @sendfelicity

    JamiePortman 20:42Showcase examples of crowdsourcing like @tombarrett's Interesting Ways:

    Catriona_O 20:42 @CreativeEdu didn't we know that already? #ukedchat?

    MrColleyStMarys 20:43 @missbrownsword @carolrainbow Agreed. Planned with 2 of my dept for

    observations and was dead proud when they did well! #ukedchat

    simfin 20:43if you have examples of learning platform use on snow days could you please

    @the_lpn ? #UKedchat TY :)

    Catriona_O 20:43@didactylos I'm really not that demanding! I'm just asking!#ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:43 @theheadsoffice thanks for joining us #UKEdChat

    missbrownsword 20:43several staff were visited by other staff who shared their ideas for

    differentiation in 3 mins, can be used for anything tho #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:43RT @colport: @Catriona_O Good point. Are you asking about crowd sourcing

    an evaluation process? I do this with pupils. #ukedchat

    ebd35 20:43in Jan 1teacher per wk 2share resource/idea that can be used in other classes.

    Hopefully help some to think outside box. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:4415 minutes left in tonight's #UKEdChat about crowdsourcing - and fittingly

    we've shared dozens of great links

    tombarrett 20:44Interesting Ways have been #crowdsourcing for 3 years - technology not really

    changed, nor has the majority of attitudes? - #UKEdChat

    tombarrett 20:44Interesting Ways have been #crowdsourcing for 3 years - technology not really

    changed, nor has the majority of attitudes? - #UKEdChat

    didactylos 20:44@Creativeedu twitter is best for getting involvement but needs another

    medium to capture/store/share ideas #ukedchat

    AntHeald 20:44RT @JamiePortman: Showcase examples of crowdsourcing like @tombarrett's

    Interesting Ways:

    clairelowe2 20:44RT @simfin: if you have examples of learning platform use on snow days couldyou please @the_lpn ? #UKedchat TY :)

    sellyeve 20:44@Creativeedu twitter good but lacks availability of other approaches


    Janshs 20:45@the_lpn #UKedchat (via @simfin) I've posted some audio podcasts with

    work to follow up in prep for next project (Maths) (MLE) (snow)

    ianchia 20:45@CreativeEdu #UKEdChat We're trying to use @sendfelicity as a safe venue,

    sourced via twitter and FB for parents. Schools can email me.

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    Catriona_O 20:45is crowdsourcing feeding the infomation hungry at the expense of deeper

    learning? #ukedchat?

    Creativeedu 20:45 RT @didactylos: @Creativeedu twitter is best for getting involvement but

    needs another medium to capture/store/share ideas #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:45@Creativeedu thanks! - Really pleased as 1 week can be ancient history when

    you're only 9! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:45RT @sellyeve: @Creativeedu twitter good but lacks availability of other

    approaches #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:45@Ideas_Factory not sure I explained it well but glad you got the idea!


    Creativeedu 20:46

    RT @missbrownsword: several staff were visited by other staff who shared

    their ideas for differentiation in 3 mins, can be used for anything tho


    MrColleyStMarys 20:46Steven Wright: "When you steal from one person, it's plagiarism. When you

    steal from many, it's research." #ukedchat

    JMGubbins 20:46

    Some pretty interesting opportunities for visualizing data which could come

    from crowdsourcing at : #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:46@Creativeedu @didactylos Think Google docs is good for collating and storing

    ideas to be shared #ukedchat

    JamiePortman 20:46@josepicardo SUPERB point about paradigm shift and teacher reluctance re:

    crowdsourcing. That's where we step in?

