ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah....

® $t>emn0 ^tttt. VOL. XXVI NO. 51. PADUCAH. KY.. MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 30. 1909 TEN CENTS PEE WEEK LIMB OF MARCH OF Chicago Street Car Strike Again THIS ORDINANCE Reports From Monterey, Mexico, CLASSICS RULE LABOR DAY PARADE Seems Imminent, Since Union HAD HARD TIME Did Not Exaggerate Conditions IN COUNTY HIGH AND THE PROGRAM Men Refuse Compromise Terms AND NOT GOOD YET That Exist in Flooded District SCHOOL COURSE Are Completed, Assorinl Bit* I Propose Lest Conference Lite I* test Celebration Padncah Ever Witnessed. Many Floats Are Assidned Positions in Line. ACCIUK.NT IN Alll. This Afternoon, Bat Pros* * . . —IT , H<>rnn. Aug. 30.—Zvppelln poets Are for Tie*llp of All * prup^llfr IHw off cuUinc tti« cm bag aod a cata«tTOirti« waa avvrt- Was Never Sent to the Mayor More Than Thousand Nay Surface Lines in City. a ed by the compartment cop- e at ruction of the gma bag. The e a alrihip la now at Burletlg re- a a (lelrliig on the return Journey a a from Krcderlchatiafen. The a I Chicago, Aug. 30.—After outright a from Kn-derlchahafen. The a I refuting all ollera of the (ra<tlun a count waa not aboard. The a ;i'ompanlea, the union olflciala are In a ablp traveled only aixty miles a For His Approvsl Alter * Its Passage. Last Time It Was Premature* ly Enacted. Have Been Drowned and * Property Loss Mounts Into * Nillions***Nuch Distress. K.tHTW.ARI) UWXntD. a ttueenetown. Ore., Aug 3(K a a Cutting two hours and 53 sec- a a onds from own eastward Atlan- a a tic record the great Cunarder a a .Mauretaiiia arrived here this a a morning, making the run from a a New York In four days, 14 a a hours and 27 minutes. The best a a previous record was when she a IcoiifereiKc. The presidents said'a when the accident happened a WIM. NT.4ltT FROM CITY, they will meet them the last time at a She was to exhibit to Kmperor a jl this afternoon. It la the last a Franz Josef, of Austria, at a I i'bance. If all are not raised In pay, a iJndau tomorrow. a I the most to thirty rents an hour, a a a T A .Mills,* marshal of the I^lmr g^rilie will be protlalnied Immediate- aaaaaaaaaaaaaae Day parade and hU aides have com- \j of all men In the city. _ . _ plated arrangemanta for imrada as Negotiations between representa- ' *' " follows; tlvas of the unions and the presi- f\r A The lira departmeat will form on dents of traction rompanles In an M EH " * Kentucky avenue, south side, with|efrort to avert a strike were broken right resting on Fourth street. abruptly this noon. The unions re- CD HTLIDt^P The Central Ijbor Union, escort i fused point bisnk to accept the com- Iwl§ § M gga^gg E alal ll-a^ 'ng the Moddeas and candidates' car-1 wage scale offered last week, risge will form on Fiftli between and followed by refusing to arbitrate Hroadway and Kentucky aveuue. ibelr differences. The strike may! The Farmers' Cnlon will form on ugw be said to be a certainty. n ii \uu tin the east aide of Aiuth Fifth street_| D<«<l**"od. N. D., .tug. .M».—Mrs DEATH FOILED MOTHER THRICE with right resting on Kentucky ate- nue. followed by their float. The Carmen will form on w<-st side of gouth Fifth, right resting on Keii- furk.» avenue The Machinists and .Machiniste ll••Ip••rs will form ou north sidi- of Washington, right rewting on Fifth The Boilermakers aod Bollermak- erw Helpers will form on south aid** of Washington, right resting on Fifth, with float The Leatherworkers will form on the east side of IMxth between Wash- CURTISS WILL GO TO PARIS WHERE WILL BE DINED' hi. II., .tug. :MI.—Mrs Is'iu, HeiMlerwoii on a raiuTi iM-ar Sun. ilanie, \\ voiiilng, left luo children In I lie Ihui«u-, w Im-u sIm* Irsdi In'r hahy nllli lier to a vtt'll to get water W lien slie rear lwd tlw well she lieard lire olle'r two in llw ousc M-reanilng Isvtsing the hahy site ruslMvl liHlrsuw Ju*l In time to see a treiiieiMhuiN rat. tlesiutke lilting Ihe two.. While car¬ ing for tln-ni «lie heard the twhy cry Site nisheil to tlie well and fouml It had fnllen lu.. Sin* went down In the Th. L.ealherworhers will form on l'"*" the east side of Wxth between Wasb-i Rhelms, Aug 30. Having won|Th. n »lie ruslii'd iml<Ma-s iitnl Haw tjie Ington and Kentucky atenue. with threo events, sod a lotal of 37.6UU fwo die. r.ghi resting on Kentucky avenue pyiae money, Curtiss baa gone to ~ with float Farls to be the guest of Ambassador ir~ ^ The Brewery Workers will form on:. Ihe west side of KIxth. t-lween Wash " "'V rngton and Kentucky avenue, rigl.t " ' ork^ He Is Horded wIth i resting on Keistucky avenue, wju,, Invitations and probably will decline i, as a Mil. probably «f|ll aell hla **Ciul* The Weather^, Carpaolsrs will form on north idde -^cn Filer " as he has many flatter swUrawM UssBssIsswr ftsas wawwa Ka IVvIs den Filer " as he has many flatter-! ing offers. Hunday hu won the Prix ^ day as.# fcrawo.d.ea.Ww mscast.sssa hasfmskMik Vlfl K OTT^rM. nUnOMy -, of KMOitrrli^ av«uut Finn -ski.». throom \mnm In 9^ lummer and the north wind muA lAlmtU^wl^t rtmtisxM €Ul I'lllh «** \ ItMMRs KOltlS IbTW Upt iD ZH ^__ _^_ s _ iiM rMtlRM <kll Filth *** MlMMTs ROIIIS IDFW IMP* in ^ - --- ---- .--- " waa which waa Ship (arpentiri will form on catx his rims i sih much relief to the aweltering popu- slde of math betwe, n Ktntiicky ave penalised one tenth his time Ijtth- broken snd UMisdwav rishi reitlna or won tbe prise for hetghth. rising rne aun a neat was broken KentucL^e^^ •"<* Partially clouded aky and hun- Kenlueky avenue inirrf s-ar.nnn wnn were out early In the after- Csu'krra will form on west side of I aulhan third barman won the drives throuah the counter uiMh Keiwesn Kenturkv and Broad-1P****'®**'" contest, carrying two In tor arivea inrougn me touniry. Hlxth, between Kentucky and Hroaa |e e r w The river waa apeckled with motor wat. right on Kentucky avenne 10.If. one In f.53 4 5. Farman ^ j nlcaaurn amkers were nut PaIntera and f*ecorators will form ahowed the most durable machine on i. pleaauro seekers w -re out I ainiera ano necorsMirs wm .ii .nHursnea *“ droves. Sales of camera and on north aide of Kentucky avenue the course, winning all endurance Indicate that manv were baiween Mith and Seventh right on events. .Nearly all aviators have left hodaa riinia indicate mat many were between Mitt, and Seventh, right on ^ ^ w and rural diatrlcta. Clgarmakera will form on east aide week. | ihern.ometer never went any Of Seventh between Kentucky avenue - and Broadway, right on Kentucky Wrigl.l Make. Mlglit. registered by tbe gurernment mer- avenue. lierllii. .\iig. :io. -Orville Wright Lury. Last night was cool and wraps Plunibere form on west ride of S*»^ nrrt teat night today in hla|were comfortable In tbe evening, ruth bHween Kentucky avenue and (,l.plane. He new 1 fteen miles over I D^d coverings were comfortable dur- Broadway. right on Kentucky '‘nue T.-mplehof gn enda. He will give a |ng the night Thia morning broke T..|M.grai»hlcal union form public exhlblHon Thursday. ctH,l ,„d bracing and the lowest tem- ,de „r Kentucky avenue ^ffween ---- perature was marked at 66 degree.. Slalh and Seven h. rg "" ll<.y |>r*>Hn<i at f^ivlagton. The highest temperature for today Induetrlal noats and exhibits, not » ^ attarhed to orgwnimitlon. will form Covington. Ky Aug 3».--John F wmi 86. on Waablngton. weat of axth. and Kreim.r, aged 10. son of Mr and Tlie K-niiw-kv .venue weet of Seventh Mr* Henry Kn imer, of 1518 St | The foretaat for Paducah and faclnr^- KlomU belonging to or- Clair atreel waa drowned while swim rlrlnlty la: Fair tonight and Tuea- ganlaatlona will move with their nilnii I" «.*• Ucklng river He start- day. 'ed for Sunday school In the mornlogl Illinois; Washington. Aug. 30.— 'Tfie l‘atw<lc I*®** *•*. not ><een by hta parent.: Fair Monday and Tuesday; rising Tbs column will move sf tn s m •*•!" hie body wsa br<aig1it I temperature Tuesriay; light to varl- stiarp from the city hsll. In the fol-,hoin.' eeveral hours later. Reatdents able winds. lowing order- section where he met hla Sun rose today.6:34 a m. Deal'a Band death eay he waa drowned shortly af- Sun will aet today.6:38 p.m. Platoon of Police l.*r 1 o'clock. |Moon will aet tonight.4:17 a.m. lowing order; Deal'a Band platoon of Police. City Fire Department iloddesa and Candidates In car¬ riage Central Labor I nloii Farmers' B and C I nloua with llosla. Carmen of .tmcrica. .Machinists. .Machlnlsta' H»lp«'ni Boilermakers and float Boilermakers' HelisTs Cari>entera Ship Oarpenters Caulkers. Leatberworkera and float Brewery workers and float. Painters and Decorators. Clgarmakera. Klectrical Workers. PI urnher. Typogrsphicwl Union liidustrlsl display of floats l.ine fit March. The line of march will be from Ihe city hall on Kentucky avenue to Ftrvt, on First to Broadway, on Broadway to .N4uth, and counter¬ march to bNnirth and Broadway, and disband. .\ii> local or body not asaigned that win turn out. Is requested to notify the committee or marshal and will be asalgm'd place. .\t Wallao* Park. Speaking at the luirk by the Rev Boberl Joluiaon, preeldent of the Farmers’ B. and C Union, at 1:30' gl the band stand. Baseball—C C and W va. B P O K club. 3:3-0 p. in. at U'ague park Ihiiid Concert—Day and night. Dancing, awimming, boating, all afternoon and evening. Conllnuoua vaudeville afternoon and night at Casino Other amuaenvunls sod games all the time. Plenty o/ refreabmeuta and barbe¬ cue oa tbe grounds. 5:34 a.m. 6:38 p.m. 4:17 a.m. Attempt to Wreck Train ^ear *BardtefeU It EnUCted. Monterey, .Mexico, .\ug. :»«.—Fall-j e houra and 27 minutes. The best e iiig hIiimim sh rupldly as It rose, the i e previous record was when she e - Santa Catarina r*ver la now within Its e landed here August 5, after a e I haiika. lieNcue imrtleN are rewulng e run of four days, 17 hours and iCITV H.lLli .%.M» I'lRK ST.\TIOX <•<•«*• iHalles fnmi the deluge of hYl-1 e 20 mlnutew. e day and Haliinlay and Sunday. It Is I . . I declared invitwhly t.'JIMl are dearl. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwe ' iTIie rain slopintl Sntnlay. ISwtlh-me_____ When CItv Solicitor James Camp- la feaied. Santa Catarina ottllnarily " . - - - bell, Jr., asked the city clerk for the,la only a cieek. The fliaid made It women and children were cared for. ordinance, autborlxliig the Improve- more lluui two iiillra wide. The fed- Many Sle«*p In 0|>en. ment of the alley from Meyers street'eral government la M-mling n-l|nf to However, many of the men were to Farley place, between Farley and;tin* stricken clly. Troops are on their compelled to sleep In the open in the Clements street. In order to prepare^ way to prevent hsitlng in tlie flood ynrious plazas. Both Zaragoza and a contract for the work under in- swept districts, Hidalgo plazas were alive with peo- Istrurtloiis of the board of public i - P'e throughout the night and a vast I works, he found that the ordinance .tPPF.lL FOR .IID. throng congregated In this vicinity, Inever had been stibmitted to Mayor' Washlaglon. .Aug. !IO^—.%n appeal wrhlch is on high ground, in order to I Smith and It Is veld. The ordinance from iIm- ofltcers of ilie .Association of wrltness the rampage of the miniature ' hould have been signed by Mayor, .Anwrlcan colonies at Monterey for Niagara aa It swept onward after •Smith within 20 days after Its enact-i victims of the flissl dlsust<-r was wiit completing Its work of destruction, ment, otherwise It is roneldered ve-- to live state de|H«rtnienl hslsy by t'on Already many bodies have been toed. Tin; ordinance waa intased sul (ieneral llaiiiu.. He says several recovered, but It Is Impossible to ac- August 8 and never had beon sent hniidissi are dead ami hundreds are rurately state the number. It Is down to tbs mayflr. This ordinance lM>iiu-less. Kvery |M-rson In Monterey learned from a seinl-rellable aourro has had a hard time, it was flrit|luis suffered some hsw. Tlie ap|ieal that the police records show that 400 enacted by tho general coniicll and calls attention to tin* fm-t that Mon- bodies bad been recovered up to approved by the mayor; but the »o- terry, a city of Iiio.immi, docs B.A |>er noon today. Yet score's upon scores Ilcilor dlsMiverrd It had been sub- <'«*ul of Us trade with th-" United re still to be found at various niitted to the board of aldermen for I iWates. TIm" apiM-nl was tumt'd over points along the stream, lodged, and passage within two weeks after lU^lo tho Red Uross scn lety. it may be weeks before they are re- enartnient by the board of council- covered. Many will never bo found, men, which lnvalldat.-d It. It went Not Kxaggrratrd. . Pitiful scenes nre reported among back again, and this ttme went I-aredo, Tex., Aug. 30.—Tho flood the women and children. Many wo- througb without the mayor's signs- In Monterey has not heed exagger- men have been separated from their ture. The iHiaxd of public works,;ated. ('haotic rondltlons exist and husbands, mothers from their chll- I being tiitormed Miat the ordinance' thousands of homeless are uncared dren without knowledge of the I had psesed. oecurod bids and let the for. The loss of life Is variously whereabouts of one another and i-oiilra<i. The oivl:nance will have estimated at from 400 to 1,000. scenes of the most profound grief to be pasox'd again. Hemi-official advices sute that are witnessed on all bands, as moth- 400 cadavers have been recovered, era, husbands and children lament ' fity Hall Work. financial damage will aggre- lor their loved ones. IMds for Iho new central fire sU- '“'er fuU N.-w PaUi. ;tlon to be lo.ated on the rtte where- ‘‘’LT.,* inow xtande the cBy engineer and iI2.000.000 to $12,- itill falling and to add to the dto- •street hisiautor'a oLe will be re-!®®*"®"®- “>• Catarina river had Icelved tonight In special session of j Appeals for aid have been wnt worked out for lt«<lf a new channel, lihe Joint finance and public Improve-citizens of tbe United dividing into two raging streams and imciit committees at the city hall. ^ ^ separating In such a manner that an- I ... , . ... , ..... t Washouts have completely blocked other and modernly construrtod part Stacks of bids for the Job have, National railway and of the towii was threatened. 1^1 tece ved by A^hlt^-t A. L. 1 there are trains in either direction it was said that warning had been “.r .s a between Uredo and Saltillo. «.nt out to many of the hotels and Is” ".!.**** *^ *1***^ I ^ ** * communication Is still un- business houses throughout the very flgure. for the work. In this co-e , ..ertain. center of the city to be prepared for 'the flgur.-. should run almut eq«l,, ,w-«,I,tlo.. the worst and to take preventive -a. there 1. sir^g comt^tlton. "rae Monterey was one measures. I plans and flcatlona for the build-1 death, desolation, darkness and ThIa warning would not neceoasrl- ng were adopted by the eommlUsea !'’ln **"..?”** the new outloni the Sants Cs- of life, but that the first floors of w couiniod oas and modern jt^rina river continued on their ram- the various bu'.ldinga might be flood- I every lespec w b every convenience. | course throughout the night, ed and entail a large financial loss on I Work on Ihe third story addition ' to add to tho horror of tho situ- storks of merchandise, etc. ,of the city hall will begin soon, the ^tion the rain again commenrod to The modern portion of the city Is I contract for the work having been, pgugefl untold suffering to considered to be high enough lo os- award(>d to Jack Cole, the lowest'tbe thousands of homeless peons who cape the ravages of the flood, but In , bidder. Immediately after the lot- congregated on the various view of the fact that the rise of the jtlng of the contract for the fire sta-ipig^gg, their only homes In the ex- waters has been unprecedented It haa ,tlon work of tearing away .no pres- treme emergency. been considered tho better part of ent building wHl ^gln and excava- destructive flood, due to the discretion to at least warn all threat- I T , kT n7"*? 1 m *7 “>0 past -ned territory, station 'T"?, 96 hours, swept everything before It. Damage Ineallmable. Into the new building before the : hartjly a vestige is left of what It Is thought that the damage will first of the rear, as the ronetructlon ; ^ ^ conglomeration be far In excess of first estimates ss ,of the new stat.on Is no .Ittle task. *warmlng with families »»nt out in last nlghUs report. The . Arrangements sc* belling made for the jg poorer clnsies. The Monterey Smelter, one of the largest 7 7* '»« of Hie. which can not be nct-ur- smelters In Mexico, xuffered a loss by I .North fourth ‘be city | pg,touted for days, perhaps water, from the deluge of rain and : r Ti" Te m” “TT week, to come, was among tho- of money in the dlsimsltlon of the, variously (Continued on Page Four.) property lo rare for the expctiiae of s , ^ a # saa « aaa_.1. !lho new station. It ie believed the P*"'®** Irom < to , RAAfl UDTDO DDAIf property will bring oometbing near, FUmmI Rewchea Apex. IjNnM Mil WV IflcnH 810,(MW. The crest of the flood reached Its The city officials are anxious fgr 6P®* ‘n ‘be early hours of the morn- Tf I Unilf I II nilT AH the immediate liKgtnnlng of the two *"*• between 1 and 3 o clock, and II A If KI AN HmLkV llmprovementi so that they will be y®*'" 12S4668dBydapUcod. .C UlllllUIIiniN UUUl U iwell houeed In by the time cold ' ®'""y families were swept away to a rfvfl it A nrTAAir i weather starts. watery death with hardly a chance llfO II D CTlirif Educators Express Surprise That Sciences Do Not Fi|* are Extensively. More Stress On Dead Lan* (uages Than in City. •siter and It Is believed that every' 'contractor in tbe city (loe sent to hla, 'figures for the work. In this owse, 'the figures should run about equal, | -as there Is strong competition. The I plans and epeclficatlons for the build-1 'ing were adopted by the commIUeea itwo weeks ago and the new station | will be rouimodions and modern In; (Continued on Page Four.) Fulton. Ky., Aug 30. (HiMwIal.) All uiisucceHsful effort to wreck tho Illinois ("enlrnl passenger train was made Hunilay night near Bard- well. The cars bumpxMl on tbe ties, hut little damage done. flraln f'oiiilMiiiy .A*slgii* Fiillnn, Ky.. Aug. 30. Hpeclul.) —The Hardy Rrain company, of Un- CHICAGO STREET GAR KILLS TWO FtM'RTKFN PKDPl.F HUItT IN' WRFt'K; MFVFN HKHKIUNI.V. ("Iilcsgii. Aug. .lo.—Fourteen were injured, seven seriously early today | when a crowded street car overturn- »*d 01 a curve, on Twelfth street. Two will die William H. Jones. 39, is blecFiig lo death. He cut an artery Abraham Utjodman's skull was fra«-4- ured and he has Internal Injuries The car was packxyl with iwople standing In the alalce. There waa an excavatloD on tbe side of the track and tho ear plunged Into It. Four¬ teen wore taken lo boepitalej ton t'lty, aoslgned. The habllitlos re 3l5ll,UUO and asseta 3100,000. Hu*-s llurix'y SxH-h'ly. Cuvington Kj.. Aug. 30. (Spe¬ cial.)—In fodxTal court Clark & droit, iiideiiendent tobacco manufac¬ turers of Pennaylvaiila. sued the Bur¬ ley society for 1136,000 damages. Harry Thaw Has a Job. Matteawan, Aug. 30.—Harry Tbaa was appointed, librarian of tho asylum by 8up«*rlntend«'nt Baker. County Attorneys Meet. Governor .Augustus K. AA’tllson has lalled a meeting of all Ihe county at- lome?* nf the stale at lAmlxvIlle Hepteniber 13, which Is the day pre¬ ceding the regular session of thr* Couiitj Atlorneyi" ssHOClatioii. Coun¬ ty Attorney Allien Barkley will at¬ tend both meetings. GOOD NEVS FROM HARRIHAN HELPS HIS U. P. STOCK Turnerts N. Y., Aug. 30,—Fn»ni I Chicago Market Sepl.- AVheat Corn . Oats . . Prov. . laird . Ribs .. High. 98 75 V* 36% 22.55 12.22 11.80 lioar. 9T V, 64% 36% 22.50 12.1-5 11.73 Close 93% 64% 36% 32.53 12.20 11.76 iweather starts. watery death with hardly a chance U|V II U VTIjrjf I to fight for their lives. With the on- ' lllw 1 111VVA rush of waters pandemonium relgn- VnCDUITD TDDDC i®*'- *" ' •f® I lUUiJullllj lilljljd swept from their homes, on the tops of which many had aougbt shelter. Turners, N. A'., Aug. 30.—From I inn trrinn I fltmmn inever tor moment anticipating that the spirit confidence around Tower AKd IHKKAInNKIj '‘'*® “«><> ''®“'b an unprece- Hill it seems as If the operation la I nUAJ A UAtUOAUllVl/ 'dented height, pitiful appeals for as- Hlrcady surcesaful or an examlna- Txxi nAnnnm tiwTxw'n f®®'** •’® •‘®®''‘* ‘•’® ®P‘"'““°® neces- RY HiRKST RIRFK ‘b® i-®®'' of ‘be onrushmg waters by sary Is only minor. Dr. Lytle was Ui IVlIliUl 1 lilLU those on higher ground, but who reax-hed by telephone *oday. He wsa were powerless to render aid of any "skfl whether Harrlman waa oper- gind ated upon and aald, after long hetl- i V on* * , -.s' Kvery effort was made by the kind 1*“®"" Yosemite. tal, Aug. 30.-A forest Broadway for Information. The fire, reeemhiing a shex*! of flame ten;„,en and children. Their homes ““t''®*® f®“»‘'y atteuded church x,n ImiloK lx>ng. Is now x-atlng Us wuy tr>- were thrown open to the sufferers; f**® ®"*“7 J'oatoi'daj'- almost wards the great grove of mammoth the police station, many of tbe hotela 'oHal® Harrlman win turn over at trees lu the Axwentite, which foriand private clubs as well as the |®"*‘ * majority of hla Interests to yoars has been tbe mecca of tourists rooms of several orgauUatlona were f-or^tt. Kruttsohmldt and I^rae. who land It 4s fearxM the tbousand-yeafnx ,pigred at the dlapoalllon of the au- Young Averlll HYrinian. I old nionarchi of tbe forest In Mary' ti,grliies and for the greater part the evo®tually will command all. It Pn>ha. Sequlola and Morcxnl groves | *’ * learned today Harrlman has a are doonii>d. Ilovernmenl trooiss arsj " special cook to see that all food la . "back-lh-liig'" 111 an effort to keep Fricnds lud FoCS Bitllc. ''orrect. The optimistic news of Har- rtse blase away Alrirndy thousands rlinan bolstered up the stocks, espe- Ixrf acTx'H of grx-at forixst land avxr' Brookhaven, Miss., Aug. 34).— dally the tnlon Pacific, burned. The damage Is tremendous Frieuds of Robert Woodhall, charged Some sxmrci's of Information dx-- in nwinx-y, and more from the view with aisaulting Myrtle Neal, 13 yeari clare that Harrlman haa already I|M>in< of nature lovers. old. made an InetfxH-tual attempt this undergone an oiieratlon. It was - ^ morning lo lake him from the county bloodlexia and highly successful. It Car HIIn .Autis—I Deoxl. *Jall. Those •ympathiaing with the in re|>urted Instead of malignant can- Hloouiington. III., Aug. 30.—Sam- child's father mot them In a hand lOjper he has hardening of Iho spinal lUel .Moaiman. a grain dealer of .Mor- hand encounter. Pistols and kiilvew i-olumn, thrxsttenlng paralysis. It 1# Ion, was killed and his brother, wor® uxo"*! "<• o'ffbt were wounded, iyald h!s doctor iuai>i<aKXMl Ihe verte- Joseph probably fatally Injured to- AYhlle Iho battle was at Its height, bra« severel;. and then a plaster cast I day when theta automobile was troops took AA'oodhsll to a special gave Immediate relief. It is still Im- Btiurk by an mtarurbao car nearits"®!® and hurried to the Jackson state possible to get the Immediate family 1 Morton. jponttenUary. or tbe phyaUlaas to say anythinc- o PRI STKKH F.\PRKHH VIFAItf Following the pubUxmtton of tho I course of study for the new county ;High school considerable comment ' upon tbe curriculum bat been made 'The course contains more classical I studios than the Paducah High school VA’hen the question of xrotablishing a 'new High school or of tbe county IfisrnMiing free tuition to the county pupils In the city High school was dia ' cussed, one of the atrongxmt argu¬ ments against the city High orbool I was the classical course, although I every year tho scientifle course Is be. -lug made stronger. In tbe oou-nty school eapxH'lal attention will be paid to l.atlD, while Greek will be taught, but only one year of Qx'rmtii As¬ tronomy will also be taught, although I there Is practically no equipment. Trustees W. R. Davis this morning said that be thought the course of study was entirely too closalcal for tbe needs of tbe county schools, and said he would like to see subjexts re¬ lating to agricultural subjects and farm life taught. Superintendent J. A. Cornsgey, of the city schools, ha* studied tbe course, and Ihie morning said; "I believe that the county children ought to have Just as good an education as the city cbJIdran, but good along different lines. The coun* ty Kbools should be Just as good off the city, but the course of study should emirfassIsF tlirr stt^y of tbx* selencea, such as botany, ‘>1* ology, chemistry of tha soli, sad 'phy- •Ira, making ea«4) as [rrovtleal ae-poi*^' stble The girls should study xlonwo- I tic Bctenee, although I think a proiier limount of classical work should be I given; but It Miould be made second-jf;.' sry to tbe selenees. The aim of IheTll x-ducation In the county sctmoli ' should fit the children for rural life and lift up tbe farm life rather than to encourage them to leave the coun¬ try for the city.” "I would advocate that srlttime- tlc, geometry and algebra be taught an Introduction to literature and American and English history. There should be no necessity for making thx> course mainly closlral, os I think an arrangement could bo made easily I whereby any county student. Intend- ling to enter college, where a o’shvI- csl course Is necessary for entrancx; jeouM be taught In the city High I school, with the county paying the j tuition." KxaiiiJiiera Flnlsli. The board of examiners of the city srhooli has oomplKed Its work. In : addition to the teachers getting eer- llflcates announced Saturday. .Miss ' Elizabeth Urabam was granted a High school ceitlfloate. Lurena Ham¬ ilton, of the colorxvd teachers, was granted a certificate. She wea an honor pupil of tbe class of t908, and last year took post-graduate work It It intended that the city schxrolt shall be more sanitary tbls year than ever before. The Janitors the last of this week will clean tbe buildings thoroughly. Tburoday evening at 7:30 o'clwk a meeting will be called for the Janitors at tbe High ochoot Dr. H. P. Sights, city health officer and Superintendent Oarnagey will In- struct tbe Janitors on the neceaaitp and method of a thorough elesinlng. was learned today Harrlman has a special cook to see that all food Is correct. The optimistic news of Har- riinan bolstered up Ipe stocks, espe¬ cially the Union Pacific. SouH* MHircit of Information dx- Supt. Mlxhlleton. County School SuperInteiKicnt 8 J. Biltinglon resigned Saturday and last olght he and his wife Kdl f<>r .Montana, where they will Us-ntx- County Judge LIghtfewt Immediately appointed W. A. MIdllelon to fill out Hie unexplred term. IL K. n.'s win Tw1x-c. The R. K D. baseball tx*am was victorious In two games yesterday dcfxwtlng th^ Union Drug Store team at Ix>ague park yetiterday moriving by a score of It to 4, and wlnn4ng from the T. T. T. T.’s In the afti'riMwn by a score of 8 to 7. The batteries for the R. K. n.’s was: English and Tlncbx*r. wtvlte those for the Union Drug Store team were; Hllke and OU Ham. That Incubator Baby Case. Kansas City, Aug. 80.—Habxuu corpu* prxKeexHngs by whldi Mvw Barclay and Gentry hoped to eoespe th*>lr return to Kanooa to face chargx** in connection witli tho kld- naiilng of Martin Bleakley, the ex- Incubator baby, came up in rourt to day. In cose the order la not ox-t aside they will bx- taken to Topeka I today .

