Ufpe 2011 ingles

INGLÊS Text 1 Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Networking Sites When you combine the immediacy and tell-all atmosphere of social networking with the not-fully- developed impulse control of teens and pre-teens, kids are bound to over-share, resulting in some awkward moments at best and predation at worst. Social networking sites encourage and enable people to exchange information about themselves, share pictures and videos, and use blogs and private messaging to communicate with friends, others who share interests, and sometimes even the world-at-large. And that's why it's important to be aware of the possible pitfalls that come with networking online. Some social networking sites attract pre-teens – even kids as young as 5 or 6. These younger-focused sites don't allow the same kinds of communication that teens and adults have, but there are still things that parents can do to help young kids socialize safely online. In fact, when it comes to young kids, the law provides some protections – and gives parents some control over the type of information that children can disclose online. For sites directed to children under age 13, and for general audience sites that know they're dealing with kids younger than 13, there's the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It requires these sites to get parental consent before they collect, maintain, or use kids' information. COPPA also allows parents to review their child's online profiles and blog pages. Parents sometimes can feel outpaced by their tech-savvy kids. However social networking isn't really about technology, it's just another platform for communication. And parents have a lot they can teach kids in that arena to help them stay safer as they socialize online. Disponível em: http://www.techlicious.com/buyers-guide/keeping- your-kids-safe-on-social-networking-sites/ Acessdao em 8 de novembro de 2010. 01. According to the text 1 0-0) online social networking may pose risks to those who engage in this activity. 1-1) users of social networking sites are advised to keep all personal information private. 2-2) children are likely to share lots of information about themselves with anyone online. 3-3) the lack of control of the impulses by youngsters make them especially vulnerable. 4-4) blogs and private messaging sites forbid the use of videos and pictures among users. Resposta: VFVVF Justificativa 0-0) VERDADEIRA: Segundo o Texto 1, as rede sociais podem representar um risco àquelas pessoas que as utilizam na medida em que se expõem em demasia. 1-1) FALSA: O texto diz que os sites encorajam as pessoas a compartilhar informações pessoais. 2-2) VERDADEIRA: É dito no texto que as crianças mais provavelmente compartilham informações pessoais sem o devido cuidado. 3-3) VERDADEIRA: De acordo com o texto, os jovens tem dificuldade de controlar o impulso e, portanto, são mais vulneráveis. 4-4) FALSA: Blogs e ferramentas de mensagem instantanea não proíbem o uso de vídeos e fotos entre seus usuários. Answer the following 3 questions according to Text 1 02. Information disclosed online by young children from children-oriented sites 0-0) is both differentiated and may be controlled by their parents. 1-1) can be monitored by parents and control is facilitated by law. 2-2) is not the same as that made available to adults and teenagers. 3-3) is never screened by these very sites due to law constraints. 4-4) is free from any interference whatsoever from whichever party.

Transcript of Ufpe 2011 ingles

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Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Networking Sites

When you combine the immediacy and tell-all atmosphere of social networking with the not-fully-developed impulse control of teens and pre-teens, kids are bound to over-share, resulting in some awkward moments at best and predation at worst. Social networking sites encourage and enable people to exchange information about themselves, share pictures and videos, and use blogs and private messaging to communicate with friends, others who share interests, and sometimes even the world-at-large. And that's why it's important to be aware of the possible pitfalls that come with networking online.

Some social networking sites attract pre-teens – even kids as young as 5 or 6. These younger-focused sites don't allow the same kinds of communication that teens and adults have, but there are still things that parents can do to help young kids socialize safely online. In fact, when it comes to young kids, the law provides some protections – and gives parents some control over the type of information that children can disclose online.

For sites directed to children under age 13, and for general audience sites that know they're dealing with kids younger than 13, there's the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It requires these sites to get parental consent before they collect, maintain, or use kids' information. COPPA also allows parents to review their child's online profiles and blog pages.

Parents sometimes can feel outpaced by their tech-savvy kids. However social networking isn't really about technology, it's just another platform for communication. And parents have a lot they can teach kids in that arena to help them stay safer as they socialize online.

Disponível em: http://www.techlicious.com/buyers-guide/keeping-your-kids-safe-on-social-networking-sites/ Acessdao em 8 de

novembro de 2010.

01. According to the text 1

0-0) online social networking may pose risks to those who engage in this activity.