    Creativeedu 20:46So what IS the best means of crowdsourcing it not Twitter - what other

    methods do you use? #UKEdChat

    sellyeve 20:46@tombarrett love the interesting ways series & it's ongoing accessibility


    Creativeedu 20:47 RT @MrColleyStMarys: Steven Wright: "When you steal from one person, it'splagiarism. When you steal from many, it's research." #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:47 RT @JMGubbins: Some pretty interesting opportunities for visualizing data

    which could come from crowdsourcing at : #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:47 RT @MrColleyStMarys Steven Wright When you steal from one person, its

    plagiarism. When you steal from many, its research. love it! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:47

    RT @josepicardo: @JamiePortman problem is majority of teachers haven't

    had their paradigm shift moment yet, nor are they bothered. We are but a

    few #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:47@Catriona_O #ukedchat Isn't Crowdsourcing finding the provocation toachieve emersed learning?

    Creativeedu 20:47 RT @ianchia: @CreativeEdu #UKEdChat We're trying to use @sendfelicity as a

    safe venue, sourced via twitter and FB for parents. Schools can email me.

    Creativeedu 20:48 RT @james_madeinme: #UKEdChat #crowdsourcing has to be more ambitious

    than resource sharing and bring parents teachers children together.

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    theokk 20:48@MrColleyStMarys we are talking about sharing, not stealing, so logic

    doesn't apply #ukedchat

    james_madeinme 20:48#UKEdChat #crowdsourcing has to be more ambitious than resource sharing

    and bring parents teachers children together.

    Catriona_O 20:49@james_madeinme #UKEdChat #crowdsourcing agree! It's about more than

    information. It's got to be about what we do with it

    tombarrett 20:49I think Twitter has provided me the best crowd > GoogleTools>Maps>Docs>Search>Sites provides the best tools to collaborate


    carolrainbow 20:49@james_madeinme Agree - and non - tech teachers, outdoor education

    specialists etc #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:50@Ideas_Factory as part of process - we need to talk about what the other

    parts might be as well #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:50in order to crowdsource you need a crowd or following - how do you build the

    right crowd for fruitful sharing? #UKEdChat

    didactylos 20:50

    RT @tombarrett: I think Twitter has provided me the best crowd > Google

    Tools>Maps>Docs>Search>Sites provides the best tools to collaborate


    Ideas_Factory 20:50 @Catriona_O #ukedchat Crowdsource just means gather ideas by using lots of

    brains-not replace thinking-should be used in learning process

    carolrainbow 20:50

    RT @tombarrett Twitter has provided me the best crowd > Google

    Tools>Maps>Docs>Search>Sites provides the best tools to collaborate


    saraloisstanley 20:50@MartynSoulsby search the #ukedchat timeline ( click on the blue link )

    sellyeve 20:50Not sure the method is all important - for families/chn the opportunity + real

    purpose + real audience v. imp #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:50

    RT @tombarrett: I think Twitter has provided me the best crowd > Google

    Tools>Maps>Docs>Search>Sites provides the best tools to collaborate


    Creativeedu 20:50 So now that we've shared lots of ideas about the whats and whys of

    crowdsourcing, can we put it into practice in a group project?? #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:51

    RT @Ideas_Factory: @Catriona_O #ukedchat Crowdsource just means gather

    ideas by using lots of brains-not replace thinking-should be used in learning


    ianchia 20:51

    @carolrainbow @MrColleyStMarys #ukedchat We call it collaboration not

    theft. using @sendfelicity

    Ideas_Factory 20:52@Catriona_O #ukedchat Agreed-talking about other parts of process could

    take all night!

    ianchia 20:52 @JamiePortman @josepicardo #ukedchat Teachers AND parents need to

    pivot. We aim to entice learning using @sendfelicity

    didactylos 20:52@Creativeedu #ukedchat you ask in twitter and popl appear with ideas

    through your own PLN or via retweets

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    Networking_Lady 20:52RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat Teacher: 'My stuff's not good enough to share'

    Me: Stop sharing it with the 30 children in your class then.

    ianchia 20:53 @Ideas_Factory @Catriona_O #ukedchat Better yet use ALL brains 2 inspire a

    waterfall of creativity+learning @sendfelicity

    tombarrett 20:53

    2) asking on Twitter for help with lesson ideas or links for a subject #UKEdChat

    Catriona_O 20:53@Ideas_Factory OK then! but are we not just talking about info gathering now

    then? #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:53 #crowdsourcing for us could be so many diff things 1) asking our classes to

    contribute/share ideas-use those ideas to help move on #UKEdChat

    carolrainbow 20:53 To look at ideas on a theme - take the best and add to them, get children and

    others involved could produce something amazing :-) #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:53As we all tweet I imagine we all naturally crowdsource every day - but do our

    colleagues I wonder? #UKEdChat

    CreativeSTAR 20:53@ianchia #ukedchat Thanks for the link - hope your app is a success. I think

    sharing is powerful and empowering...