Transcript of ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah....

Page 1: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909

® $t>emn0 ^tttt.


LIMB OF MARCH OF Chicago Street Car Strike Again THIS ORDINANCE Reports From Monterey, Mexico, CLASSICS RULE LABOR DAY PARADE Seems Imminent, Since Union HAD HARD TIME Did Not Exaggerate Conditions IN COUNTY HIGH

AND THE PROGRAM Men Refuse Compromise Terms AND NOT GOOD YET That Exist in Flooded District SCHOOL COURSE

Are Completed, Assorinl Bit* I Propose Lest Conference Lite I*

test Celebration Padncah

Ever Witnessed.

Many Floats Are Assidned

Positions in Line.


This Afternoon, Bat Pros* * . „ . —IT , • H<>rnn. Aug. 30.—Zvppelln •

poets Are for Tie*llp of All * prup^llfr IHw off cuUinc tti« cm • bag aod a cata«tTOirti« waa avvrt-

Was Never Sent to the Mayor More Than Thousand Nay

Surface Lines in City. a ed by the compartment cop- • e at ruction of the gma bag. The e a alrihip la now at Burletlg re- a a (lelrliig on the return Journey a a from Krcderlchatiafen. The a I Chicago, Aug. 30.—After outright a from Kn-derlchahafen. The a

I refuting all ollera of the (ra<tlun a count waa not aboard. The a ;i'ompanlea, the union olflciala are In a ablp traveled only aixty miles a

For His Approvsl Alter *

Its Passage.

Last Time It Was Premature*

ly Enacted.

Have Been Drowned and *

Property Loss Mounts Into *

Nillions***Nuch Distress. •


a ttueenetown. Ore., Aug 3(K a a —Cutting two hours and 53 sec- a a onds from own eastward Atlan- a a tic record the great Cunarder a a .Mauretaiiia arrived here this a a morning, making the run from a a New York In four days, 14 a a hours and 27 minutes. The best a a previous record was when she a

IcoiifereiKc. The presidents said'a when the accident happened a WIM. NT.4ltT FROM CITY, they will meet them the last time at a She was to exhibit to Kmperor a

jl this afternoon. It la the last a Franz Josef, of Austria, at a I i'bance. If all are not raised In pay, a iJndau tomorrow. a

I the most to thirty rents an hour, a a a T A .Mills,* marshal of the I^lmr g^rilie will be protlalnied Immediate- aaaaaaaaaaaaaae

Day parade and hU aides have com- \j of all men In the city. _ . _ plated arrangemanta for imrada as Negotiations between representa- ' *' " follows; tlvas of the unions and the presi- f\r A

The lira departmeat will form on dents of traction rompanles In an M EH " * Kentucky avenue, south side, with|efrort to avert a strike were broken right resting on Fourth street. abruptly this noon. The unions re- CD HTLIDt^P

The Central Ijbor Union, escort i fused point bisnk to accept the com- Iwl§ § M gga^gg E alal ll-a^ 'ng the Moddeas and candidates' car-1 wage scale offered last week, risge will form on Fiftli between and followed by refusing to arbitrate Hroadway and Kentucky aveuue. ibelr differences. The strike may!

The Farmers' Cnlon will form on ugw be said to be a certainty. n ii \uu tin the east aide of Aiuth Fifth street_| D<«<l**"od. N. D., .tug. .M».—Mrs



with right resting on Kentucky ate- nue. followed by their float.

The Carmen will form on w<-st side of gouth Fifth, right resting on Keii- furk.» avenue

The Machinists and .Machiniste ll••Ip••rs will form ou north sidi- of Washington, right rewting on Fifth

The Boilermakers aod Bollermak- erw Helpers will form on south aid** of Washington, right resting on Fifth, with float

The Leatherworkers will form on the east side of IMxth between Wash-



hi. II., .tug. :MI.—Mrs Is'iu, HeiMlerwoii on a raiuTi iM-ar Sun. ilanie, \\ voiiilng, left luo children In I lie Ihui«u-, w Im-u sIm* Irsdi In'r hahy nllli lier to a vtt'll to get water W lien slie rear lwd tlw well she lieard lire olle'r two in llw ousc M-reanilng Isvtsing the hahy site ruslMvl liHlrsuw Ju*l In time to see a treiiieiMhuiN rat. tlesiutke lilting Ihe two.. While car¬ ing for tln-ni «lie heard the twhy cry Site nisheil to tlie well and fouml It had fnllen lu.. Sin* went down In the

Th. L.ealherworhers will form on l'"*" the east side of Wxth between Wasb-i Rhelms, Aug 30. Having won|Th. n »lie ruslii'd iml<Ma-s iitnl Haw tjie

Ington and Kentucky atenue. with threo events, sod a lotal of 37.6UU fwo die.

r.ghi resting on Kentucky avenue pyiae money, Curtiss baa gone to ~

with float Farls to be the guest of Ambassador ir~ ^ The Brewery Workers will form on:.

Ihe west side of KIxth. t-lween Wash " "'V rngton and Kentucky avenue, rigl.t " ' ork^ He Is Horded wIth i resting on Keistucky avenue, wju,, Invitations and probably will decline i,

as a Mil. H« probably «f|ll aell hla **Ciul*

The Weather^,

Carpaolsrs will form on north idde -^cn Filer " as he has many flatter swUrawM UssBssIsswr ftsas wawwa • Ka IVvIs

den Filer " as he has many flatter-! ing offers. Hunday hu won the Prix ^ day as.# fcrawo.d.ea.Ww mscast.sssa hasfmskMik Vlfl K OTT^rM. nUnOMy -,

of KMOitrrli^ av«uut Finn -ski.». throom \mnm In 9^ lummer and the north wind muA lAlmtU^wl^t rtmtisxM €Ul I'lllh «** \ ItMMRs KOltlS IbTW Upt iD ZH ^__ _^_ s _ • iiM rMtlRM <kll Filth *** MlMMTs ROIIIS IDFW IMP* in ^ - --- ---- .--- "

waa which waa Ship (arpentiri will form on catx his rims i sih much relief to the aweltering popu-

slde of math betwe, n Ktntiicky ave penalised one tenth his time Ijtth- broken snd UMisdwav rishi reitlna or won tbe prise for hetghth. rising rne aun a neat was broken

KentucL^e^^ •"<* Partially clouded aky and hun- Kenlueky avenue inirrf s-ar.nnn wnn were out early In the after-

Csu'krra will form on west side of I aulhan third barman won the drives throuah the counter uiMh Keiwesn Kenturkv and Broad-1P****'®**'" contest, carrying two In tor arivea inrougn me touniry. Hlxth, between Kentucky and Hroaa |e e r w The river waa apeckled with motor wat. right on Kentucky avenne 10.If. one In f.53 4 5. Farman ^ j nlcaaurn amkers were nut

PaIntera and f*ecorators will form ahowed the most durable machine on i. pleaauro seekers w -re out I ainiera ano necorsMirs wm .ii .nHursnea *“ droves. Sales of camera and

on north aide of Kentucky avenue the course, winning all endurance Indicate that manv were baiween Mith and Seventh right on events. .Nearly all aviators have left hodaa riinia indicate mat many were between Mitt, and Seventh, right on ^ ^

w and rural diatrlcta. Clgarmakera will form on east aide week. | ihern.ometer never went any

Of Seventh between Kentucky avenue -

and Broadway, right on Kentucky Wrigl.l Make. Mlglit. registered by tbe gurernment mer-

avenue. lierllii. .\iig. :io. -Orville Wright Lury. Last night was cool and wraps Plunibere form on west ride of S*»^ nrrt teat night today in hla|were comfortable In tbe evening,

ruth bHween Kentucky avenue and (,l.plane. He new 1 fteen miles over I D^d coverings were comfortable dur- Broadway. right on Kentucky ■'•‘nue T.-mplehof gn enda. He will give a |ng the night Thia morning broke

T..|M.grai»hlcal union form public exhlblHon Thursday. ctH,l ,„d bracing and the lowest tem- ,de „r Kentucky avenue ^ffween ---- perature was marked at 66 degree..

Slalh and Seven h. rg "" ll<.y |>r*>Hn<i at f^ivlagton. The highest temperature for today Induetrlal noats and exhibits, not » ^

attarhed to orgwnimitlon. will form Covington. Ky Aug 3».--John F wmi 86. on Waablngton. weat of axth. and Kreim.r, aged 10. son of Mr and Tlie K-niiw-kv .venue weet of Seventh Mr* Henry Kn imer, of 1518 St | The foretaat for Paducah and faclnr^- KlomU belonging to or- Clair atreel waa drowned while swim rlrlnlty la: Fair tonight and Tuea- ganlaatlona will move with their nilnii I" «.*• Ucklng river He start- day.

'ed for Sunday school In the mornlogl Illinois; Washington. Aug. 30.—

'Tfie l‘atw<lc I*®** *•*. not ><een by hta parent.: Fair Monday and Tuesday; rising Tbs column will move sf tn s m •*•!" hie body wsa br<aig1it I temperature Tuesriay; light to varl-

stiarp from the city hsll. In the fol-,hoin.' eeveral hours later. Reatdents able winds. lowing order- section where he met hla Sun rose today.6:34 a m.

Deal'a Band death eay he waa drowned shortly af- Sun will aet today.6:38 p.m. Platoon of Police l.*r 1 o'clock. |Moon will aet tonight.4:17 a.m.

lowing order; Deal'a Band platoon of Police. City Fire Department iloddesa and Candidates In car¬

riage Central Labor I nloii Farmers' B and C I nloua with

llosla. Carmen of .tmcrica. .Machinists. .Machlnlsta' H»lp«'ni Boilermakers and float Boilermakers' HelisTs Cari>entera Ship Oarpenters Caulkers. Leatberworkera and float Brewery workers and float. Painters and Decorators. Clgarmakera. Klectrical Workers. PI urnher. Typogrsphicwl Union liidustrlsl display of floats

l.ine fit March. The line of march will be from

Ihe city hall on Kentucky avenue to Ftrvt, on First to Broadway, on Broadway to .N4uth, and counter¬ march to bNnirth and Broadway, and disband. .\ii> local or body not asaigned that win turn out. Is requested to notify the committee or marshal and will be asalgm'd place.

.\t Wallao* Park. Speaking at the luirk by the Rev

Boberl Joluiaon, preeldent of the Farmers’ B. and C Union, at 1:30' gl the band stand.

Baseball—C C and W va. B P O K club. 3:3-0 p. in. at U'ague park

Ihiiid Concert—Day and night. Dancing, awimming, boating, all

afternoon and evening. Conllnuoua vaudeville afternoon

and night at Casino Other amuaenvunls sod games all

the time. Plenty o/ refreabmeuta and barbe¬

cue oa tbe grounds.

5:34 a.m. 6:38 p.m. 4:17 a.m.

Attempt to Wreck Train ^ear *BardtefeU

It EnUCted. Monterey, .Mexico, .\ug. :»«.—Fall-j e houra and 27 minutes. The best e iiig hIiimim sh rupldly as It rose, the i e previous record was when she e

- Santa Catarina r*ver la now within Its e landed here August 5, after a e I haiika. lieNcue imrtleN are rewulng e run of four days, 17 hours and • iCITV H.lLli .%.M» I'lRK ST.\TIOX <•<•«*• iHalles fnmi the deluge of hYl-1 e 20 mlnutew. e

day and Haliinlay and Sunday. It Is I • • . — ■ . I declared invitwhly t.'JIMl are dearl. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwe

' iTIie rain slopintl Sntnlay. ISwtlh-me_____ When CItv Solicitor James Camp- la feaied. Santa Catarina ottllnarily " . - - -

bell, Jr., asked the city clerk for the,la only a cieek. The fliaid made It women and children were cared for. ordinance, autborlxliig the Improve- more lluui two iiillra wide. The fed- Many Sle«*p In 0|>en. ment of the alley from Meyers street'eral government la M-mling n-l|nf to However, many of the men were to Farley place, between Farley and;tin* stricken clly. Troops are on their compelled to sleep In the open in the Clements street. In order to prepare^ way to prevent hsitlng in tlie flood ynrious plazas. Both Zaragoza and a contract for the work under in- swept districts, Hidalgo plazas were alive with peo-

Istrurtloiis of the board of public i - P'e throughout the night and a vast I works, he found that the ordinance .tPPF.lL FOR .IID. throng congregated In this vicinity, Inever had been stibmitted to Mayor' Washlaglon. .Aug. !IO^—.%n appeal wrhlch is on high ground, in order to I Smith and It Is veld. The ordinance from iIm- ofltcers of ilie .Association of wrltness the rampage of the miniature ' hould have been signed by Mayor, .Anwrlcan colonies at Monterey for Niagara aa It swept onward after •Smith within 20 days after Its enact-i victims of the flissl dlsust<-r was wiit completing Its work of destruction, ment, otherwise It is roneldered ve-- to live state de|H«rtnienl hslsy by t'on Already many bodies have been toed. Tin; ordinance waa intased sul (ieneral llaiiiu.. He says several recovered, but It Is Impossible to ac- August 8 and never had beon sent hniidissi are dead ami hundreds are rurately state the number. It Is down to tbs mayflr. This ordinance lM>iiu-less. Kvery |M-rson In Monterey learned from a seinl-rellable aourro has had a hard time, it was flrit|luis suffered some hsw. Tlie ap|ieal that the police records show that 400 enacted by tho general coniicll and calls attention to tin* fm-t that Mon- bodies bad been recovered up to approved by the mayor; but the »o- terry, a city of Iiio.immi, docs B.A |>er noon today. Yet score's upon scores Ilcilor dlsMiverrd It had been sub- <'«*ul of Us trade with th-" United ■re still to be found at various niitted to the board of aldermen for I iWates. TIm" apiM-nl was tumt'd over points along the stream, lodged, and passage within two weeks after lU^lo tho Red Uross scn lety. it may be weeks before they are re- enartnient by the board of council- —covered. Many will never bo found, men, which lnvalldat.-d It. It went • Not Kxaggrratrd. . Pitiful scenes nre reported among back again, and this ttme went I-aredo, Tex., Aug. 30.—Tho flood the women and children. Many wo- througb without the mayor's signs- In Monterey has not heed exagger- men have been separated from their ture. The iHiaxd of public works,;ated. ('haotic rondltlons exist and husbands, mothers from their chll-

I being tiitormed Miat the ordinance' thousands of homeless are uncared dren without knowledge of the I had psesed. oecurod bids and let the for. The loss of life Is variously whereabouts of one another and i-oiilra<i. The oivl:nance will have estimated at from 400 to 1,000. scenes of the most profound grief to be pasox'd again. Hemi-official advices sute that are witnessed on all bands, as moth-

■ 400 cadavers have been recovered, era, husbands and children lament ' fity Hall Work. financial damage will aggre- lor their loved ones.

IMds for Iho new central fire sU- '“'er fuU N.-w PaUi.

;tlon to be lo.ated on the rtte where- ‘‘’LT.,* inow xtande the cBy engineer and iI2.000.000 to $12,- itill falling and to add to the dto-

•street hisiautor'a oLe will be re-!®®*"®"®- “>• Catarina river had Icelved tonight In special session of j Appeals for aid have been wnt worked out for lt«<lf a new channel, lihe Joint finance and public Improve-citizens of tbe United dividing into two raging streams and imciit committees at the city hall. ^ ^ separating In such a manner that an- I ... , . ... , ..... t Washouts have completely blocked other and modernly construrtod part

Stacks of bids for the Job have, National railway and of the towii was threatened. 1^1 tece ved by A^hlt^-t A. L. 1 there are trains in either direction it was said that warning had been

■ “.r .s a between Uredo and Saltillo. «.nt out to many of the hotels and Is” ".!.**** *^ *1***^ I ^ ** * communication Is still un- business houses throughout the very flgure. for the work. In this co-e , ..ertain. center of the city to be prepared for

'the flgur.-. should run almut eq«l,, ,w-«,I,tlo.. the worst and to take preventive -a. there 1. sir^g comt^tlton. "rae Monterey was one measures.

I plans and flcatlona for the build-1 death, desolation, darkness and ThIa warning would not neceoasrl- ng were adopted by the eommlUsea

!'’ln **"..?”** the new outloni the Sants Cs- of life, but that the first floors of w couiniod oas and modern jt^rina river continued on their ram- the various bu'.ldinga might be flood-

I every lespec w b every convenience. | course throughout the night, ed and entail a large financial loss on I Work on Ihe third story addition ' to add to tho horror of tho situ- storks of merchandise, etc. ,of the city hall will begin soon, the ^tion the rain again commenrod to The modern portion of the city Is I contract for the work having been, pgugefl untold suffering to considered to be high enough lo os- award(>d to Jack Cole, the lowest'tbe thousands of homeless peons who cape the ravages of the flood, but In

, bidder. Immediately after the lot- congregated on the various view of the fact that the rise of the jtlng of the contract for the fire sta-ipig^gg, their only homes In the ex- waters has been unprecedented It haa ,tlon work of tearing away .no pres- treme emergency. been considered tho better part of ent building wHl ^gln and excava- destructive flood, due to the discretion to at least warn all threat-

I T , kT n7"*? 1 m *7 “>0 past -ned territory, station 'T"?, 96 hours, swept everything before It. Damage Ineallmable.

Into the new building before the : hartjly a vestige is left of what It Is thought that the damage will first of the rear, as the ronetructlon ; ^ ^ conglomeration be far In excess of first estimates ss

,of the new stat.on Is no .Ittle task. *warmlng with families »»nt out in last nlghUs report. The . Arrangements sc* belling made for the jg poorer clnsies. The Monterey Smelter, one of the largest

7 7* '»«■ of Hie. which can not be nct-ur- smelters In Mexico, xuffered a loss by I .North fourth ‘be city | pg,touted for days, perhaps water, from the deluge of rain and

: r Ti" Te m” “TT week, to come, was among tho- of money in the dlsimsltlon of the, „ variously (Continued on Page Four.)