1-1) users of social networking sites are advised to keep all personal information private.

2-2) children are likely to share lots of information about themselves with anyone online.

3-3) the lack of control of the impulses by youngsters make them especially vulnerable.

4-4) blogs and private messaging sites forbid the use of videos and pictures among users.

Resposta: VFVVF


0-0) VERDADEIRA: Segundo o Texto 1, as rede sociais podem representar um risco àquelas pessoas que as utilizam na medida em que se expõem em demasia.

1-1) FALSA: O texto diz que os sites encorajam as pessoas a compartilhar informações pessoais.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: É dito no texto que as crianças mais provavelmente compartilham informações pessoais sem o devido cuidado.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: De acordo com o texto, os jovens tem dificuldade de controlar o impulso e, portanto, são mais vulneráveis.

4-4) FALSA: Blogs e ferramentas de mensagem instantanea não proíbem o uso de vídeos e fotos entre seus usuários.

Answer the following 3 questions according to Text 1

02. Information disclosed online by young children from children-oriented sites

0-0) is both differentiated and may be controlled by their parents.

1-1) can be monitored by parents and control is facilitated by law.

2-2) is not the same as that made available to adults and teenagers.

3-3) is never screened by these very sites due to law constraints.

4-4) is free from any interference whatsoever from whichever party.

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Resposta: VVVFF


0-0) VERDADEIRA: Sites feitos para crianças têm um conteúdo apropriado para esse público e as informações podem ser monitoradas pelos pais.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Além do controle dos pais há também leis que regulam o conteúdo de tais sites.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: As informações disponibilizadas para o público entre 4 e 9 anos não são as mesmas das disponibilizadas para adultos e adolescentes.

3-3) FALSA: As informações são monitoradas pelos próprios sites de público infantil e é a lei que, em grande medida, os obriga a fazer isso.

4-4) FALSA: Não é verdade que não há interferência seja de que ordem for. Na verdade, esses sites são alvo de constante monitoramento.

03. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a mechanism

0-0) that allows parents to check their kids information displayed over the net.

1-1) used by sites meant for the audience of users who have come of age.

2-2) which forces sites to get the permission of parents to retrieve kids’ information.

3-3) aimed at turning children’s profile information totally violation free.

4-4) intended to protect young children’s mothers and fathers from their kids.

Resposta: VFVFF


0-0) VERDADEIRA: O mecanismo permite o monitoramento pelos pais das crianças das informações veinculadas na internet.

1-1) FALSA: Não é verdade que o monitoramento seja para o público maior de idade.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Os pais precisam autorizar os sites a manipularem as informações dos seus filhos.

3-3) FALSA: O mecanismo não tem como objetivo tornar as informações livres de ataques.

4-4) FALSA: O mecanismo não tem intenção de proteger os pais dos seus próprios filhos

04. Although parents may fall behind kids when it comes to technology

0-0) their technical expertise is balanced by the kids’ awereness of the dangers.

1-1) advising them on communication requires no technical knowledge.

2-2) their experience can help kids stay safe as regards web social networking.

3-3) they are much better communicators than children could possibly be.

4-4) they surely know much more about the dangers of social networking.

Resposta: FVVFV


0-0) FALSA: Não é demonstrado um equilíbrio entre a falta de conhecimento técnico por partes dos pais e da consciência dos perigos por parte das crianças.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Não há correlação entre conhecimento técnico e sabedoria de aconselhamento por parte dos pais.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Os pais podem usar sua experiencia para ajudar os filhos a se protegerem na internet.

3-3) FALSA: O texto não afirma que os pais são melhores comunicadores, mas sim que eles podem ajudar na proteção dos filhos nessa plataforma de comunicação.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Os pais são mais concientes do que os filhos dos perigos que as redes sociais apresentam.

Text 2

Death of Film: Last Roll of Kodachrome Processed

What do you know about Dwayne’s Photo Service of Parsons, Kansas? It is the place where the very last roll of the Kodachrome was processed.

Kodachrome, the slide-film that inspired songs, was discontinued by Kodak last year at 74 years of age. The color emulsion was a victim of its own weird processing requirements, which didn’t use the usual E6 chemistry designed for transparency film, and therefore wasn’t worth supporting in the age of digital.

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The last roll was shot by National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry, who shot the 36 exposures in New York (actually, the last three shots were exposed in Parsons before dropping off the film at Dwayne’s). The pictures will be part of a National Geographic piece in the near future.