    AntHeald 20:53 @CreativeEdu I'm on an EngLang teachers email list: I don't upload many

    resources (take lots!) but do answer loads of questions #ukedchat

    josepicardo 20:53@tombarrett it does for some more than other, I must admit #UKEdchat

    dream_school 20:54

    RT @tombarrett: #crowdsourcing for us could be so many diff things 1) asking

    our classes to contribute/share ideas-use those ideas to help move on


    droomschool 20:54RT @tombarrett: #crowdsourcing for us could be so many diff things 1) askingour classes to contribute/share ideas-use those ideas to help move on


    Creativeedu 20:54RT @tombarrett: 2) asking on Twitter for help with lesson ideas or links for a

    subject #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:54

    RT @tombarrett: #crowdsourcing for us could be so many diff things 1) asking

    our classes to contribute/share ideas-use those ideas to help move on


    Catriona_O 20:54I think we all know how to crowdsource here. It wd hv been more interesting

    for me to talk about next stage for me #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:54

    @ianchia @Ideas_Factory @Catriona_O @sendfelicity Water all of creativity -

    lovely idea :-) #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:543) encouraging your pupils to share pulse rate data in one google doc - we all

    benefit from the shared data #UKEdChat

    JMGubbins 20:54What is the difference between crowdsourcing and collaboration in an

    educational setting? #ukedchat

    Ideas_Factory 20:54@Creativeedu how do you build the right crowd for fruitful sharing?

    #UKEdChat Great question!

    theokk 20:54@ianchia agree - plagiarism often used when its collaboration #ukedchat

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    MrColleyStMarys 20:54 @theokk Odd how the two are interchangeable is schools though isn't it?

    When the kids do either, it's called cheating! Forgot #ukedchat

    AntHeald 20:55 People have different skills/personalities- some likely to be more visible than

    others. How to integrate less showy/confident? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:55 @catriona_o there are still five minutes left - plus overspill... what would youlike to discuss? #UKEdChat

    theokk 20:55 @MrColleyStMarys you are right there ; ) #ukedchat

    ianchia 20:55 @CreativeEdu #UKEdChat We're building crowd of parents invested in their

    children's learning, driven by Oz's best illustrators @sendfelicity

    ukedchat 20:55 Five minutes remain for #ukedchat this week

    james_madeinme 20:55#UKEdChat that's why @sendfelicity is so brilliant. It's not about tech at all but

    it's impossible without it.

    didactylos 20:55@Catriona_O that's the primary activity, others can follow if ppl choose to go

    further #ukedchat

    dream_school 20:55RT @tombarrett: 3) encouraging your pupils to share pulse rate data in one

    google doc - we all benefit from the shared data #UKEdChat

    droomschool 20:55RT @tombarrett: 3) encouraging your pupils to share pulse rate data in one

    google doc - we all benefit from the shared data #UKEdChat

    dream_school 20:55RT @tombarrett: 2) asking on Twitter for help with lesson ideas or links for a

    subject #UKEdChat

    droomschool 20:55RT @tombarrett: 2) asking on Twitter for help with lesson ideas or links for a

    subject #UKEdChat

    Creativeedu 20:55RT @tombarrett: 3) encouraging your pupils to share pulse rate data in one

    google doc - we all benefit from the shared data #UKEdChat

    ianchia 20:56 @theokk #UKEdChat Please visit the potential of @sendfelicity

    zaltech 20:56RT @tombarrett: 3) encouraging your pupils to share pulse rate data in one

    google doc - we all benefit from the shared data #UKEdChat

    Catriona_O 20:56 @ianchia I totally agee. But I think ppl hre understand wht U R saying