■ property lo rare for the expctiiae of s , ^ a # saa « aaa_.1. !lho new station. It ie believed the P*"'®** “ Irom < to , RAAfl UDTDO DDAIf property will bring oometbing near, FUmmI Rewchea Apex. IjNnM Mil WV IflcnH 810,(MW. The crest of the flood reached Its

The city officials are anxious fgr 6P®* ‘n ‘be early hours of the morn- Tf I Unilf I II nilT AH the immediate liKgtnnlng of the two *"*• between 1 and 3 o clock, and II A If KI ■AN HmLkV

llmprovementi so that they will be y®*'" 12S4668dBydapUcod. .C UlllllUIIiniN UUUl U

iwell houeed In by the time cold ' ®'""y families were swept away to a rfvfl it A nrTAAir i weather starts. watery death with hardly a chance llfO II D CTlirif

Educators Express Surprise

That Sciences Do Not Fi|*

are Extensively.

More Stress On Dead Lan*

(uages Than in City.

•siter and It Is believed that every' 'contractor in tbe city (loe sent to hla, 'figures for the work. In this owse, 'the figures should run about equal, | -as there Is strong competition. The I plans and epeclficatlons for the build-1 'ing were adopted by the commIUeea itwo weeks ago and the new station | will be rouimodions and modern In;

(Continued on Page Four.)

Fulton. Ky., Aug 30. (HiMwIal.) All uiisucceHsful effort to wreck

tho Illinois ("enlrnl passenger train was made Hunilay night near Bard- well. The cars bumpxMl on tbe ties, hut little damage done.

flraln f'oiiilMiiiy .A*slgii*

Fiillnn, Ky.. Aug. 30. Hpeclul.) —The Hardy Rrain company, of Un-



("Iilcsgii. Aug. .lo.—Fourteen were injured, seven seriously early today | when a crowded street car overturn- »*d 01 a curve, on Twelfth street. Two will die William H. Jones. 39, is blecFiig lo death. He cut an artery ■Abraham Utjodman's skull was fra«-4- ured and he has Internal Injuries The car was packxyl with iwople standing In the alalce. There waa an excavatloD on tbe side of the track and tho ear plunged Into It. Four¬ teen wore taken lo boepitalej

ton t'lty, aoslgned. The habllitlos ■ re 3l5ll,UUO and asseta 3100,000.

Hu*-s llurix'y SxH-h'ly. Cuvington Kj.. Aug. 30. (Spe¬

cial.)—In fodxTal court Clark & droit, iiideiiendent tobacco manufac¬ turers of Pennaylvaiila. sued the Bur¬ ley society for 1136,000 damages.

Harry Thaw Has a Job. Matteawan, Aug. 30.—Harry Tbaa

was appointed, librarian of tho asylum by 8up«*rlntend«'nt Baker.

County Attorneys Meet. Governor .Augustus K. AA’tllson has

lalled a meeting of all Ihe county at- lome?* nf the stale at lAmlxvIlle Hepteniber 13, which Is the day pre¬ ceding the regular session of thr* Couiitj Atlorneyi" ssHOClatioii. Coun¬ ty Attorney Allien Barkley will at¬ tend both meetings.



Turnerts N. Y., Aug. 30,—Fn»ni I

Chicago Market Sepl.-

AVheat Corn . Oats . . Prov. . laird . Ribs ..


98 75 V* 36%

22.55 12.22



9T V, 64% 36%

22.50 12.1-5 11.73


93% 64% 36%

32.53 12.20 11.76

iweather starts. watery death with hardly a chance U|V II U VTIjrjf I to fight for their lives. With the on- ' lllw U« 1 • 111VVA

rush of waters pandemonium relgn-

VnCDUITD TDDDC i®*'- *" '■•f® ■ I lUUiJullllj lilljljd swept from their homes, on the tops

of which many had aougbt shelter. Turners, N. A'., Aug. 30.—From I inn trrinn I fltmmn inever tor ■ moment anticipating that the spirit confidence around Tower

AKd IHKKAInNKIj '‘'*® ’►“«><> ''®“'b an unprece- Hill it seems as If the operation la I nUAJ A UAtUOAUllVl/ 'dented height, pitiful appeals for as- Hlrcady surcesaful or an examlna-

Txxi nAnnnm tiwTxw'n f®®'** •’® •‘®®''‘* ‘•’® ®P‘"'““°® neces- RY HiRKST RIRFK ‘b® i-®®'' of ‘be onrushmg waters by sary Is only minor. Dr. Lytle was Ui IVlIliUl 1 lilLU those on higher ground, but who reax-hed by telephone *oday. He wsa

were powerless to render aid of any "skfl whether Harrlman waa oper- gind ated upon and aald, after long hetl-

i V on* ,« * , -.s' Kvery effort was made by the kind 1*“®"" Yosemite. tal, Aug. 30.-A forest Broadway for Information. The

fire, reeemhiing a shex*! of flame ten;„,en and children. Their homes ““t''®*® f®“»‘'y atteuded church x,n

ImiloK lx>ng. Is now x-atlng Us wuy tr>- were thrown open to the sufferers; f**® ®"*“7 J'oatoi'daj'- “ •■ almost wards the great grove of mammoth the police station, many of tbe hotela 'oHal® Harrlman win turn over at trees lu the Axwentite, which foriand private clubs as well as the |®"*‘ * majority of hla Interests to yoars has been tbe mecca of tourists rooms of several orgauUatlona were f-or^tt. Kruttsohmldt and I^rae. who

land It 4s fearxM the tbousand-yeafnx ,pigred at the dlapoalllon of the au- Young Averlll HYrinian. I old nionarchi of tbe forest In Mary' ti,grliies and for the greater part the evo®tually will command all. It ’ Pn>ha. Sequlola and Morcxnl groves | *’■* learned today Harrlman has a are doonii>d. Ilovernmenl trooiss arsj " special cook to see that all food la

. "back-lh-liig'" 111 an effort to keep Fricnds lud FoCS Bitllc. ''orrect. The optimistic news of Har- rtse blase away Alrirndy thousands rlinan bolstered up the stocks, espe-

Ixrf acTx'H of grx-at forixst land avxr' Brookhaven, Miss., Aug. 34).— dally the tnlon Pacific, burned. The damage Is tremendous Frieuds of Robert Woodhall, charged Some sxmrci's of Information dx-- in nwinx-y, and more from the view with aisaulting Myrtle Neal, 13 yeari clare that Harrlman haa already I|M>in< of nature lovers. old. made an InetfxH-tual attempt this undergone an oiieratlon. It was - ^ morning lo lake him from the county bloodlexia and highly successful. It

Car HIIn .Autis—I Deoxl. *Jall. Those •ympathiaing with the in re|>urted Instead of malignant can- Hloouiington. III., Aug. 30.—Sam- child's father mot them In a hand lOjper he has hardening of Iho spinal

lUel .Moaiman. a grain dealer of .Mor- hand encounter. Pistols and kiilvew i-olumn, thrxsttenlng paralysis. It 1# Ion, was killed and his brother, wor® uxo"*! ■"<• o'ffbt were wounded, iyald h!s doctor iuai>i<aKXMl Ihe verte- Joseph probably fatally Injured to- AYhlle Iho battle was at Its height, bra« severel;. and then a plaster cast

I day when theta automobile was troops took AA'oodhsll to a special gave Immediate relief. It is still Im- Btiurk by an mtarurbao car nearits"®!® and hurried to the Jackson state possible to get the Immediate family

1 Morton. jponttenUary. or tbe phyaUlaas to say anythinc-


Following the pubUxmtton of tho I course of study for the new county ;High school considerable comment ' upon tbe curriculum bat been made 'The course contains more classical I studios than the Paducah High school

VA’hen the question of xrotablishing a 'new High school or of tbe county IfisrnMiing free tuition to the county pupils In the city High school was dia

' cussed, one of the atrongxmt argu¬ ments against the city High orbool

I was the classical course, although I every year tho scientifle course Is be. -lug made stronger. In tbe oou-nty school eapxH'lal attention will be paid to l.atlD, while Greek will be taught, but only one year of Qx'rmtii As¬ tronomy will also be taught, although

I there Is practically no equipment. Trustees W. R. Davis this morning

said that be thought the course of study was entirely too closalcal for tbe needs of tbe county schools, and said he would like to see subjexts re¬ lating to agricultural subjects and farm life taught. Superintendent J. A. Cornsgey, of the city schools, ha* studied tbe course, and Ihie morning said; "I believe that the county children ought to have Just as good an education as the city cbJIdran, but good along different lines. The coun* ty Kbools should be Just as good off the city, but the course of study should emirfassIsF tlirr stt^y of tbx* selencea, such as botany, ‘>1* ology, chemistry of tha soli, sad 'phy- •Ira, making ea«4) as [rrovtleal ae-poi*^' stble The girls should study xlonwo-

I tic Bctenee, although I think a proiier limount of classical work should be I given; but It Miould be made second-jf;.' ’ sry to tbe selenees. The aim of IheTll x-ducation In the county sctmoli ' should fit the children for rural life and lift up tbe farm life rather than to encourage them to leave the coun¬ try for the city.”

"I would advocate that srlttime- tlc, geometry and algebra be taught an Introduction to literature and American and English history. There should be no necessity for making thx> course mainly closlral, os I think an arrangement could bo made easily

I whereby any county student. Intend- ling to enter college, where a o’shvI- csl course Is necessary for entrancx;

jeouM be taught In the city High I school, with the county paying the j tuition."

KxaiiiJiiera Flnlsli. The board of examiners of the city

srhooli has oomplKed Its work. In : addition to the teachers getting eer- llflcates announced Saturday. .Miss

' Elizabeth Urabam was granted a High school ceitlfloate. Lurena Ham¬ ilton, of the colorxvd teachers, was granted a certificate. She wea an honor pupil of tbe class of t908, and last year took post-graduate work

It It intended that the city schxrolt shall be more sanitary tbls year than ever before. The Janitors the last of this week will clean tbe buildings thoroughly. Tburoday evening at 7:30 o'clwk a meeting will be called for the Janitors at tbe High ochoot Dr. H. P. Sights, city health officer and Superintendent Oarnagey will In- struct tbe Janitors on the neceaaitp and method of a thorough elesinlng.

was learned today Harrlman has a special cook to see that all food Is correct. The optimistic news of Har- riinan bolstered up Ipe stocks, espe¬ cially the Union Pacific.

SouH* MHircit of Information dx-

Supt. Mlxhlleton. County School SuperInteiKicnt 8

J. Biltinglon resigned Saturday and last olght he and his wife Kdl f<>r .Montana, where they will Us-ntx- County Judge LIghtfewt Immediately appointed W. A. MIdllelon to fill out Hie unexplred term.

IL K. n.'s win Tw1x-c.

The R. K D. baseball tx*am was victorious In two games yesterday dcfxwtlng th^ Union Drug Store team at Ix>ague park yetiterday moriving by a score of It to 4, and wlnn4ng from the T. T. T. T.’s In the afti'riMwn by a score of 8 to 7. The batteries for the R. K. n.’s was: English and Tlncbx*r. wtvlte those for the Union Drug Store team were; Hllke and OU Ham.

That Incubator Baby Case. Kansas City, Aug. 80.—Habxuu

corpu* prxKeexHngs by whldi Mvw Barclay and Gentry hoped to eoespe th*>lr return to Kanooa to face chargx** in connection witli tho kld- naiilng of Martin Bleakley, the ex- Incubator baby, came up in rourt to day. In cose the order la not ox-t aside they will bx- taken to Topeka

I today .

Page 2: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909



HIDIIKN IMXOKltM. jflnt time In t^e blatorjr of profeukm- ■ a1 baaetNilI, the game which MInne-

Nature ultrra Tiim-lr WamlngH TIuit apolla won from Kaniaa CKy, 8 to 0 No railurah cillirn Caa .\ironl iwaa opened with a aermon by Rev,

to Ignore. [Q. L. Morrill, ot thia city.

Icudy to flght San Langford at the Fairmont A. C. on Sept. 17; alao that be will inslat upon catch weigbta. Ketcbell declares that be needs but two weeks or ao at Woodlawn to put himself on edge for Langford and predicts with unconcealed con- lidence that be will win decisively.

After the Michigan declares that he will hurry back to the coast, where he will have three weeks to

for the Johnson mill.


SOScholarshipPs 36 Time to get bony is NOW. Special Hammer Hate NOW ON at

DRAUGHON’S COLLEGE (l■cara•>r■<•e.>

Indorsed by more RAKKRRS than ALL OTHER Iluslnesa Collegea COM niNED. Catalogue FREE. Address JNO. F. DRAUUHUN, Freal- dent, 314 Broadway, Paducah, Kentucky.


prepare Ketchell’s dilatory tactics have not increased the confidence ot the local sporting public and it is the prevail* Ing opinion that It be actually gets into the ring, even on Sept. 17. Langford will rule the favorite.

Promoter is Puzzled. Hugh D. McIntosh, the Australian

fight promoter has sailed tor Eng¬ land. He came here for a sole pur¬ pose ef making an offer of a 830,000 purse for the propoied Jeffrles-ohn- son battle. McIntosh stated that he to hH Mcdieme;

k> Pliivcil Almost Faultl<-s« Cisnie ®t pass.ige. | Mlllhm Falls Will See Games. As ^>cd AJni t Paid I DANGER SIO.VAL -VO. 2 comee Madison. WIs . Aug SO.—The Uni-

Tlmcs from the back. Back pains, dull and vorslty ot Wln-onsln baiieball team heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you ot left here recently fur Japan, where

_____ Pick kidneys and warn you of the ap- It will play a series of batebaJI games proach of dropsy, diabetes and during the latter part of next month

•ILI.KRHTEINS T.\KE A G.k.MK. Bright's disease. Doan’s Kidney Pills with Kei-o university of Toklo. The (cure sick kidneys and cure them per- team it In charge of Dr. Charles .Mc- manentt);. Here's Psducab proof: ' Carthy, the famous football roach

Tony Schaeffer, 422 8. Ninth and gridiron officer, who will set aa The Brookport Eagles were unable street. Paducah, Ky., says; "The bard faculty representative. This la the

__ y yesterday afternoon work 1 have domi together with ex- longest trip that an American col- bad spout ten days vainly trying to and thereby hangs the tale of a vie- cemlve stooping, no doubt waa the lege baseball team hat ever under- find out where bids for the fight tory for the Elks by a score of 11 to cause of .my kldm-y complaint. There taken. The team aalli from Seattle I.sureii«s< H. Miin. of Franklin would be received, the date on which o. l\"hile the Elks wore applying the »’as a constant dull pain In the email August 31. i'ounty, Geie III ImururiluiiK bids would close, the amount of the coat of srhltewash the game waa a of niy back and across ray kidneys ♦ xhere is little feeling of confiileiice for Joii. forfeit required from promoters and trifle slow in anticipation of what the and my whole body was often Isme Wlsi onsin students as to with whom the money should be fans had ekpected from the Brook- and sore My kidneys were also outcome of the games. Kel-o - posted. port team. Rush officiated for Brook '"•■’T weak and the secretions pamed university Is reported to have a

He also declared that he had writ- port and whipped ’em across with too frequently. After haring taken team, that roiitluuslly defeats IJisrcnre B lllin, of Kranklin ten a letter to Jeffries asking for the steam, but his support was faulty as various remedies without getting re- made* up of men from I’nlted *'"unt). will be the Dt'iiiui-rstlc iionil- dnalred information and had author-1 the Brookiiort lads booted more than I'ef, I taw Doan's Kidney Pills ad- warships. Yet the fact that "*** •‘'•f** district Democratic

Wlsconaln has been selected by the railroad convention at Owensboro, Japanese authorities aa the team to "ednefday. to selr^t a candidate to

, make the trip gives pleasure ‘he late MoD Fergusou. W. 1 here. Berry, of Ms cily, is tt|>|>ed for

An Interesting trip is what It ex- ‘halrman. by the knowing ones of peeled. There have b«»en many Jap- *he district. Ab Rhea, of Russell- anese students at Wisconsin, and H** convention to lujiny have received fheir doctor'# de- order. gr.-et here. Of these Profsasor <h!ea»‘es Instructed at conniy Heln«h Is in correspondence with conventlona were Instructed tor Mr. aewrsil. and be himself will go to •>"1 "» op|K>sH!ou is antlcl- Japan tbia fall to atudy oriental poll- P*‘cd. tlca. He has received conelderable '*’hc counties vote as follows; Information about the Kel-o ball Ballard 11, Caldwell K,-I'alloway games, and reports that the WIsron- Carlisle 8. Crittenden 7. Fu’lon 8. sin team may expect to play before Hickman 8. Orares 25, Livingston 6, 100,000 persona at tome of the l-yoo 6, .Marshall 9. Mc<’.-acken 21, games. This will proPablv be some- Trigg S. laiHne i, (»hlo 11. Mi'ide «, thing that no college athletic team of Hart 8. Munroe 4. Christian In. any kind has ever done before. Davlesf 26. Hancock t, Henderson 1,

I ,, t 1 Hopkins 17, .Mi-I.ean 7, I'nlon IT. Ikosplte the fact that such large V , .

_ ... \\<-bsl<T 12. Allen 7. Barren 16. But- crowdi attend ball gmmra over there. , , . .. , , lev 5. Edmonson 4. I.ajgan 16. .Met- Kel-o iinlverelty was able to guaran- .. . , calf 5. .Muhlent)erg IS. Hlmpson 8. tee only the actual expentea of 16 ,, '

» . .V , .L Warren 18, Todd 10. Breckenrldge men. This li due to the (art that the . „ , I , . j t . 1 „ 11 Ih. Orayaon 8. Hard.n 13. Total price of adnilaston la very small, and with probably a million persons see- . Ing the 10 games that will be tilajrsd the authorltlea of the nnlversity ex-j t lollies of .krtUls' Wives.

|p<-ct to re<Hive only from n.r.oo to When the Society of Ameriiun Ar- 34.000. Till' latter (Izure will Just tista of the National Aeademy of l>e-

IcMigford May Be Favorite Over Ketcbell—lailter to Meet

Johnson Next.


New York. Aug. 30 —Sam Berger doea not aeem to be making much progreaa in .arranging the propotad Jeffriea-Johnaon flght. Samuel la on the Pacific coaat now and ia awaiting Jeffriea' reply aa to the different of¬ fer# for a purte for the big fight, which have ao far come In. The offer of Hugh Meintoab of $30,000 for the big Bcrapperi to go to Auttralla it not likely to be accepted. Friend# of Jeffriea aay that the big boiler¬ maker would not content to go to Auttralla even for a $100,000 puree, but one hundred thousand cold aim- oleona ia a lot of money, and Jeff might think twice before turning down auch an offer. However, if the Auatealiaa promoter can see hit way clear to offer that enm, it la not with the range of posalbllity that Jamea Coffroth of Colma would go him one better.

There are only two atatee in the T7nlon where a finish flght can be pulled off—California and Nevada. Should Coffroth be unable to ralao a puree of sueb dlmenelona there ia no doubt that the promoters of Ely, Goldfield, or eomo other of the wild and wooly Nevada mining campa can quickly raiee auch a aum.

Can't liocate Forfeit.

Did Jack Johnaon deiiosit that $6,000 which It waa reported a few weeks ago be did in Chicago, to cover the $6,000 depoalted by Jef- frlea with a aporting editor of New York? That ia the question fight fandom la asking, and no one ao far hat been able to answer. When the big black arrived on the coast be an¬ nounced that his $5,000 waa on de¬ posit in New York. Diligent search has failed to reveal even five cents deposited by Johnson. Johnson sev¬ eral months ago deposited $5,000 to meet Ketcbell with a sporting writer but withdrew that amount, and there le no record of Johnson ever having again deposited that money.

U$aVuaait>l6 that Johnson has Vm^ed the wily Berger and that Snm Ibeught waa good meney. depoalted at the time of their meeting In Chi¬ cago, had a string to it, and has al¬ ready been taken down to pay Mine of the numeroue fines Incurred by Johnaon ia his arrests (or speeding in his auto in different parts of this country and Canada.

Busy TUnas for Katcdiell. Stanley Ketcbell, who has not left

Frisco after all, saya that he will come eaat In a day or two and will be

Fancy prices fur Index filing

cards and luuse-leuf ledger

sheets. Wo furnish any ruling

for any binder or flic case. We

sell the best loose leaf system

In America. Ask to S(>e it.

All kinds of paper, cardboards

and envelopes (or sale—plain

or primed. •

the Brookimrt lade booted more than Bef, one ball. Ivertised. I obtained a supply at The

The Eiks plaed a steady, consist-'I>rug Co. and to my delight the ent game, and were never In dang**r ‘‘est few dotes brought me pellef. As of losing the contest. MeCbesney I continued taking this remedy, was In good form, and hit big rain- steadily grew better and every symp- how outs proved e#i)eelslly tempting ‘ut® *>f tu.v trouble was finally re- to the Illinois boja. Chief Lloyd was nioved. Doan'a Kidney Pills are the star with the stick yesterday ai worthy of endorsement."

For sale by a!l dealers. Prise 50 cents Foster-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo

Hrvolts «t Cold Steel. bis batting reeord was like stairsteps | I "Your only hope," said three doc- The veteran landed out a single, a tore to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, of Detroit, two base and a triple, and the fans ^’ow York, sole agents for the VnKed Mich., suffering from severe rectal j existed him to drive In a homer tronbiaa, "Ilea In an operation, then had he ban another turn at bat. j Remorober the name—Doan'^— I uaed Dr. King’s New Life Pllla.” Steele, the Brookport catcher, in- she writes, "HU wholly cured." Jnred hi# hand In the eighth inning ' They prevent AppendiclUa, cure Con- and it waa necessary for him to re- flefoated St. I^uls without much dlf stipation. Headache. 35c at all drug- tire. The game was already won and floult.v. The ecore of 5 to 2 was main-

his departure did not cripple the V <Jue to the (n-quency wHh whieh 1 _ tt'am. rntll the eevenUi inning Me- vleltore connected with Waddell's

l>rulinc. Plieaaantii. Chesney had not allowed a hit, and enrvea. It Is reported that the whole of only one aafety was ma^te off of him Score: R. H. E

Vancouver Island is now well stocked , Score; ^ R II E Philadelphia . .. 5 1 <1 with pheasant# which have long been Elks. 11 9 1 I>ouls. 2 10 1 thoroughly acclimated and breed Brookiwrt .0 1 6 Bender and Thomas; Waddell. Gra freely. The history of pheasant ac-j The teams lined up; Elks—Al- ham and Slephecs Umpires, O'L^ugb clVmatliation in Vancouver It stm- hrltton. c; .McChesney, p; Lloyd, lb;.Bn and Egan. M';clty Itself. In 1883 C. W. R. Groves, 2b; Hill. 3b: Goodman, ts; Thompson, of Victoria, Imported 25 Williams, If; Sutton. c(; Donovan. r(. birds from China, kept them In cap- Brookiiort—Steele and Linn, c; Ruch tivlty till young had been hatched P: Winiams. lb; Woodworth, 2b; out and aet all at liberty as soon as .lohnson and S'eele, 3b; Rehlmoyer, Hie chicks were etrong enough. In s»: Scarlock, If; Jiisby, cf; Johueon 1886 Mr. Murgrave imported 11 ft- more birds and turned them out, and from these 36 pheasants the whole of Vancouver and many of the ad¬ jacent lalanda have boon stocked.— Bailey's Magasine.