McCurry’s film may have been the official last roll off the production line, but Dwayne’s will still process any Kodachrome that you might have until December 10th this year. And then it will shut down, forever. People may still shoot analog, but with the death of Kodachrome comes the spiritual death of film.

Disponivel em: <http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/07/death-of-film-last-roll-of-kodachrome-processed/> Acessado em 10 de

novembro de 2010.

Answer the following 4 questions according to Text 2.

05. Kodachrome films are no longer

0-0) used 1-1) made 2-2) manufactured 3-3) found 4-4) sold

Resposta: FVVFF


0-0) FALSA: Eles ainda são usados.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Não são mais feitos.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Não são mais manufaturados.

3-3) FALSA: Ainda são encontrados.

4-4) FALSA: Ainda são vendidos.

06. Kodachrome complicated process

0-0) used the same chemistry used for other transparency films.

1-1) ended its century old path of image work in a glorious way.

2-2) turned it into its own victim and caused its discontinuation.

3-3) was no longer a match for the digital world it competed with.

4-4) made it unfit to compete with modern day digital processing.

Resposta: FFVVV


0-0) FALSA: Usava produtos químicos diferentes de outros filmes.

1-1) FALSA: Não está tendo um final exatamente dos mais brilhantes.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Sua própria complicação o fez de vítima.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: O mundo digital oferece facilidades com as quais é difícil competir.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Mesmo argumento anterior relativo ao mundo digital.

07. It is correct to say that

0-0) Steve McCurry took pictures using the last Kodachrome roll produced.

1-1) the last roll of Kodachrome was shot by an amateur photographer.

2-2) the last roll was totally shot in New York by Parson and Steve McCurry.

3-3) the last roll of Kodachrome will be part of a research by National Geographic.

4-4) National Geographic will use the New York pictures in a piece sometime soon.

Resposta: VFFFV


0-0) VERDADEIRA: O último rolo de filme produzido foi, de fato, usado por Steve mcCurry.

1-1) FALSA: Steve é um fotografo profissional.

2-2) FALSA: O último rolo foi usado quase todo em NY. Apenas 3 fotos foram feitas em Parson.

3-3) FALSA: As fotos do último rolo de Kodachrome serão usadas pela National Geographic, mas não numa pesquisa.

4-4)VERDADEIRA: As fotos serão usadas numa reportagem.

08. It is implied in the text that

0-0) McCurry’s roll of film was the last Kodachrome to be processed in history.

1-1) the dispute between analog and digital is both unfair and purposeless.

2-2) people may still have their roll films processed for some more time ahead.

3-3) with the death of Kodachrome, the page of film photography is turned in history.

4-4) Dwayne’s will have to shut down on December 10th despite its many customers.

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Resposta: FVVVF


0-0) FALSA: O rolo de filme usado por McCurry foi o último produzido, mas não o revelado.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: A disputa entre o mundo analógico e o digital não é justa e é sem propósito. O mundo digital oferece vantagens que em quase todos os aspectos superam o analógico.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Ainda será possível revelar os rolos de Kodachrome por mais algum tempo.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: A morte do Kodachrome tem uma forte simbologia para o fim do filme de rolo na fotografia.

4-4) FALSA: Dwayne’s apenas parará de revelar fotos em rolo de Kodachrome nessa data.

Text 3

Brazil's electoral laws Send in the clown

Nice voting machines; shame about the candidates

THE whizzy electronic ballot boxes that Brazil uses for elections meant that most results were announced before bedtime on polling day. But no technology can speed up the country’s courts. Just one day before the election they ruled that votes for candidates who had been barred from standing, mostly under a new anti-corruption law passed this year, should be set aside. Because of the delay, the results of this precisely tallied election are still uncertain.

In the races for state governor and federal and state legislatures, a total of 11m votes went to ineligible candidates. In the northern state of Pará, for example, two of the three front-runners for the national Senate were blacklisted. However, politicians can appeal against their inclusion on the list. Those who win their challenges by December 31st will probably displace their rivals who have been declared victors by default.

Contests for the lower house of Congress are even more chaotic. When candidates get more votes than they need to win, they pass the surplus on to their allies. The courts have yet to decide whether politicians can be elected on disqualified candidates’ coat-tails. If they cannot, the results of appeals could affect the legislative balances of power.