    #ukedchat. It's those that dont who need 2 hear, & we need s'th else!

    the_lpn 20:56 RT @Janshs: @the_lpn #UKedchat (via @simfin) I've posted some audio

    podcasts with work to follow up in prep for next project (Maths) (MLE) (snow)

    Creativeedu 20:57

    RT @Catriona_O: @CreativeEdu what do you do once you've crowdsourced??


    didactylos 20:57#ukedchat here's a lot of worry statements tonight rather than seeing the

    positives or am I misreading?

    carolrainbow 20:57 @AntHeald It is the same in any group - some people are amazing and have

    wonderful ideas but hide - we need to encourage them #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:57@CreativeEdu what do you do once you've crowdsourced?? #ukedchat

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    Miss_LollyDolly 20:57joined #UKEdChat for the first time this evening and learnt a lot, thank you!

    What a productive day!

    Creativeedu 20:57less than five minutes left... anything that anyone has left that they want to

    discuss... say it now! #UKEdChat

    didactylos 20:58 #ukedchat ok work like balance - time for hignfy.....

    james_madeinme 20:58#UKEdChat My first time pitching in but have hovered often. Thanks all and

    stay warm!Catriona_O 20:58 @CreativeEdu thank you ! #ukedchat

    carolrainbow 20:58@Catriona_O @CreativeEdu Hopefully form a bank of rich ideas somewhere

    that all teachers can access and add to #ukedchat

    MrColleyStMarys 20:58 @theokk Maybe that's why teachers are so reluctant to share. Old mindsets

    and all that as per @josepicardo s excellent point #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:58so there we go closing question: WHAT DO YOU DO ONCE YOU'VE


    mrlockyer 20:59I'm actually planning an inset for Jan2011 based on teachers sharing good

    ideas! All this is good stuff! #ukedchat

    sellyeve 20:59@CreativeEdu & @carolrainbow - many thanks for great chat! #ukedchat

    tombarrett 20:59Is there a doctor on board? take a look at the "Tipping

    Point" section, I explain 1st cr srcing ecperience #UKEdchat

    carolrainbow 20:59@james_madeinme thanks for joining us James - hope you enjoyed it


    JMGubbins 20:59RT @MrColleyStMarys: @theokk Maybe thats why teachers are so reluctant

    to share. Old mindsets and all that #ukedchat

    Catriona_O 20:59lets not all die in an overdose of unprocessed information #ukedchat

    missbrownsword 20:59 realise you have loads of marking to do & add it to pile on your desk! RT

    @Catriona_O: what do you do once you've crowdsourced?? #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:59@didactylos lots of great links and exciting examples have been shared too...


    Ideas_Factory 20:59Thankyou @carolrainbow and @creativeEdu for a wonderful #ukedchat tonite-

    boy does the time go fast!!

    Creativeedu 21:00Thanks to all for a great #UKEdChat I'm going to stick around for a few

    minutes more...

    missbrownsword 21:00thanks to #ukedchat hosts, I lost my voice earlier so I'd better go and find it....

    ukedchat 21:00 9pm - A great job from @carolrainbow & @CreativeEdu hosting #ukedchat

    this week. Join @dughall same time next week. Poll to follow!

    ianchia 21:00 @carolrainbow #ukedchat - This Saturday's seed: for

    @sendfelicity, built into a world wide gallery - w no family left out

    carolrainbow 21:00Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful ideas, links and the discussion


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    stevebunce 21:01 RT @carolrainbow: Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful ideas, links and

    the discussion #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 21:05

    RT @ianchia: @Catriona_O #UKEdChat - let's make something

    wonderful+beautiful+inspiring+creative using crowdsourcing to learn:

    Catriona_O 21:05 @tombarrett wish that had been where we started! #ukedchat!