.Nuilce of tpplicallon For llcslors-

tioii to 4'lllaciiklil|i.

Simon Udi n. wno was conrlclcd of .Manslaughter In the ('in ult court of t'allqway louuly at the June term of autd court. 1985. will, on Scpi. II, ask the guveriiur for restoriillon to cltlxensbip and all who object will notify tbe aovi-rnnr aud state In writing, any objoilona.

When a woman goi a to church she tries to Px her m'nd on ibingi alxivo by fixing h«r on the uth<-r woman's hat.

SatlKlbiy's Itesulls. Detroit, 2; Ntw York. I. t'hicazo, C-2; Washington, Boston, 4; C'eveland. 3. rhiladelphla. 4; dt. Louie, 0 I'aliit heart uevei won

tadv, either N.ATIONAI, I.KAGI R.

R'allorsleins Victorious. |

By another batting rally <n the' „ ninth Inning the Wallentelna dofret- PltUburzh .. . . ed the crack La Center team yester- Chicago. day afternoon by a score of 11 to York ... , Until the ninth Inning I.a Center Cincinnati. boys bed the score 8 to 7, but in the Philadelphia .. . inlnth the Ppducah boye got busy l»ul8 ..

For wiaj the*c!uba and swattPd In a west Brooklyn .. k .. ? of four runs and won tbe game. Tbe Boston . game opened the new baseball park ^ games played at Ijt Center, and it endiwl In a de- yesterday,

rent frat (or La Center, the first of the, who season. Elliott twirled most of the, lietiinlay' the lorme (or WallersU-lns, but In the Cincinnati, 7; 1

ilay seventh Innlug was alniek on the left| Phllad«-lphla. 5- arm by a batted ball, and retired Ini Pltlsbtirgh, 7-3

lied favor of Eeker, who finished the' Chicago. 6, Nev

Fruits at Their Best

Fwn the <V>ffer I'eke Hlems llie Im creaseil IXms uf IJvlug.

Frulla are alwrayt wholewnme and dcitgtitfulty refrewbliig, but. when they are au.h fine, eound beautlee aa we now dis¬ play, they are dnnbly tempt¬ ing. WIes p<-ople know, loo, that tbe citrus fruits are splen¬ did tonic for the over-dainty atomach tbrse days.

We have lota of steady cus- tomera (or spectatly prepared baskets of fruits- an aasorl- ment of your own selection, at moderate pricea. Ask about them they're bktter than a box of candy, lota better. RBDU J-TIOIN IIN BUINRRAL. CARRIAaBS

IVe have reduced tbe prloee of all carriages to Oak Grove, ML Kenton and Mt. Carmel Cemeteries.


Old Phoae 6IMI. Slit South Third Stzvet. New Phone .144

LOUIS CAP0R41 ')3I BroadwAy

New Phone 1511

laiulsvllle, 3; To edo, 2. Indianapolis, ii; Ootunibus, 4. Minneapolis, 8; Kansas City, 0 Milwaukee, rt; ai. Paul. 2. Mtlwankee, 4; St. Paul. V.

I Wellhw l/K*.

In a alugging matcdi yoelerday morning the B. B. Hooks defeated tbe Wellies by a wore of 9 to 7. Both teams hit tbe pitchers hard and the fielders had plenty of work. Council pitched for the Hooke while Hetnnera was in the box' for the Wellies. I

Snliirday's IIchuII*. Columbne, 6; I»uUvl!1e, 3 St. Paul. 13-6; Kansas City, 4-2 Toledo, 16; Inditnapolla, 0. Minneapolis, 17; Milwaukee 10.


Cianie ftiwued WBli Sermon, Minneapolis, Aug. 36,—For

The Ideal Fuel

Greatest Heat 9

Smallest Cost

ntat we will lannder yoar lUiea !■

a iiMDiiea' that will "do you proud”—

net only one time, bat every Ubc;

not one week, but every week of tbe

fifty-two. To make acre, though, try

aa for a month—^yon'll try ua the real

of tbe twelve. We aek your laundry

work because we ean do It right. We do carpet oJeanlBg too. Get our prioM.


Detroit . . , Philadelphia Boston .. , Cleveland . , Chicago . . •N'ew York . St. Ixiuia . . Wai-liiogton



spinng New l'<irk Men .Atliletir Stars, Chicago, Aug. 30.—Martin Sheri¬

dan, of the Irish American Athletic club, of .New York, aud Mart Mc- ralti, of the .New York Athletic club, were the stars of the annual track and field meet of (he Cbitago Gaelic Athletic association. Sheridan won the meet by icorliiK 14 points. .Mc¬ Grath scored 13. A crowd of 15,- OOo persons wis prown*.

I Shertlan wou the three standing broad Jumps and tbe discua throw, took second in the running bop, step and Jump, and third In the hammer throw, .McGrath won the hammer and 5ii pound weight throws aud sim>

oiid In the discus throw. I J. T. Amour, of tbe First Regi¬ ment Athletic axsoclatiou, won tbs 12 iiillo .Marathon race in 1:15:51.

our winter supply NOW Sciuitom Were lUiiiikitl, Chicago, Aug. 36,—Chicago de¬

feated WuNhlngton 1 to 0. Score; R H K

Chicago . 1 6 0 Washington.M 2 t

Walsh and Owens; Johnton. Smith and Street. Umpire, Evans.

P, PURYKAR, Aoohgant Oaahler

Lump coke for furnaces, crushed

coke for stoves and grates. De¬

livered in jiny quantity^ Write,

are liable to fpve a trery oUena- ive odor, end nothing it more unplcnunt or disagreeabla to

t!ie people cbout you,

If your (eel lend to perxpi'e

freely in luauncf you ahaiild

lue a good fool powder. TJrxa// Fool Powder com¬

pletely dcodorizex end absorbs

penpitallon, aiul is anliicplk.

Immediately relieves bunting,

itching, and all discomforta of

the feet Sold with the RexaO

guarantee, in two Hze packages,

at 15c. and 25c,

New Vorlc Kiilly Falb-rl Detroit, Aug. 36.- -Detroit

Third mr-idlBroadway.

City Depository] State Depository


Hnri'^a* ... ItuchliuMnra UabiUry ......

mixed six lilta with two errors and a pars in the tirut two innings, and got nuch a lead that Mnuning, who was good after that, had no chance. New York Muld do nothing with Donovan until he eased up, two basea on balla al¬ lowing one run In the eighth, and three doub'iea after two were out, two more In the ninth.

Score; R H » E Detroit. 7 9 0 .'vew York.6 7 5

Donovan and Schmidt; Manning Sweeney and Kle'.uow, Umpires, Per- rine and Sheridan.

telephone or call for further infer

mation and prices

ffolai .secailty to depoMtora.. ....0ll&4>,UW

Accoaiits of laiitvidnals and ilwwis anUtJted. We apptorlots ■nail as well as larg* dqpooiia, a;;:d aoconi to all the ■auwe aoarteoas

-nail I "And that young man kissed you on tbe lips? Why didn't you offer him your hand?" said the father.

"Oh, I didn't have to, papa," said the girl; "he's going to atk you (or that!”—Yonkers Statesman.


Drug Store Lonir Aug I'biiadeipiila’ Fcurth ahd Bro*dway

(laeerporaled, > Onn$ AAVURDAY HlGHTfi FROM T TO 8 ONJLOGK, The flight of time Isn’t any swifter in a> time. I

Page 3: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909





Words and Music by ELIZABETH PETRE


I. H lirn liar

Ilarli elnuda


Onr by niir thi> ulars a|i. |iMr Like bea • mne in

Rat (be world leepr ua in |iea«;« Tbtw'Niicbt-time a ebb

watrh • fnl keep Ua tbroOKh tbe aii(ht

f AllrgrHIo.

Shine Uo, Oli Star, a pp—ad pi Cop)rri(ht( MCMTiil, bjr MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York,

blea rallroada at thia ai^aun and baa troubled ua In tb« paat."

General .Manager Haraban, of tbo llllnola Central, annonnced yeaterday that Q. H. Orooo ia appointed aaalat.. ant to the general manager, with headtjuarttra at Chicago. He wUl (ler- form aucb dutlea aa may be aaaigned to him. Effective September L. Tbe announcement llkewtae apniiea to the Yoaoo and Mlaalaalppi Valley and the IndlanapoUa Southern. Tbe poalHona of euperintendent of telegraph are abolUhed. F. T. Wilbur la appointed superintendent of telegraph of Ilnea north of the Ohio river,

i>ar(mouth vs, Williams; Prinreton ve. Sewanee; Harvard vs. Maine; Army vs Yale. .Weal: Indiana vs. Ijike PiiieM; Northwestern vs. Po*

Purdue VI. .Monmouth; ChirsKO ; .Michigan vs. Ohio; Min- Nebra.-tka at Omaha.

23—East; Harvard vs. ornell ve. Vermont; Am- Dartmoutb; Pennsylvania

vs. Pennsylvania State; Princeton va. ■.afayette; Yale vi. Colgate. West: Illinois vs. Carthago; Wisconsin vs. Indiana; .Marquette vi. MU-hlgap.

Oi’tober 30—East: Army v». Har¬ vard; Pennaylvania vs. Indians; Cor¬ nell vs. Williams: Dartmouth va. Holy Cross;Navy vs. Princeton; Yale vs. Amherst. West; Purdue vs. Illinois; .Michigan vs. Syr^use; .Min¬ nesota vs. Chicago; XortlAestem vs. Wisconsin.

November (I—East; Harvard va. cAnell; Princeton vs. Dartmouth; IVniisylrania vs. Lafayette; Yale ve.

I Drown. M'est: Indiana va. Illinois; I Purdue vs. Wabash; .Michigan vs.

KOmething tangible with which to settle the cuiitruveray. This year Harvard pla.ia Yale, liarlniouth and Cornell, Yale merta Princeton and lliu rul'd. Princeton plays Dartmouth and i'' niisy Ivania meets Curiiell. This sclusliile la almost ae good as a round rubln, and surely ought to leave some team wl^ the chauiplonshlp proved.

In tht>Klddle west the oid coufer- ence coimiiuatlon, "The Dig Nine.” has not been fully restored, and will not be uuUI tbe University of Michl- gsn returns to the fold. This Michi¬ gan shows uo disposition to do. al¬ though the Wolverines have stolen a niarcb on the rulers of the conference by arranging a game with tbe Unl-

The rulers of

iuit vs. Illinois nesota vs.

October Brown; C< berst Ts.


pieliiiiliiary trailing now us ever. Yale haa hud most of her promising playeis at work aingiy or In groups throughout the aumuier. In fact, j when the collage year ended some 3U I ruoiballs were handed out to various' pla>ers, with suggertlona aa to tbe | kind of work they should do during, the siiiuiner months. There was a, time when tuih things were ,done | sccielly, but college men have out¬ grown such fooilshneas now.

What Yale has done nearly erery 'blg university In the east hae done In one way or another. The competl-

!lion for pluqea on a big football team |u so keen now that a mun who ex- ipecis to make it In tbe fall knows

With llie{thi>t he must ke<>p in a coudltluu of n a m‘W 'i> uil-traliiliig Ihrongboul bla vacation in of the iThla Is done In various waya (Some on foot- iprscllce with footballs, others do

eball the I manual labpr and others art aa life- he arrital jfuards- The chances of a player he sched- |uowada>s loaitiig throughout the sum ■s do not ■“<* presenting himself for pre- iiir weeks iUmiiiBiy practice many pounds over¬

weight or otherwise far out of condi¬ tion are almost "nil," unless he la poi'sesaed of ununial ability in other ways. , *

In the east the coliege world la in¬ terested In the fortunes of six big universities. The limitation of Colum¬ bia from the football map and the I rise of Dartmouth have made the |‘•B:g Six" once more intact. The loihtr members of this eexlet are etill 'llarvaid, Yale. Pennsylvania, Prlnee- •on and Cornell. There are other colleges In the east which cut a wide

Iswath In Inlercoilegtato footliall, but ithey are not of the same clasa aa ithose alread> mentioned.

Although there Is no intercollegiate lassociation ’ with a round robin ached- iuU* the chances for a determination • of the Intel collegiate championship isre much belter this year than last. 'I.asi .rear tbe honor of being flrsf lay between Harv.nrd and Pennsylvania,

;biit as they did not play each other and met but one common opimnent, Uhe ludlnna. In preliminary g.->mes, 'the Irsiie hud to lie fought out verb- 'ally, Hnd Cornell played Harvard last fall, as she will do this year, elding which section playi the better there would undoubtedly have been football.

the University of California has al¬ most kil'icd liugby football In this ccaet state. Its place has been taken by association football and English Rugby. And what the big unlversl-

PKXN'CVM A.M k WII.I, HE KHIMT T«» THE MKAHO.M. Will Xot Have Car Miortage This

Y ear As in Komier Yeans— .\ umber of ('liangea. sure to follow. The result has been

to mske the college game unpopular In the state.

In the east the ITnlverslty of Penn¬ sylvania le the first of the big teams to get under way, the Quakers open¬ ing their season with a game against OetOsburg September 25. The Quak¬ ers are obliged to start earlier than usual because they have the heaviest schedule of any of the eastern teams.

What look to be the champiomihip gamee of the east are on November C. when Cornell plays Harvard and Princeton meets Dartmouth: Novem¬ ber 13. when Yale plays Princeton and Pennsylvania tackles Michigan; •November 20. when Harvard plays Yale, and November 25, when Penn¬ sylvania and Cornell meet. The fol¬ lowing schedule shows In oondeneed form the games to be played by the

and the

with head- Ib, Masa., Aug. 30.—J. T quarters at Chicago. B. Weaks la ap- presldent of tbe lUinoia pointed superintendent of telegraph

who was here today, said of “"«* Mut** of the Ohio river, with Illlnota Central ia not con- headquartsri at Memphis. Tenn g the extension of Ms mile, fbarles J. Bour Is appointed super g the coming year "If the Intendent of station advertising with railroads are extending In-!««'«• Chicago. He will have Jur-

•w regions, thia will not re- •t«tlons and right general freight rates,” said ot way advertising and vending mm.

Shan. "Any new railroads «“<> to the presl- .Iman will hlitlX will OnlV-t^^Of.

Iverslty of .Minnesota |lbe conference thought a few years ago that they had completely ostrn- icised Michigan from the west when the .Michigan delegates refused to swallow some of the foolish leglsla- tlou worked out by the conference professors during those days of hys¬ teria (our years ago. But this year Michigan has secured a game with .Minursota, which should go far to¬ ward determining the standing ot Michigan in Western football.

Otherwise the conference colleges still consist of Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Iowa and Northwestern. There have been several efforts on the part of Nebraska to take the place vacated by Minnesota. But Nebraska la qot yet ready to subscribe to all the eli¬ gibility requirements In tbe confer¬ ence code and la still a free lance In western footbsll. .Nebraska has been urged often to enter the Missouri Valley combtnallon, but regards her-

WasW’mgtoo Once Gave Up to three doctors; was kept In bed fur five weeks. Blood poison from a spider's bite caused large, deep aoree to cover bla leg. Tbe doctors failed, then "Bucklen's Arnica Salve" com¬ pletely cured me," writes John Washington, of Bosquevilla, Tex. For eczema, boils, burns and piles U'e supreme.

November 13—East; Cornell ■vs. Chicago; Yale vs. Princeton; Penn¬ sylvania vs. Michigan; Harvard vs. Dartmouth. West; Purdue vs. Rose Poly.; N'urthwetAern vs. Illinois; Wis¬ consin vs. Madison.

November 30—East; Cornell vs. .Niagara; Yale vs. Harvard. West: Indiana vs. Purdue; Syracuse vs. Illi¬ nois; Chicago va Wisconsin; Kansas vs. Iowa; Minnesota vs. Michigan.

November 3 5—East: Pennsylvania

colleges of the "Big I

"Big Nine.” September 25—Ea

vanla vs. Gcttyslturg. September 23—East:

vs. Massachusetts State Bates.

September Wesleyan.

October Bowdoln; Dartmouth vanla vs.

Princeton , vs. Millikeu

A Matter of

Taste 3 Sc at all drugglaU.

eliminate that congestion which trou-

30—East: Yale vs. That's the secret of the popu¬

larity of our Ice ’ Creams,

Sherbets and Fountain Drinks

—tbe delicious taste of full,

rich cream, served In such

cleanly fashion that their very appearance is a temptation to the appetite.

Slop tonight when you are driving and try them for yoiir- Scif. Oar export dlairenser will serve you well.

STEAMER BETTIE OWEN 2—East; Harvard vs. Cornell vs. Rensselaer;

vs. Virginia; Pennoyl- Dicklnson: Yale vs. S.rra-

cuse: Princeton vs. Stevens, west; Minnesota vs.

Iowa. October •—Bast; Princeton vs.

Vlllanova; Yale vs. Holy Cross. Octolier 9 — East; Cornell vs.

Oberlin; Dartmouth vs. Buwdoin; Princeton vs. Far(Iham:P<'nnBy'lvanla vs. West Virginia; Harvard vs. M'll- liams; Yale vs. Bpringfleld, west; Chicago VR Indiana; Minnesota vs. Iowa. 3. V. 8.; Illinois vs. Kentucky; Wisconsin vs. l-awrence; Purdue vs. .Northwestern; Michigan vs. Case.

October lH--8gsl: Pennsylvania vs. Brown: Cornell vi. Fordham;

EPILEPHY CUKED. To Whom It May Ooncern;—I

will say my wife bad epilepsy or fits for thirteen years. I secured one bottle of ilmye' Specific. She had two fits theMay I got the bottle. She had from two to three fits a day. She has no more flts. I would not take ten limes the cost of tho medi¬ cine and be without It.

C. H. BOX, Greenfield, Tenn.

Sold by all druggists.

For Ladies and Children

GILBERT’S 4 *■'<»»' •“ mil morning ride or all afternoon 4 I ride. Hplendid cool cabin and tables for |

card parties on requeat. Boat lias been remodeled and rebuilt.

Now luM Hie flneat eahin on the river. Siieclnl excnralon rales given

to nil church and Itxlge itartles. t i : : : l t t

I tVlfe—What kind of scata did you get for tile musical comedy?

I Hub-Near enough to hear the music, and far enough back to bear the Jokes.—Boston Transcript.

Drug Store fourth and Broad Streets "GET IT AT GILBEKT’.S'’


f 0 0 f

riL 0

0. f fc-

0 r


1 • ■ • '000


Page 4: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909


Tbe Paducah $un Avmuiooa aitd m'ncaa.T

am pvBf.iranio ooupAirr (iBoorporatML )

r. m. nsHKR. pmiaMt. a. PAXTUN. Uravral Mumww.

■tarad at tha poatoffica at PaCueah, Kj^ aa aarond-claaa mattar.


•p Oarrlar, par waak.. .1* Bp Mall, par month. In adranoa... .IS Bp Mall, par paar, In advanaa.ll.St

TMB WBB1SI.T ■VB. Par paar, bp mall, poitaxa paid...11.SO

Addraaa THB 8UN. Paducah. /Cp., OMca Hi Xouth Third. Phoaaa III

■ditorlal Baaaaai Old Pbeaa IIT. Naw Phona. iSS

Papaa aad Tounp, Chicaco aad )Xaw Vark Rapraaantatl/aa

TMB BUN caar ba'fonad at tha foi-

lavlax placaa: B. D. Clamanta B Ob Vaa CallB Broa Palaaar Houaa.

MtlMlAV, .Al tJl ST 10.


r . inly. 1009.

1 .... . 17... 2. ...6553 19... s. ...6566 10... 6. ...6568 21. .. 6. .. .6560 22...

7. .. .6601 23. .. 8. ...6546 24... § ... .6666 26... lU. ...6543 27... 12. ...6364 28. ..

IS. ...6349 29. .. 14. ...6364 30. .. . ... 6356 81. ..

i«. ...6357 Total

Average for July, 1909.. Average for July, 1908..

. .6S54 .6346

. .6345

sans and Inquiring Into hia tem- paramant, aipoanro and aovlron- manta. Tha corporation Income tax glrae fadaral accasa to tbe books. That la the meant of ascertaining tha physical condition of tha trust. There la no other method of pro¬ cedure, but it is against this pro¬ cedure that the Knquirer inveighs with some degree of logic, we mutt admit, ware the purpose lass Justifled by public policy and tha extent of the inquisition aa serious as the Kn- quirqr's tone wpuld lead us to be¬ lieve.

We have no fear that federal in¬ spection of tbe books will set a pre¬ cedent, which will lead to surveil- laace and espolnage over every man's private business; tor the very good reason that we are all in business and the government la but a reflec¬ tion of ourselves, huweverrauch we may dislike the image we sometimes see in high places.

The trusts and the abuse of cor¬ porate powers, are but developments, natural and logical, of the decentral¬ ised government and the competitive system of doing business. The only remedy lies In a centralised gov¬ ernment. Those, who cry out against the outrages of the system, must cease harping on state rights snd Bcattert'd authority. It is among those disintegrated elements of scat¬ tered authority that trusts have been dodging and skulking these many years, and so long as authority is scattered they will continue to evade Justice. These men behind tbe trusts are but men like us, after all; and

'''' ---i DDOiPlIJlTinM HD

Fo, rt. Ooke of the Voter,. llemocratlr Ticket. | KepaUlcaii Ticket.

COUNTY JUDOK—A. W. Barkley| COUNTY JUDtlK—T. N. Haxellp (county attorney.) , I lawyer.)

COUNTY ATTORNEY—Sanders K CTay (lawyer.)

REPRESENTATIVE — Eugene OravM (Ineumbeot )

tilfN’TY COURT CUUIK—Ows O. SIngidton (broker.)

CIRCUIT COURT CL.BRK—J. A. Miller (incumbent.)

SHERIFF—George W. Houaer (farmer.)

JAILER—Henry Houser (farmer.) ASSESSOR—Owrge Allen (farm¬

er.) (XttONSR—P. r. Baker. (Incum-

bent.f Otn’NTT SURVEYOR — E. B


TKNDENT—L, W. Peesor (teacher.) MAGISTRATES — Plrst. George

Broadfoot; Second, Harry George; Third, C. W. Emery; Pourth, J. H. Burnett; Plfth, John Craig; Sixth. Charles Roes; Seventh, J. C. Hart¬ ley; Eighth, Baxter Kuykendall.

CONSTABLES — First. A. C. Shel¬ ton; Fourth, M L. Bryant; Sixth, R. Huddleetone; Seventh, Linn Choice; Eighth, Jell Bannister.

POLICE JUDOE—D. A. Croea (In¬ cumbent.)

ALDERMEN — Charles Hall (to.

COUNTY attorney—Wm. Hus¬ bands (lawyer.)

REPRBSE.NTATIVE—W. T Miller (pierchant.)

COUNTY COURT CLERK—Dr. H. F. Williamson.


SHERIFF—T. E. , Ford (grain dealer.)

JAILER—JotHi Dunaway (clerk.) ASSESSOR—Alfred Collier (farm,


L. B Alexander (teacher.) .MA01STRATB8 First. U. 8. Wals

ton; Second, J. J. Blelch; Fourth, John J. Clark; Fifth, 0. M. Spltser; Sixth, W. A. Dunaway; Seventh, O. W. Champion; Eighth, Oscar Corylll.

CONSTABLES — Fourth. J. W. Wharton; Fifth, Lee Colder; Eighth, Thomae Fortson.

POLICE JUDGE—John J. Dorian (former city treasurer.)