Some candidates without legal troubles had otherwise dubious qualifications. For instance, Tiririca (Grumpy), a clown best known for a hit single, won more votes (1.35m) than any other candidate for the lower house of Congress. “What does a federal deputy do? To be honest, I don’t know,” ran his ads. “But vote for me and I’ll let you know.” He will have to take a literacy test before he can take office. But even if he fails, three of his allies will tumble into Congress in his parti-coloured wake.

Adaptado de: <http://www.economist.com/node/17204918> Acessado em 10 de novembro de 2010.

Answer the following 4 questions according to Text 3

09. The use of electronic voting machines

0-0) made it possible for most results to be released on the very same day of the election.

1-1) did not result in a faster pace of the Judicial System as for decisions regarding eligibility.

2-2) made all the results be given despite the court’s ruling concerning barred candidates.

3-3) is a clear sign of how technology influences court decisions and allows quicker results.

4-4) has made the results of the elections unquestionable and free from any corruption.

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Resposta: VVFFF


0-0) VERDADEIRA: As urnas eletrônicas possibilitam a divulgação dos resultados no mesmo dia da eleição.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: As urnas eletrônicas não têm influência sobre o rítimo das decisões do judiciário.

2-2) FALSA: Mesmo com os resultados computados, não foi possível divulgá-los oficialmente devido à decisão judicial.

3-3) FALSA: A urna eletrônica e sua eficiência não é capaz de influenciar as decisões judiciais.

4-4) FALSA: As urnas não isentam o processo eleitoral de corrupção.

10. It is true to say that ineligible candidates

0-0) added up to a meek amount of 1.1 million votes only.

1-1) who are declared victors by default cannot lose their seats.

2-2) can still have their names cleared from the blacklist.

3-3) will necessarily be substituted for rival candidates.

4-4) were also running for the upper house of Congress.

Resposta: FFVFV


0-0) FALSA: Eles juntos somaram não 1.1 milhão de votos, mas sim 11 milhões de votos.

1-1) FALSA: Os candidatos declarados eleitos em lugar dos que ainda serão julgados podem perder seus mandatos.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Alguns candidatos ainda podem ter seus nomes retirados da lista de inelegíveis.

3-3) FALSA: Não serão necessariamente substituídos por seus rivais.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Também havia candidatos concorrendo ao senado entre os que foram barrados pela justiça.

11. The surplus of votes a candidate has

0-0) is automatically used in favor of other allies. 1-1) may influence power balance in congress. 2-2) is not used when it comes to the lower house. 3-3) can be used for rival candidates as well. 4-4) helps candidates who may not otherwise be


Resposta: VVFFV


0-0) VERDADEIRA: O excedente de votos de um candidato é redistribuido entre outros da mesma leganda ou aliança através do coeficiente eleitoral.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Essa redistribuição de votos e o mexe-mexe dos candidatos podem resultar em mudanças no equilíbrio de forças no congresso.

2-2) FALSA: Essa condição também é aplicada à camara de deputados no congresso.

3-3) FALSA: Os votos só podem ser repassados para correligionários da mesma legenda ou coligação.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Candidatos com votação insuficiente são ajudados pelo coeficiente eleitoral e recebem votos excedentes de outros candidatos.

12. Tiririca’s election

0-0) is a guarantee of his unquestionable credentials for office.

1-1) resulted in the consequent election of other party coalition members.

2-2) was grounded on his full awareness of reality in congress.

3-3) depends on his proving he is able to both read and write.

4-4) if disapproved will get two other fellow candidates in office.

Resposta: FVFVF


0-0) FALSA: A eleição de Tiririca não avalisa suas credenciais para o cargo.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Permitiu a eleição de outros candidatos através de coeficiente eleitoral.

2-2) FALSA: Sua própria propaganda denuncia seu completo desconhecimento do fazer parlamentar.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: Ele terá de provar que é alfabetizado para poder ter sua candidatura efetivada.

4-4) FALSA: Mesmo se Tiririca for considerado inelegível, os outros candidatos eleitos a reboque manterão suas eleições garantidas.

Text 4

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Everyone out of the mine in Chile The painstaking process of hoisting 33 miners trapped nearly a half-mile below ground for more than two months in northern Chile was completed Wednesday night, less than a day after it began, ending a saga that gripped a nation that never gave up hope.