ALDERMEN—Harry Hank (hard¬ ware dealer); George .M. Oehlschlae- ger (bookkeegter); C. L. Van Meter (City Transfer company); Will Par¬ ley (coal dealer).

CX)UNCILMKN — First, C. C. Du¬


Nagel Talks fo Taft On ’IAiIn HulijecI —McHarg Haa Natd liosevelt's

Foreel Coneervallwn.









Increase .If06

Personally appeaered before me this Aug. 10, 1909, R. D. MacMIllen, business manager of Tbe Sun, who affirms that the above statement of tbe circulation of Tbe Sun for tbe month of July, 1909, Is true to tbe best of bis knowledge and belief.

PETER PURYEAR. Notary Public McCracken Co.

My commission expires January 10. 1912.

Dally Thooglit. Oh, well for him whose will Is

strong; He Sliders, hut be_ will not suffer

long; lie suffers, but be cannot suffer

wrong. —Tennyson.

Not so much strength to resist temptation, but more commonsense to avoid it. should be your p/ayers.

Oysters come in to fashion, school begins, the summer hotel landlord rounla up the summer's proffts and politics warms up next month.

If those airships continue increas¬ ing their speed and develop a capa¬ city for carrying tbe mail, picture post cards may take the place of the greatly reduced code telegraph cipher In the business world.

E. H. Harriman. whose doctors prescribed absolute freedom from In¬ terrupted rest, may begin to under¬ stand that tbe stock market Is more Important than hU own health, Tbe effect of his physical condition on the stock market is the proof of bis greatness; but It may be the death of him.


Those papers, who talked so bit¬ terly about the Inordinate greed of the rich and the depredations of great corporations, when the su¬ preme court turned down Cleveland's Income tax law, are having a bard time now getting right on Taft's cor¬ porate Income tax, and tbe amend¬ ment to the federal constitution, authorising a federal income tax, a) though the national platforms of both tmlitical parties favored tbe federal income tax.

The Cincinnati) Enquirer, wtilcb has long been Independent and any thing but tbe organ of what the French would call the proletariat sounds the slogan for them all. It denounces the federal inspection of corporation books as a flagrant goV' ernmental Interference with private business, aad the ln<'ome tax amend¬ ment to the federal constitution as a violation of personal liberty and espolnage of tbe Russian sort.

That is all right for the Enquirer which is doing nothing inconsistent in assuming such an attitude. A1 ways an advocate of tbe ancient Democratic Idea of a loosened fed¬ eral re>n and the right of every man to do as be pleases, so long as he does not Interfere with any other man's simUan right, it has never railed against tbe aggressions of the rich or tbe abuses of corporate powers.

Hut those papers, which have be¬ come hysterical over such national l>eriis, cannot well adopt the En¬ quirer's view of the situation. They cannot propose a remedy for the trust, which dues not presuppose a thorough understanding of the or¬ ganic structure of the trust, its na¬ ture and methods, any more than a doctor could prescribe a cure with¬ out lirst taking the patient's pulse and temperature, sounding his or-

If we would have them give up any (leorge O. Ingram (oontractor); OUe measure of their personal liberty to joverstreet (grocer), do as they please, we must surren-| COUNCILMBN — First, Scottle der in a corresponding degree the Ferguson (bartender); Second, Chan same measure of our personal Horton (clerk); Third, O. P. Leigh liberty. (commlaalon broker); Fourth. Fred

The Enquirer la logical In Ita posi-!Kreutser (baker), and Charlea Houa- tlon; but thejEnquirer haa no com-ler (grocer); FWtb, J. W. Coleman plaint against the trusts. It is ex-j (druggist; Sixth, Dr. W. R. Wosb- pected, however, that its logic will burn. appeal to others, who do not agree I SCHOOL TRUSTEES — First, W. with the Enquirer's complaisant'y Warren (Jeweler); Second. U. F.

bstcconlsg); L. E. Durrett (butcher); ivall (foreman); Second, A. E. Young (printer); Third, S. J. Snook (Inaur- anoe); Fourth, J. L. Wanner (Jew-

tbeories of business and politira. There ia the danger.




Davia (contractor), and F. P. Swift (paper hanger); Third, Gardner Gil¬ bert (tobacconist); Fourth, Harry L. Judd (patternmaker), and R. L. Tate (manufacturer) Fifth, W. T. Byrd; Sixth, Henry McGee («w mill man.)

eler), and August Budde (carpenter) Fifth, Frank Meyer (foreman); Sixth W. L. Bower (fanner).

SCHOOL TRUSTEES — First. W'il lism Karnes (contractor); Second, W. J. Hllla (superintendent); J. K Ferguson (manufacturer); Third, H. S. Wells (manufacturer, and 8. T. Hubbard (tobacconlat); Fourth, C. O. Kelly (merchant) and J. E. Broad way (clerk); Fifth. Ed .Morris (fore¬ man); Sixth, H G. Bradley (basket- maker).

Indepeadrnt Ticket. COUNTY COURT Cl.ERK—Prof.

J. I). Smith, (expert accountant).

sible at lower Interest and making' needed Improvements while the mar-1

NOTICE. _ _ U. 8. Department of Agriculture,

Pat Ross, a well known farmer of I, „|^y. just as the textile menjoffice of the Secretary, Washington, the county, tried the Inevitable *re doing, and all this takes millions ‘ D. C.. Aug. 23, 1909. Notice .Vo. 45. making a railroader talk, several millions of dollars. '* 1 Notice Is hereby given that the Act- days ago. but he met with the same^ p^me back to Paducah feeling.Ing Secretary of Agriculture has. un- mltfortune that scores of others have more hopeful than ever that the I der authority conferrtuj by law, la- found, and now has to dodge his brigiit signs we see here are Justifled jsued Amendment 6 to Rule 3 Hevla- frtends in fear of their JeaU. Roas conditlona.” struck the idea that he knew how to make tbe engineers who are running surveys around Paducah, talk and open up their bosom secrets to him He has a retnitatlon of being a hale reHow, and can tell a story and spin a yam la flmt-elaas gtyls.

Early one morning ttis week he went to the camp of the engineers and toon with hit stream of gab

lentocky lernels Adairvllle swept by 8(0,000 Are. New State bank organiaed at .More

head. Joseidi HIbbs. 76, diee In Ho|>klns

county. ) Fire marshal Inveatigatfng ftres a' Owensboro.

Brown-Curry revival meeting end-

Mrs. J. C. Wandllng, of Owensboro dies of heart trouble.

made friends with the engineers, who were Jolly fellows, and proved royal

entertainers. Pst thought he k Wells 82 dies at Millwood progressing lovely, and at the psy-‘ **• Mlllaood

chulogical monieat sprang the ques-. ,*^***’*^' „ , tion as to where they were going to' Th** « Cadli rsgU-

run tbe railroad. And everything about It.

One member of the party answer-, .. .... ed. "Well, my friend, you have msdel ^Kevenu* s-eni, catch two moon

yourself v. agreeable that I am going * ^ to take you into my confidence and reveal our plans. We are M>nt here 6- to make survey, for a branch of the Panama canal.” h w

Since then Pat Rosa ha. not been' «en arotind the railroad camp. |'" ^ ^ ^

' Acting Governor Cox granted par¬ don to Frank Ward, of l,aurel county

(Niarlcw Gilliam, of Hopkinsville victim of train accident at Madison- vine.

Jesse Berry under arrest at Bard well charged with paseing forged note.

Three prisoners escape from Bard well Jail. One returns and other two captured.

John Edwards and John Crawford bridge workmen, fall off bridge at Bracken creek.

JCd Duke, race horse starter, shot to death at Henderson by Wlllism Bali. Sixth murder in August

Tbe Rev. 8. B. .Moore, pastor of the First Christian church, Mayfleld preached last sermon there yesterday

George D Todd announces for mayor of l>ouisvllle on lodependeiil Republican ticket. Make* fourth candidate.

Beverly, Maoa., Aog. -10.—Tbe resignation of Urnaby McHarg. as¬ sistant secretary of the department of commerce and labor has been ac¬ cepted. Secretary Nagel discussed with Taft the queatlon of Mcllarg'a successor. Nagel has re<'elved a let¬ ter from McHarg saying that be would adhere to hit flrst Intention of remaining In tbe department onlyj six months. This term will expire .September 4.

Nobody here would say that Mc- llarg's resignation was the result of .McHarg's Interview wherein he said that Roosevelt's policy of forest cou- servatlon was too dreamlike ever to be of practical value. .McHarg was further represented aa hi^'ixg said that perhaps Roosevelt thoughg him-! self equal to a worker of miracles.

Taft haa been reluctant to take cognisance of the PInchot-Ballinger controversy, but It seems now that he will take a hand in atralghlcning out some of tbe misunderstandings.


WANTED! Young Men and Women for positions uf trust,

where Intelligent service will be appreciated and paid for-

Experienced Men and Women for positions re¬

quiring ability and tact-

People of All Agio, of all tmlenta, of divert ablltleo, for aultxble line# of employment-

Used Tbinga—auch aa Pianos, OrganA Every Sort of Mualeal Instrument, Writing Mocblnes, (Joob Registert, Store and Office PIxturea, Talk¬

ing MocblneA BookA RngravIngA PuoV-OxrdA .Stamp UollectloUA RugA CarpetA Furniture of every kind-

Homes and CarriageA truckA business wagons,

bicyoleA RunA oameriA dobing tocklA automo- bllee-

Real Estate—lotA plotA ooreA leaaeholdA equi-

tleA huuaeA dau, apartmentA storeo—

Instruction In painting, tinging, tbe violin and piano, aliort-bond, accounting, ciirreapoudenoe,

language, dancing-

Plooea to Live -houMA apartmentA furnlolied

nsmiA boarding plooea where life le Interesting*

These are some of the thousands

of people and things that are

“wanted ” in this city just now.,

and if you can fill any of


INOUIRE OF THE PUBLIC ThrovCli > AdvcrtifsmSBl.


MorkhoMcni of Old Kriilacky Maan- fsi luring (>>m|MUiy la


resulting from Ike complete annihi¬ lation of approximately live thouMnd Jacalt or huts, adobe houie<s and some structures of more pretentloun ap¬ pearance, together with fkelr -con¬ tents. all ruined by the Inflow of mater, will bring the flnsnrlal Ium up to approximalel) 87.Oon.oOO

DelailH .%rr Meagaw.

While details are neceesarlly mea¬ ger as to the nnanrlsl loss and the

but many lives hist yesterday." None seem to be explicit and do

not state the exact lose of life. There arc some of a pathetic nature, hom- ever They report the drowning of entire families. mb^big fathers. molherA children and relatives, and undcuUtedly bring the greatest sor- rom- or anxiety to their reciplenia

Wh le senil-ofllrlal reports state that up to noon today 4<Vi bodies have b*-en recovered, there has thti»

loss of life, rumors are rurresit varl-|, ,__ __ rt.- (NtTgin, that they were comptdled pUcln. the mom-tary losses ••''".‘^^hey",;:: X pl.):^ .1.2;

ence." to aign two notes and a deed the loss of life Is placed si any ' "**■ ***'"'‘ John W iiebout snd Sophia L. Be- mhere from 400 to l.tMio persona bout have fl.ed suit In eirrult court I Both the electric light and straet against the Old Kentucky Manufact 'railway systems and the water work#

The Rev. G. W. Briggs, one time pastor of the Broadway Methodist church, and the finest orator in the Southern Methodist, eburrh, is in the city for a few days. He Is again on the lecture platform and is awaiting his manager. He Is remembered by many Paducahans, besides the mem- bem of bia church, as a delightful conversationalist, a gentleman of courtly manners and a silver-tongued orator.

Mr. F. P. Toof, manager of tbe UiibankuB Manufacturing company, has returned from New England, where be contracted for some mill tupplies. Including novel machinery for making seine cord, a bard twitt¬ ed goods, of which tbe plant will have an additional output of 160,000 pounds. The machinery will be de¬ livered in November, according to contract. Only one concern In the United Statee now makes seine cord.

"1 found New England busy and optimistic,” said Mr. Toof. "I visited a number of manufacturing centers and found all the factories, both tex¬ tile and machine, running to their full capacity and mllllona being spent In additions. Apparently those people bellave tbe future demands exceed their capacity to supply and they are taking advantage of an eaay money market. They talk In mil¬ lions about their Improvements. 1 ■aw aeveral factories that are erect¬ ing additions, tbe equipment of which means an outlay of from two to four mllllona. One flve-story ad¬ dition will have aixteea acres of floor ■pa<'e, all to be occupied with ma¬ chinery.

"It ia encouraging and insplrting to visit those busy manura<’turing centers. No dread of a flnancial re¬ lapse seems to haunt either tbe manufacturers or the Boston and New York financiers, who are fur- nlahlng the ready capital. Neither are there any indicatluna of a spec¬ ulative tendency in legitimate in¬ dustry. The lesson of the recent flurry seems to have been learned.

"Eastern men are looking for the money market to tighten soon. Rail¬ roads that were paying big interest on short time loans are refunding their debts for as long time as pos-


Orap shooting and card playing seemed to be tbe style Saturday night and policemen rounded In eleven ne¬ groes. one of the number being dis- raisaed in police court this morning He was Bud Burh; who happened to be Toellning upon a hale of hay and watching <1« Jpe |n ih<v, Whltlemore, Dennington,' T^g’aiid snd Carter ran Into Walter PlegSgSt Bud Bush, Luther Dawson, (Tolemar Alexander, George Vaughan. Will King. Will Christ and Will Washing ton for rolling the bones, while Pa¬ trolman Clark and Bryant rounded up Sam WiMon. 81 ArpistroDX and Robert ^bo were pisyinc

>!■ .

Ion 1 (Amendment 6 to B. A. 1. Or¬ der 146), dated August 2U, 19U9, and effective on and after August 20, 19U9. to prevent the spread of scabies in aheap. Tbe effect of this amendment ia te-niodlfy the quaran¬ tine of the Stats of Kentucky on ar- eorat of sheep eeablea to os to' per¬ mit the iDteratate ahlpment of sheep of States not quayanMaed for acables In sheep which are esblbltrd at the Kentucky State Fair to be held at Louisville, September IStb to I8(h. Inclusive, I9U9, under restrictloBs provided tbereln; also, providing forla'vd manager of the company and had nardo Ke)es; but ao far as can be

nring company to have the notes and ^nd drainage at stem sere dominated deed cancelled. The chirg.. are sen- p, (-.anadiao <«pHalls(s. A vary hard, satlonal, and It Is promised that oth- (Hg flgbl was made by Cansdisn com er suits will follow even against the panies te aware covtoeasions for the vtaekheMera of the company Individ- Installetleii of these modern Improre-

menta a feu years ago and their loan Bebout sUtes he has owned 75 w||| k<*nly felt and may poeivblv * ■•««a the line of dead and ht

shares at stuck valued si ISO each I the worst fears of snares or rtoca. valued ss |X0 tach 'n„.,n flnanr al ruin to many Indl- iha ausrd. m rtie Old KeiMiicky Manufacturing Amoag one of the flnev reG- V.s^,, s,'a" company, which manufactured slock threatened by the flood. It la . rL, a! hll^lcG ^ food and remedies. He was secretary reported, was thst of General Ihr-' * ' hysterical

greund. where an Improvised morgie* has been constructed, snd there await Identlflcatlun by loy<u] ones.

The scenes sttaudant npon lhe>e trips to the nynrgue by those in seanh of missing loved ones Is palheiic m the extreme The bodies are guard¬ ed U) soldlera. who escort anv searcher for a miaslog friend nr rela-

forwarding of sheep free from scabies of exposure thereto that are in transit Interatate through unload¬ ing is In accordance with the regula¬ tions of this Department. Uoplea of tbit amendment may be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Ani¬ mal Industry, whose address Is Wash Ington. U. C. W. H. HAYS.

Acting Secretary of Agriculture

charge of the busIneOT t>n June 4 learned the flood walera did not roa<'h mue. be allegee he was ill, and thst the swetion of the city where the gov- H. R I.Indsey, pn-stdent of the com- cfnor resides, pany. It C Overbey, vies* president I ,, . and CThsrh-11 AIlcoG, treasurer, came'

trraimc |4> Hury Dea*l. It Is thought some arrangement

will be made tomorrow to Inter the dead Those who have Ix-en IdealI- fled by friends snd relallves, white the unldentlfled. after every endeavor

HT. ACADEMY Haa added a Bualneaa Courae to

its curriculum. Persons wishing in formation as to this shxuld apply at ODCA

Excnrslon Kales Acroiut Mate Fair Account Tenneesee State Fair,

Nashville, September 2U-25, tbe .N., C. A St. L. Ry will sell round-trip tickets to .Nashville from all points on Its lines in Tennessee and Ken tucky at the rate of one fare plus 26 cents. TIrkeU on sale Beptem- ber 20, 21, 24 and 25, good until September 27. This will be one of tbe greatest State Fairs ever held. .No one should mtoa it.

TOC MATM TO WAIT. Every dose makes you feel belter. LoX' Ko. keaps your waolo Insidoe right. Hold on tbs Money-Baek plan avsry whara, Price tta

Card of Tlianks.

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all our friends and neigh bora and eapeclaliy the ship carpen ter'a union for tbe kindnees shown during our recent bereavement, the illness and death of Mr. John Davis.


ra rds.

Fli-enian Filled.

Detroit, Aug. 30.—Fireman John Brush was killed and three other trainmen injured when the Grand Trunk express train en route from Chicago to Port Huron collled with % work train near Capac. The pas¬ sengers were thrown out of their berths but none were Injured.

Our shoe repairing 18 in a clau by itielh Beit—quickest. We repair shoes so they’re good for more ser¬ vice. Phone 102. We’ll send and get your shoes and re¬ turn them quickly. Men’! anosA naif eole #4 fin and heel, aewed or peg_M I •UU

Woinen'A lewed or peg-

Women'! inle and heel. ..

Lodlea' turned ■ole.

During the recent epidemic of typhoid fever in .Madrid the dis¬ covery was made (hat It was cus-l tomary at some of the hospitals to] give to the poor the remnanta of the dishes eaten by the patients.

to him and told Wm he had commit-' Chaotic condlllcna still exirt There shall have Imen made to ted a felony under the state laws in *'**'*" "*•'* made at recov-Ilhelr Identity, will be ukwn In hani the conduct of the business cadavers; those mho lost their]by the clt) authorities and given a

He fwys he was ignorant of the law ludenly swept Into (hejdecent hilerroent. and b.- the atatementw ha was wor- mevlstrom and nothing could bedonej The severe torrents of rain which ried and Incapable of acting with his «hem However, every effort has had been falling all morning cessed mind. He alleges that the three made io sii'cor the needy by |»horll) after I o'cUtek. sod the (ear idockholders and oflicers of (he com- providing shelter and food for the pany said they would hush up the women and children, matter if he would, make a note for TTiere has been a stream of mor-

8t.649 le in favor of the company •” ®'' •>'«• P«r» of many and a note of 8750 In favor of the nwldents of the clt) who are i«>ehlng three stockholders Individually and on ground elevated enough to turn over hia stock to the company. Prw lude any poaiiblllty of overflow. Also he says he deeded a lot In ThwriThls is especially true of the Ameri- man and Lindsey's addition to the families, many of whom reside company. el tliv downtown hotel situated along

Since he says he was not gulHv of Plaaa# Zaragosa and Hidalgo.^ any felony or crime, and that notea Many of them families have removed.aid boa gone out from the city of and deed were "obtained by fraud •“ remote Hecliona of tha city, al-j Vonterey. On# statement le to the duress and undue Influence" and that lf>ough the locality Is thought to |ie!<<l«ci (hat Consul General Hanna has

that the river would again rise to even greater heights was disalpatrd. (has In a measure relieving the prove lent anxiety.

It Is estimated that the rlv.-r has risen to a height of 50 to 6u f>-e(, and ttHtll Its waters recede there la little hope of flullng tb« cadavers of the drowned.

.%|i|ieal lu Wsadvlngtoa. It Is understood (hat an appeal for

he was distressed and had no fc«<rwl- l>o>>»>d tbe pale of possible Inunda- edge of the law when the notes and UoP- deed were executed. | l‘n)he and HtvMIcra Ruey

The defendants in the suit are well' The police, rurales and soldWa known. .Mr. Lindaey 1# vice prnsi- played a prominent part in guarding dent of the B K. Sutherland Medi. and caring for (he city. All the po- clne comivany and a former council- lice reserres were called Into aerrlce; man. H. C Overbey la vice president the rurales were busy and detacb- of the Paducah Banking company ments of troops from the headqiiar- ■ nd Charles Allcott Is secretary of ter# of General Trevino were utlllxsd Che K. E. Sutherland Medicine com- to aecure shelter for the flood suf- pany | ferers

When seen today Mr LIndwry aald WhI.e as yet there Is not a scarcity be was not ramiliar with the petition of food and the city Is amply able to and declined to make any stAtement

Wl t Cvriiellson’a’Hsadai^VLiver Ptlia wit, c”re that. IS caniA OvtaraataM by all -frugglsU,

.'iw la: r-'-’


(ContiBued from Page One.)

care for its destitute, there la f««r of a shortage In tbe near future. There have been severe washouts all along the line of tbe National railway be¬ tween lAredo and Saltillo. Mexico, and not a train has entered the city of Montarey either from the north or south for the last 72 hours. The through south-bound train from La¬ redo haa been tied up at .Monterey for that period of time, having suc¬ ceeded in getting through before the disaatrous washout struck the Tillage of Oolondrina and carried away a large portion of the railway traefca while the north-bound train is tied up al Saltillo.

Wires l‘roa(ra(ed. All wires over the .Nattonal rall-

not as a result of the rise In the river, that is variously estlaiated at from 8J.000.006^1(1^ 82.

The Monterey Stee^ plant, the only plant of ita kind In the republic, and which cost originally 810,000.- road were prostrated all last night 000 to conatruct. la reported to have and until late today, when a line been damaged to the extent of from was restored and it was l«mnied that 83,000.000 to 83,000.000. |there las possHjiiity thit the washsid

The electric light and street rail- out tracks may be repaired and traf- ways system of Monterey, a modern •'*’ resumed on a curtailed schedule Mystem in every respect, which was today or Tuesday, constructed shout three years ago by Hundreds of telegrams have bean a Canadian company In wbicb the passing through en route to Monte- Mackenxiea of Toronto, are heavily •«> requesting information as to the Interested, was damaged to the ex- late of friends and relatives. Corn- tent of approximately 81.000,000. imuiiRAtlon has been re-eiWabllshed

The Monterey water and sewerage (Ja a circuitous route, and these tele¬ system suffered a loss which is also (rA/ua Are being answered aa rapidly estimated at 81.000,000 or more. ss possible. Their g-wieral import Is,

This damage together with the long "Doiijt worry,” "Am tafe," "Am well

appealed to (he aulhorltlee al Waeh- (Bglun reqaestlnc that a general ap¬ peal be made by the federa) gwverw- meat through Uta mad lam of the press requesting monetary assIManre fur the thousands of needy poor who have lost homes and rbaltels in the

istrous flood. According to this Information the

consul made this appeal Jn the name of the American colony of Monterey.

Monterey Is one of the moat pro¬ gressive cities In the republic and Is often referred to at the "Chicago of Mexico." lArge amounts of merchan¬ dise, rosrhir.ery snd food products are Imported to this city from the United States, It being estimated that 86 per rent of tbe population of the clly are consumers to a greater oy let# extent of Amerlran goods. In view of Uila tact It la thought that the contributions for the relief of the •Irlckdsi poor of the cHy will come In prompt!) and liberally.

Han .%n(nMlo ('onlrllNileiv.

San Antonio. Tex., Ang. 30.—Win¬ chester Kelsome, president of the San Antonio Inlernallonal club, tele¬ graphed InatrucUons to Ernesto Ma- dero. a banker of Monterey, to draw on the club for 8500. This in the flrst relief which reached the flood of that city. Telegrams were re¬ ceived from P. F. Martine. presidenie municipal of Monterey, expressing thanks for the aid snd expression of sympalhy from San Antonio.

An apiveal to the public was Issued by the International club today, ami San Antonio will make an effort Io alleviate suffering there to tbe greqt- tst extent possible. In this the co¬ operation of the large Megltan colony of this city la egpected.

Many Mexican residents of San Antonio wired relief to friends and reUUvei residing In Monterey

Page 5: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909



Prople are callus more spaKticItl—

particularly Fauat Brand Hpachcttl,

knowins It to be not only cheaper than meat and the equal of meat In nutriment, but the superior of meat a«

SWING SWING SWING a food dixeated and productive of mln>

tmum body heat—a la Bfood that means ^ ^NMPHaMglt^Bhearty appetites at ^ ^BHUIIMIIflmeals, ansiained

I Invitations anoouncins the ap- proachlns marrlaxe of .Mins Hazel Isabel Kssler and Mr. Kay Hobson Hell have been received here. The ceremony will take place at 7:30 o'clock on the evening of September 8 In l>eiiver, the residence of the couple, the K«v. Mr. Finoh olllclst- ing. Following the wedding a wed¬ ding reception will be held from 8

o'clock until 10 o'clock at the home of the bride. The ceremony will be a modest home wedding with only the relatives and Intimate friends present. After a bridal trip to Uuf-

eneray between meals.

‘ I Peoria, III., Aug. —Of the faun- Id red and more pellagra etiffnrerK nn

stTMer observation at the BartonvUle ud-Jasylum. fifty are said to be making

favorable progres* toward recovery laUbough It is not certain that they 'can be cured as the dangers of re-

All larpses are unknown. Photographs of 24 of the patients have been made covering every known stage and symptom of the disease, and these will be used in the reports to Wash¬ ington end to the lllhiols slate board of health.

I A laboratory for the analyais of the disease In every stage is being hur¬ riedly installed

Superintendent Oeorge A. Z«eler of the general hospital, had the fol¬ lowing to say regarding pellagra:

"Numerous calls from practMion Iers In this part of the state Indicate that for years past cases have occur¬ red within their practice which they now believe to have bee<n pellagra

I Hence the disease probably Is not ■ new in Illinois nor limited to this in- 'stitntlon. The symptoms of a pro. • nounced case are unmistakable. I "The symmetrical erythema, In- ivolving the back of the hands, the banded scaM about the neck, the sub¬ sequent vealcu'ation and desquana- tlon, the flery red tongue, the spongy board, 32< North Sibtb ring 1406

■ guma, the quick collapse, the mentalj” 16 acre farm n •torpor, the melancholia, all combine Maxon .Mill. Address T. A. Ore to form a clinical picture an clear as well, h K. D. No. 2 City.

... I ■T5RTACK~Houi^h'old'anTkTt "The recognition of the disease Apply to W. V. Ore

when these synrptoms are absent Is p-,.., QuodIv Co the problem that we are now trying —■■ - -,—a-

,to solve and which the government WANTED—To trade good fa [hns detailed the ablest men In lu ‘'"one C. C. L medical corps to Investigate." __ ____

Everybody should swing at the prices Hart sells Swings. The very best all bolted Lawn Swing, made of first-class material, iron bearing perfectly silent; no squeeking, worth nO $8.00 anywhere, Hart's price.wD'UU

Old-Time Rope Swings, the latest idea out, the very thing to make strong healthy Oi AA children .^lUU

Hot Days, With Drying Winds nnd Cool Nights, Hnvr Inlcrallicd llic

KITiH-ts of Ijick of Moisinrr.

Watch the caps you meet. You won't need an Intro¬

duction to the HKIDCAP. If la not a mere head roverlng. It haa character. It givea character to Ita waarar. It it made of exrluolve Kogtish cap cloths. It Is a thorougli- br^.

Try on a HEIOCAP.

Nee tlie displays In onr wludtiws.

Price 50 Cents

Clean—purs—American marte. and ten cents per sealed pai kage. arocera


Mrmphla. Aug. 30.—Qensral de¬ terioration In the cotton crop Is re¬ ported this week save In .North Caro¬ lina, Kouthern (leorgia and sections adjacent to the Uulf of Mexico. Dry weather has prevailed for two to eight weeks and the plant is shed¬ ding freely. Hot days with drying winds and cool nights have Intenal- llrd the effects of drouth. In many sections there Is a great deal of late •■otton and this has suffered severely. The drouth has been especially se¬ vere In Arkansas and Oklahoma and it in said that rains now would do little good there except to All out the unmatured holla.

Cotton la opening rapidly, but picking will not become general over the belt before Keptember 10 to I(. Where picking has made progress

itha navr bales sra being frnaly mar¬ keted.

There is a general diopoaltlon to nodify crop estimates and make them lower than two weeks ago. In ectloDS there are some promloing

ewttpw, bat they are a small mlBorlly. The prospects for a top crop are re¬ garded an poor, although a late frost might increase the yield

I’lcalc at Odd Hpriags. Mestrs. John Farr and (leorge

•McFadden entertained a few of their friends with an outing to Cold Springs. A delightful time was had, many different kinds of amusements were enjoyed snd a delightful lunch was served by the girls.


.WANTED—-To buy a good up¬ right second-hand piano. Address B. .N., this oflhe. Hblertalned Frkiay Rveniag.

.Mrs. Ixin desker and Mrs. Rudolph KIttenger entertained Friday evening with a social at the home of Mrs. KIttenger, SIS South Third street. In honor of .Miss Mary Sesher, who has Just returned from a several weeks' visit to Cincinnati, accompanied by her Mster, .Miss Llxxle Herhe; .Mr. Will <Flarrow, who has Just returned from Strong City, Kas., and Miss Hobble Hell Turk, of Oentral CIt). Osmes, rakes snd Ices were enjoyed throughout the evening. Those pres¬ ent besides the guest of honor were; Misses Husle Beyers, Lillian Mallory, Pearl Conley, Marmel Hkinner, I.Aura Augustus; Messrs. Nelson Hoax.Henry Hale, Claude English, Waller Nlem- rxyk. John Handrige, Oiile) Davis, Edwin Peak, .Mr. and .Mrs. Is>n Sesher, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross. .Mrs. Wallers. .Mr. and Mrs. KIttenger. .Miss Turk was called home Thursday night by the illness of her mother, ■Mrs. Tuck, of Centrsl City. .Music was furnished the entire evening.

FOR HE.NT—8-room house .Mod¬ ern conveniences, 722 Kentucky ave nue. Apply to 716 Kentucky avenue

COUNTER and partUioa for aale— the one formerly used In the Register office; In good condition. Price $10. The Sun office.

FOR SALE—Three ~hun^I^d’^ fl horse loads dry beating wood, 21 23 per load. Johnston Fuel company. Both pbonea 203.

WaNI'BD—We"^! new covira "oi umbrellaa while you wait. l.Arga stock of umbrellas. Eye-See Jewelry Co., 316 Broadway.

WA.N'TED—Tie makers, ^ne fore, man and 20 men to make railroad ties In Jackson county, Tenn. lymls. vllle Lumber Co.. Louisville, Ky.

■ WANTED—T.OO'o ofd feather beda. Let us call and surprise yon In prices. K. W. Vaughn, uew phone 1132. Address 400 South Third.

-(IKT IT AT Oll-BKR'I««. ( '-Rubber atampa, aeala. brass

aieuclla, eto., at The Sun office. - Telephone The Hun office fo

aamp,«a and prices of all klnda o lypewrller papers.

—The gnsbimR tsarlelff ef typ» writer psiiers from onion akin ti heavy ledgWMl sad Ml olaea from bal* letter to legal, at Tbs Kun offlra.

— Ur (Jllbert has Juat opened bli Osteopathic loHrmary, 642 Broadway, where he has an Ideal suite of treat¬ ment rooms. Hot air and electric treatment given where Indicated.

— I.ioen markers for sale at this office

We are cutting our new orop of carnalloM Freeh ffowem dally. Drua- ann, fforlsls, 6It Broadway.

I>r K. U. Slampei, dentist, la now In hla new office, 624 Broadway, groued lloor. Both phones 196.

Copy for the East Tennessee Telephone company's directory will go to preta Wednesday, September 1. All ebangee or additions should be forwarded to the company'* office be¬ fore this date.

Miss Lillian Hooentbal, late of the College of Music of Cincinnati, desire* to organise a class In voice culture. Those desiring tq oludy call at ume, 716 Harrlaou street or phone 60S-a for Information

The Imthersn Atd aorlety of the l.iitherau church will meet Wednes¬ day afternoon with Mrs. fllekhman I Ills Houth Fifth alr>-ei.

The iKipular night band concerts

at Wallace park by llewi'g band will

tie dlis'isllntied at the end of this

Marriage Urensew. Robert Hllle and Harriette Boyd

Hmltb, of Clinton. Houston llrsce, of Marshall coun¬

ty, farmer, and Eva Parish, of Me- Crat'ken county.

la tIrewU Cwwrt. The will of Harsh Luftenburg was

probated In county court this morn¬ ing Hbe naked that all of her real and peroonol property be sold at either public or private sale, and that her son, Edward Luftenburg. be paid 2300 while the remainder of her eetate be divided equally among her nix children: Cdwnrd Lnften- burg, Cornelias Luftenburg. O. Lnf- ^teburg. Charlen Luftenburg, Mrs. John Ruby and Mrs. Kona iluroou To her eon, William Luftenburg.

FOR RUNT—Store house and residence a,boee 1103 South Third street. Apply 705 Kentucky avenue, old phone 1403.

YOU fumish the farm, I furnish Ibe buyer, we divide the proffta. 8. T. Randall, real estate, 419 Broad¬ way.

PfiBsSlNO CLUB membership 21 per month. Clothes called for lud delivered. Jos Duffy. Old phone

Pailuiali Girl Marriew In (Mtlahonui. The following society Item in the

Antlers, Okla., News-Record, will be of Interest to Paduenhana: ".Mias Eula .M. Sexton, of Paducah. Ky., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. K. P. l-eMoster, for the past three months, was married Tuesday morning to Mr. J. H. Nlckles. of Pa¬ ducah. Ky. Mr. Nlckles arrived here from Portland. Oregon, .Monday and secured license from Judge Da¬ venport and Tuesday the twain were made one by Justice W 11. Carlisle.

"They left on .No. 6 Tuesday for Portland, Oregon, via Han Fraurlaco, where they will make their future home.

"Miss Hexton, during her short stay In our comrounily, has made many friends and admirers, and the wedding was quite a surprise. The .Newa-Kecord Joins In congrntula- llona."

Miss Sexton la the daughter of Mr. and Mm. J. B. Sexton, of 927 Clay street, and Is a well known and pop¬ ular young lady. Mr. Nlckles la a former rltlxen of Paducah, but re¬ cently haa been living In Portland, Ore.

iWi morning ItYH'NTY WORK ST4M*S years old to learn to repair shoe*. .Mr and Mrs J F. Walker left last I'NTIL DROI TH IH ENDED See John Smith, 219 Broadway,

night for East St. Louis, 111., where Work on ihe county roads bar —For'’sALE—Six room house*wTth they will reside .ceued owing to the dry weather

MIm Johanna Bos and brother, Mr John Thomixtoo, county road super- 9J0 clay. Herman Bo*, of Rvanaville. spent visor, haa quit work on the unim- -—I-^--- Sunday with Mm. Rllaabeth Seek, 508 proved roads because of the thick MORGAN—Horse ahoelng, Houth Tenth street |dust and the fact that aa soon as teneral repairing, rubber tlrea. 408

Mr. Ed Ovey left thla morning for the roade are graded the wagons will South Third atr^t._ Kiittawa and Princeton on bnsinet-s. |tear them up. The contracts for re- f6R 5<ice office, ateam

.Mr. and .Mm. Ed Deloach left thi* pairing the gmvel roods have been heat. In the Register building. U. 6. morndng for Memphis. (let, but the work will oot begin until Realty Co., Fraternity building.

Mr, Herbert MaKin left this mom- after a mjn, as the gmvel will not '''viiUT^Buchanan^ ehort order reo- ing for Princeton. Kuttawa and Daw- cement. The need of more gmvel murant. Open day and night, 211 sun Springs on businem. I roads la felt now as on some of the Kentucky avenna.

Misses .Marjorie Bagby and Btnma unimproved roada the duet Is four •~as~()oo to loan—i Boyd returned this morning from inches deep, and H la impomitblr to Inaurance

Smlthland _ ^ ^ 419 Bmadway. Attorney C C Gmasham haa re- ■■ - —s-a

turned from Hmlthland. | The Feature Eveat of Hie HeoMia. ^ wANTBl^The Miss Beerie 8m«d4*>y and> her guest Wednesday night at 8:3tl o'clock "O''** •«'' ***•>■

Miss Lena Goodman, of Tlptonvllle the nteamer Dkk Fowler will leave _ Tenn., and Mioa Inez Bell and Mr 'and remain In MetropoUs one hour fo ►’OR SALE-^ Erneot BeU returned today from aoe the railroad lerinlnala and bridge k>P Jn good condition. Dixon Springs. iilte of Grand Trunk Hnea now at seen at this office._

Mm. James Koger and daughter '«ork I FOR HES«'T — Large, c-ool Mm. Vernon Blythe, are expected The orchestra and rocollst* will wrilh bath. .Mr*. Woolfolk, home Thuraday from a sevwmt weeks’ qiiqiense strains of muak delightful Washington, trip to Niagara Kalla and eastren re- m the patrons of promenade deck and •orts. ‘perfect for ©them to dance.

Dr. Jamem Hearne aecompanied Bring your famines os a f home from Portland, Om., James program haa been arranged Welach, who was III of nervous Iron- ery minute pleasant and tl

lauarantee against all that's

FOR RENT—New four room bouaes, 1 square from car line, cheap. Sebmaus Brolbem. Both phones 19S.

.NICE home for colored ^fam 11^ 90x195 feet on Flournoy St., 3-room house. Price 2GG0, 2150 rash, baW anoe easy terms. 8. T. Randle, 419

— Suit to re«-over 226 has been filed In the court of Magistrate C. W. Emery by J. C. Coulaon. of Redden, Trigg rnuniy, against Ham Htarks. Coulaon rtalraa that he took a rhe<-k for 2125 to Htarks to rash, and that he recalved only 21 GO.

Pollre Judge IVinm Hria 2>ee l,ad <1iarged With Offeaae 'Pollie

Cowrt IbM-hel. Of a buggy

Addrooa "C." FOR SALE—Gasoline engine, tilt¬

ing table saw frame, with 24-lnrll circular saw, belts, pulleys, every¬ thing complete for wood yard. Prira 2110. 8. K. MUchell, 336 S. 3d.

WA.NTBt^"Ra'!Iway iiian clerFa poatofflce clerks, carrien. Examiiia tiona In Paducah, November 17 Preparation free.* Franklin Inatl- tnta Dept 12 B., Boaaeater. N. T

FOR RENT—Two-atory rMidanra* soutbasat corner Fifth and Washing¬ ton. All modern conveniences. Otty ateam heat, 225 per month. J. P. Smith. _

FOR'SALE^Oood 'tea'm' horaea. barnesa and wagon, 2260, 1 14 Vulcan plows nearly new, 27 esen 2 sections tig lag barrow. 26. John- aton Fuel Co., phones 203.

roller Can be Night School The trial of Gray Wood, so 18-

>e«r-old boy charged with attempt to rape little Manilla Begley, the 8- )enr-old daughter of Mr. and Mri. Hugh Begley, realding six miles from Paducah on the Mayffeld road, re- iiilted Id hla dloniiaaal this morning hy Judge D. A. Cross In police court. The trial woe railed after all other ran>s had been disposed of and no one was permitted to remain In the court room with the exception of the wltiveaaea, court nfllrlahi and attor¬ neys. County Judge R. T. Ltgbifoot reprooented Wood, who Uvea wl4h Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whitlock.

Police (Xmrt. Tlie iA,iu«iiidvr of Uie uo, w«t irad.

Drunk—Willie Prather, Aned 21 and coats. Gaming—Will King. M'lll

01 out of the IM)LLAR-A-DAY rtaaa Into the TB.N-IKlLLAR-A-DAY riaaa by attending NIGHT HCHOOL at Draiighon'a Prartleal Bualneaa Col¬ lege, 314 H'dway Both phoiea tT66. •called for and delivered. Solomon,

the tailor. 111 Broadway, old phono UO-r.

STRAYto—Light red cow. One born broken. Long sack. Reward for any Information. Either phone 746. _ _

~WANTED-^8lx Ia47 agerita at once. Must be of neat appearance and good character. 212.00 per week guaranteed. Old phone 1171.

I WE WASH lacrcurtalna'vefy"cars fully. Qet them cleaner and whiter than you could at home. Star Laun¬ dry. Phone 200.

FREE OF CHARGE—AM White •ewing machinee adjusted free of charge at F. N. Qaixtoer, Jr., Co Either phone 296. _

Mrs. A. M. Feafd, of Indianapolis, la visiting her slater, .Mra. L. J. Mel¬ ton, of 180,1 Monroe Mreet.

Dr. C. K. Kidd left this morning for Hamilton for a brief vlall.

Ex-Patrolman Aaron Hurley Is ser¬ iously ill at his home on South Ninth street.

The three children of Mr. and .Mm. of South Sixth

GILBERT'S M. Rickman for TELEPHONE J groceries, coal, a posts

fence new sorghum 61)c per gallon,

delivered to any part of the city. Call us up and tell ua your wants. .New phone 640; old phone 878, Herbert Barksdale,

street, are suffering with diptherla. Miss Valaria M. I^aleley, safierln-

tetvdent of RIvemtde hospital, oilll leave tonight for Philadelphia on a visit to reJativee and friends and to spend her tacstlon

Deputy Sheriff Gua Rogers will

WE STARCH lace ourtalna. Just the degree of stiffness that mahM them hang nicely, and dry them upon frames that make them square, and stretch them smooth and evan. Star Laundry Phoae SM

~F0K rent—Moirrn flve'-room Jones, Just returned from northern!apartment. Bath. ele*-trlc light and factoriei. Will save you money on other modern conveniences. Ix)cate»l high grade pianos. 218 Broadway. three blocks from postolffce on good “>6ff"§ALE—The T. P! Sleeth residence street Telephone Mrs. L stock of druas and fixtures at 902 W. Boswell, 425 North Fifth street

The resting place of the weary.

The oasis of the tnirsty.

Organ llerltal. | Following le the program of organ • x x • ■

e Democrallo Jeffersonian barbe-|recital Broadway M. K. church lo-| HAIR GOOD! e. |l■•ght at 8:30 under the auspices of Loqyenta Miller. Dr. Wallace Wllke^rsop visited rela-lthe Ramaey society: I—poR~lOCN¥^ ret at Maxon Mil,a yesterday. | Free will offering. Il» a Trimble ■Mr. C J Abbott, route agent of Mr. Harry M. Gilbert, organist, as- —^

e American Expreoe company, left slated bv Mias Anne Bradohaw, so-' RING 1496 . Is morning on an lospcctloa tour of prino; .Mr* Almo Hay* Reed, so- card# views mad e I»ultvil1e divlalon. iprar.o; Mr. Emmet H. Bagby. barl- MONEY TC Mestra. W. A. Berry and W.«V'tone; Mr Karl Smith, cellist. Building and L tlon left this morning to attend the Prelude and Fugue. Faulkes. OROCERE, i< nvenilon at Owenaboro. | Ijord Ood of Abraham. Mendelsohn '267

Prof. W. .M. Patterson, who has Romance. .Mattel en visiting hit slater, returned to Impromptu, Dethlca 'wanee, Tenn., thl* morning. | Abendlled. Hchumai

Extra Specials

EU Orsnfe.l

Otape Limeade, Grape Freese.

lumerel .. .'dress Bargain, care Sun. "R)R rent*—Apartment In llecht WANTED—A good corn

Adams street.__Hocldent at

M'iDB-AWAKE Pressing club, 6Gl death policy on earth, aan; chubert Trimble. Phone 1269-a._occupations, color or 11

j WAJi’tED^-\^^it*r^lrrfor general atrictions, desire agents 'housework. Heflni,d family of three country and city trade,

blossom oood room and home for competent Can handle ns a side line. • peraun. Address O., care Sun. Box 164, Scranton, Pa.

Cipt. George W. Kirkpatrick, U. 8. A., chief recruiting officer of Ihe Evanivllle district, will arrive In the city Thursday to receive the report of Ihe Iocs! station for the past month and also to accept several re- criilta who are being held awaiting bis arrival b) Sergeants Blaka and Krasky.


Page 6: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909


-—■ ^ Is to love children, and no home |M S can be happy without them,

yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pas-

A usually is so tull ot sutteiing I II l^rAund dieaJ that bhe looks tor

w ard to the hour with appre¬ hension. Mother’s Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through tire event with but little suffering, as numbers have W testified and .said, “it is worth |MH ■ ^ its weight in gold.*’ JL

•IM r«^ bottlM of drvcftfllt. Bnak of r&looltte iBfonMiloM Mollod fr^


NEW RETAIL COAL YARD The Noriniivilli* I'ual roiiipaDT brRH In aiiDuuht.' lu llie pi.iMU- Ihe

estatilivliiiieni ol a kelHlI taiil III I’atlinah at toil Jifti-rriuii SI ,

iiliUer the iiiauageineiit nf lUr. .luhli Hot k, ninl H!<8iiri‘-< lliem u( all

tiiiiea an ample aiipiiljr of freHhlr iiiineU

Famous Nortonville Coal Lump, Nut, Steam

Satlsfnrtlpn I* rerlnln when NiiitoiivUle (’oul la uatsi, for It liiirna to a clean, white aali and la exreptlonally rich In heating quulltlea. r<».Mi*AXY riFKKits iTtn SITK T<l rxr.MMIMSItrN.

American Win* Klml In UU.inmi Franc I'rlae For the Three

Faaleat loipo.

Ih-niiliriil I/ocallon ttvcrl<H>king Plc- twreeque Kentucky ittver

fhoacn Cured by Lydia E Pink- ham’sVegetableCompound

Milwaukee. WU. —"Lydia E. Pink. iutiu’s Vegeta!'le Compyund has niada ■nomoiHMIB me a giell wotuan.