"I hope this will never happen again," said the last man out of the gold and copper mine, shift foreman Luis Urzua, upon reaching the surface, as he was embraced by Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. "I'm proud of being Chilean."

It was Urzua, 54, who first established contact with the outside world on August 22, 17 days after the mine collapsed on August 5, trapping him and his men.

It was Urzua who divided the cans of tuna that helped keep the men alive until they were discovered, and it was he who organized the 32 others into three work shifts.

It was he who pored over diagrams that helped rescuers plan the men's escape, and it was he who insisted on being the last of the trapped men to be freed.

"He was a shift boss who made us proud," Pinera told Chileans in a televised address afterward. "I want to thank the families of the miners who maintained faith -- this faith that ended up moving mountains."

"Mission accomplished, Chile," read a sign held by one of the six rescuers who had descended more than 2,000 feet to organize the men's exodus from the mine that collapsed August 5.

After 69 harrowing days, the miners ascended to freedom one by one in a rescue mission that began in the numbing chill of a desert night, continued under the searing sun of a cloudless day and stretched back into the night.

<Adaptado de:http://articles.cnn.com/2010-10-13/world/chile.miners.rescue_1_gold-and-copper-mine-miners-rescuers?_s=PM:WORLD> Acessado em 10 de novembro de


Answer the following 4 questions according to Text 4.

13. The rescue of the 33 trapped miners

0-0) made the Chileans sigh joyfully. 1-1) lasted for two long days. 2-2) put an end to a heroic journey. 3-3) was marked by a lot of sadness. 4-4) was carried out diligently.

Resposta: VFVFV


0-0) VERDADEIRA: Foi um alívio para toda a população chilena.

1-1) FALSA: Teve uma duração de menos de um dia.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: Encerrou o que foi considerado uma jornada heroica.

3-3) FALSA: embora sofridos, ambos mineiros e pessoas que assistiram ao resgate sentiram muita alegria, e não tristeza.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Foi feito com muito cuidado.

14. Luis Urzua

0-0) is ashamed of being a Chilean. 1-1) was the first rescuer to reach the mine. 2-2) thinks faith has little importance. 3-3) bravely led the rescue to success. 4-4) only left the mine after the other miners.

Resposta: FFFVV


0-0) FALSA: Ele tem orgulho de ser chileno.

1-1) FALSA: Ele próprio era um dos mineiros presos.

2-2) FALSA: Para ele a fé foi de suma importância nesse processo.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: Ele liderou o grupo de mineiros e foi exemplar em sua conduta.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: Ele foi o ultimo mineiro a sair da mina.

15. The miners’ saga

0-0) evolved for more than three cheerful months. 1-1) ended up with everyone of them being saved. 2-2) resulted in a grieving loss of some of the

miners. 3-3) ended with a sign praising the successful deed. 4-4) involved half a dozen rescuers to help them up.

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Resposta: FVFVV


0-0) FALSA: A duração total do processo de resgate durou 69 dias.

1-1) VERDADEIRA: Todos foram resgatados.

2-2) FALSA: Nenhum mineiro ou membro da equipe de resgate perdeu a vida.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: uma faixa foi mostrada com a frase: “Missão cumprida, Chile”.

4-4) VERDADEIRA: foram seis os membros da equipe de resgate que desceram para ajudar os mineiros a subir para superfície.

16. It is true to say that

0-0) the rescue procedures took place without the presence of any authority.

1-1) Mr. Urza didn’t have any cooperation from his co-workers to get things done.

2-2) the miners’ families kept their faith and that made a lot of difference.

3-3) the whole rescue process including the digging of the shaft took less than a day.

4-4) all the miners came up to freedom at once and rescuers celebrated that.

Resposta: FFVVF


0-0) FALSA: O próprio presidente chileno se fez presente durante todo o tempo no lugar do resgate.

1-1) FALSA: Todos os mineiros colaboraram no processo o tempo todo.

2-2) VERDADEIRA: a fé que as famílias dos mineiros tiveram, além da fé dos próprios mineiros, foi fundamental para o sucesso da empreitada.

3-3) VERDADEIRA: O processo de resgate desde seu planejamento, passando pela perfuração do fosso, etc, durou mais de dois meses. Apenas o resgate pontual, ou seja, a retirada dos mineiros durou menos de um dia.

4-4) FALSA: Os mineiros foram retirados um a um.