John K*h K. Manager, AXn THIS SIAY BF Art'F.l'TFn mil Jc(Ter«iiu SI Old riione M.VI-\

and fearful p^nslD I Khelnia, Aug. 30.—The twilight uiybai'k. Iliad the | vlxlou of Faulhau'a uionuplane like a best doctors and great white bird soaring shove the

1*1^^ 1 plain, so high that It seemed to as-

■ in^ddlUoVt^ m"' ^ female trouble, and :** ‘

I advis^ an opera-ihiachine has In-en dubbed, iniashlng 1 tlon. I.ydia E. another world's record, were the

iiikham n Vi^jfetiTble Compound made closing glories or aviation w»-ck. ea well woman and 1 liave no more The victory of iJIcnn 11 furtlss, tn«

ittthl-r^X’t l.X E 'inn^ ~.le American representative follow- pgetable Fomismiid has done for AtvH winning of the Inter- p"' —Mha Em.maI¥SF, 833Elrst8t., national cup yesterday, gives the ilwaukee. W’la I'nited States the Hun's share of The above is only one of the thon- honors

Todays Frli la Vltes«.. of JO.OOo 'UStAntlT rpc9iTwi dt tn® - s« a . , * iikham Metlicliie Company of LTnii. f’"***''*- divided Into four prises, was ass .whlch prove beyond » doubt that dlstrlhut«-d to the lour mac hines rdia E. linkliam's Vegetable Com- making three rounds of the course lund. made from roots and herb*, thirty kilometres, at the greatest tually does cure these obstinate di*. kp,,vd, the ftrst prise being won by aes of women after all other means ....i,. mw ire falW, and that every such siif-handily, notwithstand¬ ing woman owes it to herself to at i*®* Penalloatlon. ast give Lydia E ITnkham’s Vegeta- t'urtlos mtsaed winning the first e ComiKiund a trial befom submit-j i,p ihe «p,>ed contest from lilerlot

d* ^^ov«y »«® captured Mr*. Plukliam. of Lynn, Mas*, •“'Oh'* P'**'**‘n ‘b‘1 'vent, which ivlte* all sick wtmieii to write,was over the full circuit of ten kllo- pr for advive. Hlie lias giiiilcd metres or. miles, making bis lousands to bealtb and her total money winnings for the meet- IvIm is freo. lui^ Sl.ouu francs in-side* the Inter-

^ national cup, which goes to the Aero

.h. hill hv-ri««kih- thelf'lub "f America. Inscribed with bis name.

An accident removed lilerlot from today's speed contest. Blerlot had jiassi-d the first turn, when the rud¬ der failed to respond. Thu marhin- turned i-ompletely over three times, landing with such force that the petrol tank burst, catching Are from the hot motor and envelo|>ed the ma¬ chine and pilot In flames, lilerlot had his face and hands burned, but not aeriously.

lottham, with "numlier 13," start¬ ed only four minutes ahead of Cur¬ tiss. who gave chase and uvrrbaoled lottham In every kilometre. Hulsh- ing less than 40 metres behind the Krcnchinaii.

l.atbam refused to accept defeat and brought out "number St".

With this b«y flew considerably faster.

Curtiss also decided to try again Me flew higher than ever before, and made each round swifter than In any previous effort.

I The first round was covered in 7:4R 2-3; the watches showed 13;37 t-.'i at the end of the second round and snapped 23:tt at the finish. With bis penalisation Curtiss' time stood 2R:4t 2-3, and thia gave him the race by alinoat a minute margin. t,atham was second and Tisaandler third.

The high altitude prise of lO.OOu francs was won hy lotthain. who as¬ cended 490 feet.

The passenger carrying contest waR won by Pariuan. With two paa- sengera be circled the course'In ten minutes and 39 seconds.

I The one lap S|M>ed contest went to Blerlot, who covered ten kllortietrcs In 7 minutes. 47 4-f> seconds. Cur¬ tiss. second, 7:48 8-l».

I Frankfort. Ky.. Aug. 30. (Spe¬ cial.)—The question of where the governor's mansion is to be located will likely be settled within the

fifteen days by the capitol Bowman and

of the Bowman which will sell the

which roupe the cIsmi of aymplnin* known as tillloiiaucss.—New Voik Tribii he.

Yaluc of Sour Milk.

Must housewives do not know that tour milk la a preservative. Even o>slers will keep In It for some time. .\ piece of heef.Hleuk was found to be l>erfectly fresh after an Immersion tif four or flve months. l*rof. Elie .Melcbnlkuff, of the Pasteur liuKltiile, Paris, explains that the sugar In the milk cncotirages the growth of cer¬ tain germs whhh form lactic add. This add the germs of puire faction. For this rcastm sour milk and hiittcrniilk are often Is-ncflcisl In alimentary disorders which are accuni panicd h) ba<lerlal Infection. Xweet milk will not seivc leiause Ihe sugar la promptly avslmllated and Ihe friendly germs are without suste¬ nance. On the other hand the casein of the milk remains and In it the bacilli of decay uiulllply. It Is they

Centenary of the Christian Church

|committioD. for Tom F. ers snd evsngelirta from all over the o. B'ane Shaw country will be here and they W'llliB^iiBy company, be on the program. Irapltol heights property that aur-

On Thursday, September 23, • rounds the new capitol announce monster itarade of men from all over ^j,py ojfer to the commla- the itate who are taking part In Bl-'gion n, rhoire of any lot In the cap- ble claaa work will take place This |t„| heights property for the location parade will be one ot the features of of the governor's mansion. There Is the convention which will be held at „„ doubt that the commission will the Woodland Auditorium. accept this generous offer on the

'r:;e convenUon embraces three or of the real eatate men. and the ganlzationa of the Christian church owners of the properly who are W. each having It* own sivetlal day with ^V. lovngmoor, or the Kentucky HIs- its own program. The convention torlcal society. Morgan Chinn, for- begina Monday evening, 5h*ptember ^pr clerk of the court of appeals, U. 20. with a iplendld song service led p Smith, a rising young business by that prince of leaders. E. O. Ex- „,a„ of this city, and Eugene Wal- cell. Mr. Hensey, a graduate of Tran ,^.p one of Frankfort's capitalists, sylvanis. and a missionary to Afrlcaj The Capitol Heights property lies for several years, will speak. Roger jo the west and the south of the Clark, pastor of the Christian church lp,p„oi grounds. surrounding the Maysvllle. Ky.. will give the conven- pgp„oi )„ those directions. Slightly tlon sermon. At the close of the even west and the south of Ihe cap- Ing sessions a half hour will be spent ^ ,00 feet In s social time, friend greeting ppight. There are several hun-

frtend. Idred feet of ground between the t. \\. II. M. 'capitol grounds and the bluff, how-

Tuesday morning. September M. ,^6 Capitol the twenty-«>venth annual conven- company, and It Is this land

.tlon of the Kentiacky Chr «.tn Worn- Architect Andrews who designed tn's Board of M.aalona will begin its

^lon. at 8:45 a m An '‘r»; >>0“^ comm1«.lon buying for the but the day is so full ^ good things .p^por's mansion, and the former that no time be lo«. ..omml«.lon had about completed .r-

A sessions will be hold in the ^,p^p,„p„„ „gp „,.pr ,he land ,, , , , Iwhen the election took the matter

-n.. u- 1 VI* I. out of their hands. The new com- The Kentucky Ontennlal Work of . , . ^ inn nf

.. ___ j . v«i. mission has had the consideration or the Christian Woman s Board of Mis- , .

. .. .. . j . the purchase of the land since, but s'ons has been directed to other fields ' . nnv«,. .,-w .u •_ 1 n. .V. ___ for some reason they have never When the American flag, the beloved , j j i i. vnn

II#..j __ c osed the deal, and now It la loo emblem of freedom was lifted over . .

_. , _.„h late. The company had offered all the little Island of Porto RIoo. with

.... .j ij this land, fifteen acres, to the state Its Ignorant superstitious, priest-rid- v . , nj .k., i, den Spsnl.h elaies. the board wa. In

vtted to open a Protestant orphanage 7'" «•' “‘..'’"'’“'.T .h. .7..e .h’ ' n the city of Bayomon. Just across «00. and will donate to the state the

the way from San Jaun. From thi. *“*'“«■ ‘he man.lom 1 opening the work has grown until The member, of the company have

;now two orphanages, one for boj. ‘*'•“''1 »» •o'"® f ‘A* T'“ " iand one for girl, and evangellKIc the .-ommlsalon about t^e '“•'‘“IbU " work is being emdneted. The need ‘^e new manston. It 1. .gr«-d that

lof home, of worship was psramount J'M^htful and beaut fni site Kentucky chose to use IIO.MIO In ‘b« bluff overlooking iMtier equlppment and a beautiful ‘be capitol. ao that the front yard ol chapel, the flrrt of al< the centennial ‘b' mansion will be the capitol lawn.

tkildler lUlks licalli ITot. It aeeuied to J. A. Stone, a civil

war veteran, of Kemp. Tex., that a plot existed between a desperate lung trouble and the grave to caiiHo hla death. "I contracted a atubborn cold." he writes, "that developed a rough that atiick to me, In aplte of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then I liegan to use Dr. King's .S'ew Ilia- covery. which restored my health completely. I now weigh 178 pounds." For severe Colds, obstinatn Coughs, Hemorrhages, Aatbiua, and to prevent Pneumonia It's unrivaled. COc and fl.OO. Trial bottle free, Quarauleed by all druggists.

Lexington, Ky., Aug, 30.—In cel¬ ebration of the one hundredth anni¬ versary of the founding of Ihe Chris¬ tian chnrch there will be held In I#ex- ington In September one of the big¬ gest church conventions that ever look place In thie state. The con¬ vention will or>cn Monday. September 20. and will last five ds)-* cloelng Friday. SeiWemlier 24. It will l>e at¬ tended by about 2.000 church work¬ ers from all over the state and al¬ ready preparations are being made to re«-elve and entertain the many vlid- tors.

Centenlal celebrations do not oc¬ cur during the lives of everybody and fur this reason those church workers who hare this great convention in charge are planning to make It aj great celebration. Prominent iq>eak-! ABF Vt>l' THK DWXFK OF I'KOPFItTIFH WHICH YOC CAN¬


Do you want aa Insurance Pulley issuevi by ('ompanlea m strong aa

the lUnk ot Fnglond? THEM LNSCKE WITH

The Friedman Insurance Agency W’s pay losses promptly, without delay, and without any arbitrary


Oflics No. IIA Mouth Mecvind HIreet. OIBce l*hoae I7V-.A Itewldeace l*hHae IMI

DELICIOtS ICE CREAM .Made from the purest full cream we ran buy—and made carefully, too— under most sanitary conditions. Lenox Cream has established an en¬ viable reputation with the ladies of Paducah and a single quart will demonstrate that it Is well merited. Try it this evening; stop on your way home and take a quart with you One-half gallon or more

26c A QUART. One-half gallon or more delivered at your door.

L E O X C O .\ F F C T I O X E B A* 01M Broadway.

New Pbone 661-a. Old Phone 1642-a


Corsair, With Banker on Boanl.

Ibully Dainag'sl.

Insure With

• 8T. VINCTINT ACADE-MY s o rXIOX COUNTY, KY. s s Boarding School for A'ooBg s IomUcs and CTUIdrew. • s Modern Equipment, music, e s Drawing and Painting, Short • e hand and Typewrltlg are taught e e according to the best Improved • • methods. The Materral dts- • • clpllne unites s careful wining e e of character and manne. with a e Intelligent and physlcaJ d« 'lop- a a ment. Ror Catalogue, T- rma. • • etc., addreea • • BISTER SUPERIOR. e




40.1 Broadway.


We are ready to make contracts at pres^-nt prices for negf year.

If you want Ice at Live and la t Live Pricea, patronise the flrui that

belongs to do trust.

lAlOK KtIB TilF BLI>; U AfMINil.

Independent Ice and Coal Company H. T. VtMlFIk Mgr.

Phone* ... . loth and M*.ll*<«

6 room house on Sonth 12th

street .fi.swo

I room street . that will be given the winner of an

amulrur .Marathon to be held here on September 11. Many prominent long dirtancers are reported to have ex- presaed their Intention of competing.

Clementa ... .BTSO

4 room house on street .

Ijidy (on the bank)—My d*ar sir, how did you come to tumble In?

Man (In the water) — My dear madam, to be frank. I didn't come to tnmble in—I came to skate.—The Bystander.

Will R. Hendrick

Many a man refuses to trust In the Ia>rd as long as he has a dollar In bis pocket.

The fool who butts In where angels fear to tread nsually get all that'a coming to him.

Ton are Judged by the

Flowers you send.

For quality and artlsUe

arrangement order from


Any place la the city tor

Day—New Phono lltl. Night—New Phone 841 Tempting, Our advertisements, and you can tell from thom the policy of our

store—a straight-forward, earnest effort to build up our biislncsa

by supplying ths vary best goods at the very lowest price. Teasing, Tasty Toasties D. E. WILSON

Tlie tcntler, tottllisoinu, triuinph that tifkles

tlio tast(> (»f totitllinjc tots—and all inuiikind. is not satisfactory,


C. J. BALLOWE Rubber Tires

fissi m SI Mfltms


Both Plioaes 308 or 187 Post Toasties that goes Into MO.MAJA FLOUR Is a matter of the greatest care, O.NLY the finest soft, red winter wheat is used. Insist on )our grocer st'iidlng you a lack of MOMAJA the next time you order groceries. We ask you to do this the first time, after¬ wards you will do so of your own accord.

We do not use Sccond-hamd Deklgn Frames,

witli crraiu and a lit

tie KUKar.

Illinois Coal 4 Feed Co.


Distrlbiiteni 1140 Droudwroy. Wanted! The Tasle Lingers

Blxteentli and Tennetwee HU. 500 roomi to paper

at $3.00 up. Hold by Orocers.

Pkgs. 10<- X ire, The Best Carriage

Service li Paducah

Our coal Is as good as the best and better than the rest. Bee us before placing your order for winter coal.


Quality and weight guaranteed

AgenU for the genuine Big Muddy Ooul.

Both phonos • * 186

Johnston Bros.

loss tl7-R

Harrison Ht. Old phone

You get handar)n)e, well appointed carriages when I serve you. We give pU'Dipt personal atten¬ tion at all tlmea.

Postum Cereal Co., Ltd

Hattie Creek, Mich.

ao4 Sail

>•. Limited

Post . 1 Poasties |


Page 7: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909


,cc»»iui >4

AX I'P-TO-DATK DRUOflIST My« H ia aurprtalaf bow many old- Uthlonod rrmodlat are betoc uaed, wbioii KOM to abow that U la bard to Ini'prove aome of our grandmotfaera’ old, time-triad remediea. For In- etanre, for keeping the hair dark, auft and gloaay, nothing equalling our grandmothera’ "aage tea" has ever been discovered. Although, by the addition of sulphur and other <n- gredienta, this old-taahloned hfow has been made more effective as a scalp tonic and color restorer. Now¬ adays when our hadr comes out or gets faded or gray. Instead of going to the garden or garret for herbs and

ourselves, we slm-

H. K. IIOM.AIVI>, M. U. dooms 109-211 Fraternity Bid.

With Dr. Rivera. Special attention to obstatrlos and diseases of women. Both phones 266. Res. Old P. 1644



Oulskle iVmdlUuns .AgcctJng .Market Rcuiain Satlsfaclory to .All


lyolnu* at lleverly AVill .AIm) lie of IntiVeat—l*n>|KM<eil Increase in

IteglNtry Fee to Ho l)<‘bate«l.

making the "tea" ply go to the nearest drug store sJid ask for a bottle of Wyeth's SiMte and

This preparation Is sold by HKAItV t'U-;W»’ WF.KKI-Y IJ'ITTER

iBulphur. $60 Shorthand Scholarship for all leading drug^ts tor 50 oenis and II a bottle, or la sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cort- landt 8t., New York City, upon re¬ ceipt of price. For sale and recom¬ mended by W. J. OUbert. e

30.—Develop' New York, Aug. 20. (Special.)— A marked change has taken place In the eiiecnlatlve sentiuu-st. Thia was brought about by the disappointing condition of Mr. Harriman's health after a trip abroad, the special pur¬ pose of which waa lU restoration The reaction began In I'nlon Pacific and quickly extended to the remain, der of the market. Stocks which suf¬ fered most were those that previous¬ ly led the advance. It waa evident that the market was ripe for a re¬ action, and this fact had as much to do with the declines as Mr., Harrl- nian'a health, ooncerning which there was really nothing new to the well InfurnuMl. Nevertheles*. the Import¬ ance of Mr Harrlman as a factor in the stock market cannot be disputed For a long time he has be«m the dom¬ inating element In the speculative

of the telegraph companiea affecting arena, but hla operations in this field cipher messages which was to have an* now undoubtedly closed, and it gone Into effect September 1, has Is In this quarter that his withdrawal been postponed until December 1 from active affairs will be moat not-' This will be received with pleasure leeable In the public eye. As to the by bnsineas Interests of Paducah. |poIicies regarding tils great railroad

A large per cent of the business systems, these are already well es-

Wasblngton, Aug. menta at Harriman’s magnificent homo In Arden will doubtless com- luBiid the first position In the week's news.

Beverly will continue to be the scene of activities surrounding the nation's chief eaei'otive. A definite statement .of Taft's wishes regarding the amending of the interstate com¬ merce and anti-trust laws will l>« prosent<>d at New York by Attorney (icneral WIckersham to s commiaalon designated by the president to frame them.

IHietmaster Oeneral Hitchcock will confer with s acore of r«‘gistry offi¬ cials regarding some of his plans for gr<«ter

$75 Bookkeeping Scholarship tor tr. 1X>UU AND TKXXH88BB



HCUR810N TO TE.X.XKSSKB These scholarships include the nec¬

essary books, stationery, etc., and

purchaser may enroll at any time. Bipamer Clyde, every Wedaeeday M

S D, m. Bteanier Keatncky, every Saturday

at S p. m.

Duly BB.OO for the mund trip of five days. A’lelt the Military Natluaai park at I'llteburg Landlac.


Remember the time limit. Sept Istp and the place

For any other tnfos^tloa apply to tho PADUCAH WWARFBOAT OO. agenU, J.A.HU) KOOKK. Hopa.

economy and higher effi¬ ciency.

The proposed Increase of the regis¬ try fee to 10 cents recently will be debated.

An announcement of the result of the federal Investigation Into the eon d It Iona at the Prewed Steel Car com¬ pany's plant at .McKees Rock, Pa., lu anticipated shortly.

Forty represi-ntatlves of the Jap¬ anese chamber of commerce are due at Seattle Thursday and will aoon be¬ gin a Journey throughout the coun¬ try, Inspecting the numerous features of American clvillullon.


306 Broadway, Over Qlobe Bank.

Both Phones 400

,cici BOA 100 ’"vnsat Murntnee vOLOS p mmmitniu

ALLTSTO/^rAKO lUHC TUCMJBLtS ^ovAff ANreeo SAnsr/tcrom' * ATo^ev ftsAuf^oeo. j

I VliMtse anil Engine Test Strength. Though It la close season for hunt¬

ing, the 11:15 express was not re- iqKinsIble for breaking the laws. Aliout one mile out of McAdam a lino row uiooee contested Its strength with the engine, resulting In the noble liesst's death. As it did nut fall from the fender the train waa slopped and the beantlfnl but much damaged carcase was lifted off tin* line to be claimed later on by the same warden. It la supposed that

been Inllated U> rldlculou. figures by p,r„ ,„d Berlin

where money is plentiful and cheap and large new flotations are in pros poet. Business improvement and cheap money have materially atlmu. lated promoters' schemes, of which many are now being presented tor local bankers' consideration. It la

. , , ... an encouraging sign that a majority the diminution of Mr these are being turned down, and

_ , ., , , , only those of a more substantial char affect his specialties receive conslderutlon. tbou&h

little d'ffieulty Is now being ext«*r- lenced In financing what Is consider¬ ed a "good proposition.'’ Foreign exchange has been very firm, owing to the manipulations of aome of the large drawers. Commercial bills are relstivelj- scarce, but a better supply of flnanclal bills la In sight, and the probabllltleg are that any increased ■tringenry here will quickly lead to exiMinslon of our credHs abroad. Our, exports of breadstuffs and other ag-' ricultural products may be restrained hy high prices, end as imimrts con¬ tinue large the usual excess of nier- cfaandlse exports Is not yst Bi sight Possibly, however, liuroiie will buy; our securities more freely later on and this will tend to restore our In-, ternatlunal balances

J HBXRY ClJflWS. I The fact _

HT. .MARY’S ACADEMY School opens on Tuesday, Septem¬

ber 7. All pupils are desired to be present for the opening. A complete Commercial Course has been added to the curriculum. The musical ad¬ vantages are of the highest order.



ST. DENIS authorities, will probably be In the Mr. Harriman's speculative opera-' neighborhood of ten per rent. tions might or might not accomplish I

The telegraph eouipanlea assert Railroad affairs are Just now passing that they have tost much money In through a remarkable ebauge of dc- the past through the hi-avy cost of velopment in the section of the conn¬ handling arbitrary groups, words of try served by the Harrlman lines, and foreign languages amt eomblnallons In view of the growing rivalry of oth-i of letters which form tinpromiunce- er systems, able Kords llrest difficulty, the Harriman's activities will, of course c«iiiipsnles elaiin. Is exiu-rlem-ed In uiifavurahly the telegraph transmission of rldlru- NVverthelesa, itniun Pacific and South tons comhinatlona. To the toral ern l*Hcltlc must continue to carry biialness houses using "fresh" codes freight and passenger.*.' and the proli

Itoya I’IucmI Oirilrucllons on Track of I. C. Traill at Kuiikaki***,

Kankakee. HI,, Aug, 30.—An at- teiuiit by four hoya to wreck the 1111

nolK Central express due at Kankek<*e at M o'clock this niurnliig wae dis¬ covered In time to prevent the de rallment of the crowded train. The hove placed frog blocks and rail braces at the switch south of town M'erly Smith, Som and David Blatt Clayton Robertson, ranging in age from 14 to IH. were arrested near the scene. Admitting that they placed the obstructions, they added that they “Just wanted to see a wreck."


WSkSi !>•» M S.«MT p*>lal <4 •Isl’ l<S»* feel

ill W Bit ssf IHh ^ MfMM* mt

<'«»rtFuu« . mi

K!:4IS$I.OO PER DAT AID OP Vers reaima4lo«e samrle Moenia at NraeoHaale Hales.

Et'KOPEAN PLAN. Table 4'Mote Breakfast 80(.

Wn. TAYLOR & SON. Ibc.

Caller—Snip & Co. have em¬ ployed me to collect the hill you owe them.

Owens—You are to be congratu¬ lated. sir, on securing a permanent position.—Koston Tranacript.

The M*ir-made man would have saved money If ha bad built himself on hts (riend’a astiinale.

"Whad did you say last night when Jack asked you to marry him?"

"I shook my head.” "Sideways or up and down?"—•

Boston Transcript.

Idl.MKIX SHOE KEPAIRIXU CO. Will Save You Money.

Illgli-tinule laulies* anil Men's Nlioes. Crosaett, Bates, Crawford, Regent, Packard, Bostonian


company and the Western Union free of the fantasies and myarteries Telegraph company In order to give aaaoclated with the Hnrrtman regime I the code word users the opifortunlty It la, of oourre, Inevitahle that In due to revise their didiers If they so de- time Mr. Harriman's directive sblll- slre. ties roust entirely cease, and when

■ • « —f that contingency arrives It will Our Wars. doubt, be found that it has been ful-

Not rounting the numerous Indian 'T discounted, outbreaks that arc not elass«>d as] Eluiiusllons. wars, this country has spent abouti As previously Intimated In theae 3P per cent of the 120 yeara alnce advices, the market has been subjeet- 1789 In war. The United SUtes has <’<» to violent fluctuations, had six foreign wars and the great- that prices were much too high has est civil war known to history. The »t last been recognised, and the fall- amount expend«*d on American pen jUre of the big holders to auceessfully siona haa been greater than the untoad any considerable portion of amount# spent by some of tho great- their surplus tecurlllee cannot be est nations on their armies. In 1*08 concealed. The public was well ad- the United States disbursed In pen. I vised and did not come Into the m«r- elODS the enormous sum of 9153,- ket to any Importvut extent, so that O93.0Sfi, while the net coat of the'recent losses will chiefly fall upon Hrlttoh army and Its operationa for the professional traders. As to how 1*08-'09 will amount to only 2138.- f«r the decline will go. It U not pos- 800,000. Islble at this writing to suggest The

market ia still in a verr feverish state and exposed to further sharp breaks. At the same time the big men have the situation well under control, and It la within their i>ower U> arrest the downward movement whenever H best suits their purposes A market so largely under the con¬ trol of artifletsi Influences Is neces- ' sarily a dangerous one for the aver- ' age ojierator, although leas so than “>'• B<l»'«t'<l F. Kelling, chief In- before the decline eet In. apector of amusement places In

Outsifle (VmdHIoiM. ,Chicago. "I suppoae It la the same Outside conditions, to which the every other city. No one resllres

market Just now pays little attention this better than*do the saloonkeepera, continue favorable. The volume of they are almost Invariably op- business Is steadily expanding. Re Posed to the locating of a nickel cent crop reports have not been quite theatre In their neighborhood. In aa satisfactory as last month, August “Offic instances a single flve-cent usually being a period of deterlora- theatre Is said to have cut the busl- tton. Nevertheless, the outlook la <>f »e»«ral near-by saloons prac- for the biggest corn crop on record tically In half. The work of these and the wheat crop Is turning out theatres for temperance seems to

City omc* 42M Broadway.

DKFOTSl Bth 41 Nortoa INs

Is what you get every time you patronise our New Icelees Sanitary

Fountain. :;;::!5ii*i*** The place where good thiags U

WrilSOn S 1 OUntflin drink are served eleaa.

Lv. Paducah .. Ar Jackson ... Ar Naahvllla .. Ar. Memphis .. Ar Hlekman .. Ar. Chattanooga

All kinds of Rubber .Stamps made to order Ineluolng FtniWlE If Ttli

HluraiL Sea Ik, braiA atenclla, sanitary lullk checks, lliieo markers, datem. numbera, etc.

DKn’INO oomea Brst among outdoor recreor tlODs. Cupid's greatest conquests of love are made in carriages, and in¬ valids court health the aame way. Our tnroouta of all kinds are tha smartest, and roadsters that can give tha dust to our horses are hard to And U this town. Make yourself solid with somebody by calling at our livery and engaglog the means of a spin. THE TULLY I.IYfatT COMPAX’f

Incorporated. Both phones 476. Ctorner Fourth

and Kentucky avenue.

Lv. Paducah ... Ar. Naahvllla .. Ar. Msmpbla .. Ar. Hickman ... Ar. Chattanooga Ar. Jackaon ... Ar. Atlanta ...

Lv. Paducah Ar. Murray Ar. Paris ..


Arrlraa 1:25 p. m. from Naahvllla Msmpbla and all Southern points.

Arrives 8:15 p. m. from Naahvllla, Mempbla and all Boulhera points.

7:50 a. m. train connevU at Hol¬ low Rock Jet with chair oar and Buffat Broiler for Memphis.

2:10 p. m. train connects at Hol¬ low Rock Jet with chair car and Buffet Broiler for Nashvllta.

r. L. Welland. City Ticket Agent, 420 Broadway.

K. B. Burnham, Agent, Fifth and Norton 8ta.

R. M Prather, Agent Union Depot.



G. L. Van Meter, Manager,

All Kindi of Hauling. Second and Washington Streetir

Warehouse for Storage.

Both Phonei 499'

Oometod to 2Uy Bth, 20OO, ArHve Podneah.

tonlaviUa, OtaelnaaU, saaAa l:M am Lonlarllla.. 4:lipm Lonlavllls, Clnclnaatl east. 1:10 pm ITpbla, N. Orleana. south.. 1:24 pm M’phia, N. Orleana, south. .11; 8<i am Mayfleld aad Fulton.. 7:40 am Prtaoetoa and B'tIIIs ..... 1:19 pm Prlaceton and B'vllla .... 4:11 pm Princaton and Hop’vllla... 1:00 am Cairo, at Louis, Chicago.. 7:26 am dalro, Bt Louis, Chicago., ■:00pm Mst'Ila, Oarh'daU, 9t. U...11:00am MoUUs, Oarb'dala, Bt L... I:liam

Leaves Padocah. Lonlavtlls, Olnoloaatl, aaat. 1:21 am liOulsTlIlo.T:Mam ItoulSTlIla, dnclnnat;, aaat. 11:26 am Mempbla, N. Orleans south liBTam Msmphls, N. Orlsans south 0:11 pm MayBsId and Fulton.. 4:20 pm Prlncston and BWIIh,.1:22 am Prlnoston and B'vU's ....11:25am Prlneston and Hop'sHlo... 2:40pm Cairo, St Louis, Chicago..: 2:10am •lalro, Bt. Louis, Chicago .. 1:11 pm dst’Us, Oarb'dals, Bt. L..u> 2:40 am

lUriningliam, Ala.- Cheap ex¬ cursion August 24th. Train leaves 8:00 a. m., good re¬ turning on special train leav¬ ing Birmingham 6:00 p. m., August ’26. $3.00 for the round trip. l«>uiavlUo Ky.—Cheap excurs¬ ion August 31st. Train leaves 12:60 p. m., good returning on special train leaving I,oulB- -vllle 6:00 |J. m., September 2, 1909. 22.50 for the round trip. Itonievllle, Ky.—Jeffersonian Barbecue and Industrial Pa¬ rade. Dates of sale Augiiat SO and train 104 of August 31. Limit September 4. Round trip rate 26.90. Ixtuisvllle, Ky. — Kentucky State Fair. Dates of sale Sep¬ tember 11 to 18, inclusive. Limit September 20. Round trip rats 26.90.

1. T. DOMOVAK, Agent City Office.

M. IL PRATHER, T. A., CnlOB Depot



, and Wimderful. d at "This is a remarkable world I" ex¬

claimed O'Brien. "I was walking down the street this morning and I

o aat- met a man 1 hadn't S(*rn (or about being twelve years. inney j "Ve»,” rejoined .Murphy, "It Is a ening remarkable world. I just bad an

Motors, Dynamos, House Wiring,

Repairing and Supplies

Eslectrical FRBB

REAL ESTATE PRICE LISi: I Call, ar Talapkaas ^ar k.

326-328 S. Third St., Phduemh, Ky Phan«Bi|Nnw'493, Old.48l>n irhMM BJS fBATCRNITT BLDCi


Page 8: ug. :»«.—Fall-j ehoura and 27 minutes. The best · ® $t>emn0 ^tttt. vol. xxvi no. 51. paducah. ky.. monday evening. august 30. 1909

■ X w..


FELL, INTO A CHIMNKV w»i» ably flllrd by th«> Ray. A. B. 8rott, of Reldland district. Tb« third qnartorly conferanc* of Ihl* church will coDvcn* WcdnaidAy of this weak.

KalluwWorkmcB Mat* Kigger Ixtse Hla Balance.

New York. Aug. Aug. 30.—Half a dozen fallow workmen, on the top of a 213-root chimney being erected for the new power bouae of the New York ('entral railroad at One Hun¬ dred and Forty-fourth street and the Kast river, the Bronx, were horrl- Ued to see Peter Hogan, a rigger, 36 Jgar^BTS^/iT&itei^ lofe hif balance hnd ipiu bSi4<.ti4r(rInto the chimney. Their cries attracted tbe attention of workmen on the ground, and they called Policeman Ryan of the Alex¬ ander avenue station.

Kyan entered the Chimney through a hole In tbe bottom, where the boilers will be affixed eventually, and found Hogan unconscious and gfushed and bleeding. Dr. Mooney •f the Lincoln hospital found Hogan was dead when be arrived.

Hogan was married and had three children. He lived at 608 Robbins avenue, the Bronx.

M'ell attended services were held at the Twelfth Street Baptist church yeiterday and the 'Rev. J. R. Clark's sermons were well received.

m T M.WV -KXtT ItSIO.MSTS ItIVKD IN PADICAH. The services at the German Luth¬

eran church were all well attended yesterday and the Rev. William Orother's sermons were well received. Hwnday (YewdN iVune in By Hleane

ImmI and Kajiiy Miglits of the tity.

The Rev. K. It. l,andlH, Pastor of Krnusr-ky .Avenue (Tinrch Takes

tliargr. No services were held at tbe Ger¬

man Bvangellcal church yesterday, as the Rev. William Bourquin is out of the cHy.

THOt SANDS WKIIK KXPKCTfai At the Third Street Methodist

church yesterday the Rev. T. J. Owen preached to two large and Interested congregations on tbe subject of "Bin. a Disease."

The ••Steinfeld’‘ RA’K GLASS MOl'NTiNG.

Tlie Kasieat to put on anil the Hardest to flet Off,

Sleinfeld Optical Co. flOO Brtiadway,

A storm in the vicinity of Joppa, 111., yesterday morning held hack many excurslonista and the number who came to Paducah by steamboaki yeeterday was not as large as ex¬ pected. However, the crowd was esti¬ mated at I.IWO or more. They arrived at Joppa. III., over the C. A K. I. rail¬ road, making connections there with the steamers Dick Fowler, Bettio Owen and George Cowling and arriv¬ ing In Paducah about noon.

The streets were filled all after¬ noon and many flocked to Wallace park and other cool spots. The boats returned at 4 o’clock In the after-

Mound noon. Officials of tbe C. A E. I. rail- . Coga-lroad at Joppa, 111., have announced

THROW ON TH£ LIGHT The Rev. E. T. Lewis filled his pul¬ pit last evening at the Mechanics- burg Method.St church and preached on "Disappointments and Failures." There was no service In tbe morn¬ ing.

Your busiiipsH )iriiH‘i|>U‘H iiiay Ik* r'lKlit; your Ifootls tilt* lM*Ht; ytuir wrvici* to fUntoinorM fault- loss.

But the Public has to know it. Have you told it?

Kw*p always your talkiuK iwiiits boforo tin* public, (lot iu tbe Klare of favorable publicity. Make known the merits of your pro|)osition.

SuccpsH comes by fociisiiur tbe tlivcrgiiiK rays of jutblic opinion—ccutcriuK buyers’ choict* on what you liavc to ofTer.

Make your ability, your commixlity, yt»ur .scn - icc known by usiuK one of our right-to-the point Circulars or Announcements.


SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY 113 Sooth Third St..Both Phones 368

The clock In tbe tower of Colum¬ bia I'nlverslty, New York, Is said to be one of tbe most accurate In the world, varying but six seconds a year. I

||e Will lieliver Two .AddresM-s and Iletum In Time For Hh.


atlacbraents. Tbe comnilltees are all appointed and everything will be In

Btarkard Is lUvrr Stagra. The Kev. George W. Banks, pas-

n, tor of tbe Fountain Avenue .MetAo- Pf^'dlat cbnrcb left tbla morning at g|.g'11:26 o’clock for Marion, where he :ah {*** charge of the Crittenden indj County Sunday School association,

which convenes there today and to¬ morrow. This la tbe annual con¬ vention and a large and enthusiastic sttsndance Is looked for. Tonight Mr. Hanks will addresa the conven¬ tion on "The Foundation and Kssan- tinls of a Buccessful Sunday School". Tomorrow morning be will make an addreaa on "What tbe Aaiociatton

AT Means to tbe Individual Sunday School." He will return home to¬ morrow night in time to be present at the regular quarterly conference of tbe Fountain Avenue Methodist

Wife ot l.loyd Skinner and Woman church Wednesday, of Many liovablr Trail* of


leadlnesi. chairman of all tbe committee* and will give general management. There will be excursion trains from the sur¬ rounding towns during the revival. Accommodations for

Pittsburgh Cincinnati . I»uisville . Evansville . •Mt. Vernon Mt. Carmel .Nashville Chattanooga Florence . Johnsonvillc- Cairo . . . . St. Ix>uia .. Paducah .

thou¬ sand people will be made at tbe rink and all the people are Invited. Spe- rlwl aud rordial Invitations are made to eaery denominallon to Join In th« gracious work.

New Minister .Vrrivea. Csiial aervh'es were held yesterday

at the Kentucky Avenue Presby- tarian thiireh. .Mr. Pearson l»ckwood fllliiig tbe pulpit. .4t the morning hour a resume of the work eoro- plvted In the past year was given and the outlook for tbe work of the new pastor. The Rev. K B lisndta, of Neega. 111.. *111 arrive tomorrow to aiwunie the pastorate. In the evening Mr. I>jck»ood uved "A Plea for Personal Work" aa a tbenu'. He disrutsed the resMins for doing per¬ sonal work, and cited the example of Jesns in tbe case of Niei>demiis and the woman at the well. Ways of doing the work be pointed out ron- sitt<>d of Chiletlan living, which mu*t be suppiewenied by speaking to peo¬ ple. He showed the necessity of


a general overhauling and whan the Improvements are completed it Is Ih-- lleved the boat will be one of lb- sp<'>'dlest trafl around here. The old engine Is being replars'd with a new three-cylinder Gray engine of is- horse power Hhe will Im' repa.nt'ul alto

Tlie towboat Egan, of tb** We>i Kentucky Coal <-ompanr, left \eiqfi. day for the mines at Caseyville with a eoal digger and wilt bring bnrk a low of coal

Thi- (hillipoll* Daily Tribune ay "rumor Is In cirrulation to the < ffci t that another effort to form a grand and glgantle steamboat rom- blnstlon la under way. Tbe s<hein» Is said to have batched at Pittsburgh, and the boats to be entered Into Ih" combination ar# the Queen City, Vir¬ ginia. Kanawha and Ohio. The (wo former packets are to be run Irnin Clnclnaall to Maniptals. and the Kan¬ awha and Ohio from Plliaburgh to Cincinnati; that I*, providing th'' promoter of tbe "combine" dne*n'l again slip a rug and th* dual fail tbruugb”

last night from th* Tennessee rlvur about 7 o'clock and left an hour later for tit. Isvuls.

The towboat Mary fltewarl. push¬ ing the showboat New Era. arrived yesterday from the iiptM-r Ohio and went to llrookiiorl this morn.iig. where she gives a pc^rformamw to¬ night. Hhe Is en route down the Ohio

The Kiel Ira has returned from dhawiieelown. where >h«' handled ex-

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Woman Saves Drovvaing Bo).

Muskogee. Okla., Aug. 3U.—After the boy’s father bad been wuckad down In a whirlpool and drowned In

Df Mr* tt,,, Grand river, near Wagoner, farmer okla., last night, .Mrs. James Rooney, Bayou • Texas woman, swam Into the It 10 treacherous current at the peril of 'Wlosla, life and reached the alx-year-old

aon of James Livingstone, a wealthy Chrl*- cattle man and former Texan. Llv- of de- ingstone swam into tbe center of the

voted friends. She was born In Bal- itream with the boy on bis back, lard county and had been a member suddenly Livingstone was tucked of the Baptist church since early life. down. The boy helplessly floated In The funeral was held thU afternoon ,|,p .wlrllng water until reached by at 4 o’clock, tbe Rev Bhoemacher,

Vour slate simI rounijr fas for flit year 1(100 niiisl be |tald by (Irtohrr 1 as offer tliat date I will coniiiienee U levy and aril nrvqaTty (u satisfy same, ns I am anxious (» make my aettleiiH-nf This Angnst H, IWOO.


.Mr. C. W. Hahn, the well known piano tuner, left at noon today on (he steamer Reuben Dunbar for .Nashville and after a few days’ visit to reiativei he will leave for New York and sail two weeks later (or Egypt, the Holy Land and Europe for an indefinite vialt. Mr. Hahn carried flve lampUt of Kentucky to¬ bacco with him to enjoy In his trampe through tbe old country.

Mri. Rooney.

afternoon; W. T. Hardison from the Icwer Ohio yesterday afternoon.

DBPARTL’HBB -Dick Fowler for Cairo It 8 o'cliH'k this morning; George CowLng (or .Metropolis at II

Heltie Owen

' Services were held at the Cumber¬ land Presbyterian church yesterday by the Rev. W. 8. Wright In the morning, his subject being "What la ITiat and Thine Hand?"

Evening services were conducted by the Ib'V. T. H. Calhand. The evening subject was "Prepare to •Meet Thy God." Both services were well attended.

Sunday arboot at in a. m. Chris¬ tian Endeavor at 7 p. iii.

I. and 4:3U p. lirookimrt and regular llllnola

landings this morning and afternoon on time; Ohio for Qolconda thia afternoon at 2 o'clock; Jo* Fowler for Evansville this rooming at II jo'clock; Utile for Kllsabethtoan thIa morning; City of Baltlllo (or Bt. Ixiiils last night at 8:30 o’clock; Reuben Dunlsir for Clarkaville- at noon today; .Mary ritewart and show- boat New Era for Brookport Ihia morning; W. T. Hardison (or T*n-

Inessee river this morning; Egan for Caseyville nitnea yesterday morning.

The Chattanooga will he the Evans vllle packet tomorrow.

Tbe Joe Fowler brought In many round trip panengera from Evani- vllle and aay points }<^erday be-

Lntille’s (Vsmplliiieol. Lucille, a carefully brought-np lltt'e

girl of 6 years, returned from her flrst party In glee. "I «** ■ good girl, mamma ’’ sti* announced, "ami talked nlc* all the lime.” "Did yon remember to aay •omethlng pica-ant to Mrs. Applegate Just befon- lejv Ing?" her mother asked. "Oh. ye*. I did." waa the tnihaiiastic reply. "I smiled and said, 'I enjoyed my- lelf very much, Mr*. Applegate. | had lots mor* to eat than I a’pecleiie -s-Woman’a Home Companion.


Hold ClKtlera Patb-nt*. ihtkov, Ruaaia. Aug. 30.—Tbe in-

habltanta of a near by village today refiia<>d to surrender a number of cholera patienta for medical treat¬ ment. Later they attacked the chol¬ era barracks and the police had to be called. PbysiciaDs are now ea- corted by gendarmes on their vialta.

' The Rev. Cbarica K. Jackson, pss- |lor of the Tenth Street Christian cliiirch. Is expected home Wedn -sday after a month’s vscatlon at his home In Sandersyllle. Gs. He haa been In rharge of a protracted meeting at the Chrletlan church In Paris, Tenu., (or tbe past week and it will close tomor¬ row night. The attendance at the fluiiday school of the Tenth Street Christian church yeaterday waa large. Only communion services were held.

The pubiir'a knowledge of many a thc-atrical star is due to patent medl- ctno advertisements.

don the Job. Captain Campbell re¬ cently returned from Florida, where he baa been ateamboating for teveral months.

The death of Sidney Bmllh, a pilot, occurred at Cairo Thursday, August 19. HI* wife live* at 8336 South Jefferion avenue, B(. Iy>ul*. Bha left him at Cairo Tuesday In good health.

hla deyatb Is not •Mr. Bmllh waa 40 year* old

The Clyde la due tonight from Waterloo, Ala., and goes Immediately to the lower Ohio to unload. She re¬ turns here and after receiving freight leave* Wednesday even o’clock (or the Tenneaaee.

The Reuben Dunbar

Printing Bpoclal music waa enjoyed at the

Broadway .Methodist church yester¬ day. In tbe morning Mra. ,\lma Reed, of Chicago, and .MIsa Maliel Shelton eang the offertories, while •Mr. Robert Scott sang al the loti- clusion of the service. Mra. Reed sang the evening offertory.

The manner known itid had been a pilot for many years. He was employed by the liCe line boats In the early spring and lator oil the towboat John A. Wernd, tiring-

I* a new motor ^Ing eoal from Cairo to 8t. Isvui*. He »BB a member of the Mlaslaidppl and Ohio River Pilots’ soelety of Bt. Ixyula.

Work hah been resumed on tbe dam opposite Ixiutavllle. It was stop¬ ped for a week on account of (he rising water, but the river Is low now and II la expeu ted much headway will jbe made within the next several week*.

Capt. Arthur Jones aud wife are st Paducah, where th* government steamer Titan, of which Captain Jones la master, is being repaired.

Capl. K. A. Voight and Messrs. George nnd W. F. Kslterjohn weni to Brookport in the Cutaway III yea¬ terday morning to Inspect lumber.

The neat little gasoline launch of Attorney J. R. Grogan la undergoing

Moaus th* right matter, prop¬ erly arranged and properly printed oil the right kind u( stock.

will reluiD

from Clarksville Wednesday morning and leaves Wednesday at noon for Nashville.

The ’’Napalec' boat whieh haa been added to the mosquito fleet In the local harbor tiy

chile parlor pro-

Ql'ALITY—That. In a

word. Is the secret of the

high estimation In which

this establishment la held

by the discriminating.

If It’a a gem you would

buy, our* are first water—

full value for your money.

We keep men to help prepare the matter as well as to get out th* Job.

No charge for helping get up the matter.



aaJelyi landed

Al the First Baptist church ywler- day Dr. -M. E. Dodd preachc-d two ex¬ cellent sermons to large gathering*. Dr. Dodd will preach a tpevlal ser¬ mon ou next Hunday on "Tbe Dignity and Proflt uf l,abor.’’ It It suggested by lAhor Day and working men cepe- cially are Invited.

Mr. Hnyder, prletor. It la a neat craft, 23 Vk feet long and will make good time.

The Louisville Herald saya a »ix foot stage in the channel from I-ouls- vllle to Evansville makes It pretty fair running for down-tbe-river boat*

The HI. lx>uia Globe-Democrat says Capt. John K. .Massengale, agent for tbe Bt. Ixyuls and Tennessee River l*Brket company, is receiving large Irooklng* for the City of BalUlIo, which arrives there tomorrow. She will depart for Waterloo. Ala., Wed¬ nesday afternoon at 6 o'cloi'k. With iher cabin crowded with pasaeugurs and her deck* stacked with freight and lumber she arrived in I’adiicah

.krtlstic Hath Kuonui. A well-to-do man whom.' new resi¬

dence was recently completed hit upon a novel plan for decorating the bath room*. In one of them the floors and walla represent the bottom of the ocean. .Marine plants and fli-hes are painted on a dark green background. In the other both room the Ix-ach at Atlantic City la repre¬ sented and among the crowd of bath¬ ers are the man and his family. The

tMatv' l*re*hlent Fanners’ I'ulnn at ^work was executed by a well known

Uie hig Celehrallou at Wallace l‘ark artist and tbe likenesses are gofld.— on I.Nesf York Bun.

If you have an Idea or propu- Bltioii to present to the (leoplu call

Job Depirlment Gill I'ho. il.'Wt-r. New I*h4>. ;l.Mt

IN>n’l miss Itcarlug Hie adUreM* of

Thi'rc were (wo addMIons to tb<* .Second Baptist church yesterday and a large attendance was reported.

.Mr. C. C. Wells, traveling Gideon, niled the pulpit last evening at the Fountain Avenue .Methodist churih. and a largo crowd was present to hear him. In the morning the pulpit

< larar**ra 1*4,1

Noiitli Tlilnl Nln-ct l‘Ain'CAH, KY.

1'he eyes uf a cbameloon move In¬ dependently of one another,

Now is the time to place your coal order for the winter, will tell you his is the best. Unlike other dealers* we are tract to sell coal from any one coal mine and to tell you it

pericoce of ten yean, handling coal from every mine acceiiable to Paducah, TAYLOR COAL^ ha given the heit utitfaction, and, ai the coniumcr ii the belt judge and the one to pleaic, wc have decided to handle no other. Never cliniceri; no ilate, no slack; burnt to a fine white a«h and will beat any coal in the world for holding fire all night. We have found it the btit, thoie that tried it found it the belt, if you try it you will find it the fciit, and have no other, Be sure and get our pricoa before buying.

BRADLEY Yard 922 Mndloon Street Phone 339 Be sure and get our prices before buying.